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Project Study Report

Training Undertaken at

Jamu Automobiles Pvt. Ltd., Sikar


“Study of Customer Awareness and Satisfaction in

Maruti Suzuki Dealership.”

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

Award of degree of
Master of Business Administration

Submitted By: - Submitted To:-

Faishal joad Mr. Anchal kumar

MBA 3RD SEM (Lecturer)


Department of Management Studies,

Sobhasaria Engineering College, Sikar (Raj.)


The Summer Training of a management student plays an important role to develop him as
a well, groomed professional. It is a golden opportunity for him to give the theoretical
concepts a practical shape in the field of application. It gives him an idea of dynamic and
versatile professional world as well as an exposure to the intricacies and complexities of
corporate world.

This project has been prepared in the fulfillment of the degree of Master of Business
Administration (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota). I have tried my best to present the
MARUTI SUZUKI DEALERSHIP.” under the able guidance of Mr. PRAMOD MAUKA
(GENERAL MANAGER) Of Jamu Automobiles Pvt. Ltd, Sikar. and my faculties of
Shobhasaria Engineering College, Sikar.


I express my sincere thanks to my project guide, Mr. Pramod Mauka, General Manager,
Jamu Automobiles Pvt. Ltd., Sikar, for guiding me right from the inception till the successful
completion of the project. I sincerely acknowledge them for extending their valuable
guidance, support for literature, critical reviews of project and the report and above all the
moral support he had provided to me with all stages of this project.
I would also like to thank the supporting staff of M.B.A. Dept. and Mr. Anchal kumar for
their help and cooperation throughout our project.

Faishal joad


I have done my project on the study of “Customer Awareness and Satisfaction in MARUTI
SUZUKI DEALERSHIP.” in the duration of one and half month.
The summer training of a management student plays an important role to develop him into
a well-groomed professional. It gives the critical concept a practical shape in a field of
application. It gives an idea of dynamic & versatile professional world as well as exposure
to the intricacies & complexities of corporate world.
My summer training for one and half month in JAMU AUTOMOBAILES Pvt.Ltd, Sikar was a
learning experience to see how the company provides its products & services to its existing
& potential customer & consistently keep an eye on its customer service quality in order to
thoroughly work upon attaining the customer satisfaction & maintaining long term customer
commitment and relationship.
In last one and half month of exposure I learnt a lot on various aspect of organizational
structure, department, customer services, communication & their impact.
It was real interesting experience & enjoyed every part of it. Implementation of the
suggestions & finding via surveys which are feasible at a very rapid speed is a major
highlight of this project.
At present, car penetration in India is about 7 cars per 1000 people, which is even less than
some of our neighboring countries. There is also a large population of two wheeler owners,
who would naturally upgrade to an entry-level car. Therefore there is large latent demand
for passenger cars waiting to be tapped. The compact cars will continue to dominate the
passenger car industry in India
In the study of project I observed that the maruti provide the better product & services to the
customer and fulfills the need of the customer .


1. Introduction to the Industry

2. Introduction to the organization
3. Introduction to the topic

4. Research Methodology
4.1. Title of the study
4.2. Duration of the project
4.3. Objective of study
4.4. Type of Research
4.5. Sample size and method of selecting sample
4.6. Scope of study
4.7. Limitation of study

5. Facts and Findings

6. Analysis and interpretation
8. Conclusion
9. Recommendation and suggestions



The birth of the car as we know it today occurred over a period of years. It was only in 1885
that the first real car rolled down on to the streets. The earlier attempts, though successful,
were steam powered road-vehicles.
The first self-propelled car was built by Nicolas Cugnot in 1769 which could attain speeds of
upto 6 kms/hour. In 1771 he again designed another steam-driven engine which ran so fast
that it rammed into a wall, recording the world’s first accident.
In 1807 Francois Isaac de Rivaz designed the first internal combustion engine. This was
subsequently used by him to develop the world’s first vehicle to run on such an engine, one
that used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to generate energy.
This spawned the birth of a number of designs based on the internal combustion engine in
the early nineteenth century with little or no degree of commercial success. In 1860
thereafter, Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir built the first successful two-stroke gas driven
engine. In 1862 he again built an experimental vehicle driven by his gas-engine, which ran
at a speed of 3 kms/hour. These cars became popular and by 1865 could be frequently
espied on the roads.
The next major leap forward occurred in 1885 when the four stroke engine was devised.
Gottileb Damlier and Nicolas Otto worked together on the mission till they fell apart. Daimler
created his own engines which he used both for cars and for the first four wheel horseless
carriage. In the meanwhile, unknown to them, Karl Benz, was in the process of creating his
own advanced tri-cycle which proved to be the first true car. This car first saw the light of
the day in 1886.
The season of experiments continued across the seas in the United States where Henry
Ford began work on a horseless carriage in 1890. He went several steps forward and in
1896, completed his first car, the Quadricycle in 1896. This was an automobile powered by
a two cylinder gasoline engine. The Ford Motor Company was launched in 1903 and in
1908 he catapulted his vehicle, Model T Ford to the pinnacle of fame. Continuing with his
innovations, he produced this model on a moving assembly line, thus introducing the
modern mass production techniques of the automobile industry.

With the invention of the wheel in 4000 BC, man’s journey on the road of mechanized
transport had begun. Since then he continually sought to devise an automated, labor saving
machine to replace the horse. Innumerable attempts reached conclusion in the early 1760s
with the building of the first steam driven tractor by a French Captain, Nicolas Jacob
It was however left to Karl Benz and Gottlieb Damlier to produce the first vehicles powered
by the internal combustion engine in 1885. It was then that the petrol engine was
introduced, which made the car a practical and safe proposition. The cars in this period
were more like the cars on our roads today. With cars came the era of speed.
The first ever land-speed record was established about a 100 years back, in 1898. Count
Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat of France drove an electric car (in Acheres near Paris) at a
speed of 39.24 miles per hour. This flagged off the era of ‘wheels racing’, which lasted till
1964, after which jet and rocket -propelled vehicles were allowed.
Then onwards, it has been one big journey...on the roads.


A behind- the- scenes look into the making of one of India's most vibrant industries. The
landmarks along the way...
1928- The first imported car was seen on Indian roads
1942- Hindustan Motors incorporated
1944- Premier automobiles started
1948- First car manufactured in India
1953- The Government of India decreed that only those firms which have a manufacturing
program should be allowed to operate.
1955- Only seven firms, namely, HM, API, ALL, SMPIL, PAL, M& M and TELCO received
1960 - 1970 - The two, three wheeler industry established a foothold in the Indian scenario.

1970 - 1980 - Not much change was witnessed during this period. The major factors
affecting the industry were the implementation of the MRTP Act (Monopolies and Trade
Restrictive Practices Act), FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act) and the Oil Shock of
1973 and 1979.
1980 - 1990 - The first phase of liberalization was announced by the Govt. -With the
liberalization of the Government's protectionist policies, the advantages hitherto enjoyed by
the Indian car manufacturers like monopoly, oligopoly, slowly began to disappear.
This period is also marked by the entry of a large number of firms in the market. 4
Japanese manufacturers entered the Commercial Vehicle and Two- Wheeler market.
The Government agreed to the demand for allowing foreign collaboration in the automobile
The industry witnessed a resurgence due to major policy changes like relaxation in MRTP
and FERA, delicensing of some ancillary products, broad banding of the products and
modification in the licensing policy. Also, the concessions it gave to the private sector and
the new foreign collaboration policy, all resulted in higher growth and better performance of
the industry than in the earlier decades.
The Government of India tied up with Suzuki Inc. of Japan which produced India's most
successful car- the Maruti.
1991 - Under the Govt.'s new National Industrial Policy, the license raj was dispensed with,
and the automobile industries were allowed to expand freely.
1993 - With the winds of liberalization sweeping the Indian car market, many multinationals
like Daewoo, Peugeot, general Motors, Mercedes-Benz and Fiat came into the Indian car
1997 - The National Highway Policy was announced which will hopefully have a positive
impact on the automobile industry. The Government also laid down the emission standards
to be met by car manufacturers in India in the coming millennium. There were two
successively stringent emission levels to be met by April 2000 and April 2005, respectively.
These norms were benchmarked on the basis of those already adopted in Europe, hence
the names Euro I (equivalent to India 2000) and the Indian equivalent of Euro II.
1999 - The Hon’ble Supreme Court passed an order directing all car manufacturers to
comply with Euro I emission norms (India 2000 norms) by the 1st of May, 1999 in National
Capital Region(NCR) of Delhi. The deadline was later extended to 1st June, 1999.

During the 1920s, cars exhibited design refinements such as balloon
tires, pressed-steel wheels, and four-wheel brakes.

The origin of automobile is not certain. In this section of automobile history, we will only
discuss about the phases of automobile in the development and modernisation process
since the first car was shipped to India. We will start automotive history from this point of
The automobile industry has changed the way people live and work. The earliest of modern
cars was manufactured in the year 1895. Shortly the first appearance of the car followed in
India. As the century truned, three cars were imported in Mumbai (India). Within decade
there were total of 1025 cars in the city.
The dawn of automobile actually goes back to 4000 years when the first wheel was used for
transportation in India. In the beginning of 15th century Portuguese arrived in China and the
interaction of the two cultures led to a variety of new technologies, including the creation of
a wheel that turned under its own power. By 1600s small steam-powered engine models
was developed, but it took another century before a full-sized engine-powered vehicle was
The actual horseless carriage was introduced in the year 1893 by brothers Charles and
Frank Duryea. It was the first internal-combustion motor car of America, and it was followed
by Henry Ford's first experimental car that same year.
One of the highest-rated early luxury automobiles was the 1909 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost
that featured a quiet 6-cylinder engine, leather interior, folding windscreens and hood, and
an aluminum body. It was usually driven by chauffeurs and emphasis was on comfort and
style rather than speed.
During the 1920s, the cars exhibited design refinements such as balloon tires, pressed-
steel wheels, and four-wheel brakes. Graham Paige DC Phaeton of 1929 featured an 8-
cylinder engine and an aluminum body.

The 1937 Pontiac De Luxe sedan had roomy interior and rear-hinged back door that suited
more to the needs of families. In 1930s, vehicles were less boxy and more streamlined than
their predecessors. The 1940s saw features like automatic transmission, sealed-beam
headlights, and tubeless tires.
The year 1957 brought powerful high-performance cars such as Mercedes-Benz 300SL. It
was built on compact and stylized lines, and was capable of 230 kHz (144 mph).
This was the Indian automobile history, and today modern cars are generally light,
aerodynamically shaped, and compact.

India is the second-biggest market for small cars after Japan. It accounts
for 60% of the domestic market.

• India represents one of the largest two-wheeler markets in the world, with an
estimated size of 5.4 million units a year.
• India is the two-wheeler capital of Asia with an average of 27 two-wheelers per
thousand people, compared to China's 8 two-wheelers per thousand people.
• India became the fastest growing car market in the world in 2004, growth rate of 20%

• India is being recognized as potential emerging auto market.
• Foreign players are adding to their investments in Indian auto industry.
• Passenger vehicles sales crossed the mark of 1 million in 2004-05.
• Automobile industry expert predicts that by 2050 every sixth car in the world will be
for Indians.
• 2/3rd of auto component production is consumed directly by OEMs.

It seems that India has finally arrived in the big league of Asian car markets. Steady and
impressive annual growth rate, presence of international automakers, relaxation of
foreign exchange and equity regulations, reduction of tariffs on imports and few others
are the components of its booming auto market. The country has now come to be
recognized as a potential emerging auto market. The perception of foreign investors
has changed, everybody wanting to be here.
For the first time, in the financial year end in 2005, the total sales of passenger vehicles -
cars, utility vehicles and multi-utility vehicles - crossed the one-million mark to touch
1.06 million, with exports of 166,000 vehicles. Study says that by 2010 India will take
over Germany in sales volumes and Japan by 2012. And by 2050, Indians will buy
every sixth car produced in the world.
Apart from serving the domestic market, the auto sector has turned as a sourcing base for
the global auto majors. The auto component market is also in its full swing. As per the
research of RNCOS, one of the leading industry firms, the Indian automobile
component industry is estimated to triple from USD 63 billion to USD 190 billion within
a span of six years by 2012.


From the singsong rhythm of the bullock cart to the jet-age, India has traveled a long way.
An average Indian’s dream car may not be the design-savvy Honda or the stately
limousine, but he sure can dream, and afford, the Maruti now.
It was in 1898 that the first motorcar rode down India’s roads. From then till the First World
War, about 4,000 cars were directly imported to India from foreign manufacturers. The
growing demand for these cars established the inherent requirements of the Indian market
that these merchants were quick to pounce upon.
The Hindustan Motors (HM) was set up in 1942 and in 1944, Premier Autobackmobile
(PAL) was established to manufacture automobiles in India. However, it was PAL who
produced the first car in India in 1946, as HM concentrated on auto components and could
produce their first car only in 1949.

It was left to another company, Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) to manufacture sturdier
utility vehicles, namely the American Jeep.
In the 50s, the Government of India granted approval to only 7 car dealers to operate in
India - HM, API, ALL, SMPIL, PAL, M&M and Telco.
The protectionist policies continued to remain in place. The 60s witnessed the
establishment of the two-three wheeler industry in India and in the 70s, things remained
much the same.
Since the 80s, the Indian car Industry has seen a major resurgence with the opening up of
Indian shores to foreign manufacturers and collaborators.
The 90s have become the melting point for the car industry in India. The consumer is king.
He is being constantly wooed by both the Indian and foreign manufacturers. Though sales
had taken a dip in the first few months of 1999, it is back to boom time. New models like
Maruti’s Classic, Alto, Station Wagon, Ford’s Ikon, the new look Mitsubishi Lancer are all
being launched with an eye on the emerging market.
In these last years of the millennium, suffice it is to say that Indian cars will only grow from
strength to strength.


A well developed transport network indicates a well developed economy. For rapid
development a well-developed and well-knit transportation system is essential. As India's
transport network is developing at a fast pace, Indian Automobile Industry is growing too.
Also, the Automobile industry has strong backward and forward linkages and hence
provides employment to a large section of the population. Thus the role of Automobile
Industry cannot be overlooked in Indian Economy. All kinds of vehicles are produced by the
Automobile Industry. India Automobile Industry includes the manufacture of trucks, buses,
passenger cars, defense vehicles, two-wheelers, etc. The industry can be broadly divided
into the Car manufacturing, two-wheeler manufacturing and heavy vehicle manufacturing
The major Car manufacturer are Hindustan Motors, Maruti Udyog, Fiat India Private Ltd.,
Ford India Ltd ., General Motors India Pvt. Ltd., Honda Siel Cars India Ltd.,Hyundai Motors
India Ltd., Skoda India Private Ltd., Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd., to name a few.

The two-wheeler manufacturing is dominated by companies like TVS, Honda Motorcycle &
Scooter India (Pvt.) Ltd., Hero Honda, Yamaha, Bajaj, etc. The heavy motors like buses,
trucks, defense vehicles, auto rickshaws and other multi-utility vehicles are manufactured
by Tata-Telco, Ashok Leyland, Eicher Motors, Bajaj, Mahindra and Mahindra, etc.


Estimated turnover USD 12 billlion, plus components revenue USD 3 billion, this is the
vastness of Indian automobile industry. Industry analysts predict this industry to touch USD
13000 million mark by 2010, a cumulative growth of 9.5% annually. It is said that for every
Re 1 spent, the auto sector returns Rs. 2.24 to the Indian economy.


• Maruti 800, Alto, Omni

Under Rs. 3 Lakhs
• Reva
• Ambassador
• Fiat Palio
• Hyundai Santro, Getz
• Chevrolet Opel Corsa
Rs. 3-5 Lakhs
• Maruti Zen, Wagon R, Versa, Esteem, Gypsy
• Ford Icon & Fiesta
• Tata Indica, Indigo
• Mahindra Bolero
• Chevrolet Swing, Optra, Tavera
• Hyundai Accent, Elantra
• Mahindra Scorpio
• Maruti Baleno
Rs. 5-10 Lakhs
• Toyota Corolla, Innova
• Tata Safari
• Mitsubishi Lancer, Lancer Cedia
• Honda City
Rs. 10-15 Lakhs • Ford Mondeo & Endeavour
• Chevrolet Forester

• Skoda Octavia Classic & Combi
• Honda Civic & CR-V
• Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara
• Hyundai Sonata Embera, Terracan & Tucson
• Mitsubishi Pajero
• Audi A4
Rs. 15-30 Lakh
• Opel Vectra
• Honda Accord
• Mercedes C Class
• Toyota Camry
• Audi A6, A8 & TT
• BMW X5, 5 Series & 7 Series
Rs. 30-90 Lakhs • Mercedes E Class, S Class, SLK, SL & CLS-Class
• Porsche Boxster, Cayenne, 911 Carrera & Cayman S
• Toyota Prado
• Bentley Arnage, Continental GT & Flying Spur
Above Rs. 1 Crore • Rolls Royce Phantom
• Maybach

The segregation is made on Ex-Showroom price of base models.

The following links will give you the complete picture of Indian Auto Industry:

The first auto vehicle rolled out in India at the end of 19th century.
Today, India is the the 2nd largest tractor and 5th largest commercial
Automobile History vehicle manufacturer in the world. Hero Honda with 1.7M
motorcycles a year is now the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the
On the cost front, OEMs eyeing India in a big way to source products
and components at significant discounts to home market. On the
Industry Investment
revenue side, OEMs are active in the booming passenger car market
in India.
Industry Growth The passenger car and motorcycle segment in Indian auto market is
growing by 8-9 per cent. The two-wheeler segment will clock 11.5%

rise by 2007. Commercial vehicle to grow by 5.2 per cent.
India is the 11th largest Passenger Cars producing countries in the
world and 4th largest in Heavy Trucks. Maruti Udyog Ltd. is the leading
Vehicle Production
4-wheelers manufacturer. Hero Honda is the leading 2-wheelers
Passenger vehicle exports have grown over five times and two-
wheeler exports have reached more than double. Exports of auto
Auto Export
components, whose manufacturing costs are 30-40 per cent lower
than in the West, have grown at 25% a year between 2000 to 2005.
Hero Honda is the largest manufacturer of motorcycles. Hyundai
Motors India is the second largest player in passenger car market.
Auto Companies
Tata Motors is the fifth largest medium & heavy commercial vehicle
manufacturer in the world.
Know about the number of vehicles registered as Transport or Non-
Vehicle Distribution
Transport in the Indian states and Union Territories.
Get all the contact details of Automobile Association of Upper India
(AAUI), Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI),
Automobile Association of Southern India (AASI), Automotive
Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) and more.

Maruti Udyog Ltd. India
Maruti Udyog Ltd


Founded 1981
Headquarters Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Shinzo Nakanishi, Chairman
Key people
Jagdish Khattar, MD
Industry Automotive
Revenue $3.5 billion (2009)
Employees 6,334
Slogan Count on us.

Maruti Udyog Limited is a publicly listed Automaker in India. It is a leading four-wheeler

automobile manufacturer in South Asia. Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan and Indian
organizations jointly hold the company. It was the first company in India to mass-produce
and sell more than a million cars. It is largely credited for having brought in an automobile
revolution to India. It is the market leader in India. On 17 September, 2007, Maruti Udyog
was renamed to Maruti Suzuki India Limited. The company's headquarters remain in
Gurgaon, near New Delhi.

Maruti Udyog Limited (MUL), established in 1981, had a prime objective to meet the
growing demand of a personal mode of transport, which is caused due to lack of efficient

public transport system. The incorporation of the company was through an Act of
Suzuki Motor Company of Japan was chosen from seven other prospective partners
worldwide. Suzuki was due not only to its undisputed leadership in small cars but also to
commitments to actively bring to MUL contemporary technology and Japanese
management practices (that had catapulted Japan over USA to the status of the top auto
manufacturing country in the world).
A licence and a Joint Venture agreement were signed between Government of India and
Suzuki Motor Company (now Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan) in Oct 1982.
The objectives of MUL then are as cited below:
• Modernization of the Indian Automobile Industry.
• Production of fuel-efficient vehicles to conserve scarce resources.
• Production of large number of motor vehicles which was necessary for economic
In 2001, MUL became one of the first automobile companies, globally, to be honoured with
an ISO 9000:2000 certificate. The production/ R&D are spread across 297 acres with 3
fully-integrated production facilities. The MUL plant has already rolled out 4.3 million
vehicles. The fact says that, on an average two vehicles roll out of the factory in every
single minute. The company takes approximately 14 hours to make a car. Not only this, with
range of 11 models in 50 variants, Maruti Suzuki fits every car-buyer's budget and any


The company entered into collaboration with Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan to
manufacture cars. Maruti is the highest volume car manufacturer in Asia, outside Japan and
Korea. Despite there being 11 companies now in the passenger car market in India, Maruti
holds about 60% of the total market share.
Maruti Udyog Limited, the largest Car selling company in India, has many unique Service
advantages for the customers. It has bagged the First Position in JD Power Customer
Satisfaction Index for the consecutive two years. The company has also ranked highest in
the India Sales Satisfaction Study.


Maruti 800 Small
• Maruti 800 STD BS III
• Maruti 800 AC BS III
Omni Small
• 5 seater Maruti Omni
• 8 seater Maruti Omni
• LPG Maruti Omni
Maruti Alto Small
• Alto
• Alto Lx
• Alto Lxi
Maruti Zen Estilo Mid-Size
• Maruti Zen Estilo Lx
• Maruti Zen Estilo Lxi
• Maruti Zen Estilo Vxi
Wagon R Mid-Size
• WagonR Lx
• WagonR Lxi
• WagonR Vxi
• WagonR Ax
• WagonR Duo
Versa Mid-Size
• 5 seater
• 8 seater ( DX & DX2)
Maruti Esteem Mid-Size
• Maruti Esteem Lx
• Maruti Esteem Lxi
• Maruti Esteem Vxi
Baleno Mid-Size
• Baleno Sedan VXi
• Baleno Sedan LXi
Swift Mid-Size
• Swift LXi
• Swift VXi

• Swift ZXi
Maruti Zen Classic Mid-Size
Maruti Gypsy SUV
• Hard top
• Soft top
Maruti SX4 Mid-Size
• Maruti SX4 Vxi
• Maruti SX4 Zxi
Grand Vitara SUV

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd Formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited. The Group's principal
activity is to manufacture, purchase and sale of Motor Vehicles and Spare parts. The Group
is a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation. The other activities of the Group comprises of
facilitation of Pre-Owned Car Sales, Fleet Management and Car Financing.
The Group also provides services like framing of customized car policies, economical
leasing of cars, maintenance management, registration and insurance management,
emergency assistance and accident management. The product range includes ten basic
models with more than 50 variants. The Group has operations in over 312 cities with more
than 500 outlets and also exports cars to other countries
December 1983 heralded a revolution in the Indian car industry. Maruti collaborated with
Suzuki of Japan to produce the first affordable car for the average Indian. At this time, the
Indian car market had stagnated at a volume of 30,000 to 40,000 cars for the decade
ending 1983. This was from where Maruti took over.
The sales figure for the year 1993 reached up to 1, 96,820. The company reached a total
production of one million vehicles in March 1994 becoming the first Indian Company to
cross this milestone. It crossed the two million mark in 1997.
India's largest automobile company, Maruti entered the Indian car market with the avowed
aim to provide high quality, fuel - efficient, low - cost vehicles. Its cars operate on Japanese

technology, adapted to Indian conditions and Indian car users. Maruti comes in a variety of
models in the 800 segment.
To fend off growing competition, Maruti has recently completed a Rs. 4 billion expansion
project at the current site, which has increased the total production capacity to over
3,20,000 vehicles per annum. It has further plans to modernize the existing facilities and to
expand its capacity by 1, 00,000 units in the year 1998-99. The total production of the
company will exceed 4, 00,000 vehicles per year.
In the small car segment it produces the Maruti 800 and the Zen.
The big car segment includes the Maruti Esteem and the Maruti 1000.
It also manufactures the Maruti Omni.
The latest addition to the Maruti stable is the Classic, billed as the car that will
lead the way to the next millennium. Other models on their way include
the Wagon R and the Baleno.

First Customer

Mr. Harpal Singh, Maruti’s first customer, proudly received the keys of the Maruti 800 car
from the Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi on December 14, 1983.

Car Market Scenario

When Maruti began operations in 1983, there were only two other car companies in India
and the total size of the Indian passenger car market was a measly 40,000 units per year.
From the start, Maruti caught the imagination of Indian car customers and launched four
new models, including a hatchback, a mini multipurpose van, an entry sedan and a SUV,
over the next decade. Each of these models was an instant draw with the Indian
consumers. Suzuki Motor Corporation increased its stake on two occasions (26>> 40 >> 50
>> controlling stake and brought it to 50 per cent in the mid 1990s (and to 54% with
privatization in 2002).
Maruti Suzuki Today
More than half the cars sold in India are Maruti cars. The company is a subsidiary of Suzuki
Motor Corporation, Japan, which owns 54.2 per cent of Maruti. The rest is owned by the
public and financial institutions. We are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National
Stock Exchange in India.
During 2006-07, Maruti Suzuki sold about 675,000 cars, of which 39,000 were exported. In
all, over six million Maruti cars are on Indian roads since the first car was rolled out on
December 14, 1983.
Maruti Suzuki offers 10 models, ranging from the people’s car, Maruti 800, for less than Rs
200,000 ($ 5000) ex-showroom to the premium sedan SX 4 and luxury SUV, Grand Vitara.
Suzuki Motor Corporation, the parent company, is a global leader in mini and compact cars
for three decades. Suzuki’s technical superiority lies in its ability to pack power and
performance into a compact, lightweight engine that is clean and fuel efficient.
Maruti is clearly an “employer of choice” for automotive engineers and young managers
from across the country. Nearly 75,000 people are employed directly by Maruti and its
The company vouches for customer satisfaction. For its sincere efforts it has been rated (by
customers) first in customer satisfaction among all car makers in India for seven years in a
row in annual survey by J D Power Asia Pacific.
Maruti Suzuki was born as a government company, with Suzuki as a minor partner, to make
a people’s car for middle class India. Over the years, the product range has widened,
ownership has changed hands and the customer has evolved. What remains unch
Partner for the Joint Venture
Pressure started mounting on Indira and Sanjay Gandhi to share the details of the progress
on the Maruti Project. Since country's resources were made available by mother to her
son's pet project. A delegation of Indian technocrats was assigned to hunt a collaborator for
the project. Initial rounds of discussion were held with the giants of the automobile industry
in Japan including Toyota, Nissan and Honda. Suzuki Motor Corporation was at that time a
small player in the four wheeler automobile sector and had major share in the two wheeler
segment. Suzuki's bid was considered negligible.
In the initial rounds of discussion the giants had their bosses present and in the later rounds
related to the technical discussions executives of these automobile giants were present.
Osamu Suzuki, Chairman and CEO of the company ensured that he was present in all the
rounds of discussion. Osamu in an article writes that it subtly massaged their (Indian
delegation) egos and also convinced them about the sincerity of Suzuki's bid. In the initial days
Suzuki took all steps to ensure the government about its sincerity on the project. Suzuki in
return received a lot of help from the government in such matters as import clearances for
manufacturing equipment (against the wishes of the Indian machine tool industry then and its
own socialistic ideology), land purchase at government prices for setting up the factory
Gurgaon and reduced or removal of excise tariffs.

Joint Venture Related Issues

An aerial view of the Gurgaon Facility

Relationship between the Government of India, under the United Front (India) coalition and
Suzuki Motor Corporation over the joint venture was a point of heated debate in the Indian
media till Suzuki Motor Corporation gained the controlling stake. This highly profitable joint
venture that had a near monopolistic trade in the Indian automobile market and the nature
of the partnership built up till then was the underlying reason for most issues. The success
of the joint venture led Suzuki to increase its equity from 26% to 40% in 1987, and further to
50% in 1992. In 1982 both the venture partners had entered into an agreement to nominate
their candidate for the post of Managing Director and every Managing Director will have a
tenure of five years
Initially R.C.Bhargava, was the managing director of the company since the inception of the
joint venture. Till today he is regarded as instrumental for the success of Maruti Udoyog.
Joining in 1982 he held several key positions in the company before heading the company
as Managing Director. Currently he is on the Board of Directors. After completing his five
year tenure, Mr. Bhargava later assumed the office of Part-Time Chairman. The
Government nominated Mr. S.S.L.N. Bhaskarudu as the Manging Director on August 27,
1997. Mr. Bhaskarudu had joined Maruti in 1983 after spending 21 years in the Public
sector undertaking Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited as General Manager. Later in 1987 he
was promoted as Chief General Manager, 1998 as Director, Productions and Projects,
1989 Director, Materials and in 1993 as Joint Managing Director.
The Suzuki Motor Corporation didn't attend the Annual General Meeting of the Board with
the reason of it being called on a short notice. Later Suzuki Motor Corporation went on
record to state that Mr. Bhaskarudu was "incompetent" and wanted some one else.
However the Ministry of Industries, Government of India refuted the charges. Media stated
from the Maruti sources that Bhaskarudu was interested to indigenise most of components
for the models including gear boxes especially for Maruti 800. Suzuki also felt that
Bhaskarudu was a proxy for the Government and would not let it increase its stake in the
venture. If Maruti would have been able to indigenise gear boxes then Maruti would have
been able to manufacture all the models without the technical assistance from Suzuki. Till
today the issue of localization of gear boxes is highlighted in the press.
The relation strained when Suzuki Motor Corporation moved to Delhi High Court to bring a
stay order against the appointment of Mr. Bhaskarudu.The issue was resolved in an out-of-
court settlement and both the parties agreed that R S S L N Bhaskarudu would serve up to
December 31, 1999, and from January 1, 2000, Jagdish Khattar, Executive Director of
Maruti Udyog Limited would assume charges as the Managing Director. Many politicians
believed, and had stated in parliament that the Suzuki Motor Corporation is unwilling to
localize manufacturing and reduce imports. This remains true, even today the gear boxes
are still imported from Japan and are assembled at the Gurgaon facility anged, then and
now, is Maruti’s mission to motorise India.

Industrial relations
For most of its history, Maruti Udyog had relatively few problems with its labour force. Its
emphasis of a Japanese work culture and the modern manufacturing process, first
instituted in Japan in the 1970s, was accepted by the workforce of the company without any
difficulty. But with the change in management in 1997, when it became predominantly
government controlled for a while, and the conflict between the United Front Government
and Suzuki may have been the cause of unrest among employees. A major row broke out
in September 2000 when employees of Maruti Udyog Ltd (MUL) went on an indefinite
strike, demanding among other things, revision of the incentive scheme offered and
implementation of a pension scheme. Employees struck work for six hours in October 2000,
irked over the suspension of nine employees, going on a six-hour tools-down strike at its
Gurgaon plant, demanding revision of the incentive-linked pay and threatened to fast to
death if the suspended employees were not reinstated. About this time, the NDA
government, following a disinvestments policy, proposed to sell part of its stake in Maruti in
a public offering. The Staff union opposed this sell-off plan on the grounds that the
company will lose a major business advantage of being subsidised by the Government.
The standoff with the management continued to December with a proposal by the
management to end the two-month long agitation rejected with a demand for reinstatement
of 92 dismissed workers, with four MUL employees going on a fast-unto-death. In
December the company's shareholders met in New Delhi in an AGM that lasted 30 minutes.
At the same time around 1500 plant workers from the MUL's Gurgaon facility were agitating
outside the company's corporate office demanding commencement of production linked
incentives, a better pension scheme and other benefits. The management has refused to
pass on the benefits citing increased competition and lower margins.

Services Offered
Sales of automobiles

The largest selling car from Maruti's stable, Maruti 800

In the order they were launched:
1Maruti 800: Launched 1983. Largest selling car in India, until 2004.
2Maruti Omni: Launched 1984.
3Maruti Gypsy: Launched 1985.
4Maruti 1000: Launched 1990
5Maruti Zen: Launched 1993 with a facelift in 2003.Production ended in 2006.
6Maruti Esteem:Launched 1994
7Maruti Wagon-R:Launched 1999 Modified 2006
8Maruti Baleno:Launched 1999. Production ended late 2006/early 2007.
9Maruti Alto:Launched 2000. Currently the largest selling car in India
10Maruti Grand Vitara:Launched 2003
11Maruti Grand Vitara XL-7
12Maruti Versa: Launched 2004
13Maruti Swift: Launched 2005
14Maruti Zen Estilo Launched in 2006
15Maruti Swift Diesel Launched in 2007
16Maruti Suzuki SX4 Launched in May 2007
17Maruti Grand Vitara Sports Utility Vehicle Launched in July 2007


Maruti is one of the companies in India which has unparalleled service network. To ensure
the vehicles sold by them are serviced properly Maruti had 1545 listed Authorized service
stations and 30 Express Service Stations on 30 highways across India.
Service is a major revenue generator of the company. Most of the service stations are
managed on franchise basis, where Maruti trains the local staff. Other automobile
companies have not been able to match this benchmark set by Maruti. The Express Service
stations help many stranded vehicles on the highways by sending across their repair man
to the vehicle.

Launched in 2002 Maruti provides vehicle insurance to its customers with the help of the
National Insurance Company, Bajaj Allianz, New India Assurance and Royal Sundaram.
The service was set up the company with the inception of two subsidiaries Maruti Insurance
Distributors Services Pvt. Ltd and Maruti Insurance Brokers Pvt. Limited
This service started as a benefit or value addition to customers and was able to ramp up
easily. By December 2005 they were able to sell more than two million insurance policies
since its inception.

To promote its bottom line growth, Maruti launched Maruti Finance in January 2002. Prior to
the start of this service Maruti had started two joint ventures Citicorp Maruti and Maruti
Countrywide with Citi Group and GE Countrywide respectively to assist its client in securing
loan. Maruti tied up with ABN Amro Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Limited, Kotak Mahindra,
Standard Chartered Bank, and Sundaram to start this venture including its strategic
partners in car finance. Again the company entered into a strategic partnership with SBI in
March 2003 Since March 2003, Maruti has sold over 12,000 vehicles through SBI-Maruti
Finance. SBI-Maruti Finance is currently available in 166 cities across India.
"Maruti Finance marks the coming together of the biggest players in the car finance
business. They are the benchmarks in quality and efficiency. Combined with Maruti

volumes and networked dealerships, this will enable Maruti Finance to offer superior
service and competitive rates in the marketplace".
— Jagdish Khattar, Managing director of Maruti Udyog Limited in a press conference
announcing the launch of Maruti Finance on January 7, 2002
Citicorp Maruti Finance Limited is a joint venture between Citicorp Finance India and Maruti
Udyog Limited its primary business stated by the company is "hire-purchase financing of
Maruti vehicles". Citi Finance India Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citibank
Overseas Investment Corporation, Delaware, which in turn is a 100% wholly owned
subsidiary of Citibank N.A. Citi Finance India Limited holds 74% of the stake and Maruti
Udyog holds the remaining 26%. GE Capital, HDFC and Maruti Udyog Limited came
together in 1995 to form Maruti Countrywide. Maruti claims that its finance program offers
most competitive interest rates to its customers, which are lower by 0.25% to 0.5% from the
market rates.
Maruti True Value is a service offered by Maruti Udyog to its customers. It is a market place
for used Maruti Vehicles. One can buy, sell or exchange used Maruti vehicles with the help
of this service in India.


N2N is the short form of End to End Fleet Management and provides lease and fleet
management solution to corporates. Its impressive list of clients who have signed up of this
service include Gas Authority of India Ltd, DuPont, Reckitt Benckiser, Sona Steering,
Doordarshan, Singer India, National Stock Exchange and Transworld. This fleet
management service include end-to-end solutions across the vehicle's life, which includes
Leasing, Maintenance, Convenience services and Remarketing.

Many of the auto component companies other than Maruti Udyog started to offer
components and accessories that were compatible. This caused a serious threat and loss
of revenue to Maruti. Maruti started a new initiative under the brand name Maruti Genuine
Accessories to offer accessories like alloy wheels, body cover, carpets, door visors, fog
lamps, stereo systems, seat covers and other car care products. These products are sold
through dealer outlets and authorized service stations throughout India.

As part of its corporate social responsibility Maruti Udyog launched the Maruti Driving
School in Delhi. Later the services were extended to other cities of India as well. These
schools are modelled on international standards, where learners go through classroom and
practical sessions. Many international practices like road behaviour and attitudes are also
taught in these schools. Before driving actual vehicles participants are trained on
"We are very concerned about mounting deaths on Indian roads. These can be brought
down if government, industry and the voluntary sector work together in an integrated
manner. But we felt that Maruti should first do something in this regard and hence this
initiative of Maruti Driving Schools."
— Jagdish Khattar, at the launch ceremony of Maruti Driving School, Bangalore

Maruti Exports Limited is the subsidiary of Maruti Udyog Limited with its major focus on
exports and it does not operate in the domestic Indian market. The first commercial
consignment of 480 cars were sent to Hungary. By sending a consignment of 571 cars to
the same country Maruti crossed the benchmark of 3,00,000 cars. Since its inception export
was one of the aspects government was keen to encourage. Every political party expected
Maruti to earn foreign currency.
Angola, Benin, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Europe, Kenya, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Chile,
Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador are some of the markets served by Maruti Exports

Our client Maruti Udyog Limited (MUL) does not need a formal introduction, a subsidiary of
Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, has been the leader of the Indian car market for about
two decades.

To facilitate the corporate sales of MUL cars using the relationship management approach
through Leasing and Fleet Management as two products, MUL launched a service named
N2N Fleet Management Solution.
Through tie ups with other service providers like insurance company, replacement car
service provider, and manpower service provider MUL presented a common face to the end
client with a whole gamut of services.
End-to-end backups/solutions across the vehicle’s life like: Leasing, Maintenance,
Convenience services and Remarketing are some of the key services being offered by
MUL. MUL choose Binary Semantics to provide necessary IT support for their N2N Fleet
Management solution.

MUL needed a complete B-2-B solution, in the form of a common platform, for all the
partners, clients and respective MUL departments. And because this service included
interaction and data exchange between multiple organizations, safety and security of data
became vital - not only with regards to MUL, but also for partners and customers.
Furthermore, stringent performance criteria and deadlines were the other challenges
involved in the project.

After a rigorous requirement and business process analysis, Binary’s Automobile Fleet
Management System came into shape.
The system was based on a modular architecture so that different users [customers,
partners, vendors and MUL] can use the modules as per their requirements. Scalability,
security and flexibility were the key issues kept in mind while designing and developing of
the system.

Binary’s Fleet Management system has provided the company with comprehensive
monitoring capabilities for its fleet of vehicles, including acquisition, maintenance,
insurance, accident, rescue, and remarketing.

The fiftieth lakh car rolls out in April, 2005

Growth in overall sales by 15.8%

New (non A/C) variant of Alto
Alto becomes India's new best selling car
LPG variant of 'Omni Cargo'
Versa 5-seater, a new variant
Baleno LXi, a new variant
Maruti closed the financial year 2003-04 with an
annual sale of 472122 units, the highest ever since
the company began operations 20 years ago
New Suzuki Grand Vitara XL-7
Redesigned and all-new Zen
New upgraded WagonR
Enters into partnership with State Bank of India
Production of 4 millionth vehicles. Listed on BSE
and NSE after a public issue oversubscribed 10

WagonR Pride
Esteem Diesel. All other variants upgraded
Maruti Insurance. Two new subsidiaries started:
Maruti Insurance Distributor Services and Maruti
Insurance Brokers Limited
Alto Spin LXi, with electronic power steering
Special edition of Maruti 800, India’s first colour-
coordinated car
Maruti True value in Mumbai
Maruti Finance in Mumbai with 10 finance
Suzuki Motor Corporation (SMC) increases its stake
in Maruti to 54.2 percent

Zen LXi
Maruti True Value launched in Bangalore and Delhi
Maruti Versa, India’s first luxury MPV
Alto Spin LXi, with electronic power steering
Alto Vxi

Customer information centers launched in
Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai
Launch of versa

First car company in India to launch a Call Center
New Alto
Alturas, a luxury estate car
IDTR (Institute of Driving Training and Research)
launched jointly with the Delhi government to
promote safe driving habits

Maruti 800 EX ( 796cc, hatchback car)
Zen LX (993cc, hatchback car)
Zen VXi (993cc, hatchback car with power steering)
Omni XL ( 796cc, MUV, high roof)
Baleno (1600cc, 3 Box Car)
Wagon R
Launch of Maruti - Suzuki innovative traffic beat in
Delhi and Chennai as social initiatives

Maruti launches website as part of CRM initiatives
Zen D (1527 cc diesel, hatchback car)
Zen VX & Zen VX Automatic
New (Omni & Omni E) (796cc, MUV)
Launch of website as part of CRM initiatives

1998 Esteem (1299cc, 3 box car) LX, VX and AX
New Maruti 800 (796cc,hatchback Car) Standard
and Deluxe
Produced the 2 millionth vehicle since the
commencement of production

Gypsy (E) (970cc, 4WD 8 seater)
Omni (E) (796cc, MUV, 8 seater)
Gypsy King (1298cc, 4WD, off road vehicle)
Zen Automatic (993cc, hatchback car)
Esteem 1.3L (1298 cc, 3 box Car)AX

Launch of 24-hour emergency on-road vehicle service

Esteem 1.3L (1298 cc, 3 box car)VX
With the launch of second plant, installed capacity
reached 200,000 units

Esteem1.3L (1298cc, 3 box car)LX
Produced the 1 millionth vehicle since the
commencement of production

Zen(993cc, hatchback Car), which was later
exported in Europe and elsewhere as the Alto

SMC increases its stake in Maruti to 50 percent

Reaches cumulative indigenization of 65 percent for
all vehicles produced

Maruti 1000(970cc, 3 box), India’s first contemporary

Installed capacity increased to 100,000 units

Exported first lot of 500 cars to Hungary

Maruti 800 ( New Model-796cc, hatchback Car)
Produced 100,000 vehicles (cumulative production)

Launch of Maruti Gypsy (970cc, 4WD off-road

Omni, a 796cc MUV
Installed capacity reached 40,000 units

Maruti 800, a 796 cc hatchback, India’s first
affordable car.
Production was started under JVA

License and JV agreement signed between Maruti
Suzuki India Ltd. And SMC of Japan

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd was incorporated under the
provisions of the Indian Companies Act, 1956

"The Leader in the India Automobile Industry,
Creating customer Delight and Shareholder’s Wealth; A pride of India”


 Customer Obsession.

 Fast, Flexible and First Mover

 Innovation and Creativity

 Networking and Partnership

 Openness and Learning

JD Power CSI: 1st Rank, 7 years in a row 2000 – 2006
JD Power SSI: 1st Rank, 3 years in a row 2004 – 2006
Tops TNS TCS Survey in key segments, 5 years in a row 2002 – 2006
Among Top 5 car companies in the Forbes list of the Worlds Most Reputed
Companies – Nov 06
Features in Business Today’s annual list of “20 companies to look for in 2007” –
Nov 06
The only automobile manufacturer to feature in Business Today’s list of “India’s
Best 10 Marketers – Nov 06 Ranks 1st for Corporate Social Responsibility by
TNS Automotive

Ranks 1st among Automobile companies in the Corporate Image Monitor (CIM)
Study 2005 conducted by AC Nielsen ORG-MARG
Receives a commendation from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MITI)
of Japan – Sept 05
Number one in JD Power SSI for the second consecutive year
Number one in JD Power CSI for the sixth time in a row - the only car to win it
so many times M800, WagonR and Swift topped their segments in the TNS
Total Customer Satisfaction Study
Leadership in the JD Power Initial Quality Study - Alto number one in its
segment for the 2nd time in a row, Esteem number one in its segment for
the 3rd year in a row, Swift number one in the premium compact segment

WagonR and Esteem top their segments in the JD Power APEAL study
Ranks 1st in Auto sector for Corporate Reputation Strength (CSR) study – Feb
05 TNS ranks Maruti 4th in the Corporate Reputation Strength (CSR) study (#1
in Auto sector)-Feb 05
Maruti bagged the "Manufacturer of the year" award from Autocar-CNBC
( 2nd time in a row)-Feb 05
First Indian car manufacturer to reach 5 million vehicles sales
Business World ranks Maruti among top five most respected companies in
India-Oct 04
Maruti ranked among top ten (Rank7) greenest companies in India by
Business Today - Sep '04

Maruti Suzuki was No. 1 in Customer Satisfaction, No. 1 in Sales Satisfaction
No.1 in Product Quality (Esteem and Alto) and No. 1 in Product Appeal
(Esteem and Wagon R)
No. 1 in Total Customer Satisfaction (Maruti 800, Zen and Alto)
Business World ranked us among the country's five most respected companies
Business World ranked us the country's most respected automobile company
Voted Manufacturer of the year by CNBC
Voted one of India's Greenest Companies by Business Today-AC Nielson

Maruti 800, Maruti Zen and Maruti Esteem make it to the top 10 automotive
brands in "Most Trusted Brand survey 2003"
J D Power ranked 3 models of Maruti on top: Wagonr, Zen and Esteem
Maruti 800 and Wagonr top in NFO Total Customer Satisfaction Study 2003.
MUL tops in J D Power CSI (2001) for 4th time in a row

MUL tops in J D Power CSI (2001) for 2nd time in a row: another international

Maruti bags JD Power CSI - 1st rank; unique achievement by market leader
anywhere in the world

MSM launched as model workshop in India; achieves highest CSI rating.
Central Board of Excise & Customs awards Maruti with "Samman Patra", for
contribution to exchequer and being an ideal tax assessee

CII's Business Excellence Award

Maruti wins INSSAN award for "Excellence in Suggestion Scheme"
Awarded the Star Trading House status by Ministry of Commerce

Engineering Exports Promotion Council's award for export performance

Best Canteen award among Haryana Industries as part of employee welfare

Engineering Exports Promotion Council's award for export performance

Engineering Exports Promotion Council's award for export performance


The Quality Advantage
Maruti Suzuki owners experience fewer problems with their vehicles than any other car
manufacturer in India (J.D. Power IQS Study 2004). The Alto was chosen No.1 in the
premium compact car segment and the Esteem in the entry level mid - size car segment
across 9 parameters.
The J.D. Power APEAL Study 2004 proclaimed the Wagon R no. 1 in the premium compact
car segment and the Esteem No.1 in the entry level mid - size car segment. This study
measures owner in terms of design, content, layout and performance of vehicles across 8


Maruti Suzuki has a sales network of 307 state-of -the-art showrooms across 189 cities,
with a workforce of over 6000 trained sales personnel to guide our customers in finding the
right car. Our high sales and customer care standards led us to achieve the No.1
nameplate in the J.D. Power SSI Study 2004.

In the J.D. Power CSI Study 2004, Maruti Suzuki scored the highest across all 7 parameters:
least problems experienced with vehicle serviced, highest service quality, best in-service
experience, best service delivery, best service advisor experience, most user-friendly service
and best service initiation experience.
92% of Maruti Suzuki owners feel that work gets done right the first time during service. The
J.D. Power CSI study 2004 also reveals that 97% of Maruti Suzuki owners would probably
recommend the same make of vehicle, while 90% owners would probably repurchase the
same make of vehicle.


At Maruti Suzuki, you will find all your car related needs met under one roof. Whether it is
easy finance, insurance, fleet management services, exchange- Maruti Suzuki is set to
provide a single-window solution for all your car related needs.


The acquisition cost is unfortunately not the only cost you face when buying a car. Although
a car may be affordable to buy, it may not necessarily be affordable to maintain, as some of
its regularly used spare parts may be priced quite steeply. Not so in the case of a Maruit
Suzuki. It is in the economy segment that the affordability of spares is most competitive,
and it is here where Maruti Suzuki shines.


The highest satisfaction ratings with regard to cost of ownership among all models are all
Maruti Suzuki vehicles: Zen, Wagon R, Esteem, Maruti 800, Alto and Omni.
We are proud to have the lowest cost of operation/km (among petrol vehicles) - the top 5
models are all Maruti Suzuki models: Maruti 800, Alto, Zen, Omni and Wagon R.

More than half the cars sold in India are Maruti cars. The company is a subsidiary of Suzuki
Motor Corporation, Japan, which owns 54.2 per cent of Maruti. The rest is owned by the
public and financial institutions. We are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National
Stock Exchange in India.
During 2006-07, Maruti Suzuki sold about 675,000 cars, of which 39,000 were exported. In
all, over six million Maruti cars are on Indian roads since the first car was rolled out on
December 14, 1983.
Maruti Suzuki offers 10 models, ranging from the people’s car, Maruti 800, for less than Rs
200,000 ($ 5000) ex-showroom to the premium sedan SX 4 and luxury SUV, Grand Vitara.
Suzuki Motor Corporation, the parent company, is a global leader in mini and compact cars
for three decades. Suzuki’s technical superiority lies in its ability to pack power and
performance into a compact, lightweight engine that is clean and fuel efficient.
Maruti is clearly an “employer of choice” for automotive engineers and young managers
from across the country. Nearly 75,000 people are employed directly by Maruti and its
The company vouches for customer satisfaction. For its sincere efforts it has been rated (by
customers) first in customer satisfaction among all car makers in India for seven years in a
row in annual survey by J D Power Asia Pacific.
Maruti Suzuki was born as a government company, with Suzuki as a minor partner, to make
a people’s car for middle class India. Over the years, the product range has widened,
ownership has changed hands and the customer has evolved. What remains unchanged,
then and now, is Maruti’s mission to motorise India.

ISO 9001 :2000
At Maruti, our approach to quality is in keeping with the Japanese practice--"build it into the
product". Technicians themselves inspect the quality of work. Supervisors educate and
instruct technicians to continually improve productivity and quality. The movement of quality
indicators is reviewed in weekly meetings by the top management.
In 2001, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd became one of the first automobile companies anywhere in
the world to get an ISO 9001:2000 certification. AV Belgium, global auditors for
International Organization for Standardization(ISO), certified Maruti after a four day long

audit, covering varied parameters like Customer Focused organization, Leadership,
Involvement of people, Process approach, System approach to Management, Continual
improvement, etc.

In May 1995, Maruti got ISO 9002 certification. The audit for this covered quality
assurance in production, installation, marketing and sales as well as after sales services.
We were also one of the first companies in the world to pioneer ISO 9000 certification for
our dealers.
In October 1993, MUL passed the Conformity Of Production (COP) Audit, which is
based on a European Union Directive. This authenticated our quality systems and testing
facilities for export to Europe.
Our emphasis on total quality has meant that today we are in a position to guide vendors
and dealers in establishing and consolidating their individual quality systems. This
commitment to quality has ensured a consistently satisfying product and world-class sales
and after-sales services.

TS 16949: 2002
A new feather was added recently in Maruti’s cap in the field of quality when the Quality
Management System of its Press Shop & associated functions (collectively termed as Press
Function) got certification for conformance to the requirements of TS16949:2002 standard.
The need for TS certification of Press Function had its genesis in the prestigious project
that Maruti earned for the supply of stamped panels to General Motors India for one of its
forthcoming models.

As a part of Quality system requirements, GM requires all its suppliers to be certified to
either ISO TS 16949 or QS 9000.
These standards address Quality System requirements, which are particularly specific to
the automotive industry and requires an organization to be in compliance with ISO 9000
systems as a basic requirement. However, whereas QS 9000 would become defunct and
cease to exist after Dec 2006, TS 16949 is going to be the standard of the future.
The TS 16949 standard, brought out by ISO in the year 1999, is an extension of the ISO
9001:2000 standard that prescribes Quality management system requirements that are
specifically applicable to the automotive industry.
TS 16949 has gained high popularity and almost all major automobile players across the
globe including GM, Ford, Daimler Chrysler, Nissan, Honda are embracing & promoting it.


Kaizen is based on the concept of making incremental improvements in our products. It
incorporates a series of continuous small and simple improvements, which aim at involving
employees at all levels.
The Suggestion Scheme is based on the same principle. Under this scheme, employees are
encouraged to make suggestions for improvement in any area of our operation. Over 50,000
suggestions are received from employees every year.
Maruti has won the First place in "Excellence in Suggestion Scheme Contest 2003",
which is the 6th consecutive award won in as many years. This contest is organized by
Indian National Suggestion Schemes Association (INSSAN). Since 1998 Maruti has won
this award 10 times.
"Quality Circles" are groups of five to eight members from a particular work area who work
as a team to identify priorities and solve work related problems in the area.
We believe that it is this unwavering commitment to quality that will lead to the further
growth of the organization as competition increases.


Car models Variant #1 Variant #2 Variant #3 Variant #4
AC Metallic AC Non-metallic Std Metallic Std Non-metallic
Maruti 800
Rs 2,16,555 Rs 2,14,079 Rs 1,95,243 Rs 1,92,767
Lxi Metallic Lxi Non-metallic Lx Metallic Std Metallic
Maruti Alto
Rs 2,87,932 Rs 2,84,545 Rs 2,69,404 Rs 2,35,887
VXi Bharat III LXi Bharat III
Maruti Baleno Metallic Metallic
Rs 6,67,791 Rs 5,86,578
Vxi Metallic Lxi Metallic Lx Bharat III
Maruti Esteem
Rs 5,12,073 Rs 4,76,862 Rs 4,46,680
Maruti Grand

Hard Top Non- Soft top Non-

Hard Top Metallic Soft top Metallic
Maruti Gypsy metallic metallic
Rs 5,19,796 Rs 5,00,138
Rs 5,16,907 Rs 4,97,249

LPG metallic 8 seat metallic Cargo metallic Cargo LPG metallic

Maruti Omni
Rs 2,33,750 Rs 2,24,846 Rs 2,17,325 Rs 1,98,246
Maruti Suzuki ZXi Swift VXi (ABS) Swift VXi Swift LXi Swift
Swift Rs 5,03,122 Rs 4,46,832 Rs 4,27,409 Rs 3,99,422
Maruti Swift Swift Diesel VDi Swift Diesel LDi
Diesel Rs 4,95,885 Rs 4,67,898
Maruti Zen Zen Estilo Vxi ABS Zen Estilo Vxi Zen Estilo Lxi Zen Estilo Lx
Estilo Rs 4,00,386 Rs 3,77,285 Rs 3,47,285 Rs 3,18,404
DX2 Metallic DX2 Non Metallic DX Metallic Std Metallic
Maruti Versa
Rs 4,73,844 Rs 4,70,213 Rs 4,35,732 Rs 3,62,517
Maruti Automatic Metallic VXi ABS Metallic VXi Metallic LXi Metallic

WagonR Rs 4,49,532 Rs 4,07,874 Rs 3,77,876 Rs 3,54,390
All prices are approximate (please check with your dealer) ex Gurgaon as on 9th February,

Production Milestones

1st vehicle produced, December 1983

1,00,000 vehicles produced by August, 1986

5,00,000 vehicles produced by June, 1990

10,00,000 vehicles produced by March, 1994

15,00,000 vehicles produced by April, 1996

20,00,000 vehicles produced by October, 1997

25,00,000 vehicles produced by March, 1999

30,00,000 vehicles produced by June, 2000

35,00,000 vehicles produced by December 2001

40,00,000 vehicles produced by April, 2003

45,00,000 vehicles produced by April, 2004



What is a Customer ?

In general terms, a customer is a person or organization that a marketer believes will

benefit from the goods and services offered by the marketer’s organization. As this
definition suggests, a customer is not necessarily someone who is currently purchasing
from the marketer. In fact, customers may fall into one of three customer groups:

• Existing Customers – Consists of customers who have purchased or

otherwise used an organization’s goods or services, typically within a designated
period of time. For some organizations the time frame may be short, for instance, a
coffee shop may only consider someone to be an Existing Customer if they have
purchased within the last three months. Other organizations may view someone as
an Existing Customer even though they have not purchased in the last few years
(e.g., television manufacturer). Existing Customers are by far the most important of
the three customer groups since they have a current relationship with a company
and, consequently, they give a company a reason to remain in contact with them.
Additionally, Existing Customers also represent the best market for future sales,
especially if they are satisfied with the relationship they presently have with the
marketer. Getting these Existing Customers to purchase more is significantly less
expensive and time consuming than finding new customers mainly because they
know and hopefully trust the marketer and, if managed correctly, are easy to reach
with promotional appeals (i.e., emailing a special discount for new product).
• Former Customers – This group consists of those who have formerly had
relations with the marketing organization typically through a previous purchase.
However, the marketer no longer feels the customer is an Existing Customer either
because they have not purchased from the marketer within a certain time frame or
through other indications (e.g., a Former Customer just purchased a similar
product from the marketer’s competitor). The value of this group to a marketer will

depend on whether the customer’s previous relationship was considered
satisfactory to the customer or the marketer. For instance, a Former Customer who
felt they were not treated well by the marketer will be more difficult to persuade to
buy again compared to a Former Customer who liked the marketer but decided to
buy from someone else who had a similar product that was priced lower.
• Potential Customers – The third category of customers includes those who
have yet to purchase but possess what the marketer believes are the requirements
to eventually become Existing Customers. As we will see in the Targeting Markets
Tutorial, the requirements to become a customer include such issues as having a
need for a product, possessing the financial means to buy, and having the authority
to make a buying decision. Locating Potential Customers is an ongoing process for
two reasons. First, Existing Customers may become Former Customers (e.g.,
decide to buy from a competitor) and, thus, must be replaced by new customers.
Second, while we noted above that Existing Customers are the best source for
future sales, it is new customers that are needed in order for a business to
significantly expand. For example, a company that sells only in its own country may
see less room for sales growth if a high percentage of people in the country are
already Existing Customers. In order to realize stronger growth the company may
seek to sell their products in other countries where Potential Customers may be
quite high.


In general, "awareness" refers to public or common knowledge or understanding about a

social, scientific, or political issue, and hence many movements try to foster "awareness" of
a given subject.

In common sentence awareness is how well the consumer or the customer know about the
product or services

.It is a marketing term which means that consumers are aware of products or services, its
characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price, and promotion).Though the
first consumer movement began in England after the Second World War, a modern
declaration about consumer’s rights was first made in the United States of America in 1962,
where four basic consumer rights (choice, information, safety and to be heard ) were
recognized. Ralph Nadar, a consumer activist, is considered as the father of ‘consumer
movement’. March 15 is now celebrated as the World Consumer Rights Day. The United
Nations in 1985 adopted, certain guidelines to achieve the objectives of maintaining
protection for consumers and to establish high level ethical conduct for those engaged in
production and distribution of goods and services.

High prices, duplicate articles, underweight and under – measurements, rough behavior,
undue conditions, artificial scarcity are some of the ways by which consumers are exploited
by manufacturers and traders. Limited information, limited supplies and low literacy are
factors causing exploitation of consumers.

In India, the concept of consumer protection is not new. References to the protection of
consumer’s interest against exploitation by trade and industry, underweight and
measurement, adulteration and punishment for these offences, were made in Kautilya’s
‘Arthashastra’. However, an organized and systematic movement to safeguard the interest
of consumers, is a recent phenomenon. The consumers have to be aware not only of the
commercial aspects of sale and purchase of goods, but also of the health and security
aspects. Food safety has become an important element of consumer awareness these
days. In case of food products, its quality depends not only on its nutritional value, but also
on its safety for human consumption. Consumption of contaminated or adulterated food is a
major cause of human illness and suffering.

This called for strong legal measures to ensure that the manufacturers and sellers observe
uniformity and transparency in prices, stocks and quality of their goods.Enactment of
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was one of the most important steps taken to protect the
interests of consumers.

The provision of the Act came into force, with effect from July 1, 1987. The act recognizes
consumer’s right to seek redresses and right to consumer education. The salient features of
the Act are as follows:-

• Applies to all goods and services unless specifically exempted by the Union Government;

• Covers all the sectors whether private, public or cooperative;

• Enshrines the consumer’s rights related to safety, information, choice, representation and
redress and consumer education.

• The act gives consumers an additional remedy besides those which may be available to
them under the provisions of other existing laws and they are free to choose the remedy.

• Empower consumers seeking discontinuance of certain unfair and restrictive trade

practices, defects or deficiencies in services and stopping in services or withdrawal of
hazardous goods from the market.
There are no legal formalities for filing the complaint. Suppose, you find yourself cheated by
trader or a manufacturer and wish to make a complaint to consumer court, you can write
the details on a plain paper. Attach the supporting documents, that is, guarantee or
warrantee card and cash memo with the complaint and submit it in the district consumer
court. You do not have to go to any lawyer or professional for legal assistance. You yourself
can plead the case in the consumer court.Since, the enactment of the Consumer Protection
Act and even before that, newspapers and magazines have been responding to the needs
of consumers. Apart from publishing articles, columns etc newspapers have also tried to
come to the rescue of harassed consumers. The Indian Express was one of the first
newspapers to start a consumer complaint column.

There are 500 consumer associations, which are working in the field of consumer
protection. They deal with various aspects of consumer exploitation. Some of the prominent
ones are: Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai; Citizens Action group, Mumbai;
Common Cause, New Delhi; Voice, New Delhi; Consumer Utility and Trust Society, Jaipur.

So next time you find yourself at the wrong end of a purchase don’t just sit back and blame,
go to a consumer court and make your claim.

So Customer Awareness is how well our target people are aware with our product or
services. We can aware our customers with the help of different types of advertisement like:


Television Aids



Road Shows etc.

By taking help of these sources Maruti is also trying to aware its customers and getting
success also. People are very familiar with Maruti Suzuki, not only the customers but other
people also. The T.V. aids which Maruti is launching are very helpful for understanding the
prices, life cycle, and milege. If the customers visit to the showrooms than the sales
executives are put all the efforts to aware the customer about the features of different cars.

The information about the after sales services is very important from the point of view of a
customer because the cars are purchases in lakhs rupees for a long term plan, so the
services are play a very important role.

The word satisfaction has Latin roots and literally translated into English means to have
enough’. A customer is satisfied when she/he feels ‘YES’ I have had enough! But what
happens in the customer’s mind that enables them to make a judgment about an offering?
How does a customer decided on satisfaction?
Whenever a customer goes to buy a product/service, he/she goes with certain
expectations. Any standard marketing text book will tell you that the key to customer
satisfaction lies in meeting these expectations. But where most standard books fall short is
in giving an explanation of how these expectations are formed and the process that goes on
in the customer’s mind in judging customer satisfactions. Strange though it may sound, a
customer makes a judgment on customer satisfaction even when going to have a trivial
snake like a masala dosa.
The bottom line as far as quality is concerned, is a satisfied customer or end user. With in a
business, certain organizations are responsible for setting customer expectations, typically
marketing, sales and support. Other organizations such as software development and
professional services are in charge of fulfilling expectations. The essence of customer
driven quality ultimately boils down to all of these organizations.
Working together to meet or exceed customer expectations. The quality organization should
always play an active role in making sure the right things are happening along the entire
chain, from marketing through software development and on to support. This means
proactively looking up and down the chain for potential expectations mismatches. It means
engaging other organizations to anticipate where problems are likely to be introduced. It
means influencing other organizations to proactively make adjustments that will eliminate
expectations mismatches.
By implementing customer satisfactions surveys into a customer relationship management
strategy, enterprises are able together, measure and analyze valuable information with
more accuracy, consistency and in less time then using traditional telephone or paper

When measuring customer satisfaction, companies can take advantage together critical
feedback about question similar to the following:

 How satisfied are you with the service you received?

 How likely are you to buy from us again?
 How likely are you to recommend our company to other?
Obtaining customer feedback in a timely and useable format, helps ensure that a business
is meeting and hopefully exceeding customer expectations, and gives insight on where
change should be made to increase satisfaction and overall success.
MUL continues to surge ahead of its competitors in terms of overall customer satisfaction,
widening its lead over the second place winner, from 2 points last year to 6 points this year.
The company also recorded the second highest improvement in its overall CSI score with a
gain of 5 points, which was on par with the industry average.
The commitment and dedication of the company’s senior management team have driven
this continued excellence in the field of service quality and customer satisfaction.
Compared to other manufacturers and relative to 2001, many more Maruti owners have
cited the ‘Reliability of Service’ as their major reason for choosing an MUL dealer.
The company’s biggest strength during 2002 has been its ability to sustain its excellent
‘service Performance’ from last year, while its leadership position has been cemented by
‘study-best’ scores on four of the five CSI factors. With Suzuki taking over control of MUL
from this year, it remains to be seen whether the company stays at the top of the leader
board next year too.
After the analysis I reached on the conclusion that the cars of Maruti Suzuki flexible enough
and excellent services are provide by the Maruti on time. We can say that Maruti Suzuki is
offering better flexible and customized products and services in compression with other
automobile industry.







Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem .In

research methodology we study the various steps that are generally adopted by
researcher in studying his research along with logic behind them.It may be
understood as science of studying how research is done scientifically.

According to Clifford woody “Research Comprises defining and redefining problem

formulating hypothesis or suggested solution Collecting, Organizing and evaluating
data making deductions and reaching Conclusion at Carefully testing the
Conclusion to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis”.

“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure”

The study was conducted on the basis of list of respondents who were targeted for
studying the satisfaction. From that customer, preference were collected and were
enable to cover almost all the aspects of my topic. This was the research design for
the project.


Summer training programme made me to understood how theoretical knowledge

will be applied in practical field.In rapidly changing market scenario it is extremely
necessary for a company to see that their product provide complete satisfaction to
their customers, by fulfilling their need.

During this training I Done my project study on “study of customer satisfaction at

maruti Suzuki dealership” in the duration of one and half month.


Time is taken for the study is 45 days.


The study has been conducted in the city- Sikar, Rajasthan.


1. To obtain the in-depth knowledge of the autobile products and services related to
Customized Satisfaction in Maruti Suzuki Dealership.
2. To know the reason behind buying Maruti cars...
3. To Analyze the awareness level of people on Maruti cars,
4. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (Studies with
this object in view are termed as exploratory or formulative research studies)
5. To Portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual Situation or a group
(Studies with this object in view are know as descriptive research studies)
6. Marketing & Advertising sales in favors of customer satisfaction and in favor of
7. Management team and services provided by the management of Maruti Suzuki ltd.
8. Maruti Suzuki strategy according to the customer satisfaction & competition in the
automobile market.


The basic types of research are as follows:

• Descriptive Research
• Analytical Research
• Applied Research
• Fundamental Research
• Quantitative Research
• Qualitative Research
• Conceptual Research
• Empirical Research
• Scientific Research

• Exploratory Research

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact finding enquiries of different kinds.The
major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at
present.The researcher has no control over the variables,he can only report what has
happened or what is happening.
I Used Descriptive Types of Research to obtain The Detail Information About The
level of customer satisfaction. This Research Design Helps me to Get the Depth
Knowledge with Minimum Expenditure of Efforts,money& Time.



Since the survey has been conducted in Sikar and the total earning population of
Sikar is taken as the population of this survey who has the vehicle of this company.


Sample size refers to the numbers of items to be selected from the universe to
constitute a sample. The size of sample for this survey was 100.
The sample size (‘n’) should not be small as it may not serve the objectives and if it
is too large it incurs huge cost and waste of resources. The sample size should be
large enough to give the confidence interval of desired width.


A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It
would refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in
selecting items for the sample.There are many types of sample design such as:

• Deliberate Sampling

• Simple /Random Sampling

• Sequential Sampling

• Systematic sampling
• Stratified sampling
• Cluster sampling
• Area sampling
• Quota sampling

From the above various types of sampling,I used simple random sampling.This is
also known as choice sampling or probability sampling,where each and every item
in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample.


Collection of data is a important work in project work.After defining the research design the
task of data collection is begins.Basically there are two main types of data - primary data
and Secondary data. Data collection is a very important step in any research. It’s the pivot
along which the whole research revolves. If the data collected is not appropriate then the
whole research will be of no use.
Data Collection basically involves collecting the relevant data from various sources may be
primary or secondary and then sorting the information so that meaningful information can
be gathered from the sorted data.
Primary data:

Primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus original
in character.

Sources of primary data

1.Natural Market
• Relatives
• Friends
• Neighbors


3.Seminars (Focus Group)



Secondary data

Secondary data means data that are already available,data which have already
been collected and analyzed by someone else and which have already been
passed through the Statistical granting.

Source of secondary data

1. Company past records

2. News papers & yellow pages books
3. Journals
4. Books & magazines
5. Internet
6. Committee meeting

I used both kind of data to conduct the summer training project.

The data collected to measure the level of awareness among the people of Sikar is
of primary nature as the researcher connected all the information from the
respondents personally with the aid of questionnaire, observation and direct

In attain the other objectives an extensive data completion of reports from

journals, and website were done. The data collected from these were mostly
secondary nature.

4.6 Scope of Study

1. At present, car penetration in India is about 7 cars per 1000 people, which is even less
than some of our neighboring countries. There is also a large population of two wheeler
owners, who would naturally upgrade to an entry-level car. Therefore there is large latent
demand for passenger cars waiting to be tapped. The compact cars will continue to
dominate the passenger car industry in India.
2. The highway and road construction projects, such as the Golden Quadrilateral Project, a
highway connecting the four metropolitan areas of Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai and
Chennai. Availability of better road infrastructure will also affect demand for cars.
3. Passenger car sales account for over 77% of total passenger vehicle market and UV’s
account for the balance. In fact, UV’s have a higher share than what they did in the earlier
years. It is still lower compared to some of the developed countries. In USA for instance,
UV’s account for 50% of the total Passenger vehicles market and in Indonesia they account
for 80% of the market. Hence in the future there will be more and more demand for UV’s
hence an opportunity for MUL.
4. The enabling factors for Indian passenger car industry are all in place namely, robust
economic growth, favourable regulatory framework, availability of affordable finance and
improvements in road infrastructure. However, there are some uncertainties like the
growing higher oil prices, which could impact the auto industry. Hence the Indian auto
market is at an interesting juncture where both challenges and opportunities are immense.

4.7 Limitation of Study

1. The survey is conducted to in very short time. Hence shortest of time is a big limitation
for the survey.
2. We use questionnaires tool for data collection. People do not give correct answer about
automobile industry and services.
3. People do not provide correct information about cars & automobile industry.
4. Being an opinion survey the personal bases of he respondents might have entered into
their responses.
5. The selected sample might have affected the results of the Study Therefore
6. Market survey for huge sample size requires huge economic involvement which a big
constraints that restricts the sample to100 only.
7. Sample was chosen according to convenience & judgment sampling & not according to
random sampling.


1. From the survey it was find out 60% of customers know about Maruti Suzuki cars.
While 30% Customer are not aware with Maruti Suzuki cars and rest of the customers they
have no idea about the Maruti Suzuki cars.
2. In the survey it was find out that 60% customer having the Maruti Suzuki cars and
40% customer have no cars of Maruti Suzuki.
3. In the survey 65% customers told us that they have satisfied with the Maruti Suzuki
service and 20% customer told us that they are not satisfied with the Maruti Suzuki service.
Remaining 15% customer told us they have not yet satisfied with the Maruti Suzuki service.
4. From the survey I was found that 60% of customers are satisfied with the Maruti
Suzuki ltd.While 40% Customers are not satisfied with the Maruti Suzuki ltd.
5. In the survey it was found out that 55% customer’s think that Maruti Suzuki provide
good service & satisfaction and 25% customer think that the Maruti Suzuki not provide good
service & satisfaction Remaining 20% customer have no idea.
6. In the survey it was find out 60% customers like to use the Maruti Suzuki cars and
40% customer don’t like to use the Maruti Suzuki cars.


The summer training which is complete by me in the month of July& August in Maruti
Suzuki Ltd. India at Jamu automobiles Sikar. I did a survey in the Sikar are about
the management dealership & services in Maruti Suzuki India ltd.
(A) Management
(B) Strategy
(C) Services
(D) Customer need & satisfaction
When I conduct a survey in management, services customer need & satisfaction
.according to the questioner & I select a area and conduct survey and find out the Positive
result about the Maruti Suzuki Ltd. During the survey I meet the following

Persons. Who are given below;

(A) Management
(B) Employees.
(C) Customer.
 business persons

 drivers

 government employees

1. Do you know about the Maruti Suzuki cars?


1. YES 60
2. NO 30


From the survey it was find out 60% of customers know about Maruti Suzuki cars. While
30% Customer are not aware with Maruti Suzuki cars and rest of the customers they have
no idea about the Maruti Suzuki cars.

2. Have you any car of Maruti Suzuki?

1. YES 60
2. NO 40



60 2



INTERPERTATION: - In the survey it was find out that 60% customer having the Maruti
Suzuki cars and 40% customer have no cars of Maruti Suzuki.

3. Are You Satisfied With the service of Maruti Suzuki ?
1. Satisfied 65
2. Not Satisfied 20
3. Not Yet 15



80 1



INTERPERTATION: - In the survey 65% customers told us that they have satisfied with the
Maruti Suzuki service and 20% customer told us that they are not satisfied with the Maruti
Suzuki service. Remaining 15% customer told us they have not yet satisfied with the Maruti
Suzuki service.

4. Are You Satisfied With The Products And Services Offered By The
Maruti Suzuki ltd.?

1. YES 60
2. NO 40



60 2



From the survey I was found that 60% of customers are satisfied with the Maruti Suzuki
ltd.While 40% Customers are not satisfied with the Maruti Suzuki ltd.

5. Do You Think That Maruti Suzuki Provide good service & satisfaction
in camper to other?
1. YES 55
2. NO 25
3. NOT IDEA 20



80 1



INTERPERTATION: - In the survey it was found out that 55% customer’s think that Maruti
Suzuki provide good service & satisfaction and 25% customer think that the Maruti Suzuki
not provide good service & satisfaction Remaining 20% customer have no idea.

6. Would you like to use the Maruti Suzuki cars?
1. YES 60
2. NO 40



60 2



-In the survey it was find out 60% customers like to use the Maruti Suzuki cars and 40%
customer don’t like to use the Maruti Suzuki cars.


Ever since its inception 25 years ago, Maruti Udyog Ltd. (MUL) a subsidiary of Suzuki
Motor Corporation of Japan has remained one of India's leading automobile manufacturers
and the market leader in its niche small car segment, both in terms of volume of vehicles
sold and revenue earned.
Until recently, 18.28% of the company was owned by the government, and 54.2% by
Suzuki of Japan. The Indian government held an Initial Public Offering of 25% of the
company in June of 2003. On May 10, 2007, Govt. of India completed the sale of its stake
in MUL to other financial institutions
The company has a portfolio of 11 brands, including Maruti 800, Omni, premium small car
Zen, international brands Alto and WagonR, off-roader Gypsy, mid size Esteem, luxury car
Baleno, the MPV, Versa, Swift and Luxury SUV Grand Vitara XL7.
In recent years, Maruti has made major strides towards its goal of becoming Suzuki Motor
Corporation's R and D hub for Asia. It has introduced upgraded versions of WagonR Zen
and Esteem, completely designed and styled in-house. Maruti's contribution as the engine
of growth of the Indian auto industry, indeed its impact on the lifestyle and psyche of an
entire generation of Indian middle class, is widely acknowledged. Its emotional connect with
the customer continues
The company's service businesses including sale and purchase of pre owned cars
(TrueValue), lease and fleet management service for corporates (N2N), Maruti Insurance
and Maruti Finance are now fully operational.. These initiatives, besides providing total
mobility solutions to customers in a convenient and transparent manner, have helped
improve economic viability of the company's dealerships. The company is listed on Bombay
Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange.
MUL present a highly optimistic view for the future with huge growth potential. A limited
current penetration of only 7 cars per thousand people presents a massive untapped
consumer base. Also the expansion in consumer finance, loans and government focus on
infrastructure is likely to further spur demand for automobiles. Maruti takes this to the next
level with its vision of a car in every home.

Market Segments:
Car Segment Model Make Competitors
Small car segment Maruti 800 DX, Omni,
(2-5 lakhs) Alto, Wagon R and the Hyundai Santro
Mid Size Segment(5- Esteem,Gypsy, Ford Ikon, Fiesta, Mahindra
8 lakhs) SX Scorpio
D Segment(8 -12 Baleno Chevrolet Optra



One of the most important factor of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. is there distribution network
which support it dealing with in different cities and provide sales after services for customer
satisfaction about company product.

In today’s market there is great variety in Maruti udyog itself so it diverted the mind of the
customers in selection of products.

Today one of the complex task of finance manager is to identify the present market
opportunities to make a edge on competitors.

Threats always created from external market in Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. increasing
competion small car segment.



The customer satisfaction over products & service of Maruti Suzuki Ltd.





The above diagram is showing that customer’s satisfaction level towards the Maruti Suzuki
ltd.After the analysis of the those products I was found 74% customer are fully satisfied with
Maruti Suzuki ltd.while 26% not satisfied with Maruti Suzuki ltd.. Because of following
1. Maruti providing product and services according customer needs by conducting
2. Maruti provides the products according to every segment of the market needs.
3. Maruti service centers appearance.
4. 4 Maruti majorities in car segment as customer expectations.


 Periodical surveys to know the level of customer satisfaction to be conducted.

 New information to be sent to the customer through e-mails /letter
 Products Information Should Be Readily Accessible With In A Central Application

 There is should be strong distribution channel for the availability of the product.
 The next suggestion would be to do frequent advertising. Round the year advertising
rather than seasonal advertising is recommended.

 Should have strong brand building exercise to enter into this highly monopolistic market.
 Identified Profile Of The Customer


1. Do you know about the Maruti Suzuki cars?

(a) YES (b) NO (c) SOME WHAT

2. Have you any car of Maruti Suzuki?

(a) YES (b) NO (c) SOME WHAT

3. Are You Satisfied With the service of Maruti Suzuki ?

(a) Satisfied (b) Not Satisfied

4. Are You Satisfied With The Products And Services Offered By The Maruti

Suzuki ltd.?

(a) YES (b) NO (c) SOME WHAT

5. Do You Think That Maruti Suzuki Provide good service & satisfaction in camper to


(a) YES (b) NO (c) No Idea

6. Would you like to use the Maruti Suzuki cars?

(a) YES (b) NO (c) No Idea

7. How are the after sell services of the Maruti Suzuki?

(a) Well (b)good (c) Bed (d) No Idea



 Kothari C.R.: Research Methodology, New Delhi, new age international (p) Ltd. 1985

 Phillip Kotler: Marketing Management New Delhi Tata Dorling Kindersley Publishing

 Rajan Sexena : Marketing Management New Delhi Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing
company limited.1997

 4p of Marketing

 The business today

 Auto car

 Automobile books

 Crm- chattopadhya

 Crm-mishra and joshi


Icfai university press

Business and economy


 www.wikipedia













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