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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

Learner Instructions 1
(Knowledge Assessment)

Submission details

Students Name Amrinder singh

Student ID s489


Assessor’s Name

Assessment Date/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.


1. There are sixteen (16) written questions in this assessment task.

2. You must attempt all questions and answer in your own words.
3. Instructions/Guidelines such as word-limit, what is expected from your answer
etc. have been given to each question.
4. You must complete this task individually.
5. You must demonstrate understanding and application of relevant concepts and
critical thinking.
6. Submit written answers to your assessor within an agreed timeframe and in an
agreed format. Ensure your answers reflect specifications as outlined below.
Keep copies of all submitted materials for your records.


You must provide:

 Answers to sixteen questions (provided in Appendix 1).

BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1

Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

Appendix 1: Knowledge Assessment

1. Outline how the following legislation and regulations affect operations in an

 WHS (100-150 words)
 Environment issues (50-70 words)
 Equal opportunity (50-100 words)
 Anti-discrimination (50-70 words)
 Industrial relation (30-50 words)

 WHS- the WHS tend to impose some of the duties on the organisations as
well as other individuals along with the workplaces, and it also provides
representation, consultation and also participation to further some of the
objects of the Act. Throwing light on the above-mentioned discussion it can
be said that WHS benefits the companies to a great extent such as
enhancing the productivity of the employees, retaining the employees,
reducing the illness and injury in the company. It is needless to say that
best WHS practices can also improve the brand value, decrease disruptions
and also promoting the corporate social responsibility (Bolier et al., 2014).
● Environment- some of the factors such as coastal flooding can have huge
amount of impact on the businesses that naturally leads to the disruption of
operations and losses for the companies. It also means huge amount of costs
entire to businesses. Other significant environmental issues that affect a business
are pollution, issues of water supply etc.
● Equal opportunity- It means that all the individuals will be treated in an
equal manner and it will not be disadvantaged by bias. The operations of the
companies are affected positively if they have “Equal opportunity” such as they
have laid down the condition for promoting or recruiting someone for a job based
on their experience, qualifications and also knowledge.
● Anti-discrimination- It can be said that anti-discrimination legislation does
not overcome the negative consequences of the employment with regard to the ill
disability and health, and neither the inequalities are reduced. The assumed
discrimination has effects on work environment as well as the workers. However,
companies tend to operate in different countries and a variety of state and federal
anti-discrimination laws affect the operations.
● Industrial relations- It holds huge amount of importance for the operations
of a company. Furthermore, firms which tend to ignore the industrial relations
BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1
Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 2 of 12
BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

importance faces high cost of production as there are some adverse effects on

2. Answer the following:

a. Explain the role of an organisation’s mission, vision and value statements.
Write your answer in 100-150 words.
b. How does an organisation’s mission, vision and value statements impact
on modelling and cultivating collaborative thinking? Write your answer in
30-50 words.

a. It is quite evident that together mission, vision and values statement tend to
provide direction for everything that happens in a company. These three elements
are also responsible for keeping everyone focused in terms of where the company
is going and also what it is trying to achieve. Furthermore, they also define the
main values of the company and how individuals are expected to behave in the
company. The vision statement describes what the company will become in the
future. The values statement tends to define how individuals in the firm must
behave. The mission statement communicates the purpose of a company and
direction to its workers and other stakeholders.

b. The vision, mission and value statement gives a crystal clear vision that provides
team inspiration and direction. Furthermore, this in return cultivates collaborative
thinking among the individuals in an organization to a great extent.

3. Answer the following:

a. Outline the purpose of organisational objectives, plans and strategies.
Write your answer in 100-150 words.
b. Explain the importance of organisational objectives, plans and strategies
when managing change within the organisation. Write your answer in 50-
70 words.
BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1
Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

a. Organizations are helped by the organisational objectives, plans as well

strategies to develop their road map that leads to a business plan that tends to
embrace the individual objectives along with their workers. Other purpose of
organisational objectives, plans and strategies is to keep an organisation
accountable to their actions and prevent wasting time as they make decisions of
business. Furthermore, these are also the short-term, medium-term and long-term
goals that a company searches for accomplishing. The aim of the planning mainly
revolves around facilitating the attainment of the objectives. Furthermore, it also
focuses its attention on the organization’s objectives.

B. Managing successful change in an organisation has the power to enhance

morale among the employees as well as drive positive team building and
enrichment of the job. Organisational plans, objectives and also strategies helps a
firm to reach their change management objectives and goals and gradually
managing change by supporting, preparing, and helping teams and other
individuals in the process.

4. Answer the following:

a. Explain the following types of leadership styles:
i. Laissez-Faire Leadership
ii. Democratic leadership
iii. Autocratic leadership
Write 50-70 words for each.

b. Which leadership style usually gets the best response when managing
change within an organisation? Write your answer in 50-70 words.

a.i) Laissez-Faire Leadership- It is also referred as the delegative leadership and it

is also a type of leadership in which leaders tend to allow its group
members/followers for making decisions.
Furthermore, laissez-Faire Leaders also allow their workers for choosing proper
BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1
Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

solutions of the workplace. However, it is found out by the researchers that this
leadership style leads to the lowest productivity among the members of a group
(Sethuraman & Suresh, 2014).
ii) Democratic leadership- This leadership is also known as the participative
leadership or shared leadership and in this particular leadership style group
members take a lot more participative role in the decision-making procedure. It is
also a type of leadership that can be applied to any company, from the private
businesses to government to schools.
iii) Autocratic leadership- This is also known as the authoritarian leadership
and this type of leadership style is mainly characterised by the controlling
individuals over all the decisions. The autocratic leaders make decisions or choices
with regard to the decisions or choices that are based on their own beliefs and they
also do not involve other individuals for advice or suggestions.

b. Transformational leadership style is regarded as one of the best when change is

managed in a company. Furthermore, transformational leaders tend to inspire
individuals in the company via effective collaboration and communication and
therefore implementing successful change management process. This type of
leaders also helps the individuals of the company buy into the vision for the firm.

5. Discuss the concept of “personal development planning” and describe

personal development planning methodologies. Write your answer in 100-150

It can be said that the concept of the personal development planning is the
procedure in terms of establishing objectives and aims such as what an individual
wants to achieve or where the want to go? On the other hand, personal
development planning is creating an action plan that is completely based on
values, awareness, goal-setting, reflection and also planning for the personal
development in terms of education, career, and self-improvement or for
The personal development methodology is a systems framework or guidance that
is focused on an entire individual, emphasizing integrating skills with the values
and focusing on achieving the goals of life (Chlebikova, Misankova & Kramarova,

BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1

Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

6. Answer the following:

a. Explain two (2) common data collection methods. Write your answer in
100-150 words.
b. Which method will you use to develop a learning program for your team or
employees within an organisation? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

a. Data collection is mainly concerned with gathering and analysing particular

information in terms of proffering solutions to the proper questions. However, the
two most common type of data collection methods is: Primary and Secondary data
collection method.
Primary method- It is the raw data collected at the source mainly. Furthermore, it is
also the procedure by which original data is collected by a research for a particular
purpose. It can be further divided into the two segments such as quantitative and
qualitative research
Secondary method- It is collected by an individual other than the user. The
common sources with regard to the secondary data are published journals and

b. The method that I will be using for developing a learning program or the
employees within the organisation is primary data collection (qualitative method)
such as questionnaires. I will be preparing questionnaires so that I can understand
their point of view in terms of developing a learning program.

BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1

Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

7. Explain the role of PEST analysis in external environment scanning in relation

to social, political, economic and technological developments? Write your
answer in 100-150 words.

PEST analysis tend to describe the framework with regard to the macro-
environmental factors that is used for the environmental scanning an element of
strategic management in relation to the political, social, technological and
economic developments. Furthermore, companies al across the globe tend to use
it as a strategic tool in terms of understanding decline or growth, position of the
business, as well as direction for operations. Political factors consist of everything
from risking of military invasion to labelling the requirements. Economic factors are
levels of unemployment, availability of credit, etc. social factors deal with
education, income, community safety etc. Technological factors are mainly the
variables that are used for evaluating alternatives with regard to the technological

8. Give examples of two positive workplace behaviours that should be used by

managers to assist in achieving business performance. Write your answer in
100-150 words.

It can be said that the two positive workplace behaviours that must be used by the
managers is focusing on the strengths and practicing flexible thinking.
Focusing on the strengths: utilizing the talent of every employee in the company
that can make them a builder of confidence. Managers must make attempt for
incorporating the areas a facilitating them in a proper manner.
Practicing flexible thinking: The managers must not make the activities complex
rather they must make it flexible enough so that workers can attain the goals
smoothly. When the managers are considering new challenge then they must
ensure for exploring the main barriers and produce alternative ways.

9. Explain emotional intelligence and its relationship to individual and team

effectiveness. Write your answer in 200-250 words.

BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1

Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
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BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

Emotional intelligence as defined by the researchers as the ability for monitoring an

individual’s emotions as well as other people’s emotion, for discriminating between
various emotions and also label them properly, along with it using the emotional
information for guiding behaviour and thinking. It is also referred as the EQ. It is
needless to say that emotional intelligence is one of the most important tools for
living a fulfilled happy life as it has the ability to self-motivate and also create
positive social interactions.
In terms of emotional intelligence and its relationship to individual it helps them to
build stronger relationships so that they can be successful at their workplace along
with it can achieve their personal and career goals (Suwandana, 2019).
It can be said that in terms of promoting positive, progressive as well as healthy
working environments team members need to have a combination of well-
developed emotional intelligence and technical knowledge. By having high amount
of EQ individuals and the team members will be highly benefitted because it
ensures excellent amount of social-awareness, self-awareness, empathy and they
will also be highly motivated to inspire others.

10. What are the four (4) four stages of transformational change in an
organisation? How can these stages be managed? Write your answer in 200-
250 words.

The four stages of the transformational change in a company such as:

Stage 1- Setting performance as well as wider goals in a company (status quo
stage): As per researchers good communication has the power to deliver the
successful transformational change in a firm. There are some of the most vital
types of communication such as describing the upcoming alterations for
individuals, providing information in terms of the success and progress of the
transformation and communicating a story of change. This is also known as the
status quo stage and it is the beginning of the transformational change process.
Stage 2- Denial- Denial is also the first response toward a change and people in an
organization often say that they still cannot believe in the fact that the
transformational change is taking place.
Furthermore, as per some of the leading reports it has been found out that denial
can be quick but for some other people they can stay in the denial mode for a long
period of time. In this specific stage individuals first deny that the change has
arrived even if they read signs in a bold manner
BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1
Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 8 of 12
BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

Stage 3: Righteous resistance: This is the next stage in the transformational

change in the organisation. The leader of the transformational change always
understands the fact that anger is expected and they must take the employees
through the anger.
Stage 4: Pleading: After the anger the next step is wishful thinking or bargaining
and this is normal at the same time this is also temporary

11. Explain how organisations can design and build responsiveness when change
happens in customer or market conditions. Write your answer in 200-250

It has been argued that companies can design and build responsiveness when
change takes place in the market or consumer conditions. Throwing light on the
above-mentioned discussion it can be said that responsiveness can be achieved
by various means in terms of combining knowledge and learning management
systems and approaches when change takes place. For instance, they can build
the operational responsiveness as it has the ability to respond to the altering
conditions of the marketplace and enabling the leaders to capitalize more on the
commercial opportunities that will be driving huge amount of efficiencies in their
companies and enhance the real time of the businesses. The responsiveness will
mainly act as an instrument for detecting change over the time. However,
adaptability is something that can be one of the main elements with regard to the
change process. It will be the strongest responsiveness by which companies will be
training the employees to fit in the situations during the new circumstances after
the change takes place. Arguably, the responsive companies are mainly designed
for learning and reacting quickly when the change happens in the market
conditions. In the concluding remarks of this section it can be also stated that the
responsiveness of the companies will also energise the workers for making sound
judgements during the change process.

BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1

Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 9 of 12
BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

12. Give examples of two workplace behaviours that should be avoided by


EXAMPLE 1- Dismissing the ideas and opinions of other people

EXAMPLE 2- Not delegating the work effectively as per the expertise

13. Explain how a manager can build trust and confidence in their team. Write
your answer in 50-100 words.

There are a lot of things that managers can do in terms of building confidence and
trust in their team. For instance- being honest and open about the changes that will
be impacting the team, effectively communicating by talking to the team like an
open-door policy, an also willing to help the team always.

14. Identify legislation relevant to your state or territory that ensures that bullying
does not occur in the workplace and explain the negative impact of bullying on
workplace relationships. Use 25 – 50 words.

The bullying legislation is Fair Work Act 2009 that prohibits bullying in the
workplaces and it is relevant to my territory (Bray & Stewart, 2013). Some of the
negative impact of bullying on the relationships of the workplace are anxiety
problems among the staffs, sleeping problems in the employees, panic attacks etc.

15. Identify and explain two (2) common workplace policies that assist in creating
effective workplace relations. Write your answer in 50-100 words.
BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1
Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 10 of 12
BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

Developing strong workplace policies always tend to enhance the relations. The
two most significant workplace policies that helps in creating efficient workplace
relations is the: harassment policy and anti-discrimination policy as they feel they
are being treated equally so it naturally enhances workplace relations and the code
of conduct policy that will ensure acceptable behaviours of individuals in a

16. Explain how a workplace Code of Conduct can assist in promoting positive
workplace relationships. Give an example to illustrate your answer. Write
your answer in 100-150 words.

The code of conduct is the legal document that is laid down by a company that
provides the guidelines in terms of the acceptable behaviours of individuals in a
company. Code of conduct promotes positive relationships in workplace by
establishing the values of the company that will be driving actions and the principle
that underlines decision making. Furthermore, code of conduct tend to articulate
the values the company wishes in terms of fostering in workers and leaders and by
doing this it defines proper behaviour. For instance, “respecting each other” by
doing this the companies can develop positive relationships among the workers.

Bolier, L., Ketelaar, S. M., Nieuwenhuijsen, K., Smeets, O., Gärtner, F. R., & Sluiter,
J. K. (2014).
Workplace mental health promotion online to enhance well-being of nurses and allied
health professionals: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Internet interventions,
1(4), 196-204.
Bray, M., & Stewart, A. (2013). From the arbitration system to the Fair Work Act: the
changing approach in Australia to voice and representation at work. Adel. L. Rev., 34,
BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1
Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 11 of 12
BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

Chlebikova, D., Misankova, M., & Kramarova, K. (2015). Planning of personal

development and succession. Procedia Economics and Finance, 26, 249-253.
Sethuraman, K., & Suresh, J. (2014). Effective leadership styles. International
Business Research, 7(9), p165.
Suwandana, I. G. M. (2019). Role of transformational leadership mediation: effect of
emotional and communication intelligence towards teamwork effectiveness.
International research journal of management, IT and social sciences, 6(2), 52-62.

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Date: __11__/_03____/_2021____

BSBLDR801 Learner Instructions 1

Version: 2.0
Implemented: 4th November 2019
To be reviewed: 4th November 2021
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 12 of 12

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