IB3XL Mockexam1 - Solutions

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Months Sum - nettAmt

jan 1384 Total

feb 3856
mrt 822
apr 1867.3
mei 697
jun 737
jul 1424
aug 2306.2 Sum - nettAmt
sep 421
okt 3866.3
nov 1781.75000
dec 1652.4
Total Result 20814.9 0 i l
n b rt r
ap m e
n ju g p
t v c lt
ja fe m ju au se no de esu
This is a different solution for question 2. We took the following
1. create a pivot table from the original table to calculate monthly
revenue for each customer
2. copy that pivot table (copy as values) to a new regular table and
add a column nettAmt (nett amount)
3. calculate the net amount for each customer in each month by
um - nettAmt
applying the discount of 10% is the gross amount is over the
treshold value of 500
4. create from this table a new pivot table and sum up all nett
amounts per month
5. create a pivot chart for this pivot table

As you see, the resulting chart is identical to the chart we created

using the alternative method.
TV 500
D% 10%
custno Months Sum - amt
This shape represents a slicer.
101 Jan € 134.00
Slicers are supported in Excel
May € 177.00
2010 or later.
Jul € 208.00
Aug € 144.00 If the shape was modified in
Oct € 180.00 an earlier version of Excel, or
Dec € 42.00 if the workbook was saved in
102 Jan € 92.00 Excel 2003 or earlier, the
Feb € 767.00 slicer cannot be used.
Apr € 43.00
May € 92.00
Aug € 62.00
Oct € 109.00
Nov € 873.00
Dec € 60.00
103 Jan € 231.00
Feb € 22.00
Mar € 20.00
Apr € 47.00
Jul € 124.00
Sep € 216.00
Oct € 63.00
106 Feb € 1,072.00
Mar € 27.00
May € 198.00
Jun € 197.00
Jul € 127.00
Aug € 140.00
Sep € 10.00
Nov € 101.00
107 Jan € 90.00
Feb € 590.00
Mar € 22.00
Apr € 355.00
Jun € 20.00
Jul € 228.00
Oct € 188.00
Dec € 1,436.00
108 Jan € 104.00
Feb € 19.00
Apr € 64.00
Jun € 144.00
Aug € 38.00
Oct € 147.00
Dec € 136.00
110 Mar € 90.00
Jul € 81.00
Aug € 264.00
Sep € 13.00
Dec € 63.00
111 Jan € 199.00
Feb € 95.00
Mar € 107.00
Apr € 49.00
May € 71.00
Jul € 344.00
Oct € 129.00
Nov € 30.00
112 Jan € 498.00
Feb € 130.00
Apr € 197.00
May € 61.00
Jun € 67.00
Jul € 175.00
Aug € 57.00
Nov € 119.00
113 Feb € 10.00
Mar € 42.00
Aug € 130.00
Sep € 108.00
114 Feb € 1,191.00
Mar € 49.00
May € 5.00
Sep € 28.00
Oct € 1,102.00
Dec € 34.00
115 Jan € 36.00
Feb € 23.00
Mar € 38.00
Apr € 155.00
Jun € 177.00
Jul € 137.00
Aug € 177.00
Sep € 46.00
Oct € 891.00
Nov € 206.00
117 Feb € 68.00
Mar € 427.00
Apr € 33.00
May € 93.00
Aug € 1,438.00
Oct € 1,224.00
Nov € 600.00
118 Feb € 231.00
Apr € 1,027.00
Jun € 132.00
Oct € 155.00
Dec € 25.00
custno Months grossAmnettAmt
101 jan 134 134
101 mei 177 177
101 jul 208 208
101 aug 144 144
101 okt 180 180
101 dec 42 42
102 jan 92 92
102 feb 767 690.3
102 apr 43 43
102 mei 92 92
102 aug 62 62
102 okt 109 109
102 nov 873 785.7
102 dec 60 60
103 jan 231 231
103 feb 22 22
103 mrt 20 20
103 apr 47 47
103 jul 124 124
103 sep 216 216
103 okt 63 63
106 feb 1072 964.8
106 mrt 27 27
106 mei 198 198
106 jun 197 197
106 jul 127 127
106 aug 140 140
106 sep 10 10
106 nov 101 101
107 jan 90 90
107 feb 590 531
107 mrt 22 22
107 apr 355 355
107 jun 20 20
107 jul 228 228
107 okt 188 188
107 dec 1436 1292.4
108 jan 104 104
108 feb 19 19
108 apr 64 64
108 jun 144 144
108 aug 38 38
108 okt 147 147
108 dec 136 136
110 mrt 90 90
110 jul 81 81
110 aug 264 264
110 sep 13 13
110 dec 63 63
111 jan 199 199
111 feb 95 95
111 mrt 107 107
111 apr 49 49
111 mei 71 71
111 jul 344 344
111 okt 129 129
111 nov 30 30
112 jan 498 498
112 feb 130 130
112 apr 197 197
112 mei 61 61
112 jun 67 67
112 jul 175 175
112 aug 57 57
112 nov 119 119
113 feb 10 10
113 mrt 42 42
113 aug 130 130
113 sep 108 108
114 feb 1191 1071.9
114 mrt 49 49
114 mei 5 5
114 sep 28 28
114 okt 1102 991.8
114 dec 34 34
115 jan 36 36
115 feb 23 23
115 mrt 38 38
115 apr 155 155
115 jun 177 177
115 jul 137 137
115 aug 177 177
115 sep 46 46
115 okt 891 801.9
115 nov 206 206
117 feb 68 68
117 mrt 427 427
117 apr 33 33
117 mei 93 93
117 aug 1438 1294.2
117 okt 1224 1101.6
117 nov 600 540
118 feb 231 231
118 apr 1027 924.3
118 jun 132 132
118 okt 155 155
118 dec 25 25
custno region ordno date amt
112 east 101 1/3/2014 € 73.00 0 0
108 west 102 1/5/2014 € 104.00 0 0
112 east 103 1/7/2014 € 376.00 1 1
111 south 104 1/8/2014 € 199.00 0 0
107 north 105 1/10/2014 € 90.00 0 0
101 west 106 1/11/2014 € 134.00 0 0
112 east 107 1/20/2014 € 49.00 0 0
102 south 108 1/21/2014 € 72.00 0 0
103 west 109 1/23/2014 € 41.00 0 0
115 north 110 1/28/2014 € 36.00 0 0
103 west 111 1/28/2014 € 190.00 0 0
102 south 112 1/29/2014 € 20.00 0 0
118 west 113 2/4/2014 € 213.00 0 0
115 north 114 2/4/2014 € 23.00 0 0
113 east 115 2/6/2014 € 10.00 0 0
106 north 116 2/11/2014 € 1,072.00 1 1
107 north 117 2/12/2014 € 26.00 0 0
117 west 118 2/13/2014 € 68.00 0 0
114 south 119 2/16/2014 € 83.00 0 0
102 south 120 2/19/2014 € 767.00 0 0
114 south 121 2/20/2014 € 1,108.00 1
103 west 122 2/22/2014 € 22.00 0
107 north 123 2/23/2014 € 564.00 0
108 west 124 2/24/2014 € 19.00 0
118 west 125 2/24/2014 € 18.00 0
111 south 126 2/25/2014 € 95.00 0
112 east 127 2/26/2014 € 130.00 0
115 north 128 3/8/2014 € 33.00 0
114 south 129 3/9/2014 € 49.00 0
111 south 130 3/9/2014 € 89.00 0
115 north 131 3/11/2014 € 5.00 0
106 north 132 3/12/2014 € 27.00 0
110 west 133 3/20/2014 € 90.00 0
111 south 134 3/21/2014 € 18.00 0
117 west 135 3/29/2014 € 427.00
103 west 136 3/29/2014 € 20.00 disc limit 500
107 north 137 3/29/2014 € 22.00 disc perc 10%
113 east 138 3/31/2014 € 42.00
112 east 139 4/9/2014 € 197.00 custno 1
102 south 140 4/9/2014 € 15.00 101 134
111 south 141 4/11/2014 € 28.00 102 92
107 north 142 4/13/2014 € 262.00 103 231
102 south 143 4/14/2014 € 28.00 106 0
118 west 144 4/17/2014 € 1,027.00 107 90
108 west 145 4/20/2014 € 64.00 108 104
111 south 146 4/21/2014 € 21.00 110 0
107 north 147 4/22/2014 € 93.00 111 199
115 north 148 4/24/2014 € 120.00 112 498
115 north 149 4/26/2014 € 35.00 113 0
103 west 150 4/30/2014 € 47.00 114 0
117 west 151 4/30/2014 € 33.00 115 36
106 north 152 5/6/2014 € 116.00 117 0
102 south 153 5/10/2014 € 70.00 118 0
117 west 154 5/14/2014 € 93.00
112 east 155 5/14/2014 € 25.00 custno 1
102 south 156 5/16/2014 € 22.00 101 134
101 west 157 5/21/2014 € 177.00 102 92
111 south 158 5/22/2014 € 71.00 103 231
106 north 159 5/27/2014 € 82.00 106 0
114 south 160 5/28/2014 € 5.00 107 90
112 east 161 5/30/2014 € 36.00 108 104
118 west 162 6/4/2014 € 132.00 110 0
107 north 163 6/10/2014 € 20.00 111 199
106 north 164 6/16/2014 € 197.00 112 498
112 east 165 6/20/2014 € 67.00 113 0
108 west 166 6/24/2014 € 13.00 114 0
115 north 167 6/25/2014 € 177.00 115 36
108 west 168 6/30/2014 € 131.00 117 0
115 north 169 7/1/2014 € 137.00 118 0
111 south 170 7/5/2014 € 147.00 1385
110 west 171 7/7/2014 € 81.00
111 south 172 7/12/2014 € 197.00
107 north 173 7/13/2014 € 228.00 M
112 east 174 7/17/2014 € 125.00
112 east 175 7/21/2014 € 50.00
103 west 176 7/23/2014 € 102.00 4000
106 north 177 7/25/2014 € 127.00 3500
103 west 178 7/29/2014 € 22.00
101 west 179 7/30/2014 € 208.00 3000
117 west 180 8/1/2014 € 1,236.00 2500
115 north 181 8/2/2014 € 132.00
108 west 182 8/3/2014 € 38.00
117 west 183 8/5/2014 € 135.00 1500
102 south 184 8/10/2014 € 62.00 1000
110 west 185 8/11/2014 € 127.00
115 north 186 8/14/2014 € 28.00 500
101 west 187 8/16/2014 € 144.00 0
112 east 188 8/16/2014 € 25.00 1 2 3 4
115 north 189 8/17/2014 € 17.00
106 north 190 8/21/2014 € 17.00 cut off perc 80%
110 west 191 8/23/2014 € 137.00
113 east 192 8/23/2014 € 130.00 max
117 west 193 8/29/2014 € 67.00 1 376
106 north 194 8/30/2014 € 123.00 2 1108
112 east 195 8/30/2014 € 32.00 3 427
103 west 196 9/3/2014 € 7.00 4 1027
114 south 197 9/8/2014 € 28.00 5 177
115 north 198 9/8/2014 € 27.00 6 197
113 east 199 9/20/2014 € 20.00 7 228
115 north 200 9/20/2014 € 19.00 8 1236
113 east 201 9/21/2014 € 88.00 9 209
110 west 202 9/26/2014 € 13.00 10 1224
103 west 203 9/27/2014 € 209.00 11 846
106 north 204 9/30/2014 € 10.00 12 1436
103 west 205 10/2/2014 € 14.00
111 south 206 10/6/2014 € 118.00
114 south 207 10/9/2014 € 1,083.00
107 north 208 10/11/2014 € 188.00
108 west 209 10/12/2014 € 75.00
103 west 210 10/13/2014 € 49.00
118 west 211 10/14/2014 € 59.00
102 south 212 10/16/2014 € 22.00
115 north 213 10/17/2014 € 32.00
117 west 214 10/18/2014 € 1,224.00
118 west 215 10/19/2014 € 96.00
111 south 216 10/22/2014 € 11.00
115 north 217 10/22/2014 € 663.00
102 south 218 10/22/2014 € 87.00
101 west 219 10/25/2014 € 180.00
115 north 220 10/26/2014 € 196.00
114 south 221 10/26/2014 € 19.00
108 west 222 10/28/2014 € 72.00
115 north 223 11/3/2014 € 166.00
102 south 224 11/3/2014 € 14.00
115 north 225 11/6/2014 € 40.00
112 east 226 11/9/2014 € 78.00
102 south 227 11/15/2014 € 846.00
117 west 228 11/17/2014 € 600.00
102 south 229 11/22/2014 € 13.00
111 south 230 11/24/2014 € 30.00
112 east 231 11/26/2014 € 41.00
106 north 232 11/30/2014 € 101.00
108 west 233 12/4/2014 € 105.00
108 west 234 12/6/2014 € 31.00
102 south 235 12/13/2014 € 60.00
118 west 236 12/14/2014 € 25.00
107 north 237 12/16/2014 € 1,436.00
101 west 238 12/20/2014 € 42.00
114 south 239 12/26/2014 € 34.00
110 west 240 12/30/2014 € 63.00
1. (3) Create a chart that shows the number of orders per region for each quarter in 2014. The
region should be selectable with a slicer.
Show that region west had an equal number of orders in quarter 3 and quarter 4 of 2014.

2. (4) Users are monthly billed at the end of each month. If a user has spent more than 500 Euro
month, he/she gets a 10% discount.
Create a chart that shows the total revenue per month.

3. (3) Color each order line in the table where the order amount is larger than 80% of the maximu
order amount of the month the order is from.

Quarters Count - ordno

Q1 38 Number of Orders
Q2 30
Q3 36
Q4 36 140
Total Result 140 120
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

This shape represents a slicer. Slicers are supported in Ex


If the shape was modified in an earlier version of Excel,

workbook was saved in Excel 2003 or earlier, the slicer c

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 177 0 208 144 0
767 0 43 92 0 0 62 0
22 20 47 0 0 124 0 216
1072 27 0 198 197 127 140 10
590 22 355 0 20 228 0 0
19 0 64 0 144 0 38 0
0 90 0 0 0 81 264 13
95 107 49 71 0 344 0 0
130 0 197 61 67 175 57 0
10 42 0 0 0 0 130 108
1191 49 0 5 0 0 0 28
23 38 155 0 177 137 177 46
68 427 33 93 0 0 1438 0
231 0 1027 0 132 0 0 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 177 0 208 144 0
690.3 0 43 92 0 0 62 0
22 20 47 0 0 124 0 216
964.8 27 0 198 197 127 140 10
531 22 355 0 20 228 0 0
19 0 64 0 144 0 38 0
0 90 0 0 0 81 264 13
95 107 49 71 0 344 0 0
130 0 197 61 67 175 57 0
10 42 0 0 0 0 130 108
1071.9 49 0 5 0 0 0 28
23 38 155 0 177 137 177 46
68 427 33 93 0 0 1294.2 0
231 0 924.3 0 132 0 0 0
3858 825 1871.3 702 743 1431 2314.2 430

Monthly Revenue Remarks:

I've solved this using a formula based custn
4500 SUMPRODUCT() function as it enables usin
SUMIFS() function instead, it gets a bit mor
4000 the differences.
3500 You can also opt for creating a pivot table a
table. Take care to copy the pivot tables as
3000 another pivot table which is just ... a copy.
are goning to refer to contents in this table
the use of GETPIVOTDATA() and this can ge
Calculate the real revenue (with the discou
1500 the same structure as the table you are refe
1000 Creating a chart, then is as easy as summin
chart from this totals row.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

treshold Months Max - amt Remarks:

300.8 Jan 376 To solve the last question you have to calculate
886.4 Feb 1108
used a fine array formula. Array formula are no
show off your Excel competencies! See http://g
341.6 Mar 427 formala's.
821.6 Apr 1027 The easier approach here would be to first calc
141.6 May 177 order amount as values to a different lookup ta
157.6 Jun 197
182.4 Jul 228
988.8 Aug 1236
167.2 Sep 209
979.2 Oct 1224
676.8 Nov 846
1148.8 Dec 1436
Total Result 1436

1 jan 376 300.8

2 feb 1108 886.4
3 mrt 427 341.6
4 apr 1027 821.6
5 mei 177 141.6
6 jun 197 157.6
7 jul 228 182.4
8 aug 1236 988.8
9 sep 209 167.2
10 okt 1224 979.2
11 nov 846 676.8
12 dec 1436 1148.8
n for each quarter in 2014. The

er 3 and quarter 4 of 2014.

ser has spent more than 500 Euro in a

nt is larger than 80% of the maximum

Number of Orders

Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Result

a slicer. Slicers are supported in Excel 2010 or

fied in an earlier version of Excel, or if the

n Excel 2003 or earlier, the slicer cannot be used.

10 11 12
180 0 42
109 873 60
63 0 0
0 101 0
188 0 1436
147 0 136
0 0 63
129 30 0
0 119 0
0 0 0
1102 0 34
891 206 0
1224 600 0
155 0 25

10 11 12
180 0 42
109 785.7 60
63 0 0
0 101 0
188 0 1292.4
147 0 136
0 0 63
129 30 0
0 119 0
0 0 0
991.8 0 34
801.9 206 0
1101.6 540 0
155 0 25
3876.3 1792.7 1664.4

ed this using a formula based custno/month table. I have used the versatile
ODUCT() function as it enables using the MONTH() function. If you opt for a
) function instead, it gets a bit more complicated. See exercises of week 2 for
also opt for creating a pivot table and then copy that pivot table as a regular
ke care to copy the pivot tables as values only; if you don't you'll end up with
pivot table which is just ... a copy. You should copy into a regular table as you
ng to refer to contents in this table. Referring to cells in a pivot table leads to
of GETPIVOTDATA() and this can get complicated.

e the real revenue (with the discounts processed) in a separate table having
e structure as the table you are referring to. See my solution.
a chart, then is as easy as summing up the monthly totals and creating a bar
m this totals row.

ast question you have to calculate the 80% treshold first. In my leftmost solution I've
rray formula. Array formula are no exam material but are of course an excellent way to
r Excel competencies! See http://goo.gl/9c3JLx for a brief explanation of array

pproach here would be to first calculate a pivot table and copy the maximum monthly
nt as values to a different lookup table.

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