Would Be Ok. Happen

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Act 1 scene 1

John :Sneeze
Sarah:God bless you!(touches)him
(everyone going about with their daily activities,some youth are seen dancing in the club while
some are eating,while some are wooing ladies then sudden a painted man came in going about
,people started falling,Doctors seen crying patients,news going on-Headline -New discovered
pandemic -covid,some masking up ,while some are falling down)
Clinician: Hello is this Ms. McNally? I’m Dr. Back from the COVID-19 response team.
John: Hi.
Clinician: I understand your girlfriend has tested positive for COVID-19.
John: Yes. I’m very worried. I feel guilty that she got it in a nursing home. I thought that place
would be ok.
Clinician: Anyone would be worried. And there is no way you could have known this would
John: I suppose so.
Clinician: We May also need to test you
John: No,that can’t be possible i can’t be infected
Clinician: You....
John:(ends the call,we can see the painted man beside him,he falls and is being taken away by
some COVID-19 team)
News-Mr name is Mr Joshua Ajagbadi Coker Nwachuku,Welcome to channel news.The
excellency of our prestigious state has introduce a vaccine for the new pandemic and everyone
can go but to their Normal life..Thank you...

Scene 2

Bunmi:Perfect. (Well masked up)

Segun:Hello pretty girl(sneezed)
Bunmi(uses her hand sanitizer)
Sonia:that is bad manners bunmi ,you should have just told him bless you
Bunmi:No,this post-covid era has affected our physical socialization but has improved our
online networking ,anyone who wants to meet with me should meet me online, this is a new
era ,let’s develop the technology in our generation, this is a new era dear

Scene 3
(A group of corpers having a meeting)
Leader:Corper wee
Corpers:Corpers was
Leader: It’s a pity we lost a lot of lives to this pandemic but thank God for the vaccination, I
hope we all have been vaccinated.
Corpers:Yes leader
Leader:In this post covid-19 era ,we have realized that our economy has fallen, we are here as
youth of this generation to discuss how we can help Our generation,i mean we the youth ,how
this covid has made impact in us...Does anyone have something to say ...
Speaker: (a lady on glasses who appears to be a medical doctor rises to speak) good day
everyone,during the lockdown,it gave me the opportunity of self discovery,i have come to
discover myself through the use of technology,i have discovered a lot of legal networking
business i could do online that can be of benefit to me and to my nation
(The cloud cheers)
Leader:Thank you,any other person
Speaker2:Appears like an engineer,covid 19 has helped me to become versatile ,in this post
covid 19 era ,due to the economic breakdown,i have learnt a lot of skills ,that has helped me
discover my hidden talents and now this skills has become of benefits to me,my family ,my
society and nation at large..
(Crowd cheers)
Leader:Thank you ,can we have one more person
Speaker:(Looks like a neat person)..The covid has made impact in me ,before COVID I
frequently suffer from severe cholera must times,i thought i would die(cries)today i can tell you
covid thought me and my society personal hygiene,it is now mandatory for everyone to be
neat,as you can see today ,i know sell Sanitizer and mask but for today am giving all of you,i
mean all of you for free..
(Crowd cheers)
Speaker:Wow covid must have made great impact in............(A painted man comes in,everyone
stands masked up ,sanitized and adhere to social distancing,points the sanitizer as a weapon,the
painted man falls)
Everyone speaks boldly in Unison: as youth can live successfully and outstandingly healthy if
we can mask up and sanitize always..
Speaker 1:We can kill covid through Vaccination
Speak 2:we can kill COVID through Sanitizing
Speaker 3:We can destroy covid by masking up always
Speaker 4:We can use this covid as an opportunity to enlighten ourselves as youth on
technology development
Speaker 5:we say no to covid
Speaker 6:We day Once we play our roles Youths in this post covid era by enlightenment
ourselves that anything can happen that can bring the world on a lockdown for months
Speaker 7: Then we need to use the watch word “Always prepare”
Speaker 8:Covid 19 has nothing than to connect the whole world both the illiterate and non
illiterate to technology and the more the world advance the more we get better
Everyone:Thank you
Light out

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