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Mental and Behavioral Disorders


Exercise 1: Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness

Match the term to the definition.

____  1. amnesia A. inability to remember the past
____  2. confabulation B. repetition of word or phrases spoken by others
____  3. dysphoria C. an effort to conceal a memory gap by
____  4. echolalia fabrication
____  5. euphoria D. any unreal sensory perception that occurs with
____  6. hallucination no external cause
____  7. stupor E. exaggerated sense of well-being not based on
F. a state of near unconsciousness
G. generalized negative mood characterized by

Build the following terms.

8. condition of without pleasure ___________________________________________________________________

9. excessive movement ____________________________________________________________________________

Terms Related to Mental Disorders Due to Known Physiological Conditions (F01-F09)

Term Word Origin Definition
dementia de-  down, lack of Lack of normal mental functioning due to injury or disease. May
ment/o  mind include changes to personality as well as memory and reasoning.
-ia  condition

Terms Related to Mental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Psychoactive Substance Use
Substance-related disorders are the most rapidly increasing group of disorders in the mental health chapter.
These include abuse of a number of substances, including alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives,
hypnotics or anxiolytics, cocaine, stimulants (including caffeine), hallucinogens, nicotine, and volatile solvents
(inhalants). Classifications for substance abuse include psychotic, amnesiac, and late-onset disorders. It is
important to be aware that addiction is not a character flaw. Rather, addiction has a neurologic basis; the
effects of specific drugs are localized to equally specific areas of the bain.
An individual is considered an “abuser” if he or she uses substances in ways that threaten health or impair
social or economic functioning. The term harmful use indicates a pattern of drug use that causes damage to
health. If the term tolerance is used to describe someone’s usage, it means a state in which the body
becomes accustomed to the substances ingested; hence the user requires greater amounts to create the
desired effect. Individuals who exhibit a lessening or disappearance of a disease or disorder are said to be in
remission. ICD-10-CM uses “in remission” codes instead of “history” codes.

Term Word Origin Definition

delirium tremens Acute and sometimes fatal delirium induced by the cessation of
(DTs) ingesting excessive amounts of alcohol over a long period.

dependence Difficulty in controlling use of a drug.


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