SITXINV001: Assessment 2 - Short Answer Questions: Enhance College of Technology

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Enhance College of Technology

Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd

ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

SITXINV001: Assessment 2 – Short Answer Questions

Student Name Student ID Number
Unit Start Date Unit End Date
Assessment Due
Date Submitted
This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to
determine student competency in this assessment task
The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No
I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No
I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No
I am aware that I can locate the RTO’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure Yes / No
on their website at (insert website address)
I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I
require in order to undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services
Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and
Yes / No
Equity Policy (insert website address)
I have access to all required resources? Yes / No
Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration
Student Declaration: In accordance with the RTO’s Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by
signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment
tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor

Date _____ / ______ /

: 20______

Assessment Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory

Results (Please circle the assessment result for this task)
Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately
completed is my own and that I was adequately explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
informed of the assessment process prior to student prior to commencing assessment.
commencing this assessment task.
Student Name: Assessor’s Name:
Student Signature Date Assessor Signature Date
Student Guide for Assessment
Instructions Instructions to include, but not limited to:
1. Student will be assessed in a classroom environment.
2. Ensure the student is aware of the assessment requirements at the

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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:
commencement of the unit
3. The students are required to work alone to answer questions.
4. The questions are aimed at testing the student’s knowledge of developing
and implementing a food safety program.
5. This written assessment comprising of written questions that need to be
answered by circling or highlighting the one correct response of four
6. The student is required to complete the written assessment for this unit of
competency. To complete this task, the student will need to answer all the
questions in this written assessment in your own words in either handwriting
or generated Word document.
7. The student answers should be recorded in the student assessment
question booklet.
8. After the student has successfully completed the written assessment, they
must present it to the Trainer/Assessor for correction.
9. The student will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task.
Should the 1st attempt be Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS), the Trainer/Assessor
will provide feedback and will arrange a date for the student 2nd attempt. If
the student 2nd attempt is Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS), or the student fail to
attend of date scheduled for the 2nd attempt, the student will receive an
overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task.
10. In special circumstances this written assessment may be delivered as an
oral assessment in which the assessor shall mark the assessment and
identify the assessment was presented orally

Task/s to be The tasks you will be observed undertaking are:

- You are to answer all questions.
- Read each question carefully. Ensure you have provided all required
- On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor.

Oral Questioning During the assessment your assessor will ask you oral questions that will address the
knowledge aspects of the unit of competency. You will respond orally, and your assessor
may record your response or use your response to determine sufficient under pinning
Topics will include:
- Explain the principles of stock control
- Identify software or manual stock control systems
- Explain procedures for security, recording incoming stock, reporting on
discrepancies, deficiencies, and excess stock
- Describe order and delivery documentation
- Explain storage requirements for different forms of stock

Time allowed On average, the Assessment should take 3-4 hours to complete
Location Assessment will be completed in a classroom under the supervision of a
Decision making To achieve a satisfactory outcome, you must be able to: -

Page 2 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of
rules this unit in the context of the job role, and:
 principles of stock control:
 rotation and replenishment
 product life cycle and maximising the use of all stock
 checking for slow moving items
 segregation of non-food items from food items that have potential to cross-
 stock control systems:
 bin card system
 imprest system
 integrated point-of-sale system
 ledger system
 stock control procedures and template documents and reports for:
 ordering
 levels
 loss
 performance
 monitoring of quality
 receipt
 reorder cycles
 rotation
 security
 stocktakes
 valuation
 wastage
 storage requirements for different kinds of stock
 use of stock control equipment and software where appropriate
 specific industry sector, types of:
 computerised stock control systems; their functions and features
 electronic equipment used for stock control; their functions and features
 stock recording documentation
 stock security systems
 storage and their suitability for different kinds of stock
 specific organisation:
 relevant stock
 product life and storage requirements for specific goods
 procedures for security, recording incoming stock, reporting on discrepancies,
deficiencies, and excess stock
 order and delivery documentation
 safe manual handling techniques for the receipt, transportation and storage of stock
 safe and correct use of equipment
 correct and environmentally sound disposal methods for all types of waste and in
particular for hazardous substances.
 Expected answers to oral questions are indicative of the correct answer.

Performance The assessment methods must be by direct observation of tasks on required skills and
Observation knowledge to ensure correct interpretation and application. Your Assessor will observe you
Page 3 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Criteria for on the following observations:

Assessment Task
 receive, store and maintain six different stock deliveries
 correctly interpret stock orders and delivery documentation for items received
in the above deliveries
 complete stock documentation relating to each of the above stock deliveries
 integrate into the above work activities:
 security procedures
 manual handling techniques
 commercial time constraints.
Assessment Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that
accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting.
Assessment must include direct observation of tasks.
Where assessment of competency includes third-party evidence, individuals must
provide evidence that links them to the use of food preparation equipment that the
student has performed.
Assessors must verify performance evidence through questioning on skills and
knowledge to ensure correct interpretation and application.

Resources The following equipment will be made available to students:

 Simulated or workplace documentation and resources
 Office equipment, materials and software packages (such as laptops, WiFi,
Microsoft Suite)
 Case studies to examine or real workplace situations to analyze
 an industry workplace
 a simulated industry environment.

Assessment must ensure access to:

 computers, printers and stock control software systems
 electronic equipment used for stock control
 diverse and comprehensive range of tourism, hospitality or event industry
stock items
 organisation specifications:
 current commercial stock recording procedures and documentation for the
receipt and storage of stock.
Results/Re-  Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NYS – Not Yet
assessment Satisfactory for the assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you
with feedback.
 Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you
will be deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency;
if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be
deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.
 If the evidence is graded as NYS – Not Yet Satisfactory you will be required
to re-submit the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and

Page 4 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they can

improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
 Where a ‘NYS – Not Yet Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given
guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the
opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor
will determine and discuss the reasons for NYS – Not Yet Satisfactory on
any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of
assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises.
 You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of
their result in achieving competency
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify
their trainer as to why they did not complete the assessment and if
due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced. “This process
is detailed more in the “Training and Assessment Policy and
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for
reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be
provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to
achieve competency. Students will then have the opportunity to
repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with
no reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did
not approach the RTO within five working days with a valid reason
for not availing themselves of the reassessment opportunity, then
those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment
and will be charged at $100.00.
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the
student and the student will be required to repeat the whole unit with
full fee for the unit as per the fees policy of the RTO. The student will
be made aware of the impact of repeating the unit may have on their
student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment,
a $100.00 reassessment fee will be charged for reassessing the
assessment within 5 working days.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after
conclusion of the Intervention meeting with the Course Co-ordinator,
the matter will be referred to the CEO / Operation Manager which
may result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment
o The RTO has intervention strategies, including student support
services available to enable students to complete qualification in the
expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this
time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention
strategy is put in place.

Reasonable Assessor may adjust assessment conditions (as required) to suit workplace
Adjustment objectives provided that the integrity of the task is maintained.

Page 5 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Page 6 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Assessment 2 – Short Answer Questions


Q1: List five items of incoming stock you might be required to check.
Answer: five items of incoming stock that are required to check:-
 Check the quantity of the incoming stock.
 Check the quality of the ordered stock.
 Check all the stock must be sealed and not damaged.
 Always take a good receiving form from the supplier.
 Store the stock securely.

Q2: Describe the difference between an order form and an internal requisition form.
Answer: An order form is a form which a customer has to fill out to place order.
An internal requisition form is an official printed form which helps to replace money
and one supplier can order inventory from another supplier’s inventory when in need.
They can fill requisition form and can transfer inventory.

Q3: Explain the similarities and differences between a delivery note and an invoice.
Answer: A delivery note: it is a form of paper which was sent by supplier to the customers
when they supply goods.
An invoice: An invoice is also send by supplier to the customer in which bill of those
good and service was mentioned. It was given soon after the customer take stock. It
can be send via emails.

Q4: Describe the steps you would take to identify discrepancies between your order and
the stock that’s been delivered.
Answer: When we receive the stock following things should be checked:
 Check that the delivery is for your workplace before the driver unload the stock
 Check the date and delivery note from the supplier.
 Checks the copies of your order against the delivery document send by the supplier,
so that you can check whether they delivered the same stock which the business has
 Count the stock as, count the number of boxes, pallets and packages.
 Check whether they have send you an invoice or not.

Page 7 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q5: List six indicators of damage to look for when inspecting containers.
Answer: Six indicators of damaged containers:
 Distortion of container
 Elongation of container
 Cracks on the containers
 Check all welds
 Labels and packaging
 Covers and seams.

Q6: Identify five characteristics you would look for when inspecting the stock itself.
Answer: Five characteristics while inspecting the stock:
1. Weight: check the weight of each packaging.
2. Quantity: must check the quantity what you have ordered.
3. Size: size may varied sometime for example you order 100ml bottle of beverages don’t
expect 85ml. it should be 100ml.
4. Freshness: if you order fresh fruits and vegetables you should first check the freshness
and its quality.
5. Use-by date: you must ensure all the products should have longer use-by date.

Q7: Explain how you would record details of incoming stock and any discrepancies you
Answer: • Check the quantity of the incoming stock.
• Check the quality of the ordered stock.
• Check all the stock must be sealed and not damaged.
• Always take a good receiving form from the supplier.
• Store the stock securely.
If we find any discrepancies while handling stock, for example, not accurate size of
the box and pallet, some of the containers are unsealed etc. we should immediately
report to the manager or store owner or to the supplier to take it back and replace or

Page 8 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q8: Explain the recording procedures you follow when incoming stock is received.
Answer: The procedure for recording the incoming stock is same as we receive the stock.
 Check the quality of the ordered stock.
 Check all the stock must be sealed and not damaged.
 Always take a good receiving form from the supplier.
 Store the stock securely.

Page 9 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

A delivery has just come in. Read the order form, delivery documentation and product labels
very carefully. Check the incoming stock against the order and delivery documentation to
answer questions 9 to 12.


Date: 21 November 20XX

Product Qty Description Unit size Unit cost Total cost

MLK20 4 Full cream 3L $3.00 $12.00
4 milk (Dairy
YGT32 5 Natural 700 g $4.50 $22.50
4 yoghurt
CHS24 1 Camembert 1 kg $23.98 $23.98
1 cheese

Date: 23 November 20XX

Product Qty Description Unit size Unit cost Total cost

MLK20 4 Full cream 3L $3.00 $12.00
4 milk (Dairy
YGT32 3 Natural 700 g $4.50 $22.50
4 yoghurt
CHS24 1 Camembert 1 kg $23.98 $23.98
1 cheese

Dairy Queen Simply Organic Emporio Brie
Triple cream
Full cream milk Natural yoghurt
Extra creamy
3 Litres 700 grams French-style cheese

USE-BY 22 NOV 16 BEST-BEFORE 25 200 g

Page 10 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q9: Which two items on the delivery note would you reject?
Answer: Full cream milk and natural yogurt.

Q10: Write a note to include on the delivery documentation explaining why you
rejected this stock.
Answer: Full cream milk is going to expiry after one day. And same as Natural yogurt
is also expiring soon.

Q11: How many yoghurts are you short?

Answer: we have ordered 5 box or containers but received only 3 of them so we are short
with 2 boxes.

Q12: Describe two ways to report discrepancies, deficiencies, quality problems and excess
stock such as those in questions 9 to 11.
Answer: There are few discrepancies while recording incoming stock:
1. Firstly, they have sent those products which are going to be expiring soon.
2. Secondly, they have sent less quantity for yogurt and charged full amount.
So we are going to record and report all these discrepancies to the suppliers directly
or to the owner of the store. To avoid them in future.

Q13: Identify three features of good communication when speaking to others about delivery
Answer: Three features of good communication:
1. Be very polite while handling discrepancies with supplier.
2. Always use a professional tone while handling problems with the supplier.
3. Always be factually accurate with the supplier.

Page 11 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q14: Would you record details of incoming stock and discrepancies in the same way for
every organisation you work for? Why? Why not?
Answer: While recording or handling the details of incoming stock, it is very important
for every business to record them very properly to avoid discrepancy. Every
business and warehouse has its own organisational procedures for handling stock
and reporting the discrepancies. In some warehouse, we can directly inform the
problems to the supplier via delivery documentation. But in some business
managers has to record it and then report the owner about any problem occurred.

Page 12 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q15: When should you transport stock to its storage area?

Answer: we can transport stock to the storage area after the incoming stock was fully
checked, recorded and reported to the employer or to the suppliers if any discrepancy
had been notified related to excess stock, damaged, or less stock has been delivered.

Q16: You must know the product life of various stock. Number these items from 1 to 4
(shortest shelf life to longest).
Whole mango 2______________________
Seafood 1___________________________
Tinned tomatoes 3___________________
Cooking oil 4________________________

Q17: State at least one appropriate storage area for these specific goods.

Fresh, whole eggs should be stored in the refrigerator

Seafood can be stored in the refrigerator’s coldest part where we store
meat and meat products.
Canned products can be stored in cool, dry place with loe temperature of 85
degree F. Need not to be stored in fridge.
Cleaning chemicals store them in well-ventilated area to avoid bad odours.
Linen always store linens in fabric bags or closet if provided.

Q18: Is it OK to store hazardous substances such as cleaning chemicals in the dry store
with food? Why? Why not?
Answer: Cleaning chemical are dangerous for health and they cannot be stored with food as
they sometime have bad odours which can pass to food. To avoid cross contamination
of food. So they should be stored in well-ventilated area away from the fridge or dry
food stores.

Page 13 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q19: A new employee needs some safe manual handling techniques to use so they don’t
get injured when receiving, transporting and storing stock. Provide eight tips you would
give them.
Answer: Safe manual handling techniques:
 Create balance between your legs and the object which you are going to lift.
 Squat down rather than bending. This will help you to save your back otherwise you
will injury your back.
 Always use your hands, palms to lift and make a secured grip. Do not use your
fingers and nails for lifting objects.
 Lift the object gradually without jerking it. Make sure you put weight as close to you
as possible while your back is bent.
 Always tuck your chin inside so as to keep your back and neck line straight.
 Stand in the position where you want to move ,change direction with pointing feet
and then move your whole body in the direction you wan to go.
 While unloading the object try to use the same guidelines and if precise positioning
of the load is necessary them remove it first. Then slide it to the main position or
 Check containers
 Try rolling
 Lifting equipment
 Store correctly
 Avoid repetitions
 Use a ladder
 Ask for help
 Take care of your body
 Avoid busy time
 Use handling aids

Q20: Describe how to safely and correctly use a forklift.

Answer: To safely and correctly using a forklift, firstly you need to get trained on how to use
it and then you must have a license to use and drive a forklift. Ride-on forklifts are
used in warehouse. Pedestrians or delivery bays. They are used to lift heavy and large
equipment and objects. Always take care with load distribution. Get license and
training. Always observer weigh limit. Don’t allow others to walk under the loads or in
loading zone.

Page 14 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q21: Where can you find guidelines on how to label stock?

Answer: According to the organisational procedure and internal coding system, we can label
stock by putting correct date code and labelling the content. This can help to maximise use
of product and minimise the waste.

Q22: List three details you might be required to put on stock labels.
Answer: Three details might be as follow:
 Name and description of product
 Date mark, net weight
 Ingredient list.

Q23: Explain what you should do if you discover excess stock in storage.
Answer: if we have excess stock in storage, we should talk to the supplier to cancel new
orders if made. Or if we already received new orders we will return them and ask for
refund or credit note from the suppliers. This will help to avoid wastage to the product.

Page 15 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q24: State the main purpose behind rotating, maintaining and replenishing stock.
Answer: The main purpose of rotating, maintaining and replenishing stock is to maximise the
use of stock, minimise waste of stock, and ensure stock is well presented so customers will
purchase it.

Q25: Define the FIFO method of stock rotation. Explain how you would implement it.
Answer: FIFO means ‘first in first out’. It is a method used by all grocery businesses in
which what inventory stock comes in will go out first otherwise the stock will spoilt and will
wasted if we never rotate the old stock with the new filled stock. We need to rotate the
inventory stock according to their use by-date. So those products which are going to be
expiring soon will takes first place on the shelf counters.

Q26: How often and when should you check the quality of stock and look for slow-moving
Answer: Check all the refrigerated, freezer items first as they must be rotate every week or
twice a week so that those are going to expire soon should be sold on discount rate or
can put on sale to avoid the slow-moving of the items.

Q27: List eight things you should check for when monitoring the quality of stock.
Answer: While monitoring the quality check things to be remembered are:
a) Check all the expiring documentations first rotate the stock accordingly.
b) Check the temperatures of all refrigerated and freezer items twice a week to
avoid spoilage to the items.
c) Always clean and dry the storerooms to avoid dampness and temperatures for
all freezers should be checked on daily basis.
d) Always clean the linen, towels, bed sheets to avoid marks, stains, tears etc.
e) Always look for stationery supplies to avoid dog-eared pages.
f) Check food items for spoilage, fresh fruits may get rotten, damaged.
g) Take care of glassware as check cracks, breakage.
h) Check all the canned containers for dent.

Page 16 of 21
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q28: If you discover poor quality stock in storage, who should you report this to? How?
Answer: According to organisational procedure, if you discover poor quality stock in storage
in your store we will definitely record and report this to the senior manager or the
owner of the store. Other than that we can report to the supplier about it.

Q29: State where you would dispose of the following items to minimise negative
environmental impact.
Cardboard boxes: Most of the boxes can be recycled, so we can send them to the
recycling centres. Or we can broke them and put them in disposable store bin.
Used serviettes: place them in the garbage bins.
Bubble wrap: they can be recycled. Don’t try to put them in the recycling containers.
Glass bottles: they can be recycled. Put them in the designated bins for recycling
according to the colour. They can be crushed and melted and can make feed for glass
Fruit and vegetable peeling : they can easily dumped into the garbage bin.

Q30: A new employee wants to know safe methods for handling and disposing of spoilt
stock and waste. Provide three tips you would give them.
Answer: three tips:
 Always wear gloves and use tongs while handling and disposing of spoilt stock and
waste food items.
 Wash hands after disposing waste in the bin.
 Always close the bin lids after disposal otherwise they may attracts flies and make
the area unhygienic.

Q31: List four tips on how to safely dispose of hazardous substances.

Answer: Hazardous substances can be handled very carefully.
 Try not to put hazardous substances in the general waste bin.
 Look for any hazard symbols (HAZCHEM codes) to identify types of hazards
and how to dispose them.
 Read the manufacture’s instruction to safely disposal of the hazard goods.

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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q32: Identify five ways to clean stock handling and storage areas.
Answer: It is very important for every store to clean the stock and storage areas. There are
five ways to clean stock handling and storage areas:
a. Always try to clean shelves and aisles twice a week.
b. Try to rotate products while doing cleaning and storing them in the storage area.
c. While doing floor cleaning always put wet floor caution sign for the customers to
avoid spilling or dripping.
d. Try not to overstock the products on the shelves.
e. Also clean the loading dock area. Free it from rodents, dust and dirt.

Q33: Describe how you would report any problems you find in the handling and storage
Answer: According to the organisational policies and procedures and scope of
responsibilities one have can report and record all the problems in the record book whether
its related to breakage, chips, cracks or others. They should be recorded in the way that your
oral and written communication can help and replace all those broken products. You can
directly contact your managers regarding problems.

Q34: State four useful capabilities, features and functions of computerised stock recording
systems in general.
Answer: Four useful capabilities, features and functions of computerized stock recording
system are:-
I. Most of the store use periodic or perpetual inventory system which are quick and
accurate while counting the stock.
II. They are very easy to use. You don’t need to get panic while ordering stock as they
will do by their own when stock is about to finish. You just need to record in the
computer about the particular stock when about to finish.
III. Some big organisation use Electronic data interchangeable (EDI) which help
automatically record the sales and calculate the current stock level.
IV. You can also use scanner, barcodes to make entry for records.

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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

Q35: Explain the capabilities, features and functions of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Answer: Some big organisation use Electronic data interchangeable (EDI) which help
automatically record the sales and calculate the current stock level. It is a computer-to-
computer exchange of business documents in an electronic format between other

Q36: Describe how manual or electronic bin card systems are used to record and track
stock levels.
Answer: Bin cards are used to record and track stock levels. They can be maintained
manually and electronically. You need to update all new supply of stock. Different bin
card system is used to record different items of stock. There is a minimum amount of
item needed on hand on any given day. Management determines this level on the
item’s trading history.

Q37: Look at the bin card. How many boxes of bath and shower gel tubes do you
need to order?

Bin card
Item: Box of 500 30 ml bath and shower gel tubes

Minimum supply: 7 Maximum supply: 14

Date Received Issued Issued to Balance
13/9 7 14
14/9 2 Rooms department 12
17/9 2 Rooms department 10
24/9 4 Rooms department 6

Answer: We need to order around 494 bath and shower gel tubes of 30 ml pack. Because at
present we have only 6 left in the inventory so we need 500 boxes of both the stock.
500-6 = 494.

Q38: List five procedures and systems for keeping storage areas and stock secure.
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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:
Answer: There are few procedures and systems made to secure storage from being theft.
Unless we can’t stop theft forever but deterrents can help reduce it.
 There are numbers of CCTV cameras available. We can put them in the loading dock
to save stock especially high risky items for example alcohol.
 Always lock the entrance area at night after delivering food items if you are working
in fast food stores or grocery stores to avoid theft.
 Don’t allow delivery drives to put supplies away.
 Don’t give door lock keys to any unauthorised person.
 Require passwords for computers, lock store recording cupboards, drawers to avoid
stock tempering.

Q39: Identify two ways you can render Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) tags inactive at
point of sale.
Answer: Electronic Article Surveillance tags are attached to the items by the establishment
or by the manufacturer of the product on the product or packaging. We can inactive
them at the point of sale.
 They can only be detached or remove by the employers with the help of
special detachers.
 They can be detached with the help of hard magnet.

Q40: Describe six planning and organising techniques you can use to conduct stock
activities in a logical and time-efficient workflow.
Answer: It is very important for employees and for store to make planning and organising
techniques to conduct stock activities in a logical and time-efficient workflow:
 Always prioritize your work: Break your work into smaller pieces so that you can
work accordingly while focusing on one task at a time.
 Time management: this can help you to finish your one task on time if you manage
time. Put estimation time on one task and then finish it on.
 Coordinating task with other collegues: try to make good relation with your
colleagues so as they can help you coordinating and breaking task with each other.
 Make time for other tasks: for example: serving customers, trying to help them if
they need to solve their issues, answering phone calls.
 Stick to your plans: try not to get out of the time management plan you make. Try
to complete all your tasks on time.
 Creating proper systems and plan ahead: always create a system for yourself
and for others while working as team. Always plan for future to avoid unnecessary

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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8
Enhance College of Technology
Enhance Professional Training Pty Ltd
ABN: 821 6587 1572 RTO: 41531 CRICOS: 03587K
2/35 Manilla Street, East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Australia
Phone: 07 3895 8393 email:

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SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit: SITXINV001 – Receive and Store Stock
Document Version: 1 Updated: 9Nov19 Source: S.L.S.8.8

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