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Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043



Course Code ACEC03
Program B.Tech
Semester III AE
Course Type Core
Regulation UG 20
Theory Practical
Course Structure Lecture Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits
3 - 3 - -
Course Coordinator Mrs. Durga Sharma, Assistant Professor


The students will try to learn:

I The fundamental knowledge of fluid properties at rest, in transit for various conditions in
both closed and open channels.
II The concept of buoyancy, stability of floating bodies and the forces acting on immersed
bodies by employing the concept of pressure.
III The basic laws of continuity, energy and momentum and their governing equations.
IV The concept about equivalent pipe flow system and branching Pipe analysis using Hardy
Cross method.

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Recall basic principles and concepts of Fluid Mechanics for Remember
ascertaining differences between solids and fluids.
CO 2 Classify the fluids based on Newton’s law of viscosity for Understand
calculating shear and viscosity of an incompressible fluids.
CO 3 Interpret the principles of manometry and pressure for measuring Understand
gauge and differential pressures in fluids.
CO 4 Make use of hydrostatic forces and Archimedes principle for Apply
locating the point of application of force on various types of floating
and immersed bodies.
CO 5 Utilize the conservation laws in differential forms for determining Apply
velocities, pressures and acceleration in a moving liquid.
CO 6 Explain velocity potential, stream function for estimating the Understand
possibility of the flow.
CO 7 Analyze fluid flow with the mass and energy equations for Analyze
determining analytical solutions of fluid flow problems..
CO 8 Interpret the law of conservation of energy, Bernoulli’s theorem Understand
for estimating total energy of various geometrical cross sections and
discharge through it.
CO 9 Apply Hardy cross method for complex pipe network analysis. Apply
CO 10 Calculate equivalent pipe flow for pipes arranged in series or Calculate
parallel for branching pipe analysis .


1 What is fluid?
CO 1
A fluid is defined as a substance that deforms continuously under the
action of a shear stress, however small magnitude present.
2 What do you mean by density? CO
It is defined as the ratio of the mass of the substance to the volume of
the substance. It is denoted byρ .
m kg
ρ= = 3
V m

3 What is a specific weight or weight density?

CO 2
It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the substance to the weight of
the substance. It is also the reciprocal of density. It is denoted by γ.
4 What is specific gravity?
CO 2
It is defined as the ratio of the density of any fluid to the density of the
reference fluid. It is denoted by S.

ρ(any f luid)
Sliq =

5 What is bulk modulus?

CO 2

Page 2
It is defined as the ratio of direct stress acting on a body to the
volumetric strain. It is denoted by K
direct stress
volumetric strain

6 What is viscosity of a fluid?

CO 1
It is the property of fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance for the
movement of one layer over the other and it is because of Cohesion i
.e.attraction between the two layers. If the attraction between the two
layers increases, resistance increases, and thereby the viscosity also
τ kg
µ= =
du m.s

7 What are Newtonian fluids?

CO 2
The fluid in which shear stress is directly proportional to rate of
deformation are called a Newtonian fluid.
τ =µ

8 What is kinematic viscosity? CO 2

It is the ratio of absolute visocsityµ to the density of fluid ρ and is
denoted by ν
µ m2
ν= =
ρ s

9 What is capillarity?
CO 2
The rise or fall of fluid in a capillary tube is due to the molecular forces
of attraction among the molecules and the glass wall is called capillarity
10 State Archimedes principle?
CO 2
Whenever an object was immersed either completely or partially, it will
be lifted up by a buoyant force(FB)whose magnitude will be equal to the
weight of the fluid displaced by the body called as Archimedes principle.
11 Define buoyancy.
CO 1
When a body is immersed in a fluid, an upward force is exerted by the
fluid on the body. This upward force is equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the body.
12 Define intensive property with examples
CO 1
An intensive property is one that does not depend on the mass of the
substance or system. Examples: Temperatures, density, color, melting
and boiling point.

Page 3
13 Define extensive property with examples
CO 1
An extensive property of a system depends on the system size or the
amount of matter in the system. Examples: length, mass, volume,
weight, etc..
14 What is dimensional analysis?
CO 11
Dimensional analysis is a process of formulating fluid mechanics
problems in terms of nondimensional variables and parameters
16 Define Pressure. CO 7
The term ‘pressure’ is used to indicate the normal force per unit area at
a point acting on a given plane within the fluid mass of interest
17 What is surface tension? CO
The surface tension γ is the magnitude F of the force exerted parallel to
the surface of a liquid divided by the length L of the line over which the
force acts.

18 What is incompressible flow? CO

A flow is said to be incompressible when the change in its density due to
the change in pressure brought about by the fluid motion is negligibly
small. When the flow velocity is equal to or less than 0.33 times of the
local acoustic speed, the relative change in density of the fluid, due to
flow, becomes equal to or less than 5 per cent respectively, and hence the
flow is considered to be incompressible
19 What is a Bourdan pressure guage? CO 11
The bourdon tube is the ‘C’ shaped tube shown in the above figure.
When a pressure is applied to the tube, the tube stretches outwards.
The tube end is attached to a pointer using a link. The link-gear system
makes the pointer moves along the scale
20 What is a Diaphragam pressure guage?
CO 11
The diaphragm is an elastic membrane that elongates when pressure is
applied to it. The diaphragm is a single sheet which elongate, Joining
two diaphragm to form a capsule. When pressure is applied to the
diaphragm, it flexes. The movement is transmitted by a link that
connects to the pointer
Fluid Statics
1 What is guage pressure
CO 11
It is the diference between the value of the pressure and the local
atmospheric pressure(patm)

pguage = p − patm

2 Express the units of pressure in various systems

CO 3

Page 4
pressures of large magnitude are expressed in atmospheres (atm). One
atmosphere is taken as 1.03125 x 105 Pa. A pressure of 105 is called a
bar. For pressures less than that of the atmosphere, the units are
normally expressed as millimeters of mercury vacuum.
3 State hydro static law
CO 3
A Hydrostatics Law state that rate of increase of pressure in a vertically
downward direction in fluid/liquid is equal to weight density of the
4 What is guage pressure
CO 11
It is the diference between the value of the pressure and the local
atmospheric pressure(patm)

pguage = p − patm

5 Mention the devices used to measure the pressure

CO 3
Piezometer, manometer and pressure gauges are the common devices to
measure pressure.
5 Mention the working principle of piezometer
CO 5
It is used for measuring the pressure inside a vessel or pipe in which
liquid is present. A tube may be attached to the walls of the container in
which the liquid resides so that liquid can rise in the tube. It is a very
simple and accurate pressure measuring device.
5 What is the difference between the function of manometers. CO
Standard manometers are used to measure the pressure in a container by
comparing it to normal atmospheric pressure. Differential manometers
are also used to compare the pressure of two different containers.
6 What is Reynolds number? CO
Reynolds Number is defined as ratio of inertia force to viscous force.
Inertia f orce ρV l
Re = =
V iscous f orce µ

7 Define center of buoyancy CO 5

It is defined as the point, through which the force of buoyancy is
supposed to act. As the force of buoyancy is a vertical force and is equal
to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body, the center of buoyancy
will be center of gravity of the fluid displaced.
8 State Pascal’s Law
CO 5
When the fluid is at rest, the distribution of pressure is same in all the

Page 5
9 Define gauge pressure and vacuum pressure
CO 5
Pressure more than the atmospheric pressure is called as Gauge pressure
and pressure less than the atmospheric pressure is called as Vacuum
10 Define fluid statics
CO 5
Fluid statics or hydrostatics is the branch of fluid mechanics that studies
”fluids at rest and the pressure in a fluid or exerted by a fluid on an
immersed body”.
11 What is geometric similarity for a model and prototype?
CO 5
Geometric Similarity implies the similarity of shape such that, the ratio
of any length in one system to the corresponding length in other system
is the same everywhere. This ratio is usually known as scale factor.
12 What is kinematic similarity for a model and prototype? CO
Kinematic similarity refers to similarity of motion. Since motions are
described by distance and time, it implies similarity of lengths (i.e.,
geometrical similarity) and, in addition, similarity of time intervals.
13 What is dynamic similarity dor a model and prototype? CO
Dynamic similarity is the similarity of forces . In dynamically similar
systems, the magnitudes of forces at correspondingly similar points in
each system are in a fixed ratio.
14 List the advantages of dimensional analysis
CO 5
Less number of experiments are necessary, as opposed to the dimensional
system. Experiments become inexpensive. Data reduction becomes
easier, single plot is sufficient to show the results.
15 What are fundamental quantities
CO 5
Fundamental quantities are Length (L) , mass (m) , time ( t) and
temperature (θ).
16 What are secondary quantities
CO 5
Secondary quantities: are those which possess more than one
fundamental dimension. Ex: Force, velocity, acceleration..etc
17 State Rayleigh Ritz method
CO 5
Let X is a variable, which depends on X1 , X2 and X3 , then

X = F (X1 , X2 , X3 )

This can be written as

X = kX1a , X2b X3c
where K is a constant and a, b, c are arbitrary powers. Then according
to Reyleigh’s theorem a, b, c are obtained by comparing the powers of
the fundamental dimensions on both sides. Thus the expression is
obtained for dependent variables
18 List the advantages of model analysis
CO 5

Page 6
The performance of the machine can be easily predicted, in advance.
With the help of dimensional analysis, a relationship between the
variables influencing a flow problem in terms of dimensional parameters
is obtained. This relationship helps in conducting tests on the model.
The merits of alternative designs can be predicted with the help of model
testing. The most economical and safe design may be, finally, adopted.
19 What is surface tension force?
CO 5
Surface tension force is the product of surface tension and the length of
the surface of the flowing fluid.

F =σ∗d

20 What are undistorted models

CO 5
Models which are geometrically similar to their prototype. In other
words the scale ratio for the linear dimensions of the model and its
prototype are the same.
21 What are distorted models?
CO 5
Models which are geometrically not similar to its prototype. In other
words the scale ratio for the linear dimensions of the model and its
prototype are not same.
1 What is fluid kinematics?
CO 3
The fluid kinematics deals with description of the motion of the fluids
without reference to the force causing the motion.
2 What is lagrangian approach in describing fluid flow?
CO 5
In the Lagarangian approach a fluid particle of fixed mass is selected.
We follow the fluid particle during the course of motion with time
3 What is Eulerian approach in describing fluid flow? CO 3
In the Eularian method a finite region through which fluid flows in and
out is used. Here we do not keep track position and velocity of fluid
particles of definite mass. But, within the region, the field variables
which are continuous functions of space dimensions ( x , y , z ) and time
( t ), are defined to describe the flow
4 Define steady and unsteady flow
CO 6
A flow is defined to be steady when the hydrodynamic parameters and
fluid properties at any point do not change with time. Flow in which any
of these parameters changes with time is termed as unsteady.
5 What is uniform and non uniform flow?
CO 5
A flow is said to be uniform when no hydrodynamic parameter changes
from point to point at any instant of time, or else the flow is
6 What are substantial and convective derivatives?
CO 5

Page 7
substantial derivative gives the time rate of change of a function f as the
observer floats along a pathline in a flow, attached to a fluid path.
convective derivative represents the time rate of change due to change in
position in the field. is called convective derivative.
7 Write mathematical expression for total derivative w.r.t
CO 3
convective and substantial derivative.

D ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
= +u +v +w
Dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z

8 What is streamline? CO
A streamline at any instant of time is an imaginary curve or line in the
flow field so that the tangent to the curve at any point represents the
direction of the instantaneous velocity at that point
9 Define two dimensional and three dimensional flow.
CO 7
A two dimensional flow is that in which the flow parameters are
functions of time and two space coordinate only. The hydrodynamic
parameters are functions of three space coordinates and time.
10 Define rotation and vorticity
CO 3
The rotation at a point is defined as the arithmetic mean of the angular
velocities of two perpendicular linear segments meeting at that point.
The vorticity Ω in its simplest form is defined as a vector which is equal
to two times the rotation vector
11 Define Laminar and Turbulent flow CO 3
Laminar flow is a flow regime characterized by high momentum
diffusion, low momentum convection.
12 Define Fluid dynamics
CO 3
The dynamics of fluid flow is the study of fluid motion with forces
causing the fluid flow. The dynamic behavior of the fluid flow is
analyzed by Newton ’s second law of motion..
13 Define streak line.
CO 4
A streak line is the locus of the temporary locations of all particles that
have passed though a fixed point in the flow field at any instant of time.
14 What is rate of angular deformation?
CO 4
The rate of angular deformation is defined as the rate of change of angle
between the linear segments AB and AD which were initially
perpendicular to each other.
15 What is Bernoulli equation ?
CO 3
The equation for conservation of energy of a steady, in viscid and
incompressible flow in a conservative body force field is known as
P V2
Bernoulli’s equation. + + gz = C where
ρ 2g
P V2
is f low work per unit mass is kinetic energy per unit mass
ρ 2g
gz is potential energy per unit mass.

Page 8
16 What is conservation of momentum?
CO 7
The law states that rate of change of momentum of a body is
proportional to the impressed action and takes place in the direction of
the impressed action.
17 What is law of conservation of mass? OC
The law states that mass can neither be created nor be destroyed.
Conservation of mass is inherent to a control mass system (closed
system).For a control volume, the principle of conservation of mass is
stated as
Rate at which mass enters = Rate at which mass leaves the region +
Rate of accumulation of mass in the regio
18 What is continuity equation?.
∂ρ ∂ ∂ ∂ CO 6
[ + (ρu) + (ρv) + (ρw)]dV = 0
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
19 What are practical applications of Bernoulli equation?
CO 3
The determination of the flow rate from the measurement of pressure
drop depends on the straight forward application of Bernoulli’s equation.
Three different flow meters operate on this principle: Venturimeter
Orificemeter Flow nozzle.
20 What is working principe of Venturimeter, Orificemeter and CO 6
Flow nozzle?
They are flow meters measure the rate of flow of a fluid through a pipe
by providing a coaxial area contraction within the pipe and thus creating
a pressure drop across the contraction. The flow rate is measured by
determining the velocity of flow at the constricted section in terms of the
pressure drop by the application of Bernoulli’s equation
21 What is stagnation pressure? CO 6
The ’stagnation pressure’ is the pressure that the fluid would obtain if
brought to rest without loss of mechanical energy.
22 Why is Bernoulli’s principle important? CO 6
Bernoulli’s Principle is the single principle that helps explain how
heavier-than-air objects can fly
23 What is a pitot tube? CO 6
The pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of flow of air or any fluid.
24 What is the difference between pitot tube and pitot static CO 6
Pitot tube has only one opening which is on front of the tube and is used CO
to measure the total or stagnation pressure (pressure at zero velocity
point), as air hits the frontal part of tube and velocity of air reaches to
zero there, whereas pitot “static” tube additionally has the small
openings around the dia of the tube which are static probes and are used
for the measurement of static pressure.
25 What are notches and weirs? CO 6

Page 9
A notch may be defined as an obstruction over which the flow of liquid CO
occurs. A weir is a notch on a large scale used for measuring the flow of
a river, canal etc.
26 What is Nappe and crest? CO 6
The sheet of water flowing through a notch or over a weir is known as CO
nappe or vein. The bottom edge of the notch or the top of a weir over
which water flows is known as sill or crest.
27 Write mathematical expression for discharge for venturimeter CO 6
or orficemeter
a1 a2
Q = CD ∗ p 2 2gh
a1 − a22

28 Define moment of momentum equation. CO 6

Moment of momentum equation states that the resultant torque acting CO
on a rotating fluid is equal to rate of change of moment of momentum
29 Define Impulse momentum equation. CO 6
Impulse of force F acting on a fluid of mass m in a short interval of time CO
dt is equal to change of momentum d(mv) in the direction of force.
1 What is Boundary layer?
CO 9
The boundary layer is the region adjacent to a solid durface in which
viscous stresses are presentdue to shearing of the fluid layers.
2 What is boundary layer thickness?
CO 9
The distance measured perpendicular to the boundary of the solid body
to the point, where the velocity of the fluid is approximately equal to
0.99 times the free stream velocity of the fluid.
3 What is displacement thickness (δ ∗ )? CO 9
It is defined as the distance by which the external potential flow is
displaced outwards due to the decrease in velocity in the boundary layer.
Z δ
δ∗ = (1 − )dy
0 U

4 What is momentum thickness?

CO 9
Momentum thickness is the perpendicular distance w.r.t solid body by
which the boundary layer must be displaced to compensate the
reduction in momentum
Z δ
u u
θ= (1 − )dy
0 U U

5 What is energy thickness? C0

Page 10
It is the distance perpendicular to solid boundary, by which the
boundary should be displaced to compensate for the reduction in kinetic
energy of the flowing fluid in the formation of boundary layers.
∗∗ u
δ = (1 − 2 )dy
0 U U

6 What is magnus effect?

CO 8
When a cylinder is rotated in a uniform flow, a lift force is produced on
the cylinder. This phenomenon of the lift force produced by a rotating
cylinder in a uniform flow is called as Magnus effect. This force is
predicted by potential flow and the Kutta-Joukowski theorem.
7 Define potential flow.
CO 8
‘Potential’ or ‘ideal’ flows are a class of inviscid flows in which the
vorticity ω, which is the curl of the velocity vector, is zero.This allows
the use of a scalar function, φ to describe the flow field

u = ∇φ

8 Define the terms: Drag and lift

CO 9
The total force (resultant force) exerted by the fluid on the body is
perpendicular to the surface of the body. Thus the total force (resultant
force) is inclined to the direction of motion. Drag: The component of
the total force in the direction of motion. Lift: The component of the
total force in the direction perpendicular to the direction of motion.
9 What is boundary layer separation? CO 2
In the case of sharp transitions or when flowing around blunt bodies,
however, the fluid is often no longer able to follow the profile. The
boundary layer or flow begins to detach itself from the body surface.
This is referred to as a boundary layer separation or flow separation.
10 What is laminar boundary layer?
CO 8
If the flow in the boundary layer exhibits all the characteristics of a
laminar flow, irrespective of whether the incoming flow is laminar or
turbulent. This layer of boundary is called laminar boundary layer.
11 What is terminal velcity. CO 8
It is defined as maximum constant velocity of a falling body with which
it will travel. At terminal velocity the weight of the body is equal to the
drag force plus buoyant force. Hence

W = FD + FB

12 What do you mean by circulation? CO

Page 11
Circulation is a flow along a closed curve and is obtained when product
of avelocity along the closed curve and length of the small element is
integrated around a curve.

Γ = 2πRuθ

where uθ is tangential velocity on the surface of cylinder

13 What is laminar sublayer?
CO 2
A very thin layer next to the wall behaves like a near wall region of the
laminar flow. This layer is known as laminar sublayer and its velocities
are such that the viscous forces dominate over the inertia forces
14 Write mathematical expression for coefficient of lift and drag.
CO 19
Cd = Cl =
0.5ρU 2 A 0.5ρU 2 A

15 Define bluffbody.
CO 9
The body whose surface does not coincide with the streamlines when
placed in a flow. The bodies of such a shape in which the pressure drag
is very large as compared to friction drag are called bluff bodies.
16 Write mathematical equation for the total drag on a sphere for
CO 9
which Re ≤ 2 .
The total drag is given by FD = 3πµDU

Page 12
1 What are Hydraulic machines? CO 10
A fluid machine is a device which converts the energy stored by a fluid
into mechanical energy or vice versa . The energy stored by a fluid mass
appears in the form of potential, kinetic and intermolecular energy.
2 What are turbines? CO 10
The device in which the kinetic, potential or intermolecular energy held
by the fluid is converted in the form of mechanical energy of a rotating
member is known as a turbine
3 What are pumps, compressors, fans or blowers? CO 10
The machines, on the other hand, where the mechanical energy from
moving parts is transferred to a fluid to increase its stored energy by
increasing either its pressure or velocity are known as pumps,
compressors, fans or blowers .
4 What are positive displacement machines ? CO
The machines whose functioning depend essentially on the change of
volume of a certain amount of fluid within the machine are known as
positive displacement machines This principle is utilized in practice by
the reciprocating motion of a piston within a cylinder while entrapping a
certain amount of fluid in it.
5 What are turbomachines ??
CO 10
Energy transfer takes place between rotor and fluid due to dynamic
action and thermodynamics between rotor and flowing fluid
6 How work is done on compressors and in turbines? CO
For turbines, the work is done by the fluid on the rotor, while, in case of
pump, compressor, fan or blower, the work is done by the rotor on the
fluid element.
7 What are radial flow machines?
CO 10
In radial flow machine, the main direction of flow in the rotor is
radial.For radial flow turbines, the flow is towards the centre of the
rotor, while, for pumps and compressors, the flow is away from the
centre. Therefore, radial flow turbines are sometimes referred to as
radially inward flow machines and radial flow pumps as radially outward
flow machines.
8 Define specific speed for a turbine.
CO 12
It is defined as the speed of the geometrically similar turbomachine
(turbine) which develops unit power under unit head
9 What do yo mean by Impulse turbomachine?.
CO 10
The machine for which the change in static head in the rotor is zero is
known as impulse machine . In these machines, the energy transfer in
the rotor takes place only by the change in dynamic head of the fluid.
10 What is degree of reaction? CO 10

Page 13
Degree of reaction is defined as the ratio of the static pressure drop to
the total pressure drop in the stage.
11 What is reaction turbine ? CO 10
Reaction turbines are acted on by water which changes pressure as it
moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. They must be
encased to contain the water pressure (or suction), there must be fully
submerged in the water flow.Both pressure and velocity change as the
fluid passes through the runner, pressure at inlet is much higher than the
12 What is the difference between the impulse and reaction
CO 10
In an Impulse turbine, All hydraulic energy is converted into kinetic
energy by a nozzle whereas In a Reaction turbine Only some amount of
the available energy is converted into kinetic energy.
13 What do you meant by hydraulic efficiency of a turbine? CO
It is the ratio of power developed by the turbine runner to the net power
supplied by the water at the entrance to the turbine ηh .
14 What is mechanical efficiency of turbine?
CO 12
It is the ratio of power available at the turbine shaft to the power
developed by turbine runner. Mechanical losses are due to bearing
friction and other factor.
15 What is volumetric efficiency ηV of turbine?
CO 12
It is the ratio of quantity of water actually striking the turbine runner
and the quantity of water supplied to the turbine.
ηV =
Q + 4Q
Where Q is the amount of water striking the runner 4Q is the amont of
water loss due to leakage.
16 Give an examples of axial, radial and mixed flow rurbine
CO 12
Examples of axial flow turbines are propeller turbine and Kaplan
turbine.Examples of radialaxial flow turbines are Francis turbine
(inward- radial turbine), Fourneyron turbine (outward-radial turbine)
Modern Francis turbines is a mixed flow turbine.
17 Give an examples of Impulse and reaction turbine
CO 12
Reaction turbines are Kaplan, and Deriaz. Pelton, Turgo, and Cross-flow
turbines are three types of impulse turbines.
18 What is overall efficiency of any turbine(ηo ) CO 12

Page 14
It is the ratio of power available at the turbine shaft to water power
available at the entrane level.
Shaf t power P ower developed P ∗ 1000
= =
water power ρgQH ρgQH

19 What is specific speed of turbine(Ns ) CO 12

The speed of a member of the same homologous series as the actual
turbine, so reduced in size as to deliver unit discharge operating under a
unit head of the flowNs . √
Ns =
H 5/4
Specific speed varies with shape of the runner and other parts of the
20 What is Euler turbine equation and write its mathematical
CO 12
Torque is equal to rate of change of anguar momentum
T = whereL = mVθ r
P = ṁ(V2θ r2 − V1θ r1 )

21 What is a centrifugal pump?

CO 12
The pumps employing centrifugal effects for increasing fluid pressure.
Fluid enters the rapidly rotating impeller along its axis and is cast out
by centrifugal force along its circumference through the impeller’s vane
tips. The action of the impeller increases the fluid’s velocity and
pressure and also directs it towards the pump outlet.
22 What do you mean by reciprocating pump.
CO 12
A reciprocating pump is a positive displacement one which works on the
principle of a reversing piston motion within a cylinder drawing in liquid
during forward stroke, and delivering it under pressure during return or
backward stroke

Course Coordinator: HOD CE

Mrs. Durga Sharma

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