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Toyota’s Lean Lessons for Wipro

In an industry where arresting people-led growth has become the next Holy Grail, Wipro’s early gains from applying Toyota’s
production system provide crucial learnings for the over $60-billion software exports business in the country
According to Staats, for every $1, “After we reduced the project time, Lean model. By using Lean princi-
PANKAJ MISHRA Wipro makes savings of 20 cents on the manager could go on his leave ples, Wipro was able to transition
BANGALORE an average. “For one of the cus- Driving Performance Through Lean and when he came back he was more projects from rival vendors to its

hen Sambuddha Deb, 53, tomers, the gains stretched to over than willing to take on other Lean own project teams in 100 days—a
now the chief global deliv- 70% after we used Lean for minimis-
How Wipro Embedded Lean Methods In Its Culture And Daily Operations projects,” Deb says. Acceptance process that used to take up to six
ery officer at India’s third ing efforts (read engineers) while de- from project managers helped months earlier.
 What is Lean? Number of Lean Engagements
biggest software exporter Wipro, livering the project,” recalls Staats. Wipro spread the Lean initiative “Now, our projects, especially
was looking for answers to deal with Nationwide Insurance, America’s Lean has historically been known as the manufacturing Continue To Increase At Wipro without forcing it upon the lower where a transition is involved, are
rising wage inflation and growing fourth largest auto insurer is among philosophy developed by Toyota. The basic percept of ranks. becoming profitable much faster,”
complexity in large outsourcing customers now applying Lean with Lean Lean manufacturing is that any activity or use of CUMULATIVE LEAN Another manufacturing concept says Deb. This is because the transi-
contracts some years ago, Toyota’s Wipro’s help. The insurance firm, resources that does not deliver value for the customer ENGAGEMENTS used by Toyota is what is called ‘sin- tion time is reduced—the period
legendary production system was which started with around 17 Lean is wasteful gle minute exchange of dye’ or when projects are not normally prof-
nowhere on his mind. After all, there projects two years ago, has seen $2  SMED. Before Toyota came up with itable. One of the top worries for
could be no parallel between manu- million payback from the initiative. Wipro’s Lean Overview SMED, most assembly line man- any new outsourcing customer is
facturing cars and writing hundreds Wipro has spen the last few years applying and agers kept the same dye running for the cost of switching between ven-
of lines of codes for customers you HUNT FOR EXPERTS deploying the principles of Lean manufacuring to long in order to make the best use of dors. By using Lean, Wipro is now
do not even get to see till the project Then started the big hunt for an ex- software development & management process 743 it because setting up a dye takes up able to bring down that entry barrier
gets over, at least this is what Deb pert who could help Wipro start its  What’s Been The Impact to 24 hours. By working backwards, and make it more attractive for cus-
reasoned until late 2004. Lean journey. “There were many ex- Toyota found that half the job could tomers to switch.
Lean methods and Lean advisory services play a
“Around the time when Vivek Paul perts who had done Lean for manu- 315 be done offline. Experts say Wipro’s case study is a
was our CEO, McKinsey came and facturing, some even for hotels, but significant role in Wipro’s successful implementation of “Anything that does not contribute lesson for other organisations seek-
asked why don’t you look at Lean, but none had any experience in applying the Proces Excellence Services. Lean principles are to producing directly is a waste ac- ing to start a similar initiative.
embedded in every Wipro engagement and allow the 54
then it did not look very attractive,” Lean for a software firm like us,” cording to Toyota and should be “Organisations embarking on the
recalls Deb. Around that time, says Deb. firm to help customers generate improvements in eliminated,” he says. The automak- journey to Lean should follow






Wipro, along with many other Another challenge was to find ways efficiency and effectiveness with IT departments er classified wastes as necessary Wipro’s staged approach centred on
of applying Lean principles to the and unnecessary. While unneces- the deployment of a Lean produc-
business of software exports. Deb, Source: Wipro Technologies, Forrester Research, Inc sary waste should be eliminated tivity team (or centre of expertise)
along with several Wipro officials completely, necessary waste should and unified Lean tool kit and per-
visited factories in Japan to under- be squeezed. formance measurement system,”
stand how heavy equipment and car In the software services world, ‘dye’ says Peters.
manufacturers eliminated waste Segments Where Lean Methods Can Be Applied To Reduce Waste can be any process or line of code While many financial analysts
from their processes. “There’s no that can be used over and over again have blamed Wipro for focussing too
recipe or cookbook for applying WASTE CATEGORY EXAMPLES IMPLICATION TO THE BUSINESS across different projects. Normally, much on cutting costs by chasing
Lean. The goal is more about build- Transport Searching for required info at least 30-70% of work in most soft- more efficiency, the company’s
ing a platform for ongoing improve- Changing/evolving requirements Capital Expenditure and Operating Expenditure ware projects can be standardised. achievements with replicating
ment,” says Staats. For instance, every time a compa- Toyota’s Lean principles for its soft-
Initially, Wipro could not get to vis- Inventory Frequent task switching Productivity ny like Wipro tests software, a sepa- ware business is now helping it win
it a Toyota factory, Deb managed to Backlog Loss of context rate machine needs to be set up. consulting engagements against
visit one of the world’s biggest en- Over skill Costs Software testing in fact is a multi-bil- McKinsey and others.
There were many experts gine makers for tractors based in lion dollar market today.
Motion Cutomer deliverable Productivity
who had done Lean for Japan. “They were making 200 vari- Before Wipro applied ‘single
ants of engines on a single assembly Frequent travel between location for reviews minute exchange dye’ to software
manufacturing, some even
line—that’s unbelievable,” says Deb. Waiting Customer feedback, information resources Revenue, Productivity & Cost testing, every time software had to be
for hotels. But none had In another such visit to a Japanese tested, engineers had to set up the
Over-production Duplicate test cases, Extra unused feature Non-optimal resources utilisation
any experience in applying factory some five years ago, Deb machine again according to different
Business & IT not aligned
Lean for a software firm studied how a company was produc- projects taking up to four hours and
like Wipro ing 3-4 variants of one excavator ma- Over-processing Redundant reviews, irrelevant training Support & maintenance cost even more. After identifying com-
chine every eleven minutes. Job satisfaction mon processes using Lean, this set
Later, Toyota invited Wipro’s bil- Defects & Rework Defects, poor and incomplete documentation Customer service
up time reduced to an hour. “Now, no-
lionaire founder Azim Premji to vis- Customer experience body blocks the labs and nobody has
SAMBUDDHA DEB it the company’s manufacturing to wait long either,” says Deb.
Chief Global Delivery Officer, Wipro plant in India. “What we saw was However there were Toyota con-
Corolla and Innova were mixed and cepts that posed significant chal-
Indian peers had all the process and were being produced on the same lenges. For instance, Toyota’s con- Even US auto companies
quality certifications the world of- line, but the catch was that nearly cept of ‘concurrent engineering’ is tried to copy Toyota, but it
fered— from ISO 9001 to SEI CMM. 70% of both the variants are same so about designing in parallel and not kept getting better. So,
But like most new initiatives and cer- you can use the same line,” he says. sequentially. By doing this, Toyota is
tificates, even they had become mere Everything, except main engine able to launch a new car every 36 even for Wipro, Lean is not
tags that offered no differentiation. and chassis, including seat manage- months compared to a General like a cookbook for recipes,
Unlike traditional methods of im- ment system, electrical system and Motor, which took 5 years on an av- it needs to be improved
proving performance and quality of braking system are same for both erage for launching a new vehicle. continuously
software projects, Lean promised to the variants. “One of the most bril- But in software services business,
bring about an internal focus for liant things Toyota has done is that “the danger of designing in parallel
continuously seeking ways to cut almost 70% of all their cars are built is that at the end of it, it may not BRADLEY R STAATS
waste and increase value of invest- using standard platforms—they are work together,” says Deb.
Professor, Univ of North Carolina
ments. In a software development designed for Lean,” Deb says. The Toyota Production System
context, waste could include dupli- And while Wipro could draw paral- (TPS) offered solutions to this prob-
cation of efforts, more people doing lels between assembly lines for lem too. After struggling for days in BUT CAN LEAN HELP
the same job, and time spent on Toyota cars and the steps involved finding out how to apply parallel de- WIPRO DIFFERENTIATE?
readying for a new project. in writing software applications, sign concept to software services, “Even US auto companies tried to
Later, after looking at options that the company was still struggling to Deb found out that an MIT professor copy Toyota, but it kept getting bet-
included the Malcolm Baldridge find an expert who could help start called Steven D. Eppinger had done ter. So even for Wipro, Lean is not
National Quality Award criteria, the journey. Having studied some research relevant to this con- like a cookbook for recipes, it needs
TRIZ (short for Theory of Inventive Toyota’s Lean processes, Deb decid- cept. “Eppinger’s algorithm helped to be improved continuously,” says
Problem Solving in Russian), and ed to meet somebody who could ex- us scale this concept in a services en- Staats of the University of Carolina.
Toyota’s Lean, Wipro finally decid- plain how to go about implementing vironment,” says Deb. Also, with With barely 20% of fresh engineers
ed to pick a leaf from the automak- the system. He even met Hiroyuki more time available because of readily employable, rising wage in-
er’s production system. Hirano, the famous Lean expert eliminating non-core tasks, Wipro flation and attrition rates, the
who was a part of the Toyota’s pro- was able to reduce defect rates for Toyota Production System being
EARLY GAINS, LEARNINGS FROM duction team in early years. every thousand lines of software used by Wipro could be helpful ana-
TOYOTA AND CHALLENGES Finally, Deb went to propose to Mr codes by half. The defect rates for lysts say, but there’s a long way to go
What started in 2005 as a 10-projects Premji that the company would need every thousand line of codes became before the company can claim to
pilot to apply the automaker’s leg- to do it on its own. “I remember hav- 8% from around 18% earlier in a ma- have evolved its own ‘Wipro
endary system invented for elimi- ing a debate with Mr Premji, and his jority of Lean projects. Production System’.
nating all wasted material and question was if we’re going to save According to Forrester Research “While proceeding by analogy to
labour is now helping India’s third 10x, then x doesn’t matter—we can analyst Alexander Peters, from physical processes has led Wipro’s
biggest software exporter make sav- spend that x,” Deb recalls. August 2008 to December 2009, the Lean initiatives to this point, they
ings of up to 60% in outsourcing “Because even if you get twice the number of Lean projects that could will need to use knowledge gained
projects, and even win new consult- return, or 2x, it still made business demonstrate performance increas- from their context to proceed fur-
ing contracts from customers such sense,” he adds. This was not the es by more than 10% based on pre- ther,” Staats of the Carolina Univer-
as Nationwide Insurance. Of nearly first time Wipro was looking to other specified metrics grew. For example, sity along with David James Brun-
4000-5000 projects being delivered by industries for solving problems it grew in the banking sector from ner and David M. Upton said in a
Wipro, over 1600 projects are now unique to the IT sector. In 1997, 51% to 83% (large projects) and in report. For Wipro, it’s more critical
Lean, bringing a minimum of 20% Wipro was the first company to the telecom sector from 13% to 72% to fend off aggressive rivals such as
savings on an average. replicate Motorola’s Six Sigma in a (for medium size projects). Cognizant and regain market share
Bradley R. Staats, who teaches in- software services business. “Wipro’s example shows that Lean against Indian and multinational

novation management, technology But even Six Sigma had its share of can work and become a critical suc- firms. “Wipro has always been at the
and operations at the University of failures and learnings for Wipro. cess factor for organisations operat- forefront of operational efficiencies
North Carolina, spent over three “We decided not to repeat all the mis- ing with projects to provide IT-based ever since they pursued Six Sigma,
years working with Wipro on this takes we made during Six Sigma—it services, where substantial vari- but can they replicate what Toyota
project. Staats believes Wipro’s Lean was top down, big launch, and it APPLYING MANUFACTURING 1,645 project were live with Toyota’s aged to eliminate dependency on ability in customer demand, tech- achieved in ending the dominance of
experiences can be applied by other came with targets,” says Deb. The PRINCIPLES TO SOFTWARE Lean principles. Picking the first him, freeing him from the task,” nology prerequisites, and human- Ford, others?” said the CEO at one of
software service providers too. biggest challenge with Six Sigma Wipro created an office for produc- eight projects didn’t take long, and says Deb. centric intervention is common,” the top 10 Indian tech firms.
“Things are getting commoditised was that it took long for gaining ac- tivity, which included Deb, Ravi- only six live projects ended up being Following Lean, the first step said Peters of Forrester. “Wipro has started winning Lean
in the industry and there’s pressure ceptance among teams and the par- shankar Kuni and other senior offi- successful. was to assess the amount of work During recession of 2009, Wipro de- consulting projects with Fortune 500
to do more with less. This is where ticipation levels were quite low. cials. This team of around ten “These six projects were ahead of needed on that project, and then cided to apply Lean across all appli- customers. But it’s not over by any
Lean can help,” he says. Barring Involvement from Mr Premji from professionals took one project each time, budget, didn’t get into trouble,” break tasks into categories of cation maintenance projects and stretch of imagination for the com-
Lockheed Martin, which actually the very beginning helped the cause for starting the Lean pilot and at- says Deb. One of these projects had ‘complex’, ‘medium’ and ‘simple’. squeeze the cost out at a time when pany yet,” says Staats.
did a much smaller pilot, no other too. “He (Premji) was always aware tempts were made to involve project only one engineer who knew the job In Toyota’s dictionary this process customers were asking for rate cuts
company in the world has attempt- and was even part of the Lean brief- teams from the very beginning. well. “This guy wanted to be away is called ‘line balancing’, which and do more with less. We would love to hear from you.
ed to apply Lean for software servic- ing sessions, it really helped drive During 2004-2005 Wipro had around from action because of personal actually means giving right job to During last year and half, Wipro Please send us your responses at
es work at this scale. this initiative,” says Staats. 50 projects on Lean, by 2010, nearly emergency and using Lean we man- the right guy. has moved over 25 customers to the

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