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Ban orn 1b Swamy & Ravi CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 537, Fist Floor, N.S.R. Road, Saibaba Colony, Colmbatore - 641 O11. ev Ph : 0422 - 2446537, 4384536 Ret. No. Date. * ANNEXURE Vill To, ‘The Board of Directors, ‘Salzer Electronics Limited, Ssurichettiosiayarn, Coimbatore ~ 641 047 We, tne statutory auuliors of Selzer Electronics Limited (heteinafter refered to as “the Company’), have exaimined the proposed accounting treatment specifed in clause 5 to 8 of the Draft Schome of Arrongement tor Ameigamation between Salzer hagct Wires Lid and Salzer Electronics Ltd in terms of the provisions of section(s) 391 ~ 285 of the Companies Act, 1955 / 280 ~ 240 of the Companies Act, 2013 with reference ‘0 its compliance with the spplicablo ‘Accounting Standards notified under the, Companies Act, 1956/ Companies Act, 2013 anc Other Generelly Accepted Accounting Princcles, ‘The responsibilty for the preparation of the Draft Sctieme and tts compilance with the relevant laws andi regulations, including the epalicable Accounting Standards es aforesaid, is that of the Board of Directors. ‘of the Companies involved. Our responsiblity is only to examine and report whether the Draft Scher Complies with the applicable Accounting Standards and Other Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Nothing contained in this Certificate, nor anything said or done in the course of, or in connection with the setvides that ate subject to this Certificate, will extend any duty of care that we may have in our capacity of the statutory aualtors of any financial statements of the Company. We carried out our exarnination in accordance with the Guidance Note on Reports or Certificates for Special Purposes, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Based on our examination and accorsing to the information and explanations given to us, we confirm that the accounting treatment contained in the aforesald scheme is in compliance with SEB! (Listing Obigat ons and Bisciosure Requirements} Regulations, 2015 anc circulars issued there uncer and all the applicable Accounting Slandards noted by the Cenlval Government vader the Companies Act, 1956/ Companies Act, 2083. and the ules framed there under This Certiticate is Issued at the request of the Saizer Electronics Limited pursuant to the requirements of Gireulars issued under SEBI (Listing Obiigations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20%5 for ‘onward submission to the BSE Lid & NSE Lid, This Cerlifeate should not be used for any other purpose without our prior writen consent For Swamy & Ravi Chartered Accountants ogi ete 0043178 fe we SATAWELU Designation: PARTNER Membership Number. 223555 me ae Branch Flt No, 104, Shalom Apartment, 40 - Davis Road, Richards Town, Bangalore ~ 560004 O80 ~ 41657514, Mob : 96526 11477 “405-0, Kasur Dhama Apartment, Mtv Cress, 6th Mala, Maleswaran, Rangalore - 560 003. OBO ~ 23341957

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