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Name: Arnie Juliene F.

Abogado Course&Year:BSCE-1C
 I agree about “The more a  I disagree about "Ultimate
Socrates person knows, the greater his wisdom comes from knowing
or her ability to reason and oneself" because as someone
make choices that will bring whose on the process of
true happiness.” because if finding herself, I can say that
we are aware, we tend to discovering your ultimate
think carefully before we wisdom does not come from
make a decision. We consider knowing yourself, but from
a lot of things before we the Lord. He is the only one
make a move. who can give such wisdom on
 I agree about “True wisdom us.
comes to each of us when we
realize how little we
understand about life,
ourselves, and the world
around us.” because when
we realize that we look at
everything so little especially
on ourselves is we choose to
aim for the better and to be
much better. We tend to
realize that we deserve more,
so that it will push us to do
 I agree about “Human choice
was motivated by the desire
for happiness.” because most
of the time, we choose to be
happy than to choose to do
the right thing. We give more
value to our desire to be
 I agree on Socratic Method
because through debating or
questioning, we tend to have
a wide understanding and
broad knowledge about
 I agree about "The self is the
Plato soul" because I believe that our
true selves is within our inner
self. We can fake our outer self
but our inner self cannot be
hidden to ourselves.
 I agree about "The body and
the soul can be separated."
because I also believe that after
death, our body is the only one
who dies but our soul still exist.
 I agree about Plato's "idea of
self- the soul, it has three parts,
which are the appetitive soul,
the rational soul, and the
spiritual soul" because as a
person, we should be capable
to think, to feel, and to have
 I also agree that "The rational
soul as the true self must all
times control the spiritual and
appetitive soul. If the rational
soul is successful controlling
the two souls, a well-balanced
personality is attained"
because we should be a critical
thinker. I believed that
emotions and desire is a
traitor, so our mind need to
control and balance it for us to
be able to do the right thing.

On August 23, Socrates and Plato's philosophical perspective of self-concept was

the topic that has been discussed. They both refer to the self as a soul, but I can relate more
to Socrates' view of self. Socrates' self-knowledge emphasizes "Knowing oneself" wherein
you should know yourself, for you to have the Cc capability to make the right decision that
can lead you to know your true self and discover happiness. For Socrates, knowing
yourself is connected to caring for yourself because if you care for yourself, you exert an
effort to have a good life, and you learn to reflect first before making a decision. And
knowing yourself also means discovering your inner self, which is your soul, which
defines who you are and what you are capable of. Once you achieved to know yourself, it
means you will be able to think and act according to what is right.
Based on my what I am experiencing right now, which is I'm still lost, and I don’t
know why. Maybe because I’m still confuse about who I really am, or maybe because I
didn’t give care for myself. I’m the kind of person who puts other first before myself
because I know that they need me more even I’m suffering too. And now, I just realized
that I wouldn’t be able to find and know myself if I won’t make an effort to learn to love
myself first, and I wouldn’t be Iable
to makeABOUT
the right decisionWHAT I DISAGREE
if I kept on choosing them
myself. ABOUT

 I agree about "Sense of self is

St. the relation to God" because if
you commit to God, he also
commit to you and he'll help you
Augustine grow until you find yourself.
 I agree about "One could not
achieve inner peace without
finding God's love." because I
also believed that God's love is
the purest unconditional love
that will never change but can
change you and put you at ease.
 I agree about "Sense of self is
recognizing and returning to
God, which is we can achieved
through self-presentation that
results self-realization" because
how are you going to know
yourself, if you do not know who
created you. And I believed that
if you live according to his plans,
you are on the right track
because God is the way to find
your true destination.

 I agree about "The mind and  I disagree about "The mind is

Descartes the body are completely distinct what makes us humans. Thus,
and that they are independent for Descartes, the "mind" is the
from each other." because not "real self" because sometimes
all the time, mind can control the mind is pretentious, and the
our body. self that you tend to think or
 I agree that “The body, as a imagine is your ideal self. And
material entity, is made up of in my opinion, the mind is the
extension. It is easier to one that enables us to think
understand if you explain it in about what we need to do, but
terms of size, shape, and motion. it doesn't mean that it already
If we do not understand it in makes us human. Yes, it is the
those terms, Science can explain one that works when it comes
it so that even things that are to decision-making and in our
impossible to exist can be physical selves, but that's not
explained. enough basis in defining who
we are.

 I agree with the philosophy of  I disagree about “I act

Gilbert mind, which is concerned with
mental events, mental functions,
therefore I am”, in short, the
self is the way people behave"
Ryle mental properties, and
consciousness, as well as their
because sometimes we depend
our action to the person who we
relationship to the physical interact. For me, behavior
body. The mind, according to define our experiences and
science, is the one who functions experiences build us, it only
in relation to the physical body. mold us but it depend on how
However, if we think deeply we response to it, so it doesn't
about the relationship between mean that it defines us.
the mind and the physical body.  I disagree about his belief that
Our minds are the ones we will "the philosophical
use to make decisions in our illusion hailing chiefly
lives. and sustained by logical errors
 I agree that the brain provides a and category mistake which
sense of self because, as science have become habitual"
has indicated, the brain is linked because I believed that our
to our body, allowing us to see, mistakes plays a vital role on
hear, feel touch, and use other shaping us to be the better
senses that provide our minds version of ourselves, as it is the
with a sense of self. relationship of mind and
physical body. Our mind is the
one we will use to make
decisions in our lives, it will
help us to grow.

On August 25, St. Augustine, Rene Descartes, and Gilbert Ryle's philosophical
perspective of self-concept was the topic that has been discussed. They have a different
perception of self, but I have the same point of view or belief as St. Augustine. He believed
that God plays a vital role in discovering our self, which is only God can lead us to our
inner self. Saint Augustine believed that committing or through a relationship with God is
the meaning of self. He also defines self through self-presentation that will lead us to self-
realization. We can achieve it if we recognize and accept God in our lives, and that is also
when we will realize our purpose and who we are.

Since the pandemic began, I've always thought and felt alone, which is why I
decided to socialize with a new group of people. I met a lot of people, had a lot of amazing
experiences, and got a lot of unforgettable memories with them. However, all of that
happenings gave me nightmares because those people were only there in good times but
not in the dark times. Those amazing experiences let me make a lot of mistakes and
regrets, and that those unforgettable memories gave me trauma that is still haunting me a
month ago. But now I just realized that I should have come to God, I should have spared
my time on him, and I should have let him in into my life. I learned that only God is the
only way to find our true self and our inner peace.



 I agree with the statement  I disagree about “Self is an

Merleau- "The world cannot be embodied subjectivity" because
experienced without the body, physical body is just a part of
Ponty for without the body, there
will be no perception" because
our self but it didn't define our
true self. We can change and
the body has five senses, which fake our physical body, we can
are our connection with the think our ideal self, but we
environment. And that can't define our selves through
connection is the one that it. Only our inner self can
will provide us with define who we are.
information or insights
about their experiences. We
are unable to interpret our
experiences without a body.
 I agree about "The way we
perceive the world is
important" because our
perception or consciousness
reflects on who we are. If we
believe or we are aware on one
thing, we make sure that it is
for the better.
 I agree with "The self emerges  I disagree about "the self is not
Mead & from social interactions, such there from birth, but it is
as observing and interacting developed over time from social
The with others, responding to
others' opinions about oneself,
experiences and activities"
because the true self is already
and internalizing external there since we were born. The
Social opinions and internal feelings true self has already imprinted
about oneself" because their on our being, and it is in deep of
Self influence can mold us. Most
of the time, we tend to
our hearts, but we just have to
acknowledge it. We know that
compare ourselves to other from the first time we are born
people to reflect and discover is we know nothing, which is
ourselves. And socializing is why we need to develop and
one of the ways to find the grow for us to be able to know
missing piece of ourselves the real meaning of ourselves.
because it helps us to Yes, we can develop ourselves,
differentiate and contemplate but it is just the process of
the different characteristics discovering our true selves.
that show who we are.

 I agree about the "Me" and  I don’t agree in his quote "A
William "I" self because I used to man's self is the sum total of all
wonder why I was hearing that he can call his, not only his
James: myself in my head and how I
could have a conversation with
body and his psychic powers,
but his clothes and his house."
myself. And now I realize that because if you die, the
“Me” Self "Me" self is the one is belongings that you can only
experiencing it while it is the have is your body and your
& “I” Self "I" self or my pure ego that
allows me to view myself in the
memories or experiences. So for
me, clothes and house doesn't
sense of what I experience on a define the self. Being yourself is
daily basis.  not defined by what you wear
 I also agree about "empirical or which house you enter
self" which refers to the three because being yourself means
sub-categories: the material expressing yourself for what
self, it is everything that and who you are.
belong to us like our body and
the events that part of us. The
social self, which is how others
recognized or sees us. And the
spiritual self that is our inner
self. I agree because it define
the self through body, mind,
soul and perception of others.

On September 1, Merleau-Ponty's perception of self, The Social Self by Mead,

and the “Me” and “I” Self by William James was the topic that has been discussed.
Merleau- Ponty associates it with the body, Mead depends self on social interaction,
and William James categorized self as two different self-concepts. And I agree more
with William James perspective of self because I believe that “I” is the self that is
capable of thinking and reflecting just like before going to sleep which is we reflect on
our self for what we do or experience day by day and the “me” is the one who
experiences what happens to you day by day. He discusses the empirical self which is
divided into three sub-categories that are called the material self, social self, and the
spiritual self.

I can relate to his self-concept because I also consist of material self, for example, my
hair, this defines me because, for me, it symbolizes how I take care of myself. I have
my social self which is I can say that I am easy to be with because I know how to act
accordingly. And my inner self, I may seem lost right now but I know in the deep of
my heart that I'm a good person. It's just that I'm still blinded from my experiences, that
 I agree with the "Three  I disagree with his quote
Sigmund Theories of Personality: the "The only person with
ID, the Ego, and the whom you have to compare
Freud Superego." The ID focuses
on what your physical body
yourself is you in the past"
because in order for you to
requires or desires. For move forward is you need
example, if you want to sleep to never look back to the
more because you don't get things that was already
done. Your past will never
enough sleep, your ID will
define you, so don't ever
say to take more sleep
compare yourself right
because you have lack of now to the person that was
sleep. The ego, it focuses on you in the past. You
the pragmatic part of our wouldn't be able to know
personality, and because you the real you, if you're still
still want to sleep, the ego looking to the past you.
will balance it, you woke up
and just decided to sleep
again after your online class.
Lastly, there is the superego,
which is concerned with
social rules. So you still want
to sleep, but you have an
online class this morning.
The superego will target
your consciousness and inner
self to wake you up because
you have an online class.

 I agree about Global self-  I disagree to Self as

Global worth because I also believe Looking-Glass because
that you can know yourself if there is a possibility that
you know your own worth you develop yourself to be
VS. and you give value to the person that was not
yourself. really you. Yes, we have
Differentiated  I agree to Self- similar beliefs, experiences
differentiation because to and characteristics to
know yourself is you need to others but each of us is
stand to your beliefs but with unique. You won't be able
respect to others perception. to know yourself if your
 I agree about Self focusing on others life.
Consciousness because in
order for you to determine
your true self is you need to
be aware of yourself. You are
the one who should have to
know yourself more.
 I agree to Self as Flower
because like flower, you will
bloom and grows beautifully
if you took care and water
 I agree to self as Onion
because like an onion, the
beauty of self is unnoticeable
if you let it it covered and
unmasked. The beauty of
real self is in the inside.
 I agree with Carl Roger's  I totally disagree to "How
Real & Ideal statement "For a person to would you respond to the
“grow”, they need an question, “Who am I?”
Self - environment that provides
them with genuineness,
Your answer can show how
you see yourself." because
acceptance, and it is just like when you ask
Concept andempathy" because the person "How are
environment is not a place you?", they often hide their
but a home that can make true feelings. So for me, it
them feel safe and secured. is not enough basis to
Living in a positive identify yourself.
environment can make the  I disagree about "The real
person have a good attitude self can be seen by others,
because they adopt if from but because we have no
there. So, if the person feel way of truly knowing how
validated in the environment others view us, the real self
he's staying is he will be able is our self-image." because
to recognize on where he or if others can't see your
she really belong. deepest wound, then they
 I agree that a person’s ideal will not be able to identify
self may not be consistent the real you. And our self-
with what actually happens image is not always the
in life and experiences of the true self because sometimes
person. Hence, a difference we are blinded by our
may exist between a person’s emotions and recognize
ideal self and actual ourselves as someone we
experience. This is called want to believe we are.
incongruence. Sometimes in
our life, there are different
experiences where becomes
obstacle in being an ideal
On September 8, Sigmund Freud's perception of self, Global vs. Differentiated Self
Models, and the Real and Ideal self-concept was the topic that has been discussed. In the Real
and Ideal Self, Carl Rogers' perception about self is that it is connected with our thoughts and
feelings about ourselves. He also describes our sense of self on how we respond to the question
"Who am I?". It's like he wants to say that our true self reflects on our mindset. That is why he
determine self as to how we think, feel, look and act in any situation. While the ideal self is the
person that we want to be or how we want to be. Sometimes, if we are reflecting on ourselves,
we tend to think of our future self and that leads to having an ideal self.

As for me, my real self is the person who only wants to be contented in a simple happy
life with a complete family. While my ideal self is the person who wants to be a famous and
successful individual and the one who wants to enjoy life by herself. Honestly, I can recognize
my true self but the problem is I don't know how to live in the life of my true self. That is why
I am still a prisoner of my ideal self.
 I agree about "Multiple
Multiple Selves: Is describes as others
defined them and Unified
Self: the integration of the
VS. subselves into one". We have
dealt with various people in
our lives, and what they know
Unified about us is referred to as
multiple selves, whereas the
unified self is concerned with
Self what we know about
 I agree with Rita Carter that
“Multiple selves exist”
because we tend to act
according to what kind of
people are we going to have
interact with. It's doesn't have
seemed to be a case of
multiple personality disorder.
This means that each of us
has a different personalities
that we show to others. For
example, you can socialize
with them in such a way that
you don't even reveal your
true self, but rather the other
half of yourself.
 I agree with "Individualism is
Individualistic the idea that the fundamental
unit of the human species that
VS. thinks, lives, and acts toward
goals is the individual."
because this pertains on what
Collective we are as an individual,
including our goals and plans
Self 
in our lives.
I agree about "Collectivism is
where by one trust upon his
member, or where by
members are concerned more
on groups than themselves"
because in our social life, we
need to stand for the group,
not only for ourselves.
On September 15, Multiple versus Unified Self and Individualistic versus
Collective Self was the topic that has been discussed. Multiple selves versus Unified self
got my interest between the two topics. It explains that Multiple selves are a concept of the
self that is made up of many different personalities, each with subjective, perceptual, and
cognitive characteristics. Multiple selves are divided into three categories: major, minor,
and personality building blocks. The Unified self, on the other hand, is a composite
character that contains all of the other personalities that exist on as. It is the combination of
the various selves into one.

I have a variety of personality building blocks, that is why I act differently to

different people. Just like my response to my classmates, friends, and my family. And now,
some of my friends say I change a lot in terms of my personality, because I'm a jolly
person but sometimes I'm a serious type of person, I'm talkative but they notice that I'm
also silent. Because of that, some of my friends are confused as to what my personality is
because I have many personality building blocks. Before, my personality was determined
by their first impression of me. They create a view of my personality. They shaped my
personality based on how I reacted to them. But now I believe my personalities are
commending one another.
 I agree with "Western  I disagree about "A social
The Social culture prioritized construct is something that
independency" because exists not in objective
Construct of they teach individual to
stand with their own feet.
reality, but as a result of
human interaction that it
Self in They want individual to be
responsible and discipline.
exist because humans agree
that it exists" because
 I agree that "Western human is just a human, they
Western culture is an individualistic are not God to identify if
culture" because they focus something is real or not. If
on developing their selves you believe that something is
individually. They know real, don't be afraid to be
their self-worth which gives alone believing your beliefs.
them self-esteem to do the  I disagree about "Self is a
work by themselves. social construction which is
 I agree with "Western symbolically and signally
perspective does not created between and among
discount the role of social beings it is shared
environment and society in assumption or perception of
the information of the self the people in society"
but the focus is always because for me, you don't
looking toward the self" need the validation of others
because I believe that to determine who you are.
everyone have a say on our They only knew some part
lives or on us. They always of you but they can't define
have something to say, that your true self by that.
is why we should just focus
on ourselves to be better.
For us to be able to reach
our goal, we should believe
on ourselves more than
their perception on us.

 I agree that “Confucianism  I disagree about "Human

The Social On September is a form 20, The Social Constructbeing
of Humanism”. of Self in Western
is seen as socialThought
being" and The Social
Construct of Self one of China's most was thebecause
Thought some
topic that hasof been
us is more
discussed. These two
Construct of
topics identify influential
the self onreligious
how we socialize
philosophies in history. It is
other people being
They can be the person who
with ourselves. I
want to focus more on Western thought because I got a lot of learning about their culture
concerned with inner they are if they are by
Self inand view on self.
and develop their
virtue, like, in their
and culture are they
individually because they
know their
Socializing is
self-worth and
They work
they value
community and value just a way for us to reflect
Confucianthemselves more.
They don'tneed
They know that they can do better
I also from
agree that
on who and
others becauseapplicable
webe arebetter
they can stand
but it's not by themselves.
by themselves. And because
to everyone.
they are liberated, is born
they with four
are open-minded  have
and I disagree
a wideabout "Five
understanding of anything.
Thought beginnings but saying that relationships: The
if they cannot develop them relationship of ruler and
to destroy themselves." subject, parent and child,
because if we didn't be able husband and wife, older and
use it in the right way is it younger siblings, and friend
can lead us to a wrong to friend" because there are
decision. All those also different relationship
beginnings plays a big role that not discuss in five
to know and develop relationships. Just like, our
ourselves, so we should relationship to God.
know how to apply it in any  I disagree about "Confucian
situation that were going to concept of self also is deeply
encounter. embedded within the family
and society" because they
are just part of us, but it

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