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Learning activity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1


1. Presentate y describe tu persona.

My name is Olga Hernandez. I am from the city of Bucaramanga. I am 40

years old. I am tall thin and I like to walk. My profession is civil engineering
and I work as a field resident in a company dedicated to slope stabilization.
I live with my husband and my three children.

2. Descibe dos de tus amigos e incluye sus fotografias, asegurate de que tus
oraciones sean gramaticalmente correctas.

First friend:
My friend's name is Sandra Milena Rojas. She is of Colombian nationality
but she has lived in Spain for 20 years. She is 40 years old, she is very
kind, her height is short and her hair is blonde. She is a nutritionist by
profession and has a store of organic products. Has a son. She is happy in
Spain but dreams of being able to return to live in Colombia.

second friend:
my friend is nidia gamboa she is thin and tall her hair is very short her
nationality is Colombian but she travels through different countries. She is a
food engineer and likes to study in other countries, especially Brazil. She
currently works as director of a specialization program at a university in the
city of Bucaramnaga. she is very smart and social.

3. Graba un audio con la descripcion de tus amigos asegurate te practicar tu

pronunciacion antes de realizar la grabacion.

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