Theology of Work L. Gatawa

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Name: Calvez, Santiago Israel

Subject: Theology of Work

Instructor: Rev. Doc. Laurence Gatawa

Theology of Work Student Response Questions

Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Grant 1311

Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability. Your answers will
not be part of your ability. Your answers will not be part of your grade for the

course. The purpose of your answers is to help inform the Mustard Seed
Foundation as to how this class will be impacting your Life and your future

life work.
Please identify where you are or will be working:

In The Market place _______

As Pastor ________________

Or Both ”Both”

1. As a result of this course, did you experience a paradigm shift after being
exposed to a biblical theology of work through lecture, books and discussions?

Answer: Yes in myself, I could say that while reading books listen to the
instruction and lectures, I say may-self that my small knowledge of Bible with

regards to Theology of work is not clear and enough today that I focus on
this matter I could say I really satisfied and transform due to correct and

inline form of ideas and interpretation with regards to TOW or theology of

Work. It gives to me a lot of insight and ideas now a days because I open my

mind, before myself is closed what my own ideas and own knowledge that
what I only accept and do. But now its a big different perspectives and

systems that I think and do in order for me to cop-up the main reason and
why theology is so important, because theology of works gives as proper

understanding and knowing each individuals lifestyle in a different aspect of

works and responsibility in each individual life styles.

If so, what concrete ways do you plan to apply that learning

o In your personal life?
O In your ministry life?

0 In your work place?

0 In your understanding of Scripture?

Answer: For me I could say I can use this in all form of living, not only

in any form of works or personal life but as a whole, because TOW for
me is my new lifestyle that I can do and apply in any such form of
living both my life and my work and in any form of ministry and
teaching and preaching, in my living place where I go and do. I could
say all the time in my work either, in ministry or in my own personal
and family and anywhere I Go and Work, for me I always put and apply
TOW in proper and in a system that can be beneficial for all.
2. As an entrepreneurial and organizational leader, how will you
STEWARD (analyze and empower) the gifts, skills and callings of those
you lead?
Answer: For me first being a leader or entrepreneurial organization first
is to trained first the Managerial position, meaning those who acts as a
moderators, leaders, and managers are the first one to equipped and
acknowledge this systems and study carefully, with honesty, loyalty
and eagerness to show to others, or to apply in there own department
or a group of individuals she/or he manage. By means of personal
gifts, and skills in the process of the so called callings and likeness.
3. As an entrepreneurial and organizational leader, how will you
STEWARD (analyze and empower) your PERSONAL gifts, skills, roles
and callings?
Answer: Being a leader I steward my personal gifts, and skills, roles and
callings to them by means of what I know is that first is to show them
and applying it so that they will learn and understand me and step by
step feeding to them in a form of what I learned meaning what I do
and apply in my own life and show it to them and let apply in our own
organization not only finished on that organization but I also let it
brings to there own family and relatives and every members and
connected to that organizational ways must knows and affirm it as a
new lifestyle.
4. Because you are or will be called to the world of business, what is
the major change you will make to reflect the presence and rule of God
in your life while dealing with the powers and ethics of your business
Answer: For me either you engaged in secular or not there is no
deterrents among all all must be equal and fear in such situation but
we must know being a Christian being a leader and on that ways, I
should first study each situations and each life style of individuals and
the whole as an organization where I belong also, then I do it first to
my Friends where I go always with them during break time, lunch time
and in such a period of time that we together even in a work place as
long as our job is not to be affected, and it also can help to each
individual, because we know rules and the standard of of ethics and
business context, all of this most be in proper and if so all knows
about this I myself might ask to the Manager to have a small period of
time of allotted time to discuss and applying all of this in an
organization and can be helpful to all, or beneficial to each individual
in that organization.
5. If you are also called to the pastorate, as a result of this course,
what is the major change you will make in your leadership style or
pastoral ministry to bridge the gap experienced by those in your
congregation who are called to a Monday-Saturday work environment?
Answer:For me is the first steps I should do is to know all my members
situations and life style if I on that form of calling, each family each
individuals what work they have what form of job and in what
particular job they have in there on company, this is a very important
information you should know and learn to each members you have
because other even Saturdays and Sundays they have job or there
works are continued due to the needs of the company and work that
they have, like for an instance work as a cashiers in a grocery, security
guards, and even work in a call centers, this are the people that you
are going to have a meeting what are there day off or time out if they
could do in Saturday or evening in Sunday, so you must have a
meeting to this persons work in a different periods of days and time,
to met in one or two hours for theme to have there own form of
worship, in others word a working group worship. So that they can
also hear and have a worship as what the others done. Others even in
work they use by means of FM. Or radio sermon programs. It depends
upon a person who really wanted to hear and listen the word of God
or sermon on Sundays.
6. As you build your business plan to create a sustainable business,
what do you “plan” to do differently to sustain yourself by nourishing
your soul and spirit in your role as a business and pastoral (if you do
Answer: for me if God’s will give me this two role, I pray It will be
done for me, so that I can apply clearly and properly what I learn on
this course, because everything is in proper what I going to do is to
plan it properly and clearly, because being a manager in both system
its very hard but if God’s is with you and you make God first of all
everything follows, clearly and peacefully and management it in a
smooth way meaning God’s plan is what you follow and applying in
your daily business. You must trained and people that they really
interested and willing to do such task that can be useful for all this,
can only manage by proper planning, and managerial procedures and
guidelines to be applied in a different form of situations meaning a
trained individuals that can supervise, work faithfully, loyalty, and
honesty, people this can be done. Even you have two or more business
and ministry.
7. What would you like your pastor or church to do to help resource
you while you develop and run your business? If you are Pastor, what
kinds of discussion will you have with your business leaders to help
them understand their work outside the church is as important as your
work inside the church? If you are both a pastor and entrepreneurial
organization leaders, what does one side of your brain want to say to
the other side of your brain?
Answer: If so everything must be put in a proper ways meaning there
will be a proper planning, and if so much ahead of time your plan must
be always ready to do and being in a business you must have the so
call additional people or workers that it could be perform while you
just only give such ans instructions and systematic process that you
study that business while you are working as pastor must specially now
a days that we can easily connect and engaged in communication
systems and process or strategies. We can highly build or run a
business by applying and do such work if we just only have a
systematic process or strategies to follow, that forms must be carefully
studied and run and terms of Faith and trusting in God with honest
and Loyalty to each individuals heart and to God.
But being a pastor and at the same time business manager, you should
think and make a plans that each individual in your church and in your
business also in a different views must knows their own task and
duties and obligation in both ways, yes if all of your workers or
employee, or workers are also your church members it so good
because you can easily manage them each of them has a task in
business and in the church either you should have three form of
worship or two it depends upon the schedules of workers that you
have but being a pastor’ you have also a part to nurture them properly
not only in business enterprise but the must relationship, connection
with Christ and the needs also of our church.
This are the things that we should know and considers that there is a
way in each ways don’t thinks a division between the two but being a
leader in both mist have a proper managerial responsibilities
obligations and strategies that that sought to apply in any aspect of
business and enterprises, being a manager we must know how to
manage or time properly and concretely in proper.
Sorry po sir thank you so much for your concern and helpful to me.. God
Bless you more and always I pray for your family a Good condition and good
life always.
Again salamat Po!!!….

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