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1º Ano – Ensino médio

Prova 2º bimestre
Língua Inglesa

• Chapter 8

❖ Frequency Adverbs
Always (sempre)
Usually/Often (normalmente/frequentemente)
Sometimes (as vezes)
Seldom/Rarely (raramente)
Never (nunca)

o A maioria dos Frquency adverbs são usados entre o sujeito e o main

▪ I never arrive late
▪ She always studies a lot
▪ He seldom sleeps alone

o SOMETIMES pode ser usado nessa mesma posição, no começo da

frase, ou no final do contexto
▪ He sometimes stays up late
▪ Sometimes she goes to the market alone
▪ They work really hard sometimes
• Chapter 9
❖ Future Simple – WILL
➢ Usos:
o Quando algo é decidido no momento de fala
o Quando falamos de uma possibilidade futura
o Para promessas

➢ Forma afirmativa
o Subject + Will + main verb
▪ He will go to the mall
▪ I will buy it
▪ I will never leave you
➢ Forma negativa
o Subject + Will not / Won’t + main verb
▪ He will not go to the mall
▪ I won’t buy it
▪ I won’t leave you
➢ Forma interrogativa
o Will + Subject + main verb
▪ Will he go to the mall?
▪ Will you buy it?
▪ Will you leave me?

• Chapter 10
❖ Future Simple – GOING TO
➢ Usos:
o Quando algo está prestes a acontecer
o Quando falamos de uma certeza futura
o Para planos e coisas já decididas

➢ Forma afirmativa
o Subject + to be + going to + main verb
▪ He is going to the mall
▪ I am going to buy a car
▪ You are going to be playing later
➢ Forma negativa
o Subject + to be + not + going to + main verb
▪ He is not going to the mall
▪ I’m not going to buy a car
▪ You aren’t going to be playing later
➢ Forma interrogativa
o To be + Subject + going to + main verb
▪ Is he going to the mall?
▪ Are you going to buy a car?
▪ Are you going to be playing later?

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