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In the valley of Mexico, Axolotls are constantly attacked by all waste and pesticides coming from
Mexico City. I´m very angry that the people of the city do nothing about it, because for me the
Axolotl is a very important specie since it´s an endemic animal in the country, and therefore we
must take care of it.

The people of Mexico City produce too many pollutants that affect the entire
ecosystem of the places around them. In recent months, the environmental
commission reported that the city has reached high levels of ozone due to
pollutants found in the air, which has only been increasing exponentially.

The last time I visited Mexico City I went to lake Chapultepec, and it was very
polluted and full of garbage, I also found a family of Axolotls near the lake, and
they were completely covered with garbage.

Most people living in the valley of Mexico don´t know the importance of the
Axolotl in our culture, since in ancient times the Axolotl was considered a
sacred animal to the Aztecs. Therefore, they don´t try to take care of their
environment, which affects this animal.

On one occasion when I was traveling on a trajinera in the Lake Xochimilco. I saw a
person throw a glass in the water, then I complained and told him that we must take
care of the lakes because here live the Axolotls and other species, this person just
ignored me and the other people around me did nothing, I felt very powerless.

People need to understand the damage we are doing to the species that live in the
valley of Mexico is very serious, especially to the Axolotl. Otherwise, this species that is
important to our culture will disappear, as will many other animals and ecosystems.

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