Chapter 10 - Rectilinear Translation

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CHAPTER -X —- RECTILINEAR TRANSLATION Horizontal Translation s=vt+I/2ar vey, tat way, +2as where: s~ horizontal displacement (m) vo — initial velocity (m/s or km/h) ‘t-time (s or m or b) ¥~ final velocity (m/s or km/h) ‘a~ acceleration(+) or deceleration(-) (mls*) Vertical Translation have gt v=y,+gt vay? +2gs° where: ‘vertical translation _g ~ gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s") 1. Translation is defined as the motion of a rigid body in which a straight line passing through any two of its particles remains parallel to its initial position. 2. Since the body is assumed to be rigid, the distance separating the particles remains constant, and the particles have no motion relative to each other. 3. The motion of a translating body moving in a straight line is called rectilinear translation. 4. Ifthe path of translating body is curved, the motion becomes a curvilinear translation. natic characteristic of the translation of a right boxy is the fat that wll particles travel the same or parallel paths 5. The outstanding ki 6. A translating body may be considered as a particle concentrated at its center of gravity 7. The ueceleration of a freely falling body is direetly proportional to the resultant force acting, ‘upon it 8. The weight isa force that results from the attraction between the mass of the body and the mass of the earth; it varies inversely asthe square of the distance separating the two centers of mass and is direetly proportional to the product of the masses. 9. The gravitational force and the gravitational acceleration may be assumed to be constant. 10. A body is speeding up if the directions of velocity and acceleration are the same, and slowing down if velocity and acceleration are oppositely directed, 11, Since the mass of any body on the earth is insignificant compared with the mass of the earth, the gravitational force varies only with the position of the body relative to the center of the earth's mass. 12. When bodies are acted upon by variable forces, they move with variable acceleration. 13. Rectilinear Motion with Variable Acceleration Case 1~ The displacement is given in terms of the time; Le. s = f(Q), to find v and a. Case Il ~ The acceleration is expressed in terms of the time; SW), to find v and 5. Case Il — The velocity is given in terms of the time; ic, v=/(), to find a and s. Case IV - One of the principal variables is expressed in terms. a= fy) ov =ft5). Case V = The given variables are not adjacent; 14. In rectilinear translation of a rigid body all particles of the lines, and hence the displacement, velocity, and the line of motion. 15. The kinetic equations of rectilinear translation are obtained from the ‘governing the motion of the center of gravity. ‘ resultant effective force is also zero, 17. The resultant effective force Wa/g acts through the center of gravity is acceleration. 18, Dynamic equilibrium is a method ‘equivalent statics problem, whereby a kinetics problem can 19, Static equilibrium is one in which a body is either at rest or is moving in a straight line with ‘constant velocity. 20. 11 is particularly advantageous to use dynamic equilibrium to eliminate two unknown forces by taking a moment sum about their intersection. Wa x= — 2Y=22=0 & ‘The X-axis coincides with the line of motion of the body, and that it is considered positive in the | initial direction of motion. Dynamic Equilibrium in Translation. Analysis as a Rigid Body 21, D’Alembert’s Principle ~The resultant of the applied forces acting on a body is equivalent to the resultant of the effective forces acting on all properties composing the body. 22. Since the moment sum of the effective force for all particles is zero, the moment of the resultant effective force is also zero. Since this resultant is a force, its moment is zero only because the force passes through the center of the moments. 23. The resultant effective force Wa/g (equivalent to the resultant of the applied forces) acts {through the center of gravity in the direction ofthe acceleration, 24. Dynamic equili ‘equivalent staties problem. 25. A body in equilibrium is one acted upon by a force system = 26. Static equilibrium is one in which a body is ether trst ors mo constant velocity. 27. The combination of the applied forces together with the inertia ‘zero resultant; hence all the equations and methods of static. to this combination of applied and inertia forces, 28. Dynamic equilibrium can be created by adding an equilibrant which is collinear with the resultant. 29. The equilibrant is an inertia force having the magnitude Wa/e acting center but directed opposite to the acceleration, 30, A free-body diagram which includes the inertia force Wa/g (sometimes called the reversed effective force) as well as the real or applied forces represents a force system whove resultant is zero, 31. Itis particularly advantageous to use dynamic equilibrium to eliminate two unknown forces by taking a moment sum about their intersection.

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