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1.Sit down and dress yourself with your eyes closed (never encourage walking with
closed eyes -
elders do not have the necessary equilibrium to do so)

2.Choose a different path to go to your room

3.Once a month try a new cuisine: kimchi, gravlax, sashimi

4.Use chopsticks to eat a whole meal!

5.Learn to read a few words in Braille

6.Play Charades

7.Visit a new shopping centre

8.Use the mouse with your non-dominant hand all day!

9.Rearrange the furniture in your room (ask for assistance)

10.Use your watch on the opposite wrist for a month

11.Plant sweet potatoes or onions in a ceramic pot

12.Visit an ethnic food store. Seeing, touching and feeling the spices allows your
brain to form
associative links

13.Go on a field trip to a suburb you have never been to and discover new
landscapes and parks

14.Listen to classical music while smelling your favourite perfume

15.Learn five feet exercises and do them first thing in the morning

16.Go to the local library and read an unusual magazine; something you would not
have been interested in

17.Take up a new hobby: playing the Ukulele or Bird Watching or something else

18. Turn wall paintings and photos upside down for a day so your brain sees them in
a different

19.Challenge your brain with mental multiplication! 58 X 12?

20.Listen to a music genre you’ve never bothered with before: Rap, A Capela,
Reggae, Hip Hop
21.Take up meditation
22.Focus (attention)
23.from the routine
Involve one or more senses in an unusual situation

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