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TV commercials, newspaper ads, np section, magazine ad, billboards, direct mail(ad mail), radio
advertising, internet pop-up, flyer, transit advertising(bus sides), covert advertising(product
positioning), sponsorship, telemarketing(phone ad), celebrity endorsement, high profile, to be
targeted by a company, cold call(A1 phone calls), peak viewing time, appealing tune, invasion of
privacy, customer database(list of clients)

Composition, raster, colour blind, monochrome, nuance, dominant colour, canvas, board, evokes a

Deadpan face(poker face), pressing lips together, raised eyebrows, nodding head, firm handshake

Tent, firewood, hiking boots, raincoat, flashlight, campfire, sleeping bag, bug repellant(spray),
compass, backpack, campgroung, camper, wildlife

Acute respiratory difficulties, alcohol agent(based antibacterial hand sanitizer), germs, microbes,
altruistic view, asthma, contact tracing(trace ill’s contacts), contagious, infected, contaminated,
contain an outbreak, curfew(time to be indoors), epicenter, fomite(contaminated), herd immunity,
sanitation, plague, common cold, fever, incubation period(14days), misinformed, a new strain,
pandemic, patient zero, persistent cough, pneumonia, precautionary measures, droplet(капчица),
quarantine, state of emergency(government law …), stringent measures, surface transmission,
vulnerable person/age groups, symptom, self-isolation

Abduction, arson, attempted/premeditated murder, capital/corporal punishment, prison, inmate,

incarcerated, imprisoned, penitentiary, correctional facility assault, ransom, child abuse, fraud,
speeding, vandalism, juvenile delinquent(teenage criminal), community service, detention,

Briefcase, waistcoat(suit cardigan), garments, attire, dress, wardrobe, outfit


Corpulent, overweight

Nursery, kindergarten, primary, secondary, college( further education), tertiary-university,

doctorate, to graduate/complete, trace/copy, curriculum/programme/timetable, boarding school,
classmate/peer, mature/fellow student, remedial class, special needs, rote learning, peer,
UNI: Bachelor of arts/science, master of arts/science, certificate, qualification, diploma, distance
learning, vocational course(work related prof course), coursework, fall behind with studies,
tutorial(upr), to enroll on, deliver a lecture, scholar(diligent undergraduate), graduate(has BA),
syllabus(konspekt), student accommodation, correspondence course, scholarship, grant,
unconditional/conditional offer, meet the dead line, review, revise, keep up with/catch up on
studies, learn by heart, to pass with flying colours, scrape through, drop out, gap year, truant/skip
Resource depletion, natural resources, carbon footprint, environmental offset, climate change,
eco-conscious, energy efficient, acid rain, ozone layer, carbon dioxide, sustainable architecture,
contamination, air pollution, fine dust particles, exhausted fumes, combustion engines, oil, gas,
deforestation, defoliation, overgrazing, pesticide, fungicides, soil contamination, potable water,
overpopulation, loss of biodiversity and natural habitat, marine pollution, landslides, soil erosion,
greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, weather patterns, land encroachment, premature death,
environmentalist, conservation programme, threatened/endangered, species, delicately balanced
ecosystem, land clearance, logging, organic/seasonal/local farming, afforestation

Ballot, suffrage, law amendment, law enactment, bipartisan, coalition, coup d’etat(mutiny),
democracy, dictatorship, dissolution(razpadane na gov predi izbori), electorate, grass roots, take
office(be elected), nominee, poll(vote)

Broadsheets, heavy newspaper(serious), gutter press(yellow), headline, column,

obituary(nekrolozi), comic strip/section, weather report, circulation(tirage), direct quotation, back
issue, tabloid, hot off the press, eye-catching, paparazzi, proof reader, proof checker

Fast-moving, forward/backward-thinking, cutting-edge, vanguard, science, nanotech, tech cluster,

program, IT sector, computing, comp languages, interface, hardwired, hardware, software, online
course, tutorial, face recognition, pioneer, opinion-former, influencer, blogger, vlogger, social
media, search engine, gadget, gizmo, gear, function-laden, ego-booster, masculinity, tech-savvy,
technophobe, state-of-the-art,

Healthy diet, monitor your diet, routine check-up, health awareness, health-conscious, health
education, regain your health, poor/ill health, health benefit, vigorous exercise, prevent, be in
good shape, dietary habit(regulqrno menu), to meet the dietary requirement, comfort food,
portion, additive, nutrient, binge drinking, overeating, diabetes, allergy, fall ill, back on one’s feet,
feel under the weather, a speedy recovery, clean bill of health, prescription, phone in sick, splitting
headache, to pull a muscle, homeopathy, alternative medicine, medics, remedy, cure, dilute,
agitate(shake), relieve symptoms, placebo,

Immediate/nuclear family, dysfunctional family, distant/blood relative, next of kin,(chovek za

kontakt), descendant, ancestor, household (hora s koito jiveesh), in-laws(semeistvo na
polovinkata), fatherhood, motherhood, to start a family, offspring, children, kids, little ones,
breadwinner(pechelqsh nai-mnogo pari), dependant, stay at home parent, childminder, childcare,
crèche, authoritarian father, younger/older generation, teenager, adolescent, sibling rivalry, run in
the family, hereditary, close-knit family, family ties(bonds), on speaking terms, take after smo, a
chip of the old block, to follow in smo’s footsteps, spitting image, wear the trousers, bitter quarrel,
grown-up, adult, newborn, baby, toddler, reluctant to, encouragement, nurture confidence,

mutual understanding and an invisible bond that ties us together as a family, step forward
whenever they need me, family comes first, apathy to get involved in, broadly followed
Home, house, apartment, en-suite, suite, flat, block of apartments/apartment block, tenement,
accommodation, property(building and plot), three-storey, single/detached house, semi-
detached/twin house, terrace house(row), fully-furnished flat, studio flat, bedsit(pansion s otdelni
stai), penthouse, mansion, to be apprehensive about moving in, student lodgings, within walking
distance of, utility room, balcony overlooking,
Give notice(napuskam), lease(dogowor za podnaem), evict, mortgage, repossess, appliance, utility
bill, loft conversion, to add an extension, redecorate,

Office block, apartment block, pillar, steeple(kambanariq),

Ornate, adorn, stunning, salient, eye-catching, vanguard, radical, ornate, monstrosity, unsightly/
unpleasant/eyesore, past one’s heyday, derelict/run down/abandoned,

Means/form of transportation, public/private transport, traffic, infrastructure, road, lane,

bypass/ring road, expressway/freeway, overpass(nadlez), junction, roundabout, trafiic
jam/congestion, diversion(roadworks), speed limit, car share, park-and-ride, outskirt/suburb, road
network, autonomous/driverless vehicle, run a car(izdryjka po kolata), pedestrian,

Play by ear, read music, be musical, sense of accomplishment, choir, tone deaf, lullaby, improvise

Goods, commodity, merchandise, retail workshops, window-shopping, bargain, browse, shopping

spree, retail therapy, an impulse buy, shopaholic, try on, customer service, client/custom/shopper,
purchase, buy, retailer/shop owner, cashier, vendor, chain store, convenience store(kvartalen
magazin), department store, fishmonger, farm shop, grocery, greengrocery, pharmacy/chemist,
newsagents(budka), flea market(mebeli 2ra ryka), gift voucher, discount, good value for money,
over-priced, trolley, shelves, fitting room, consumer/throwaway society,

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