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1. A new facility has to be designed to do all 4. Match List I with List II and select the
the welding for 3 products: A, B and C. correct answer :
Per unit welding time for each product is List I
20 s, 40 s and 50 s respectively. Daily A. Decision making under complete
demand forecast for product A is 450, for certainty
B is 360 and for C is 240. A welding line B. Decision making under risk
can operate efficiently for 220 minutes a
C. Decision making under complete
day. Number of welding lines required is
a. 5
D. Decision making based on expert
b. 4 opinion
c. 3 List II
d. 2 1. Delphi approach
2. Consider the following statements: 2. Maximax criterion
Control chart for variables provides the 3. Transportation model
1. basic variability of the quality 4. Decision tree
2. consistency of performance.
a. 3 4 1 2
3. number of products falling outside the
b. 4 3 2 1
tolerance limits.
c. 3 4 2 1
Which of these statements are correct?
d. 4 3 1 2
a. 1, 2 and 3
5. During manufacture of cement, the
b. 1 and 2
handling of limestone is done by
c. 2 and 3
a. belt conveyor
d. 1 and 3
b. bucket conveyor
3. Match List I with List II and select the
c. overhead crane
correct answer:
d. fork-lift crane
List I (OR- technique)
6. Consider the following statements
A. Branch and Bound technique
regarding linear programming:
B. Expected value approach
1. Dual of a dual is the primal.
C. Smoothing and Levelling
2. When two minimum ratios of the right-
D. Exponential distribution hand side to the coefficient in the key
List II (Model) column are equal, degeneracy may
1. PERT and CPM take place.
2. Integer programming 3. When an artificial variable leaves the
3. Queuing theory basis, its column can be deleted from
4. Decision theory he subsequent Simplex tables.
A B C D Select the correct answer from the codes
a. 2 1 4 3 given below:
b. 2 4 1 3 a. 1, 2 and 3
c. 3 4 1 2 b. 1 and 2
d. 3 1 4 2 c. 2 and 3
d. 1 and 3

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7. Latest start time of an activity in CPM is For the given flowchart, if input X = 3,
the then the printed value of SUM is
a. latest occurrence time of the successor a. 12
event minus the duration of the activity b. 39
b. earliest occurrence time for the c. 120
predecessor event plus the duration of d. 363
the activity 11. Which of the following hand-motion
c. latest occurrence time of the successor belongs to Therbligs’ in motion study ?
event 1. Unavoidable delay
d. earliest occurrence time for the 2. a Pre-position
predecessor event
3. Select
4. Reach
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below :
a. 1 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4
For the network shown in the given figure, 12. Which one of the following combinations
the earliest expected completion time of is valid for product layout?
the project is a. General purpose machine and skilled
a. 26 days labour
b. 27 days b. General purpose machine and
c. 30 days unskilled labour
d. indeterminable c. Special purpose machine and
semiskilled labour
9. Arrivals at a telephone booth are
considered to be according to Poisson d. Special purpose machine and skilled
distribution, with an average time of 10 labour
minutes between one arrival and the next. 13. Match List I with List II and select the
The length of a phone call is assumed to be correct answer:
distributed exponentially with mean of 3 List I
minutes. The probability that a person A. OC curve
arriving at the booth will have to wait, is B. AOQL
a. 3/10 C. Binomial distribution
b. 7/10 D. Normal curve
c. 7/30 List II
d. 13/30 1. Acceptance sampling
10. 2. Dodge Romig table
3. p-charts
4. Control charts for variables
a. 1 2 3 4
b. 1 3 2 4
c. 4 2 3 1
d. 4 3 2 1
14. Dispatching function of production,
planning & control is
a. the dispatch of finished goods on order

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b. the movement of in-process material 3. For cutting keyways in shafts
from shop to shop 4. For drilling large diameter holes
c. authorising a production work order to A B C D
be launched a. 1 3 2 4
d. the dispatch of bills and invoice to the b. 4 3 2 1
customers c. 1 2 3 4
15. Match List I with List II and select the d. 4 2 3 1
correct answer:
18. Dry and compressed air is used as cutting
List I (Charts) fluid for machining
A. Standard process Sheet a. steel
B. Multiple activity chart b. aluminium
C. Right and left hand operation chart c. cast iron
D. SIMO chart d. brass
List II (Operations/Informations) 19. For cutting of brass with single-point
1. Operations involving assembly and cutting tool on a lathe, tool should have
inspection without machine a. Negative rake angle
2. Operations involving the combination b. positive rake angle
of men and machines
c. zero rake angle
3. Work measurement
d. zero side relief angle
4. Basic information for routing
20. Power consumption in metal cutting is
mainly due to
a. tangential component of the force
a. 4 3 1 2
b. longitudinal component of the force
b. 1 2 4 5
c. normal component of the force
c. 1 3 4 2
d. friction at the metal-toot interface
d. 4 2 1 5
21. In a shaper machine, the mechanism for
16. If  is the rake angle of the cutting tool,  tool feed is
is the shear angle and V is the cutting
a. Geneva mechanism
velocity, then the velocity of chip sliding
along the shear plane is given by b. Whitworth mechanism
V cos  c. Ratchet and Pawl mechanism
a. d. Ward-Leonard system
cos(   )
22. Match List I with List II and select The
V sin  correct answer:
cos(   ) List I (Components)
V cos  A. Car body (metal)
sin(   ) B. Clutch lining
V sin  C. Gears
sin(   ) D. Engine block
17. Match List I with List II and select the List II (Manufacturing Processes)
correct answer : 1. Machining
List I (Cutting Tools) 2. Casting
A. Trepanning tool 3. Sheetmetal pressing
B. Side milling cutter 4. powder metallurgy
C. Hob cutter A B C D
D. Abrasive sticks a. 3 4 2 1
List II (Applications) b. 4 3 1 2
1. For surface finishing by honing c. 4 3 2 1
2. for machining gears d. 3 4 1 2

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23. The marking on a grinding wheel is ‘51 A d. surface tension of the molten metal
36’ L 5 V 93’. The code ‘36’ represents 31. In manual arc welding, the equipment
the should have drooping characteristics in
a. Structure order to maintain the
b. Grade a. voltage constant when arc length
c. Gain size changes
d. Manufacturer’s number b. current constant when arc length
24. In the forging operation, fullering is done changes
to c. temperature in the arc constant
a. draw out the, material d. weld pool red-hot
b. bend the material 32. In arc welding, dc. reverse polarity is used
c. upset the material to bear greater advantage in
d. extrude the material a. overhead welding
25. The main purpose of chaplets is b. flat welding of lap joints
a. to ensure directional solidification c. edge welding
b. to provide efficient venting d. flat welding of butt joints
c. for aligning the mold boxes 33. Which of the following assumptions are
d. to support the cores correct for cold rolling ?
26. Scrab is a 1. The material is plastic.
a. sand casting defect 2. The arc of contact is circular with a
radius greater than the radius of the
b. maching defect
c. welding defect
3. Coefficient of friction is contact over
d. forging defect the arc of contact and acts in one
27. Specific cutting energy is more in grinding direction throughout the arc of contact.
process compared to turning because Select the correct answer using the codes
a. grinding (cutting) speed is higher given below:
b. the wheel has multiple cutting edges a. 1 and 2
(grains) b. 1 and 3
c. ploughing force is significant due to c. 2 and 3
small chip size
d. 1, 2 and 3
d. grinding wheel undergoes continuous
34. A strip is to be rolled from a thickness of
30 mm to 15 mm using a two-high mill
28. The maximum heat in resistance, welding having rolls of diameter 300 mm. The
is at the coefficient of friction for unaided bite
a. tip of the positive electrode should nearly be
b. tip of the negative electrode a. 0.35
c. top surface of the plate at the time of b. 0.5
electric contact with the electrode c. 0.25
d. interface between the two plates being d. 0.07
35. Which of the following statements are the
29. Arc blow is more common in salient features of hydrostatic extrusion?
a. a.c. welding 1. It is suitable for soft and ductile
b. d.c. welding with straight polarity material.
c. d.c. welding with bare electrodes 2. It is suitable for high-strength super-
d. a.c. welding with bare electrodes alloys
30. Pinch effect in welding is the result of 3. The billet is inserted into the extrusion
a. expansion of gases in the arc chamber and pressure is applied by a
b. electromagnetic forces ram to extrude the ballet through the
c. electric force die.

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4. The billet is inserted into the extrusion d. alloy steels
chamber where it is surrounded by 42. For the same internal diameter, wall
suitable liquid. The billet is extruded thickness, material and internal pressure,
through the die by aping pressure to the ratio of maximum stress, induced in a
the liquid. thin cylindrical and in a thin spherical
Select the correct answer using tie codes pressure vessel will be
given below: a. 2
a. 1 and 3 b. 1/2
b. 1 and 4 c. 4
c. 2 and 3 d. 1/4
d. 2 and 4 43. Nodular grey cast iron is obtained from the
36. The spindle speed range in a general- grey cast iron by adding a small amount of
purpose lathe is divided info steps which a. Manganese
approximately follow b. Phosphorus
a. arithmetic progression c. Magnesium
b. geometric progression d. Chromium
c. harmonic progression 44. Wire diameter, mean coil diameter and
d. logarithmic progression number of turns of a closely-coiled steel
37. The Indexing of the turret in a single spring are d, D and N respectively and
spindle automatic lathe as done using stiffness of the spring is K. A second
a. Geneva mechanism spring is made of same steel but with wire
b. Ratchet and Pawl mechanism diameter, mean coil diameter and number
c. Rack and pinion mechanism of turns 2d, 2D and 2N respectively. The
stiffness of the new spring is
d. Whitworth mechanism
a. K
38. Martensite is a super-saturated solution of
carbon in b. 2K
a. alpha iron c. 4K
b. beta iron d. 8K
c. gamma iron 45. Which one of the following pairs of axis
lengths (a, b, c) and interaxial angles
d. delta iron
(,,) represents the tetragonal crystal
39. Which one of the following sets of system ?
elements are quick-acting clamping
elements for fixtures? a. a = b = c ;  =  =  = 90o
a. Wedge and Cam b. a = b  c ;  =  =  = 90o
b. Cam and Toggle c. a  b  c ;  =  =  = 90o
c. Toggle and Wedge d. a = b = c ;  =  =   90o
d. Wedge, Cam and toggle 46. Consider the following quenching media :
40. The correct sequence of creep deformation 1. Oil
in a creep curve in order of their 2. Water
elongation is 3. Water + NaOH
a. steady state, transient, accelerated 4. Brine
b. transient, steady state, accelerated The correct sequence of these media in
c. transient, accelerated, steady state order of increasing hardness of steel
d. accelerated, steady state, transient undergoing heat treatment is
41. Oxyacetylene reducing flame is used while a. 1, 3, 2, 4
carrying out the welding on b. 2, 1, 3, 4
a. mild steel c. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. high carbon steel d. 4, 3, 2, 1
c. grey cast iron

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47. Two identical springs labelled as  and c. 55 MPa
 are arranged in series and subjected to d. 60 MPa
force F as shown in the given figure 53. The Poisson’s ratio of a material which has
Young’s modulus of 120 GPa and shear
modulus of 50 GPa, is
a. 0.1
b. 0.2
Assume that each spring constant is K.
c. 0.3
The strain energy stored in spring  is
d. 0.4
a. F2/2K
54. Bending moment distribution in a built
b. F2/4K
beam is shown in the given figure
c. F2/8K
d. F2/16K
48. A rod having cross-sectional area 100 
10–6 m2 is subjected to a tensile load.
Based on the Tresca failure criterion, if the
uniaxial yield stress of the material is 200 The shear force distribution in the beam is
MPa, the failure load is represented by
a. 10 kN a.
b. 20 kN
c. 100 kN
d. 200 kN
49. If diameter of a long column is reduced by b.
20%, the percentage of reduction in Euler
buckling load is
a. 4
b. 36 c.
c. 49
d. 59
50. With one fixed end and other free end, a
column of length L buckles at load P1.
Mother column of same length and same
cross-section fixed at both ends buckles
Vat load P2. The ratio of P2/P1 is
a. 1
b. 2 55. A thick cylinder is subjected to internal
c. 4 pressure of 100 N/mm2. If hoop stress
d. 16 developed at the outer radius of the
cylinder is N/mm2, the hoop stress
51. In a two-dimensional problem, the state of
developed at the inner radius is
pure shear at a point is characterized by
a. 100 N/mm2
a. x = y and xy = 0
b. 200 N/mm2
b. x = –y and xy  0
c. 300 N/mm2
c. x = 2y and xy  0
d. 400 N/mm2
d. x = 0.5 y and xy = 0 56. The outside diameter of a hollow shaft is
52. The principal stresses 1 , 2 and 3 at a twice that of its inside diameter. The
point respectively are 80 MPa, 30 MPa torque-carrying capacity of this shaft is
and —40 MPa. The maximum shear stress Mt1. A solid shaft of the same material has
is the diameter equal to the outside diameter
a. 25 MPa of the hollow shaft. The solid shaft can
b. 35 MPa

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carry a torque of Mt2. The ratio Mt1 / Mt2 B. Alpha-Iron
is C. Silver
a. 15/16 D. Zinc
b. 3/4 List II
c. 1/2 1. Body-centered cubic
d. 1/16 2. Hexagonal close packed
57. Which one of the following pairs is 3. Simple cubic
correctly matched? 4. Face-centered cubic
a. Solid solution strengthening : A B C D
Increasing density of dislocations a. 3 2 4 1
b. Dispersion-hardening : Creating b. 4 1 3 2
strained region in the crystal
c. 4 2 3 1
c. Strain-hardening : Creating particles to
d. 3 1 4 2
resist the movement of dislocations
63. Which of the following factors govern
d. Precipitation-hardening : Creating
solubility of two non-ferrous metals both
particles by decreasing solubility of
in liquid state, as well as in solid state?
one phase in another
1. Crystal structure
58. The alloy steel designed as 40 Cr 18 Ni 2
by Bureau of Indian Standard contains 2. Relative size factor
a. 0.4% C, 18% Cr and 2% Ni 3. Chemical-affinity factor
b. 4.0% C, 1.8% Cr and 0.2% Ni 4. Relative valence factor
c. 0.4% C, 1.8% Cr and 2% Ni Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
d. 0.4% C, 1.8% Cr and 0.2% Ni
a. 1, 2 and 3
59. Tempering’ of quenched martensitic steel
is necessary to improve the b. 2, 3 and 4
a. hardness of the metal c. 1 and 4
b. surface texture of the metal d. 1, 2, 3 arid 4
c. corrosion resistance of the metal 64. A body having weight of 1000 N is
dropped from a height of 10 cm over a
d. ductility of the metal
close-coiled helical spring of stiffness 200
60. The molecular weight of vinyl chloride is N/cm. The resulting deflection of spring is
62.5. Thus the molecular weight of a nearly
polyvinyl chloride with a degree of
a. 5 cm
polymerisation of 20000 is
b. 16 cm
a. 20000/62.5
c. 35 cm
b. 62.5/20000
d. 100 cm
c. 62.5  20000
65. The diameter of shaft A is twice the
d. 20000
diameter of shaft B and both are made of
61. Carbide-tipped cuttin tools are the same material. Assuming both the
manufactured by powder-metal technology shafts to rotate at the same speed, the
process and have a composition of maximum power transmitted by B is
a. Zirconium-Tungsten (35%-65%) a. the same as that of A
b. Tungsten carbide-Cobalt (90% - 10%) b. half of A
c. Aluminium oxide-Silica (70%-30%) c. 1/8 th of A
d. Nickel-Chromium-Tungsten (30% - d. 1/4 th of A
15% - 55%)
66. The given figure (all dimensions are in
62. Match List I (Name of the Element) with mm) shows an I-section of the beam
list II (Crystal Structure) and select the
correct answer :
List I
A. Fluorspar

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A short column of symmetric cross-section
made of symmetric cross-section made of
a brittle material is subjected to an
eccentric vertical load P at an eccentricity
e. To avoid tensile stress in the short
co1umn the eccentricity e should be less
than or equal to
a. h/12
The shear stress at point P (very close to b. h/6
the bottom of the flange) is 12 MPa. The c. h/3
stress at point Q in the web (very close to d. h/2
the flange) is 70. A thin cylindrical shell is subjected to
a. indeterminable due to incomplete data internal pressure p. The Poisson’s ratio of
b. 60 MPa the material of the shell is 0.3. Due to
c. 18 MPa tntem1 pressure the shell is subjected to
d. 12 MPa circumferential strain and axial strain. The
ratio of circumferential strain to axial
67. A close-coiled helical spring is made of 5
strain is
mm diameter wire coiled to 50 mm mean
diameter. Maximum shear stress in the a. 0.425
spring under the action of an axial force is b. 2.25
20 N/mm2. The maximum shear stress in a c. 0.225
spring made of 3 mm diameter wire coiled d. 4.25
to 30 mm mean diameters under the action 71. A cantilever of length L, moment of
of the same force will be nearly intertia I, Young’s modulus E carries a
a. 20 N/mm2 concentrated load W at the middle of its
b. 33.3 N/mm2 length. The slope of cantilever at the free
c. 55.6 N/mm2 end is
d. 92.6 N/mm2 a. WL2/2EI
68. A horizontal beam carrying uniformly b. WL2/4EI
distributed load is supported with equal c. WL2/8EI
overhangs as shown in the given figure d. WL2/16EI
72. When the intensity of pressure is uniform
in a flat pivot bearing of radius r, the
friction force is assumed to act at
resultant bending moment at the mid-span a. R
shell be zero if a/b is b. r/2
a. 3/4 c. 2r/3
b. 2/3 d. r/3
c. 1/2 73. Consider a harmonic motion x = 1.25 sin
d. 1/3 (5t – /6) cm. Match List I with List II and
69. select the correct answer ?
List I
A. Amplitude (cm)
B. Frequency (cycle/s)
C. Phase angle (rad)
D. Time period (s)
List II
1. 5/2
2. 1.25
3. 1/5

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4. /6 1. Tangential acceleration is a function of
A B C D angular velocity and the radial
a. 4 1 2 3 acceleration is a function of angular
b. 2 3 4 1
2. The resultant acceleration of a point A
c. 4 3 2 1
with respect to a point B on a rotating
d. 2 1 4 3 link is perpendicular to AB.
74. Which of the following pairs of devices 3. The direction of the relative velocity of
and their functions are correctly matches ? a point A with respect to a point B on a
1. Flywheel : For storing kinetic energy rotating link is perpendicular to AB.
2. Governors : For controlling speeds Which f these statements is/ate correct?
3. Lead screw in lathe : For providing a. 1 alone
feed to the slides b. 2 and 3
4. Fixtures : For locating workpiece and c. 1 and 2
guiding tools
d. 3 alone
Select the correct answer using the codes
78. Consider the following statements :
given below:
In petrol engine mechanism, the piston at
a. 1, 3 and 4
its dead centre position when piston
b. 2 and 3
1. acceleration is zero.
c. 1 and 2
2. acceleration is maximum.
d. 2 and 4
3. velocity is zero.
75. Match List I with List II and select the
4. velocity is infinity.
correct answer:
Which of these statements are correct?
(Notations have their usual meanings)
a. 1 and 4
List I
b. 1 and 3
A. Law of correct steering
c. 2 and 3
B. Displacement relation of Hooke’s joint
d. 2 and 4
C. Relation between kinematic pairs and
links 79. The speed of driving shaft of a Hooke’s
joint of angle 19.50 (given sin 19.5° = .33,
D. Displacement equation of reciprocating
cos 19.5° = 9.4) is 500 r.p.m. The
engine piston
maximum speed of the driving shaft is
A B C D nearly
a. 1 4 3 2 a. 168 r.p.m.
b. 1 2 3 4 b. 444 r.p.m.
c. 3 4 1 2 c. 471 r.p.m.
d. 3 2 1 4 d. 531 r.p.m.
76. Force required to accelerate a cylindrical 80. The given figure shows the Klein’s
body which rolls without slipping on a construction for acceleration of the slider-
horizontal plane (mass of cylindrical body crank mechanism
is m, radius of the cylindrical surface in
contact with plane is r, radius of gyration
of body is k and acceleration of the body is
a is
a. m (k2/r2 + 1). a
b. (mk2 / r2) . a
c. mk2 . a
d. (mk2 / r + 1). a
77. Consider the following statements Which one of the following quadrilaterals
regarding motions in machines: represents the required acceleration

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b. OPST c. Jeq = 0.1 J
c. ORWT d. Jeq = 100J
d. ORPT 86. Match List I with List II and select the
81. The spigot of a cotter joint has a diameter correct answer :
of D and carries a slot for cotter. The List I
permissible crushing stress is x times the A. Cam and follower
permissible tensile stress for the material B. Screw pair
of spigot where x > 1. The joint carries an
axial load P. Which one of the following C. 4-bar mechanism
equations will give the diameter of the D. Degree of freedom of planar
spigot? mechanism
List II
P x 1
a. D  2 1. Grubler’s rule
 t x
2. Grashof’s linkage
P x 1 3. Pressure angle
b. D  2
 t x 4. Single degree of freedom
2 P x 1 A B C D
c. D  a. 3 4 2 1
 t x
b. 1 2 4 3
d. D  x 1 c. 1 4 2 3
 t d. 3 2 4 1
82. The screw and nut in a broaching machine 87. Consider the following statements :-
are changed from square thread to Acme When two gears are meshing, the
thread. The power requirement of the clearance is given by the
machine at the same r.p.m. will
1. difference between dedendum of one
a. remain same gear and addendum of the mating gear.
b. decrease 2. difference between total and the
c. increase working depth of a gear tooth.
d. depend on the operator 3. distance between the bottom land of
83. The creep in a belt drive is due to the one gear and the top land of the mating
a. material of the pulleys gear.
b. material of the belt 4. difference between the radii of the base
c. unequal size of the pulleys circle and the dedendum circle.
d. unequal tension on tight and slack Which of these statements are correct?
sides of the belt a. 1, 2 and 3
84. The designation 6  7 of a wire rope b. 2, 3 and 4
means c. 1, 3 and 4
a. 6 wires d. 1, 2 and 4
b. 7 wires 88. A body of mass m and radius of gyration k
c. 13 wires is to be replaced by two mass m1 and m2
d. 42 wires located at distances h1 and h2 from the CO
of the origina1 body. An equivalent
85. A servomotor is connected through a gear dynamic system will result, if
ratio of 10 (i.e. motor speed: load side
speed = 10 : 1) to a load having moment of a. h1 + h2 = k
inertia J. The equivalent parameter b. h 12 + h 22 = k2
referred to motor shaft side is c. h1h2 = k2
a. jeq = 0.01 J
d. h1h 2 = k2
b. Jeq = 10 J

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89. Match list I with List II and select the A. 6 d.o.f. system
correct answer: B. 1 d.o.f. system
List I C. 2 d.o.f. system
A. Undercutting D. Multi d.o.f. system
B. Addendum List II
C. Lewis equation 1. Vibrating beam
D. Worm and wheel 2. Vibration absorber
List II 3. A rigid body in space
1. Beam strength 4. Pure rolling of a cylinder
2. Interference A B C D
3. Large speed reduction a. 1 2 4 3
4. Intersecting axes b. 1 4 2 3
5. Module c. 3 2 4 1
A B C D d. 3 4 2 1
a. 2 5 1 3 93. A shaft carries a weight W at the centre.
b. 1 5 4 3 The CG of the weight is displaced by an
c. 1 3 4 5 amount e from the axis of the rotation. If y
d. 2 3 1 5 is the additional displacement of the CG
from the axis of rotation due to the
90. The natural frequency of transverse centrifugal force, then the ratio of y to e
vibration of a mass-less beam of length L
(where c the critical speed of Shaft and 
having a mass m attached at its midspan is
is the angular speed of shaft) is given by
given by (EI is the flexural rigidity of the
beam) 1
 c 
 mL3  2     1
a.   rad/s
 48 EI  1
1 b.
 c 
 48mL3  2
b.   rad/s     1
 EI 
 
 48 EL  2 c.  c   1
c.  3 
rad/s  
 mL 

1 d.
 3EL   c 

    1
d.  3  rad/s
 mL 
91. A ball-bearing is characterized by basic 94. In a simple gear train, if the number of
static capacity = 11000 N and dynamic idler gears is odd, then the direction of
capacity = 18000 N. This bearing is motion of driven gear will
subjected to equivalent static load = 5500 a. be same as that of the driving gear
N. The bearing loading ratio and life in
b. be opposite to that of the driving gear
million revolutions respectively are
c. depend upon the number of teeth on
a. 3.27 and 52.0
the driving gear
b. 3.27 and 35.0
d. depend upon the total number of teeth
c. 2.00 and 10.1 on all gears of the train
d. 1.60 and 4.1 95. When a vehicle travels on a rough road
92. Match List I with List II and select the whose undulations can be assumed to be
correct answer sinusoidal, the resonant conditions of the
List I

12 of 14
base-excited vibrations, are determined by inner front wheel for correct steering will
the be
a. mass of the vehicle stiffness of the a. 600
suspension spring, speed of the b. cot–1 2.23
vehicle, wavelength of the roughness c. cot–1 1.23
d. 300
b. speed of the vehicle only
100. Match list I (Properties) with list II (Units)
c. speed of the vehicle and the stiffness of and select the correct answer:
the suspension spring
List I
d. amplitude of the undulations
A. Dynamic viscosity
96. During torsional vibration of a shaft, the
node is characterized by the B. Kinematic viscosity
a. maximum angular velocity C. Torsional stiffness
b. maximum angular displacement D. Modulus of rigidity
c. maximum angular acceleration List II
d. zero angular displacement 1. Pa
97. Match List I (Bearings) with List II 2. m2/ s
(Applications) and select the correct 3. N s / m2
answer : 4. Nm
List I 5. N/m
A. Cylindrical roller A B C D
B. Ball-bearing a. 3 2 4 1
C. Taper rolling bearing b. 5 2 4 3
D. Angular contact ball-bearing c. 3 4 2 3
List II d. 5 4 2 1
1. Radial loads 101. In a multi-plate clutch with no number of
2. Machine needs frequent dismantling outer discs and ni number of inner discs,
and assembling the number of pairs of active surfaces is
3. Radial loads with lesser thrust a. ni + no
4. Shock loads b. ni + no + 1
5. Axial expansion of shaft due to rise in c. ni + no – 1
temperature d. ni + no – 2
A B C D 102. A full journal bearing having clearance to
a. 4 3 1 5 radius ratio of 1/100, using a lubricant
b. 1 3 2 5 with  = 28  10–3 Pa s supports the shaft
journal running at N = 2400 r.p.m. If
c. 4 1 2 3
bearing pressure is 1.4 MPa, the
d. 5 4 1 3 Sommerfeld number is
98. A system has viscous damped output. a. 8  10–3
There is not steady- state lag if input is
b. 8  10–5
a. unit step displacement
c. 0.48
b. step velocity
d. 0.48  10–2
c. harmonic
103. A sliding contact bearing is operating
d. step velocity with error-rate damping
under stable condition. The pressure
99. A motor car has wheel base of 280 cm and developed in oil film is p when the journal
the pivot distance of front stub axles is 140 rotates at N r.p.m. The dynamic viscosity
cm. When the outer wheel has turned of lubricant is  and effective coefficient
through 30°, the angle of the turn of the of friction between bearing and journal of
diameter D is f. Which one of the

13 of 14
following statements is correct for the b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
bearing? the correct explanation of A
a. f is directly proportiona1 to  and p c. A is true but R is false
b. f is directly proportional to  and N d. A is false but R is true
c. f is inversely proportional to p and D 108. Assertion (A) : The supply of fuel is
d. f is directly proportional to  and automatically regulated by governor
inversely proportional to n. accordingly to the engine speed.
104. In a slider-crank mechanism, the Reason (R) : The automatic function is the
maximum acceleration of slider is obtained application of d’Alembert’s principle.
when the crank is a. Both A and R are true and R is the
a. at the inner dead centre position correct explanation of A
b. at the outer dead centre position b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. exactly midway position between the
two dead centres c. A is true but R is false
d. slightly in advance of the midway d. A is false but R is true
position between the two dead centres 109. Assertion (A) : For similar materials
105. Assertion (A) : There is a danger of having the same maximum permissible
locomotive wheels being lifted above rails tension. V- belt transmits more power than
at certain speeds. flat belt with same velocity ratio and
centre distance.
Reason (R) : Lifting of the locomotive
wheel above rails at certain speed is due to Reason (R) : As two sides of V-belt are in
gyroscopic action. contact with side faces of pulley groove,
larger contact area gives greater effective
a. Both A and R are true and R is the frictional force.
correct explanation of A
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT correct explanation of A
the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
c. A is true but R is false the correct explanation of A
d. A is false but R is true c. A is true but R is false
106. Assertion (A) : A statically and d. A is false but R is true
dynamically balanced system of multiple
rotors on a shaft can rotate smoothly even 110. Assertion (A) : In design of arms of a
at the ‘critical speeds’ of the system. pulley, in belt drive, the cross-section of
the aim is elliptical with minor axis placed
Reason (R) : Total balancing eliminates all along the plane of rotation.
the ‘in plane’ and ‘out of plane’
unbalanced forces of the system. Reason (R) : Arms of a pulley in belt drive
are subjected to complete reversal of
a. Both A and R are true and R is the stresses and is designed for bending in the
correct explanation of A plane of rotation.
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT a. Both A and R are true and R is the
the correct explanation of A correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
d. A is false but R is true the correct explanation of A
107. Assertion (A) : Inertia force always acts c. A is true but R is false
through the centroid of the body and is d. A is false but R is true
directed opposite to the acceleration of the
centroid. 111. Assertion (A) : In a boiler shell with
riveted construction, the longitudinal seam
Reason (R) : It has always a tendency to is jointed by butt joint.
retard the motion.
Reason (R) : A butt joint is stronger than a
a. Both A and R are true and R is the lap joint in a riveted construction.
correct explanation of A
14 of 14
a. Both A and R are true and R is the c. A is true but R is false
correct explanation of A d. A is false but R is true
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT 116. Assertion (A) : In Dodge Romig sampling
the correct explanation of A tables, the screening inspection of rejected
c. A is true but R is false lots is also included.
d. A is false but R is true Reason (R) : Dodge Romig plans are
112. Assertion (A) : Diamond tools can be used indexed at an LTPD of 10 percent.
at high speeds. a. Both A and R are true and R is the
Reason (R) : Diamond tools have very low correct explanation of A
coefficient of friction. b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
a. Both A and R are true and R is the the correct explanation of A
correct explanation of A c. A is true but R is false
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT d. A is false but R is true
the correct explanation of A 117. Assertion (A) : Time series analysis
c. A is true but R is false technique of sales-forecasting can be
d. A is false but R is true applied to only medium and short – range
113. Assertion (A) : Hard wheels are chosed for forecasting.
grinding hard metals. Reason (R) : Qualitative information
Reason (R) : In hard wheels only the about, the market is necessary for long-
abrasive grains are retained for long time. range forecasting.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the 118. In production, planning and control, the
correct explanation of A document which authorizes the start of an
operation on the shop floor is the
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A a. Dispatch order
c. A is true but R is false b. Route plan
d. A is false but R is true c. Loading chart
114. Assertion (A) : Buttress thread is a d. Schedule
modified square thread profile which is 119. In a study to estimate the idle time of a
employed on the lead screw of machine machine, out of 100 random observations
tools. the machine was found idle on 40
Reason (R) : Frequent engagement and observations. The total random
disengagement of lead screw for automatic observations required for 95% confidence
feed is not possible with perfect square level and ±5% accuracy are
threads, therefore, the square profile has to a. 384
be modified. b. 600
a. Both A and R are true and R is the c. 2400
correct explanation of A d. 9600
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT 120. Flow process chart contains
the correct explanation of A a. inspection and operation
c. A is true but R is false b. inspection, operation and
d. A is false but R is true transportation
115. Assertion (A) : No separate feed motion is c. inspection, operation, transportation
required during broaching. and delay
Reason (R) : The broaching machines are d. inspection, operation, transportation,
generally hydraulically operated. delay and storage
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A

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