Eng 105

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Read the letter given below, between a parent and the school principal
about a littering issue on school playgrounds. Re-write the entire letter
using formal language to correct:

Yo! Mr Sexton,

Steve! My friend! How’s things? I’m not all that happy, TBH. It’s totally an issue for me, and
I reckoned letting you know what’s bugging me is the best thing for me, so I sat down and
wrote asap to get you on the same page as me, you know, about the stuff I’m real upset on. In
a nutshell, my headache is the litter on the school playground that’s been a nightmare for us
to deal with. I am writing to complain about the state of the playground where my kids hang
out every day. Over the last two weeks, I’ve been noticing loads of rubbish and crap and
totally unsafe stuff lying around that random littleplay area for the kids.

I guess this litter is a health hazard. For example, yesterday a year 4 boy fell over and cut his
hand on a broken bottle. The boy I’m talking about needed four stitches, the poor kid was
bawling and crying his eyes out and my wife was real angry as our own kid could have been
hurt, too you know? It’s too bad.

On top of this, the litter is UGLY. Our school has such awesome, totally beautiful views of the
river and that’s, like ruined by the stuff everywhere. I mean, man, honestly, it’s not a good
look for the school.I reckon there are about a hundred things that you could do, if you got
interested to fix this problem. If you deal with the small stuff you’ll be surprised at how the
big stuff just goes away as big issues.

Firstly, I’d say it’s a good idea to purchase additional litterbins. You should think about this,
and get in touch with me cause I have a good deal on these and I’d set you up with a sweet
price for them. This would stop random ppl from tossing their garbage willy-nilly. What’s
more, I think that our school is dying to get a better security guy or even,like, a team of
trained dudes to prevent all those evil, horrible vandals from littering and leaving dangerous
stuff for the kids to trip over or cut their little paws on.

To finish, I hope you will take my concerns seriously. I hope you’ll be awesome and shout
back and drop me a line to put me in the picture on what you guys decide on re. this situation.
Love to your family/kids!

Thanks a lot dude!

Micheal (Mike) Kingston

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