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Recinto Puerto Plata

Subject: English III

Teacher: Adalgisa Cabrera
Nombre del Estudiante: Brayan G. Bonilla No.: 1-19-8617

1- What is your city famous for?

The City of Puerto Plata is one of the tourist attractions of the Dominican Republic,
thanks to its beautiful beaches, the cable car and the culture that represents all the town
and its people.

2-    What are some of the most famous cities in the world? What makes them
 New York. It is famous for the Statue of Liberta and the great Central Park.
 London. It is made famous by the British Museum, the Tower of London and Big
 Paris. It is made famous by the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and the Notre
Dame Cathedral
 Tokyo. It is made famous by the Meiji Shrine and the Sensō-ji Temple.

3-   Which city would you like to visit?

I would like to visit Tokyo, Japan.

4-   Describe your city.

The City of Puerto Plata is one of the largest tourist provinces in the Dominican
Republic. It is located in the north of the country and is a coastal city with the Atlantic
Ocean. It has many beautiful beaches, as well as many places of green vegetation.
5-   What makes good and bad things about the neighborhood.
The good thing is that my neighborhood is a very quiet place, the bad thing is that many
car accidents happen on the incline.

6-   What can you see downtown?

In the center of the City we have the Central Park and the Cathedral of San Felipe de
Puerto Plata, as well as we can have a tour of the boardwalk.

7-  Which city in your country has skyscraper?

Santo Domingo is the city with the most skyscrapers in the Dominican Republic.

8-  What is the name of your neighborhood?

Diego Bordas neighborhood.

9-   Make predictions: How will be your city in 2030?

In 2030, Puerto Plata will continue to be a beautiful place to live, but it will have larger
structures like buildings, as well as it will be much easier to get around.

10- What kind of neighborhood will you live in when you get older?
I want to live in a quiet, clean and accident-free neighborhood.

11- What will happen if we keep polluting the environment?

Little by little, our ecosystems will lose their vitality, thus causing irreparable damage to
our planet.

12- Will the climate keep changing or go back to normal?

The climate will continue to change because we live in a country with a tropical climate.

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