Physical Education 2

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Physical education

- Integral part of general education

- Promote the optimum development of an individual through
physical activities.
- Mental, physical, spiritual, social,

Objective of physical education

 Physical fitness objective
- Development of strength and power
- Development of good health
- Ability to play for a long time without getting tired

 Knowledge objectives
- Knowing the history of various games/sports
- Ability to distinguish and differentiate various games / sports skills
- Developing team tactics and winning strategies

 Social objective
- Ability to make friends easily
- To tolerate and accommodate others in sports field
- Formation of co-operative spirits for teamwork

 Skill objectives
- Mastering the correct ways of performing some physical
- Acquiring skills necessary for certain sporting activities
- To develop skills in sporting activities

 Safety objectives
- Ability to play games/sports with caution and being careful to
avoid injury
- Careful handling of sports equipment
- Ability to save your life and perhaps to save others in the sports

 Psychological objectives
- Sharing with others in celebrating a won sports competition
- Substituting sadness for joy and feeling happy while watching
others playing games/ Sports of your choice

 Recreation objectives
- For relaxation at free hours
- Acquiring useful skills that could be used for your leisure hours
- Taking light games/sports for personal enjoyment and

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