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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul English for Personal Communication

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal Letter
2. Invitation Text
3. Announcement Text
4. Advertisement Text
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 1. Personal Letter is a type of letter which
dan definisi) di modul ini concerns about personal matter, and it is
addressed to a person who is known well.
2. Language features of personal letter
are : 1. focus on exchanging personal
current news, feelings, and conditions, 2.
use of pronouns, simple present tense,
and past tense, 3. Use of date and
address, 4. Informal greetings or
3. Invitation Letter is a document that
presents a formal request for the
presence of an individual, a group of
people or an organization at an event.
4. The Invitation is defined as a written or
spoken request to come to an event such
as party, a meal, or a meeting.
5. The invitation is devided into written
form and spoken form which function to
request someone to join an event.
6. The written form of invitation can be in
the form letter or card which is printed on
paper or send via mail or email.
7. An invitation may be formal or informal,
and it can also be printed form or soft file
sent via email.
8. An Announcement is a statement made
to the public or to the media which gives
informations about something that has
happened or that will happen.
9. An announcement in a public place, as
newspaper or the window of a shop, is a
short piece of writing telling people about
10. An Announecement can be spoken
and written form.
11. Advertisement is a mean
communication with the users of a
product or service.
12. Advertisements are messages paid
for by those who send them and are
intendeed to inform or influence people
who receive them.
13. Advertising , namely a paid, non
personal communication laying emphasis
on promotion and visual as well as oral
presentation of the sales message.
13. Coherence is what makes a text
semantically meaningful
14. Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical
relationship within a text or sentence
2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. Memilih kata – kata yang tepat dan
dipahami di modul ini menarik dalam penulisan advertisement
supaya pembaca tertarik dengan produk
atau services yang ditawarkan dalam
3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Menganalisa perbedaan dan persamaan
mengalami miskonsepsi secara kontekstual dari personal letter,
invitation, announcement, and
advertisement texts yang berhubungan
dengan lexicogrammatical features

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