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Construction Project Management

2. Week 1

3. Compare and Contrast the Construction and Manufacturing Industries








Compare and Contrast the Construction and Manufacturing

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The Future of the Construction Industry9 min




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Play video starting at :: and follow transcript0:00

If we want to look at both processes here and try to do some comparison to 

understand what are the main differences, how that is different than this? 
First, if we can see here there is no 

designated purchaser for the manufacturing process.

Play video starting at ::22 and follow transcript0:22

Usually, when you manufacture a product, let's say, or 

chair, a piece of furniture, or even a laptop or an iPhone.

Play video starting at ::33 and follow transcript0:33

It is typically designed and produced with no purchaser in mind.

Play video starting at ::40 and follow transcript0:40

So what you do actually, you produce the product, then present it for sale.

Play video starting at ::49 and follow transcript0:49

Here in this point, advertising and 

marketing is very important to deliver the right 

message to the end user who will be using this product.

Play video starting at :1:6 and follow transcript1:06

So the commitment to purchase in the construction 

industry comes after the preliminary design.

Play video starting at :1:17 and follow transcript1:17

And actually, the seriousness from the client starts to increase more and more 

with time, until you sign the contract to start actually building the facilities and 

finishing the final design of the facility, or your construction project.

Play video starting at :1:37 and follow transcript1:37

This is one point. 

Another point, so if we, or 

before that, let's go back to the manufacturing process.

Play video starting at :1:48 and follow transcript1:48

I said the manufacturer needs to do a very good job, in the advertising and 

the marketing. 

In addition, they need to do their homework 

in developing a market study to find out if the size of the market itself,

Play video starting at :2:5 and follow transcript2:05

before they start the production, is good size for them, profitable or not.

Play video starting at :2:12 and follow transcript2:12

Also, if the design of their initial product will be appealing to the customer. 

When you design a telephone or 

an iPhone or any kind of cellphone, You want to test the design 

many times with a lot of study to understand the customer needs. 

if it is a big screen, small screen, doubled on the right or 

on the left, wireless earpiece or wired one, and so on.

Play video starting at :2:46 and follow transcript2:46

Then to figure out how many units need to be manufactured. 

And in what industry, or, 

I'm sorry, in what locations from geographical locations? 

Are you targeting China, or USA, or specific eastern or western Europe, 

or certain types, maybe in the Middle East, north Africa, or even Africa itself?

Play video starting at :3:13 and follow transcript3:13

This is another point. 

Moreover, manufacturer, 

if we can see here also, silver products in several ways, actually.

Play video starting at :3:25 and follow transcript3:25

One, as I mentioned, go directly to that end user sometimes.

Play video starting at :3:31 and follow transcript3:31

Or it can go to the wholesalers and put it in outlet, could be, or 

to a retailer who then sell the product to the public or to the end user. 

Now, for the construction process, this can also be in a different ways. 

But usually, I'm talking about the basics, the foundation.

Play video starting at :3:56 and follow transcript3:56

It starts by the client comes to a designer or 

a consultant to expand them the idea. 

They start with an idea or a need.

Play video starting at :4:8 and follow transcript4:08

And then they explain that need, or the project. 

Then slowly the conceptual idea starts to develop of the project and 

the scope of the work.

Play video starting at :4:21 and follow transcript4:21

Actually, let's think a little bit in the old days.

Play video starting at :4:26 and follow transcript4:26

Before even the manufacturing process advanced and became more automated.

Play video starting at :4:33 and follow transcript4:33

When you need to build unique products, like a piece of furniture lets say, 
you go to actually to a craftsman who you explain to them such 

a design that you want, like I want this specific table and 

then they craft it for you and deliver it for you.

Play video starting at :4:55 and follow transcript4:55

With time there is more and more advancements happen and 

we can more automated. 

That's why we have now this kind of a process which for 

later, we want to link the two processes together.

Play video starting at :5:11 and follow transcript5:11

Another point I want to highlight here. 

Purchases is made based on graphical and 

verbal description of the project and 

not the completed item itself.

Play video starting at :5:29 and follow transcript5:29

So the construction, you put the graphics, you put the plans, 

you put the contracts and then this is how you make the purchase of the project or 

the beginning of the purchase. 

The manufacturing, you'll have the completed item and 

then you made the purchase space on that. 

So you see the item displayed in the store before you purchasing it. 

If I want to have an iPhone, I can go to an Apple store. 

If I want to get a table or a piece of furniture, I might go, 

maybe at Walmart or Target, or a piece of electrical equipment, 

I can go to Best Buy or any other this kind of retailers or stores.

Play video starting at :6:16 and follow transcript6:16

Another point of difference is as I extend about the purchasing is the payment. 

This is very important.

Play video starting at :6:22 and follow transcript6:22

When to pay for the product, you pay way to the manufacturing. 

When you pay for the product or the project of the construction process, 

you paid during the design and the construction phase.

Play video starting at :6:41 and follow transcript6:41

Here, after we highlight a couple of major descriptions, 

I want to highlight something also very very important in our industry.

Play video starting at :6:52 and follow transcript6:52

In construction process at the end, you will develop or 

build a unique product, one of a kind.

Play video starting at :7:1 and follow transcript7:01

So, that's something that does not apply to manufacturing unless you want to 

hand made a specific item, not during this process or through this process.

Play video starting at :7:16 and follow transcript7:16

However, some examples of the same products can 

be in the construction process such as, if you want to build town houses, 

or you want to build fast food restaurants or even some retailers, 

they might be the same exact thing.

Play video starting at :7:34 and follow transcript7:34

But even that, in this case the projects must be 

side adapted, and stylized to some degree 

to make sure that you meet the requirements for that specific science.

If we want to look at both processes here and try to do some comparison to: Added to Selection.
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