Newtown, Friday

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The. Newtown Bee NUMUEK 20


other makes. Step in and M ui have

Quaker's Farms. a talk. Held t
Todd, 1054 Mala
Street, Drldttt'imrt. Conn.
Jleri'eHonlative Clmrlps Bradford Women's shoes, suitable for any
Johnon wps taken HUu..enly and cobtume, will be found in munysiyl':
wrlmmly ill with erysipelas In Hart- of leather and cuts at Mollan'n. Tlie
ford, laBt Tuesday, May 4, and was variety In low shoes Includes every-
. tuken et owe to the Hartford hospi- thing in the line of stylish summer
tal where after only hIx davg of ill- footwear. Bright and dull leathers,
ness he passed away, et the age of 39 patent, Suedo, ll, tan, luwet, ;:ra.
yea: p. Mr Johnson was born Felru-ar- y bronze, button, tie, short vamp, plain
9, 1870, In the town of South-bur- y tipped too, cveiythliifc that is fash-
on J lull's Kill, In the house now ionable, and all In durable, superior
ownod by Thomas Plnkortor., and 'finish le:ithrs fateful attention is
was the son of the late Mr and Mrs given to fitting the feet perfectly at
Charles Johnson. When a mere lad Mollun's;
he moved Into the town of Oxford
and has resided here ever since. Mr Lon HHL
Johnson was married to Miss Mary
Smith of Oxford Center and they be-

gan housekeeping in what Is known A :iui;iber of sorrowing friends
a the Stoddard plare on Hull's Hill. and relatives gathered at 798 Myrtle
After living in two or three different
Avenue, Bridgeport, on the 8th of
places on Hull's Hill he purchased May to attend the funeral service of
the Capt Samuel Smith place on Mrs Anna M. Bradley, who pased
Hull's Hill in 1895, now owned by
John Trawler. After purchasing: the away on Friday morlng early. Mrs
ne Bradley had for many years been a
place made extensive alterations Charles Bradford Johnson, resident of this town, where she was
and repairs on the house and built a Representative HENRY O. WAKNER, much loved and respected. The in
large new stoc barn and greatly im- Of Oxford. Whose Death Occurred on Tuesday. ferment was In the family lot in
proved the farm in every way. Here Of New Milford, Whose Death Occurred on Saturday.
East Village, where had ben ber
he carried on general fanning very home many years age. She is sur-
Photo by Henry I). Hlne.
successfully, besides dealing in lum-
OBITUARY. ST HOSE'S. vived by one daughter, Mrs Sarah E.
ber. He purchased tracts of stand-
French, and one grandson and grand-
ing timber and with a fteam saw mill daughter, George B. French, Station
dealt largely in cows and cattle, his Miss Kate F. Camp. A Presentation to Rev Father Fox. agent at Trumbull, and Mrs Herbert
Oi a Painful and Serious Accident. Walker of Long Hill, all of whom
specialty being new milch cows and Miss Kate F. Camp, who had bfen Sundav Services.
have the sincere sympathy of friends
he had made this his main business, a The young ladies of St Rose's par- Patrick Lamer, an employe of the
sufferer from pulmonary trouble Service Sunday morning at 11 and former neighbors in the loss of
being the largest dealer in this town for several years, died on Tuesday, ish have presented Rev Patrick Fox local factory of the Borden's Con- o'clock with
and section of county. While on at the Hartford preaching by the pastor. their loved one.
hospital, where she with a large rug for his office.
An- densed Milk Co., l.'Pd one eye serious-
Hull's Hill he purchased beside the had been cared for Sunday school at noon. GEORGE A. rAV13.
the last four other entertainment, tne proceeds of ly injured on Friday. A piece of Endeavor meeting in the evening ",eTge A. flavin, .ftur a short lllnes..
place he lived in the Warner place, months. Her sister, Mrs E. L. John- - which are to be used for this purpose, steel flew oil of some work he was at 7.30 o'clock.
Subject, "At the pnswd away at his home on Chestnut
Powers place, the place now owned
son, was with her in her last days. will be held on Friday evening, at engaged at, embedding itself in the Cross." (Pilgrim's Progress meetin.) Hill, Tashua, on Friday, May 7,
by Thomas Plnicerton, the Stoddafd Miss Camp was a woman of refine- -' St Mary's hall.
place, and owned at one time be- ment and lovable disposition and her
ball of the eye. Dr De Wolfe of Ref.
removed tie foreign sub-
John 19:16-27- ; Luke 29:39-4-
32 years anil 6 mouths.
was held, from his late home on Sunday
The funeral
v maaa Vav Bridge pert afternoon at ..30. The tiiirhtl was in the
tween 500 and 600 acres on the Hill. friends will be stance nd is now treating Mr Larner
In 'Mober, 190d. ho purchased the C death. She was pained to learn of her Patrick Fox Frederick, son Prayer meeting on Thursday even- Park cemetery, Bridgeport. He leaven
a daughter of the baptized dally. besides his family a large circle of
A. Meigs homestead farm at Quaker of Mr and wrs Frederick Bresson. ing at 7.45 o'clock. friends to mourn his lo:.s.
late Beach Camp and was 59 years of The ladies met for sewing, this
Farms Center, which in its day was The sponsors were Mr and Mrs John
Miss Camp gave her life to week, at the home of Mrs L. C. Edward Lynch of Newtown was
the finest farm in New Haven county age. and was beloved wherever Keane.
over Sunday guest of Miss Annie
and yto-da-
there are few farms in the she labored. She teaching The May devotions were held on Morris.
taught In the pub Sunday Services. The Ladies' Missionary meeting Burnett.
county that can equal it, and its is lic schools of Newtown, also having Wednesday and will be held again, will be held next Wednesday after- Middlebrook Brothers are carting
by far the best farm in this town. in Tr imttvll and Friday evening. Fox Divine worship will begin at the 3 p. m., at the home a bathroom outfit from the station,
Since tn!"ing Vie place he has re- taught Bridgeport, Rev Patrick began, Monday, Methodist church at 10.45 a. m. noon, May 19, at
"ollinsville, and Minneapolis, Minn. of Mrs H. M. Smith. which is to be installed in the place
paired and greatly Improved the Phe was for two years at the govern- taking the annual collection in Zoar. Preaching by the pastor, Rev T. N. So were detained from at formerly owner Dy George W. Sher-
house, built one of the largest and ment school at Hampton, Va., and at He has met witn encouraging success Laine. Subject, "The Seven Chris-- , many
mrst houses the in the work. tending the social on account of the man.
up-to-d- hog church schools in New York. Idaho tian Graces." Sunday school at storm, last Friday evening, it has Mr and Mrs George W. Cochrane of
writer ever examined and also built! and Missouri The funeral services The young ladies of Sandy Hook noon.
a very large and modern stock barn. will be nelJ from are to hold a social and dance on Fri- Evening service of song at been decided to delay the sale of rub- West Cornwall, who has been visit-
church. 7 o'clock, followed by a sermon on ber for a few of Daniel's
The farm contains about 240 acres
Trinity May 14, instead of the days. All those who ing Mrs Mary Wilson
Newtown, on Friday at 2 p. m. Rev day evening, the question "Why are the good and are willing to donate their old rub- Farms, have returned home.
and lias been greatly improved in J. H.
George will officiate assisted by time is
15th, as first announced. A good the evil permitted to grow together?" Mrs Frank Sutherland and infant
guaranteed all who attend. Parents and young people are espe- bers are asked to leavenext them at C. B.
every way. Besides carrying on his Rev G. T. Linsley of Hartford. within the few days. daughter have returned to Botsford, Mrs
extensive cattle business he also Gallagher's orchestra will furnish otner Taylor's Sutherland having recovered from last
cially invited. As there is no Old newspapers may be left at the week's illness.
raised the Berkshire breed of hogs music. service in the at that hour Mrs Jennie Clark cf Bndfceport
and had some fine registered stock. John F. Blake and William A. village parsonage barn. The money realized here with her. sister, Mrs
Honan attended Ue Forester's con- a very cordial invitation is extended from the sale of the old rubber and WednesdaySmith.
His timber ousiness he still carried W ednes1a'a and to members of other communions and papers will go toward the pledge of Marie'ta
on at the time of his death though vention in lvjnbuiv TRINITY PARISH. Our stock of garden and fie'.d seed is
not as expensively as ia torn er years. Thursday. congregations o worship here at the the Endeavor society for the church all new e;oods and sure to grow, bothnew in
4 evening service. bulk and package. If you need a
he was a and debt. "Do It Now." il.iw this s there i" none better
Politically Republican ; line of tan shoes for Sunday Services. ring
had been one all his life. For five than the Oliver chilled plow, for which;
ladies, misses and men at Taylor, Hiram B. Jennings, who has been we are agents, and the price is rtgnU
years he was a Selectman and a mem- Jrrtis L Co. s. - At 10 a. m., celebration of the in failing health for several months, GOOD TIMES FOR FARMERS. Do not forget one application or Averar-iu- s
ber of the town committee. besides at 11 a. m morn- at his home in Hope- Carboliiieum on the intoriur cf your
Holy Communion; passed away houses keeps them fteo from
holding some of the other offices of Miss Bridget Blake attended the ing prayer and sermon by the rector; well, on Saturday, May 1, aged 74 While talking with a business man poultry vermin. rTlic Long Hill Store. W. N.
the town. Last fall ue was elected funeral of Mrs Daniel Keane in Dan-bur- at 12 m day last Huid, proprietor.
Sunday school; at 7.30 p. years. The funeral was held front from a nearby city, one

to represent the town of Oxford in '

the Slate Legislature. He was a Tuesday. m evening prayer. his late home, Rev W. H. Jepson of week, about the prospect of better
Redding officiating. The burial was times, etc., my friend made the state- Nichols
warden and member of Christ church Mr and Mrs Joan H. Clark of ASCENSION DAY. in the in Easton. ment that "it must be good times
at Quaker Farms and a generous sup- Mamaroneck, N. Y., came to New- Aspetuck cemetery
Thursday, Ascension nay: at 10.30 Mr Jennings is survived by his wife. with the farmers." I told him the MRS A. M. SMITH.
porter of the same. Mr Johnson town in their auto, a very handsome
a. m., morning prayer and Holy Com- He had lived in Redding nearly all the dairy farmer could hardly make Wewere pained to hear of the death
started in life a poor boy and what Corbin runabout, Saturday, return- munion. The offering will be for the his life and will be missed by his expenses at the present price of milk of Mrs A. M. Smith with pneumonia,
success he had gained in business and ing to their home, Sunday night. and grain, and to prove my state- on The funeral was held at North Canton
Church Scholarship society. fellow townsmen. Much is expressed
financially is due wholly to his They were tne guests of Mr and Mrs ment I will give a few figures which for the bereaved sympathy Friday.
family. Mrs Smitu
square dealing, pluck, energy and Edward Taylor while in town. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A highly enjoyable event was the may be of interest to some of our wos a kind and good mother, also a
close attention to business. He was sociable at the spacious residence of wise friends who assert we are be good neighbor.
a man of genial temperament and are the rogation days."
Charles J. Hayden has a new horse C. B. Taylor, Friday night. The so- coming overburdened with the cares Mrs C. E. Miller was taken to the
few men in this section were more bought of Pliny Squires of New Mil- committee presented a varied of increasing wealth. On Saturday, Bridgeport hospital, last week, suffering
Dr Kiernan is now making his cial
favorably and better known, and his ford, and a runabout and harness rounds on his nrofes-.iora- l with She is getting along
calls in and enjoyable program, which took May 8, 1 weighed all grain fed to my nicelyappendicitis. and her friends hope she will con- -
business gave him a very large ac- bought of A. M. Briscoe & Son. About 40 of 31 cows, very care-
the Stevens-Durye- a automobile he in every person present. dairy feeding tinje to improve and soon return to her
quaintance throughout the whole were on hand to participate in the fully to get an average amount in home m the village.
state and his many friends will be Last Tuesday afiernoon, afcr-u- t 4 recently purer as Mrs Thomas L. Wade of Bridgeport
The o'clock, the home 'of Mr and Mrs Ar-
event. Light refreshments were order to be accurate. The day was
visited in town on Friday afternoon.
pained to hear of his death. served. fine making the milk yield something The stork has been quite busy in towrt
body was brought to his home here, nold Geissman, Jr., vest of The Sandy Hook baseDall team
like 20 to 50 pounds higher than if this spring. Congratulations to Mr and

wnere on Thursday afternoon, May burned to the ground. Mr has been reorganized for the season Wellington, who have wel
The merchants of the state are it had been stormy. Grain was best Mrs Horace
13, the funeral was held at 2.S0 and and Mrs Geissman were out driving and will give a dance in St Mary's well justified in asking that the sub wheat mixed feed, corn cob meal and comed a son. Willard Shelton Welling
ton, and to Rev J. M. raid and wite,
from Christ church at 3 o'clock, Rev and their son started a brisk fire in hall, May 21. The committee of ar- stitute for Senate Bill No. 113, con- cotton-see- d meal. The 31 cows were who have a daughter, Elizabeth Yard.
Mr Sutherland officiating. The buri- the kitchen stove and it is thought rangements are Charles riurd, Austin the hours of labor of women fed 358 pounds grain or 11 pounds All are getting along finelv
al was in the Quakers Farm ceme- sparks from the chimney set fire to flurd, John Bailey, A. S. Finch and cerning and minors be passed. They desire each. At the market price: Among
the recent guests in town
Mr and Mrs Harry Flint Jr. of
tery. The funeral was one of the the roof.' It was not discovered until Harry E. Bradley. A good time is to impress the legislative committee 358 lbs feed at $1.60 cwt, $ 5.73 Bridgeport and H. J. Lord and Mr Burt
largest ever held in this place. Mr it had gained great headway and the assured all who attend. that 't is the general desire and wish 15 lbs hay each by estimate of Monro".
Johnson is survived by his wife, who wind was blowing such a gale that a 3.49 Burr Charles Fairchild. Mrs Carr and Miss
Great values these days in straw of the merchants that they be per at $15 ton, were in Stratford, one day last
has the sympathy of the whole com- nothing could be done to save tne
in her sad bereavement. so those who had gathered mattings, oil cloth and linoleum. At mitted to keep open their stores on wf ok.
Several ladies were ir
munity house,
Saturday evening untill 10 ociock Total cost of day's feed, $ 9.22 Brirtsepurt
turned in and saved most of the fur- Taylor, Curtis & Co.'s. and in the smaller towns on Mon- Borden's weight of milk
phoppirjr, ls'st wefk. Among tlu- num-
ber were: Mrs French. Mrs Beers, Mrs
niture. There was some insurance
New Milford. on the house but none on the furni-
Baseball outfits and sporting goods day evening. It is, however, distinct- livered, 771 lbs. Couch. Mrs Shelton. Mrs Fairchild. Mrs
Curtis ly understood that it is NOT the pur- Add 30 lbs used at 30 lbs. Curtis, Mrs Carr. Mrs Nichols and Mrs
ture. It was rather a sad home-comin-
g of all kinds. At Taylor, & home, Hilton.
A NEW MARKET. Co.'s. pose of the merchants to lengthen Miss Inez Nichols has returned to her
James L. Mc Euan, a popular young for Mr and Mrs Geissman to find
home on Booth's Hill for lie sumnie:'
have the the hours of labor but to so arrange 801 lbs.
business man, has opened the meat and their home in ashes. They Now is the time to buy your win- that they may have the necessary Price $1.25 cwt, Miss Klingler was a week end guest
fish market vacated by Walter i"
. $10.01 of lier parents.
with the best goods the market affords.
Sympathy of the whole community.
dow screens r,nd screen doors. At time to carry on their business to Mrs Eiltori entertained the Young
Mr MoEuan has had 18 y"rs experience
in the retail and wholesale meat busi- A specific for pain Pr nwmas
Tnyloi, t urtle i Co.'s. suit the convenience of the people
who patronize them.
Balance, .79 Ladies' Embroidery Club, last Friday
afternoon, and Mrs Percy Cara will re-
ness and he can be depended upon to Labor: ceive them on Friday of this ween.
run a first class market. He is greatly Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest Jephthah cnapter, O. E. S., meets Mr and Mis Kufus Owen from Falls
A household ? men milking, feeding,
pleased with the way trade has opened. liniment ever devised. this (Friday) evening at Masonic Monroe. etc., 2 hours in morning, 6 hrs. Village, who came on to .ittend the fun-
remedy in America for 25 years. eral of Mr Owen's sister in Bridgeport,
tea oierd beats the P'ovll. hall, Sandy Hook. 3 hours in afternoon, 6 hrs. have returned to their home and expect
Beauty to move back here again ir. the fall.
Get a pound at store of o
Ky-o-i- Tea 3o., MASONIC NOTES. 2 men and team cleaning a:les Beach visited in town on Mon
Bank Street.
C. E Piddiford, hendq jarters for fine
watch repairing. .
Any skin itching is a temper-teste-
The more you srrati.h the

Mr and Mrs Michael Haugh have
returned from Yonkers, N. Y., and Washington lortg" has accented an stables, etc.,
man and team to
each, 3 hrs.
Captain and Mrs Card spent Monday
on Walnut invitation oxtenrW by the Rev 1 . H.
Good Creamery tub butter only zoo t itches. Doan's Ointment cures opened their hooiestexd liver luilif, 1 '2 his. in Bridgeport.
Services will be held in Trinity church
a pciud. Geni'enian or lady wanted piles, eczema any skin itching. At Tree Hill. Sheffield to attend service at Christ 2 mti, putting in cows
to sell introductory package of Baker-ize- d all
coffee. Easy work and bi;,' piv. drag s'ores. ,
' church, Tashua, on Sunday, June 27, and feeding at noon, 2 hrs.
on Sunday morning.'
The members of the official board of
Writ1 or call at once on Farmer's Trad- Miss Jennie Clark of Brooklyn is at 2 p. m. the Methodist church aie requested to
tithe "atrick Camp-be- i' passing a few days with Mr and Mrs A specia communication af Wash- lie at the chmch on Wednes-da.- "
ing Co., New Milford. Conn. At 15c an hour, 18 hrs. evenivg, Miy IS.
Try our new Election coffee mill Wednesday evening Edward Taylor. ington lodge, No. 18, F. & A. M., is
which steel cuts the conee instead of returned, We have a balance of 79c over
old style crushing it, making much bet- from the New Haven hospital, where called for Monday evening, Aiay ' 7, the feed cost. Now deduct the
ter coffee. Come in and let us show it
to you and get samples of 25c and 35c removal of a cataract.
he had a operatic!! fr the At J. H.
be found all the best
for conferring the M. M. degree.
labor; 18 hours at 15c an hour. Bethel.
coffee. Farmer's Trading Co., New stuff line, aasparagus, unions, cab-
1 am
just $1.9S behind. I think any
Milford, Conn. LIGHTNING Rev Mr Wyland of Sherman,
Dine Peaches, 3qts. for 25c, new pie bages, strawberries, etc. dairyman of experience will allow
fruits, all kinds, 3 packages 25c, 4gallon Sherman. The sharp little thunder shower at that this is about the right weight pleached in the Congregational
12 lbs, and church, Sunday, in exchange with
Mrs Mary Bttts has teceived a card 5.30 p. m.. Thursday, May 6, was of grain for profit, 10 to
cans Deaches and apples peeled, cans
June peas, 25c. Farmer'3 Tradii.g Co., BAPTIST CHUFOH NC"ES. of H. ve the that it is above the average amount the pastor, Rev Mr Steele.
ew iu'lfurd, Conn. wor- 'rem Mr- Julia Noble, a sister y severe, lightning striking Miss Rosalie Ohler of Grassy Plain
Sunday, May 16: 10.45, morning France. barn of W. Burr and the of milk produced. It seems to me
4 f. m., S. Gibson, written In Paris, George shop
ship; 12 m., Sunday school; Lower of William W. Shelton. there must be a screw loose some- - Street, spent Sunday in Ridgefield,
Trumbull. Judd District meeting; 1 p. m.,
where and I think it would be a good the gupst of Mrs George Rockwell.
Stepney meeting. The children of John u. Keane are
1'espite the forbidding woather there the measles. thing to thresh out this problem and "he Fcllowcraft club held a social
LOCALBRIEFS. was a considerable number present at ill with .are being !try t0 find wnere the trouble is. I m Pti ig Friday night, at which a
last A service Many improvements
Miss Mary Botsford and Fred Bots-for- d both services, Sunday. made about the Center; not the least wou)d like to have statements from clam chowder supper was served. The
ot praise an praytr npenej tic evening The two children of Mr and Mrs of

gave a party to about 30 of worship. The congregation gave the Thomas have been ill which are the erection of sub other producers and see if they can club will not resume its work again
their friends at their home in Scripture verse lesson, various persons contri- Cavanaugh stantial stone walls. Carl Imboff. not show a better result. Have not un-i- l fall.
buting a each. The subject of the and under the care of Dr Kiernan. for Dr F. mentioned the question of taxes, in-
Daniel's Farms on Monday v
evening, sermon was "Another Chance." who has been laying walls Mr? Sarah St John and Miss Edith
birthday anniversary. The evening The Portal class meets this (Friday) T.eroy Hyatt of Waterbury passed J. Wales, is now engaged in the same surance, interest on investment or St lohn have returned from a lew
passed very enjoyably for all with evening at the parsonage.
The Ladies' Aid Society will meet on Sunday with her parents,
Mr and work for Henry J. Lord. cost of teams and many other things. wck-"- ' stay in Kent.
games and music, after which a fine next Thursday afternoon at the parson- Mrs John Hyatt. Bishop Brewster will visit St E. S. Lovell, Newtown. Mr and Mrs George Porter enter-lai-it- d
lunheon was served. The hosts age. The ladies of this society have 'Peter's church and confirm a class on tre new rector of St Thomas'
were kindly remembered by their agreed to pay the cost of the calendars Dr Robert B. Keane of Bridgeport Thursday, May 20, at 2 p. ni. Ever used a fountain pen? Yes, church, Rev Henry MacBeth, over
friends and the evening will long be forA the next thiee montns. I in- - lai rendered his but all I ever U3ed, or have heard of, Sunday. Rev Mr MacBeth will move
supper and entertainment will ue was called in consultation, Monday, Sec:etary
remembered by all. given on the evening of May 31 at the with Dr Kiernan, on the case of report of the condition of Monroe leaked or failed to write when one his lamily from Hartford to Bethel,
Mr and Mrs D. J. Botsford of parsonage. Master John Keane. sou of D. P. scboo'p as mate by Special Agent W. needed the pen. most. This Kind of a this week.
Daniel's Farms spent- - last week John Benedict has ji'st completed in- Keane, who has been quite ill with D. Hood of Winsted. It shows a when one starts to taU about pens, Mr and Mrs George. A Smith of
Monday and Tuesday inBridgewater, stalling an Asetylene gas measles ana convulsions. He is now gratifying condition of affairs, upon but it always changes when they use Newark, N. J., are the guests of Mr
the guests of Mr and Mrs Mark plant at Mrs Charles Sullivan's rw which the school board and teachers a Moore's Fountain and Mrs Walker McDowell of Chest-
house in Easton. He has also tte the ccvalescent

Hatch. house with all the modern feel Justly proud. Pen. The Moore is a marvel among nut Street
plumbing. John R. Peek has placeu an order Mrs George Hinman of Stratford pens for It does away with all the
South Britain. Do you need any barbed wire or poul-
M. F. automobile through has visited friends in this place. faults which the other pens have.
try netting? We can fill your order for for an E. The infant daughter of Mr and The shaking which most pens get
A FINE ENTERTAINMENT. a few of those Acme potato planters. the agency of V. W. Wakeley, the
audience If you want one speak quick. PenGeld
Sandy Hook agent.
Mrs Edwip C. Stevens vas buried before they will do their duty is Redding.
A small, but apreclattve.
listened to the entertainment given in & Craig at the Depot. x Sunday afternoon in the East Vil- very anoying, but none of this with a
the Congregational church, list Satur- News has been received of the lage cemetery. Moore. These pens may be carried LADIES' WRAPPERS.
day evening, W. consisting of recitations was equally birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ambrose S. Hurd are in any position in the pocket or Percale wrappers, 98c and S1.39.
by Raymond Case, who sustained and Irving Granger, which
his excellent reputation, and music by enjoyed and showed remarkable traini- H. C. Beers of Pittsfleld, Mass., on receiving congratulations on the ar- traveling bag and never be found New assortment and extra quality at
Miss Katherine Ruby, soloist, and ng. It is to be regretted that larger May 11. rival of a daughter, Friday, May 7. leaking. They cost no more than French's, BetheL
piano and violin playing by Miss Bertha audience was not pie&ent to enjoy .t


Vhich do you think won?
Newtown, Friday, May U, 1909. A Successful Meeting. Not Ion ago two men, athletes, went
Into a contest to tee which could stand
Onn of the most Hitccessful meet-
erect and hold liis arms stretched out
HOME NEWS. ing! PootutU' k G tango him hold In a
long time wui the gathering, Tues- full length at cither side of his body for
n day evening, at Grange hall, ad- the longer time. One man had fed on
KIDGEW00D FARM. dressed by Charles L. Gold, a well steaks and chops, sausage, ham, roast
known fruit grower of West Corn-
wall. Sixteen members of Harmony beef, etc.; the other ate heartily, hut con-
The Danburv Institution One of the fined himself to such foods as Quaker
Urangft of Monroe were present to
Best injthe East. enjoy the address. Mr Gold's sub- Oats, rice, macaroni, etc. Which do you
New Haven, Conn.
The (future of the current Ihhus of ject was "Apple Culture," and for an think held out longer?
hour he kept his audience dwepty In-
the Trotter and Pacer, la a full piiRe terested. Many questions were put The first man lasted twenty-tw- o min-
frutit Uilme of Ili'owmmiHter, ftundle to It I tit mid the discussion was greatly utes. The Quaker
& White' liuntlMonie urn of Quarter
mauler. rJdltor Kidney S. Toman. In enloyed. Piano solos were rendered chap concluded to stop after he had been
by Miss .
Ilallard of fiuribury. a. it more than three hours.
hd article dcwrlptlve of the Ul.iHtrii- - After the address a supper was served
tlon Huyit: "The well known Ridge and Master Alex Sinclair expressed There's more strength and economy la
wood turn) of Itundlo & White, at
Imiiliur), Conn., Iiiih for ninny years
bf'i't) regarded by horsemen
breeders an one of the best managed
the thnnlis of the visitors front Har-
mony for the pleasant entertainment.
Those present from Monroe were: Mr
eating lots of Quaker Oats than most
people imagine.
Every family should cat plentifully of
and Mrs Robert Sinclair, Mr and Mrs
and nioKt eucceanfully .conducted
establishments for producing a high
type ot i ho fast, haiulncrr, "ell-bre- d
Lewis D. Uoardsley, Mr and Mrs E. 8.
Beardslcy, Mr and Mrs E. E. Curtis,
Clarence Burr, Miss Fannie Burr,
Quaker Oats at least once every day;
breakfast is the best time. It strengthens
you for the day.
American trotting horse to be found Frederick Sherman. Elmer Bank
in tne East. For many years it was The regular size package sells for 10c;
William Nichols, Miss Pearl Wales,
the home of the great Quartermaster, Mr and Mrs Alex Sinclair. Mr Gold the big family size package costs 25c;
2.21 who was not only one of the
best bred and most BticcesHful sires In
the mighty Alcyone family, but one
was entertnlncu by Eli B. Beers
while In town, at whose residence
the same package with a piece of fine
china in it in addition to the Quaker
For June Brides
Carpets and Rugs
Mr Gold and Allison P. Smith, the
of the most beautiful stallions which Oats, costs 30c Grocers sell all of
this country ever produced, a win-
lecturer of Pootatuck, were enter-
tained at tea, luecday nl.,ht these.
ner flrUost s'roiijj competition In
the National Horse Show at Madison
Square Garden and other prominent
THAT ARE NEW. ring exhibitions. Quartermaster Is Greenfield Hill
ment. Mr Bowers is a teacher of
long experience and has been princi
cend. but his blood is still maintained pal of the Southport school for some
st Rldgewood Farm, together with IX)OAL BRIEFS. years. '
Spring hou3-cleanin-
often develops the need of
so that of other of the most famous trot- Chailes Gray i.f Mill Plain district White Goods all look ke;

ting families. An U'ustration of the Charles B. Read and family of is said to be

new floor coverings that spring is really a
very busy season .lien ideals of beauty and breeding
Bridgeport passed Sunday at Over- fered a Btroke of paralysis.
ill, having suf- those finished by cheap
in the carpet and rug business. For this business we pre maintained at this progressive farm look farm.
processes look the same as
may be seen in the portrait of Charles Gray and family are now DEERFIELD.
pare on a scale far different from the average small dealer. Bnwnmnster, 2.17, a son of the occupying the Davis place near the
Mrs Edward Brotherton of Cross
those finished by the most ex
Owing to the volume of our business we are able to clean iarnerted Qfartorniaste", whirl- - Country club house, having rented
his former residence near the Green Highway has visited at her old home
pensive process, except to the
our front page Rare-i- y
our stock up at the end of each season, thus insuring new

if ever has the picture of a more field cemetery. in this place. expert who studtes the chem-
Mrs H. E. Dowd and sister of Burr
patterns for your selection, and owing to our combination superb horse adorned the pages of
Hie Trottei and Pacer, tinJ Prown
Mrs M. & Nichols is home from
a pleasant visit with friends in Hart Street, have been guests of Miss A.
ical treatments that cottons
buying we are able to buy in large quantities, securing the master has not only the Quality of ford. 1). Wakeman.
Mrs Helen A. Smith of Derby, who
usually pass through.
very lowest prices, which places us in a position to compete beauty to recommend him, lnt he William Smith of Derby is the
been a guest of frieris Lere end
I he White Goods shown

with the very largest houses. boasts ot a wealth of royal blood, guest of his grandfather, C. Nichols, has
in Cross Highway, has returned to here are manufactured from
coupled with demonstrated speed, as at his home in Deerfield District,
With new patterns to select from and prices as low as his record attests As otaled, r rroun-muste- Miss Grace Gould, a trained nurse her home. the finest yarns and finished
is by Quartermaster, he from Mineola, L. I., is enjoying
the same grades can be bought anywhere, there is still by
visit to her sister, Mrs Walter S. had a telephone installed in his by SUpeHOr methods that QO
Alcyone, 2.27. that many breeders a re-?-
further advantage in buying these goods at your home d as the best son of George Merwin, of Merwir.'s Lane.
Wmiam Smitf of De has been
not inhlK the fibre OF the WT-spen- ding

store. Suppose you buy a rug and it does not just suit you ties vViikss, 22, ;.nd age and opportuni Mr and Mrs R C. Metce.lf are en
a few days with relatives matienCV 01 the lUStrC And
considered, he is unquestionably tertaining relatives from out of town
on getting it down, or it does not quite harmonize with o. Juartt master's dam was Qui at their home in North Banks dis here. rriA
Mrs Clara A. Bulkley and children ",w , V1
oro avaaAinrrtr

some of the surroundings. If bought from some out of Vive, by Sentinelbrother 280, son of Ham- - trict.
bletonlan, and of the great George H. Ferris has abandoned
of Greenfield have spent a few days moaeraie COnSiaeiW tne
town dealer there is time and money spent in going back Volunteer, and his second dam was his job with the Kennel Food Supply at ner ota nome. quality and superior finish.
the great brood mare, Missie, by Co., and gone to work for Henry
and forth and getting the rug changed, even if it can be Brignoli, son of Mambrlno Chief 11. Tobin.
changed at all; while if bought here we will change it as Brownmaster's first dam is Belle Mrs Kllen Parshley spent Satur-
IT LIKES THE Embroidered Batistes, valua 75c a vard.
Medium of Blue Bell, 2.18, day vith out of town friends. this week ic.
many times as you like or will send several for you to se- and three (dam other standard perfo- m 'rs, -
George Brett is one of the latest to Embroidered Swiss and Sccttlsh Muslins.
25c. 39c, 50c and up to $1.25 a yard.
lect from. all trotters, besides one sire) by Far- - have a telephone installed in his
HILLS. Embroidered Linen, in a variety of fig-
view Chief, and his second dam was residence. v
ures, $1.25 to $3.00 a yard.
Mrs Helen Smith, who has been White Silk Banzai in nlaln and flcnrp1.
by Hc.ppy Mediutn.Jr.,
In the selecting of cvpets the same Ist'tie; we will send different son of Kennedy
Happy Medium 400, one of the spending several days with Green-
50c a yard.
Victoria Lawn, 32 inches wide, 35c a yard.
comblnati ns for you to see on the floor so as to preveat your getting mightiest sjiis of Ilainbletonlan, field friends, "na3 now returned to her Mercerized Batiste. 40 inches wide. Sta.
anything that is likely to prove unsatisfactory in color or pattern. As Brownmaster is a black16 horse, foaled nome in Derby. Knox cars won more hill climb 50c and 7oc a yard.
French Linen Finished Batiste, 40 and 45
to quality we s'and back of anything we in 1897. He stands hands high, Principal A H. Bowers of the ing contests in 1908 than any oth inches wide, 25c, 39c, 50c and 75c a yard.
and possesses a breedy head, good
and the bono and muscle, and substance with Southport Grammar school will be er make car, regardless of horse French Lawns. 36 to 45 inches wide,
The new spring or coverings are particu'arly
fl transferred to Dwight, school at 25c, 35c, 50c and up to $1.50.
assortment never more ccmp'ete. If at all iitf rested in ary kind of 'beauty at every, voint, as his por- Greenfield Hill for the coming year., power or price. There is a reason. 75c.
ersian Lawns 19c. 25c. 25c. 39c and un to
floor coverings Ut us show you our line and figure with you on the ex trait shows. He is the sire of Rallies Mrs Parshley, who has been princi- Better investigate. India Lamns 10c, 12 15c and up to 35c
pense. 2.114, one of the best trotters out pal of the Greenfield school for seve-
last year. Brownmaster's stable- - ral year", will sever her connection
mate Is the chestnutflth this school at the close of the
ld We also find some excellent qual
stallion Joe Allerton, 2.26, sired by present term. There will also be two ities in the E. M. F." A silent,
Alleiton, 2.09 , the greatest son of changes in the intermediate depart- - snappy 30 L p. touring car fully

The Howard & Barber Jay Bird by the record, having 190
standard performers to his credit,
while hi3 sons nave sired 114 and his
daughters have produced 28. The
equipped for $1250, known as the
largest car value of the season.
!lrt dan1 of Joe Allertnn is Kathleen A good line of second hand cars
Rogers, dam of three standard per-
formers, Dy Sentinel Wilkes, son of at attractive prices.
George Wilkes, 2.2?; second dam
Berta Rogers (dam of Doris Wilkes.
2.1 4 H ) by Pretender, son of Lictat-o- r. Demonstration at your conven
DERBY, CONN. He is also a fine large horse, ience.
standing 16 hands high, with the
beauty and quality which Ridgewood
Farm insists upon. The fee of either
horse Is only $25 to insure a mare in Wm. W. Wakelee, SHOE
foal, and if any farm can offer a bet Sandy Hook, Conn.
ter inducement to breeders than this
Bridgeport we do not know whore it is."'
Business ollege ST JOHN'S.

Sunday Services.
StampeitnTnerI(lsApprovaI Horses ! and Women
R. S. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor. This paper will meet the most rleid dfimanrl.
The Rev O. O. Wright, who went 'Tis usd by the millions all over the land.
to Boston last Monday to attend the Its surface is perfect, its oualifcv Ann. This mark identifies the highest
Of blemish or fault there is never a sign.
ype of men's and women's shoes
"hurcii Congress, will be awav over in its snape size
Sunday, and the Rev R. T. Jefferson,
of Darien, will supply for him.
Morning service at 10.45.
And in style
ana tint there is ne er a
LINEN Is always Horses ! old ar $3.50. And though leather
nd hhor are now more costly, we
BUSINESS. laintatn the high standard which has
Sunday school at noon. We sell Highland Linen, also latie Zenith
Evening prayer at 5 p. m. Shoes famous and
other of the celebrated writ-
Big Auction Sale
hich our label guarantees.
School Rooms open, and Teachers in Attendance from 8 a. m. to John H. Rieuards of Spectacle ing papers manufactured by tne Zen'th Shoes for men and women
5 p. m. Day sessions from 9. 30 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. lake, Kent, was a caller at Eaton, Crane & Pike Co. Come re tii.ufe of the finest quality m;itir-tl- s
The lite office, Tuesday.
in, let us show them to you and Saturday at 2 P. M, Rain or Shine by expert shoe makers, and have
Miss Katherine Bradley is teach- quote you prices. One car load of Iowa Horses. Big
BRIDGEPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE, matched team, big single horses, a
tore hand-wor- in them than any

ing the school at Bennett's Bridge. ther $3.50 shoes. They come in
Court Exchange Building, Tel. 1335. lot of good business horses, a horse
Samuel Green of New York City GARDEN SEEDS ! for any man. le latest styles, in all leathers, and
Office Open Evenings. purcnased Jon P. Houirh's farm 30 good second handed horses i sizes which insure "a fit for
on Toddy Hill. Mr Green and family A Big horses right out of work that will be
sold for the high dollar no matter yen foot."
are nicely settled in their new home, Zenith Special Shoes are $i a
T't SUamrr-ck-. Variety. what they bring.
Wagons, Harness, Blankets. high gr?.de.
Miss Nellie E. Costello of Bridge Bring In anything you have to sell We control Zenith Shoes exclu-vel- y
to the Leading Horse Mart of Conn
port is visiting her mother, Mrs Ellen
Costello, at Wood Lawn Farm, Toddy
R. H. Beers & Co.,
and sell them in our new and
ilarged shoe section :n our base
Hill. ifrif ''""f'-iom- .

Newtown, Conn.
John P. Haugh of Shelton visited Hamilton Bros.,
cif old ft lends, recently. The Leading Horse Mart of Conn.
749 Water Street, "Opposite the Depot.
Miss Annie Grant of New York
City is visiting her parents, Mr and YOU CAN GET AT i Bridgeport ih INCORPORATED )
Mrs Charles Grant, on Toddy Hill. Telephone 1138-- 4.

132 and 184 George St.,

) Men, Women and Children
Dyspepsia is our national ailment. NEW HAVEN. - Northwest Corner
Burdock Blood Bitters i the national
cure for it. It strengthens stomach
memoranes, promotes flow of diges
Rupfs au Street and Fairfield Aveaue.

Te Church Pneumatic Water Systems tive juices, purines tne blood, builds
you up.
Market Having Rented the
Are a success and your country residence is not complete without
for Catalogue and full information- -
one-Writ- e
Mrs Wallace N. Mitchell attended
the banquet of the alumni of Drew
seminary, held in New Yorr City,
New Potatoes, Tin
Artesian Wells Drilled. Monday. Wax Beans,
With local applications, as they can- -
Cucumbers, Shop C. H. Bassett,
Engineer and Contractor for Complete Water Supply Outfits, not reach the Beat of the disease. Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- Tomatoes, In tie rear of the store of R. H.
Seymour. Conn., and 66 High St., Boston, Mass. take ease, ami In order to cure it you must
Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh And many other good things
Beers & Co., Main St., Newtown, AtC a Gay's Old stand
Cure is taken Internally, and acts di- I am now prepared to attend to
Telephone Connection. rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. to eat in early vegetables.
Hall's Catirrh Cure Is not qiack medi- Plumbing
cine. It was prescribed by one of the

Frank Favereau, Special Notice.

best ohysicians In this cwntrr for ve-i-r
and is a regular prescription. It is com
posed or tte pest ionics known, com-
bined with the best blood pursers, act- -
Jobbing of AO Kinds.
Redding Ridge, Conn.
Horseshoeins. Carriasre
My new shop now open for business and am ing- directly on the mucous surfaces.
nd Wairon repair Wagon
inr and General Blaeksmithin. Full stork of
to do Horse 8boeln?. Carriage and Tne perfect combination of the two in- -
Painting and Repairing and Jobbing is what produces such
all kinds. Autorepairs. Gasoline for sale. fredients in curing Catarrh. Rend for
o( Neverslip horseshoes on hand. Sizes to fit
11 horses.
Fred Lindwall & Son, testimonials rree.
F. 3. CHENET & CO.. Props.,
Henry Rupf, s A. . Brinton, A SPECIALTY.
Branchrilie. Conn. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Irugg1sfs. price 75c.
Main St. Newtown.
' Newtown.
Take Halla Family Fills for
t a Telephone Connection.
lag. Horseshoeing.
oTelephone 46--

The Newtown Bee. Ttoosaift Have Kidney

HOWLAND'S Nowtowny Friday, May 14, 1909. Trouble and Never Suspect it
How T Find OnU
Entrances on Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, - Cannon Street.
HOME NEWS. Fill bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand
twenty.four hours;
a onck dust sedi-

Good Floor Covering


Fine Game, .Although Newtown

ment, or settling,
stringy or milky
indicates an un-
New Dress Goods.
healthy condi
at Dry Goods Prices. Was A Loser. , tion of the kid
neys; too fre
Every Week in fact almost every day finds new
It was a groat same of baseball arrivals here presenting the very newest weaves ami
quent desire to
This store se s a sorts of rename floor covenne from day
that van ployed in Bethel, last Satur- II..
afternoon, hetwonn t!ip Newtown mc ubi k urc aiw k mptonis that tell vou colorings
TT .
till KB It or Tin-- in in
" """ of the season. These are samples.
High school and the Bethel High kidneys and Madder are out of order
best body brussels carpet to .oil cloth. It sells them all a fichool, and although Bethel won out, and need attention. Inbh Poplins 30 inches wide wide, guaranteed all wool, .all .the)
3 to 2, our boys did themselves croud T7hnt To Bo. crcfim witn colored Jmir iin starts. popular colors. $1 a yard.
dry goods prices; is coutented with a fair ine new
profit.' In holding the team they were up There Is comfort In tl--
t s
ALii Navv blue and black with white Prrnella Suitines chevron weave,
stocks for spring are all here.. They are big and good and against at such a score. The Bethel often expressed, that Dr. Kiliner's twines. 38o a yard. lustrous finish. wide, in
SWantn-Itoo- t. Hie
nanasome. uoiors are clear ana snarp ana aisunci ana win which umpire aia an lie could lor Betnei, fulfills PTeut r,.ni,.(l germ, firm, erisn weave desirable shades of navv. smoke,

was only natural, ttnd the almoi.t every winh in correcting ana une rmisned, colors, dark
last. Patterns are attractive and run from small to large. bovs siiould not be downcast over rheumatism, pain ia the back, kidneys, new, blue, cardinal, dark winemen, and
gray and Copenhagen blue. $1 a yd. .
Shadow Strine Prunellas, rich
vi u.ttui.wT uuu evCTy 01 we urinary
There are even oil cloths in matting designs. There are car- - this defeat. Roy Smith did great ,
pari uiack, ouc a vara. satin effect, newest and most nonular
work for Newtown as pitcher and EaSKQl'P. (VfftrtciiiultilUwlA IiaI.I Shadow Stripe Seree in a fine twill shades olives, smoke, newbrown,
Deis in ur
enrai i pures. mere are ruts in everv auc num the whole team entered with him and scalding
effects following use of
pain in passing it, or bad hnd correct weight, a firm well woven navv and myrtle. $1 a yard. .....
liquor, wine or cloth.
tinv mats to ones that will cover a whole room. There Into the
hire sport. In the first five in-
beer, and overcomes that wide, strictly . .A good assortment of exclusive

nings our boys drew blanks but In unpleasant ne-

75c a yard. dress patterns in the newest materi.
are big carpet rugs woven all in one piece without a seam so the sixth Inning they scored two cessity of bcinr compelled to go often Black Chilfon Panama, als and colonies only one of a kind.
runs, Morris and Drlscoll crossing through the d.y, anil to get up many
to me noorana extra aervitc. wide, a liehtweight fabric with close $1.50 and $1.75 a yard.
iney win lie Close give the plate. It looked as if they were times during the night. The mild and ft'!"
weave, crisn finish. 79c a vard.
There are Brussels rugs, Wiltons, tapestry, rag, fibre immediate effect of
going to score more runs In this In soon realized. It standsSwamp-Ro- is ot
Worsted Suitings. '46- - to
the hiVhest he. (left Aisle. Centtr.) , .

even special rugs for oath-roo- m use ana for spreaamg on ning, but Jesse Bailey stopped long 1.HU.TCUI An,i..A.f I,- - . . e
1 1 -
enough to get Into a discussion with health
veranda during the summer. the second baseman and the umpire erties. restoring prop.
Linoleums, too, are here in all grades from the printed ealled him out, although he had lots medicineIf you need a
of time to get back to first base be- have you should
at 62 2c a sauare vard to the finest heavy inlaid at $1,8$. the best. Sold by
fore the ball reached there. In the
There are orettv new oil cloths in widths from 1 to 2 -2 seventh inning Bethel changed her o.ii
druggists in fifty-ce-
A. .11 ;
Pattern Department.
h ...
pitcher and the Newtown boys drew Yon may have a
vards. at 2Sc and 30c a sauare yard. binuki fov the rest of the ga '.. sample bottle sent free
THE QUESTION in every mother'smind-W- hat
by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., shall my daughter wear
Tapestry rugs in sizes from S by 9 feet to 9 by 12 feet
Bing-hamto- n,
they came near scorh g in the N. Y. Mention this paper and for Closme School Exercises? is satisfactorily answered in the Special
7.50 to $17.
Mottled Smyrna rugs of heavy weight, all wool, from

one mn In 'b
rst iiiniiii: and wo more in Hie rememberthename.Dr.Kilmer'sSwamp.
Root, and the address, Binghamton,
which gave linn the lead N. Y., on every bottle.
finally won the game. The line-
Number of

18 to 36 inches, to 0 by 12 feet; 79c to 18.00. up was as follows: Newtown: B. The McCall Large Fashion Book
Bathrugsof fast colors, white, green or red combined Smith, c; R. Smith, p; Morris, lb; other pills only arive temporary re- -
Carmody, 2b; Tabor, 3b; Drlscoll, ss; nei. &ee nis advertisement in an
with white, 75c 2.5O.. Piatt, rf; Houlihan, cf; Bailey, If. other column.
June Issue
Kugs of wool and fibre woven togetnerin good patterns Ambler, Robinson, c; Dickens, p; W.
lb; English, 2b; G. Ambler,
and colors, 36 by 72 inches to 9 by 12 feet, $2 to $11. Richmond: 3b; Smith, rf; Han Washington. Handsomelv bonnd in nnlnrs nnrf firmation and graduation exercises,
Handsome Body Brussels carpet, excellent designs, nah, If; Melvin, cf. The score by containing over 1.000 stylish designs, small frocks for
ST JOHN'S CHURCH. , this issue has besides, a special sup- the undergraduate,
$1.45 a yd. Bethel 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
03 plement showing a variety of un- dainty little dresses for the
Bishop Brewster will visit St
Wilton carpets, soft and rich and fine, $1.10 a. w Newtown 00000200 02
John's church, Saturday, May 22, md usually
La Valla pitched for Bethel in the administer the
attractive dresses for con

Ingrain carpets in the colors and patterns you know last three innings. Holy rite of
ation. Service at 3. p. m. All are

nd like so well, 50 to 69c a yard. Those from Newtcwu who went to cordially Invited.
see the game were Misses Mary and
Catherine Farrell, Anna Carlson, BRIEFLY NOTED.
The Price is Only 10c.
Dorette Gordon, Marguerite Cavan- -
augh, and Messrs Levi C. Morris, Miss Helen Nettletcu. who has
At our McCall Pattern Department. (left Aisle. Rear.)
Arthur J. Smith, Henry uarlson, spent the winter at "The Kingsbury."
ustave Carlson, Arthur Fairchild, Wateriwj, returns to her home, this
The Howland Dry Goods Herbert, Arthur, George and Clarence week.
Ferris, John S'cftnlon and Horace J. H. Parcells is the new manager
Smith. at the Washington Feed & Supply
Co., Inc.

The infant son of Mr and Mrs
E. F. Lynch of New Milford and John Palchrist is ill and under the
Peter Lynch of Long Hill passed care of Dr Wersebe.
Sunday with their father, Patrick Mrs Henry Seeley is ill and has a

Lynch, in Zoar. Sunday morning nurse from Marbledale caiing for
Edward and Peter Lynch went to Bridgeport, Conn.
Bridgeport, Bridgeport to see their brother,
Miss Lottie L. Nearing of 323
Michael Lynch, who is seriously il! Chauncey Street, Brooklyn, Mail Orders will receive careful and prompt attention.
at the home of his sister, Mrs Wil- is visiting her sister, Mrs George Y,
liam Hawley. Russell.
Mr3 Sarah K. Hine had some
M;1 and Mrs Fred Bresson of Zoar Ham F. Holmes officiating. She was a new coat of paint. Oscar Ferris Is
friends from Bridgeport and the a sister of the late David M. Beard- - the artist.
n?.! j little sui ai-- ? m their home west
on Mo.M;i-.- y. April 15. visiting her. slee. She leaves an aged husband to Frederick Chare has a very hand-

LISK Mrs George H. Russell entertained

a few friends, May 1, j'i honor of her
Edward Hayes of Stamford has 23d birthday. The afte'nem was
been spending a few days with his spent with phonograph selections
mourn her loss, who has faithfully some driving horse, bought of Hjlmar
cared for her in her declining years. Rrinlrsnn nf PTnnt. TTnllmv. .
He is quite feeble and will be cared
for by his nieces, Mrs Martha Wood-
t. .

family in Zoar. and refreshment... She received ruff and Miss Eliza Beardslee.
Bhie and White Four Coated Enameled Steel Ware Mr and Mrs
many pretty gifts, among them a
Fred Northrop spent large plant in full bloom. Belinda and Charles Judd attended
is the finest enameled ware on the market y.
sunday in Stevenson, the guestsof M:
The handles and and
Gus Lileublade has a new tele- the birthday party of Ethel Fox,
Mrs L. R Bradley. phone. His call is 4 ring 4.
ears are warranted not to come off. They will wear much longer than Mrs Ella A. Nearing of New Mil- - Saturday afternoon.
the cheaper goods and cost but a trifle more. See them in our window. Miss Cora Beardsley, who has been fovi visited her danghtei frt--
ill for two or three weeks with the Thursday, May 6, until Saturday, Canfield & Davis,
South Kent.
Refrigerators, White Mountain Freezers, grip at her home at Bennett's Bridge, May 8.
is now gaining slowly.
Newtown, Conn.
Painters and Paper Hangers.
Telephone 32--

Oil Stoves and Ovens,

G. Oakley and Charles Merritt of Bethlehem Fred Chase, the enterprising mer Biggest line of Wall Paper Samples
chant, has bought two new auto
45c to $12.00. Mamaroneck, N. Y spent Sunday at
Mr Oakley's summer home in Zoar. A BETHLEHEM BOY. mobiles. He has a new Maxwell
in town.

a runabout. On Sunday he went to

Following is clipping from the York and drove up l is new ma-
The Hoyt Rubber Bucket Pump with spruce tubing attached makes John H. Allen has moved from Colorado Springs Telegram: "W. T. New
the cleanest and sweetest well water pump. Pine tubing gives the Henry Johnson's house in Zoar to Kasson, candidate for chine,
as His
called "The Merry Widow." Michael Kilbride,
Palestine. alderman from the Third ward on the him. son, Frank Chase, accompanied
water an unpleasane taste, iron tubing makes the water bitter and is General Trucking and Teaming.
short lived as everyone knows by experience. Many so called improved Mr and Mrs A. F. Clark, who have Republican ticket, has made a splen- The store and other'' buildings
did record in the last two years as a Tel. No. SANDY HOOK.CT.
pumps have been placed on the market, most of them costing more but benn fie winter in New owned by Fred Chase are to receive 28-- 4.

member of the city council. He has

they are soon consigned to the scrap heap. York, opened their pleasant summer earned tLe good will and cordial sup
home in Newtown Street for the
Remember we carry a full line of fine granite and galvanized ware, season, last week. port of his constituents by his suc- Professional Cards.
cessful efforts in regard to the open-
pumps sinks, iron and lead pipes. And we do plumbing, heating and ing of Hancock, Willow and
Mrs W.i M. Reynolds is spending Bijou
tinning at streets, as well as Platte avenue, and
several days in New York with her
in so doing it is estimated that the Gardiner H. Walker, C. E. Osborne,
daughter. Miss Kate M. Reynolds.
city has saved $5,000 in legal ex- Organist and Choirmaster of Trinity Church, Jr.,
A. F. Clark has shown his public penses for condemnation proceedings.
E. J. HALL'S, spirit by having a gas street lamp
Some idea of the store set upon his
services in his ward is shown by the
Teacher of Piano and Organ. Painting and Paper Hanging,
placed on the post of his front fact that he was renominated by a anteen. Estimates rladly furnished.
Sandy Hook, Conn. vote of 88 to 3 in his own precinct.
Mrs Henry B. Read, who under- Another matter in which Mr Kasson W. BEECHER, J. .
took a leading pan was the securing Attorney-at-la-
went, an operation at the Bridgeport
hospital, has so far recovered as to
of the new street car line for resi- Rooms 25 and 2 Sanford Bdlg, DR. S. E. ALLEN,
be able return to her home in town. dents on Boulder Street to the city Office in Newtown open on Saturday'
limits. As chairman of the police from 8 a. m., to 3.30 p. m. UAHidtiowft. UAiN.
cyi,m'!"tes Mr Kasson earnestly ad- L. P. O. Address: Route 15, Stepney Depot, Conn
George R. Wilson has had 'the vocated an eight-ho-
shed east of his bouse torn down and day for patrol-
Administer of Massape Treatment. Specl- -
men, and his support of the measure ti. J. fi.Tn
T f T
IT ALE, 1V1. ) i
alist in treatment, of piles, eczema, catarrh,

has had the lawn east of his house

Art Glass Domes had much to do with its passage by . Office in heart failure, stomach trouble and headache.
nicely graded, which is a great im-
the aldermen." Altnough Mr Kas- tnejf)avkl Beers Keswence, Medicine furnished for this treatment.
Terms reasonable. Consultation free.
provement to his place. son hp.s been away from town nearly Office hours: toto 8 8 9 al m., 1 to 2 and 7

p. m.
20 years many of our people well re-
Morris Martensen and brother of
In Brass and in Wrought Iron. New York have puiebasp.1 the Drew member him.
Alexander Noe,
place of Henry Schuppert and have Mrs Gerald and housekeeper. Mrs Dr. WALTER H. KlERNAK,
taken possession. They have been Plocuiii, have uio od into D. W. Bald- Veterinary Dentist,
We do all kinds of Gas and Elec-tri- ca
improving the house by having It win's house in the tntc. PHYSICIAN AND SURGi-.u.- .

sandy Hook, .Conn P. O. Box 164, Ansonia, Ct.

work and carry the largest painted. Clifton Huriuurt has moved into Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m., 18. 1 to 2, and I
stock of Gas, Oil and Electric Fi- to p. m. Mail orders promptly attended to.
8 Telephone:
The Newtown Inn is now open for theMrHurlburt
xturesour prices are to-3 low-
and Mrs E. M. Crane attended
er than elsewhere. the season and ready for guests. the funeral of his aunt, Mrs Andrew DENTAL PARLORS.
We sell thousands of Art Domes Mrs Charles H. Peck of New York IDarran, aged 96, in Watertown,
was at her place on Mt Pleasant a Saturday..
Expert dentistry, painless and reliable
Most modern and scientific appliances
Ll Rflttflm
every year and our goods are always
te. few days, last week, getting it in Lake Mrs A. C. Lake and Miss Anna B. used for painless operations
visited Northfield, last week DR. C. B. BLACKMAN,
rF?lVriT '
readiness for the summer. Postoffice Bank Sibkkt. New Milfobd.
Estimates furnished on large and Saturday. Surgeon Dentist. Office in Conn.
Dr Clarke and family of New York The teachers in town issued their Block. New Milford.
small jobs. for Arbor and Bird
City arrived, last week, and are now ojvt proclamfltioi
settled for the summer in Mr and day, one week ahead of the governor, 0ordon'
s '
We put on sale this week Mrs W. u Allen's pleasant summer and celebrated last Friday.was taken
home at the head of the Street. Mrs Harry Johnson DrF.E.Judson, 4Teacfier Violin, Piano, Mandolin,
300 W I. domes exactly same severely skit, last week, and they DENTIST
called Dr Karrmann in the night to Qass Lessons. Ensemble.- -

as above cut, regularly sold Mr and Mrs Frank Sutherland of 57 Center St, Bethel, Conn.
at from 7.50 to 12.50 each. Lon? Hill moved, last week, into attend her. Georgetown at H. J. Remsen's NEWTOWN, CONNECTICUT,
William Ryan's place at Botsford The ground is cold and wet and residence, open Wednesdays from 9 a,-
Our price $3.98. Don't fail but little planting has been done. m., to 2 p.m.; after 2 p. m., by appoint-
to buy one of these domes or
Plum and peach trees are In blossom Oscar Pitzschler & Son,
Thomas O. Murphy of Botsford apparently not hurt by the freezing
one of the other bargains we would like to know if ihe Hungarian last week. pv
13 Q Jl rn . Barbers and Hairdressers,
are offering. partride Is anything like our native The Grange instructed a
partridge. Will some one kindly four in the thiru and fourth degrees,
class rf JLi.
J.UU.LI. O. "kewtown.
Newtown shop open erery day.
sandy hook.

send a discrlptlon of this bird to The last Friday evening, and served the shop open erery weekday.
$3 89. , Bee office so we can print it for the customary harvest supper. New MlllOra, Ltonn. Only first class work.
benefit of our readers.
The Century Co., G. N. Clarke of Nichols is sending
Watertown. Nurses' Registry & Home,
UCIICrdI KCpdimig.
out free samples of his celebrated Teleplon 834,
1088 Talrfleia Av,
MRS ANDRMV DARROW. Bridgeport, Conn,
I 837 and 839 Main St, Bridgeport, Conn. 1 Vegetable Liver Pills. People who
are troubled with biliousness, con-
Supplies nurses of all grades. Special
The funeral of Mrs Andrew Dar- - attention giver to the requirements
case. Call receive prompt atten- -
Bicycles TGuns, ReTolrers. Etc Terms
of Cash.
stipation, indigestion, headache, row, who died Thursday at tne age each tflRMff nnfiTTf
tion In or out of town, day or night-
4:32iness, etc., should try them as of 94 years, was held at her late resi- Graduates In charge. Miss B. B. Bony- Boi 564. New llilford. Conn,
they cure the above ailmenti where dence, Saturday afternoon, Rev Wil-- man, Miss M. J. Morgan.

gether In pain to tell the angel's

EEHESSBESSS BBSS A PROVIDENCE Mfssage at the empty tomb, "lie Is
t here, for He Is risen." The
ESTABLISHED 1840. ilme predicted ly Christ had surely

Waterbury's Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Outfitter to Men WOMAN CURED tome when men bad reused to praise
Uod, and the very stones were crying
ana Hoys, ut. Was It any wonder then that
Class Tailoring, Rightly-Mad- e Clothing, Furnishing!' Hats N loved all Inanimate life that be
and Shoes. After Doctors Had Disagreed and tenderly handled every living thing,
listened to the mest-age- of ihe s

and Their Treatment Had flowers and the stones and the trees,
that at night be stood enrnptared
Failed to Bring Relief. under the stars listening to the

WALIOOVER Owing to the remarkable obiitinary

Davis, of 125 Labaa street, Providence,

R. I., of great iuterent to other suffer-
oi praise of the Creator.
"Mft up your heuds, 0 ye gates,
tlie disease the cure of Mrs. Ada M. And be ye lifted up,

ye everlasting
the Kir.g of glory shall come In.
SHOES. ers who may be discouraged and inclined Who Is the King of glory?
to abandon hope of recovery. Jlrs. The Lord strong and mighty.
The Lord mighty In buttle,
I suffered for several years with l.ltt up your heads, 0 ye gates.
OPTIMISM AND weakuchg common to uiy sex, I was Yea, lift them up, ye everlasting
sick from niy girlhood aud suffered ter- doors,
And tl-- king of glory shall come In.

PESSIMISM. ribly every month. I was so uurvoui Who Is this

that any little thing would npsot me, Klngot glory?
r.e Lord of hosts,
I would wake up at night with a smoth-
lit is the of glory.
Everybody owes it to himself and to the world to
ering sensation, ily digestion was With theKing second surgical opera-
poor aud my heart troubled me a great
make the best of himself and his opportunities. Many REV. ANDFEW CHESLEY FURBUSH, deal. tion the professor's mental life was
"The doctor said I must not work nor raised a stage higher, and he be-
pessimists are really only optimists with cheap shoes Pastor of the Congregational Church, Georgetown. eveu walk. I was weak and despondent, came one with the lower animals,
horses and sheep and
on. YVALK-OVfc- R Shoes are active agents of the especially as the doctors didn't seem to lie talked with
know what the trouble was. tattle of every sort, and they torn
International Sunshine Society. If you're not on the him their secrets. He chatted with
sunny side WALK-OVE- R.
The Newtown Bee. tne
top, for miles around. At the
impact of the atrship which con-
"They didn't agree as to my trouble
and it was only after years of suffering tu rnkeys and apes and gorillas, and
Newtown, Friday, May 14, 1909. nected its own wirless telegraph with that I began using Dr. William' Fink .ound that they were not such bad
the world, messages of alarm went Fills. I felt I was gaining after taking a fellows after all. He hooted with
Prices: $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. forth in every direction. Very near- few boxes and took the pills until cured. the owls, sang with the birds, swam
ly the exact location of the wreck I have been in perfect health since with the fish, bleated with the cattle
"THE STONES CRY OUT." wns easily calculated from these and attribute it to Dr. Williams' Pink and roared with the lions. And
messages, and Boon train loads of Pills." the testimony of one and all of
J. B. MULLINGS & SON, Easter Allegory Bv Andrew Cheslev
the most skilled physicians and sur-
geons were rushing to the rescue.
These pills are guaranteed to be safe these animals, though covered by a
and harmless to the most delicate con- rough and hard exterior, was that of
Turkish of Georgetown. Nevertheless it was ten hours before stitution. They contain no morphine, appreciation of God and thankful-
97 to 103 Bank Street, 88 to 96 South Main Street, he could be found, and then the doc- opiate, narcotic, nor anything to cause ness for all His bene..ts. "Did you
tors said in low, solemn tones, '"It s a drug habit. They do not act on the never notice," said the professor to
WATERBURY. "This Is the age of enlightenment too late, he ip deal " I'feless form bowels but they actually make new his friends as he related this experi-
The dark spectre of tradition and the no seemed, yet not mangled nor bear-i- n blood and strengthen the serves. II ence, "that whenever you pat the
hobgoblin of religious faith are flee-'"- g any outward injuries. They hes- yon want good health yon must have dog on the head he looks up into
before "he light of human reason. itated even to take him to a hospital, good blood. Bad blood is the root of your eyes with thankfulness plainly
God is a myth and eternal life a sheer but finally decided to give him a all common diseases, like anaemia, rheu- shining there; that whenever you
delusion. The world is at last com- searching examination with Hie new matism, sciatica, neuralgia, St. Vitus' stroke the kitten's back, it immedi-

mmMmummmmmmmm ing to its senses and realizing that

hard, lirn, eolid matter is the eojeuce
and core and the whole constituency
radi'iiii lower. At a" Lake City he
was subjected tJ he powerful ra-
dium rays, which disclosed feeble
dnce, nervousness, indigestion, debil- ately begins to purr softly. Even
ity, general weakness, paralysis, loco- the linns are trained by kindness and
motor ataxia and the special ailments respond to every attention. From the
of life." sins of life, also serious injury of that only womeu-- f oik know. tiniesr insect to the roaring lion
Thus declared Prof Agnostico, fel- the brain. For weeks and months One of the best things about these there is constant recognition of ihe
Field, Garden and Flower low of the Riyal Society, President
of the International Aeronautical
they worked ceaselessly over him to
fan back the spark of life. Their
pills is the fact that they do not contain Creator and it is a delight to live in
the slightest trace of any harmful drug. such an atmosphere. What is re-
sor'etk' and professor of aerial navi- efforts were finally rewarded, bat on- While they are overcoming disease they garded aii ferocity and cruelty among
gation at Pisa, and he paused a mo- ly partially, for it was a mere sem- are building up general conditions of wild animals is natural Instinct of
good health. preservation and Ignorance of all

SEED. ment to see how his words struck blance of man that was restored.
his foreign audience, the 3000 Ameri- His reason was destroyed, entailing A booklet entitled "Plain Talks to outside their own species." And as
cans who had crowded Cooper Insti- loss cs spea"h, hearing atii absolute- Women" will be sent free upon request these animals in their natural state
tute to Ipai mis distinguished Ital- ly all interest in human beings or to any woman interested. laid themselves down and slept
..n'mals. After his recovery he Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by through the cold winter and awoke
ian t
ud aeronaut. He could all druggists or sent, postpaid, on receipt with the spring, they told me on
'lot perceive that a muscle moved in shunned mankind as a bitter enemy,
'.hat vast audience, tut he felt the and lived almost exclusively among of price, 60 cents per box; six boxes for emerging once more into life that
Fertilizers for the Farm and Garden. weight of heavy breathing from 6UU0 the trees and flowers and rocks, lie $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine this was the Creator's way to teach
lungs. The very air seemed a bur- seemed Attracted to them as he was Company, Schenectady, N. Y. them about the resurrection.
Special Dressing for the Lawn. den which none but Atlas could bear. repell- d from
man. '
For hours he "From the moment that I recov-
This iir n it daunt him for he was would delicately, handle a flower, ered corsciousness after falling from
stones and flowers and trees, and my airship," said the Professor, "to
accustomed to incredulity and even, seeming to po r nut passion up-

Plows, Harrows. Rollers, Farm Wagons, Fertilizer Drills, at limes, to riukule. Ke passed on it, and at night he would seem to they brought him wonderful mess- this very Easter morning I had con-
listen to the trees, though the loud- ages. H found that every stone was tinually before me the lesson of the
Pumps, Spraying Outfits, etc. A variety of the best mixtures'ly nn to the practical side of a table written by the finger of God, resurrection.
his lecture, which was to describe est shouting of men made not the And now here I am
for Spraying Trees at that every tree was a book contain- risen to the dignified life of humani-
and explain his new invention, the least impression upon him. The
doctors studied his case with thei ing as many leaves as it had branches ty from the dead. I thought I knew
flying automaton. It was nothing and twigs, and that every flower was what matter was ten years ago, but
else than a monster mechanical eagle deepest interest. It baflled all tbeir a letter written by the Creator. now I spe it all so clearly. Matter is
which would take its passengers at combined knowledge. They exper- These records contained a full ac- but the tool, the outward covering,
Farmers' Supply & Roofing Co., will tiiioughoiit the skv seemingly
never exhausting irs strength. It
imented upon him, performing
operations upon the brain.
count of creation, and were moment- of which Spirit Js the soul, the work-
arily giving witness to earthquakes man. There is a resurrection, and
wat- self governing, the slightest But all in vain. In fact his brain
and volcanic eruptions and disturb-
256 Middle St., movement of the Pr fssor deter- seemed no different from any other everything in God's creation realizes
ances that have happened since the it except man. 0 wretched, blind,
. Bridgeport. part ot his body, since all feeling
mining its course upward or down-rai- world began. Besides this he could
or fo one side or the other; it and suffering was removed. Heal, man, must thou be
hear plainly the morning stars sing- cast from heaven to earth, or from
000 0 000000000000 reguiied no power outside itself, hut
automatically fed upon the electricity
cold and Injuries brought not the
slightest sensation of nain. His brair, ing together. He eagerly listened to earth to hell, to see what your
the stored up history of hoary anti- weaker brothers see, the dumb
of tne aii, and was thus, like the seemeed to be no more sensitive or-
life. In fact as the Professor said. gan than his hand or foot. When quity when the cave dwellers and beasts, the inanimate rocks, the
bronze men lived upon the earth. senseless trees that tfere is a
walking the tie'ds or woods he would
n, reciir-rectio-
va mine- up to his theme, "this

The story of the flood was minutely

auto.ntitoo is t! t 20'h century in- step with the softest tread, and if he and that Christ rose from
given. He listened at the crater of the dead, and so will you, if you
vention which proves that self di- arcidei tlv crushed a flower beneath
his foot he would weep as though Vesuvius to the dire fate of Pompei exercise faith to believe and follow
recting, reasoning beinss are after nd Hercalaneum, and he heard why Him.
Incorporated. Capital Stock $25,000.
all hut an inner phase of the great
world substance, matter. Matter is
his hetwas bnken. For six years
this state of life continued, during Sodom and cities of the
the-othe- r m
which time many experiments were piain were destroyed. And this was
evcoihiLV f"rtc. "neigy, reason, recited before tiim much as the Sherman.
Cures Cancer and old sores. Patients treated at home when desired. the soul: and th?re 's .lOining lesile performed by the most skilled sur- tells the story up-
it. And let those who question this geons from all over the world. At phonograph to-d-

Correspondence Solicited. Unlimited references furnished on its records. And all these mes- FRANK M. BP IGGS SELLS HIS
truth go now with me to Central the givI of that time a sudden change
in 1901 oocured. After one of the most criti- sages were given in rapid succession FARM.
Established Park in yonder lobe of this great lcr they told of ceaseless change,
city and there I will prove this state- cal experiments, hearing was re- Frank M. Briggs has 3old his large
which was the ever recurring resur-
ment." stored and with it came interest in
animal life,' though not in man. rection 'of life. The seasons passed farm near tiie Congregational church
Thif crowd surged from the lecture
His eyes and ears seemed made now be'ore him in ouick succession to to Mrs Seale of Brooklyn who will
hall amid a hu'ibub of voices and show him the two unfailing powers take possessicn June 1. Tne sol
Old Furniture Made to Look and gesticulating that resembled the con-
fusion at the Tower of P.abel. Fully
only for the songs of birds, the low-
ing of cattle, the barking of dogs,
death and resurrection. Flowers was made through the agency of P.
died that they might live again in a E. Clark of New Milford. Mr Briggs
Wear Like New. 100,000 bodies with upturned faces
blackened tne carta beneath
the bleating of sheep and the call
of all kinds of animals. He even at- much larger and richer sense; trees is to leave with his family early in
slumbered in the white bed of win- June for Lake View, Mich., vr-er- he
eagle which bore the tempted to imitate them, and was so ter that they might awake in the may locate.' Mr Briggs has one of
We repair and refinish furniture and make it look like Prof. ssor rai' dly into the lioiivo... an successful that at his call every an-
new; Great assortment of coverings at low prices and do thorough work- hour later. In order to more clea.'ly imal would respond. The thrushes glai resurrection of spring. And all the best farms in town and his many
answered his trill, the dogs joyfully this song was a prelude, a herald's friends are sorry he is to leave.
manship in every way. No charge for figuring, no obligation incurred by demonstrate the wonder of his hu- announcement and a prophecy of the
man machine, wnich he ueclared bsrked at his call, and he became one Editor A. P. Smith of The Bee and
those who ask questions. We sell Portieres, also make them to order and could do almost everything except with them all. He told the secrets great resurrection of Christ, and
window draperies. Don't decide before seeing us. thmk, and he was not sure but it of wolves to the sheep, and they no through Him of all God's children. Frank Brown of New PrestonMr
It seemed to the Professor that all guests- at dinner, Tuesday, of - and
could do that Prof Agnostine al- longer feared them; he whispered creation groaned and travailed to Mrs Charles Johnson.
lowed himself to be bound huinf and the ccoing of the dove to the cat and
she forgot her cruel hunger; he be-
N. Buckingham & Co., Inc., foot several feet from any lever or
governing arm of his airship. Mere-l- j came the universal peacemaker
ugirestion was his ma- all the animals. The medical
Established 1842. by mei-ca- l
chine to deflect its course to his will profession was more puzzled than Stewart's No. 1 Ball Bearing Horse Clipping
1 77 State Street, Bridgeport, Ct and increase its speed to even 500 ever. They did not know whether Machmes
mi es an hour or reduce it to noth he was more man or less than in the
ing. Silently and gracefully it as-c- former state. Yet they would not

give up their experimenting. It was
Z&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& &Si led and in the sp;ce of only a
iew brief minutes ft became a mere tour years before they could discover
& ft speck among the clouds, wafting the least effect of their work. A
great German surgeon from Berlin
westward to overtake the sun. Hour-
j When Arriving at the j ly messages, by wireless telegraphy had spent the whole ten years study-
Running Price Only
reported its appearance over Nia- ing this particular case, and his con-
a43 Terminal H gara, Chicago, Topeka, Denver, Salt
Lake City and San Francisco. On-
clusion was that the professor's men-
tal life had been arrested at a certain
.. ft ly six hours were consumed in mak- stage which marked a definite stage
jjo you are usudly met by friends or relatives who can iv
ing the flight from the Atlantic to of evolution, as shown by erobryo-los- y.
not help a casual glance at your traveling accessories.
and trunks show a decided taste for proper
If your bags P
the Pacific seaboard, and by the end
of that time the whole country was
He studied the developement
of hundreds of infants under his $7.50.
....... ......
mere win De no sngniesc trace oi cnagrin as your
checks are handed to the cabbv. Our stocks include everv nn- -
aflame with excitement
greatest wonder of human skill. The
mayor of San Francisco, the govern-
or of California and other eminent
men at the Goden Gate greeted
over this powerful radium machine, and com-
pared them with what he found in
the Professor's brain, and he found
that a certain lesion of the spinal
cord with brain hadbeen broken,
4 thing for the traveler's baggage.
to-da- te
ft Prof Agnostine on uis dscent once and this severed his connection with
Chicago and Gillette Horse Clipping
ft more to earth. He seemed neither
chined nor fatigued by this eagle
humanity. His task now was to
join tnem. With what should he do Parts Furnished. Knives Sharpened.
The Wooster-Atkinso- n
Co., jjj flight, though five times swifter than it and would he dare such a critical

4$ Corner Broad and John Sts.t Bridgeport, Conn, ft

the fastest train; for the air did not
touch him nor the breezes blow upon
experiment. At last he decided to
use the lesion of an ape, and gaining The Peck & Lines Co.,
aim. He was enclosed in a glass case permission from the family of the 185-20- 7 Middle St., BRIDGEPORT, CONN.
which was artificially fed by air to professor, set upon his trying task
suit his pleasure. When liberated on the 10th of February. For 36
from his bonds he stepped forth as nours the patient was almost contin-
fresh as you or I. might be after trav- ually tfuder the surgeon's knife, but
eling from New York to Boston.
After 24 hours of resting or rather
tor weeks it was a question whether
the result would be life or death. At
CIGARS That Satisfy in Quality and Price.
Think Well of ceaseless celebration, for the
regarded him as little less
last slight improvement appeared
the patient fell into a restful sleep,
a oleen however from which he could stock is movea quicm. ."ks-1- " ,K..ltw
No matter what yon pay forclirars at D. D.
Smith's you are certain of (tettlnir greater value than elsewhere. Goods are always fresh, as
-- -' t.hi mn&t FPAnnfLhlA. BOX trade.
than a god, he entered again, hand-
Before You Bu y cuffed and bound, his glass car to
speed as rapidly homeward. Too
not be awakened for to
full weeks.
But during this time his brain and
Fine line of Pipes. Cigar holders. Tobaccos In Tins and aU Smokers'

D. D. SMITH, Cigar and Gun Store,


much feasting and too little regard spinal cord were knitting, and a 1

Let us tell you some thinking points that the other man for his bodily wants . brought upon hn-na- n
expiessinn y as loviy appear- U Fairfield-Ave- , Opp. Poll's. Bridgeport, Conn.
nim drowsiness, specially as he en- ing and on Easter Sunday, the 11th Do not forget that we carry the most complete line ot sporting goods in the city.
has not: Our Engines are the best. Their merits create tered the greater altitudes of the of "April, Professor AgnostiDe came
Rocky mountains. For a single mo- back to human life. He called out
the demand, therefore good sellers. Monarch Engines
do all that we claim they will do. Our motto: Fair treat-
ment to Everyone. Come and let us demonstrate to you
ment he succumbed to sleep and his
car was like a ship without a rudder,
dashing at terrific speed, ten miles a
as frc n the dead, asking for his fam-
ily, his wife and children, the first
nmnan interest he had manifested
A Tm i" m
Do not weigh very much, but unless
am wiBr.nirii
sutua vuas

m cm vb mmm m H w. sinai tnu?ttiwu

some of our strong points.

minute, upon the reefs. She in ten years. He then asked if this
was not the anniversary of Easter,
See us for perfectlfittlng Eye Glasses
weight, light as It Is. will become
and Spectacles.
a bur-

swerved, she sunk, she darted like a den.

madman and struck a tall gnarled and said that for ten years he had re- 920 Main St., Bridgeport
E. S. Fairchild & Son, oak tree in the heart of the Rockies. cti, ed almost continuous proof of F. LYMAN,
J -
Mfg. Optician,
There Was a terrible din in the snap- the resurrection. For six years he IO-

ping of steel and the clashing of had lived in the vegetable and min-
P.O.: Route 4, Bridgeport NICHOLS, CONN glass and debris was scattered on eral kingdom, communicating with

FVUn. T,iH-im- i Km 'omimuid. One of tho apei Jal- -

Muresco Drugs
XllU ITiVmlUWli
Newtown, Friday, May H.
i'wu up in the nuiKnlllt ttnt nr,guut I The
Qui'cii (if Nation, wlilth for Haul-Iii- k
beuut) tttui hlhdii'ul Interest
Im ii iixii i punned
by any arenle spec

Wall and Ceiling and -
Hdblibhid Bi
I ;n It, Tliu frro' loim and untamable
"Hplllire," the most daiigeruiiH lion-i- n
iiiplkliy, .!)( the one whlrh
Iiiih nli'ciuly kllloil two trainer, will
Tho very best water paint on tho
Groceries. 1LLIHON P. SMITH,
iipiii'i.r wlili Hie Klmw thl year, A
of tJlunt HlUolun iinii!ls. I'i- -i
liiilniK the only baby sciinii of Iih
market. Will not rub or peel oif
and many coats can bo applied
without taking off tho old coats.
Olvo It A Trial.
Ethel ParsonsFinch

himmhv m. aMln,o'"D

Oimiraii Ao .
kind ever burn In captivity. In iid- -
llltlnli In Ilia vnirnliir initiuiumln with
iltH liitwatins oxltlult of wild bmiHtH
iiitce will be the Uliputimi Animal
lAnni'x, In 'vlilch the dwarf huiih
Successor to "'' tho kiilmul world will be hIiowii In
TAYLOR, CURTIS & CO., Belts & Betta, vHf. nnanti
. ,l,,l, ,. ,.cu ,,,
V'l...l.,,.'u I,'. !,..,.
Oeoli (or Four Month, KourO DUaOoyy. u'u iwr.niiB i loi'si'H, wiin ii company
The Brick Store of trick dogs and mules, are only a
Sandy Hook, Conn.
, Sandy Hook, Conn. TKLKPHONB, 43.
fow of 'no Hpr'd. I attractions which
nitii'k thiK exhibition an a really won- Jlbjolulely Tare
riunday Hours: 10 to 11 a derful (lliipluy of (lrt'ua pblllly. h,

there are twenty hili class

Blacksmlthlng, Cairiage and m.; 12 to 1. iovBRnemo R is I
Waron Repairing.
'liens aits of unusual excellente and
Iw lmo JnO 6mo yaw the funniest troupe of i; inlrth-provok-ln-
The Only Baking Powder
1 Inch 1.00
i1.0000 8.00
10.00 clowns In u e arena made from
C. L. SMALLfcY, i3 Inches lH.W
Royal Crape Cream of Tartar
8.00 4.00 f.00 10.09
Woodbury Local,' Inches 8.M (.00 1 .00 15.00 85.00
SUpaay Dapat, Ct, S.N.E.T. Co., 76 Inches 8.00 8.00 t! 00 18.00 80.00 Mulling, the popular V'uter-bur- y
J. II.
made from Grape- s-
Kbtablishid 1881,
4 column 4.00 8.00 11.00 84.00
clothier, Martin W. Hall and
8 column 6.00 10.00 U1.00
Practical Horseahoer. 86.00 60.10 t'lmrlfs A. ("alley of Wutcrbury,
-8 column 6.00 18.00 84.00
column 8.00 16.00 88.00 48.00 80.00 punned Tuesday and Wednesday of
Undertakers and Embahaers. 8--4
Wagon and Carriage
and fulntlngi alto Hlacksmlthlng In 1 column 10,10 80,00 40.00 (0.00 100.00 lust wteK in town, taking homo with Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at
til tbt branches. First class workmanship them a tine mess of trout. They
guaranteed and prices alway reasonahla. made their headquarters at the San-
home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the
Teleplone Ooni.ectlont Bridgeport Division
Prindle & Tlorris Reading notice,, brevier type, 100 line.
Small nonpareil tin. In a word per week, dy Hook hotel while in town. food nutritious and healthful, are peculiar to itself
We belong to the PBINDLI L. 0 MORRIS Mis Levi O. Morris passed Sunday and are not constituent in other leavening agents.
party that never
throws mud and
W, H,
Circulation '
In Hrldfiepoi't with Mr and Mrs Cur-
sana, xnaiistue Funeral Directors 600
tis V. Morris.
kind of shoes we put on your horse. Large (January 1, 1882,
and Embalmers,
itock of shoes and all weights at my old stand
Last week, 4350 Mr and Mrs Warren G. Roosevelt
B M. TUTTLE, Newtown, Conn. and daughter, Dorothy, of Merri-hroo- k
SOUTHBURY, OONN. farm, Stamford, have been
Shop closed ever; Saturday noon, HOME NEWS. spending two weeks with Mrs L. E Queen of Nations," a positive exclu- tire," the untamable lion, the most
Telepbona Call 1
Hayes at Gray's Plain. sive feature with thit show. In the ferocious animal now in captivity.
W. H. Prindle 48-- L. 0. Mor rib, "0.
zoological annex will be found many A jovial, jolly troupe of clowns help
JohnT. Porter, Trumb!u- -
WEDDING. E. T5. Hayes of Greenwich is spend-
fine of the fiercest animals to enliven the performance so that
ing a few days at his home in Gray's as specimens in coun- their native
Expert Horaaahoer Miss luckner Mr lewis. Plain. they appear thero is not a dull moment. Two
and General Blacksmith, HAWLEY.WILMOT& tries, among them being the much complete
talked of king of wild beasts "Spit- - performances will be glvea
All kinds of Carriage and Wagon Repairing Robert II. Lewis, a popular young Mr ar.d Mrs Warren G. Roosevelt at 2 and 8. p m.
done, shop open every ween aay irom i a. m,
to 8 p.m. Strict attention naid to business.
REYNOLDS, man of the Singer Manufacturing returned to their home, in Stamford,
Prices reasonable. Terms Cash. UNDERTAKERS, ''o... f?ll before Cupid's penetrating Friday.
1(8 State St.. Bridgeport, Oonn. dart on Wednesday evening, April
28, when he wedded Miss Mina M. Mr and Mrs George Denny and
Al. F. Wheeler's
Save Money (Jaonoa B. Hawley, Vine St. Near Park Ave was
Edward H. Wiwuot, 865 Ollnton Ave.
Luckner of Botsford. The ceremony
performed by the Rev George
rm itro imikiiifr thoir bnmp fnr thp
t , fc
M,s AIi(,hael MeCarthy
2t West Ave. M. Brown of the Frst etnodist ,
And buy your Felt and Rubber
Boots, Arctic Rubbers at my store, sizes to (It
Tohn B, Khynoldb.
Telephone 831 church of Bridgeport at 7.15 o clock. , WILD ANIMAL CONGRESS
all, in Hie best makes the market affords. We
iue uiiub we.r. veij ...r M

pieiu jr
A lit rtel
'""u, ... ,
. . fVlsf(lv. nf Smirh
also save you money on your Shoes. All the and was amended by Miss Nettie Britain were And Modern Arenic Spectacle
latest styles. Call and see us. guests, Sunday, of Mrs
S. J. Parks, Trumbull, Ct. J. D. Kimball, o.cuums u onauuiu a3 ma. . . M
honor, and the best man was a broth-- 1
t Legte ' in Hanover

er of the bride, Jesse Luckner. After
the ceremony Mr and Mrs Lewis went Mrs Eugene Buikley, who has been The Queen of Nations
If You Want Flour and Embalmer,
to the home of the bride's brother vith Mr and Mrs A. P. Smith for
at 420 Pequonnock Street. About 25 some weeks, returned to her home in A Magnificent Glittering Pageant.
Give us a call for that "76." This flour Is a of the groom s office associates got Southbury, Monday. Sunday night
High Patent, of the best quality, and only Main Street, Woodbury wise to his plans and arrived at the she passed with her sister, Mrs Bald
costs you 90c per sack and per bbl. In house at the same time and greeted win, in Hanover. '
wood at
them with a drum corps and red fire. PRESENTED TWICE DAILY
The Farmers' Feed Store, The couple was serenaded, until Mrs David Taylor of Bethel has
C. F. BRINSMADE, Prop., eleven o'clock, when the serenaders been passing the week with her par- MA6KinCENCECRAMOCUH ;, 7,?
ITrumbuU, Conn. Night Calls Promptly Answered. left the happy couple and returned ents, Mr and Mrs Birdsey Glover, in
Telephone No. 1409-- Bridgeport Division.
to their homes. The office force of Hanover.
Local Tel. 70-- 4. the Singer Co. presented to Mr and
L. Dist. 33-- 4. Mrs Lewis a sewing machine and a M. G. Keane, the well known CLEANEST BRIGHTEST-.-'Jf- l
H .

sewing table and a rocker for Bridgeport monument builder, has AND BCSt
Fall and Winter Styles Mr Lewis to sit in, while his better erected a neat tablet in St Rose's
, JM; ,

AT half manipulates the sewing outfits. cemetery for Thomas Bailey.

Corbett's Shoe Store, Floyd B. Bouton & Son, All thea youngandcouple's life. friends wish
Mrs Alice Wildman moved, Wed
' Funeral Directors them long happy
. SANDY HOOK OT. nesday, from W. B. Glover's resi-
and Embalmers, dence to rooms in the house of Miss
We have a superior line of Shoes and Oxford
Ties for Ladies, Men, Boys nnd Misses In all
the latest styles and lasts. If you are Inter- distance.
ested call and gat prices. 2
Calls attended day or nicht regardless of
Lady Em halmer in attendance.
Tel. 150--
To Show In Newtown.
' Ann Blackman.

May 17.
Mrs Alice Wildman, who has been
caring for Miss Dora Boyson for twn
all mew JWm'cir )
Agents for Monuments. weeks, returned to her home in the
Manufactu re The undisputed reputation for un- Street, Sunday.
I. F. Lewis, of rivalled excellence in all that per-
Wo havo cMmiwI t.lift flfrpnrv fnr several first
ORIGINAL ."V VwWlhWvM ?it itzri hue
tains to a genuine high class circus
class makes of Pianos. If you are thinking of Miss Watson cf Bridgeport has
buying one drop us a postal and let us call. performance has attracted immense been spending a few days here the
Harness, Blankets, Robes and crowds to the Al. P. Wheeler shows guest of Misses Lizzie and Mattie
in every town in which they have Ross.
Stable Goods, Wm. J. Beehler, played this season. These shows, a
JOHN ST., BRIDGEPORT. grand combination of circus, muse- Miss Matde R..fMl- of I'ridgeport
Funeral Director and um and trained animals, have won
Ehbalher, spent Sunday with her parents, Dea

Al W "Si.- - ? ocs
for themselves the deserved reputa '.,5 cute
and Mrs George Ruffells of Hawiey-vill- e.

Lady Assistant always In attendance. tion of being the best one ring circus 4H$M l M t FORMING A
I Can Sell Your Farm Telephone Oonnectljn. Brookfield. Oonn, in existence. This year finds is bet-
No Matter Where It Is or What It Is ter than ever before with a large The always welcome visitor will
Worth. number of new features added, many be with us for one day; Monday, May
Send full description, state lowest cash prie
W. TROY. E. JR.,
of them of such a high standard that 17. The extraordinary growth ' of
and learn my wonderfully successful plan. Troy's Bldg., Sandy Hook. they are seen nowhere outside of the Al P. Wheeler's Shows has been won-
Furaitura A New Lii of the Lateat very largest shows. Among these derful, now being three times its
STEPHEN S. S1KSAY, Gooia. miht be mentioned the magnificent former size and with all new features
83'ReilleyStreet. Br'deeport, Conn rjaiVtakia, la al) iti Braaehes. pageant and modern arenic spectacle which is positive proof that the
Telephone Trov's Hotel. No. called "The Queen of Nations." The
248-- amusement public are quick to ap-
dazzling beauty and gorgeous splen- preciate an honestly conducted tent &m M!Ml''i!!7i:fs 0N which the uttlcones
dor of this production as well as its exhibition and will patronize it ac-
LfcONARD'S INSURANCE W. A. HONAN, historical interest, makes it worth a cordingly. An especially pleasing
journey of many miles to see. 'Spit- addition this season is the beautiful
AGENCY, Funeral Director & Embalmer, fire," the untamable lion; Duke and Modern Arenic Spectacle "The
Bess, mammoth specimens of Siberi-
FIRE, A CCTDENT. Telephone 70. Newtown, Conn. an camels and the only baby Siberian
camei ever born in captivity, are
Old Companies, some of the many interesting speci-
mens of wild animals which go to
Lowest Rates. G. H. Scott, make up the zoological annex to the be kg aay cr mm--
Wheeler New Model Shows. A
FUNERAL DIRECTOR unique part of this wondrous dis-
At Doran's Blacksmith Shop near Depot.
Conn. play is the Lil'iputian menagerie in
which the dwarf members of the Positively All New Features.
wild animal kingdom are shown in Two SuperbjBands, Wheeler's Dancing Horses, Belmont's Trained Bears,
Horse Shoeing, Local Telephone 87 2.
miniature cages, especially
riom-too--nnil Wairnn Renairin? of all kinds Night Calls promptly attended to. for their accomodation A Herd of Mammoth Siberian Camels, Don the Thoroughbred Kentucky
and General Blacksmithing. Horse clipping structed
done every week day at my shop Wheeler's famous troupe of dancing High School Horse. Irmo the Wonderful Talking Horse. A Host of Mirth
horses and educated ponies, as well Provoking Clowns and 100 New Novel Sensational Circus Acts.
Restaurant as a company of the most highly
trained performing dogs in the m-
Will PvK.Wt at NAwtmiiv
No better place

world can be . seen in this circus. v f aa MAiiisiii uii a l w f w vv m

Tn art vonr Horseshoe'ne. Carri
for Ladies and Gentlemen at
42 North Main St.,
Twenty other high class acts and a
host of happy frolicsome clowns keep
MAps'HIRE EST, jjo

One Day Only, Monday, May 7. 1

age and Wagon Repairing and General Dairy
Lunch, the interest up until the very end of
than at my shop. My Motto: Best 11 West Main St..
In the beautiful Berkshire Hills of
nrlcps. Shon closed Satur every performance. Massachusetts is made the finest writ- Two'pferformances dailv at 2 and 8 p. m. Street parade at Noon'
ot rr,iu-t- ,i and a desire to
Good Food.
Terms strictly Home Cooking
day afternoon at 5 o'clock.
please, has made our reputation.
casn. ing paper in the world. This has been Grand Free Outside Fxhibition Preceding Each Performance.
Crane Lunch Co. TO BUILD CHAPEL IN D0DGING- - the
writing paper center of the United
stepney.conn C. E. Crane.
Henry Pettit, J- - w. Stevens. States for over a century. It was se- Jp&f
lected by the pioneer manufacturers on
Price'of admission reduced to 25c for this date only.
Money Now Behur "liaised. account of the clear atmosphere and JES; Secure ReservedlSeats lfito 11 a. m., at reserved seat
Callender Bros.,
Stationery and
the abundance of pure, sparkling titket wagon on Public square. No advance in prices.
Enthus'asti;! efforts are beinmade spring water, both indispensable re-
to build a
Half Dme Lunch Rooms, to raise funds necessary quisites for the making of a really
Periodicals. 138 South flalri St., Waterbury, Ct religi-m-
cnapei ior sunaay scnuui aim uumor
pi rposes for the dwtnrt - r

In each of these lines Our stock excellent Ocflee.
Dodsinsctown and Elnwood. Con a. 0. JONES B. P. JONES
Try a cup of our
Is Aery complete. We invite inspection. tributions. however small would be
Pstr all hnmr m1 most gratefully received if sent to Eaton, Crane & Pike
Post Office News Store,
1 1 Arcade, Bridgeport .
BE AFRAID to call
B. Olmstead, Bethel, Conn., treas- writing
papers are y the best
that are "made in Berkshire." which!
means that they are the best in the
Jones Bros.
Cornell's Florist Store
foranvthine .you may LMGER AND BETTER. world, if we could obtain better pa- Dodgingtown
Curtis Hotel, need In Cut Flowers or Floral Designs.
We make a Specialty of Floral De-
The A. F. Wheeler Circus.
pers, we would do so. We cannot, nei-
ther can you.
signs and Wedding Decoration.

Hay s Grain
Woodbury. You will always find a full and
Cornell's Florist Store, The lovers of the circus will re- line of these celebrated papers
Under New Management joice at the coming of the Al. F. at our store. Come in and look them
91 White Street. Dane lry. Conn.
Wheeler shows which will appear over.
Livery Attached, Where Peop

Three Phones.
In to take the Trolley Cars In Newtown, on Monday afternoon
Driving and evening, May 17. This exhi-
can Leave Their Horses. Maine Seed Potatoes
bition is larger and better than ever Tel. 53-1- 2.

this year, with a number of tew and

D. O. BEERS & CO., Irish Green
Sandy Hook Market, spectacular features which enable
Cobblers, Delaware, Monn-tai- n

lAUGUR'S OLD STAND NEWTOWN. CONN.. it to live up to its wide reputation

as the best one circus on the
At the Sandy Hook Market will be 'found Manufacturers of ring
the best the market affords In Fresh nd,at road. Everything is new and Delivered anywhere in Flat Swamp Dist
Meats. Canned Goods and Vegetables
season. It will be my aim to conduct a :First
Automobile Tops, Canopy Tops,
Some of the attractions have
with difficulty
R. H. Beers & Co,
Buggy Tops, Cushions, procured great
Class Market.
and heavy expense, solely with the TERMS CASH OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M.
I ask for your patronage. Backs,
And all kinds of for Carriages and idea of pleasing the immense patron- Newtown, Conn.
John H. Blackman. wagons. Send forTrimmings Catalogue. age which the Wheeler Shows al-
- L

LeJlne Washington RuHlnesi Mousei.

The Newtown BccJe
Newtown, Friday, May 14, 1909.

fSTKO , Weston.
I Sr."?" - i I STAND ON J7-g- tj
The AilimiH place on Good
30ENASC05 i 1 1 1 11.


., t

if :
i invijiirvijwviii u
E&sesr.'H ISSt
: whirli wuhrecently purchnwd by
Miss Poitoi, (lauKlit'T of the Ittte
UlKhop Potter of New York, !s under- -
going extensive repairs and im-
provements. Ml hi Jlattle Adams has
taken up her rosldewe at the rectory
'nn I.iaii'bn aIllnlnc
.... a.w.i (

u' umi'rnuX
rue (uxcvi
lm0:i IfiMi RufUH Gould ltt com lined to his bed
with rheumatism.
Norflold Grange will prevent the
following program on Friday even-
Music, in rnnrge of A. C. Iiradley.
Paper, Mrs Janies Coley.
jigr'SJf?.;. gjj' 3 Recitation, George Eriklngt-r- .
Headings, Harry Waterhiry, Frank
DIbciissIoii, "To what extent is the
frjruei jii&tjfltf in leaving Hie bushes
uncut on the highway? Opened by
i ii .11ii i v m.
voir TT?i

Henry M. Trowbridge.
Rev and Mrs D. Moses and a num-
ber of Norfleld church members at
tended the meeting of the Fairfield
West Consociation in Fairfield and
HENRY FOULOIS, BrUgeprrt, on Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs A. W. Nichols of
Washington Depot, Ct. Ridgefleld spent Sunday with Mr and
Mrs R. C. Williams.
Mrs Northrop of Newtown has
Carl Bader. spent a few days with Mr and Mrs
Lawn Mower ? Washington Depot Market,
Mrs M. J. Miller is spending some
time wiui nor sister, Mrs fearah
Washington Depot, Ct. Brown. ,
"79 iO STi COR
If so we can supply you with I have Just received a new stock (if Imported
Carlson's Anchovies. Norway Fat Herring,
Iceland llerring.llolland Herring, Stock Kisli,
Salt Mackerel; also Kaiser Herring. Large
Toe iNcrfie'.d Aid society has elect-
ed the following officers: President,
Mi3 Frederick Banks;

, The Piant Swedish Itrown Beans.

Mr? D. Moses; secretai"', "la pnee
Eiectra Shipmni; treasurer, Mrs Kjrlburt.
Black Beauty Charles Errico, wno was married
Monogram Ball Bearing. Plants for the Flower Bed! last week, to a New V'ork young lady,
will beijln housekeeping in the Baker
Garden Seeds of AH Kinds. Geraniums, Pansies, Etc.' cottage.
Chailtf. Beers' house at Valley
Tlie ICholcest Kibb Confectionery. !The Forge has bean sold by Aent nouth- -
Best in ihe World. ICE CREAM I'ARLOK.
Wetterau & Williams, hiss Anna Banks i about again, i
M. BELFONTIf after a few weeks illness.
E. Lafayette Beers, who was" se Where You Get the Good Things In
Washington Depot, Ct. Washington Depot. Conn.
verely .11 for several days, has

Car Load of aer

Mrs Sara Perry is still confined to
Deo wnn rueumansm.
I.lrs Oebrge Drew, has returned
And get them in an assortment Vossessins: ample ranje to positively give to you a selection of sat-
from a few days visit In New York.
Thomas Donnelly spent several isfaction. There are manv representative factories whom we represent exclusively factories
Tirr days in New York, last week. whose goods you see advertised in the magazines. Some may have istruck your fancy and you

Sheep anure BuirsBridie.

wish to see them then make a trip to this store. Possibly some of that famous "Old Hi.kory"
Furniture will just interest you at this time of the year nothing like it for the country home
where good taste avoids formality.' Let us show you the rocker that Andrew Jackson liked so
well and which was named in his honor.
Mrs Helen Moulthrop of New York
Just In. Best Fertilizer for and Mrs J. J. Hoag of Webotuck
called on Mr and Mrs C. H. Hoag,
Corn on the Market. Sunday afternoon.
Dr R. S. Todd, the popular veteri- finished church. The party made Sutton, who were In town this week WORTH KNOWING.
nary surgeon of New Milford, was in the trip, at least as far as New York, a few days, the guests of Mrs Elf
town, Wednesday. in the touring car of Mr Terry. When Roberts, returned to Danbury c pimples, blackheads, To remove
Charles Lee of Danbury called on they reached White Plains they en- Saturday morning.
blotches and all forms of skin erup-
countered the snow storm and from Mrs Horace Hill, who has been

his cousin, Mrs A. B. Mallory, Tues-
day. there on the trip was a tedious one. spending a few days at her cottage
tions, is, according to a well known
Clarence Hedding of Southbury On reaching New York, the rain in Wnndmont. has returned home,
physician, a very easy matter; he
was at F. R. Lane's, Wednesday. came down in such torrents, that the Herbert Eastwood of New xvUlforu"
says that many are afflicted with
was in town on Saturday.
Frank Goodsell of North Kent car was stored and the party made
some one of the above ailments, and
David Gillette of Roxbury was in
visited his sister, Mrs C. H. Hoag, on the rest of the trip by trolley.
town. Sunday, calling at E. C. Ran
are subject to a great deal of em-
We give special attention to our Seed selection Our Sunday.
Mrs Ju'ia M. Lane came from New dall's. barrassment on account of the un
Seeds ate tested andean be depended on. Milford, Monday night. Bridgwater. sightly appearance which they pres-
Southford. ent, and recommends the following
imple, harmless and inexpensive
William C. Wheeler has a new treatment. Go to your druggist and
POMONA GRANGE IN Dr R. S. Day has decided to locate pair of oxen, purchased of John B. get this prescription filled; Clearola
Hardware and Farmers Machinery of AH Kinds in Bridgewater and take up Dr Les- Pone.
lie's practice, and is to have rooms D. H. Burbank and son, H. D. Bur- -

Wednesday, May 19, Excelsior

On at A. B. Mallette's. Dr Day has had bank, enjoyed a day fiatnshing at seven ounces; mix, shake well
The Farmers' Store. Pomona Grange, No. 7, meets with
Washington Grange, No. 11, at Wash-
two years experience in the Flower South Point, MufOrd, last week, and and apply to the parts affected night
hospital, New York City, and 10 caught a fine lot of them. and morning, allowing it to remain
ington. Program for lecturer's hour months in Grace hospital in New for at least ten minutes; then wipe
will be charge of some of the faculty Haven. His appointment at Flower off the powder from the skin. Use
of Storrs Agricultural College. hospital was due to his high stand- Sherman. soft cloth or sponge in applying
Grange meets next Tuesday night. ing in his class at the New York the mixture and in from 10 days to
Medical college. The two standing tw weeks your face will be smooth
FARM WORK BACKWARD. David D. Gray has been brighten-
highest in their class receive the-a- p
on the House Staff at the ing up his house with a new coat of and clear as a marriage bell. Get
Shelton, Conn. Farmers are bacKward with their pointment pure Clearola, which is only put up
Flower hospital. We are fortunate paint.
spring work, as it has been so cold. Charles Hawes is In Kentucky aft- in one-ha- lf .ounce packages. Ask to
to have Dr Leslie's place filled by so see it.
T. N. Booth has hired out to A. S. er a load of mules.
capable a physician.
Judd as a teamster.
Souti Hritaln Announcements. The Ladies' Aid society of the NEWS IN BRIEF.
Methodist church will hold their Announcements of Bethel Business Men.
Mr and Mrs George V. Smith of
regular meeting on Wednesday even-
Special Notice ! On and after May 1 1 will be at my ing, May 19. New Haven were in town three days

Better Time
in Snutb Britain prepared to do of last weeri, staying at H. W.
lave taken the agency 'or
TCrnest Perfection bread. Rolls and all kinds
of Bakery Goods. "The Danbury Baker." and
any busiow in my line. Thanking my friends
tor iheir pat.ronnge in the past and solicit a
ihi re of it In the future. LongHilL
Treat's. Mr Smith is Editor of the
"Connecticut Farmer," and he was
shall run their wawn through Sandy Hook investigating agricultural conditions
;and Newtown every Monday. Wednesday and MCTHODIST CHURCH NOTES. in this section. To build than in the Spring. No better place to buy
Saturday. Watch for the wagon. Also these S. Lois Coolidge was called to
igoods for sale at my store.
A. f. Munson,
Sunday, May 9. there was with us
Hartford, last week, by the serious
vour Lumber, Cement and buildin? material of all kinds
JOHN M. SQUIRES, South Britain.Ct. at the morning services Rev Mr
South Britain,
Haugh, who gave a grand sermon,
illness of her mother. than at my Lumber Yard. Let me quote you prices.
followed by communion. Service con- W. W. Jones and family of Bridge-
ducted by the pastor, Mr Patchen, port took a trip to Bridgewater in
their automobile, last Sunday, and
and in the evening.
Great Reduction MEATS ! Fresh
Cured !
hero will be a great treat for all

wno att;nd services Sunday morning

were guests at H. W. Treat's during
their stay. Mr Jones is the capable
64 South St., s Bethel, Conn.

Sale of Shoes ! On and after April I will be at my new May 16, at the Long hill Methodist

standin White Oaks. Southvury. I shall Miss Fanny Crosby will be

of the Bridgeport

my present Routes. Shall peddle in church.
South Britain every day except Tuesday and there and all her hymns will he
Several solos will be rendor-e- u
S. W. Hurlburt of New Haven, was You Need A Tonic.
at his farm in Bridgewater, last Sun
Friday. Meat to be had atJI. J. McCarthy's sung. The lone winter months, the
store in South Britain every day in the bv Miss Godolphin and Mr Gabler. day, coming in his automobile. cold days, the closed house, the heavy winter For all crops lawns, flower
A full line of Fresh Goods. week.
Services at 10.30 sharp. All are in- George V. Smith of New Haven is food, practically compels everyone to take a plots, gardens, meadows or plowed fields. Any
Local and Long Distance Telephones. Tel- an adept with the and tonic as soon as
spent warm. Durinsr these the idays begin to sret
Est. Charles P. Williams, ephone your order. vited to enjoy the day. Come and fly,
long winter hours, your
manp hours tempting the speckled system loses its vitality, loses its strengtli.
Smith Beers,
MrsC. P. Williams. Administratrix. bring all your friends.
South Britain.
J. J. Cassid, Southbury. beauties of local streams, and brought The system demands something which will Fuel. Trucking, Moving.
back a fine mess, many of which change these conditions.

Bethel. would weigh a pound. English's Beef, Iron and Wine

Willis Bennett and sister, Miss Is just the preparation which you need right NOTICE.
The Supreme Court has decided Loltie Bennett of New Milford, were now in the early spring months. It is a med-
Something New !
that-- the 4tchfield Branch, from
Bethel to Hawleyville, cannot be dis
in town on Wednesday.
Dr A. C. Leslie of Bethel was in the
icine which is most valuable for renovating
the blood, for building up the wasted tissues,
We are not giving you something
svstem, lor strengthening and enriching for nothing, but we are giving you the results
of 20 years of hard study and actual practice
Hecker's Cream Farina with a continued and the Bethel & Redding town on Monday, the guest of Miss for renewing loss of vitality and for strength when you get your horse shod at Brennan's
Alice Keeler. ening the nerves. We guarantee every bottle Our motto: "Honest Work for Honest Prices'
Lime Co., which brought the suit to give satisfaction or reiuna inj money.
Silver Spoon in each package. Richard Randall of Shelton was
against the N. Y., N. H., & H. rail H. A. BRENNAN'S,
Tennis shoes, all sizes and very road, expect now to open their lime the guest of Mr and Mrs John Ran i English's Drug Store,
Greenwood Avenue, BETHEL, CONN.
Full stock of all kinds kiln in Plumtrees and besides their dall over Sunday. i
The Quality Drug Store,
lime business are to add a stone- - Mr3 George Young and Mrs George Next Door to P. 0..
of "garden and field seeds. BETHEL. CONN.

H. J. McCarthy,
crushing plant to crush stone for
road bed. The company also has a
contract for furnishing pulverized TIKIOB, IVES & CO., Nice large meaty prunes, 5
The Grocer,
South Britain, Ct.
stone for fertilizing purposes. The
company expects to start operations
The Middlesex bethel, conn.
pounds for 25c. 5 gal best kerosene oil 60c.
All our groceries and meat at hard time
prices. Doke's the boy that can save your
money. When in Bethel hitch your horse on
in the near future and will furnish
work for quite a number of men. Banking Co. Electbical Contractors Center street and get busy at our store.

Moore's Non-Leakab- Mrs George w. rearce of New, Electrical work in all its branches McDowell & Taylor,
Fairfield was a guest for a few days, Middletown, Conn.
All steel constructed wagon, size carefully and promptly attendedto. ThumbHand Side Center St..
26x13, rear wheels 9 inches front and last week, of Mrs C. M. Wood on Capital Stock, House wiring a specialty.
Fountain Pens
rear axles black enamel, body painted Blackman avenue. Surplus, 227.000.00 Bethel, Conn.
Electrical supplies.
a brilliant red. Given for I. F. Terry, W. T. Wright, Henry Assets,
Telephone No. 561-- 5.

.Are always ready. Pen troubles will disap-p- er

250 OZONE Trade Marks or SO W. Wheeler, John McCorkell and 5 per cent Notes and Debentures. Paint your house with
whn you use one of these pens for they Trade Marks and George A. Porter, members of St
:vwfiil'10 write .when the flrst stroke is Thomas' church, went last week year of business, durinsr which For the Best Martinez
mKk-on tbf paper. Requires no shaking or 75 Cents. Thirty-thir- d

Wednesday, to Elmhurst, L. I., to see time more than $30,000,000 has been paid to in-
coaxing to mane its ma' k. vestors at maturity. , Pure Paint,
Sent by Express, charges paid by
re- a church which has recently been Bread, Rolls, Cake. Pies and all kinds of Bak-
built there, with a view to gaining & ery Goods come to the new store. Everything The best Ready Mixed made. Also a full line
information for the new St Thomas' Boughton Hargrave. neat and clean and the best goods the market of General Hardware, Chicken Wire, Barb
ElDwJODD Ozone Soap Works, .
church, which Is to be built here this No. 3. Masonic Temple. 1005 Broad St.
affords used in our business. Wire, Garden Seeds and Tools,
Whips and Lawn Mowers.
summer. The proposed plans for the
365 Housatonlc Avenue,
church are somewhatsimilar to those Bridgeport, Conn. Dayton & Hurzler,
Establishment Bridgeport, Conn.
of the church in Long Island. The 102 Center St:.
Bethel. Conn The Gilbert -- Miller Co..
Send for "Booklet" 'Phone 431--

visitors were well pleased with the 15 Center 8t BETHEL. CONN.




The Newtown Bea If Women Only

Newtown, Friday, May H, 1909. Knew New Haven '
T5J7fJJbly(0ND New Haven's

n 0L LAN'S
What a Heap or Happiness it Would
Most Reliable Most Reliable
Huntington. Bring to Newtown Homes
Store Store
Kurd to do housework with an
white: hills. itching buck.
Mr and Mrs Ernest K. Rica And Vlnp? you hours of mlwry at
tsbv, George, tlslied Mr and Mrs IclHUie or ut work.
c t'awioy In Hawleyvllle, if women only knew the rouso

day, driving from White Hills with that

a now hoi, nun-lmse-
of B. N. Diukiiclie puliH come from sick
Doard of Sholfon. kl liu", To Sweep The
For the girls of all descriptions, Ernest K. Rice spent Monday in TwmiH save nurh leedless we. '

Bridgeport. 'Joi n's Kidney Pills cure sick s, kid-nuv-

Stout and pretty, tall and thin, Ernest B. Rice Is building a new
plsspry to accomodate all the young N'ewiown people endorse thin
Tailored Suit
In their fluffy summer gowns pigs he la ralHlng. He Intends to Mrs 3, T. Kheehnn. living on West
Or Natty suits,
Improve the place, putting In hot and Street, Newtown, says: "1 had been
edd water ai d pnlnt'ng the build- annoyed with kidney complaint fur
ing. several years and at times suffered
Section CLEAN
i ' Mr and Mrs Thomas Cranwell of acutely from pains across my back
There's a most Important item Waterbury wore guoHts of their ana In the top of my head. The least So many women who came to our
daughter, Mrs P. C. Nichols, part of exertion would make my heart flut Clearance Sale of Tailored Suits com-
To take careful interest in, and that's this week ter and cause distressing passages of mented on the early date for the Import-
Philip Joneg has recovered suffic- Kidney secretions. Doan s Kidney ed event. "Who wants a Tailored Suit
iently iom his lameness to be able nils were recommended to me about
MoIIan's Oxfords, pumps and button to sit u a part of t'iP day. a year ago and I used two boxes of at the end of June or July?
boots. Miss Elsie Hubbell entertained a this remedy procured from ('. H. You give us the chance to save NOW
few friends at her home on Friday Finch's drug store. I fejt much bet-- tr while It is still cool enough to wear a
evening. after taking Doan's Kidney Pills suit with comfort."
Quite a number from here attend- and consider them an excellent
ed the afte nonn it St Paul's preparation In such cases."
se-vl- te
The summer Invoices are coming
church in Huntington on Sunday. For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. fast, and we ask you to take home the
when the three White Hills babies n
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
handsome new Tailored Suits at ilje

W. K. MOLLAN, were baptized.

Yhe rami weather and sluwers of
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Loan's-r-a- nd
the last week have worked wonders take no other.
w:t. vegetation, and everything Is
wholesaler's price.
Not a Suit in the sale that isn't NEW
in a very promising condition.
1026 Main St., Bridgeport. Some of them here only a week
DR FREDERICK TOMLINSON. Saturday night, both returning to
their home Sunday.
The remains or l)r Frederick .Mrs Sedgwick is visiting her Every Suit Must Go. The Reduc-tion- s
Express paid one way on purchases of $3.
Tom-llnso- n,

whouied at the home of bis niece, Mrs J. E. Weils, and family in range like this A group of
sister, Miss Anna Tomllnsoi;, in VlUi'IVe, this week.
Lower White Hills, were brought to Several frnhi tne Grange went to prices picked up at Hap-hazar- d;

huuttnjrton. Sunday afternoon, for Kent, last' Wednesday night, and

bi Mai h the family plot in Lawn furnished part of the program for the
cep'etery. Ur Tcmlinson was u well lecturer's hour, also meeting the A $75.00 Suit for . . $50.00
kir.wn dontist and had been In brsl Webotuck of outh Ameula. a party
ness in Bridgeport, New York City of five of whom came over the moun-
and Derby. He had been an invalid tain. The carf drill given by the A $62.50 Suit for . . $45.00
for several years, was ti4 years old sisters of Webotuck, and the bur-
and unmarried. lesque drill by the brothers were en- A $47.50 Suit for . . $32.50
tertaining and interesting. And the

Seeds. !
Arthur Laborie, Mrs Esther Hecox nart which the Kent sisters assumed
rind Mrs Booth attended the
funeral of Mrs Albert Smith in North
Canton on Friday of last week. Mrs
Smith had i..any fi loads I. ere, who
A $42.50 Suit for
A $57.50 Suit for
will be shocked to learn of her death
from pneumonia, after an illness of
When A $35.00 Suit for . . $30.00

only a few days. Mr and Mrs Smitii

I moved from Trumbull to North Can

ton uua nad been in their new home
cfs than a week when her deaih oc-
curred. She was 6S years old.
In Need of
Louis Bouttillier, a resident of was no less so. They furnished a New Discovery and seeing its excel-
Well's Hollow, passed away after a 'Grange Supper" and all who have lent results in my own family and
Is n short illness, and his funeral was at- Lawn Mowers, bern guests at a Grange supper know others, J am convinced it is the best

l Garden and Agricultural tended from his late home. He leaves

a wife and nine children.
Mrs Morris, who has boarded at
Grass Shears,
Hose and Hose Reels,
what that is without further explan-
medicine made for coughs,, colds and
lung trouble." Every one who tries it
feels just that way. Relief is felt
TOOLS. ! Anson Smith's through the winter Garden Tools of all
has returned to her home in Bridge
Remember "Tompkins Hired Man"
at Town hall, New Milford, May 22. at once and its quick cure surprises
you. For bronchitis, asthma, hemor-
1 0 port. Heber Marsh has resigned his po-
Mrs John Beattie is out of town Best call on us. We can do you sition at Ackley, hatch &
rhage, .iio'io lagrippe, sire throat,
pain in chest or lungs it's supreme.
m Paint, Oils, Lime and Cement. for a visit.
Sterling James, son of Mr and Mrs good.
We carry a line of
and has gone to Waterbury, where
he has taken a position in a large
50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guar-
anteed by R. H. Beers & Co., New-
James Fair, Elton Frederick, son of wholesale house. town; Taylor, Curtis & Co., Sandy
Hook; P. J. Garvin, Bethel; L. Gou-let- t,
0 Lutlerv. e Mr and Mrs Fred Nichols, and Geneva
Laidlaw, daughter of Mr and Mrs Sherwin-Willia- ms
Louis S. Richmond killed a black- -
snake near his nonie, Sunday after Stevenson; H. W. Osborne,
0 0 CMr'cs Dimon were baptized at St
Paul's church, Sunday afternoon,
nocn, which measured four feet and
Easton; W. B. Hawley, Sherman;
Smith Bros.,' Cornwall Bridge; Con-ne- ry

Lown Mowers. May 20. F.ishop Brewster will

to Huntington and confirm a class
10 inches.
Miss Gladys Perriss, who is teach Bros., Georgetown; R. F. Smith
West Cornwall; S. J. Blackman,
ing scnooi in lomngton, was in
Hawleyville; G. W. Hurlburt & Co.,

which is being prepared by Rev Mr town over Sunday.
Builders' Hardware. France. Enameled Ware,
H. L. Randall has purchased a new Roxbury; Allen Joyce, Roxbury
1 The Juniors gave a social in
automobile. Station; G. W. Hatch. Bridgewater;
W. N. Noble, New Milford; E. H.
15j Everything for the Farmer, Painter, Builder U
hall, Thursday evening,
members and their invited friends. and a General Assortment
The evening was a merry one with
o DeWatt Pepper is the owner of an
Oldsmobile, which ar- Beardsley, New Preston; Wetterau
& Williams, Washington Depot; C.
rived a few days ago.
games and dancing and light refresh- P. Williams, South Britain; Harry
Fred R. Greene, the genial Rail
Brown, Southbury; Perkins Bros.,
road Street coal dealer, was in New

IB E Mr and Mrs Paul Rehnberg of Der-

by, were over Sunday gupsts at E. S.
York City, Tuesday.
Leather Belting
Peabody, the scientific optician, at
Warren; W. N. Hurd, Long Hill;
Penfield & Craig, Stepney Depot.

Miss Helen Grant has been enter-
taining her father and mother from
Southbridge, Mass Also Miss
A Specialty.
M. W. Hill's Jewelry Store, New Mil-
ford, May 21 to 30.


0 Derby, Conn. Eleanor Gros Claude of Bridgeport. See the Tubular Steel Frame somewrat costive, but
"I have ber--

jrae just th results

1 I'.pgjlcts

Grindstones. The only one with "If ever I need a cough medicine desired. They act. mildly and regu-
Sherman. out a single bolt in frame. again I know what to get," declares late the bowels perfectly." George
Mrs A. L. Alley, of Beals, Me., "for, B. Krause, 306 Walton Ave., Altoona,
after using ten bottles of Dr King's Pe-in- .
N. T. Hungerford has bought a
piece of woodland of Frank Briggs.
The purchasing of this land makes it
The Hardware & mmmmmm
o a
Eye Glass Comfort.
possible now to enlarge the Park on
the wfist shore of Sprirg- Lake, mak- -
Supply Co.,
ing four acres, wmic.n ?. an ideal spot
for picnics and public gatherings. 1215 Main St.,
Having every modern appliance for eye examination and tborouirh
knowledge of the most approved methods, with our own Lens grinding
plant right on the Conn.
premises and controlling exclusively the famous The many friends of Mrs Emily Bridgeport,
Atlas MiMgeriord are glad to learn that
Shur-O- n
Eye Glass sbe is afer a short sickness.
we are thoroughly well equipped to attend to Airmi Giddings is making a great
Glass Comtort. Kumember the genuine Atlas Shur-O- n optical needs and guarantee you Eve
Glass that is
with one hand without soiling the lens can be obtained only of us put on and taken off improvement to his place by remov-
ing a wall and grading the yard.
O. A. Mallory is soon to build cot-ti- gt

s rind :i barn or the north shore

Q. W. Fairchild & Sons., Inc., of Greer Pond.
Rev Mr Steele preached a fine ser
The "Champion"
Jewelers and Opticians, mon in the Congie'at.ion:il clniifh,

Established 1865. At the Sign of the Chimes,"

last Sunday, in exchange with Rev
Mr Wyland. Mr and Mrs Wyland Suit for Boys, $5
997 Main Street and Arcade, have been spending a few days in
Bridgeport, Conn. New Haven. Is made to give
On Monday morning, May 3, the extra long service
t.elephoi e wa) busy announcing the

Young Men's
fact that Thtidore Rogers had added under the hardest
to his force of help a young man by usage to wear
Dr the name of Burton Brush Rogers,
who for the present will be employed
and save money
and mending.

around tne house until his weight is
somewnat increased. aen lie ar-
rived at their home his weight was
eight pounds. Mr Rogers said it
would cost anyone 25c to talk with
Only the tough-
est fabrics are us-
ed; all seams are
n with
rctic and Knowltois aim ra that day. linen thread and
The Atchison brothers have their
Street, taped; stout linen Young: Men's Suits full of style, and bright, dash- -

tenement house nerl completed.

Bridgeport, Ct. New Miliord.

stays resist strains;
pants have double
ing style, too; but without any exaggerated features,
taste shows in every line of fthese ultra smart
seat and knees. SGood o
MERRYALL. Handsome d

Aspetuck Valley grange will give

suitss 0 O
the drama, "Tompkin's Hired Man," in medium and
in the Town hall, New Milford, on darl mixtures,
Thursday evening, May 27. This is sizes 7 to 16, $5.
IF YOU NEED a fine play of American life. The
scene is laid in the kitchen of the
Let your boy test Hub Clothing House,
Tompkin's farmhouse. It has been a Chamoion Suit.
Any of the following material it will be to our mutual presented in a number of towns by Clothes, hats, shoe and Main and Bank Streets,
Bridgeport, Conn.
benefit if you will give me the opportunity to quote prices. My stock the grange and with entire satisfac- for boys of all ages. O
is complete and prompt delivery assured. tion. It is expected to be assisted by
Harry Healey and Earle Near, prom-
inent end men in min-
ooooooooooooooooooo coccao
Lumber, Timber, Shingles, (S kinds in stock), Sash, Doors, Blinds. te

Window Frames, mouldings, flanties. Tile Facings and Hearth Tile, Building strelsy throughout greater New
Amatite, Qenasco and Elastikote Roofings, Prick, York. Proceeds are to be used in
Papers, te,
v J
Lime, Hair, Portland Cement, damant Plaster, Sackett's Wall Board, Sew-
er Pipe, Farm Implements, both International & Eddy Plow Co. Line, Pitts-
the completion of the Grange hall.
Earle Camp and John Monroe of
New Mi;ford spent several days, last Outfitters to Men, Women and Children
burgh Farm Fence, Poultry Netting:, Weber Farm Wagons, Paints and Oils, AH Grades at Moderate Prices and Guaranteed to ive Satisfaction
(try our Red Barn Paint) Builders Hardware and Barbed Wire. week, at H. W. Murray's, fishing and Northwest Corner
woodchuck hunting. tfaln Street and Fairfield Aveuue,
Miss Florence Stone spent Sunday HENRY C. REID,
E C. PLATT, The Lumber Man, with her mother.
Bridgeport, Conn.
Mrs William Kinney of Bridge-wat- er
952 MAIN ST, NEAR BANK ST. PHONE' 921-1- 4
Hawleyville, Conn. spent several days with rela- C From 1883 Honest Dealings To 1909.
tives, last week. Mr Kinney spent

Horses ! Horses !

mm w;
Will be In Danbury, at the Old
Crosby Stables, with a carload of
4 i :.".." y . . jj. .
L. 1
in. -
nI f"" "NX Missouri Horses. Can sell good sin-

gle workers from $90 to $150. Sev-
eral drivers from $100 to $150.
One good team grays, 2600 lbs, for
$300. One team browns 2500 lbs,
W I . I w 'I II! . V
Tl 1 - E3 $250. Also1 several higher and bet-
ter class Horses. '

t ' 1 s AT V V
1119-112- 3 Main Street. BRIDGEPORT. CONN. Old Croidiy Dtablu.
Telephone DANBlNiY, CT.
Ceylon Tea
Young Men's. College Suits
In 10c and S0c packages Is far
better than much of tlio stuff that comet from

Barnum Bros.,
Smart, Catchy Models, sizes 14 to 19 Sliopurd'sOld Stand, Dodgingtown.

Snappy, college, high school and Dressy Young Men's Suits an extensive line
In of
C. F. Beardsley,
all the newest spring shades In Casslmeres and Fancy Worsteds; very nobby Suits
all-wo- ol

Telephone 5.

(or young fellows, sizes 14 to 19, cut In college, frut and new varsity models, made with all Also Real Estate For Sale.
the latest style touches that go to make a nifty suit. A big lot of new patterns to select from 18 acres, $1500; a good one to raise
In new tan, olive, ray, taupe, green, brown, smoke and many other new color tones. Very
I farm
children and chickens.
Jaunty and dashing styles; the coats have the new Idip front, long lapels, closely set collar, 1
farm, si acres, iiBUO. stock and tools.
fancy cuffs and pockets and semlfltting back; the vests are cut In the latest style, and the 1 farm, 60 acres. JWOD.

trousers are full peg style, with turn-u- p bottoms and belt loops. They are elegant Suits for 1 farm, 30 acres, KtWO.
farm. 31 acres, Jaxw.

young men of careful taste. All distinctive and exclusive styles. On sale one week, begin- 1 farm, 5 acres. SUM).

Saturday, and ending next Friday. farm. 4ti acres.

1 .
ning I farm, 40 acres, stock and tools, 82300.
farm. acres, $5000.
1 SH)

1 farm, 2rt acres. 8200. -3

The Surprise Store's Double Guarantee Binds Every Sale. 1 farm, 150 aeres, !000! with large barn only.
1 farm, 100 acres, joflo.
1 100 acres, meadow and pasture on
If any puridiase. for any reason, falls to please, the money Is Ilnstantly refunded without a question or hilltop. $2700.
the goods cheerfully exchanged. All Clothing bought here Is pressed asoftun as desired aim kept in good 'repair 1 farm. 100 acres, fine buildings,
for one year free of charge- - trout brook, S4500; SffiUO can be left on mort-
1 farm, 1K0 acres, 810,000.
I farm. 67 acres. 4
1 farm, 160 acres. SiWX).

Boys' Knickerbocker Suits. Children's Novelty Suits. 1

farm. 65 acres, W0; $1000 can remain on
mortgage. S1000 can remain on
farm 40 acres,
1 SilMO;
HOYS' SU ITS Made of extra fancy Cas- CHILDREN'S SUITS-Nu- w Xortolks and Novelty Rus- mortgage. -
colors: made witii full-c- ut
slmeres In the newest spring duuble-breaste- farm, 150 acres, $5500.
C7 sian Suits in blue Thibet and fancy Tweeds; nicely
Knickers and smart new d
51 made and very stylish ; sizes i -2 to s 1 $ 50
farm. 38 acres. 8S0O0.

coats; sizes 7 to US 1 farm. 178 acres, $10,000.

farm 240 acres, $2000. 70 acres fine meadow;


BOY3' SUITS-Va- ry desirable fabrics that will ol

feldspar mine: one mile trout brook; good
retain color and give gool service;
double-breaste- d
CHILDRENS RUSSIAN SlflTS-Ma- de of fine hunting; mile from school.


ewes. wit 1 long roll lapels, cuffs on sleeves 'and fancy fabrics in newest novelty styles; new oolorings 1 farm 105 acres, house, 4 barns. 2
pojicot iUps. iarga, full Kolckor trousers acres orchard of peach, plum, cherry; will
$3.50 and new patterns; siaesa -i to 8 k
carry 30 head cows; Borden's collect milk at
the door. 85500.
I fine residence.3 acres, $3500.
BOV' SUIW-HI- gli class fany Worsteds In ul CHILDREN'S SMART :stJITS-Ma- le of finest fine residence, 20 acres meadow, S5000.
all the latest styles and coljrs; ele?anUy tailored and
Worsteds and Serges in exclusive styles, Russian and fine residence, 22 acres meadow, S5500.
etquisilely finished; very stylish models; all CC Sillors with handTembroidered shield, beautiful C ej tine residence, 1 acre meadow, $2800.
sizes, r to 16 new shades; sizes 1 toH 1
large boarding house, 14 rooms; on border
of fine lake: 20 acres lund. $1800.
1 house, acre land, $1050.
building lot overlooking Taunton lake, 2
I building site, 75 acres, on the most sightly
place in Newtown $15,000.

Clothing of high quality, perfect fit and

latest fashions, In
Store s cl'otjwa
J showinz of all the latest patterns, all manufactured under our own direct supervision by expert
"tB3"tle9Bthe world. The finest of fabrics, the most perfect tailorieg and the latest fashions are all
1 house, acre land, $450.
Several places not advertised.
tailors and guaranteed in every respect. The Surprise In every new style and pattern. The Surprise Store Is showing the largest and Opportunity of a life time to secure a small
eWest novelties are Included farm of 45 acres; nice house and barn, fruit2000 of
comDinea mine maKiiig ui ire omiimv - .
al' kinds; will keep six cows, horse and
most varied stock of Men's Suits ever seen. chickens; mile trout brook; $1500 casa.
MEN'S faultlessly fashioned
SUITS-High-c- lass worsted suits, in all the latost spring shades One of the best farms in Stamford, Conn.;
latest models 161 acres; fine buildings; extensive view; will
Cimemand iSercnt in the and patterns, all the lotest models, both extreme and conservative; an immense variety of styles; ail are
MEN'S STJITS-- In a select range-o- Velou

and nicely tailored and finished ; all new striped Patterns


in 'n
teed perfect fitting, and the superb wearing dualities of these
f,??'1"' w y0S. All 7 BIO elegantly tailored and trimmed, and every suit is guaranteed to give good wear. All sizes to lit C
men of all builds n sell all or divide it; price $30,000.
1 farm 80 acres, in Danbury

buildings; $6000.
Conn.; "fine

MEN'S elegant, proper Cloths of the finest quality imported and domestic
SUITS-Refin- ed. 6 farms in Milford, Conn.
Worsteds in clever new models and patterns that are exclusive. The general appearance of these Suits 5 farms! n Bridgewater.
shows their superiority of quality and style, acd the tailoring shows the handiwork of experts Clr 1 farm 260 acres in Redding, $16,000.

peg style
New novelty weaves in 30 new shades. .
,j $25,000;
1 fine residence in Norwalk, West avenue;
5 houses on Newtown Street.'
Several others not advertised.
MEN'S UNDERWEAR -- Coo Men's Trousers. Men's .Trousers.
ural and blue nalbrig- -

latest designs and comfortable Balbrig-ga- n 25C

quality; very, coat Underwear, per gar- - A ec gan, well made,
perfect fitting $ 35 ment,
NECKWEAR - Extra MEN'S SHIRTS Brlgnt new Very stylish ol Cheviots and "Fancy Wor-
steds in new striped patterns and new color
High Grade Velour Casslmeres, Flan-
nels and Worsteds in rich, new striped effects;
long narrow silk four-in-lia- designs and colorings; M! combinations; nicely tailored 9 AO light and dark 43 rii Established 1885.

solid colors and fancy 1 7c Ties, newest 2.5C style.

59c and very shapely, ""u colorings. '
pO.UV We Supply Male and Female Help
designs ;excellent quality designs,
of All Kinds.
Coachmen.Farm H'elp.Gardeners.etc. Ho- -

I Mil TWfUWm i T)..,.L TST!,.r. f I

fk. Allen's Employment Bureau,
Eggs for Hatching
966 Main St., Bridgeport. Telephone.
OF WASHINGTON, ss, Court of From High Class
CORN PLANTERS SaturdayDinner
DISTRICT May 1st, 1909.
Estate of Annie A. Corning.! late of Wash- WHITE
ington, in said district, deceased.
Horse and Hand Use. The Court of Probate for the District of WYANDOTTES, Shoes For Men's Working
B'or At Irwin's Washington after the expiration of the six Bred for beauty and greaegg
Arcade Restaurant months allowed creditors of said Estate, re-
present el insolvent, in which to exhibit their production, CALL ON
in Bridgeport: claims against said estate: aud has appointed 75c and $1 per setting.

Large and Complete Line

Francis E. Baldwin of the town of New
add Sherman D. Morerouse of the town C. A.

B. Hawley & Co.,

40 Cents. of Washington, Idisinterested persons, Com-
missioners to receive and examin said claims.
filackman, Stratford, Ct.
Stepney, - - Conn.
Certified by Herman O, Averill. Judge.
Iron Age Cultivators buy, old useless horses to
The sbuscribers give notice that they shall WANTED-- and all dead horses and cows re- They have a very large assortment to choose
Little Neck Clams on Half Shell meet at Probate office in said Washington on moved free of charge. Fred Daniels, 2367 from. Don't Forget Ic.
tbe22dday of May at 2 o'clock in the after- Madison Ave., Bridgeport, Conn, Telephone
Hand Hoes arid Garden Tools. noon, for the purpose of attending to business 1811--

Mock Turtle of said appointment. Francis E. Baldwin. CHOICE

Consomme with noodles Sherman D. Mcehouse. Commissioners. All
' persons indebted to said estate are requested Service. For
Buy of Us and Save Money. ENTREE to make immediate payment to
William O, Corning, Anministrator. L SEED OATS
Pineapple Fritters The Thoroughbred Registered Holstein bull
Sir Korndyke De Kol Pledge. Terms $1, at
MEAT OE FISH I'Oa SALE Choice lot Perfection Red time of service.
Roost Prime Eibs of . Beef Cedar Shingles, 16 and 18 in length. B. TAYLOR & HUBBELL,
T. E. Piatt & Son, Boiled Corned Beef and Spinach
Fried Pickerel, maitre d'hotel
Hawley & Co., Stepney, Conn. WILLIAM HORWITZ, Easton, Conn. Newtown Station.
NEWTOWN, CONN. FOR SALE Turkey eggs, $2 per dozen.
Telephone Connection, VEGETABLES
Boiled or Mashed Potatoes
Mrs T J. Hunihan, Zoar District, Sa'idy
Hook, Conn.
UTANTED-T- wo good yearling bulls. For
' ' sale, a good cheap horse for farm work,
A. S. Edwards. Soepney Depot, Conn.
This Space
Wax Beans or Stewed Tomatoes BELONGS TO
rost'ier or wuinei
T'ri e reasonable.
good as
win worn iinvwnere. For Sale. J. B. FAIRCHILD,
Queen of Cabinet Pudding Address Box 56,
TO BUY Pie- s- Apple Pumpkin Cocoanut Bridgewater, conn.
Rhode Islond Rod chicks for early delivery;
$15per hundred or 39 for 60. H. M. Greenman. Taunton, Newtown,
Peach Pineapple
VEAL! Tea Coffee POR SALE Cyphers outdoor brooders.
H. W. Wright, Newtown, Conn.
POR SALE 1 National separator, small
Cold "Springs Farms, Newtown, Conn. Route
He Sells More Plows Than
Any Man In Town.
1 No. 6 U. S.
FOR SALE A sound in bay mare, kind size; separator, first class Why?
t is not yet too late to spray, look Highest Cash
price paid. gentle; every respect. In- condition; 1 large Edison Phonograph,
SALE-O- ne
paf mules. Ackley, of Jerome Morgan, Elmwood standard records, box and iaO records, Because He Sells the
into the merits of the Church High FOR & Marsh. New Milford.
Bethel, Conn.
for less tpan the records are worth; 1
Pressure Puwer or Hand Sprayer.
For Power operated with 'New Way Frank W. Wright, POR SALE Pair of Chester White
No. 3 Oliver typewriter, latest model; 1
h. p. Ferro gas engine, will run Wiard!
or ricVicker Gasoline Engines. Eggs for Hatching. shortts. Fred T uo v, Stepney Depot your boat, make cider, saw wood, cut
Joi.n. stalks and run every time you ask it.
We handle many kinds and can fit Howe Avenue From Barred Plymouth Eocks.the Hawkins Weight 260 pounds. 50 casks of pure
you with any kind of an outfit you
need. SHELTON, CONN. strain; White Wyandottes. the
Single CombJRhode Island Reds; Kedscross-
VuiteLeg-hnm- a WANTED A young man for farmwork.
- Must be a good milker, w. F.
cider vinegar stock, cheap. F. J.
New Preston, Conn.
'Winana King;
All kindsCof Pumps for power or
,H no ncn of Rlirulf
ed with Brown Leghorn cockerel, all fine birds Sp.rtHill Fast on. Tel. 1417--
WANTED Chickens in any quantity,

well use.Q and extra good laying stock. Price isc for 13 16c per lb for young live chickens and
eggs, or per
S5 100. Also youngchicksfor sale. PCR SALE asortmnt of men's 15c per lb for fowl. Goos' Market. 304
Mrs E. C. Randall. Bridgewater, Conn. Tele- working snocs is. Hawluy it Co., Step- Main St., Danbury, Conn. The best son of King Segis in
Saws, Plows. Cutters, Blowers, Tanks, phone New Milford Div.
217-- 4.
ney, Conn.
Towers, Artesian Wells,
PIGS POR SALE Nine sows, one boar, New England whose seven nearest
Windmills. SANDERSONS iOK, SALE La rg-- assortment of wall FOR SALE Pair good working cattle. four bows with pigs, five sows coming
paper. Latest designs. B.

Hawley &
in. Chester White boar, nine months
year.' old,well brok'! and w 11 m.ifhed old. Must be sold at once. Also a six- -
officially tested dams average over
Oo., Stepney, Conn. . S. Southport, Conn.
room cottage and one acre farm, suita- 27.1bs. butter in 7 days and over
Come to my place and see the 'New
Way' Operate.
Fertilizers ! POR SALE CHEAP 2 good shoafs.also
10 young pigs ready to go. A second WAKlETWi.Ta,J for
ble for poultry; barn and other out
teaming and gener buildings- - 3 miles from Bridgeport: 10
80 lbs. of milk a day, and whose
Dam and Grandam and sire's' Dam
All manufactured and sold by S. B. hand wood eook stove In good order: al tarm worK. j. m. Wilson, K. 1). 10. minutes from trolley. Sold to close an
also two top carriages in good running Fairfield, Conn. estate. Inquire of F. H. Daniels, 2.167 and Grandam have y records 30-da-

Church, Seymour and Boston. FOR SALE BY order. Prices way aown. tjnaries java-naug-
Madison Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn.
Represented by Walnut Tree Hill, Sandy Hook, POR SALE Thoroughbred Holstein bull that average over 108 lbs Butter, and
H. H. PECK, Newtown. Conn. calf, 6 weeks old. From the best fami
Girl for general housework. Ap--' over 80 lbs milk a day. Individually
nes o tne Dreea. well marked sire by WANTED
ply to Mrs D. G. Beers. Newtown, Conn. he is as good as his breeding. Stock
John J. Northrop, Agent, wanted A woman for general house' Prince Segis, his dam by Korndvk Queer
deKol Lass. Joseph Durand, Old Rog FOR SALE Set heavy work harnesses for sale at all times. Write for terms
Newtown, Conn. work in a family of three. Washing ers pirce, raiesiKie district, jNewtown, in good order. C H. Hawley, Stepney of service to
sent out. Allison F. smitn, wewiown. conn.


POR SALE Perfection Red Cedar shin-e-e-
POR SALE A fine Holstein cow, five

Get our prices. F-- Hawley & Co., years old, witn cair ty side. Lucien FOR SALE One good reliable horse,
lepot, Co:ik.
hereby eiven to all taxpayers tax
Town of New Fairfield that the
of the
A 10c Smoke Stepney. Conn. Pierron, Bandy hook, conn.
sa'e for lady to drive; also buggy and
harness. Will sell altogether for $85. Telephone
Brookfleld Center, Conn.
985-1- 5.

'iw on June 1 on tax levy of 1S08.1 POR SALE One four year old Arvshire POR SALE One bay mare S years old, conn. Enquire of H. Cornelius Judd, Bethel,
On all taxes paid on or before July
110 interest will te adde'l and after July
for 5c. cow, thoroughbred, due tne nru ot May. weight 1100. Sound, kind and gentle.
OI jonn maione, jn.euuui ruuge, W. N. Honan, riewxown, conn.
1011 EGGS!
1 the interest will begin June 1 at the
Hand inquire WANTED At once, sober, competent, Rhode Island Reds
rate of 9 per cent. I will be atsame:the
at Guaranteed Clear Havana KTOT.ICE The assessors of the h teams er vooo wages. Jtngar T. An Eor-oug-
White Wyandottes
places to receive the on June Made
Broad leaf wrapper 43-- 4 n. long TnfifiS FOR HATCHING From Rose Comb of Newtown will be In session at drvWS, 34 Flm stieet. Pothel. Conn.
K. H. Pearce s at Ball's Pond Conn.
and Quality. S..5tfiper EJ R. I. Reds, extra fancy stock. i2 and & per the store ofLevi C Morris, May 20 and FOR SALE Bred them flTe years for shape, color, lay-
24th from to 4 m.: at James S. Straight in name, shape
setting; utility stock tl. Jonn Jionroe. scam 27, 1909, for the purpose of receiving one summer; Baby carriag-j- , used
cost $lo.60, will sell only
3 p. ing. 8 hens laid 690 eggs from September 1 to
Whitehead's June 25 from 3 to 4 p. m.;3 box of 50 delivered. for April 9th. Pullets, began laying 5- - months
from I to Kent. Conn. lists or property iiaoie lor taxation in tS. One rebber-tire- d
at Fred Anderson's28 June 26
I will be at E. S. J. P. MAH0NEY, Mfe, near he Bn.ougn 01 xsewiown on list 01 rj top business wagor;
runabout, $:.5. One
one one bob
old hare loid 321 eggs to April 9. began lay- i
p. m.; on June tpOR SALE in Middlebury. the trolley Levi c. Morris. surrey; ing Nov. lWh-De- c. 6th, and 5 began Feb
Ifatch's from 3 to 4 p. m.;6 atunti. the LONG HILL, CT l
road, a farm 01 loom acres wun a nouse. A'lU'u P. F.nlth, Assessors. Oil sleigh. G. A Barhite, care of Standard
Co. Office. Bridgeport Conn.
1. Feb, 3, Feb. 9. Feb. 12, 1909. Cockerel head-
creamery every dayreceive m., Price&509 ing pen Beds, mother has laid 126 eggs from
2 p. m., and will taxes at any
time. C. H. Gorham, Collector. Phone POB SALE New unrwy
enss. Btvle.
and bug
B. Hawley
h- -
aFinely located, and rery desirable at this WASTED A quarter
price. L. K. Carter. 11 bast Main St.. Water- - straw. Artnur i. ssmitn, istwtown, ,x
of a ton of rye POR SALE Children's shoes of all des- Sept. to April. Eggs from all pens 50c per 14.
Mrs. Grace C. Well wood. Bridgewater. Conn.
995-1- 4
Conn. criptions B. Hawiey ft Co., Ste: ney, Ct Telephone 134-- 2. New Milfoid.
Dated at New Fairfield. May 1. 1909. Co., Stepney, C
;!. bury.
THE NEWTOWN Ji& i.iwaY, MAY 14, 11)09.

Probate Notices.

Knuutuf John Todd, lata of Itixlilluif, In

"The Store of Activity ank Progress." The D. ML Read Co.
.i4 UUtrl.-- clwe'ti. Established 1857- -
Thi Court of Probate for the Mutrict
of Heading halb
lowed !x month from d'Ue liari'iif, for
limned ana al- Shartenberg & Robinson Co.,
the creditor of ,lii Kami lo exhibit
thalr claim to tlicittJnilnlHirut'ir, TIium
who in'tflui't to prHi nt their npcoumin,
properlv atrpHtBj, within miiU time, will
Oak Dressers lat 25 per cent Below Regular.
bo dubamrt ft recovery, JtH ih'wom in
to nld entitle ere riUt)Nitl lo
ir.aka Immouhtte paymunt lo
Arthur J. Todd, Executor.
Wi'iit ttixJtlliiK. Conn,
A THREEDAY Theso pieces are of solid Oak and very good to look at. We have little to
say regarding them, and let the price reductions do the talking.
Oak Dressers With Beveled Plate Mirrors.
of Andrew Vucliula, lute of
hi Mid DUrli't, dmmwil.
The Cnuit of Piobate for the Dlfttrlct
A. D.limitt. . m, l'rolit
Hux-bur- y,
SHOE SALE. Value $10.00 for $7.50
Value $11.25 for $8.44
. Value $14.00 for $10.50
Value $15.00 for $11.25
of Itoxbury hath llmttod and al-
lowed lx montlm from date hereof, for Value 112.75 for $9.57 Value m.00 for $13.50
the creditor of eald Entitle to exhibit
their clitlm to tliemlminiHirntor. Tliowe
A Gathering of Footwear values
who nalect to prcHont their account, that has seldom been equalled The above list shows the original prices, less the 25 per cent reduction.
properly attested, within en id time, will even in our own Shoe Store.
be debarred a recovery. All portion in-
to A most unusual ofTeriug, which affords people who are furnishing summer cot- -
debted to eild ebiati' are reuuekted to The Savings are One-Thi- ni

muUe immediate payment to One-Hal- f. tages or bungalows an opportunity to purchase reliable furnishings at low rates.
Ellen Ixl I'ticliula, Administratrix, Fourth floor, Carpet Store Elevator.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday will witness a
Witnessed by James W. Romford.
Edward W. 1'renion. could
ing of the strongest footwear values ourshoaman Carpet Store Values.
" Court, May II, A. D inmi.
Estate of (ieorge C. Crane, late of Row-tow- n,
in said District, deceased.
procure. lie spent many days among the shoe Jmakers
of New England. He succeeded in collecting sample A Rug 9 x 12 for $11. 00. In a variety of designs and colorings, tan, .
Upon the application of the Administrator at prices
on - said estate praying for an order authurlc
lug- him to sell certain real estate belonging to
lots, cancelled orders and small s over-stock-
Delft blue, brown, forest greens, red, etc. In some the designs are small, in
eald estate, as per application on Ule more that the shoe market doe3 not hear of every day. The others there are large medallions.
fully appears; itsaid
OnnEitico.That application be heard and
determined at the I'robate OIHce In New-
truth of the matter is, these prices are practically - our Body Brussels Carpets, a good line of them at $1.35 a yard.
town in said District, on the 17th day of May, own figures. You're undoubtedly looking for shoe bar- Best all wool Ingrains at 65c a yard. s
A. V. 1909, at t) o'clock in the afternoon, and
that notice be given of the pendency ofof hear-
application and' the time andsame
gains, but you also want style, quality and 'good mak
place when
ing thereon by publishing the one
in some newspaper having a circulation in
ing at the same time. All these things are yours oifer-in- g Carpet Store, first floor.
eald District, and by posting a copy thereof you buy a pair of the shoes or Oxfords that we're
In the Tea Room. Coffee, Chocolate and Tea with Kolls, Buns, Muffins
on the public, in the Town of Mew-tow- n,

now. Women's sizes, misses sizes, children's sizes,

sign-po- st

in ald District.
William J. Becchor. Judge. and delicious Sandwiches of many kinds.
all at savings.
DISTRICT OP10, 1909. REDDING, as. I'robate Homemade Layer Cake, Cup Cakes and Cookies.
Estate of Hiram B. Jennings, late of Red-
ding, in said district, deceased,
The Court of I'robate for the District of
Rnriilln- - hath limited !and allowed alx Women's Suede Pumps and
months from date hereof, for the creditors of1
said Estate exhibit their
to claims to tne ad- The D. M, READ Co.
ministrator. Those who neglect to present
their accounts, properly attested, within said Oxfords,
time, will be debarred a recovery. All per-
sons' Indebted to said estate are requested
to make Immediate payment to Extension or turned soles, black or London smoke;
Cornelia Jennings,
Administratrix with will annexed,
Estate of Hiram B. Jennings, deed.,
sizes 2 2 to 7. Acme Harrows FEARLESS MANURE SPREADER!
P. 0.: B. F. D., Redding Ridge. Should B on Every Farm.
Regular 2.00 Qi A( The circular beater (see ii
TtlSTRICT OF ROXB UK I'robate Court,
V May 6,of1909.Antolnett value, at P1.17 pi. Write Kiuht Now to
lustration) makes the FEAR'
Estate Nichols, late of Rox- - BOOTH E BROS., LESS different from all othi
bury, in said district, deceased.
The Court of Probate for the District of Stratford, Conn. Spreaders. It spreads wide
Eoxbury, hath limited and allowed six That's the Spot to Get Your Farm twice as wide as the box.
months from the date hereof for the Creditors
of said Estata to exhibit their claims for set-
Patent Leather and Vici Tools.
Those who neglect to present their SPECTACLES and eye glasses fitted.
accounts, properly attested, within said
time, will be debarred a recovery. All per-
sons indebted to said Estate are requested to
Oxfords, Lenses matched and allkinds of rt.pairs.
Reod & Todd, Opticians, 1054 Main St.,
Ths Harder Mfg. Co.,
make Immediate payment to B'idgeport, Conn. OobleslmU N. Y.
Reuben Pierce, Administrator. Blucher Cut in Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Vici, Notice.
Southbury. Conn.
sizes I to 7; A, B and C widths, A new blacksmith snop at Warners
Mills Horseshoeing and Oeneral ? Job-hini-
Straight beaters of all T. E. Piatt & Son,
TOR SALE 100 bbls of vinegar stock,
Worth $3.50 and Would like to see old customers other Spreaders spread only Newtown, Conn.
two ye ars old. A. L. Hawley, Hawley-vill-

4.00, at $1.79 pr. at my shop. Terms cash. L. P. Payne,

Koxnury vans, i.onn. i uicpnimc .vu-i-
to their actual width from Sales Agjnts Western Gma.

TOR SA1E 70 fine Chester White pigs, wide and clumsv waeons.
ready to go about May 10 to 15.Terms
No Trouble but the FEARLESS SDreads widext nf all from waonn narrow
thoroughbred boar for service.
$1 cash. Newton
M. Curtis.Sandy
Tel. 41--
Hook, When you liavfr one of the
I r i.
enougn ror ordinary roads and gates.
"-- o-"

Children's Hand Sew- famous International gasolene engines
TOR SALE A boiler and Women's Patent and for power or. your farm. If you are
ed .Skuffer Shoes contemplating buying an engine I can
a engine, both in first Tan Vici Oxfords, save you money. Write or call and see
class condition. Price $75. Augustus
Churci.ill, Georgetown, Conn.
Blucher cut; Cuban heels, In patent colt, vici kid and
S. J. PARKS, Trumbull, Conn. Fifty-Acr- e Farm For Sale.
TOR SALE An extra good driving sizes 2 2 to 7; E width.
horse, also top carriage, harness, etc.
gun mejal; sizes 8 2 to 11 1--
VK)R SALE-Mo- del V Victor Talking A genuine bargain is this productive farm, divided into fields and pasture,
Inquire of Box: 5, Near Milford
Post-offic- e,
with 60 large selected records! like and can be worked by machinery ; fine apple orchard of choice
a William A. Tator, 3179 Main good rich soil,
New Milford. Conn. Regular $175 Value A $175 grade new, bargain.
St.. Bridgeport, Conn. fruit, fine buildings, house two-stor- y of ten rooms, good elevation with a fine
TOR SALE One pair old two-ye-
view. Two barns, one new and the other a good one. T.iis is certainly a bar-
VTOTICE The service of ray bull after Jan- -
steers, handy broke, well matched, also
cart and yoke. Harold Burritt, Weston,
Corn. Tel Westport.
At $1.29 a pair At 89c a pair xl uary 1, will tie S). uasn ai lime oi seryice. gain. Address
C. W. Dimon. It. F. D. No. 7, Shxlton. Conn.
TOR SALE i Chester White sows due
about August 1; also one big registered
old. Cnarles
Special Notice. 1094 Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn.
Yorkshire Boar Power Horse Clipping at short notice.
Glitzier, Shelton Route 8. Conn. "Little Gents" Satin Misses' and Children's A. H. PERRY, Hopewell Dist, New- -

TOR SALE Jersey Bull Bodin 83,559; Calf Shoes, Tan Calf Shoes, town, ionn. i v., xwulc su, ai.u--
Q. N. Clarke's Vegetable Liver Pills
sire, Rosebay's Golden of Biltmore No.
64,233, dim Golden Master of Biltmore Button or blucher cuts; ex- to look over our
No. 1.10,818. Dropped July 13, 1908. Good, sturdy shoes for school You will do well
Have a wonderful reputation for curing Bilious and Dyspeptic Ailments. A
.Solid color, nfat head, d slW i ce, small and vacation wear. tension soles; sizes 8 2 to 2 1-- stock of
incurving fcnins, straight back, low set Wagons, Carriages, Harness, Robes,
a remedy for Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, Dizziness,
body, elastic h'de, has true dfiry type. '
etc., they stand Unrivalled. Once tried, Always used. For sale oy Drug-
H. W. Burrett, Derby, Conn. Usual $1 Quality. Well worth $2.00. Whips, etc.,
Before purchasing elsewhere. gists. Free sample by mail. Recommended by Physicians.
Will pasture cattle by the week,
TOonth or season. Good pasture, shade
At 85c a Pair At $1.29 a pair A. K. EEI3C0E & SON,
Sandy Hook, Conn.
G. N. CLARKE, Nichols, Conn.
and running water.
J. It. Mitchell, South Britain, Ct.
Antique I'nrniture bought and sold.
B. Tucker, Easton, Ct. P. O. Address
instrument is A No. 1 in every respect R. D. 25, Bethel, Ct. Tel. Bridgeport
f1 11
MR Cypherne
Misses' Shoes in Patent Colt and Vici Kid, dull
and good as new. For sale at a
SALE-O- bar-era- '..
E and one outdoor brooder. J. A. Devries, Division- -
Newtown, Conn.
Address Opportunity, BEE OF REPAIRED.
calf tops; regular $1.50 values; sizes FICE, Newtown, conn.
Piano Tuning. given to old fashioned
Special attention
HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Paid for tfiOR SATE Road cart, wairons. farm uten
tl calves and poultry at Itoxbury Station
every Wed-
1 1 to 2. At 99c a pair. 1- -2
rsils. Spafford & Malleito. attorneys. 991 Max A. Grass, well known piano tuner
of BrMpeport. Conn., formerly of .Stein- - E. E.
Preston. Ct.
every Monday and Washington

in Cattle. Broad street, Bridgeport, conn.

nesday. Martin Greenblatt. Dealer
Vine St. way & Sons, Mfgr., N. Y and successor
Calves and Poultry 39 North of late Fred Beyer, will be pleased to
POB SALE-Upri- eht boiler, rated by makers
Conn. , H 4flhnrse. Condition O. K. Geo. C. Bird- - attend to your piano tuning. Orders 1I Cpll peifmc
may be left at The Bee office, Newtown. '5;l, ttl 11,3
RENT-- A bout 25 acres of land situated seye, Shelton. Conn. Will be in Newtown every month. And all kinds of real estate.
TO Mount Pleasant,
Shartenberg & Robinson Co.,
consisting of pasture, PORSALE-- Es for hatching, S. C. Brown Bridgeport address, 438 West Avenue. Give me a description of your farm or
orchard and meartow land. Inquire of Mrs - ana
White Liegiiorns ana ijigut niamuaaj Dlae. and the terms and I do tho rest
Lucy Cavanaugn, box w, aewwwu, $1 per setting (15.) S.W.Smith, Ansonia, Ct. NOTICE I will be in Washington, JACOB BLCCK, Middle Gate District
Tuesday and, Roxbury on Wednesday of Route 16, Newtown, Conn.
T?OR SALE A two-seat- trap in first class 50 acres of pasture for each week and will pay highest market
-- E
condition. For particulars call or address NEW HAVEN, CONN. FOR RENT About to
my farm in town of prices for veal, poultry, egps, veget-
A. Costello, R. F. D. 17. Sandy season, belonging
Miss Mary
Hook, Conn. Toddy Hill Dist.
Wom l?l..fiol,1 Hnmpr T,. Wanzer. R. P. D. ables etc. Cash raid for all stock
No 44, Brookfield, Conn. tuuKht. Clinton H. Juds. n
OpeCldl Mnir
A chance for
-- - The automatic and clean cutry comb.
u ,,
men, who can furnish fcOOO
winner mn who hftvfi the
above amount each, to take over a large re4- -
DROP Me a line and get 8c a pound for
your calves. P. J. Reitter, Stepney De-
pot, Conn. 1 fDAPT
IrVi I VfilV
The best made and the most durable
comb on tne market. Orce seen alway
usej. Burr Kolypse Harness dressing
Eggs for Hatch
and Eclipse axle compound. No better
tail business on aiam si., nrtugeyuru, stepney, Cnnn
esmu-lishe- d

30 years, and make an equal stock com- CORRESPONDENTS A merican w ido w,d ma(Jt? William Wellington, ageit for'
Good dividends and
pany of fi ur workers. Address between 40 and 50, would like to cones-pon- i t Fairfield County. P. O., Route No. 4.
salary to ritht party. R. E Blinn, with some refined gentleman. Ad- rractical rainteiS. Bridgeport. Nichols, Conn. Telephone
1731 Noble Ave.. Bridgeport. Conn. ing. dress Lock Box 74, Danbury, Conn. Bridgeport division.
Our long service ard the fact of our
RENT A house and garden on Single Comb White Leghorns. Eggs from using the best materials gives absolute- -
TOWalnut ly the best satisfaction. A trial will yX)R SALE One shingle mill, one planer,
Tree Hill. Will be rented with or typical egg machines, utility stock of iirst
without furniture. A pleasant placeMrs
the summer or a permanent rent. Conn.
to spend
quality thoroughbred Wyckoff Strain. My
stock are winter layers, strong and vigorous,
75c for 15 eggs. Also Barred Rocks from
FOR SALE! convince you. We have a complete up- - - one lath saw. all in first class condition,
line of 1909 wall papers, mould- - James H. Oodd. New Milford Conn.
ings, etc., which we will be pleased to
erine Ward, R. F. D., Sandy Hook, show you at your convenience. We are
Park's bred-to-la- y strain. $1 for 15 eggs.
sr. umes bcst work at
G. L CASS, South Britian, Conn. Eight large young, well broke gMsa when You Want
pairs of Kentucky Mules, from
C P CONfiFP A stylish carriage or wagon
mi J. mill cull Of PllhliC Allfi- - UOR 8ALE-- 60 acres, 9 room house, barns, 2200 to 2500 lbs. Also one pair and one that Is built right and will last come
fruit, water, timber. 2 miles from station. and see us.
tlon at the residence of the late John Hall, in $1500; $500 can remain if necessary. 50 other Black Horses, 2G00 lbs, perfect Botsford, Conn.
Merryall, on weunesaay, may i biof 22" cows,
sharp : 36 head of cattleinconsisting
fall, Ayrshire bu 2 Walter A. Wood SHE. & ft: farms, 1 to 4t0 acres, buildings, fruit, water.
timber, all within 3 miles of the station: sev every way; Cheap; 12 years old Horseshoeing, Carriage and
Repairing of all kinds and
I Hflfrri
VA. CnflC
part fresh, part due heifers, due in fall, 5 eral stocked.l tooled. State your wants. We aim to Blacksmilhing. please our
years old, mattihed yearling plemects for the farm. s
BroDhey Realty Exchange. b4 brand street. and close matched. customers. Carriage Manufacturers,
yearling Heifers, PairDurham Mnwn Hjiv Pakes. Hav Tedders. Danbury, Conn. Horse Clipping-- Power. NEW FAIRF1ELI' CONN.
Steers, pair matched ty
well broken, three horses, farming tools. Disc Harrows, Spike Tooth Harrows. C. H. HAWES, Telephone No. .23-5-

Sulky Plow nearly new, 2 Mowing Machines,

Smoothing and Cutaway Harrows. Horse
A complete line Plows.
Fertilizers at Lowest Prices.
For Sale. Gaylordsville, Conn. Tax Collector's Notice
Rake. 2 Farm Wagons. Log Truck. Platform
Spring Wagon, Milk Wagon. 2 Buggies, Set pf Nice matched nair mares, "chunks." weight WANTED A boar pig, weight 100 to Notice Is hereby given to all persons liable
Bob Sleds. Steel Shod and Wood shod sleds. about 1400. safe for ladr to drive. Can be 150 pounds. THree or four pure Shep- - to pay taxes in the Town of Neweown that
Plows. Cultivators, Several Lots of Hard herd for sale. H. C. Hill, Bethle- - the taxes on list 1908 shall be due and payable
Wood Lumber, Seed Sower, Stone Boat and
W. B. Glover, Newtown. seen at C. N. Hatch's Store, Bridgewater.
C. B. WEED, Bridgewater, Ct. FOR SALE.
hem. Conn. Saturday, May 1. 1909. I will be at the follow- -
Cx Cart, ox Yokes, 2 Sets Double 2 Sets Single ing places to receive same: Town Clerk's Of-
s r,n..nH himirr nn. Tnn Car fice Saturdays. May 1, la, il and 29 from 9 a. m.
Harness. 5 Rolls Page Wire and Gates.
power Circular Saw and table. Land Roller.
Blacksmith Forge and Anvil. Iron Vice.
POR SALE-P- air Devon
three-year-o- ld riage, one Rubber Tired Carriage, one
ness Wagon, one Open Buggy , one Farm W ag--
to4p. tHfll cNfllP
m; Taylor. Curtis &Co.'s store, Sandy
Hook. Monday. May3d.from 10a. m. to 4 p.
Blacksmith and Carpenter's Tools, Chains.
Crowbars, Grain Cradles. Log Hooks, Shovels,
steers, well broken and well matched,
Center. Conn. Tel.
C E. Reers. Brookfield Auction! ttn,,tf..rSlii'h.
gentle for ladies to drive.
one Horse, kind and m.; S.J. Blackman's store. Hawleyville, Sat-
in good condition. 25 acres of land, house of r1?yttmVf.?,mn?,r!i- tLu -


Forks and other things too numerous to men- WhSt

tion. Household Goods consisting of Parlor
Writ- WANTED Brush to cut by the job. Pursuant to an order from the Probate PETER H. LYNCH, irA1Un.van'l0UtbUlldin'fS- -

Suite. 2 Bedroom Suites, Old Fashioned Cummlngs, 484 South Avenue Court for the District of Bridgeiwrt I will
ing Desk, Safe. Mattresses Tab es. springs. Bridgeport, Conn. sell at Public Auction on Saturday, May 23,
The Blacksmith, Long Hill, Conn. F. B. Wakeman,
and Pillows, Chairs.
Feather Beds 1909, the personal property belonging to the
Something New
Cot Bed. Kitch- Ronte"- - -

Carpets and Matting. Organ.Machine.

Hanging FOR SALE One United States cream estate of the late Sylvia Mallet t. consisting of !
en Range. LampvSewing
Lamp. Oil Stove. Ice Box and a lot of other
Useful Articles. Terms made known on day
In good condition. E. D. Tuttle,
D. No 14. Stepney Depot, Conn.
R. 5 Bedsteads. 4 Bureaus. 4 Washstands,
Feather Beds, Lot Bedquilts. Sheets ana
Pillows. Bed Warmln? Dan.
1 1 Sewing Ma
For Sale. Farm For Sale. Avenarius Carbolineum
'0l Mle CTRAYED To my house a brown water chine, 1 parlor organ, 27 Chairs. Lot Carpet
100 acclimated horses; also four car loads of A little money down will buy this For preserving wood and also a disinfectant.
H. H. POMEROY, Administrator. "spaniel dog with name of Johnson on col- Western horses received direct' from the
O. W. Marey. Auciioneer. Rags, cut and sewed, 5 Stoves, Choice collec- farms! of Iowa, including Road Horses. Fast farm. Immediate possession given. Prevents all kinds of rot in iwood and keeps it
lar. Owner can have the same by proving tion of Indian Arrow Heads, 1 large
'TOR SALE Threo pairs of
property and paying cost- - Charles Fanning,
oxen, good Koxbury, Conn.
mirror, 1 Clock. 1 Dining Table. Lot
Crockery and table utensils, one horse sled,
nracers, it
i n:
3 viiuum
"" Hmu, Draft,-
Horses, all fearless and guaranteed as ",Pre-
barns, water
In house and barns; meadows nearly
free from Termin of all kinds. Especially
sale by;
gt4bles and hen houseSf .For

nlouehprs Four steers for stackers. 1

Carriage and various other articles. Sale level. Good fences; plenty ofjwood;
a boy over 14 years of age SEED CORN Ears run to 15 Inches long,
In 90 days. T. J. Cavanaugh. San
to take place at tlie late residence of the said both single and double. Heavy Bobs, Wagons.-
Carriages. Farm Wagons and Trucks.We Har- near churches and school. Telephone
DpnfiplH ct Crnitr
to woTk on golf link N. Bherwood. Sylvia Mallett, situated In Monroe, waiuers .
ui. R,,iu also
dy Hook. Conn. Farm School district, and will commence at house. Rural delivery of mail past the Stepney Depot, Conn,,
Westport Conn.
11 a. m. If decidely stormy auction will be have second hand Furniture and Pianos that
are as good as new. oive us a can. door.
mo RET-T- he east half 6f the double house
1 on West street. Pleasant tenement and
but .short walk from the
TOR SALE Cheap; general purpose
r.oise, weight 1000 pounds, safe for any
churches, stores, one. Julius A. Beers, Walkers Farm dis-
.etc. InQuire of Bobert H. Beers.
ewtown. trict, B. I. 17, Sandy Hook, Conn.
postponed until Monday. May 24, at same
hour. Terms, cash on the spot.
Austin B. Blakeman. Administrator.
(Stephen B. Hayes, Auctioneer. 171
The Smedley Co.,
BrewerySt.. New Haven, Conn.
Stepney Depot, Conn. 1,005 HUl, Conn.JLSitSt

The Newtown Bca

We Emplmsizo the fact that our
Newtown, lMuuy, May 14, 1&09, MILLIONS OF $ Wall Paper
HARNESS DEPT. Washington.
Is the finest and most complete in this part of Now England. If of flesh in babies
etops loss if
Spent In Advertising
you are considering a purchase we would be pleased to show you and children and in adults These Goods.
what a line line we have of., v ,i in summer as well as winter.
Mrs David llurlburt died on Tuea.
Some people have gained a Ptinbury's Iloaclquar- - fa
25c Paper Uoduced t? !Sc
Buggy, Runabout, Surrey, Express, Farm and T"" day morning alter a lout,' HIiii-h- with

llt'lili' her husband she pound a day while taking it. tors for them are at Dan I2c
Team Harness. iuiiccr. lOo 8c
leaves three children by her first Ink it Is little cold wittsror milk. bury's Greatest Store. i it it
inui Wane Cett until bottle now.
l.OQ 60c
All Dragslett
Perfection Blue Flame Oil ii ii
50c 35c
We Are Offering POMONA GRAXUB MEETING. mitMiniTi-JUMi- n Stoves, it,
Kxcelsior roinona Grange will The Standard Oil Co. or Moulding, paints and pic-
You'll he sure to find
meet with Washington Gringo on
Wednesday, May 19. The afternron
seuslon will be open to the public
West Cornwall.
White Mountain
tors, The Chest with the
i win
"8 ture framiug at low prices at

ust what you want in

our Kepository. '
and will Include adiiressen on practi-
cal topics by professors from Connec-
ticut. Agricultural college. Ml the
MENTS. Lawn mowers,
Maine Mfc. Co. im
4$ Great American Ball Bearing 1 Stone's
Prof H. L. Crane is having quite Tj Pennsylvania Lawn Mower Co, fir
if Wall Paper Store,
town ptople are cordially invited to
attend. an extensive addition made to his j Bull Dog Hose,
Send for Cuts Boston Hose Co.
summer home, which he purchased llj
and Prices. 'THE AlAN IN THE CASE." of Robinson W. Dean and occupied Ml L. cc ii. v ure paint, 62 White St., DANBURY.
Don't forri"t the play on Friday last year. George E. Crosby has the Tj Longman & Martinez.- fir
F. A. HULL TSON, night, May 14, given by tne High
work in charge. Last year Prof Inverted Oas Fixtures, i of SPECIAL SALE OF
School seniors, entitled "The Man In Crane made many changes to the Welsbach Gas Lamp Co.
and with the large addition
Opp. City Hall3 DANBUR.Y, CONN.
the Case." Town hall, Washington property
now being built, bids fair to make
a pleasing and comfortable summer
West Shore Ranges,
T.ittlnfioM fitnwa Cn
1 Perfect Ranges and Furnaces,
Richardson & Boynton Co,
ACCIDENT TO SMITH & SONS' MILL We are going to close out all
Tne invitations are out for the
wedding of Miss Laura Averill and S. R. Hill was kept busy two days,
All that's Latest and Best
at the
? suits in stock. In order to do so
Lester Harvey on May 25 at the last week, repairing the damage done quick, we have marked them at
Averill Homestead. to Smith & Sons' mill, in a very few
minutes by the slipping of a belt and
1 prices that will surprise you. Look
TJti r tt of at the values at
185 185 A. C. Titus, who Injured his right its entanglement with a puney. D. . i i

Main Street. Main Street. foot two weens ago, is now able to L. Smith, A. L. Mallett and F. A.
be around on crutches. Yutzler were at work about the en-
woe uanmiry naro0f $10.98 $12.50 14.50
The late Dr Ford place has been gine at the time of the accident, but
43 ware Co., &
rented to the Shipman family of they lucidly escaped injury, Mallett
Danbury's Fashionable Shop for Ladies' Outer Garments Hartford, who were here last season. being the only one struck by the
R. S. Barnes has rented his resi- flying timbers and he only lamed.
4? 249-2- 51 Main St, cf Millinery,
dence on Bell Hill for the summer 43 of
Danbury. Someihing new every day at mod-
months. A DRAMATIC EVENT. 49 fif est prices.
All That Is Exclusive and New In Spring Apparel for Women was in town for a short
C. B. Gold
The posters are out announcing
stay, ihi. week. the date of the play "Among the
Tailored suits, $15 to $65. A. D. Woodruff spent Sunday In
Frocks, $11 to $35.
One-pie- ce
the village and will open his house
in about two weeks.
Breakers as May 19. This play is
given by local talent for the benefit Haven oerSunday.
of the O. E. S. and has the following
Evening and Dinner Gowns, $25 to $100. ctephen Morehouse is slowly gain- cast of characters:
Mr and Mrs J. E.IMcCready and
laughter, Maude, were in town. Sun Telephonel94,
ing under Miss lmries' efficient care.
Street Frocks, $12.50 to $25. Mrs Van Sinderen has opened David Murray. Beeper of day, Mr and Mrs McCready staying
229 Main St.,
Fairpoint Light, H. W. Andrews Danbury.
Traveling and Automobile Coats, $12.50 to $30. Glenholm.
Mrs Van Ingen is also here for the Larry Divine, assistant, J. C. Miller
at tne parsonage and Miss Maude
with Miss Cora B. Hallett.
Silk Net Lingerie and Linen Waists, $1 to $20. "eison.
Hon Bruce Hunter, M. A. Hallock
chasei a tract of woodland of Albert
I he VallUnt homestead is again Clarence nunter, his ward,
Make Your Selection Early to Insure Delivery by Easter.
occupied for the summer months.
John R. Harrison New Preston. J. Lum.
Peter Paragraph, a reporter, Mr and Mrs Michael O'Xeil has
Peabody, the scientific optician, at taken a boy from a home to assist
M. W. Hill's Jewelry Store, Iew Milton T. Hart VILLAGE CHURCH THEMES.
Mil-for- d,

Scud, Hunter's colored ser- them on tneir farm.

May 24 to 30. Thomas Bate Rev T. W. Salt announced from his E. H. hubbell and Mrs Hattie Hill
Minnie Daze, Hunter's niece. pulpit, last Sunday evening, that recently visited Mr and Mrs D. F.
Miss Bertie F Kern next Sunday evering he would begin Bocth in Trumbull.
Redding. Bess Starbright, cast up by in the sante place a series of ad- Mrs Ernest Read of Stratford is
the waves, Miss Louise Miller dresses especially directed to the spending a few days here, the guests
GRANGE TOPICS. Mother Grey, a reputed for- young people but applicable and of of Mrs Charles B. Johnson.
tune teller, Miss K. N. Salewski interest to all, upon "The Social C. C. Ryder has sold his farm with
A special meeting cf the Grange Biddy Bean, an Irish girl, Life." The theme he announced for stock and tools to Edmond Mandry
was held on Monday evening and the Miss Cera B. Hallett the first of this series will be "Home, and Louis Cahling of New York City
COURSE in our school is not an uncertain third and fourth degrees were con- who have taken possession. Mr and
A venture but of practical value.
ferred upon Miss Helen Barnes, Fred
Mabrey, Frank Meehan, and Mr and
Miss Emiiy Bedat has recently re-
Mrs John Muennich. A fine supper turned from a visit with her sister,
Sweet Home." The writer can safely
recommend to all who have not
neard him, that they will feel repaid
for all effort made to hear him nt
Mrs Ryder have rented a few rooms
of L. P. Ames and have moved there.
The Ladies' Social club held a very
waf served at the close of the degree Mrs Robert Harrington, at
Terry-vill- e.

any time and it is believed a good enjoyable meeting at the home of

work. Mrs L. P. Araes, last week Tuesday
Mrs W. P. Shailer has returned congregation win greet him next
Bookkeeping, Shorthand The Misses Helen Barnes and from her visit with relatives in Sunday evenine. His audiences have afternoon. The afternoon was spent
in social chat and wor after which
Hartford and Bridgeport. unmistakably increased since he com- -
and Typewriting. Eleanor Osborne sail for Germany on
Rev C. N. Fitch is in Brooklyn meneea nere. nis sermon nere last a fine tea was served.
Wednesday, where they expect to with his son for a few weeks rest, Sunday morning was a. fins sYim. Miss Sarah Hawkins spent Sun-
spend the summer. sition of "Influence." That in the day in Waterbury with friends.
Mrs Wiriam C. Sanfcrd has re- he having been suffering from a M. L. Hawkins and Miss Nellie L.
severe cold which affected his voice, evening was equally good upon
cently entertained the Misses Julia uennuions. Hine spent Monday last in Seymour.
and Isabella Hoyt of Danbury. making it impossible for him to con- Mrs Thayer of East Village and
Mrs Aaron Sanford, who has been duct services. Owing to his ab- Sirs L. B. Bradley of Stevenson were
sence there were no regular church The youngest daughter of Mr and
very ill, is improving. Mrs H. O. Averill was seriously ill caning on people in this place, last
Stillman Business College, Rev W. H. Jepson attended the services, Sunday evening.
Mr and Mrs George W. Cochrane last week, with pneumonia and heart week.

Clerical Meeting in Bridgeport on trouble, but at present writing the George Thompson has sold a piece
were out of town several days, last of woodland to P. G. Mahoney of
Monday. most important crisis seems past and
297, 299, 301, 303 Main Street, Aliss Pearl Warner and Llewellyn week, returning Monday evening. Ansonia.
Joseph T. Mallinson of New Haven hope is cherished for her recovery.
Warner are convalescent after a siege A trained nurse has been in attend- Mrs Burton J. Wooster of Good
with the measles. was in town a week ago Sunday. His Hill was in Seymour part of last
DANBURY, CONNECTICUT. w'fe and son returned home with ance since Wednesday of last week,
Miss Dora Read Goodale has been and R. A. Marcy, M. D., of Litchfield, week.
absent from her duties at the San- Dim, islso M.r3 Smith, who nad been Herman Sonnenstuhl has pur
H. B. HASTINGS, Principal. was called Saturday morning to con-
ford school for the past week, owing visiting Mrs Mallinson at the Man sult with Dr H. G. Stevens at the chased a fine Jersey cow of .lames H.
'o .11 health sion House, returned to New Haven Wheeler of Stevenson, and C. H.
it th'nt time. Averill homestead.
spent Sunday with friends in a.
An automobile party composed of Lum one of C. B. French of Steven-
Mrs A. V. Coons was plying the son.
needle in Cornwall Bridge, last week. six gentlemen,, two chauffeurs and
R. C. Wheeler is laid up with a three autos, were at J. B. Stillson's,
severe attack of rheumatism. The local dramatic club went to
Bantam, Monday night, to witness the latter part of last week. Their
Bui der Senior of Bethel has a outdoor amusement was tro.'.t fishing Stevenson.
large force of men and tea?ns at work the drama "Among the Breakers,"
- which they expect to present, next in the different streams. Their luck
- - u utfVUf TM- -
HI" 'W VI- 'HI W "jU "W MfMe'll'W f on H. Barnes' place on the Ridge. The Ladies' Aid society of the
was not reported
Attorney Shaw of Bridgeport is Wednesday evening. John R. Harri- Mr and Mrs George C. Hopkins Methodist church met, last week
son, who takes the part of the hero,
MARK DOWN SALE pushing work on his place on the
Ridge. substituted with the Bantam club in passed part of last wee in Bridge-
Wednesday, at the home of Mrs F. J.
plate of their player, who wis ill.

The new merchant at the White-

Of Robes and Blankets head sore is doing a large business Mr and Mrs Charles Seamons con harry H. Read and bride of Mr and Mrs Harold Bryant of New
Britain spent Sunday here, the
or a country store. ducted affairs at the Hedden place, Bridgeport passed most of last week
' During the month of February. and over last Sunday at Howard C. gmsts of Mr and Mrs M. Bryant. Mrs
Mrs Robert Ferry, who has been while Mr and Mrs Willis Potter were
in Pittsneld, incident to a slight Hopkins' in Lakeside. Harold Bryant went to East Village,
sick with diphtheria, is much im-
operation which it was necessary for
Mrs L. W. Barnes has returned Monday, to spend a few days there
W. W. Stevens;, & Co.-.,-
, proved, but the house is still quaran- from Hartford. with her grandmother, Mrs Oscar
tined. Mr Potter to unoergo.
Mrs Marsh and daughter, Althea. Mrs Frank J. Hosford arrived Sherwood.
16 Whitest., Danbury, Conn. There are a few cases of scarlet home from Detroit, last Saturday Aid society of the
The Ladies'
fever and many cf mumps. recently returned from a week's visit Methodist church of Zcar Bridge will
Competent Workmen f orJRepairing. Rev H. Q. Judd preached for the at their home in Sharon. evening.
Mrs Theodore Sturges and daugh- M. G. Huntley, teacher here, hold their next meeting on Wednes-
3Kf 5SK' aJKsid? first time in the Methodist chnn li
day afternoon and evening, May 19,

ters, Gertrude and Helen, spent a passed his time over last Sunday,
for the first time since Conference. with his brother and sister in Step- at the home of Mrs L. B. Bradley.
He had to leave the Conference on day recently in Canaan. All are cordially invited to be pres-
account of an attack of pneumonia. Miss Emma B.Houston, thetrained ney.
Mrs J. E. Granniss and Mrs Dur-wo- ent.
Philander Brotherton, who has nurse, who has been in attendance
STALLION SEASON 1909 been seriously sick with pneumonia,
is gaining slightly, but is still very
upon Mrs David L. Smith during her
serious illness of the past three
E. Granniss and son were last
week patients of Dr Stevens.
Grover H. Loveland is sending
cream to Demosthenes, the confec-
Mrs E. G. Clark of Washington tioner, in Derby.
weak. weeks, left last Wednesday, Mrs
Brownmaster,2. 1 7 master. Dam Belle
Sire of Raffles, 2.11
ium- - dara of
Med- - Daniel O'Keefe has returned from
Florida, where he spent the winter.
Smith having so far recovered as to
be able to dispense with her services.
Depot is acting in the capacity of
housekeeper for Rev E. Evans for an
indefinite period.
Will Banks has gone to work as a Mr3 Charles R. Smith and Miss

J06 AIIimIan
IlllOn. 11t
By the great Allerton, 2.09l-- 4
Dam Kathleen Rogers, dam of
3, by Sentinel Weeks 2499.
carpenter with Martin Burr, instead
of hatting.
tames Treadwell has been putting
Sarah C. Read were in Canaan, last
ML I ' n spent Sunday with Mrs
E. E. Meeker returned from
N J., last Friday. Ke reports
that during the funeral and inter-
e, Hel-mett-

ment of the late Welcome G. Clem-an- s,

These horses are 16 hands, sound, hands cmeftrotters. the roads in order from Sanforitown Joseph Robinson. last week, all stores were closed
to the Center. He is one of the best A. G. M. inson was up from New
Fee of either Horse $25 to insure mare withjfoal. in his home village, all business sus- Announcements of Redding Merchants.
road makers in town.
The insurance company has settled pended and the entire population
RIDGEWOOD FARM, Danbury, Conn. followed the procession to church dnd
Telephone 185. with the Misses vvilson for their loss
by lightning on their barn, hay, cow
grave. The influence of one such
man is truly great.
and calf. GROOMING COUNTS A son was added to the family of SALE!
Albert Gorham has had the bushes But it cannot make a Fair Skin or a Walter Couch in Woodville Districi
and t'ush around his farm cur. Glossy Coat. on the evening of May 1.
Mr mnry has moved into her Women with good Gals. 5 Best
Bungalow in the Center. complexions cannot Karosene Oil, 45c,
be homely. Creams, Quaker's Farms.
And beginning Wednesday, April 21, we will
lotions, washes and
Kent powders cannot make ROLL OF HONOR. sell all goods at our store except flour. Sugar
feed, tobacco and rubbers ot a 10 cent dis-
a fair skin. Every The following pupils are on the count. Strictly cash at our store. per
grangITitems. horseman knows that Roll of Honor for the month of April All goods delivered free of charge at rcgu-- at

15 patrons and their friends the satin coat of his at the Bower Hill school: Clara Hine, prices.
sat down to the supper prepared by thoroughbred comes Ruth Hinman, Ethel Williams and
the Kent, grange, May 5. The Lec- from the animal's Marion Lum. Those who have not Greenbaum & Klein,
The to get
bestay turer's hour was acceptably filled condition.
"all-righ- t"
been tardy are Marion Lum, Ruth REDDING EIDGE.
what you want, or to by Aspetuck and Webotuck Granges .Let tne torse get Hinman, Randa Christenson, Isabelle TeL9T94. Free Delivery.
get rid; of what you
and was much enjoyed by all
May 19 the lecturer's hour in
i77vr ,offhisfeed'andhi8
coat turns dull Cur
and Ruth Pope, Edwin, William,
Mary and Roosevelt Wooster and
don't; want, la to use
The Bee's advertising
Kent grange will be "Seven Good
Dr;s in Costume."
rying, brushing and robbing will give
him a clean coat, but cannot produce
the coveted smoothness and gloss of
Herman Sonnenstuhl.
The Misses Abbie Pope and Lillian
Look, Watch and
columns. Try the
"am ill" adi : ic a
Monday, washing.
liness next 1o godliness.
Toast, Clean-
the horse's elan, which is his com. Cable3 of Oxford were calling in this Listen.
Tuesday, ironing. Toast, Let the plezion. The ladies will see the point. place last week Monday.
word,one week. rough places be made smooth. Mrs Caroline Thrall, who haa been The Ridge Store has opened
Wednesday, mending. Toast, A
stitch in time saves nine.
Lane's Family Lum, left last Tuesday to make her
staying with her daughter, Mrs A. J. with complete
line of

Groceries, Feed, Hardware,

Tharsda-y-, visiting.
tongue ro man can tane.
Toast, The Medicine home with her son, George, at Corn-
ing, N. Y. Dry Goods, Shoes,
Friday, sleeping. Toast, A new Is tlia tiest nrenaration for ladies who Albert Pope and wife of Wood-bridg- e, Candy and Cigars,
broom sweeps clean. desire a gentle laxative medicine that were at his brother's, Lewis Our aim will be to please our customers and
Will give the body perfect cleanliness Pope's, last Wednesday. give the best goods the market affords at city
Saturday, baking. Toast, Bread is prices. CALL AN USEE U3.
the staff of life. ,il iiill IJ mill mo nuviuviiKuuo Miss Erma Gabler of Oxford Cen-t- et
Sunday, a day cf rest Toast, Re- that produces snch skins spent Saturday and Sunday with
member the Sabbath day to keep it
love to copy.
j Miss Marion Lum.
P. J. Mahoney of Ansonia has pur- -
Redding Ridge, Conn

The Newtown Bea

6061 'tl W 'a09tf ANOTHER Trading at Barton's Is A Satisfaction. Try it and See
New Milford.,
r- -
HMI' muu
inrxuuun r

A very nrttty woddlna was


laniillssHcl at the rtiiidlHt church, tt

Wall Paper.
IB M .
NortUvlIle, Runclny, May 9, when
Orfcc Fve'jn. dmightor of Wt nrd
Mr Edf-n- r U. Bucklni-bn- nnd Wil- A line of the latest patterns and designs in Wall
liam H. FrlHhlo, were united In mitr-rlnK- e.
verv handsome and reasonable in price, qualifi- -
'The ceremony took place 1m- - Paper,

Just Read that H nifl'llutelv after the morning service

and va performed by the Rev S. D.
Woods, pBHtor of the church, the ring
ByLydiaG. Pinkham's canons inai win sausiy ine laaies.

service being used. Tho bride end Vegetable Compound

M It
groom entered the (buri-- to the

. . MT
strains of Lohengrin's wedding
march played by MIhs Florence
sister of "the bride.
couple were unattended. The bride
was tastily gowned In a Taune suit
Gardiner, Malne."I have ken a
great suflVrer from organic troubles

and a severe female
weakness. Tbe
doctor said I would
We have never ofared prettier patterns inj
and China

nnd burnt straw hut with old rose. have to go to the

V Again After the ceremony the bttde and
groom passed from the church to the
music of Mendelssohn's wedding
march and proceeded to the home of
hospital for an
operation, but I
could not bear to
think of It 1 de-
cided to try Lydla
e, a bountiful collutlon being Great values in
served to the relatives. After this

II ....
It s
..... ..
a big statement to make, Honest all
4J -
the young couple started Tor their
new home followed by a goodly sim
ply of confetti and the best wishes
etable Compound
and was entirely

II .if through. But we would just like the chance

to Drove to vou that it is true,-r-th- every part V ,
of their friends. They will live at
Washington Depot. The church was months' use of them." Mrs. S. A.
cured after three

prettily decorated with houseplants. Williams, R. F. D. No. 14, Box 89,

cut flowers and greens. The deco- Gardiner, Me.
No woman should submit to a surgi.
of an Emerson is perfect, that the workmanship rations were in the hands of Mrs F.
cat operation, which may mean death,
RUGS, full room size.
B. Baldwin.
leaves no neglected spots to weaken under the strain until she has given Lydia . Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made exclusive-
of service. SECRET SOCIETY N07S9. ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial.
This famous medicine for women Make This Store Your Headquarters
You can see the Snappy Style, you can see the exquisite When in New Milford. .
Good Shepherd lodge, No. 65, I. 0. has for thirty years proved to be the
finish. All we ask is that you drop in and feel the perfect fit 0. F., will confer the second degree most valuable tonic and renewer of
on tno 20th. the female organism. Women resid
while we prove the trademark to you.
A regular meeting of Palm Rebek- - ing in almost every city and town in
Emerson Oxfords are built on lasts that prevent chaf. ah lodge will be held on Wednesday the United States bear willing testi-
evening, May IS. mon y to the wonderful virtue or Lyaia
it .....

ing at the heels and flaring edges at the ankles. Walter B: Leavenworth and Oscar E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
F. Ross have been elected as dele- It cures female ills, and creates
gates from Good Shepherd lodge to ant, buoyant female health. If you
TOS GrOLDItJIiT & OD.t he Grand Lodge which meets In
Hartford, May 19. It is expected
are ill. for your own sake as well as
nn. Mnss
RAILROAD STREET, NEW MILFORD thatf a large delegation will go from Invites all
sick women to write
New Milford, Tuesday night, ihe ber for advice. 1 1 cr advice is free,
t8th, to witness the conferring of the and always helpful.
first degree by a team of 150 men
selected from the various lodges In
Mrs Burnette Leavenworth of a.
Garden Tools
i is visiting her son, Walter, at
his home ."Meadow Brook Farm." Oil Stoves BICYCLE TIRES. BICYCLE SUNDRIES.
New Stock of Enameled Ware Master Willie Marsh spent Sunday
in Northville.
Gasoline Stoves.
Mr Yeoroans and family are oc- -. Baseball and Sporting Goods.
From 10c Up. Satisfaction Given or Money Re-
eupying the house formerly owned funded is our motto.
by Newell Warner, now owned by
GlassWare 10c up Robert Clark of New Milford. Osborne ,& Stone, Fishing Tackle of Every Description.
10c up The Phoenix Library association
Tin Ware has added a goodly number of recent Successors to C. A. Way Co..
books to their collection. O.tnts. Wall Paper, Glass Window Shades,
Wash Boilers, Clothes Baskets, Crockery, Lamps, Carts, Tobacco and Paper Twine,
Wagons. New Milford, Ct. P. AI. CASSEDY,
Dolls, 5c, 10c up to $3. APiesrelle," the hypnotist vo Telephone 143--

made quite a hit in a weok's engage-me- at

White Sewing Machines always on hand. Good second in New Milford f. year aaro, re- Postoffice Building, New Milfoed, Conx.
hand Machine for $8 cash. We Offer ior Sale
cently appeared in a vaudeville
at Poli's Theater, Hartford. the incomparable
Mr and Mrs Charles I. Leach, Mr
and Mrs George Ackley, Willis and Beckwith Round Oaks,
At RIDDIFORD'S, Marcus Merwin and Cleighton Barker
passed Sunday afternoon at Green Beckwith Air Tight Wood
19 Bank Street, New Milford. 8 Pond.
Charles A. Mallory has put the Heaters,
road from the north end of Leach
Hollow to the north side of Green Stamford and
Pond iv fine e has Round Chief Ranges.
four or five bridges and has im-
proved tne road generally. Along
the north shore of the pond Mr Mal- II. McMahon Albert
Factory End Sale of Knives, lory has cut away the brush which
hid the view of the lake, and it is an Bridge Street, New Milfoi d
improvement which will be appreci-
ated by all owning property cn the
50c and 75c. laLe. He has hauled r.imber to the
land adjoining the lake and is to put
up a bungalow The Jeweler,
Worth Double the Value. Lieut Lawrence P. Treadwell, U.
S. N., who has bcefi visiting his sis
Is Closing Out His Line of
ter, Mrs Merritt Wl Hill returned to
Baseball and Sporting Goods. his home in New York on Monday.

Victor and Edison Machines and Records.

Lieut Treadwell, who is on a month's
leave of absence, will report at Nor
folk, Va.. and go aboard the TT. S. 3.
'Virginia, to v'hicn he w?.s recent Razors, Strops, Brushes,
ly assigned. Prom Norfolk the "Vir Shears and
ginia" will g' on a training cruise. Pocket
Frank E. Soule,
Albert Evitts, the well liked drug
passed Sunday and Monday
with friends at Scarsdale, N. Y. at a discount of
Mygatt Block, Bank Street, New Milford was a
Eugene ward of Roxbury
visitor in. town, Tuesday.
Charles I; Leach is still selling
Occident Flour at the old price. It
30 Per Cent.
costs a iittle more than other flours. We are
It is made for those people who care agents for the
enough about bread to notice the
Ensign Film.
Edward P. Martin difference in different kinds. The
price of Occident Flour is at all times NootheP make of fllms as good for snap
sufficiently high to permit tiie exclus- - ehots. ats all Cameras and Kodacks.
PLUMBING and Prescription ive use of the choicest selected
wheats; tho maintenance of the fines.
We have a full llnelof

HEATING icleanest, most sanitary and most. Photographic Goods

modern mills in the world; the err for Amateurs.
All Kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work ployment of the most extensive puri-
180Railroad St..
Tel No 140.
Does not mean to buy medicines where
you can get them the cheapest unless
fying processes ever used in flour
miHirg. including tie thorough
washing of every kernel of vheyt be-
M. W" Hill, MAKES A good deal of difference to you
ITwhere you buy your Clothes ; "because un-
you can be sure of absolute purity,
freshness and medicinal activity. fore nulling; The employment t.t the Bank New Milford. less you're a good judge you don't really
most skillful and painstaking millers 5t,
JOHN BONJIONO, Bring your prescriptions to us and
know that you will get the best and not
to maintain the many complicated know what you're getting; there's always a lot
pay too much for it, either. This is urocele? at highest efficiency, in re-- 1 of cotton mixed stuff on the market.
UKn for the small extra cost or. ucei- -
In old Brick Block formerly occupied by
Prescription Economy. dent, Mr Leacli guarantees the quali That's one of the strongest reason's for
iivitts'lJrue store, JVJiw miluvku.
ty not only good but enough better coming here : You'll get here
Boot and Shoe than other flours to be immediately
noiee.'ib!e,-th- at you can make bread
Kepairing. fro-- it. that in purity, whiteness,
FlrstCIass Work Guaranteed.
W. N. Noble, rich flavor, fine even texture and Hart, Schaffner Marx
general goodness. is better than the
DRUGGbT, bread you can make from any other
flour. .Clothes and they're always all-woo-
l. We'll
Bank Street, 7 New Milford. Mr and Mrs M. W. Hill are passing
fit you right, both your person
A Blotched Complexion a week's visit in New York City. and your
Telephone 98. '
William Jennings of New York purse. ,
Or the presence of any skin eruption Is un-
sightly always. But tLat is not the worst. passed Sunday with his mother, Mrs
The worst is that the blood is outof order and Lawrence Jennings.
unless proper precautions are taken some
thing serious may loliow. Rents Collected
George Lines of South iNorwaiK
was in New Milford, Sunday and
Telephone Connection
Suits $18 to $25.
A. D. & Blood Mixture Estates Cared For Monday, the guest of Dr Allen. He
Rids the blood of Impurities. No remedy will
made the trip in his auto. A H eavy Load
do it quicker than this one. Few will do it as Before purchasing Real Estate, call on Mrs H. D. Hine is ill with quinsy We also have cheaper makes $10 to $16.
well, rncefi-- t at the home of her brother, W. A. Of wholesome groceries is always worth ? bend-in-

Albert Evitts, Druggist, PHINEAS E. CLARK Watts, in New Haven.

H. P. Hine was in New Haven,
over, especially if you are to land them at
your own do or.
NEWMILFORD THE ONLV Tuesday, attending the sessions of Fine Groceries
Telephone 33,
Wallace S. Ferris has taken a po-
Are always welcome, fragrant coff ee.choicest DUNCAN & CANFIELD,
21 SouthiMainlSt, New Milford, CL, tea, prime butter, bottled goodness in so Ion?
sition with a wholesale meat house a list that we'd be swamped in printer's ink if Head-to-Fo- ot
listing them. Come in and examine the finest
Flowers! ' Who will only charge you one
in Bridgeport.
William Northrop has bought a
Winton automobile of his brother,
assortment of groceries In town.barring none.
Note the prices. Bank Street, New Milford.
Narcissus and Fresias,
Carnations and Yiolets.
Farms and Country Homes a Specialty.
J. A. Northrop, Jr.
Mrs William Keifer an son have CI. LEACH,
Fred C. Hoyt, New Milford Guaranteed 6 per cent. Bonds.
returned after a sojourn of two weeks Church Street, New Milford.
In Kent. Telephone
utei of tbe lust meet In a.
2. Report! of ottlrcrk.
3. Report of committed,
E. H. DILLON i CO., 4. UtitnilhliecJ
ft. New limine,

. Election of olllters,
LEADING MILLINERS 7. cilpi Hon of (llrctc torn.
71 IK f'
1105 Main Street, - - - Bridgeport Conn.

a) '
f f" ?
A Ir Apntl.'ina
Qa,1 lAn f Ta n ,1
A (1,ldi. In,..a A
u iiii'bu iiiwr. n w rm
1 1 .1

., ;1 am "

I'll iiiiiuuhiiK
un BuiiiiiiFii bi a n'nuuir nice
Vt are offering extraordinary values m week faa . ... . I
i"H in mn AKHuniuiun, wnen it a mn
Mm -

in untrimnied hats, flowers, ribbons ami trimmed iliviv ntw. thu, mnittltiiKa .cuinnt nlti'
.i.h iiiviiimw'ii ,lnuiii. mini
mho iu iiiinuve oi it, me prciiwHiuui
dress hats. my UHT .....II
ulw.ll I....
minil .1.. .....
lllllll 1110 nexL recuiu
$.1.00 Trimmed Dress Matt, $2.X meeting then If two-thir-
d of vnll
Trimmed Dress Huts, J.VH voteg concur It hall be adopted an
S.1I0 Trimmed Dress Hats, 4.48 uncoir.e a part of these laws,
.75 lintrlmmed hats, 25
1 .0(1 Untrlmmed Hats, 4M notify a',! nieiiihi'm of tlieAsnoc Intlm,
when n proioHltlon to niter or iimonii
1.75 Lintrlmmed hats, VM

.50 Flower Sprays, l r I J these Inws Ib iiendlng and the time

48 wnen action In to be taken.
1.00 Flower Sprays,
2.00 Flower Sprays, 8 Watson Frlsble,
A Mi'Niln'r u( tin) Commlttuo on Traimnorta- -
lion of tliu Wood bury Cumnu'ivlal


from time to time be require! of him.
It duill also be tue duty of the
Secretary to keep an account with
em i member of the Association, see
that the dues are kept paid up, re-
ceive all moneys paid to the Assoc-
iation, giving his receipt therefor, and
pay the fame over to the Treasurer.
Member of the Committee on Transportation of tbe
Woodbury Commercial Association.
i Duties of Treasurer.
: --
'J The Treasurer shall nave charge And Water Supply

r? of the funds of the Association, re-

ceive all moneys from the Secretary,
giving his receipt therefor, pay all
bills or orders approved by the D-
irectors, counterslgnrd by the Presi-
dent and attested by the Chairman
of August shall be dropped from the Section 4. The regular meetings
roll, aud not again admitted to mem- of the Directors shall be held on the
bership until ail arrearages have sec ond Tuesday of each month at H
been paid and action taken as pro- o c loc k p. m.
vided for new members.
For Cities and Towns, Breweries
Manil factories, Cemeteries.
Farms, Residences.
of the committee authorized to incur ARTICLE XI.
the ?ame; he shall pay no money Meetings.
without taking a receipt for it, and Quorums.
shall perform such other financial Section 1.The annual meeting of Section 1. At a meeting of the
duties as may be required. this Association shall be held on the Association ten members shall be a
second Tuesday of February at 8
ARTICLE VII. o'clock p. m. quotum for the transaction of busi
Duties of the Board of Directors. Section 2. The regular meetings Section 2. At meetings of the
It shall be the uuty of the Board of the Association shall be heid on Board of five members
of Directors to hold and control all the second Tuesday of February, shall be a quorum for the transac
I property of this Association, to enter May, August and November, at 8 tion of business.
I I 1 into and perform all contracts neces- o'clock p. in.
Section 3. Special meetings of the ARTICLE XIII.
sary to carry out the wishes of this
Association; they shall exercise su- Association shall be called within
two weeks by the President upon (he Order of Business.
pervision over all financial affairs,
written request of 10 members. Reading and approval of min
21 examine and audit all account's and
render a full statement of the finan-

cial condition and progress of the Test Borings ana Core Drill Pros
'IN ssociation at the ann ral meeting in
February in each year. pecting for Minerals.Testing for Dam,
Building and Bridge Pier Foundations,
They shall also appoint, from the Shafts for Elevators and any other
Association at the first meeting of '
the Board after the annual election, ' practical purpose.
the following standing committees: ' .
' : :

Committee on membership, Drilled Wells,

A. W. MITCHELL, Committee on new enterprises. Driven Wells,
President of the Committee on transportation,
Woodbury Commercial Association. Oommittee on statistics, Test Borings
' '
ciation of Woodbury, Incorporated.
Committee on civic affairs.
'I he Board of Directors may also
' V,.'.
f K
(Exact Samples)

The Newtown Bee. Section 2. The object of this As-

sociation shall be to promote and
appoint special committees at such
tfme and on such matters as they
Any Pumping System Supplied.
Wind Mills. Tanks "Pumps. . Hot Air
Newtown, Friday, May 14, 1909. develope, as a Board of Trade, the may deem advisable; these commit- Engines, Gas and Gasolene Engines,
welfare and material interests of tees shall consist of as many mem- Pipe, Drilling Machines, Well Supplies.
Woodbury and vicinity, to collect bers e.s the Board of Directors may
Woodbury. and circulate information concern- determine, and the chairman of such
ing its trade and industries, and to special committee shall be appointed
THE WOODBURY COMMERCIAL have the business men of the town from the Board of Directors. C. L. Grant,
work together to increase the wealth The Foard of Directors shall have
ASSOCIATION, INC. and industries of the community. the power to nil any vacancy occur-in- g
in their Board until the next 58 Belden St. , Hartford. Conn.
Woodbury has a live Board of ARTICLE II.
Trade in its Commercial Association. annual meeting.
At the recent annual banquet, Wal- The Officers of this Association All n? t lications for membership
ter F. Bell, a leading citizen and one shall consist of a President, Vice shall be submitted 10 the Board of Eoxbury Announcements.
of the speakers, referred to the great President, Secretary and Treasurer; Directors for their approval, and
water power now lying unused at there shall also be a Board of Direc- shall be elected by ballot. If it shall
tors consisting of nine members of appear :'nt or more of the
Just Arrived
one-th:- rd
Pomperaug. He hoped that before !
another year had elapsed the com- the Association. Directors voted against the candi-
mittee on new enterprises might be date, the name shall be withdrawn.

able to locate some industry there,
bringing about negotiations by
which this dead proposition might be
The officers of this Association
shall be elected annually by ballot at
Standing Committees
& Somt very choice Dure Ma
ple syrup In gal. Cans. Our stock ot Garden
and Field Seeds are complete and all new
goods. Fresh vegetables arriving every day.
transformed to one which would the annual meeting. At the annual meeting all stand- Everything in Groceries and General Mer-
At tbe first annual meeting meet- ing committees shall make a written chandise,
bring life to the old town. The off- ing three directors shall be elected THElFARMERS' STORE.
icers of the association are: Asahel report upon till matters, eoncif'eml
W. Mitchell, president;
for three years, three for two years and acted upon by them and each re-

Harry H. and three for one year, and at all

Canfleld, Samuel C. port shiill bo pifsoeii ly all the mem- Allen Joyce,
Edward nnnu;:l Meetings thereafter three bers of such committee
Tomlinson, secretary; S.
directors shall be elected for three Roxbury Station. Conn
Boyd, treasurer. No committees shall have the
Directeors: F. A. Strong, W. L. years. power oi authority to expend any
Judson, A. N. Skilton, Rev J. L. R. ARTICLE IV. money of the Association without
the approval of the1 Board of Di-r- ei H. E. GARLICK,
Wyckoff, F. F. Hitchcock, W. T. Bell, Duties .if the President and
E. M. Barnes, F. C. Parkin, C. F
Committee on membership: C. F.
The President shall preside at all
meetings of the Association and Eligibility for Membership.
I Veterinary,
Long Distance Telephone 208-- 5.

Martin, F. B. O'Neii. E. S. Boyd. Board of Directors, see that the WALTER T. BELL, P. 8.: Any one wishine to communicate with
Committee on new enterprises: F. Section 1. Any person residing in
, me over Local Telephone Call 4.
B. O'Neii, Rev J. L. R. Wyckoff, W.
are enforced, and generally or engaged in business in the town
S. Curtiss. perform such other duties as his of Woodbury, of good character and A Director cf the Woodbury; Commercial Association.
office demands.
Committee on transportation: F. standing, shall be eligible to the Cemetery and Memorial Work.
F. Hitchcock, Watson Frisbie, W. L. During the obsence of the Presi privileges of membership.
dent the shali per-
Section 2. Any member of this
Judson. form such duties as are required of Association m:ty nominate in writing 8 We are
Committee on statistics: E. .
the President. offering a special line of Receipt Blanks at Bargain Price,
Barnes, A. N. Skilton, Joseph Atchi- for membership any person eligible a
son. ARTICLE V. under Section of this article.

Section 3. Each member shall sub- 500 Receipts for 35c. Hughes & Chapman,
Committee on civic affairs: W. T.
scribe to the Articles of Incorpor- s
Duties of Secretary.
Bell, F. C. Parkin, H. S. Hitchcock, Successor to Chas. J. Hughes,
S. C. Tomlinson, George R. Sturges.
It shall be the duty of the Secre- ation and these before he s,

Literary and publicity committee:

tary to "ecord the proceedings of the shall be considered a member of this 8 Hayes & Betts,
Association in books kept for that Association. 993 Main Street,
F. F. Hitchcock, Rev J. L. R. Wyc- 8 Bridgeport, Conn.
koff, A. E. Knox. purpose, read and fiie all communi- ARTICLE X.

cation and other papers, keep a full Fees and Dues.
The by-la- of the Commercial
Association are as follows: roll, f the members and their ad-
The initiation fee for each mem-
dresses, Issue notices at least five
days previous to all regular and spe- ber shall be Five Dollars, which
When buying uku to KNOW that they are getting the reft
ifif rtODIc
thing; that the quality IS exactly as represented to them,
Section 1. This Association shall cial meetings, and perform such shall include the annual dues for the becomes a tifure and a satisfaction. This pleasure may be yours injust. vr,v
and to feel that the prices paid are
Then shopping
the future, sfmply
be known as The Commercial Asso other duties incident to his office as current year. when looking c ' things in gold or silver of the best makes. Sterling or plated ware, choice
The annual dues for each member cut glass, tlDKuieces that will tell you the truth, diamonds and other precious stones, opera
shall be Two Dollars, payable on or and field gla-"- . pocketbooks, billbooks and card case, art ware, fans. Whiting's box papers.
Repairing. Diamond setting and engraving, Ev examined day or night. . Properly
before May 1 of each year; all mem- fitted glasses made and guaranteed. Gotr i
bers failing to pay dues by the first
!"-- .
D,.rtl"( Mehrtt St.. Derhy. ConB.
KODAKS FOR 1909. Manufacturers of and Dealers
The Highest Grade of Cemetery
Npw iust received. All the fiYino-- s
fnr takincr nir- - Work from
tures, such as films, developers, printing: papers, etc. The Granite and Marble.
rremo uamera ior ivuv. ror saie ai Office and Salesroom:
300 Stratford Ave., Bridgeport.'Ct.
Jackson's Book Shop, 986-98- 8 Main St., Bridgeport, Branch office, 154 Main St.. Danbury, Conn


That your Prescription is filled as your physic Monumental
&Building Work
an would like to have it? If so, bring it here.
Lettering and Carving Done by Pneu-
Curtis' Pharmacy, Cleaning
matic Tools.
and Monuments and
Corner Main and Elm Sts.. Bridgeport, Conn 42 Water St., NorwaIk,Ct. '

- -
W. L. Judson, STYLE AND QUALITY Monumental
Member of the Committee on Transportation
A Director of the Woodbury Commercial Association.
ot the Woodbury Commercial
Association. ' W. E. Halligan, mBt$? Housatonio Ave.r Bridgeport.

Institution. BHBBBEES OOCOOOOO BBBBBBBBB Flnmclal hitttitliii.

i The Newtown Be&

Newtown, Friday, May 14, 1609.

Be Wise and 5ave Something for 1
The Randa" C0m
New Mllford,
W Land
M& Paying 6 per cent,


'The Day After
SSynimmixirii'iii'D, Baaed on
Nut dillr liMt hi Si yttarit expurltiime In tlicM Mn'uritlttii.
ts Itndn.

Savings Bank A Puper Read Before The Grange

(Incorporated 1855)
uy is a. raiir.
flf rnu run nil the mmnhora of our
Grange are gentlemen and some of
them are farmers, out I aoni Know
ToHorrow." un ft Sound, Reliable
that any of them ate real Genllmuen -P
4 11)
Farmnra Til ft hour flnflnltlon of a Hundreds of people live only tor y, to-da-
Gentleman Farmer is the one glveu Wiser ones also provide for 1
Pays Per cent In a little story I saw In the paper
the other day. "Too much rldleale But the thoughtful man or woman is the one that Electric Public Service Corporations.
la bouned on the Gentleman Farmer,
said the Secretary of Agilculturo.
is saving for . Thiy Mtlnfy every itHulrimtnt of afety.
Tliy wave iteriHttual mid lllwral franchise,
Interest nt a Dinquet or Gentlemen Agricul-
turists at Washington, D. C. After
Tliey arni'unwrvnth'i-'l- t'ailiall'd.
Tliuy havi'p.kllli'4 and exiwrli'iiced management.
Tliey tmvf an eialilliliel arid awturud earning ixmur.
ON ALL DEPOSITS. the thunderous applnu
Mr Wilson continued1
died down
"Too many
The Day After Thi-- are In pruNiHTuuii and vruwlnic coiuniuultino.
Tlicy have iijltl dlvldi-ni- l regularly.
Tlicy are 8,U'E, SUl'MU and reliable.
of ns tnkfi tne view o t'c OcntHnan To-Horro-
Kt Bankers we finance these properties with our own money.
Farmer that an old friend or mine
In Connecticut did. "Gentlemen We offer to Investors only proved securities of established standing;
For full Information avvnd fur Circular 74.
Farmers," he grunted one day lu my It is a GOOD thing to have a little Money
Amount of Deposits, nearing, "everybody Knows wnai a
Apr. 1, 1909, $ 966,707,85 Gentleman Farmer Is." 'Well, what
la he?" said I imDatientlv. "Oh."
in the, bureau Draw and still better to have a lit- MEIKLEHAM & DINSMORE,
said inv old friend, "he'r a man who
tle Money in the Bank.. But a definite saving HinvlallHtii In Elvctrlc lAgUi, Ilnat and Power Propcrtltn,
Assets, Par Value,
Apr. 1, 1909, 1,034,175.12 knows how to run a farm JUST as it o plan that saves $10 a month or more is the very 25 Broal St., New York City.
oub'iit to be run, and is rich enough best. We have such a plan to offer you and your I
to stand the loss while he s doing it. o lOCAt, CottttEst'oS'DEXT:
Asscts,Market Value,
This Is of course a radic al iew of
It and I feel tnere is no one in our O Money Earns 6 Per Cent from the day we get J C. C. PECK, Newtown, Conn.
Apr. 1, 1909, it. av96S
Grange who will think for a moment
of wanting to discourage our friends,. Send postal or coupon below for our free
DAVID C PECK, President the Gentlemen Farmers o: jseinei,
Reddlna: and Newtown, from follow
9 r
ARTHUR T. NETTLETON.Treasurer ing their amusement. They harm no
one and bring money, in circulation. e GUARANTEED STOCKS :

You can always teh when you are

getting near a Gentleman Farmer's
"The Day After Pennsylvania Guarantee:
shs. United N. ,T It. li. & Canal Co. 10 pr ct.

place by the windmill you win

The And there. No ml Gentleman 9
w." DT Rr W . UUaraniee. 3W
Morrl A Ehsm 7 ier cunt.
Y.. Lack. Wst. per cent.
25 slis. Oswcko & Syracuso 9 per cent.

Wage Earner
Farmer would think of running a
0 $i nils Utica, Clienantro & Suyjuehanna Val, t p c.
farm without a windmill. No mat-to- r
how manv snrlnirs. or brooks, or eo It is worth reading even if you do not care
Ti Hint. Valley Kailroad 5 per cent.
57slis. Warren Kailroad 7 per cent.

More than anyone

else should cultivate the saving
wells there are on his place, a
windmill he's going to nave. xaiK-in- g
of windmills reminds me of a B
to save
N. Y. Central Guarantee:
CO., Bond Dealers,
habit and own a bank account. atnrv. A friend of Mark Twain, the Court Exchange Bldg., 207 State St., Bridgeport, Conn
There is" no telling when sick-
ness or lack of work may cut off
all sources of income and place
distinguished Gentleman Farmer of
Redrt.n?. ioouirs over ue view
from the terrace of his mansion
asked him in the Dresence of some
Coinonomic Co.,
D T? A Estate Developers
Telephones 1765. 1706 and 1967.

your family in hard straits other guests, "What Is that object B T

Hundreds of working people in in the distance there? A winainiu;
"Why no," said Mark" that's the
B Rnil- - Home Builders
this county own their own homes
throcgh tirst starting an account
church of our reverend friend here." B 1416 Broadway, New York.
g The City National Beoik,
with us and saving regularly.
"But that is rather rubbing it in,"
said Mark turning to the minister. B
a of 105 Wall Street, Bridgeport, Conn.;
However some churches might be
windmills at that. The principle
advantage of a windmill is to orna-
ment the landscape, and be blown B B Capital, $250,000.00
it up
bridgeport ank
down occasionally. Putting
again gives the worthy plumber
B Please send me your booklet, "The Day B Surplus and Profits, 340,000,00
Ravings from the city ana lour or nve 01 nis B
assistants a chance for an outing in B After To-Morro-
w." J
(Incorporated 1842) the country for a week or two, wiu H. B. TERRILL,
CORNER MAIN AND .STATE STS all expenses paid. The wheels, of B Asst Cashier.

Bridgeport, Conn.
course, generally get stucK, or tne B Name m
wind refuses to blow for days when
water is particularly scarce or the B B
tank is empty. If you don't want a B Address........ Capital, $250,000. Surplus, $315,225.89
windmill select the top of a high
Mechanics' and Farmers stony hill and dig an artesian well, B B CHARLES
After you have G. SANFORD, Prest. EDWARD W. MARSH. Vice Prest
Savings Bank in such a location.
gone down about 1200 feet at the
B State.... I O. H. BROTHWELL. Cashier.
Nw Baik BnMifl, Wall St.,riin rate of a dollar a foot give it up ana B B Trustees, Administrators and Others Holding: Mon-
sink another well on lower grounu,
Deposits Feb. 1, 1909, $4,039,248.52 die down about 12 feet and you will eys In Trust
Suaplus.and Interest, 188,328.36 almost alwavs strike water. This Find achecklng account of special value and convenience. It facilitates matters when call
will cost about $1200. Why you nuo, has completed grading the lawn ed upon for a statement of the account. The checks (vouchers for the expenditure) plus tht
Assets, $4,227,576.88 should select the top of a high about his new house. South Britain. bank balance equals the toial amount of money In trust. Simple, is It not?
We solicit your account.
stony hill in the first place I can't Edward Frost of High Street is
Number of depositors, 11,587 tell you, but we have some politi- NEWS TERSKLY TOP.
Deposits of $1 to 1000 receive t and Interest cians in Bethel who can give you
riding out on a new bicycle, pur- The annual meeting of the South First National Bank,
credited from the first each month, payable
of chased of Norwadk parties.
some very good reasons for doing Britain association was held 930 Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn.
In January and July of each year, incorpor-
this. They have tried it. The next Ferry has completed the at the Library

ated 1873. new bar at his place on High Street. libraiy building, last Friday
best thing to a windmill or an ar- Alfred Stevens of Milwaukee ave- evening, at. which time the election
OFFICERS tesian well is a silo, the larger, the nue spent last week in South k
of officers Mok place. Nor-wal-

John L. WesselB, President better. If you can afford to have with his daughter, Mrs Samuel The entertainment, last Safurduv
Marshall B. Morris, ) one as big as the Flatiron building Foster. evening, at the Congregational Established 1866
v, in New York City the height of your church by Raymond W. Case of
B.Hall ( Henry Meeker is quite ill at his The Oldest Banking Firm In Connecticut.
L. P.CatHn, Secretary and Treasurer, ambition snould be reached. It is home with stomach trouble. Bridgeport, assisted by Irving Gran-
ereat fun to have a smelly gasoline Howard Piatt, who livs on West- ger, Miss Bertha Granger and Miss
contraption huffing and puffing for Katheiine Ruby of Maierbury, was

about two weeks, elevating grain in-
to it at the top so that it can run
out. again at the bottom. No self
er Street, is soon to move into the
Henry Stevens place on IWaple
Mrs Warren of Chestnut Street has
well attended and a goodly amount
was realized for the South Britain
T. L. Watson & Co.,
Gentlenati farmer would moved into the lower part of B. F. George Keuhne of New Haven has BANKERS BROKERS
Bridgeport of course think of using the hay, purchased the Charles Kemp place
National Bank. corn, oats, rye, etc., which he could
Squires' house on Prospect Street, in the Purchase and has moved his Stocks and Bonds
this week'.
possibly raise on his own fields or Tho Aiert rht f'o. are enlarging family there. Corner Main and John Streets,
Prom the day of Its opening that raised by his neighbors. The Mrs Oscar Squires, who has been Bridgeport, Conn.
in Deeember, 1806, down to the present their rectory or. leav-.- Stieet, 'y
time, the business of this Bank has proper thing is to get it in car load having the north roof raised up spending a few weeks here with her INTEREST ON DEPOSITS.
gone forward without interruption and lots from way out west. Besides the several feet, thus enlarging the trim- daughter, Miss Nellie McDonald, re-
never before has it been so well pre- priviledge of paying for the sacks, turned, last Monday, to New Milford.
pared to meet and satisfy the needs of ming rooms, Frank Agnew is doing
its patrons as now. dust, dirt, shoft eight, freight bills, rhe work. S. T. Hall, the blacksmith, moved
This Bank has always maintained a the carting of the grain from the The Eureka Hat Co. began busi- last week from Mrs Clemmons tene-
specie and currency basis and are still railroad station to the farm gives ment house at the Center into Mrs Mr and Mrs R. O Beers, in Long
ness iii ft' H. Hurlburt's old mill on The
prepared to do so for the business wants
of all Its patrons. employment to vour terns and gives
the tired farm, hands a chance to
Beaver Street, last woek.
' E. Olms tead has given up the
Adolph Schielke's tenement house in iiill, a few days last week.
the Purchase.
T. B. DEFOREST. President.
F. N. BENHAM, Cashier.
rest up sleeping on the sacks and
hales en route and at the station,
department at S. B.
been spending f'e winter Wash-
P. M. Condon of Soulhford was
Mr and Mr3 S. P. Avenll, who have callinv on fri'iids in this
pla.t, last Trust Co.,
Kyi?' shop and has taken a position Saturday.
and to recuperate from the hard with C. E. Beecher in his provision ington, D. ft, arrived in South Brit- State St., Bridgeport. Conn. 169-1-

task of "appearing to work" while store on Beaver Street. ain, last Friday, and opened their
you are watching them at the farm. Gideon Pok has taken the po- home for the summer. Warren.
If you have'nt time to watch them sition at S. B. Kyle s shop left vacant Mr and Mrs Sherman of
Capital, Surplus and undi-
James Staples & Co., yourself get a farm superintendent by Mr Olmstead. Mr Peck, about Danbury have moved into the house REPORT OP COLLEGE FARMS vided profits,
for about $60.00 or $80 00 per 35 years ago, nad charge of this de- of Martin Lautenschlager of Bridge- SCHOOL FOR APRIL. $300,000.00
Bankers and Brokers, month, house board and pickings, es- partment at Mr Kyle's snop. port, near One Pine Tree corner.
pecially pickings. This helps to Miss Agusta Downs, who has been Study Deport-averag- e.

Mir Phfirles F. Hickok of K;is' ment.

our agricultural colleges, ill for seven weeks with rheumatism
189 State Street. Corner Court, Street, who attended the meeting of Edith BraUland, 99 J no
Receives Deposits subject to check, allowing
thus promoting a worthy object. the daughters of the American Rev- and under Di Green's care, is now Interest on accounts averaging $500 balance.
If any Gentleman Farmer or any abie to be out. Mrs Edson Mallory Elizabeth O'Sullivan, 98 98 Rents Safe Deposit boxes.l
BRIDGEPORT. OONN. olution nt Washington, D. ft, and Abbie O'Sullivan, 96 98
member of our Grange should be in- also visited friends at Atlantic City, of Southbury cared for her. Acts as Executor, Administrator. Trustee,

terested enough in this subject tc N. J., has returned home, having had Mrs Dowd S. Piatt, who has been rioward C'happais 9 00 or in any Fiduciary Capacity.

Til ie
ask me I shall be glad to tell them at ill with a severe cold and under Dr BratMand, 95 00 P. W. MARSH, President.

Deposits received subject to check and a very enjoyable trip. EGBERT MARSH,
some future time: "How to select H. F. Leibert's care, is now gaining Louise Chappius, 94 95
allowed at t he rate of 3 per cent on bal- The Fellowcraft club of Eureka Vice President and Secretary.
ances of $500 or over. stock for a Gentleman Farmers slowly. Frank Tanner, 91 98 E. H.JUDSON Treasurer.
lodge was recently entertained by
"The Gullie 9: !00
Surety Bonds furnished. Farm. Very truly yours, Union lodge at Danbury and report Robert Richmond, who lived in the Brattland,
Lucy Tanner, 74 100
Will act as Trustees or Administrators in
the settlement of Estates or in the care of Grumbling Granger, B. A. Paur, a very fine time. Hawkins Manufacturing Co 's house
Bcthd, (Jou'i. Mrs Stiles Smith of Milwaukee on the hill west of the factory, has Haivsy Tanner, G7
property generally. moved into D. M. Mitchell's red tene- f'pien Odel', 109
Safe deposit boxes to rent, with private avenue entertained her two grand- SMASHES ALL RECORDS.
AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. ment house. Mr and Mrs H. Raymond Odell, 55 100
rooms for use of customers. daughters, Misses Florence and t,

who lived with Mr and Mrs Excellent good fair 80-9- 0;

K. A. Underhill of Plumtrees has Georgia Smith, of Danbury, over

J. H. Atkins, have moved into the Mow
70-8- 0;
;o unsatisfactory.
P. L. Holzer. siding and new Sunday.
F. T. Staple! been putting newbesides Sickness kept some pupils out of As an laxative tonic and
nukhg uh-e- r Granviae G. Ferry o ieh Street house vacated by Mr Richmond. all-rou-

roqf on nis Darn

repairs upon hls oarn. has taken the agency for the Inter- Martin Braun and family, who school, so the averages run low. and health-build- no other pills can er

were buined out, have gone to house- Alice Angc. ine, teacher. compare with Dr King's New Life
The Bee representative was kind- national Silver Co., of Detroit, Mich., Pills. They tone and regulate stom-
ly entertained at dinner, last week and is soliciting trade among his keeping again i:i Mr Hunrihrn's
1 ouse on ach, liver and kidneys, purify the
6 Per Cent Thursday at Mr and Mrs B. F. friends here during his spare lime.
Squires' in Prospect street. Legrand Street of Plumtrees has
John Macgregor of Bridgeport sold his place to Mrs Libbie Hurl-bur- t,
the Sandy Hook road.
Mrs Charles P. Williams, who has
111 and under the care cf Dr
Oxford. blood, strengthen the nerves; cure
constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness,
ITEMS OF INTEREST. jaundice, headache, chills and ma-
spent a few days, last week, in town who will take possession at Leibert, is now gaining slowly.
Safe and Profitable In- with friends. once. Mr and Mrs Albert Spencer had a John Messner, who purchased First laria. Try them. 25c at R. H. Beers
James A. Rodemeyer has gone out Albert Stevenson, Jr., has been little daughter arrive at their home Selectman John B. Pope's farm, has & Co., Newtown; Taylor, Curtis &
vestments, of the harness business and has given spending a week with his daughter, on Fiiday, April 30. Mrs Wesley moved here and taken possession. Co., Sandy Hook; P. J. Garvin, Beth-
up his store on Beaver Street. B. S. Mrs Nellie Brundage, In South
Nor-wal- k. Kay of Southlmry is assisting in the Ernest Stowe if Riggs street, who el; L. Goulett, Stevenson; H. W. Os-
First Mortgages secured by Bridge- Hickok has moved his paint shop into tare of the little stranger. has been seriously ill is now improv- borne, Easton; W. B. Hawley, Sher-
the store left vacant by Mr Rode- Clifford A. Andrews of Grassy John H. Mitchell is having his ing rapidly and is able to be about man; Smith Bros., Cornwall Bridge;
port Real Estate. Plain Street has returned a few front lawn graded. and attend to his business. Connery Bros, Georgetown; R. F.
We "offer, subject to sale, the followln The regular monthly meeting of days stay in Norwaik with his J. H.. Atkins has moved his f airily John M. Condon is improving his Smith, West Cornwall; S. J. Black-na- n,
which is only a partial list of mortgages w the to where he has taken a house by having two dormerwindows HawleyviHe; G. V. Hurlburt &
hare on hand. Episcopal club was held last Fri- brrthtr. Co., Roxbury; Allen Joyce, Roxbury
day evening, May 7, at their room, John Evans of Beaver Street is posilim. Cks Anderson and family, built on the roof and is making a
and a very enjoyable evening was making extensive repairs on his who lived in George W. Mitchells number of other changes. Mr Davis Station: G. W. Hatch, Bridgewater;
Kate. tenement bouse north of the Haw- is doing the work. W. N. Nolle, New Milford; E. H.
Amount. Appraisal.
6 per cent! spent. home, raking out the old chimney
400 1.000
E. N. Hawley and friends of Stony am' replacing it with a new one, be- kins Manufacturing Co.'s factory, Mr and Mrs E. B. Whitehead Beardsley, New Preston; Wetterau
C00 2.500 6, "" have moved into the teneneni left & Williams, Washington Depot: Har-
1,000 2.S0O 6 Hill have moved Into the Carley sides other improvements. Jacob passed Sunday in Roxbury with
1,300 3,500 il-i- " 000
place at Plumtrees. Beck & Son are doing fie work. vacant by Mr Atkins. friends. ry Brown. Southbury; C. P. Williams
2,500 4,500 6 " 3,000
John 11. Sqnires, who hts been ill South Britain; Perkins Bros., War-
3,500 , 6.000
" 4.000 Parties from out of town have The Mohegan club are to give a M. J. Cassidy is building an ad-
4.000 i 7.500 6 H 4,500 moved Into the old mill house In minstrel entertainment in the Opera for several i'tys, is now ab!i to be dition on to the south side if nis ren; W. N. Hurd, Long Hill; Pen-fie- ld
about BKair.. house. & Craig, Stepney Depot
Plumtrees. House on Juno 18.
BURR & KNAPP, Ti U reporld tha Louis Feidi of Mrs David S. Taylor of Chestnut Ucv O. J. Richardsoa exchanged'
, Mrs Loilmer, who has been spend-
Elmwood district expects soon to Street 6pent last week in Newtown, pulpits, last Sunday, witu Her Mr ing the winter in Guilford with her
Bankers and Brokers, Fhillirs Jt lioiburr.
take a trip to New York City, sight- the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs daughter, returned to Oxford last
Tel. 423, 923 Main Street. seeing. Birdsy Glover. She a'.so tisitea Mrs A. Bronson and daughter,- week, and opened her home at Red
BRIDGEPORT. CONN. Horace E. Hickok of Hickok ave- - friends In Brookfield. Lois, A is! ted Mrs Bronson's parents, City for the summer.
fllK NEWTOWN UK1 FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1909.

Mr and Mn George A. Sherwood of

The Newtown Bea Kiut Village. I

Albert and William Hurt left, Inst

wek WiHlnewlay, for Albany, X, Y
The Wanamaker Galleries Newtown, Filduy, May H, lfioo. where they expect to locate,
Mr and Mis Lamnnt Nlcholx and

Are Full of New Things for daughter, Mildred, ut

guctits, last NEW PERFECTION
week, of Mr and Mrs John B, Way-hin- d.

Beautifying and Furnishing
8. W. Smith of Anxonia Is building
Wick Blue Flame 0U Cook-Stov- e
the streetTvd vicinity. a large ndditloiilunto his horse barn
at llammertown and Is having both
the SUMMER HOME Hother.'ord cntcrtaliii'd fflon.lti of his barns
M-- s

from Wutfbury und 1anbury over

thoroughly repaired.
MiiU Jane Iteardsley Is building a
Because it's clean.
summy. new house on (he Turkey Room road, Because it's economical.
Ming Ji'wle ('(ili'iutiish has been on the hill west of the home
If you derive enjoyment and excitement out of snipping the Because it saves time.
visiting Mrs George I'asa of her brother, S. D. Slmrpe. She
string on the d
package or box, unwrapping the paper,
Miss Abbie Pope and Lillian Cable hits the cellar and foundation com- Because it gives best
from Oxford v tolled at the home of pleted and will soon begin worn on
and bringing out the beauties it conceals, imagine how much pleasure Mr John King recently. the house. Dotsfoid Druthers have
cooking results.
we are getting out 'of unpacking and setting up a whole storcful William Davis linn been having the contract.' Because its flame can be
his house painted.
eight galleries 0 fascinating, charming new things for making the Mis Lucy Dennett t.pent WedncH-da- y regulated instantly.
Summer cottage, or the home, more comfortable, more In the Kim City. Because it will not over-
Mrs Clifford Hawley was the guest Roxbury.
attractive, more livable, and preparing them for you to admire I
heat your kitchen, v
of Mrs Arthur SkiHon, last Friday. PAINTER HILLED VICINITY.
It is a rarely rich and beautiful show, and we cordially invite to Miss Mary E. Muuson from Gull-for- d Because it is better than
has been home for a few days. Mrs P. If. Leavenworth hag re-
see it everybody who has any plans for Summer furnishing or even the coal or wood stove,
Mrs Kilbride and daughter from turned home from S. R. Percy's

who has none at all, but simply likes to enjoy artistic things. Only New Haven visited her father, Inst where she has been caring for Miss Because it's the only oil
Ma'tle Percy, who had the misfor-
a hurried list is possible and one of its pleasing features is the thor-
week. stove made with a
Mrs Charles Cook from Plymouth tune to fall some time ago and in
was at her home lurt week. jure her hip. useful Cabinet Top
oughly consistent moderation of prices :
Mn Bernard Hlgglns of Torrlng- - D
William Reynolds from Waterbuiy
tor. Ss a at S. It. Percy's. u-- st
like the modern steel
New Arrivals in Quaint BEDROOM FURNITURE d n's mother, lrfst Tuosd. y.
Clifford Matthews of Waterbury Thomas O Brien has sold his milk range. ,

vu.v. .rMcnns fipe stove at vouf

and other Quaint Pieces to D. Af. Rogers of Waterbury. Vnr dealer , s, , ,
'spent Sunday with his grandmother. S. R. Percy w. ntVior j
Howard Hiikox ana family from has very much Im
One of these new Suites has a head and to each single
foot-boa- rd Watertown vlslfd Airs Margaret proved his phce by removing the
d, of write our nearest agency, iviaae in inree
The pattern follows that
last Sunday. picket fence in front of his resi sizes. &oia wim or wiuioui A'iiumct
bed, consisting of curious turned spindles. A good many automobiles passed dence.
of the e Trundle Bed. The entire suite is uncommonly
old-tim- old-tim- ey tn-ou- tn
here last Fundav.
Epwoith League meetlny on Sun- cannot be equaled
and interesting. Finished in white enamel. LOCAL BREVITIES.

CJ v
day evening at 6.30. for its brieht and
Another Suite is in inimitably graceful turnings JoJ:n Hohlhan Is getting better. Mrs J. McKay spent a few days teady light, limple construction
wiln friends in New Yok. re ently i and absolute afetv. Eauiooed
and very winsome and demure in its lines. Also white enamel. Mr V. Sholton entertained com- with latest Improved burner. Made of brasi throughout
Still another White Enameled Suite is of the opposite extreme pany rnm bmbury, last week. and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room,
Lyon's Plains. The state road is progressing fast. whether library, dining-roo- parlor or bedroom.
in its lines which are boxy, trim, rather severely elegant, cloister-lik- e Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer ,
All are anxious for its completion.
and restful. The price of this complete suite, consisting of twin beds, GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION Several new families have moved STANDARD OIL COMPANY
Into the Row, employed at the
chiffonier, bureau, wash stand, rocker and chair, is only $80. All Mr and Mrs Philip Gerhardt cele e.uarry; also a great
these enamel suites show similar surprising values. manj are look-
brated their golden wedding on May ing for board.
?. There were present many or chil A daughter came to brighten the
Among these arrivals are pretty and inexpensive Maple and Birch
dren, grandchildren and friends; Mr iiotiie of Air and Mrs Edgar Cum-ining- s,

Suites of singular beauty in line, color and finish. tecentiy. Mrs Cuumlncs was will be glad to hear she is slowly
and Mrs H. Gerhardt and children of SouthJritaln,
One of the most charming of these new creations is a Suite of South Norwalk, Mr and Mrs A. Von formerly Miss Anna Garrison. All gaining from her long illness.
Am and children, the Misses Mar- concerned are doing nicely. Mrs B. Nicnolas Wnidblab spei-- i Sunday LOCAL, HAPPENINGS. .
true Jacobean character in the simpler cottage lines that preceded the wi'h G. H. Edwards.
garet and Emelie and Master Fred- Turtle is carir.g for them. The entertainment given In the
Tudor style. Its homely, friendly, sleepy, lines and erick, Mrs L. Mitchell of Bridgeport, F. Ingersoll Vid family have
Carl Lewis of Brooklyn, Miss moved into what was formerly the Congregational church, Saturday
turnings and its beautiful oak, must be seen to be
evening, was, a success and those
Hackett of Brooklyn, Mrs Zipper and Booth house, for the summer months. EastoiL
son of Norwalk, Mr C. W. Johnson, Fresh vegetables at Allen Joyce's present enjoyed a talented entertain-
properly appreciated. ment of music and impersonations.
Mrs E. Wakeman, Mrs J. W. Smith. almost every day. Also a nice line

The new arrivals in Hand-cra- Suites are worthy of a page of ft CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Mrs Abbie Williams is seriously
Miny congratulations were received of mattings and oil cloth. Every- NOTES. ill with acute indigestion. Dr Lei- -
description in themselves. All of these new pieces are specially made by mail and telegraph from H. Best, thing for household comfort. oert or wateroury, attends ner.
the Misses Edith and Clara Best, Mr number from this place attended THe Ladies' Aid society of the
for houses and some of them cannot be duplicated at
Mrs David Piatt is confined to her
and Mrs W. Hudson, Dr and Mrs the funeral of a daughter of Wilber Congregationl church, held a" di
bed threatened with pneumonia.
once, so the earliest possible selections should be made. Gaul of Chicago. Also letters from Mansfield in Woodbury, Sunday. social" at Grange hall,
their son and daughter, Edward and Allen Willsey, who has been quite
Mr and Mrs Samuel Averill have
Throughout these three great Furniture Galleries will be seen evening. There was a good returned from Washington, D. C,
Katherine, of California, Mr and Mrs sick with pneumonia, is much better. attendance and all enjoyed a pleasant where they have spent the winter,
new invoices in quaint furniture for every room in the house and for StabelJ and son of South Norwalk. The B D. Pierce Co. of Bridgeport
evening. Games were played and a
Mr and Mrs Gebhard of Narrows-bur- is making rapid progress on the state and opened their house for the'sum-me- r.
every type of house at moderate cost.
conundrum supper was served. About
N. Y., Airs W. Ohler of Bethel. road work between Roxbury and the Sll dolhrs was realized.
Bedroom Furniture, Sixth Gallery. Other Furniture, Fifth, Sixth and
Mr and Mrs Inrhirdt are in good Station. Mr Smith of New Rochelle spent a
Seventh Galleries, New Building. health aud arc both able to cai ry on Mr. Sarah Isham Coit Is visiting Miss Frances Fanton of Redding vr
ij. .v n u, in., tt ik, ij. v n
their farm alone. Mr Gerhardt is in revives in Bridgeport and New was home over Sunday.
New Arrivals in Seasonable his 73rd year and Mrs Gerhardt in Haven. Misses Mary Gillette and Mary Mr and Mrs Edward Hine of New
her 72nd year. They were the re Mrs Harriett Willsey is sick at Ferris of Danbury were home over
Rochelle welcomed a little daughter,
RUGS and CARPETS cipients of many presents and flow present and under the doctor's care. Sunday
, ers. Mr and Mrs Gerhardt have nine Pw'ng to the large amount of Mrs Ira C. Andrews was able to last week.
Air and Mrs Arthur Clark, Mr and
beauty, color and quality of
All the best mills have contributed children living and 12 grandchildren building in town all the carpenters take a shoct drive, last week, after
Mrs Brown of New Haven spent
Two sons are living in Alaska. and masons are very busy. ner recent illness.
fabric, that we have never seen equaled in artistic Floor Coverings. The Mine Hill Quarry Co. has the Miss Louise B. Turney spent last Saturday at Charles Bradley's. They
contract for furnishing the stone foi came in Air Clark s auto.
Anticipate what you will and you will likely find it in these new effects. Friday in Bridgeport.
Monroe. the Congress Street bridge itt Bridge- Miss Esther Gustafson spent Sun- ivir gnu iviia xuu uaane ui
Wide Wilton Velvet; dark green, olive and shades of sage port. day at home. bury were In town Sunday.
EAST VILLAGE. Rev Mr Richardson of South Brit- Theodore and Harold Beard of
pistachio, cashmere and old rose, at about the price of good Brussels ain exchanged pulpits with Rev Mr
The infant daughter of Edwin C. Jh'lton were Sunday guests of their
Carpet. Phillips of ihe Methodist church, last
Room and Office Carpets, in neat arabesque, and some in larger
an? Tennie Stevens, Violet May,
died very suddenly, Saturday noon, Sunday. ,
grandmother, Mrs J. W. Turney.
S. B. Turney fend son, Herbert, and KILL the COUGH
designs, in distinctive, original, special colorings and weaves. and was buried Sunaay afternoon at County Health Officer Frank W. J. Z. Mellen, spent a part of Jast AND CURE the LUNGS
3.S0, Rev Mr Thayer officiating. Etheridge of Thomaston was in town week at Fairfield Beach painting the
From our regular floor patterns, we are offering Standard one day last week, consulting with cottages of Mrs Louise Ward and H.
Axminsters and Velvets at 95c a yard; former price, $1.50. Airs Vnn M. BrMley, aged 75.
widow of Samuel B. Dayton, who
Dr Pons regjrding the swamp near
the village. The selectmerf are to
W. Osborne.
Mrs H. W. Osborne has been quite
WITH Dr. King's
For the cottage and bungalow: Art Rugs 9 ft. x 12 ft., $12. meet the petitioners and try to cor- sick. Miss Carrie Piatt of Bridge-
was long since deceased and is bur-
The collection of "Homestead," "Pilgrim," and many other
varieties of cool, quaint, serviceable Rag Rugs, has
ied here, and later of William P.
Bradley, who sleeps with the un
known dead at Gettysburg, was laid
rect tne trouble.
A. Walberg has sold his farm to
Mr Griffith of New York and will
port has been caring for her.
Rev J. h. Maddox of New Haven
spent Saturday and Sunday in town.1
Mi Discovery
- move into the house formerly owned v. ei
been augmented with Shaiki Rugs, in centers and banded solid-color- to rest m oir remotcry Siiurday f-

ternoon at 2.30. For many years by Frank Wetmore. OLDS Trial Bottle Free
borders, in taste with cottage furnishings as are also the L. B. Payne has opened a black- 4 HnU ALL IHKUftl AMI LUNG IKUUBLtS
perfect th- - deceaset? was a resident of Long
smith shop in the Center.
various Grass Rugs and Carpets. Hill and latterly lived with her only I GUARANTEEDSATISFACTORY!
An invoice of unusually pretty China and Japan Mattings, at $7 child, a. daughter, " Mrs Sara E. OB MONEY REFUNDED.
French, at 798 Myrtle avenue, Sherman,
to $15 a roll. From our floor stock we offer $10 and $20 qualities, Bridgeport, from whose home she
was brought to her last resting place.
at $5 and $10 a roll. Rev Mr Thayer conducted the com- IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE SALE.
See the Algerian Porch Rugs, that nothing short of a hatchet mittal service at the grave. The ar-
.The largest real estate deal that
will injure, and that will not lose color or fade in all weathers. rangements were in charge of Under- has happened in this town lately,
taker Hawley of Bridgep Tt. was consummated last weeK, wnen
Fourth Gallery, New Building.


Mrs A. J. Smith and daughter,
Hattie, of Danbury are guests at J.
the hustling real estate agent, Phine
as E. Clark of New Milford, sold MIGNON NO. 14001.
the fine 170 acre farm owned by
W. Waterbury's.
and FABRICS Mrs Harold Bryant is a visitor at Frank M. Briggs to Mrs Jessie M.
Mrs Oscar Sherwood's.
Seaie of Brooklyn, N. Y., for $13,200. Thoroughbred Percheron Stallion
Mr Briggs still has his propertyat Producer of Famous Horses.
Camp Cloth Portieres jus received. Cool, t, light-weigh- dur- Mrs Frank Rice and son; Mansell.
Sherman Center, and would like very
able. Monks' Cloth, with Arts and Crafts stenciled borders. are spending a week at. their summer much to dispose of the same at an
home here.
early date, cs he and his family have
First Prize Winner in Class at Danbury Fair.
pretty Linen Taffeta, flowered hangings; Cretonnes, in the new Charles Stowe is the owner of an
other new Milburn farm wagon, pur- already arranged to reside in Lake If you want Good Colts, breed to Good Sires.
domestic and imported patterns and coloring; some with birds, all view, Mich., for the summer and fall
chased of L. Goulette o. Stevenson.
with interesting flower motifs See the new tulip patterns and the months, when they will look for a
Mr Stowe had the good luck to find a
warmer climate tnan old Connecticut Terms $15, $5 Cash,
Morris and Walter Crane effects. These flowered fabrics begin at 28c buyer fcr the old one and now has affords to spend the winter. Mr
something lighter more suitable Briggs and family will be very much
a yard. New Couch Covers in soft colors and stripes, in beautiful for the road. The Milburn leads all.
color-harmon- y. Hr and Mrs Andrews of Monroe
Center have been with their daugh-
missed in the town, but the best
wishes of their many friend? will go At The DAVIS FARM,
Perhaps we have never received, at any one time, so many
with them wherever they may find H. S. DAVIS
ter, Mrs E. C. durirg her a future home.' & SON, Props. BETHEL, CONN.
charming meshes and patterns in Casement materials and Curtains, and bereavement. recent iiines,-- -

Mrs Geor?o Shelton is reported as

including the trellis and lattice effects and the leaded glass patterns. James P. Herrick and family of
under the doctor's care, bordering Milforl were
m a physical breakdown. guests oi Air and Mrs
The collection of Muslins, Swiss Muslins and other lighter J. H Dun n, Uut Saturday evening
hangings some with flowered borders, has never been larger or
Mrs Amanda Stowe has been act
ing as nurse in the home of Mr and
and Sunday. Th. "DAVIS HAY LOADER."
the two Mr and Airs 0. W. Hoyt of Board-ma- n
less expensive. Third Gallery, New Building. Mrs E. C. Stevens for past '
visited at G. G. Hungerford's,
weeks. Bowker's and Stockbridge Fertilizers for sale by
ktr.t Saturday, which was the first
Mrs Celestia Curtiss, who has been Air.-- Koyi. bad been out inr.c she
W. Sherwood, tin.e H. S. DAVIS

JOHN WANAMAKER sick at the home of
is so far recovered as to be about hurt
again. ' ?'
her foot .lhout four weeks ago.
j he foot is tar from wel' now.
Rev and Mrs Wyland went to New

Broadway), Fourth Ace. Mrs H. I. Thayer and daughter,

Formerly Have u. last week Wednesday and re-
A. T. Stewart 6 Co. New York Eighth to Tenth Streets Marjorie, will spend the week-en- d
turned on Monday. Rev Mr Steele
with friends in Higganum. of Eethel supplied the Sherman pul-
Andrews & Clark, the painters, t
have been decorating the interior of pit and Mr Wyland preached for Al.i
Air and Mrs WHlard
S'.ecle In Be'br-1- .
S. Plumb's Mrs Oscar Bartrr.m of New Milford
Marshall Director No. 29976, 2.10. house in Trumbull and have also
is assisting Mr : G G. Hungerford for

Will Stand for Service, $15,

been waxing their hard wood floors.
Theyliave also been decorating hoalth.
the Interior or Howard S. Eeach s
awhile, until she regains her usual SOMERSBROS.,
Masonic Temple, .. 1001 Broad St, Bridgeport, Conn
We interior of
$5 at time of service. He is a handsome black horse, 15.2 hands high house In Trumbull,
He is the best trotting bred horse in this part of the country. Sire the summer home of Dr D. C. De
Wolff of Bridgeport at Cutler's
Stepney. Dealers in High Grade -
by Director 2.17, Dam by Mary Marshall. He is own brother to Farms and have a number of other
Nathan Straus, record 2.03 1-- 2.

contracts on hard but are in a po-
sition to handle all work entrusted C. E.
Osborne Jr. and A. B Tyrrell
Wall Papers and Paints.
B,ack lSu,Uon- - weighs ,250- - Sure Foal Gettln(r SerTice- -

Flying Cloud to their care. have been assistiing with the paint- No side show here, no bankrupt job lot or we Mill-End- s;
All Mail Promptly attended to. Miss Lottie Beardsley of Hartford ing atl decorating ct Ronald's Castle
has been spending a week with her for Miss Blake. buy direct, for cash; no jobbers for us. The cleanest line in town
SIDNEY TRUE, Ptomtrees District, Bethelt Conn. Mr Garder is building an addition
mother, Mrs Sophia Beardsley, on
Elm Street on Lis Louse and a large veranda. The Graves Line, ' --

Mi e Louis Keane of Naugatuck Thomas Perkins and Lester'' Bailey The Birge (Sh Sons Line,
TRIMMED HATS. has been spending a week with her arp do'np. the work.
sister, Mrs John B. Wayland, of tfrt Cornelia Slade is spending
The Garry Bros. Line,
Jockey Hollow. several days in Bridgeport , with
The GledhiU Line.
Custom Work Specialty.A Mr Price of New Haven is having friends. The Best there is, our sort, the kind that truly decorates.
a side veranda built on his summer Mr and Mrs Cross are staying at
MRS GEO. DUNHAM, house at East Village. V. W. Bliss Mr Veeley's nJaM for the present.
We are jobbers of the above, handle them in a big way; we
1127 Broad St. Near Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, is doing the work. L, v. Slade and family spent Sat- invite comparison as to actual values. ,
Mrs F. D. Jordan of Bridgeport urday in Bridgeport.
Popular Price Millinery. was a guest, Sunday, of her parents, The friends of Mrs Henry Edwards

With one pound of Bu-T- ea blend
Tea, a handsomely decorated plate or
pitcher. Tlvs offer is for the purpose
introducing more fully this
splendid, high
You Know
grade Tea. Call and examine our offer.
Do you buy in bulk? If so give us an What a difference it makes whether you pick "that
opportunity to quote you prices. suit" out of a mixture of this season's, fast season's and
Have you any Eggs or Potatoes for other season's clothing or trom our assortment of new
sale? We'll take them in trade or for cash.
Dealers In
U b IjmiU dhsv && & 1909 models only. If you come here for your spring
outfit we can show you a good variety of the newest
patterns and styles to be had.
That's lite kind of inoei you can get right here at our itore.
Teas, Coffees and Groceries. Tho Regal Shoes we sell are exactly the tame styles that are being
worn in New York, Newport and all the big lajluon centers. The olive shades predominate. A fine line of blacks
The new and blues as well as the newest in fancy cheviots, wors-
teds and cassirrurs. We are selling the kind of clothes
KY-O-T- O TEA CO., n REGAL OXFORDS men like to wear, the kind they i u i 1 t i
ii' 1 1

BANK STREET, NEW MILFORD. we are showing have a'l the distinctive smart-
Our stock is of such proportions and the styles, patterns
ness of expensive custom shoes, and they give and prices are so varied that any man can find here ex-
Tel. Call 123-- 2.

you the same perfect fit, because they're actly what he has in mind.
made in quarlcT'tizts.
Examine these Regal Oxfords and
MMMMMMM MM compare them with any other shoes
town and remember that Renal aualliu
Black is standard all over the world.

Motor Vehicles HATCH & DEWEY,

Air Cooled. Solid Rubber
Tires. A complotfl line of Motorcars for
every purpose. Anytlilnir you want from
Hatch & Dewey,
P. O. Block,
L 1 $35
a 10 11. P. Runabout to a 0 H. I'. 4 cyl-
inder Koadstur. fiurrejs. Trap and Deliv-
New Milford Great Barrington
ery Wawn. Send for Catalog gtvlnf de- Sign of The Regal Boot.
scriptions and price. and $5


Worshipful grand lodge officiating

were: Most Worshipfui Grand Mas-
ter Watson G. Granniss of Litchfield;
Beautiful New NtlNN
Spring Line i Get
Ready For That Two Pound I
'Jrand Senior Warden Randolph B.
Chapman; Past Master John O. Row-
land of Wallingford as Grand Junior
Warden; Past Grand Master Asa P.
Fitch of Hartford as Grand Treas-

urer; Past Grand Master and Grand
Secretary Frank W. Havens of Hart-
ford; Past Grand Master Andrew J.
Hallock of Bethel as Grand Senior
Wall That is making for your hook in some nearby brook.
plete line of
A com-

Deacon; Mr Tomlinson, Grand Junior the

Deacon; Past Grand Master A. C:
Wheeler of Norwalk; Grand Senior
! Fishing Tackle Lfietn
Steward Leonard J. Nickerson
West Cornwall; Grand Chaplain, Rev
An nf t.ViA Planet.
line, ClarAnn Wnac anA
R. F. Shinn of Litchfield; Grand Implements. Everything in the Agricultural Tool Line.
Junior Steward, Charles F. Mills of 1909 Patterns.
Norwalk. The pallbearers, members
of St Peter's lodge, were: Thomas
Kimlin. James E. Mullins. J. A.
Prices from 5c a double roll up
the best goods in the market.
Northrop, S. R. Hill, W. H. Adams
and Christian Hansen. The floral
offering were elaborate and beautiful
and included set pieces from Ousa-
Hannon can supply everybody
with all the
j Corner Main and Church Sts. , NEW MILFORD. CONN.

tonic chapter, R. A. M., St Peter's

lodge and the grand lodge officers.
Among those attending the funeral
from out of town were Mr and Mrs J.
Albert Biackman, Stanley Blackman
Railroad Lead Carriage Making GREAT VALUES IN
and Miss Mary Blackman of New- they want in all Shades and Colors.
town: Miss Eva Blackman Naramore All brands of Lead and Paint.
Repairing Ladies' Waists,
of Bridgeport, John L. Sanford of Painting
Newtown, E. H. Beardsley of New $1.75 and $2.25.
Preston, Daniel B. Mallory, John J.
Voorhees and L. L. Judd of Sherman, and Jobbing. Also in Ladies' Blrck Skirts at
and many others. Funeral Directors
F. G. Bennett & Son had the arrange-
ments in charge. It is a fact inter-
John Hannon, D. MILLER'S,

1 esting to note that the Masonic Nicholas Square,
Home, that noble chanty, was estab
New Milford. T. J. jVIlllcaliy, Bank Street, New MUford, Ct.

lished during Mr Warner's adminis- :Elm:St",1 NewlMilfordT"

' t il tration as grand master. To perfect
' ' A the organization of the home, Mr Taylor Buckingham, Tel. 165-- 5.

.i P 4? Warner was for a second

' ' Coitraetori id BuiUtrt,
; v term, an honor seldom conferred in
recent years. Railroad Street. Sew Milford, Ot.
A Fine Line Of
Pure and Fresh
Estimates nheerfullv furnished on largeor
small contracts,
Dairy Products

Heavy Double H1T- -
TER. Christian Hansen,
Ousatonic chapter, No. 3, R. A. M., New Milford Creamery.
DAVID D. KYLE, Cement and Concrete Walks.
elected these officers, last week: TVPCQ W.A PAECELLS, Prop.
M. E. High Priest, David D. Kyle. Stone and Brick Work of All Kinds.
Most Excellent High Priestof Ousatonic Chapter, R A. M., Tel. 104-- NEW MILFORD.
M. E. Scribe, W. P. Landon.
of New Milford. M. E. King, Fred Bennett.
Suitable for Farm or Team Work.
C. C. H., Dr Benjamin Bostwick. G. FALK & BROTHER BUY HBAVI- - The Largest Line Ever Shown in New Mil-L-

Principal Sojourner, James A. t'F CONNECTICUT TOBACCO, 'ord. Also six or seven extra fine hand muifr
one time some of the finest trotting Northrop. single driving harness. Stitu and
The Newtown Bee. horses produced in the county, more
tiian one making a record of 2.15. Northrop.
Captain of the Host, William a. C. A. V ildman the veteran to-
bacco buyer, and called one of the nrranK. CV11XS, Unique Mot WaUr"
Newtown, Friday, May 14, 1909 November 13, 1854, Mr Warner was best judges of tobacco in the Housa- -
cm,:c Heaters,
Secretary, E. A. Henderson. Manufactured by
niiirried to Mary J. Briggs, daughter Treasurer, E. J. Sturges.
of Willis and Jane Sherwood) M. of 1st Veil, George B. Calhoun. Railroad Street, New Milford.
New Milford. BJjgs, of Snerman, Conn. Mrs M. of 2d Veil, Jasper A. Northrop. J. A. NORTHROP, Prop.r
Mary J. Warner was born Septen ber M. of J.d Vail, Henry D. Hine.
It Will Pay You to Visit
6. 1832, and died in her twenty third I New Milford. Oonn.
Tyler, A. K. Partridge.
14, 1856, Mr Warner
HENRY 0. WARNER. year. July
wan niiirried to his first wife's sister.
Henry O. Warner, former grand Sarah W.. who was born

master of the Most Worshipful Grand 18...S, ana uy mis union ne una i.m'f
Lodge of Connecticut, F. & A. M., chillren; Fred ii.,loin September -- 1, W. G. Barton, Postmaster Jackson,
Is you want to see the latest de- -
A Talk on Coffee!
died on Saturday morning, after an lJtil, who ri two ; f ed
i- - Minerva 1. Dr Blackman, P. M. Cassedy, Dr 41 -

and has ihildren--lla- Levi P. Giddings, J. Edwin You like (rood coffee of course. Try La
illness of a few days' duration. "ry King, Toui aine. the perfect coffee. Best bulk coffes
Mary J., bom Hungerford and Livingston Peck
Henry O. Warner was a son of B. and
Jtisei-liir.e- ;

ISGfc. who marvier. (' made up two automobile parties who

Henry S. and Eliza (Hill) Warner, Febiu.iiy 20 and Las two child.eti-Caaroli- ne went to
- X ' ifp
' VI
ew StJT'es' New Designs, Mat- - sold. Ask for tree sample. Also Barrington
Hall, the best coffee put in cans. We sell the
25c coffee ever sold. Our new coffee mill

and a grandson of Orange and Lucy F Shoveling, Tarrytown, N. Y., on Thurs- ' tings which steel cuts instead of old style of crush-
v and Matilda D and where the Max-
(Sanford) Warner. He made his
; day,
Mr well factory.
they inspected
In the evening they
j aVwNjF Everything that goes with a first ing makes better coffee. Try it and see!
fircr npnnnin ta tine with text-boo- Iiarlos B.. bori. May 1, 14 class studio.
and lessons in the district schools of Warner vote the republican ticket. visited New York City, returning to vynJ
Thouvh very r.i.b:i he never New Milford on Friday morning.
New Milford, and subsequently

but wis County Com- A: ; Temperance Pool Room, Farmers' Trading Co.,
bis studies at Nine Partners. sought o
Dutchess Countv. N. Y., and the missioner in 1892-9- and had served

'4 V.V
''' Noble Bennett's Block. The Store of Quality,
Hi,rh school it New Britain. The in various minor
eBjoiisibiKJ-- s f lif-- - 've'e eaily the town. He was a member
of St NORW4LK. !V1!,,,'' V'l
On'Same Floor With Harris' Barber Shop, a New Milford,

thrust upon him, for at the age of 16 Peter's lodge, No. 21, A. F. & A. M., The Nichols Underwear Corpor-
V 'CX V 2.

he was called upon to assist in the which he had served as Master six
of ation will establish a branch at xH Th ee Good TabIes
management of his father's farm; and years, belonged to the Chapterterms South Norwalk. Manager Chester
at 17 and 18 he took charge ofat-a New Milford, and served two Nichols has bougnt 'he machinery of VST "".' NlAj Temperance Drinks.
Cillani I'm l'leantAfternojn
school in the winter seasons,
tending to the work of the farm he
as Most Worshipful Grand Master of E. F.
in the States
and is
used in the shirt
shipping it to Nor-
jv v or At ) lin,'.
"Just Received."
The funeral, held on Tuesday after- walk this week. Mr Nichols is tak-
summer. At his father's death
became proprietor of one of the noon, was the most largely attended
farms his father had owned,, and of any simik. service held Iwe in is flooded with orders from all parts
ing this step owing to the fact that
he ', j1' It'sWorry, A Large Variety of

New GardenJSeeds.
immediately took up the culture of recent years. The officers most ot me
of of the United States.
The Norwalk
NOt WoA,
tobacco, devoting seven acres to the grand lodge of Connecticut hranr-- will he in rharee of Mr Nich FANCY SEED OATS
weed. He was eminently whom came in on the train at 11.30, Homer Nichols. The That tries one soul, and It's a pretty hat that
profitable ols brother, Yellow and white onion sets, Fancy
successful in this branch of agricu- wet e met by a committee of rietnbers A. New Minord factory is
crowded no tonic adds to the ladies' features, till capote a la
made great of St Peter's lodge, consisting of valley, has bought 4000 cases became the rage, which you'll find at seed oats. Grass seed, all kinds.
lture, and had improve-
W. orders for months ahead. for G. Falk & Brother, paying out Cotton seed meal for fertilizer, best
ments on the farm, erecting two to- H. McMahon, E. J. Sturges, G
bacco sheds, one 120x36 feet, and Pnrtnn and Nnhle Eennitt. and were
BUILDINGS TO COME DOWN. something like $125 OOO in the V.l- -
lev. wtat such a largi pun-lins- e
Vl S
w meal, highest analysis.
Flour, feed, grain, hay, salt, gluten
the other 96x30 feet, and remode- conducted to the New England Ttio rAA hrW fclnrfe formerly oc- - means to the
of the old buildings, be- where dinner was served tne visiung Valley can well be Millinery Parlor, feed, Molasses Feed, best on the mar-
lling many in Albert fcvitts. the druggist, imagined. All told the firm has about ket
sides building large baremeni barn Masoi s. The grand lodge opened block adjoining it, 6.00. cases of Connecticut tobacco.
room and 1 oclock and the brick
it A large stock of men's and boy's
three Btories high, dimensions 80x36 Hr Peter's neMIFOBd
lod-r- e
the Dr followed 96 members of St Peter's formerly owned by Golden Brothers, shoes. Also full line rubbers and rub
feet In 1869 he purchased by and now ownr d by tne New York & ber boots.
.'ames Hine residence, one of the be1 lodge and visiting lodges, marcnea Haven railroad, are to oe iau
on Main Street, ew Milford, which tn thn house. The service at Rev the New
Anr,.n nrlthin ftlO tlCYt fPW WeCkS. HaIf the 01ive 0U First class market, with the'ehoicest
he fitted with modern conveniences,he at the house was conducted by of Seymour S. Green informs us the
and, building a large warehouse, George Herbert Johnson, pastor station will prooaDiy noi ee erruicu
M.G. Stone, Sold in this country Is adul- -
of meats and poultry.
Select groceries a specialty.
Get our prices before purchasing
engaged in buying and packing
to- the Congregational churcn, assisieu
by Rev T. J. Lee. a former pastor of
this year, as the railroad authorities
1 H.K aria .J nrm TMTO
DVllvltIV- - terated with linseed oil or some other
tents.iand usually a very poor article. For elsewhere.
ingred-WIVJ'l!- ,ri

bacco, at tho same time conducting have not yet arrived at a solution absolutely pure olive oil perfect iu flavor, put
another ware house in Hartford. the church. Rev Mr Lee gave a brief n.fcot oh oil ha rtnnft with the up In cans direct from Italy go to
While living on the farm he was ex- h,i einmient enloe'v. The services
Bridge Street eroding. Work on
Church St.. VEW MILFORD.
Ackley, Hatch & Marsh
tensively engaged in stock raising, at the grave were conducted by the Telephone Connections: Home. Shop. C.
114-- 3.
B. SCHIAPPACASSE, Railroad and Bridge Streets.
demolition or the old ireigni siauuu 855'
breeding full blooded Holstein cattle grand lodge officers and were most is already under way.
Bank Street. New MUford. New Milford.
aid blooded horses. He owned at impressive. The officers of the Most
C3 m m f n m mmm & Stepney,
Ciiwpe Veil, wlio hag mru!e nls

hoiao fn the vUIiikq fcr a numbm of
Scientific Storage of Furs and Fur Garments at Reasonable Prices.
yeiim, dliul at Lrother'i hotge In
Bi'lilKfrjKirt on FnUity umrlne. lie
wiih at iihIoiiihI to sell produce In
Diiikt'Diii't unie a week. ami i
wcckH iiro when lie was on lilg route

Is satis-
about tnu city the (lav wna nnim
Htoniiy ami kwUiik very wet he took
a coM reuniting In niiflumoiila with
a Kllklit attack of erynlpelln. Mi
The Greatest Suit Sale of
fied on- Vp!i wiih aii iiniiiarrli'il man and

ly with
iivt'il alone In a cottage he had bl It
niion tin nroiicrl v fonnnrlv nwnnrl
y the lute Henley IVrry, whose Hoiiko
wiih hunit'd Mr Velie was a nernlH-le- nt
the Season.
the best. worker and of an economical!
turn he had saved quite a snug hiiip New Suits at a Third to a Half Off.
store ca
of money for IiIb declining yearti.' lie '
was a member of the Dnptlut church
niul a l'ikhI Dlble Htudent.
ready to express his belief and firm
nlwnvn The first day of our great suit sale showed how thoroughly the women of
Bridgeport appreciate really exclvsive garments. The department all 'day was-fille-
in his ronvii lions, lie leaves an
aged mother In Germany, his native
with an admiring throng of customers. The fact that our tremendous purchase of
ters to home, also a sister, Mrs Cross, and
a brother, Silas Velie, a prominent
garments at ridiculous prices consisted in nearly all instances of single
models of which there will be no duplicates, appealed strongly to those who wish
the manufacturer In Urldgeport. The
funeral was held in Bridgeport on to attain individuality in dress.
Sunday afternoon at his brother's In addition to tfiese high-cla-
wants of residence. Uev Mr Doutwell of this
nlace and Mr Alliens of JJrldcennrt
Summer garments the following items will show

how thoroughly we have cut prices on our own regular stocks.

conducted ihe service. The Inter-- 1
young ment wa3 In Granby, Conn.


$15 and $18.50 Tailored Suits.
The Wednesday evening prayer Smart Spring Suits in women's and Junior sizes shepherd checks, and all
Collegi meetings are held In the parlors of
the church. the fashionable shades in serges and worsteds, lined with satin or peau do cygne (MA 00
regularly $15 and $18.50, reduced to
an and Friday afternoon, May 14, the
Ladles' Aid society expect to meet

with the president of the society,
Mrs Coley Fields. $25 Tailored Suits Now
The Literary society will meet at
clothes the same place in the evening.
Sunday the pastor will preach
Special offering from our regular lines of satin stripe prunella cloth suits, in
green, rose, navy and gray, satin lined; also serges in rose, taupe, smoke and 00
made by
both morning and evening at the
church. shepherd checks regularly $25, reduced to $15.
Rev J. S. Haiieh of Brldeenort was
the two the guest of Itev A. L. Hubbard. Sun
day and Monday last. $25 and $27.50 Tailored Suits.
Miss Myrtle Humphrey of Winsted
greatest who lias been spending a week with
Beautiful tailored suits in natty new models, light blue, green and navy; and
suits in gray and rose exquisitely tailored and among our finest $25 50
her friend, Mrs II. W. Joyce, has re- - $1.8
clothing turned to her home."
Mr and Mrs G. F. Waters of South
$27.50 suits, reduced for quick clearance to

makers iNorwalk were over Sunday guests at

H. W. Joyce. $35 Tailored Suits Now
in the Mrs Agusta Edwards of Bridgeport
has been spending a few days with
Mrs John S. Joyce and Mrs Jerome A number of high-cla- ss
tailored suits, in beautiful soft gray worsteds 0
world are Nichols.
Rev Mr Reid of Shelton was en
and navy blue; light weight, dressy and serviceable regularly $35, reduced now to $4 J
found here tertained by Mr and Mrs J. Carlton
Joyce, the first of the week. $10 and $12.50 Skirts, $3.75.
and the A final reduction on some two score separate skirts of broadcloth, panama and

Crossett's d?l
most par- serge, in gored and plaited models blue, Day, tan and black. The reduced price 75
would just about pay for the materials. ' PJ
and exact- Fine Oxfords for Men In
a Class by Themselves.
A Sale of Dress Waists.
nit uascNuuM 4 ca. wo.
jJjjr The New Wine and Tan Russia We make sharp reductions on the remainder of several lines of fancy massaline and net
ing young Calf Patent Colt, Vici Kid waists, in black and colors, in tailored models, tucked and trimmed with accordion yleats. If you
man can find what he wants. ' and Dull Calf, need a di ess waist, tkis is your opportunity.
$3.95 Black net waists, $2.50
Everything in haberdashery to match $4.00. $4.50 Tailored Linen Waists, colored piping, $2.95
$15 Handkerchief Linen waists, $8.50
the suits, Shoes in Black Tan, Red or See a few stles In the front row In our win-
dow. Neat, natty and sensible styles that $7.50 and $10 messaline waists, now $3.95, $495, $5.90 and $6.75
you ca n wear. 11 you want the best for $4, try $12.50 and $16.50 fancy white net waists, $8.75 and &1U.UU
Green leathers. irossews, aoia oniy at
$16.50 and $18 50 messaline waists $10 and $12.50
Besse System Store. FOSTER'S SHOE STORE,
Successor to E. F. Foster & Co.,
246nainSt., Danbury, Conn.

IVarsity Suits
Piano Certificates with every purchase.

Carriage Painting
HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHJERi. p At Reasonable Are Leaders of Style.
,5flf3s MAW 81 Prices.
Varsity buits are the most widely copied models in the world. But as in
Bridgeport, Conn. A. W. BASSETT, Sandy Hook everything else, the copies lack the grace and beauty of the originals, and only
ommmmmmmmmmmm serve to enhance the popularity of Varsities. ,
We are proud to offer such handsome suits, in such a wonderful variety of the
The Corner of new colors and stripe effec s, as well as quieter colors and solid blue and black.
STOCK AND TOOLS FEEE. VEGETABLE PLANTS Planting pot If you wear a varsity, you have the satisfaction of knowing there is nothing finer,
grown plants saves from two to six
The owner of this snug little re weeks in time. Cabbage, cauliflower
farm must sell at once and he will lettuce, tomato, pepper, and
GOOD better fitting or handsomer to be had at any price.
Vhrow in two good cows, horse, two celery for sale. Price reasonable. G. P. Varsity suits cost from $15 to $?0.
pigs, 30 hens, new farm wagon.
wagon, buggy, sleigh, harness,
W.iite, Sunnyhrook Farm, Franchville,
some Conn.
small tools; 100 fruit trees; cosy 5 room
house, barn, hen house; near schools and GOOD LUCK TOILET CASE A most
neighbors; $1500 takes all; easy terms; useful article. Contains mirror, oomb,
see page 40, Strout's April Bulletin, copy toothpick and button-hoo- Handy size: Men's Calfskin Boots, tap
free. E. A. Strout Co., Dept 62, 47 West our price 10c. Catalog free.
$6 and $7
34th St., New York. Easterp
Novelty Co., Mamaroneck, N. T. soles, pegged,

Men's Calfskin Boots, sin-

Boys' Suits
AT LIBRARY CORNER. gle soles, sewed, (j y
One of the biggest values we have ever offered Boys' regular $6 to $7I all-wo- ol

Men's fine Calf, goat leg worsted suits, double-breast- coat and roomy knickerbockers, in newest col-

dress boots, sew- - ors and patterns, at $S.00. Sizes 7 to 16. As this is a special offering, we urge you
Splendid Blue Serge Suits for Men at $10. to come promptly, if you want to save a dollar or two.
The best grades of Men's

Ordering A Suit work shoes,

$2 to $2.50
from a Tailor is like "playing the races," you may pick
Grange Discount
a winner and you may not you are 'taking chances Given. OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN & CHILDREN
at any rate. CONN.
With our smart apparel, s clothes from

Hubbell Bros.,
Rogers, Peet & Co.
and Kuppenheimer Everything in the Line of AUTOMOBILES, FOR SALE HORSES.

you know exactly what you get when you get tyle, it-s- Staple and Fancy $100 and Up. AUCTION SALE. HORSES-- We
will sell at
our regular auction sale, Friday, at 186 Com-
fit and general effect of the fabric all made up Girls Wanted. Groceries. Here is your opportunity toget ses,
merce street, one carload of fresh Iowa hor-
consisting of several) matched pairs and
no imagining how it is going to look and it is ready Prices as low as consistant a high grade second hand Automo
several well broke single horses. We will
iiu fltmAnn
also have on hand for disposal SO head of
ii c mm
XXT - - 1 f 1 1
5 to ttiw aj a use urigut gins
put right on. wno want to learn to run
Give us a calL acclimated horses consisting of saddlers,
bile for $ 100 or more. We have a drivers, general business and heavy draught
Put your clothes money on a sure thing this machines. Steady employment at L. C. MORRIS, large assortment of Runabouts horses. These horses will be sold for the
highest dollar. Horses for any class of bus-
and Touring Cars, all guaranteed iness can be found here. We also have on
Spring. easy work. hand our usnal line of harness, blankets and
The Grocer, in theJjestof condition. Write wagons,
Rogers, Peet Suits and Overcoats $20 to $35. Nichols Underwear Corpor-
NEWTOWN. CONN. for particulars. second
among which are several new and
hand business wagons. Consignments
Kuppenheimer Smart Apparel $15 to $25.
solicited. Private sales dally. Do not forget
ation, we have moved right around the corner to
185 Commerce Street. This is the
NEW MILFORD, CONN. only square
COAL! The E. H. Towle Company; run horse auction sale in the state of Con-
necticut. We have a sale on everv

nana POB SALE- - Black Cap raspberries 25 west Main St, Waterbury. Conn. year round.
per 1000 plants. Call at or address 8. J Successor to M. Kilbride.

1 Parks, Trumbull, Conn. Tel 1469--

WAHTED Cattle to pasture; frst class
Coal yard at Sandy Hook Station.

Telephone 28-- 4.
roB SALS. New Haven, Conn.


feed and plenty of water. F. Chambers,

POB SALE CHEAP Windmill and

UYB POTTLTBY Ifto you have rrite
Doultry of any kind
for prices
dispose of,
live horse, fearless, and weighing 900 lbs. Chest-
to the Bridgeport Produce Ca,
pump. Apply to i. AL Ous, 10D W all fit Commission dealers in all kinds of farm
nut lumber of all kinds.
Walter Coach,
Woodville DisL
NeV Preston, Conn.
WASTED A, copy of Peek genealne
by Ira B. Peck. 1868. Address, stating
price, George H. Peck, 1029 West Main
St, Waterbury, Conn.
Bridgeport, Conn. produce.

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