Others Theorist With Their Contribution: Patricia Benner

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OTHERS THEORIST WITH public health nursing education

 Caritas - Means “Love and Charity”
PATRICIA BENNER  Is the fundamental motive of caring
 Born in Hampton, Virginia and spent her science 
childhood in California, where she  Constitute the motive for all caring,
received her early and professional The conception of the human being
education. in Eriksson’s theory is based on the
--Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics in
axiom that the human being is an
nursing practice theory
entity of body , soul and spirit
-Emphasize the difference between
“Knowing How” a practical    knowledge that (Eriksson, 1987,1988). She
may elude precise abstract formulation and emphasizes that the human being is
“Knowing that” which lead itself to fundamentally a religious being but
theoretical explanations. all human beings is fundamentally
• Novice – the person has no background holy, and this axiom is related to the
experience of the situation in which he or idea of human dignity, which means
she involved accepting the human obligation of
• Advanced Beginner – when the person serving with love and existing for the
marginally acceptable performance, having
sake of others.
coped with enough real situations to note, or
to have pointed out by a mentor, the
 Conceptual system and middle range
recurring meaningful components of the
theory of Goal attainment 
 Was born on January 30 , 1923 in
• Competent – the learner begins to
West Point,Iowa
recognize patterns and determine which
 She died December 24, 2007 in
elements of the situation warrant attention
Petersburg Florida, and is buried in
and which can be ignored.
Fort Madison, Iowa “concepts give
. Proficient -the performer perceived the
meaning to our perception and permit
situation as a whole ( the total picture )
generalizations about persons,
rather than in terms of aspects.
objects, and things ( King 1959 , P.
•Expert – the expert performer no longer
relies an analytical principle (ex.rule,
 Health – Define as dynamic life
guidelines) to connect an understanding of
experiences of a human being which
the situation to an appropriate action. 
implies continuous adjustment to
stressors in the internal and external
KATIE ERIKSSON environtment through optimum use of
 Theory of caritative caring one's resources to achieve maximum
 Was born on November 18,1943 in potential for daily living
Jacobstad, Finland  Nursing – defined as a process  of
 She belong to the Finland – actions, reactions  and interactions
Swedish minority in Finland and her whereby nurse and client share
native language in Swedish information about their perceptions in
 She is a 1965 graduate of the the nursing situation.
 Self – a composite of thoughts and
Helsinki Swedish school of nursing
feelings which constitute a
and in 1967 she completed her
person’s awareness of his individual

existence his conceptions of who and integrated. Compensatory and

what he is compromised
 -a person’s self is the sum total of all 
he can call his or hers. A person's adaptation level is
constantly changing points, made up of
focal, contexual and residual
 System model
 Was born in 1924 and grew up on a Stimuli which represents the person's own
farm  in Ohio standard of the range of stimuli to which one
 Her rural background helped her can respond with ordinary adaptive
develop a compassion for people in responses.
need, which has been evident
throughout her career.   Adaptation problems are broad areas of
The Neuman system model is a unique, concerns related to adaptation. These
open system based perspective that describe the difficulties 
provides a unifying focus  for approaching a Related to the indicators of positive
wide range of concerns. adaptation
A system acts as a boundary for a single HILDEGARD E. PEPLAU
client, a group or  Theory of Interpersonal Relations
Even a member of groups; it can also be  H.E Peplau has been described as the
defined as a social issue. mother of psychiatric nursing because of
Wholistic approach –the Neuman  system her theoretical and clinical work led to
model is a dynamic, open system approach the development of the distinct specialty
to client care originally developed to provide field of psychiatric nursing.
a unifying focus for defining nursing She identified four phases of the nurse
problems and for understanding the client in patient – patient relationship
interaction with the environment 1. Orientation (On Admission)
Open system- a system is open when or 2. Identification (During, Intensive treatment
there is continuously flow of input and period)
process,output, and feedback. Stress and 3. Exploitation (Convalesence and
reaction to stress are basic component of rehabilitation)
an open system. 4. Discharge (Resolution)
 Adaptation model   Nursing Process Theory
 Was born on October 14, 1939 in  “Proposed that patients have their own
Los Angeles, California meanings and interpretations of
 Received a bachelor’s degree in situations and therefore nurses must
nursing in 1963 from mount Saint validate their inferences and analyzes
Mary’s college in Los Angeles and a with patients before drawing conclusions
master's degree in nursing from (p. 243).
University of California.  Individualizing Nursing – Assessing,
A system is a set of parts connected to Planning, Implementing, Evaluating.
function as a whole for some purpose and JOYCE TRAVELBEE
that does so by virtue of  the  Human to Human Relationship Model
interdependence of its parts.  - Proposed that the goal of nursing was
to assist an individual, Family or
Adaptation level represents the condition of
community to prevent or cope with the
like processes described on three levels as
experiences of illness and suffering and,
if necessary, to find meaning in these

experiences, with the ultimate goal motivation for health behavior. The HPM
being the presence of hope (Travelbee expands to encompass behaviors for
1966, 1971) enhancing health and applies across the life
LYDIA HALL span (Pender 1996, Pender Murdaugh, and
 Core, Care and Cure Model Parsons 2002)
 Hall used three interlocking circles to MADELEINE M. LEININGER
represent aspects of the patient and  Theory of Culture Care Diversity and
nursing functions. Universality
 The care circle represent the patient’s  Founder of transcultural nursing and
body leader of transcultural nursing and
 The cure circle represent the disease human care theory 
that affect the patient’s physical  The purpose of the theory is to discover
system human care diversities and universalities
 The core circle represent the inner in relation to worldview, cultural and
feelings and management of the social structure dimensions, and ways to
person provide culturally congruent care with
 The three circles change in size and people of various cultures to maintain on
overlap in relation to the patients regain their well being or health, or face
phase in the disease process death in a culturally appropriate way
 A nurse functions in all three circles (Leininger 1991 , 1995).
but to the different degress. MARGARET A. NEWMAN
 (For Example) : In the care phase, the  Health as Expanding Conciousness
nurse gives hand on bodily care to the  • Health – is the “pattern of the whole”
patient in relations to activities of daily of a person and includes disease as a
living such is toileting and bathing manifestation of the pattern of the
 -in the cure phase the nurse applies whole, based on premise that life is an
medical knowledge to treatment of the ongoing process of expanding
person consciousness (Newman 1986)
 -in the core pase, the nurse addresses  • Pattern – is the information that
the social and emotional needs of the depicts the whole and understanding of
patient for effective communication the meaning of all the relationships at
and a comfortable environment (Touhy one.
and Birnbach, 2001) • Consciousness – is both the information
NOLA J. PENDER capacity of the system and the ability of the
 Health Promotion Model system to interact with its environment
 Was born August 16, 1941 in Lansing, (Newman, 1994)
Michigan.  The basic idea for the theory of health
 Pender’s first encounter with as expanding consciousness
professional nursing occurred at 7 emanated from Newman's personal
years of age, when she observed the family experiences , Her mother's
nursing care given to her hospital struggle with amyotropic lateral
aunt. sclerosis sparked her interest in
The health promotion model is similar in nursing. From the experience, the idea
construction to the health belief model that illness reflected the life patterns of
(Becker 1974) which explains disease the person and that was needed was
prevention behavior; but the HPM differs the recognization of that pattern and
from the health belief model in that it does acceptance of it for what it meant to
not include fear or threat as a source of that person (Newman 1986 p.3)


Theory of Human Becoming: Three

principles constitute the human becoming
Structuring meaning – is the imaging and
valuing of languaging (Parse 2014 p. 36).
This principle specifies that persons
structure, or choose, the meaning of their
realities,, and this choosing happens with
explicit – tacit knowing.
 Configuring rhythmical patterns –
is the revealing concealing and
enabling limiting of connecting
separating. This principle means
that human beings create patterns
in day to day life, and these
patterns tell about personal
meanings and values.
 Cotranscending with possibles –
is the powering and originating of
transforming. The meaning of this
principle is that persons
continuously change and unfold
in life as they engage with and
choose from infinite possibilities
about how to be, and what
interests or concerns to explore.

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