DND Aelos Story Options

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The Paths Available

Lanis Magic Academy

Location: Lanis Magic Academy
Lanis Magic Academy has recently announced that all races are
welcome to apply to the prestigious school of magic. You see this as
a wonderful opportunity to earn some credibility and make some
connections, as well as search for Lanis’s treasure. The Academy
offers both a magic course and a magic-fighting course for martial
classes, so you don’t have to worry about fitting in. Furthermore,
all ages are welcome, so long as there is a willingness to learn.
There is some trouble brewing at the school however, seeing as the
dean has caused some controversy with his announcement and so
the school has lost much of its funding. This means that classes
might get a little practical and field training will be used as an
opportunity to search nearby ruins for some financial support.
Pros: Martial classes start with the mage slayer feat and
spellcasting classes start with magic initiate; magic items and spell
scrolls are easier to get; there is a healthy blend of political intrigue,
combat, and dungeon exploring
Cons: Travel is fairly restricted, violence against classmates is
prohibited, you can’t keep everything you find in a dungeon

The Golden Spears and Silver Shields

Location: The Lands of the Lost
The Golden Spears of Lanis and the Silver Shields of Aliarel are
tasked with holding back the unending hordes of Lost to protect
civilization, but something seems to be festering deep within the
Lands of the Lost that threatens to disrupt the balance of power.
You are either a hopeful volunteer or a criminal who has been
punished with the deadliest community service ever, yet against the
Lost there is no hierarchy and who you were before is irrelevant.
Fighting the Lost is a new start for you, but just how long will it be
before it becomes your end?
Pros: Combat is guaranteed; there will be tons of enemy variety and
exploration; who knows what riches lie in the ruins of the Lands of
the Lost; a chance to lead an army against hordes of Lost
Cons: Very combat heavy campaign; character deaths will be likely;
the Lost don’t really carry money or loot on them; going anywhere
but the Lands of the Lost is considered desertion unless explicitly
permitted; you won’t be the top dogs of the group for a while

Frozenheart: The Impossible Journey

Location: Frozenheart Island
A true new world, Frozenheart offers infinite possibilities for
exploration and discovery. You are one the “chosen” few who have
the chance to make a name for yourself charting the unexplored
regions of the island and maybe even founding your own town, but
what if you aren’t the first to settle here? Explore the frozen no
man’s land of Frozenheart Island as you discover that you may not
be alone in this freezing wasteland.
Pros: You are your own boss; lots of potential for loot; legality isn’t
that much of an issue here; chance to do some town management /
ruling; new races and monsters can be discovered
Cons: Not many NPCs when you’re really out in the wilderness;
there will be survival mechanics (food, shelter, warmth, no
encumbrance though I’m not a monster); since there are no laws,
other groups will not hesitate to kill you for messing with them,
getting back to the mainland is very expensive
Lost Vegas Upstarts
Location: Lost Vegas
Lost Vegas is the city of sin and success if nothing else. Sure it may
be a cesspool of the worst criminals you could imagine, but it is also
a place to make a fortune by selling your morals and dignity. You
could gamble, kill, or even smuggle to make your fortune. Anything
is possible as long as you respect Alias, the top crime syndicate in
the world. Be prepared for blood and gold in equal measure as you
bet your life in Lost Vegas, the oasis of the Lands of the Lost.
Pros: High risk, high reward; more gold than you know what to do
with awaits; feel free to be as murderhobo or goody two shoes as
you like, all your employers care about is results; the black market
offers all sorts of goods for the right price
Cons: Death will be unfair if you mess with the wrong person; you
can lose money as fast as you gain it; your employers will be
specific in their jobs and punish winging it; morality is as grey as it
gets here and dark themes will be present

A Trip Through History

Location: The Great Forest of Aliarel
The Provisional Queen of the elven forest is beginning to tire of
their lack of legitimacy in the absence of Queen Aliarel, so they have
finally put out a bounty on the missing Queen. Anyone who
manages to find out what happened to the Queen will be rewarded
with 100,000 platinum and a Liefel fruit which supposedly can cure
any illness or curse. Anybody is eligible for the reward, even
criminals of the eleven forest, so many are in search of the absent
Queen despite there being no traces of her. That said, rumors have
been circulating that an ancient ruined monastery has some clues.
Pros: Lots of investigation and puzzles; worldbuilding will be
prevalent; travelling all over the world will be common; the
Provisional Queen provides bounty hunters with free transport; any
loot you get is yours to keep
Cons: The Queen hasn’t been seen for centuries for a reason; there
are many other people who are following the same trail as you;
combat isn’t guaranteed and neither is the next clue guaranteed to
lead to anything

Monster Slayers
Location: The Hoshi Empire
For generations the Hoshi Empire has cultivated an elite group of
monster slayers whose sole purpose is to purge the undead and
vampires from the land no matter the cost. They have no god, no
reward, no retirement; their lives are dedicated to the eradication of
monsters until there are none left. You have been recruited by the
Monster Slayer Legion after your combat abilities were recognized,
but are you prepared to fight a losing battle and win? The vampires
and undead have begun to work together and so a new squad will be
created to investigate this worrying development
Pros: You are provided with the best resources; vampires and
undead can have unique abilities and pose new challenges each
encounter; travel is free; you may gain some new abilities / feats of
your own
Cons: You are expected to fight the enemies of Hoshi Empire and
nothing more; the MSL is not recognized by the public so you don’t
get any recognition; this job is not easy and death will be likely;
some enemies will simply be too powerful to face; there is a
hierarchy which is merit based and so you must follow orders
The Legendary Blacksmith
Location: Hjorn
In Hjorn, there is a legendary blacksmith known as Granz
Stonesoul. He has recently come out of retirement to put out a
request for apprentices of any race. In the notice, it is stated that in
order to earn the position, you must collect materials that he
requests and in return he will teach you smithing or make you
masterclass weapons and armor. This is a once in a lifetime
opportunity and how hard could it be to get some crafting
materials, right? That is, until you read the item he asked for: a
scale from the Great Sea Dragon Nauton.
Pros: You get legendary pieces of armor and weapons; visit various
legendary locations to get materials; getting all of the materials for
the smith has quite the payoff; equal parts exploration and combat
Cons: Just because Granz requested it doesn’t mean you have
diplomatic immunity; not every material will require combat; the
payoff will take quite some time

Rahsan’s Prophecy
Location: Rahsan Library
The Rahsan Library is known for its extensive collection of research
on artificial life, immortality, and the Lost, but not many people
know about its secret archive of prophecies only accessible by those
who know of its existence. You are one such individual who is privy
to this and in this archive so vast that all of the books contained
within have been read, and alongside your friends you have
discovered a fascinating prophecy that promises the revival /
reincarnation of Rahsan with a reward for those who aid in the
great mage’s return to the world of the living.
Pros: Magic scrolls can be easily purchased from the Library; all
sorts of discoveries can be made following this prophecy; you will
travel all over the world and encounter a variety of people /
enemies; there will be some interactions with higher powers
Cons: You will technically be ordinary civilians; the prophecy book
will be one of your only “questgivers”; the librarians won’t help
you for free; this campaign requires the party to have been well
acquainted already

Guilds and Goblins

Location: The Gilded City
Anyone is welcome to join a guild in the Gilded City to pursue fame
and fortune, but you must be willing to put in the effort. Be it with
the adventurer guilds or the mercantile companies, danger is ever
present and the corporate ladder hasn’t gotten any safer. You are
looking to test your mettle in this network of guilds, yet an
interesting stranger approaches you with an offer: Help me become
the greatest guild master and I will make you rich. Can this goblin
be trusted? Will you become rich? Why isn’t he wearing any pants?
Find out in this story of guilds and goblins.
Pros: As one of the first guild members, you have agency over its
operation; the goblin has quite the connections and is quite the
alchemist; you get to take the jobs that nobody else will for the
maximum price
Cons: The goblin is a bit...well...eccentric; starting from the bottom
is harder than ever in this economy; goblins aren’t the most
credible races, so other guilds won’t really trust you; guilds only get
legal benefits once they make a certain amount of income

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