A Comparison of The Presumptive Luminol Test For Blood With Four Non-Chemiluminescent Forensic Techniques

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Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220

Published ORIGINAL
online 27 AprilRESEARCH J. L. Webb, ORIGINAL
2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/bio.908 J. I. Creamer andRESEARCH
T. I. Quickenden

A comparison of the presumptive luminol test for blood

with four non-chemiluminescent forensic techniques

Joanne L. Webb,1,2 Jonathan I. Creamer1,3* and Terence I. Quickenden1#

Chemistry M313, School of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA
6009, Australia
Forensic Science Unit, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, 204 George Street, Glasgow G1
Centre for Forensic Science, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia

Received 17 November 2005; revised 19 January 2006; accepted 20 January 2006

ABSTRACT: Presumptive blood detection tests are used by forensic investigators to detect trace amounts of blood or to investigate
suspicious stains. Through the years, a number of articles have been published on the popular techniques of the day. However,
there is no single paper that critiques and compares the five most common presumptive blood detection tests currently in use:
luminol, phenolphthalein (Kastle–Meyer), leucomalachite green, Hemastix® and the forensic light source. The present authors
aimed to compare the above techniques with regard to their sensitivity, ease of use and safety. The luminol test was determined to
be the most sensitive of the techniques, while Hemastix® is a suitable alternative when the luminol test is not appropriate. Copyright
© 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEYWORDS: forensic science; presumptive blood testing; chemiluminescence; luminol; bloodstains

INTRODUCTION chemical test, this is quite a useful forensic procedure

and so-called ‘forensic’ light sources of high intensity are
The presumptive luminol test for blood (1–6) is an im- readily available and used in most policing situations.
portant practical application of the well-known chemilu- Such light sources usually allow the possibility of iden-
minescent oxidation of luminol (7–10). Presumptive tifying blood stains by reflected light or by the emitted
blood tests are usually regarded as preliminary indica- fluorescence excited when ultraviolet wavelengths are
tors of the likelihood of the presence of blood but are used to illuminate the forensic sample.
generally followed by further confirmation (1, 11, 12). The first two tests in Table 1, the benzidine and
They are nevertheless of considerable importance in o-tolidine, are no longer generally regarded as accep-
practical forensic work. There are also a number of non- table because of the strong carcinogenic properties of
chemiluminescent presumptive chemical tests for blood the chemical reagents (13, 15) and have largely been
that are used but unfortunately there has been no com- abandoned in recent years. Those tests will not be con-
prehensive, quantitative evaluation of the merits of all sidered in any further detail here and were not included
of these tests. in the present study. Attention will, however, be paid to
Table 1 provides a list of the commonly available pre- possible safety considerations related to the remaining
sumptive tests for blood. One of these tests is somewhat tests which are currently in use. Some police procedures
different from all the others and simply involves the involve extensive spraying of the reagents (usually
illumination of the suspect forensic area with a bright luminol) on to all of the interior surfaces of a house in-
light of controllable wavelength. Although not strictly a volved in a crime scene. Any toxic effects of the chemi-
cals used in the tests are thus of importance in the areas
of both occupational health and safety and public health.

*Correspondence to: J. I. Creamer, Department of Pathology, The mechanism of the forensic blood tests
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, C3321A, Medical Center
North, Nashville, TN 37232-2561, USA. Interestingly, all of the chemical tests, including the
E-mail: jonathan.i.creamer@vanderbilt.edu luminol test for blood, involve a similar mechanism at
Deceased. the early stage of each test. In the case of the luminol
Contract/grant sponsor: University of Western Australia. test, the first step is the oxidation of luminol by an agent

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220
Comparison of luminol test for blood with non-CL forensic techniques ORIGINAL

Table 1. Common presumptive tests for blood

Name of test Reagent Colour change

Benzidine test Benzidine Colourless → deep blue
o-Tolidine test o-Tolidine Yellow → blue/green
Kastle–Meyer (KM) Reduced phenolphthalein Colourless → bright pink
Leucomalachite green Reduced LMG Colourless → blue-green
Hemastix® test 3,3′, 5,5′-Tetramethylbenzidine Orange → dark blue/green
Luminol test 5-Amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4- Colourless → blue light
phthalazinedione emission
Forensic light source – Black emission

such as hydrogen peroxide or some other peroxide in is a comprehensive experimental review, it was
the presence of a so-called catalyst, such as peroxidase. published in 1951 and, although still relevant in many
Haemoglobin, or more specifically haem, is known to aspects, some points in it are outdated, especially with
have peroxidase-like activity (17). In most of the tests respect to the use of benzidine, which was the most com-
in Table 1 the peroxidase-catalysed oxidation changes mon blood detection technique at that time. It is also
the oxidation state of the substrate used in the test (e.g. apparent that the sensitivity testing of reagents was only
of phenolphthalein in the Kastle–Meyer test) and hence performed using solutions of diluted blood. Although in
the colour of the substrate changes. In the special case some situations this may be the form in which the blood
of the luminol reaction, the colour change is replaced by is found at the crime scene, dry blood stains are equally
the electronic excitation of luminol and the subsequent as significant and both approaches should be available
emission of blue chemiluminescence. The sensitivity for scene examiners to refer to.
of these tests depends on the threshold concentration Hunt, Corby and Dodd (13) conducted a ‘critical
of haemoglobin, which triggers a significant amount of survey of some of the presumptive tests for blood in cur-
substrate oxidation. rent use’, including the KM, LMG and luminol tests
A recent, commercially available detection system for along with the benzidine and o-tolidine tests. However,
blood is the Hemastix® test (18), which was originally this series of experiments only makes up a small section
designed for the detection of blood in urine but which of the article and it is difficult to compare between
also works quite well for the detection of blood on different techniques.
surfaces in a forensic application. The chemistry of the Cox (15) conducted a study more recently in 1991
Hemastix® test is similar for that of the benzidine test as comparing the sensitivity and specificity of the KM,
the operating substance is a benzidine derivative (3,3′, LMG, TMB and o-tolidine tests. The article attempts
5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine), which does not appear to to address some of the inconsistencies arising (as
have the severe carcinogenic hazards associated with the mentioned above) in previous articles and provides an
parent molecule. extensive list of fruits and vegetables tested with each
reagent for potential ‘false positives’.
Other non-comparative articles are also available.
A review of presumptive blood testing
Higaki and Philip (19) published a study focusing on
In a search of the mainstream scientific literature, no one the sensitivity, stability and specificity of the KM pre-
journal article compared the most common presumptive sumptive test for blood. Although detailed, the article
blood tests: luminol, KM, LMG, Hemastix® and the could not be used unaccompanied by an investigator
forensic light source. The aim of the present work is to for the purpose of choosing a suitable blood detection
provide a detailed comparative evaluation in regards to technique.
the sensitivity, safety, ease of use and reliability of these There are numerous articles published featuring
tests. The several comparative studies that exist in the luminol, many of which deal with the interferences or
literature (4, 11, 13–16) are fragmentary and do not specificity of the test (1–8). These papers largely focus
achieve the above goals, although they provide helpful upon the possibilities of obtaining a false negative with
insights into the merits of several of the tests. the use of luminol.
Grodsky, Wright and Kirk (4) provide a comparative As the forensic light source is used to search for a
study of the luminol, KM, LMG and benzidine presump- wide range of physical evidence at the crime scene (20),
tive tests and discuss the preparation, sensitivity and there are very few articles which deal solely with its
specificity of each reagent in moderate detail. While it use in the search for blood. Stoilovic (21) discusses the

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220
216 ORIGINAL RESEARCH J. L. Webb, J. I. Creamer and T. I. Quickenden

use of the Polilight® to detect semen and blood stains. added to the warm solution and swirled until fully
The article highlights some of the advantages of dissolved. The solution was then left to cool to room
the Polilight® for blood detection, mainly as an aid to temperature, after which 0.01 g luminol (Sigma) was
enhancing the stain for photographic purposes. Once added. The solution was stored in the dark and used for
more the advantages and disadvantages of the technique up to 1 h after its preparation.
are not placed in a comparative context.
No articles whatsoever were found which dealt solely Hemastix® test. The Hemastix® (Bayer) was purchased
or comparatively with Hemastix® as a forensic tool for as a pre-prepared test for blood in urine. The test kit
presumptive blood detection. This is not surprising as consisted of 50 reagent strips containing 3,3′, 5,5′-
this is a relatively new application for this technique. tetramethylbenzidine. A reagent strip was simply dipped
What is most apparent is that the literature available into a solution and a colour change from orange to blue-
on presumptive blood detection techniques is somewhat green was observed if haemoglobin was present.
variable. There is a great diversity of experimental
conditions, which makes comparison between reagents Forensic light source (Polilight®). The Polilight® was
tested by different authors difficult. Specificity of rea- used at filter setting number 5, centre wavelength
gents and common interferences seems to be the one 400 nm.
area on which agreeable data was readily available (3, 4,
6, 11, 14, 15) to refer to and so it was decided that this
Haemoglobin preparation
study would not include such experiments.
The concentration of haemoglobin in human blood is,
on average, around 150 g/L. Bovine haemoglobin pow-
MATERIALS AND METHODS der (Sigma) was used in place of whole human blood. A
solution of haemoglobin was prepared that was equal
to one-tenth of the average concentration of haemo-
Preparation of reagents
globin in blood; 4 g sodium hydroxide (Fluka) was
The Kastle–Mayer (KM) test. The reagent stock solu- dissolved in 100 mL distilled water to give a concentra-
tion was prepared by combining 2.0 g phenolphthalein tion of 0.2 mol/L and 1.5 g haemoglobin powder was
(Sigma), 20 g potassium hydroxide (Ajax), 30 g pow- dissolved into the aqueous solution. For the purposes
dered Zn (Univar) and 100 mL distilled water in a of this experiment, the stains made using the haemo-
round-bottomed flask. The mixture was refluxed for globin solutions may be referred to as ‘bloodstains’.
2 h until the solution was reduced (shown by a colour
change from deep pink to clear). The solution was then Serial dilutions. The haemoglobin solution was then
cooled to room temperature and stored in an amber used to prepare a series of 10 further test solutions at
glass bottle. An excess of powdered zinc was added to dilutions which stimulated the dilution of normal blood
ensure that the stored solution remained in a reduced by the dilution factors: 1:100, 1:1000, 1:5000, 1:10 000,
state. A ‘working’ KM solution was made by combining 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:500 000, 1:1 000 000, 1:2 000 000
10 mL stock solution with 40 mL absolute ethanol and 1:5 000 000. Distilled water, rather than a 0.2 mol/L
(Ajax) in an amber dropper bottle. Both bottles were NaOH solution, was used for the dilutions, as any
stored at 4°C. attempts to clean up blood at a crime scene would
almost certainly involve water. The slight pH change
The leucomalachite green (LMG) test. The LMG rea- caused by the dilutions has no detectable effect on test
gent stock solution was prepared in a similar manner to results (unpublished results).
the KM reagents. 0.25 g malachite green (Gurr), 100 mL
glacial acetic acid (Ajax) and 150 mL distilled water
Experiment 1—Sensitivity
were combined with 5 g powdered zinc in a round-
bottomed flask and refluxed until the deep green-blue The sensitivity of each blood detection technique was
colour had disappeared and the solution was clear. determined both directly, upon a piece of stained cloth,
After cooling, the solution was transferred to a bottle and indirectly, by eluting some of the bloodstain on to
containing an excess of powdered zinc to ensure that it a secondary material.
remained in a reduced state, and stored at 4°C.
Preparation of bloodstains. All bloodstains were
The luminol test. The luminol stock solution was pre- prepared on white cloth (100% cotton) which was cut
pared by adding 0.13 g sodium perborate (Aldrich) to into squares of approximately 4 × 4 cm. A 50 µL drop of
10 mL distilled water and gently heated for approxi- each haemoglobin dilution was added to the centre of
mately 3 min until completely dissolved. After removing the squares of cloth and allowed to dry overnight. The
from the heat, 0.5 g sodium carbonate (Merck) was stains were divided into sets. One set comprised four

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220
Comparison of luminol test for blood with non-CL forensic techniques ORIGINAL

separate bloodstains at each of the eleven dilutions for of blank, moistened filter paper to ensure that neither
each of the five blood detection techniques (220 produced a false positive result.
separate bloodstains). Therefore, each blood detection The sensitivity of visual identification of bloodstains
technique was tested against any given dilution by at using the forensic light source was determined by using
least four replicate determinations to determine 95% the Polilight® in a dark room to ascertain at which dilu-
confidence intervals and increase the reproducibility tion a stain was still visible using the 400 nm filter. Blank
of results. cloth was used as a control for visual comparison and
A comparable series of stains was also produced, but placed next to the stained cloth.
this time with a greater amount of haemoglobin. The A set of stains was used to test the sensitivity of
cloth was soaked in samples of each dilution for at least luminol. The squares of cloth were placed in a light-tight
2 min and allowed to dry overnight. Again for each box and a drop of luminol was applied to each stain,
dilution, four squares of cotton were stained for each using a Pasteur pipette. A positive result was observed
blood detection technique. as a blue-white chemiluminescent glow. Negative con-
A third and fourth set of stains were tested by tak- trols were performed by applying a drop of luminol to a
ing swabs from the cloth using cotton-tipped swabs and blank square of cloth to ensure the cloth alone did not
filter paper. This method of swabbing and testing the produce a false positive.
blood stain is the common approach used by crime scene
investigators (19). Preparation and testing of solutions. All five blood
detection techniques were also tested using the vari-
Testing of bloodstains. The two-stage method of test- ous diluted haemoglobin samples. 50 µL of each hae-
ing was used for both the KM and LMG tests to reduce moglobin solution was placed into each of a number
the likelihood of obtaining a false positive; two drops of of small ceramic crucibles. A drop of the KM, LMG
the reagent being tested was added to the centre of the or luminol solution was applied as described above.
cloth where the stain had previously been applied. A The Hemastix® reagent stick was dipped into the
colour change at this stage could indicate the presence solution in each crucible. The Polilight®, using the same
of an interfering substance, such as a peroxide, and settings as above, was shone on to the solution. As in
be classed as a false positive. If no colour change was all of this work, four replicate determinations were
observed after 15 s, two drops 3% hydrogen peroxide carried out, using four duplicate haemoglobin samples
was added to the same area. A positive reaction for in each case.
the KM test was signalled by the presence of a bright
pink colour developing in the stained area within 10 s.
Experiment 2—ageing of bloodstains
A positive reaction for the LMG test was signalled by
the presence of a blue-green colour developing within Preparation and testing of bloodstains. Every 7 days
10 s. Negative controls were carried out using a blank for 7 consecutive weeks a set of 25 bloodstains was
square of cotton to ensure that no positive results were prepared. This consisted of four bloodstained pieces
obtained from the cloth alone. of cloth plus one blank piece of cloth (for a negative
The Hemastix® test was used by moistening the stain control) per blood detection technique. A 50 µL drop of
with a drop of distilled water and then pressing and the original haemoglobin solution was placed on each
holding the tip of the strip against the cloth for approxi- cotton square and left to dry. Exactly 1 week after the
mately 5 s. A positive result was signalled by a rapidly last set was prepared; each blood detection technique
developing colour change from orange to blue-green was applied directly to each stain. As before, the two-
within 10 s. A negative control was again performed stage method was employed with the KM and LMG
repeating the procedure using a blank, moistened piece reagents, as outlined above. The luminol, Polilight® and
of cloth. Hemastix® tests were also used in the same way as
The indirect testing of the third set of bloodstains was described in Experiment 1.
achieved by rubbing a portion of the dried stain with a
cotton-tipped swab which had been moistened with a
Literature search for safety and toxicity of
few drops of distilled water. The fourth set was rubbed
blood detection techniques
with the moistened corner of folded filter paper. The
KM and LMG reagents were applied to the swab or Primarily, Scirus, a science-specific internet search
filter paper, using the same two-stage method. The engine was used to search for health and safety infor-
Hemastix® test was used in the same manner as was mation on each test. Other sources, such as Ingenta,
outlined above, but the strip was pressed against the Scifinder and the library catalogues of both the Univer-
prepared swab or filter paper instead of directly on to sity of Western Australia (UWA) and the University
the stained material. Negative controls were performed of Strathclyde, were also searched for additional
using a blank, moistened cotton-tipped swab and a piece information.

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220
218 ORIGINAL RESEARCH J. L. Webb, J. I. Creamer and T. I. Quickenden

Table 2. Maximum detectable dilution of haemoglobin. All dilutions were relative to the hae-
moglobin concentration (150 g/L) normally found in blood

Method/test KM LMG Hemastix® Luminol Polilight®

50 µL bloodstain 1:100 000 1:1000 1:100 000 1:5 000 000 1:100
Blood-soaked cloth 1:100 000 1:1000 1:100 000 1:5 000 000 1:100
Solution 1:100 000 1:1000 1:1 000 000 1:5 000 000 1:100
Filter paper 1:100 1:100 1:100 – –
Cotton swab 1:100 1:100 1:100 – –

Safety and toxicity

Phenolphthalein (CAS No. 77-09-8) is ‘reasonably
anticipated to be a human carcinogen’, as reported by
Sensitivity of blood detection techniques
the National Toxicity Program (NTP) (22). Use of the
The KM, LMG and Hemastix® tests were applied KM test in the correct manner would mean that the
as described. These tests were applied to both the only routes of human exposure would be through
original samples and the swabs taken with filter paper dermal contact or inhalation. The NTP categorize LMG
and cotton-tipped swabs. Swabbing of the samples (CAS No. 129-73-7) has having ‘equivocal evidence’
was not used with the luminol test or the Polilight®, as of carcinogenicity (in studies conducted on rats); these
these were inappropriate sampling methods. All blank are defined as uncertain findings (23).
controls were found to be negative. The measured Hemastix® is available to the general public as an
sensitivity of each blood detection technique is shown over-the-counter diagnostic test. The active reagent,
in Table 2. TMB (CAS No: 54827-17-7) is a derivative of benzidine;
however, it has been found that TMB is not carcino-
genic, due to presence of the 2-o-methyl groups which
Effect of bloodstain ageing
obstruct the hazardous reactions with the relevant amino
As describe earlier, 50 µL bloodstains were applied group (24).
to cotton squares and left to dry for 1–7 weeks. These Sanders et al. (25) determined the metabolism and
bloodstained squares, along with blank controls, were disposition of luminol in the rat when administered
then directly tested with the five presumptive blood dermally, orally and by intravenous injection. The
detection techniques to determine whether the age of a findings of the study indicated that orally administered
bloodstain would affect its detection. Even after 7 weeks luminol was rapidly absorbed, completely conjugated
of drying, all five techniques were still able to detect the and readily excreted in urine, with little chance for ac-
bloodstain on the cotton cloth, indicating that there is cumulation in tissue. No evidence of potentially reactive
no detectable effect of ageing over a 7 week period. All species was found. Sanders et al. (25) concluded that,
blank controls were found to be negative over the same assuming that the disposition and metabolism of luminol
time period. in the human is similar to that in the rat, the ‘anticipated
levels of exposure by either route [dermal or inhalation]
should not result in an appreciable toxicity in humans’.
Ease of use
Use of the Polilight® does not pose any immediate
All of the presumptive blood detection techniques inves- toxic hazards due to the nature of the technique.
tigated here were fairly simple to use. The KM, LMG However, using the Polilight® UV filter in other situa-
and luminol tests all required some level of chemical tions may be harmful to the operator if the correct
synthesis or preparation of a working solution, however, precautions are not taken.
these processes were straightforward and these tests can
generally be bought in ready-to-use kits, eliminating
these steps. Furthermore, while the luminol test required DISCUSSION
darkness for its effective use, this provides only a minor
inconvenience that is easily outweighed by its easy Based on the results presented here, the luminol test
application over large areas via an aerosol spray. The is clearly the most sensitive blood detection tech-
Polilight® was relatively heavy and cumbersome, how- nique commonly used by forensic investigators. The
ever its assembly and use is uncomplicated. Finally, Hemastix® test was the next most sensitive, followed
the Hemastix® test was the easiest to apply, requiring by the KM and LMG techniques. The Polilight® was by
a simple touch of a reagent strip to the suspect stain. far the least sensitive technique, being 50 000 times less

Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220
Comparison of luminol test for blood with non-CL forensic techniques ORIGINAL

sensitive than the luminol test and 10 times less sensitive All of the presumptive blood tests examined here
that the next least sensitive technique investigated here are useful to the modern forensic investigator. However,
(LMG). Another interesting finding was that the sensi- the Kastle–Meyer and leucomalachite green tests use
tivity of the KM, LMG and Hemastix® tests decreased carcinogenic reagents, while the Polilight® exhibits poor
considerably when applied to filter paper or cotton sensitivity, making their use undesirable. The luminol
swabs of bloodstains. While the amount of blood trans- test is by far the most sensitive technique, and is easy
ferred from a stain to a swab may vary considerably, to perform, particularly when application over a large
depending on the investigator, this result clearly shows area is required. When the luminol technique is not
that it is favourable to test a bloodstain directly. appropriate, the Hemastix® test is a simple and effective
The sensitivity of the luminol test was found to be alternative.
1:5 000 000 for both the bloodstained cloth and hae-
moglobin solutions. This was consistent with previously
reported literature values (4, 14). No literature re-
sults were found regarding the sensitivity of either the The authors thank Professor Dieter Wege for help with
Hemastix® or Polilight® tests for blood; however, previ- the synthesis of some of the blood-detection reagents,
ous literature on the active reagent of the Hemastix® Professor Shari Forbes for her support and critical
test, TMB, determined its sensitivity to be 1:1 000 000 comment, and Jenna Valentin for her excellent techni-
for diluted haemoglobin solutions (4). Again, this was cal assistance in performing some of the experiments.
consistent with the results of the present study. The authors also wish to thank the PathCentre of West-
The results obtained for both the KM and LMG ern Australia, as well as the Faculty of Life and Physi-
tests varied from previously reported literature values, cal Sciences, Chemistry (School of Biomedical and
although it should be noted that the previous literature Chemical Sciences) and the Centre for Forensic Science
values fluctuate from paper to paper, possibly indicating at the University of Western Australia for funding
inherent variability within the techniques. The sensitiv- J.I.C.’s PhD scholarship.
ity of the KM test from previous publications ranged
from 1:10 000 for blood-soaked cloth (15), 10 times
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Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Luminescence 2006; 21: 214–220

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