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Name: Scott’s College

Date and Time: October 7, 2021 (9:00 am)

Location: Online

Reflective Blogs


1. 9:00 am

With the commencement of the lecture, session group discussion is started on the basis of
the research work done earlier, by all the group members. All group members were
presented with various ideas and the decision was based on the majority selection strategy.

2. 9:21 am

All members were priorly told to work efficiently as the work must be submitted before the
respective deadlines. Every group member was being assigned with his or her preferable and
mastered task.

3. 9:41 am

All team members were advised to select their area of interests and because of that,
brilliancy was being demanded. To ensure that everyone’s contribution into the task, regular
work assessment strategy was initiated.

4. 10:01 am

Now, the biggest challenge was to make sure everyone does their work correctly and to
ensure no conflicts, we all voted for a leader and one of us became the group leader.

5. 10:21 am

This week, we all are looking forward to complete all our research work and data collection.
The other major task involves the establishing a right data management system and also
introducing its accurate usage. This will complete our 50% of our total project work and Zain
will managing the data.

6. 10:41 am

The lecture was almost over and we started planning for resolving disputes and conflicts
among the group as this was very important for efficient working. As at one point Kawaljeet
and Prabhjot started an argument which was later resolved by Shubham. We achieved it by
encouraging collaborations, setting clear expectations and setting some ground rules.


7. 11:00 am

As a team leader, Shubham experienced some major challenges, performing in a task group
like, maintaining harmony and peace, resolving conflicts, multiple ideas and approaches and
their dealing strategies.
8. 11:31 am

Everybody’s ideas varied in the group as everyone has a diversified opinion. Which kind of
made it hard for us to achieve on any certain conclusion in a lesser time and the task
performance. Moreover, we achieved to complete the task before the deadline by
implementing certain strategies and maintaining friendship among all the group members.

Meeting Minutes

Group Name:

Date& Time: oct 7, 2021(9:00 am)

Meeting Location: Scott’s college room 1

Attendees: Prabhjot, Kawaljeet, Zain, Shubham

All participants of team were present in the meeting and they all collaborated carry
forwarded the same.

Welcoming Program: In the beginning of the meeting all participation and involvement is

After the competition of welcome program, a short discussion occurred where the key
discussions of previous meetings were keenly discussed.

The meeting topic was introduced by the group leader, Shubham himself.

Kawaljeet took over the meeting minutes and performed all the remaining performance
related to minutes keeping.

As the duties of the group leader, Shubham, will share the reflective blogs and meeting

minutes with all the members of the team, before the task’s deadline. We have also created

facebook and whatsapp groups to discuss the task matters. I have prepared meeting

minutes by myself.

Next group meeting will be held according to the needs and requirements.

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