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Lahore University of Management Sciences, Department of Electrical Engineering

EE564 - Stochastic Systems

Fall 2018 (November 24, 2018)
Quiz 2 Solution

Name/ID: Time allowed: 25 minutes

Note. In order to receive full credit, provide clearly stated justifications for your solutions.

1. (5 points) Consider a sensor node placed uniformly in an annular region depicted in the figure below. More
specifically, for R1 < R2 , p
let the X and Y coordinate of the sensor be uniformly distributed in the annular
region described by R1 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ R2 , i.e.,
C R1 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ R2
fXY (x, y) = (1)
0 otherwise
where C is some constant.

(a) Determine the constant C.

(b) Determine the pdf of the sensor node distance from the origin.

(a) The area of the annular region is given by π(R22 − R12 ). Since the pdf should integrate to 1, we have
π(R22 − R12 )

(b) Let the distance from the origin be denoted by R. We have R = X 2 + Y 2 . In order to find the pdf of
R, we first calculate its cumulative distribution function. For R1 ≤ r ≤ R2 , we have (outside of this interval,
the cumulative distribution function is equal to 0 for r < R1 , and equal to 1 for r > R2 )

FR (r) = Pr (R ≤ r) = Pr X2 + Y 2 ≤ r
= √ fXY (x, y)dxdy
x2 +y 2 ≤r

Changing to polar coordinates, with z = x2 + y 2
Z 2π Z
FR (r) = zdzdθ
π(R22 − R12 ) 0 R1 ≤z≤r
1 1
2π r2 − R12

= 2 2
π(R2 − R1 ) 2
r2 − R12
R22 − R12

Thus, the pdf is given by

fR (r) = FR (r)
R22 −R12
R1 ≤ r ≤ R2
0 otherwise
2. (5 points) Consider the LMMSE estimation of Y from the observations of the random vector X = [X1 , . . . , XN ]T .
The estimate is given by Ŷ = aT X, where the N coefficients of the vector a are the solution to the following
N orthogonality conditions
E Y − aT X Xk = 0
k = 1, . . . , N.
Given that a satisfies the orthogonality conditions given above, show that
h 2 i
E Y − aT X ≤E Y2

Solution. Putting the orthogonality conditions in vector form we have

E Y − aT X X
⇒ E [Y X] − E a XX = 0
= E XaT X
⇒ E [Y X]

Furthermore, we have
h 2 i
Y − aT X = E Y 2 + (aT X)2 − 2aT XY
= E Y 2 + E (aT X)2 − 2aT E [XY ]

Substituting E [Y X] = E aT XX , we obtain

h 2 i
E Y − aT X = E Y 2 + E (aT X)2 − 2aT E XaT X

= E Y 2 − E (aT X)2

≤ E Y2 ,

where the last inequality is obtained from the fact that E (aT X)2 ≥ 0.

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