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By the end of this lesson, SWBAT:

1. Knowledge:
- Get to know the overall format of the IELTS Speaking exam.
- Get to know common types of questions in speaking part 1
2. Skills:
- Practice Speaking by doing a Speaking test (full 3 parts).

- Integrated, mainly communicative

1. Teacher (T): coursebook, lesson plan, powerpoint presentation, projector, handouts.

2. Students (Ss): notebook and pencils.

- Ss might find it hard to give extended answers -> T should give samples and encourage
students to practice more.
- Ss might not be engaged in the lesson constantly, so the teacher needs to design each
activity thoroughly in order to draw Ss’ attention throughout the lesson.
Time Teacher’s and Students’ activities Interaction
10 mins Warm up and Lead in
- T checks Ss’ homework and gives correct answers. T ⬄SSs
- Lead in the new lesson.
75 mins New lesson
15 mins - A. Overall of IELTS Speaking T ⬄SSs
- T introduces general knowledge of a speaking test:
+ Length of the test
+ 3 parts included with particular topics for each part
+ 4 criteria in the band score: fluency and coherence,
lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy,
S⬄ S
- Quick check: T shows questions of general knowledge
of the test, Ss have to guess the answer.
+ Answer key: C B A C B C
B. Speaking part 1
- Introduce common answering types in part 1: listing
detailed ideas, analysing and giving answers, comparing
10 mins
the contrary.
- T asks 2-3 Ss to represent their answers for each
question, then shows sample answers.
C. Further Practice
Exercise 1:
- Ss work in teams of 4, develop ideas according to the
Task Card.
T picks some teams randomly and asks them to
10 mins S⬄S
represent their topic.
T ⬄Ss
- When one team comes to the board, the other teams
will focus on the speech, look for errors and give
+ one team focuses on Grammar
+ one team focuses on Pronunciation T ⬄Ss
+ one team focuses on Vocab and Fluency
Exercise 2:
- Ss work in teams of 4, develop ideas according to the
Task Card.
T picks some teams randomly and asks them to
represent their topic.
- When one team comes to the board, the other teams
will focus on the speech, look for errors and give
+ one team focuses on Grammar
+ one team focuses on Pronunciation
10 mins
+ one team focuses on Vocab and Fluency
Exercise 3:
- Ss work in teams of 4, develop ideas according to the
Task Card.
T picks some teams randomly and asks them to
represent their topic.
- When one team comes to the board, the other teams
will focus on the speech, look for errors and give
+ one team focuses on Grammar
+ one team focuses on Pronunciation
+ one team focuses on Vocab and Fluency
10 mins
Exercise 4:
- Ss work in teams of 4, develop ideas according to the
Task Card.
T picks some teams randomly and asks them to
represent their topic.
- When one team comes to the board, the other teams
will focus on the speech, look for errors and give
+ one team focuses on Grammar
+ one team focuses on Pronunciation
+ one team focuses on Vocab and Fluency
Exercise 5:
- Ss work in teams of 4, develop ideas according to the
Task Card.
T picks some teams randomly and asks them to
represent their topic.
10 mins
- When one team comes to the board, the other teams
will focus on the speech, look for errors and give
+ one team focuses on Grammar
+ one team focuses on Pronunciation
+ one team focuses on Vocab and Fluency

10 mins
3 mins Lesson summary T ⬄ Ss
- Q&A (if any)
- T asks Ss how they feel about the test and the difficulties
they encounter when giving answers.
2 mins Homework T ⬄ Ss
- IELTS Speaking Part 1
- Individual task.

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