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MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 6 AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Acrofiche/Mianual AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM 1F1/6-1 Repair 1F4/6-4 Description 1F1/6-1 Installation 1F4/6-4 ‘Trouble Shooting © 1F1/6-1 Cables and Pulleys : 1F4/6-4 Control "U" 1F2/6-2 Removal and Instalatior 1F4/6-4 Description 1F2/6-2 Aiterons 1F4/6-4 Removal and Installation 18 2/6-2 Removal 1P4/6-4 Repair 1F4/6-4 Installation 1F4/6-4 Alleron Bellerank 1F4/6-4 Repair. 1F6/6-6 Removal 1F4/6-4 Rigging 1F6/6-6 6-1, AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM. (See figure one for the copilot, attached to columns and linked by 6-1.) universal joints to'the control "U" located behind the instrument panel. Lateral rotation of either control 6-2. DESCRIPTION, The aileron control system wheel is transmitted to the ailerons, one per wing, consists of two control wheels, one for the pilot and 6-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. via a series of sprockets, ‘chains, pulleys, cables, belleranks and push pull tubes. NOTE Due to remedy procedures in the following trouble shooting chart it may be necessary to rerig system, refer to para- ‘graph 6-18. ‘TROUBLE LOST MOTION IN CONTROL WHEEL, PROBABLE CAUSE Loose control cables. Broken pulley or bracket, cable off pulley or worn rod end bearings. REMEDY | Adjust cables to proper tension. Replace worn or broken parts, install eables correctly. ‘Sprung bellcranks. Replace belleranks. ‘Loose chains. ‘Adjust to proper tension. 6-1 MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cent ‘TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY RESISTANCE TO CONTROL, Cables too tight. WHEEL MOVEMENT. tight. Defective U-joints. [ CONTROL WHEELS NOT LEVEL WITH AILERONS NEUTRAL. or cables. push-pull rods. Pulleys binding or cable off. Bellcrank distorted or damaged, ‘Glevis bolts in system too Chain binding with sprockets. Improper adjustment of chains With control wheel centered, aileron bellerank stop bushing should be centered in slot (both left and right belleranks). Improper adjustment of aileron If chains and cables are properly rigged and bellerank stop bushings are not centered in slots, push- pull rods are adjusted incorrectly. Adjust cables to proper tension. Replace defective pulleys. cables correetly. Install Replace bellerank, ‘Loosen, then tighten properly and safety. Replace chain, Replace defective parts. Replace defective U-joints, “Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-18. ‘Adjust push-pull rods to obtain proper alignment. DUAL CONTROL WHEELS NOT COORDINATED. Chains improperly adjusted. ‘Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-18. INCORRECT AILERON TRAVEL, properly. or bellerank slots. Push-pull rods not adjusted Worn bellcrank stop bushings ‘Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-18. Replace worn parts. 6-4, CONTROL "U", (See figure 6-2.) 6-5. DESCRIPTION. The control "U" transforms rotation of the control wheels into pulling motion on the aileron cables by means of sprockets and chains. ‘The "U" is pivoted at the lower end to operate the elevator control system. 6-6, REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Disconnect battery cables and insulate terminals as'a safety precaution. b. Remove pedestal cover as outlined in paragraph 9-13. c. Remove rudder bar shields, carpeting and plates as necessary for access to lower end of control "U". 4. Remove radios, radio cooling plans, dust covers and associated hardware as necessary. fe. Remove glove box. {1 Remove cabin air cooling hose directly below right hand side of instrument panel. fg. Remove engine controls and cabin air controls as necessary. h.. Remove right hand forward side upholstery panel. 1. Remove bolt from each end of parking brake assembly and swing assembly away from working 5. Remove bolt attaching bearing (11) to RH side of control "U" and remove bolt attaching roller Geginning 17203200 and FR1720685) to LH side of control "U", Remove bearing, roller and attaching hardware. MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL petal B 38 etait D ‘THRU R1722822 & FR17206040 / *, BEGINNING WITH R1722623 & FR1720641 | me. : Ch. peat E 2 Spacer Pulley Cable Guard Carry-Thru Cable Turnauckle Belcrank MAINTAIN SPECIFIED CABLE TENSION ‘leron Carry-Thru Cable KH Direct Cable Bushing 10. LH Direet Cable 11. Pulley Bracket 12. RH Direct Cable Turnbuckle 13. LH Direct Cable Turnbuekle (CABLE TENSION: 40 LBS + 10 LBS ON AILERON CARRY- THRU CABLE (AT AVERAGE TEMPER- ATURE FOR THE AREA.) SEE FIGURE 1-1 FOR TRAVEL, Figure 6-1. Aileron Control System 63 MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL k, Drill out rivets attaching instrument panel sup- port (after completion of step "}") and remove sup- port, 1. Drill out rivets attaching right hand side panel to pedestal structure and remove panel, m. Remove safety wire and disconnect turnbuckles ay. zn, Remove bolts (12) attaching control wheel tubes to universal joints (13). ©. Remove bolt (19) attaching push-pull tube (18) to control "U. p. Remove pivot bolt (20) and carefully work cor trol "U" out from under right hand side of instrument panel. q. Reverse preceding steps for reinstallation. NOTE To prevent loss of strength and to ease re~ installation of right hand pedestal structure sside panel, machine screws and nuts may be installed in the two upper rivet holes, provided at least No. 6 screws are installed. 1. Rig aileron control system in accordance with paragraph 6-18 and safety turnbuckles (17). 8s. Check and/or rig elevator control system in accordance with paragraph 8-14, t. Check and/or rig all engine and cabin air con- trols. u, Check all radios and electrical components which may have been disconnected or become in- operative while performing the preceding steps. v. Reinstall all items removed for access, 6-7. REPAIR. Repair consists of replacing worn, damaged or defective shafts, bearings, bushings, sprockets, roller chains, universal joints or other components. Refer to Section 2 for lubrication re~ quirements. 6-8. AILERON BELLCRANK. (See figure 6-3.) 6-9, REMOVAL. a, Remove access plate inboard of each bellerank on underside of wing. ’b.. Relieve control cable tension by loosening turn- buckle barrel (17). €. Disconnect control cables from bellerank. Re- tain all spacers (12). 4. Disconnect aileron push-pull rod (8) at bellerank, fe. Remove nuts, washers and bolts securing bell- cerank stop bushing (15) and bellerank (7) to wing structure. {, Remove bellcrank through access opening, using care that bushing (5) is not dropped from bellerank. NOTE Brass washers (11) may be used as shims between lower end of bellerank and wing channel (9). Retain these shims. Tape ‘open ends of bellerank to prevent dust and dirt from entering belicrank needle bear~ ings (6). 6-4 6-10. REPAIR. Repair of belleranks consists of re~ placement of defective parts. If needle bearings are dirty or in need of lubrication, clean thoroughly and lubricate as outlined in Section 2, 6-11, INSTALLATION. a. Place bushing (5) and stop-bushing (15) in bell- jerank (7) and position bellerank in wing. b, Install brass washers (11) between lower end of bellcrank and wing channel (9) to shim out excess clearance. €. Install bellerank pivot bolt (4), washers and nut. 4. Position bellerank stop-bushing and install a taching bolt (16). washers and nut, e. Connect ailercn cables and push-pull rod to bell- crank. {. Rig aileron system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, safety turnbuckle (17) and. reinstall all items removed for access. 6-12, CABLES AND PULLEYS, (See figure 6-1.) 6-13. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. ‘a, Remove access plates, wing root fairings and upholstery as required. ’b. Disconnect cables from aileron bellcranks and remove cable guards and pulleys as necessary to work cables free of aireraft NOTE ‘To ease routing of cables, a length of wire may be attached to end of cable before being withdrawn from aircraft. Leave wire in place, routed through structure; then attach ‘able being inscalled and use to pull cable into position. c. After cable is routed, install pulleys and cable guards. Ensure cable is positioned in pulley groove before installing guard, 4d. Rig aileron system In accordance with appli- cable paragraph in this section, safety turnbuckles and install access plates, fairings and upholstery removed in step "a. 6-14, AILERONS. (See figure 6-3.) 6-15, REMOVAL, ‘a, Disconnect push-pull rod (8) at aileron, b, Remove screws and nuts attaching aileron hinges (2) to trailing edge of wing. ¢. Using care, pall aileron out and down to slide ‘hinges from under wing skin and auxiliary spar rein- forcements. 6-16, INSTALLATION. ‘a, Position aileron hinges between skin and auxil~ iary spar reinforcements and install screws and nuts attaching hinges to trailing edge of wing. ’b. Attach push-pall rod (8) to aileron. NOTE If rigging was correct and push pull rod adjustment was not disturbed, it should not be necessary to rig system. MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NorEs Nore Install cable drum (8) with vide When dual contre are NOT in- Cote stalled, spacer (3) replaces co- Primary cable (1) is wra pilot's ‘control wheel (22), con- cane aftant omen ete ‘trol column (23) and universal drum (8) with cable lock (9) on joint (13), bottom ‘Transition cable (16) is installed in forward groove of cable drum (8) with lock (14) on top. |. Sprocket Bolt Spacer Chain Secondary Cable Primary Cable Turnbuckle Primary Cable Cable Drum Primary Cable Lock 10. Bushing 11. Bearing 12, Bolt 13. Universal Joint 14. Transition Cable Lock 15. Secondary Cable Turnbuckle 16. Transition Cable 11. Direct Cable Turnbuckle 18. Elevator Push-Pull Tute Spacer- ° 1 oa ee 20. Bolt ——@) A Bone Bethe cmtzat wet 28. Control Column 24. Shaft 25. Retainer rT 2 BSE Eatot whee 2K THRU R1723199 AND FR1720655 27. Bearing 28. Countersunk Washer 3h BEGINNING WITH R1723200 AND 28. Shaft FRI720656 30. Washer Figure 6-2, Control "U" Installation 6-5 MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Carry-thru cable turnbuckle (17) is located at RH aileron bellerank thru R1722823 & PRI720641 Carry-thru cable turnbuckle (11) 1s located above headliner beginning R1722824 & FRi720642 Figure 6- €. Check aileron travel an¢ alignment, rig if neces sary, in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, 6-17, REPAIR. Aileron repair may be.accomplished {in aceordance with instructions outlined in Section 17. Before installation, ensure balance weights and hinges are securely attached. 6-18, RIGGING. (See figure 6-2.) a, Check primary control cable (7) is in aft groove of cable drum (8) and wrapped once around drum. ‘The primary cable lock (9) is installed at bottom of drum and transition cable lock (14) is installed at top. ._ With control wneeis neutral, check chain enas (fare approximately same ditinee from sprockets Aileron Hinge Balance Weight Pivot Bolt Bushing Needle Bearing LH Bellerank Push-Pull Rod Channel Lower Wing Skin Brass Washer Spacer Direct Cable Bushing Bushing 16, Bolt 17, Carry-Thru Cable Turnbuckle 18, Carry-Thru Cable . Alleron Installation c.. Keeping control wheels neutral, tighten turn buckles (6) so control wheels are level in neutral position (synchronized), with enough tension on tables to remove slack from chains (4), without binding. Results of adjusting turnbuckies are a5 follow: 1. Loosening primary cable turnbuckles (6) and tightening secondary cable turnbuckle (18) at center of control "U" will move inboard sides of both con trol wheels down. 2." Tightening either primary control cable turn- buckle and loosening secondary cable turnbuckle at enter of control "'U" will move outboard side of 3p- plicable controt wheel down. 4. Tape a bar across both control wheels to hold them in neutral position. ©. Adjust direct cable turnbuckles (17) below con- trot “U" and single earry-thru turnbuckle (index 17, figure 6-3) at aileron belicrank (index 7, figure 6-8) MODEL R172 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL AVAILABLE FROM CESSNA SERVICE PARTS CENTER (TOOL NO, SE 716) Figure 6-4 ‘50 bellcrank stop bushings (index 15, figure 6-3) are ‘centered in both bellerank slots with 40 + 10 pounds tension on aileron carry-thru cable (index 18, figure 6-3). Disregard tension on direct cables, which will be different than tension on carry-thru cable f. Adjust push-pull rods (index 8, figure 6-3) at each aileron until ailerons are neutral with reference to trailing edge of wing flaps. Be sure wing flaps are fully up when making this adjustment. Remove bar from control wheels. SHOP NOTES: Inclinometer for Measuring Control Surface Travel h, Check ailerons for correct travel (figure 1-1) using an inclinometer ({llustrated in figure 6-4). Make adjustments if necessary and check that the bushing travel stops are properly centered in the belleranks, 4, Safety all turnbuckles by the single-wrap method Using 0, 040-inch monel safety wire, }. Install all items removed for access. Be sure ailerons move in correct direction when operated by control wheel. 6-1/(6-8 blank)

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