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Noli Me Tangere

 Written March 29, 1887

 Inspired by the Gospel of St. John in Chapter 20 verse 17
 John 20:17 King James Version (KJV)
 17 Jesus saith unto her (Magdalen), Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to
my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father,
and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
 The Noli has 63 chapters and an epilogue

Noli Me Tangere Reactions

 Ferdinand Blumentritt, Enrqique Rogers and Antoni Regador praised it

 Gov. Gen. Emilio Terrero asked Rizal some questions regarding the Noli and he objected
that he just wanted no more than the TRUTH to fulfill his duty to Spain and the
 In December 1887 Fr. Salvador Font, an Augustinian recommended the complete
prohibition of the book in the Phils.

Noli Me Tangere Attacks and Defends

 The Noli was directed to the Spaniards, esp. the Church who pushed the natives to
 It was the charter of nationalism done thru the exposure of anomalies.
 The Fili was directed more to the Filipinos. Both novels portrayed nationalism and racial


 The novel revolved around the protagonist Crisostomo Ibarra. An Illustrados whose
bloodline was a mixture of Spanish, Mestizo, and Filipino that came from a wealthy
family in the Philippines in Calamba. He went to Europe to study. Upon returning home,
he dreamed of lifting the life of his brethren but confronted by the Spanish hierarchy,
including the Spanish civil administration and the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of his town.
 The father of Crisostomo, Don Rafael, died before his homecoming. The events were
tragic when his father died and was refused to be buried in a Catholic Cemetery by the
parish priest Padre Damaso. Crisostomo was provoked in some time. He almost killed
the priest that caused his excommunication and the annulment of his weeding with
Maria Clara.
 Maria Clara was the sweetheart of Crisostomo. She was known to be the daughter of
Kapitan Tiago, but in reality, she was the daughter of Padre Damaso. Kapitan Tiago was
the one who adopted her and kept the secret of Padre Damaso. The marriage of
Crisostomo and Maria Clara was cancelled due to Ibarra’s attack on the priest, because
of that, Maria Clara was bestowed to another man, but she insisted on becoming a nun
rather than marrying another man. With the help of Padre Damaso, Maria Clara became
a nun, but it just ruined her, for she became a carnal slave of Padre Salve who sought
sexual relations with her.
 The philosopher in the story emphasizes the weary of the conquerors of the
enlightenment of the Filipinos. It would be the beginning of the nightmare of the
Spaniards and the rise of the Filipinos. That is why Spaniards will subjugate the Filipinos
at all costs.
 As the story goes, Ibarra met Elias, who is convincing him to revolt and fight against the
tyrants. Elias believed that the sufferings of the Filipinos were too much and that revolt
and violent was the only way for freedom. As the enemies of Ibarra planned to create a
fake insurrection blaming him, Maria Clara helped them as she was used as a trap on
protecting the secret of betraying Ibarra. Ibarra had no choice but to escape.
 Summary Helped by Elias, Ibarra escaped the Guardia Sibil, but they were chased going
to the lake. Elias needs to jump into the water, to pretend to be Ibarra and he was shot
and at the nearshore died and buried by Basilio beside his mother and Ibarra escaped.
El Filibusterismo

 In the Noli Me Tangere, Rizal wanted the people to open their eyes and see the
problems. But they could still see beauty despite the problems.
 In the Fili, he indicated the need of a revolution and you would feel the bitterness,
hatred, and antipathy of the characters.
 He began writing the El Fili in London, then Paris and Madrid, and finally in Biarritz.
 Finished in Sep 1891 El Filibusterismo
 Derived from the English word flyboat / Dutch word flieboat
 Small pirate boats in the 7th century Carribean.
 Other source: filibuster in English freebooter and German freibeuter
 Those who do not raise their hats to Spaniards.
 Those who only greet a friar instead of kissing his hand or his habit.
 Those who offer resistance to being addressed with the familiar "tu" by the best
 Those who subscribe to a periodical from Spain or another European country.
 Those who, at elections, give their vote to a candidate other than the one
recommended by the priest.
 Those who read books other than miracle stories and biographies of saints. El
Filibusterismo: Non-Conformity to the Authorites

El Filibusterismo: Non-Conformity to the Authorites

 Was dedicated to the GOMBURZA from the fact that they were not excommunicated
and that there were serious mistakes in the surreptitious trial which led to their death.
 It was really a call to revolution, although with many limitations.
 A Spanish newspaper, the liberal Nuevo Regimen reproduced the novel in daily sequels
in October 1891

 Crisostomo Ibarra changed his name and status to Simoun, the Jeweler. In disguise, he
roamed around the world and traveled different parts of it and became a jeweler. He
returned to take revenge on all misfortunes he had encountered. He took advantage of
the corruption and abusive regime of the Spaniards in the Philippines to topple its
administrative and create havoc.
 He wanted to rescue his beloved Maria Clara from the convent and avenged the death
of his father, but it was intervened by Basilio a medical student. In the forest of the
Christmas eve, Basilio recognized the true identity of Simoun when he searched for the
gems buried near the grave of her mother Sisa.
 As the story progressed, Simoun had the opportunity to implement his revenge by a
bomb planted in a lampshade. But it was prevented by throwing it outside the window
before it exploded. Afterward, a priest threw all the jewelry of Simoun as a symbol of
eliminating greed, violence, and other evils that had been provoked.

Noli Me Tangere: Nationalist and Revolution

 The 2nd novel of Rizal was different from the prequel, for it emphasized the ideology
and principles that a true Filipino should have. That is the intense love for the country.
Nationalism might be easily be perceived as an act of loving one's country and
nationality, an act of loving your own country and of its principles.
 Jose Rizal was betting his hope for the new generation. He referred the youth in his
poem A la Juventud Filipina as the hope of the nation. He set an example on how to love
one's country and principle as he fought for his country until his last breath. Dr. Jose
Rizal did perceive to revolt and fight for the country, but in a manner that was different
from the other common perception of revolution and that was an act of waging war for
freedom or an act that will result in death and bloody fights. But for Him, a peaceful
revolution. Noli Me Tangere: Nationalist and Revolution

 Born on Wednesday, June 19 1861 – Calamba, Laguna

 Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonso y Realonda
 They belonged to the social group of Principilias
 State colleges
 Religious family
 Rizal family is mixture of different race
 Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo – he wrote a poem about his hometown
 At age 8, he wrote a poem Sa aking mga kababata
 Dona Teodora – first teacher of Rizal // Mother of Rizal
 Maestro Celestino – first tutor
 Maestro Padua – second
 Leon Monroy – teach Rizal Spanish and Latin
 Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz – formal schooling of Rizal in Binan, Laguna
 Fr. Jose Burgos – paciano’s teacher
 Rizal dedicated El Filibusterismo to the Gomburza
 Segunda Katigbak – sister of Olympia // ateneo de municipal
 University of sto. Tomas – study medicine
 Leonor Rivera – University of Sto. Tomas
 1882 – He wento to Europe
 February 21, 1887 – Noli Me Tangere was published with Maximo Viola
 1888- advised to leave the country
 Feb 28, 1888 – went to HK
 March 29, 1891 // France – Completed El Fili but he published it on September, 1891

 July 7, 1892
 Decree of Deportation
 He was under arrest
 Possession of the leaflet Pobres Frailes
 His novels are anti- catholic and anti- cleric
 El Fili to Gomburza
 Temporary detained in Fort Santiago
 July 14 – went to Dapitan, he arrived July 17

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