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Committee: Pakistan National Assembly

Political Party: Pakistan Muslim League (N)

Delegate: Shahbaz Shareef

Topic: Revamping Pakistan’s Foreign policy in International Arena

When Pakistan came into being, Iran was the first country to recognize the sovereign state.
Since then, the country started to develop its foreign relations with other countries. Pakistan’s
relations with Soviet Union (now Russia) have remained strained since independence. Soviet
Union always supported Republic of India in Kashmir issue. Pakistan’s relation with India
continued to struggle due to tensions in Kashmir and water dispute. Pakistan started its foreign
policies when Pakistan joined USA bloc in cold war era against Soviet Union. Since then, the
relationships of Pakistan and US have been on rollercoaster ride. Pakistan responded to US call
when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and fought the war. Pakistan also supported US’s war
on terror. In response, Pakistan continued to receive billions of dollars of aid from US. Pakistan
continued to foster its relations with China and strengthened them considering its national
interest. Relations with Afghanistan have gone through many stages, Pakistan has provided
millions of afghan refugees facilities, yet relations continued to suffer at the time of 9/11.
Pakistan’s relation with Saudi Arabia, Iran remains important.
Currently, Pakistan is confronted with many critical foreign challenges under the leadership of
Imran Khan. Pakistan’s relation with India are deteriorating day by day and the curfew crisis in
Kashmir remains an unsolved issue, nuclear war threats are imposed which tells us about the
graveness of the situation. Imran Khan’s recent visit to US and the transitional changes it has
brought are yet to be analyzed. Pakistan is also facing the problem to help US soldiers leave
Afghanistan; Pakistan is yet to decide its position in holding peaceful table talks between Afghan
Taliban and US and how Pakistan should proceed. Pakistan as an important Muslim country
and thus, should consider how positively Pakistan can influence the Saudi-Iran tensions.
Pakistan has to consider further developmental projects like CPEC with China. Pakistan also
should start improving relations with Russia. Pakistan’s recent loan from IMF led to the
penetration by IMF in our foreign policies and other policies.
Pakistan Muslim League (N) firmly believes in developing good relations with neighboring
countries including India and Afghanistan, as well as other strategic partners like US, Saudi
Arabia, Turkey and other states. PML(N) strongly condemns the nuclear war threats imposed,
and believes in developing friendly relations with India and Pakistan should advocate Kashmir’s
issue on UN adamantly. Pakistan should build trust and good relations with Afghanistan.
Pakistan could persuade Iran and Saudi Arabia to peacefully develop cordial relations and
discuss the points of conflicts between them. Pakistan can play active role in holding table talks
between Afghan Taliban and US. Generally, Pakistan should develop better relations with its
neighboring countries. PML(N) strongly agrees with the foreign policy laid by Jinnah to have
friendly relations globally.

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