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Everyone is looking how to gain as much muscle as possible or to be the strongest version of
themselves. Some want to build up the endurance and athletic. But, what we all tend to forget
that muscles are not the only thing that we need to look after and improve. Our bones, joints
and ligaments take a lot of beating from heavy workout and we don’t give them enough
attention. If you want to improve your recovery and overall health, visit our web shop where you can buy bones & joints supplements online.

Why is it important to keep our bones and joints healthy?

Pushing as hard as you can in the gym will start taking its toll eventually and that will
manifest itself by pain in joints and ligaments. It is relatively easy to strengthen the muscle
and make it bigger and stronger but that muscle is attached to bones with tendons. If we just
continue to work hard and put on stress on our joints, they will sooner or later start to break
down because they cannot support the new muscle tissue. Therefore, it is vital to do
everything to strengthen them.

We don’t have to explain how important bones are. They are the foundation of our body; they
make up the skeleton. If your bones are not healthy, they are under the risk of being easily
fractured because they are not as dense and strong as they should be. The last thing you want
is to develop osteoporosis when you are old.

What to take and how much?

Calcium is the king for bone health. We’ve always been told as kids to drink mild because it
is loaded with it. There is protein in milk and protein is essential for bone growth and health.
A daily dose of 1,200mg is recommended for most people.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health and the absorption of calcium. Sun light is the biggest
source but excessive exposure to Sun is unhealthy. Fish and dairy are also great. The easiest
way is to take a vitamin or bone supplement. The lowest effective dose is 2,000 IU/day. The
upper threshold is 10,000 IU/day.

Glucosamine is the most common joint health supplement because its consummation reduces
the degradation of joints. Studies have confirmed that glucosamine alleviates pain and
symptoms of osteoarthritis. Take 1-3g a day split into several doses.
Hyaluronic acid is an excellent choice since it lubricates the joins and reduces the friction
between bones. It is found in joint health supplements so use according to the instructions.

If you don’t want to bother and buy all these ingredients separately, you can thank the people
from the fitness industry who have come up with products which mix these altogether and
look after your bones and joints. You can buy bones & joints supplements online at our shop

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