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WCDMA Module

AT Command Set for WCDMA Module

Version 1.3

WCDMA Module

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Copyright © 2009 by ZTE Corporation
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means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the prior written
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ZTE Corporation keeps the right to make the final explanation to this manual.

WCDMA Module

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WCDMA Module

Update history
The update history records the descriptions of manual update every time. The latest version includes
the updates of all previous versions.

Version V1.0 (2009-09-11)

Version V1.1 (2010-10-15)

Modify +CLVL
Modify +CFUN
Modify +CPBW
Modify +CPBR
Modify +CMUT
Modify +CCLK

Version V1.2 (2010-10-29)

Modify +CLVL
Modify + CVGT
Delete +VGR

Version V1.3Beta (2010-11-29)

Modify +CSCA
Modify +ZMDS
Modify +CLCK
Modify three-way call case

Version V1.3Beta (2010-11-29)

Delete +COLP

WCDMA Module

1 General Description ................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Description of AT Commands ......................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Type of AT Commands........................................................................................................ 7
1.1.2 Returned Format of AT Commands .................................................................................... 7
1.1.3 AT Command Format.......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Abbreviations.................................................................................................................................. 8
2 AT Commands ......................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Common Commands ....................................................................................................................11
2.1.1 A/: repeat previous command ............................................................................................11
2.1.2 ATE: enable echo...............................................................................................................11
2.1.3 +CGMI: inquire manufacturer’s identification.....................................................................11
2.1.4 +CGMR: inquire software version ..................................................................................... 12
2.1.5 +CGSN: inquire product’s ESN......................................................................................... 12
2.1.6 +CSCS: select TE character set ....................................................................................... 12
2.1.7 +CIMI: inquire International Mobile Identification.............................................................. 12
2.1.8 +GCAP: inquire function list .............................................................................................. 13
2.1.9 +CMEE: mobile device error report .................................................................................. 13
2.1.10 +ZHWV: inquire hardware version .................................................................................... 13
2.1.11 +ZDRNT: set dormant status (TBD).................................................................................. 13
2.1.12 +ZSSPA: inquire system status and system parameters.................................................. 14
2.1.13 +ZMDS: set system network mode parameters................................................................ 14
2.1.14 +ZUCT: inquire UIM card type and status......................................................................... 14
2.1.15 +ZGVT: inquire the voice type........................................................................................... 15
2.2 Call Control Commands ............................................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 ATA: answer a call............................................................................................................. 16
2.2.2 ATD: dial a number ........................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3 ATDL: dial the last outgoing number................................................................................. 16
2.2.4 ATH: hang up the call........................................................................................................ 17
2.2.5 ATS0: set auto answer ...................................................................................................... 17
2.2.6 CSTA: select the number type .......................................................................................... 17
2.2.7 +CHUP: hang up interaction data mode ........................................................................... 18
2.2.8 +CRLP: wireless link protocol parameter.......................................................................... 18
2.2.9 +CEER: expansion error report......................................................................................... 19
2.2.10 +CRC: ringer type result code .......................................................................................... 19
2.2.11 +CVHU: hang up the voice call......................................................................................... 20
2.2.12 +VGR: the function is the same as + CLVL (No longer support it) ................................... 20
2.2.13 +CMUT: Microphone Mute Control ................................................................................... 20
2.2.14 +VTD: Set DTMF duration ................................................................................................ 21
2.2.15 +VTS: send DTMF ............................................................................................................ 21
2.2.16 +CLCC: list current calls ................................................................................................... 22
2.2.17 ATD ................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.18 ATS<X>: set basic S-register............................................................................................ 23
2.2.19 +VGT: speaker Gain Control ............................................................................................. 24

WCDMA Module

2.2.20 +ZCORG: indicate one-time call originating ..................................................................... 25

2.2.21 +ZCCNT: indicate one-time call originating....................................................................... 25
2.2.22 +ZCEND: indicate one-time call end................................................................................. 26
2.2.23 +CCWA: call waiting control.............................................................................................. 27
2.2.24 +CHLD: call held and conference call............................................................................... 28
2.2.25 +CCFC: call forwarding number and conditions ............................................................... 29
2.2.26 +Speaker: select voice channel ........................................................................................ 31
2.3 Network Service Command.......................................................................................................... 32
2.3.1 +CNUM: check subscriber’s number ................................................................................ 32
2.3.2 +CREG: check network registration status ....................................................................... 32
2.3.3 +COPS: PLMN selection................................................................................................... 33
2.3.4 +CLCK: function lock ........................................................................................................ 34
2.3.5 +CPWD: change lock password ....................................................................................... 35
2.3.6 +CLIP: caller ID presentation ............................................................................................ 36
2.3.7 +CLIR: caller ID restriction ................................................................................................ 37
2.3.8 +CPOL: preferred PLMN list ............................................................................................. 38
2.3.9 +CPLS: select preferred PLMN list ................................................................................... 38
2.3.10 +COPN: check operatpr’s name ....................................................................................... 39
2.3.11 +CGREG: check GPRS network registration status ......................................................... 39
2.3.12 +FCLASS: select mode..................................................................................................... 40
2.3.13 +CBST: select bear service type –do not test now ........................................................... 40
2.3.14 +CCUG: close user group-do not test now ....................................................................... 41
2.3.15 +CUSD: USSD service (not required to realize now) ....................................................... 42
2.3.16 +CAOC: charging information-do not test now ................................................................. 43
2.3.17 +CSSN: supplementary service notice ............................................................................. 43
2.4 Module Control Commands.......................................................................................................... 45
2.4.1 +CPAS: check the status of mobile device ....................................................................... 45
2.4.2 +CFUN: set module’s function .......................................................................................... 45
2.4.3 +CPIN: input PIN code...................................................................................................... 46
2.4.4 +CSQ: check signal strength ............................................................................................ 46
2.4.5 +CCLK: clock management .............................................................................................. 47
2.4.6 +ZPWROFF: module power-off ........................................................................................ 47
2.4.7 +CSIM: access SIM card –do not test now....................................................................... 47
2.4.8 +CLAC: list all AT commands............................................................................................ 48
2.4.9 +CTZU: time zone update................................................................................................. 48
2.4.10 +CTZR: time zone report .................................................................................................. 48
2.4.11 +CLVL: speak volume ....................................................................................................... 49
2.4.12 +ECHO: echo remove....................................................................................................... 49
2.4.13 +SIDET: set side tone ....................................................................................................... 49
2.4.14 +CMEE: mobile equipment errors..................................................................................... 50
2.4.15 +IFC: DTE-DCE flow control –do not test now ................................................................. 50
2.4.16 &D: set DTR signal –do not test now ................................................................................ 50
2.4.17 &C: set DCD signal –do not test now................................................................................ 51
2.4.18 +IPR: set module’s baud rate............................................................................................ 51
2.4.19 &F: restore factory settings ............................................................................................... 52

WCDMA Module

2.4.20 &W: save defined parameter settings ............................................................................... 52

2.4.21 WS46: select wireless network ......................................................................................... 52
2.5 SMS Commands .......................................................................................................................... 53
2.5.1 +CMGD: delete message.................................................................................................. 53
2.5.2 +CMGF: message format.................................................................................................. 53
2.5.3 +CMGL: message list........................................................................................................ 54
2.5.4 +CMGR: read messages .................................................................................................. 58
2.5.5 +CMGS: send message.................................................................................................... 60
2.5.6 +CMGW: write message to memory................................................................................. 61
2.5.7 +CMSS: send the saved message ................................................................................... 62
2.5.8 +CNMI: new message alert............................................................................................... 63
2.5.9 +CPMS: preferred SMS memory ...................................................................................... 65
2.5.10 +CSCA: SMS center number ............................................................................................ 67
2.5.11 +CSCB: select cell broadcast message type –do not test now ........................................ 67
2.5.12 +CSMP: set TEXT mode –do not test now ....................................................................... 68
2.5.13 +CSMS: select SMS service –do not test now ................................................................. 69
2.5.14 +CNMA: new message acknowledgement (to ME/TA)..................................................... 70
2.5.15 +CMMS: send multiple messages –not validated temporarily.......................................... 71
2.5.16 +CGSMS: select MO SMS service ................................................................................... 71
2.5.17 +CMT: direct display received messages ......................................................................... 72
2.5.18 +CMTI: received messages saved in memory.................................................................. 73
2.5.19 +ZMGF: messages full...................................................................................................... 73
2.5.20 +CSDH: display text mode................................................................................................ 73
2.6 Phonebook Commands................................................................................................................ 75
2.6.1 +CPBS: select phonebook memory.................................................................................. 75
2.6.2 +CPBR: phonebook read .................................................................................................. 75
2.6.3 +CPBF: phonebook Find................................................................................................... 76
2.6.4 +CPBW: search for phonebook ........................................................................................ 77
2.7 PACKET DOMAIN ........................................................................................................................ 78
2.7.1 +CGDCONT define PDP context ...................................................................................... 78
2.7.2 +CGQREQ requested service quality report..................................................................... 79
2.7.3 +CGQMIN acceptable minimum service quality report..................................................... 81
2.7.4 +CGATT GPRS Attach and Detach .................................................................................. 82
2.7.5 +CGACT PDP context activate and deactivate: ............................................................... 82
2.7.6 +CGDATA enter data mode: ............................................................................................. 83
2.7.7 +CGPADDR display PDP address:................................................................................... 83
2.7.8 +CGCLASS GPRS mobile station type: ........................................................................... 84
2.7.9 +CGEREP GPRS event report: ........................................................................................ 84
2.7.10 +CGSMS select service for MO SMS ............................................................................... 86

WCDMA Module

1 General Description

1.1 Description of AT Commands

AD3812, MG3630 modules provide AT command interfaces, through which the modules could
communicate with the external devices.

1.1.1 Type of AT Commands

Since AT command is used as a standard interface, the returned values and formats of the command
are both fixed. As a whole, AT command could be divided into four types:
 Non-parameter command: a type of simple command with the format of AT[+|&]<command>,e.g.:
 Query command: used to inquire the current setting value. The format is AT[+|&]<command>?,
e.g.: AT+CNMI?
 Help command: used to list the possible parameters of the command. The format is
AT[+|&]<command>=?, e.g.: AT+CMGL=?
 Parameter command: normally used format which provides strong flexibility. The format is
The returned values of this type of command are all the same. This will be clarified in details later. The
basic frame format of the returned value is:
<CR><LF><Response string><CR><LF>

1.1.2 Returned Format of AT Commands

The following describes AT commands and returned descriptions supported by the module:
 AT command returned format:
--<CR><LF><Character strings relating to AT commands><CR><LF>
--An exceptional case: e.g.: AT+ZPOWEROFF (response format) directly return with “OK”
 AT command status report (OK, ERROR):
--If there is error in AT command format, “Error” will return;
--If AT command executes successfully, “OK” will return.

1.1.3 AT Command Format

AT command starts with “AT” and ends with <CR>;

After the module runs, the serial port default setting will be: 8-digit data bit, 1-digit stop bit, no parity
check, no CTS/RTS, data rate 115200bps.

WCDMA Module

1.2 Abbreviations
ADC Analog-Digital Converter
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel
ARP Antenna Reference Point
ASIC Application Specific Integrated

BER Bit Error Rate
BTS Base Transceiver Station

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDG CDMA Development Group
CS Coding Scheme
CSD Circuit Switched Data
CPU Central Processing Unit

DAI Digital Audio interface
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
DTR Data Terminal Ready

EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EGSM Enhanced GSM
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
ESD Electronic Static Discharge
ETS European Telecommunication

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FR Full Rate

WCDMA Module

GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global Standard for Mobile

HR Half Rate

IC Integrated Circuit
IMEI International Mobile Equipment
ISO International Standards Organization
ITU International Telecommunications

LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode

MCU Machine Control Unit
MMI Man Machine Interface
MS Mobile Station

PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCL Power Control Level
PCS Personal Communication System
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PPP Point-to-point protocol

RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
ROM Read-only Memory
RMS Root Mean Square
RTC Real Time Clock

SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SMS Short Message Service

WCDMA Module

SRAM Static Random Access Memory

TA Terminal adapter
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TE Terminal Equipment also referred it
as DTE

UART Universal asynchronous
UIM User Identifier Management
USB Universal Serial Bus

VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

ZTE ZTE Corporation

WCDMA Module

2 AT Commands

2.1 Common Commands

2.1.1 A/: repeat previous command

Description This command is used to repeat the previous command.

Format A/
Example AT+CSQ Inquire current signal strength
A/ Repeat AT+CSQ command

2.1.2 ATE: enable echo

Description This command is used to enable echo.

Format ATE<n>
ATE0 ATE0, don’t display input command on the
OK terminal

Example OK
ATE1 ATE1, displays input command on the
OK terminal
Parameters <n>=0 Disable.
<n>=1 Enabled.

2.1.3 +CGMI: inquire manufacturer’s identification

Description This command is used to inquire manufacturer’s identification.

Format AT+CGMI
AT+CGMI Inquire manufacturer identification
Example OK

WCDMA Module

2.1.4 +CGMR: inquire software version

Description This command is used to inquire software version

Format AT+CGMR
Example AT+CGMR Inquire software version

2.1.5 +CGSN: inquire product’s ESN

Description This command is used to inquire the product’s ESN.

Format AT+CGSN
Example AT+CGSN Inquire the product’s ESN

2.1.6 +CSCS: select TE character set

Description This command is used to select TE character set

Format AT+CSCS=<chest>
Example AT+CSCS=<chest> Set TE character set
AT+CSCS? Inquire the current TE character set

Description of [“IRA”] International Reference Alphabet(ITU-T T.50[13])

parameters "GSM" GSM default character set(refer to section 6.2.1 in GSM 03.38);
"UCS2" 8-bit encoding character set (ISO/IEC10646 [32]); UCS2 Hexadecimal
value transferring from 0000 to FFFF; e.g., “004200620063” can be transfter to
16-bit 66, 98, 99, $(AT R97)$ in decimal format.

2.1.7 +CIMI: inquire International Mobile Identification

Description This command is used to inquire the International Mobile Identification.

Format AT+CIMI
Example AT+CIMI Inquire the International Mobile
<IMSI> Identification.
Description of <IMSI>: International Mobile Station Identification

WCDMA Module

2.1.8 +GCAP: inquire function list

Description Inquire the function list

Format AT+GCAP
Example AT+GCAP Example
Description of <NAME>:+CGSM, +FCLASS ,+DS, +ES,

2.1.9 +CMEE: mobile device error report

Description This command is used for mobile device error report.

Format AT+CMEE
Example AT+CMEE=<N>
Parameters <N>
[0] Only the indication: ERROR
1 Provide the mistake number codes
2 Provide the mistake number codes and indications for detail

2.1.10 +ZHWV: inquire hardware version

Description Inquire the hardware version

Format AT+ZHWV
Example AT+ZHWV

2.1.11 +ZDRNT: set dormant status (TBD)

Description Set the dormant status

Example AT+ZDRNT
Description of <N>
parameters 0: Dormant already
1: Not dormant yet
Test procedure: the status will be 1 upon data service.

WCDMA Module

2.1.12 +ZSSPA: inquire system status and system parameters

Description Inquire the system status and parameters

Example AT+ZSSPA
parameters INK(2),
RSSI: 0-5
SRV: 0:No service,1:Limited service, 2:Service available,3:Limited regional
service ,4:MS is in power save or deep sleep

2.1.13 +ZMDS: set system network mode parameters

Description Set the system network mode parameters

Format AT+ZMDS=<N>
Example AT+ZDRNT =4
Description of <N>
parameters 4:automatic network mode
13:gsm olny
14:wcdma olny

2.1.14 +ZUCT: inquire UIM card type and status

Description Inquire UIM card type and status

Format AT+ZUCT
Example AT+ZUCT
Description of Card_type:
parameters 0: NONE CARD or NONE INIT
2: SIM
0:not initialize

WCDMA Module

2.1.15 +ZGVT: inquire the voice type

Description Inquire the mobile phone’s voice type

Format AT+ZGVT
Example AT+ZGVT
Description of voice_type:
parameters 0: by PC
1: not by PC

WCDMA Module

2.2 Call Control Commands

2.2.1 ATA: answer a call

Description This command is used to answer a call.

Format ATA

Example RING Incoming call

ATA Answer a call

2.2.2 ATD: dial a number

Description This command is used to dial a number, transmit data or send a fax.

Format ATD<phonenumber>;



Example ATD13800138000; Dial 13800138000

AT+CPBS=“SM” Select SIM card phonebook as the

current contacts
Dial the second phone number in
current contacts

ATD>“John”; Search for the number of “john” and dial


Parameters < phonenumber >: the number of called party

ATD>mem<n>: originate a call with the recorded No. in designated phonebook

<n>: the n-th option of the contacts.

<string>: the name of called party.

2.2.3 ATDL: dial the last outgoing number

Description This command is used to dial the last outgoing number.

Format ATDL

Example ATD13800138000; Dial 13800138000

WCDMA Module


ATH Hang up the call


ATDL Dial 13800138000 again.

2.2.4 ATH: hang up the call

Description This command is used to hang up the call.

Format ATH

Example ATA Answer the call


ATH Hang up the call

2.2.5 ATS0: set auto answer

Description This command is used to control auto answer mode of the module.

Format ATS0=<value>

ATS0=2 Auto answer after ringing twice


Example ATS0? Check the current setting

ATS0=0 Cancel auto answer


Parameters <value>: times for ringing

2.2.6 CSTA: select the number type

Description This command is used to set the address type.

Format AT+CSTA=<type>

Example AT+CSTA=129 Set the address type

AT+CSTA? Check the current settings

WCDMA Module

+CSTA: 145

AT+CSTA=? Check the address type


Parameters <type>: number type

129: domestic number

145: number with international number identification mark ”+”

2.2.7 +CHUP: hang up interaction data mode

Description This command is used to hang up interaction data mode

Format AT+CHUP

Example AT+CHUP Hang up the call


2.2.8 +CRLP: wireless link protocol parameter

Description This command is used to modify the wireless link protocol parameter for non
transparent data transmission.

Format AT+CRLP=<iws>,<mws>,<T1>,<N>,<ver>

Example AT+CRLP=61,61,48,6,0 Reset the wireless link protocol


AT+CRLP=? Check the setting range


Parameters <ver>: version number

In Version 0 and Version 1:

<iws>: size of downlink window, ranging from 0-~61.

<mws>: size of downlink window, ranging from 0-~61.

<T1>: define the timer unit as 10 ms, ranging from 38~255.

<N>: re-transmitting times, ranging from 1~255.

In Version 2:

WCDMA Module

<iws>: size of downlink window, ranging from 0-~488。

<mws>: size of downlink window, ranging from 0-~488.

<T1>: define the timer unit as 10 ms, ranging from 42~255.

<N>: re-transmitting times, ranging from 1~255.

2.2.9 +CEER: expansion error report

Description This command is used to report the reason for call release if the call origination or
termination fails.

Format AT+CEER

Example ATD13800138000; Originate voice call

NO CARRIER Call connection fails

AT+CEER Check the reason of failure

+CEER:ERROR<***> *** wrong number, defined in GSM

protocol 04.08.

2.2.10 +CRC: ringer type result code

Description This command is display the type of ringer.

Format AT+CRC=<num>

Example AT+CRC=1 Display the type of ringer


+CRING:VOICE One voice call

Parameters <num>:

0: Do not display the type of ringer

1: display the type of ringer

Descriptions of ringer type:

VOICE: Voice

GPRS: GPRS service

FAX: Fax

WCDMA Module

2.2.11 +CVHU: hang up the voice call

Description This command is used to hang up the call.

Format AT+CVHU=<mode>

AT+CVHU=0 ATH disconnected after OK response


Example AT+CVHU? Check the current mode


AT+CVHU=? Return all modes supported


Parameters <mode>:

0: ATH disconnected after OK response

1: ATH omitted, OK response

2.2.12 +VGR: the function is the same as + CLVL (No longer support it)

2.2.13 +CMUT: Microphone Mute Control

Description This command is used for mute control. The command is used only during the
conversation, and the setting is in vain under other mode.
Format AT+CMUT=<n>



AT+CMUT? Current the status

+CMUT: 0

AT+CMUT=? Current the settings of parameters

+CMUT: 0, 1

Parameters <mode>:

0: Turn on Mute control

1: Turn off Mute control

WCDMA Module

2.2.14 +VTD: Set DTMF duration

Description This command is used to set DTMF duration.

Format AT+VTD=<duration>

AT+VTD=? Return the range of DTMF duration



AT+VTD? Check the current DTMF duration



AT+VTD=20 Set DTMF duration as 20s


Parameters <duration> :

10: Default setting

0-20 duration, unit 100ms.

2.2.15 +VTS: send DTMF

Description This command is used to send DTMF.

Format AT+VTS=<string>

AT+VTS=? List VTS parameter


ATD***********; Dial

AT+VTS=“3,6,9” Send 369 DTMF tone

<string>: character string, separated by the comma. The character ranges from
0-9, *, #.


WCDMA Module

2.2.16 +CLCC: list current calls

Description This command is used to return the current call list.

Format AT+CLCC

AT+CLCC List current calls



Parameters <idx>: type of integral number, phone number recognition


0: Mobile station originating call

1: Mobile station terminating call <stat>: status of call

0: calling

1: call hold

2:dialing MO

3:ringer MO

4:incoming call MT

5:waiting MT







0:not member of conference calls

1:member of conference calls

<number>:phone number of character type, format designated by <type>

<type>: type of format of address bytes

<alpha>: optional

WCDMA Module

2.2.17 ATD

Description Realize the three-way call process through ATD. See the following descriptions.

Format Refer to +ATD & +CCWA commands.



+ZCORG:13800138000; Put through the first voice call.


ATD13333333333; Hold the first call, dial the second call


AT+CHLD=3 Realize three-way call


AT+CHLD=2 End the second call and switch to the first


ATH Hang up all calls



Parameters <phone number>: phone number.

2.2.18 ATS<X>: set basic S-register

Description S-register saves some configuration parameters used to dial a number or connect
a call. This command is used to set the value of S-register. X is the number of the

Format ATS<X>=<value>

Example ATS<0>=0 Set S0 register’s value as 0


WCDMA Module

ATS<0>? Check the value of S0 register


ATS0: set auto answer time or cancel auto answer, ranging from 0~255

0: cancel auto answer,

1-255: auto answer after [(value-1)x6s

ATS3: input carriage return code element

ATS4: line feed code element

Parameters ATS5: returned character code element

ATS6: time of waiting for dialing, ranging from 2~10

ATS7: time of waiting for remote signal after dialing, ranging from 1~255

ATS8: comma pausing time, ranging from 0~255

ATS9: signal detecting response time, take 0.1s as the unit, ranging from 0~255

ATS10: response time from signal disappearing to call ending, ranging from 1~254,
cancel the signal detection as the value is 255.

ATS11: control DTMT dialing speed, take ms as the unit, ranging from 0~255

2.2.19 +VGT: speaker Gain Control

Description This command set the MIC gain of the current selected audio path.
Format AT+VGT=<MicGain>

Example AT+VGT=0 Auto control volume of MODEM


AT+VGT? Return current gain level


AT+VGT=? Return the range of gain value


Parameters <n>: range 0-1

WCDMA Module

2.2.20 +ZCORG: indicate one-time call originating

Description This command is used to indicate one call originating

Format +ZCORG:<call_type>,<call_x>

Example ATD13800138000;

OK Indicate call originating




Parameters <call_type>: call type

0: voice call

7: OTA call(standard OTASP numbers)

8: OTA call (none standard otasp numbers)

9: emergency call

<call_x>: call ID

2.2.21 +ZCCNT: indicate one-time call originating

Description This command is used to indicate one-time call originating.

Format +ZCCNT:<call_type>,<call_x>

Example ATD13800138000;


+ZCORG:0,1 Indicate one-time call originating



Parameters <call_type>: call type

0: voice call
7: OTA call (standard OTASP numbers)
8:OTA call (none standard otasp numbers)
9: emergency call
<call_x>: call ID

WCDMA Module

2.2.22 +ZCEND: indicate one-time call end

Description This command is used to indicate one-time call end.

Format +ZCEND:<call_X>,<duration>,<end_status>[,<cc_cause>]

Example ATD13800138000;





+ZCENT:1,30,0,0 indicate one-time call end

Parameters <call_x>: call ID

<duration>: duration

<end_status>: ending status

0: phone is offline

21:phone has no service (Backwards compatibility)

25:received release from BS

27:received incoming call from BS

29:client ended the call

34:RUIM is not present

35:Access attempt already in progress

36:Access failure for reason other than the above

38:Concurrent servive is not supported by base station

39:No response recived from base station

100:rxd a reason from lower layer

101:call origination request failed

102:client rejected the incoming call

103:client rejected the setup_ind

104:network ended the call

106:Phone has no service

WCDMA Module

Do not process other values

<cc_cause>: call control message

2.2.23 +CCWA: call waiting control

Description This command is used for call waiting control

Format AT+CCWA=<n>[,<mode>,<class>]

Example AT+CCWA=0,1,1 As mode!=2, if succeeded,


AT+CCWA=1,2,1 As mode==2, return:

+CCWA: 1,1 +CCWA:<status>,<class>


AT+CCWA =? List all supported <n>



AT+CCWA ? Read current <n>



Parameters <n>:

0: do not send the result code of call waiting

1: send the result code of call waiting


0: call waiting

1: activate call waiting

2: Check current status


1: voice call

2: data service

4: fax service

WCDMA Module

7: voice call + data service + fax service

8: SMS

16: circuit domain data SYNC

32: circuit domain data ASYN

64: exclusive packet access

128: exclusive PAD access

255: all types


0: disabled

1: enabled

2.2.24 +CHLD: call held and conference call

Description This command is used to set call held and conference call.

Format AT+CHLD=<n>

Example AT+CHLD=0 Set “release all held calls”


AT+CHLD=? Check the supported <n>



Parameters <n>:0,1,1X,2,2X,3,4

0: release all held calls or set a waiting call as UDUB

1: Release all activated calls and receive a held or waiting call.

1X: Release call X

2: Hold all activated calls and receive another held or waiting call.

2X: hold all calls except for call X

3: Add the held call into the conference call

4: Connect two calls or hang up two calls


1. This command is used for telecom service;

WCDMA Module

2. The range of X value:1~7

3. When there is both held call and waiting call, the process above should be
applied for the waiting call.

4. When releasing call, please firstly use AT+CHLD=1 to release the currentcall,
and use ATH to hang up the call.

5. Please refer to the method of conference call provided by the operator when
using AT+CHLD=3.

2.2.25 +CCFC: call forwarding number and conditions

Description This command is used to set call forwarding number and conditions.

Format AT+CCFC=<reason>,<mode>[,<number>[,<type>[,<.class>[,<subaddr>[,<saytype

Example AT+CFCC=0,3,”12345678” Register Unconditional call forwarding



+CCFC: 1,1,"12345678",129 Forwarding voice call

+CCFC: 1,2,"12345678",129 Forwarding data call

+CCFC: 1,4,"12345678",129 Forwarding fax call


Parameters <reason>:


1: mobile device busy

2: No answer

3: Can’t be connected

4: All calls

5: all condtions


0: diabled

1: enabled

2: check status

WCDMA Module

3: register

4: delete

<number>: phone number


145: internatinal number

129: other number

<subaddr>: address of character string type

<saytype>: sub addresss type, composed of 8 numbers, default value 128

<class>: default value 7

1: voice

2: data

4: service

7: voice + data + fax

8: SMS

16: circuit domain data SYNC

32: circuit domain data ASYN

64: exclusive packet access

128: exclusive PAD access

255: all types

<time>:1~30 multiplies 5s, default value 20


0: disabled

1: enabled

Remarks: need apply for relevant services.

WCDMA Module

2.2.26 +Speaker: select voice channel

Description This command is used to select the voice channel.

Format AT+SPEAKER=<n>

AT+ SPEAKER =0 Select earpiece


AT+ SPEAKER? Check current channel

Example + SPEAKER:0

AT+ SPEAKER =? Check the parameter settings

+SPEAKER: (0-1)


Parameters <n>:

0: earpiece

1: receiver

WCDMA Module

2.3 Network Service Command

2.3.1 +CNUM: check subscriber’s number

Description Execute the command to return the user-relating MSISDN(Mobile Station

International ISDN Number). This information could either be saved in SIM
card, or in ME. If the subscriber has multiple MSISDN that meet different
requirements of services, then each MSISDN shall cover one line to return.
Format AT+CNUM The format of returned value after query is as below:
+CNUM: [<alpha1>],<number1>,<type1>
[<CR><LF>+CNUM: [<alpha2>],<number2>,<type2>[...]]
Example AT+CNUM +CNUM: ,"13925275265",129
+CNUM: ,"13145854693",129

+CME ERROR: <err>

If an error occurs, return the error code

Parameters <alphax>: relating to <numberx>, optional, character string combining alphabet

and number. The applied character set shall be “Select TE character set” +
CSCS selected character set.
<numberx>: character-type phone number designated by <typex>
<typex>: integral-type 8-bit address type (refer to section of GSM
04.08 [8] for details)

2.3.2 +CREG: check network registration status

Description This command is used to check the module’s network registration status.
Format AT+CREG=<n> set CREG display format
AT+CREG?check CREG status, returned format as below:
+CREG: <n>,<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
AT+CREG=? Check the list of parameters supported by the command.
ASYN prompt registration status
+CREG: <n>,<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
Example AT+CREG? +CREG: 0,2
Check the current registration OK
AT+CREG=2 +CREG: 2,1, 250040, 7C48
AT+CREG=? +CREG: (0-2)

WCDMA Module

ASYN prompt registration status +CREG: 2,1, 250040, 7C48

Parameters <n>
0 Disabled
1 Enabled, format: +CREG: <stat>。
2 Enabled, format: +CREG: <stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]。
0: Not logged on the network yet, currently no network searching
1: Already logged on the local network.
2: Not logged on the network, currently searching for network
3: Registration rejected
4: Current status unknown
5: Already logged on the network, under roaming status
Type of character; 2-bit hexadecimal format location area code
Type of character; 2-bit hexadecimal format cell ID.

2.3.3 +COPS: PLMN selection

Description Use the command to mandatory select and register GSM network operator.
Set <mode> for ME to either auto select <oper>, or use the command to
mandatory select oper>. If the selected operatior can not be used, then you
can’t select other operator again. However, it is an exception for <mode>=4. As
<mode>=2, it indicates the mandatory cancellation from the network. The
registration will affect all subsequent registration action. For example, as
<mode>=2, ME is not registerd yet, and it is registerd until <mode>=0 or 1.
Format AT+COPS=[<mode>[,<format>[,<oper>[,< AcT>]]]] select designated network
AT+COPS? Display current registered network, returned format as below
+COPS: <mode>[,<format>,<oper>]
AT+COPS=? Display current network list, returned format as below
+COPS: [(<stat>, <oper>][,,(<mode> value list),(<format> value list)]

Example AT+COPS=0,2,46001,2 OK
Auto select network, oper invalid Network selection succeeded
AT+COPS=1,2,46001,2 +CME ERROR: network service
Manual select network unavailable
Selected network has no service
AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,2,"46000"

WCDMA Module


OK MOBILE","CMCC","46000",0),(3,"CHN-C
Description <mode>
0 auto registration (omit <format> <oper> )
1 manual registration
2 mandatory cancellation
3 set format only
4 firstly manual and then auto
0 format of long character <oper>
1 ormat of short character <oper>
2 number format <oper>
Operator’s name, given according to format
<AcT> access technology

2.3.4 +CLCK: function lock

Description Execute the command to lock, unlock, check ME or network device <fac>.
Generally, the password is required. As checking network service
(<mode>=2),it will return the result line of <status>=0 only if any parameter is
non-activated status for the service. When setting or checking the network
device, the execution of the command shall be terminated.
Format +CLCK=<fac>,<mode>[,<passwd>[,<class>]]
Example at+clck="SC",2 +CLCK: 0
Check PIN1 code OK
at+clck="SC",1,1,"1234" OK
Set PIN1 code
at+clck=? +CLCK:
Check fac supported by CLCK. ("AB","AC","AG","AI","AO","IR","OI","OX","


WCDMA Module

Parameters <fac>:
"AB" all services barring.
"AC" barring of all incoming calls
"AG" barring of all outgoing calls
"AI" all incoming calls barring
"AO" all outgoing calls barring
"IR" Incoming roaming barring
"OI" Outgoing international calls barring
"OX" Outgoing international calls barring except for local
"SC" SIM card locked
"FD" Fixed dial
"PN" Personalized network(please refer to GSM 02.22 [33])
"PU" Personalized sub network(please refer to GSM 02.22 [33])
"PP" Personalized provider(please refer to GSM 02.22 [33])
"PC" Personalized company(please refer to GSM 02.22 [33])
"PF" lock the phone into the firstly inserted SIM card (PH-FSIM)in the
manual)(as other SIM card is inserted, ME shall require the password)
0 unlock
1 lock
2 check the status
0 Deactivated
1 Activated
<passwd>: type of character, the device’s password used for ME user
interface,the command +CPWD for changing password is the same as that for
setting the password.
<classx> sum of information type (default value 7):
1 voice call
2 data
4 fax
16 SYNC circuit data
32 ASYN circuit data
64 exclusive packet access
128 exclusive PAD access

2.3.5 +CPWD: change lock password

Description This command is used to change the device password defined by the command
Format AT+CPWD=<fac>,<oldpwd>,<newpwd>
AT+CPWD=? Returned format
+CPWD: <fac>,<pwdlength>

WCDMA Module

Example AT+CPWD=“SC”,1234,5555 OK
Change PIN1 code to 5555
at+cpwd=? +CPWD: ("AB",4),("SC",8),("P2",8)
Display supported fac OK
Parameters <fac>
"AB" all calls barring
<oldpwd>, <newpwd>: type of character, the device’s password used for ME
user interface,the command +CPWD for changing password is the same as
that for setting the password.
<pwdlength> integral type, the max. password length supported by the device.

2.3.6 +CLIP: caller ID presentation

Description This command is used to display the supplementary services on the

terminal.This command is relating to GSM’s supplementary service
CLIP(Calling Line Identification Presentation). When receiving the termination
call, the caller could obtain CLI(Calling Line Identification).
The set command could be used to enable or disable CLI on TE, but it has no
impact on the execution of CLIP in the network. As CLI is displayed on TE and
allowed by the calling party, as all RING or +CRING: <type> returned results
are sent from TA to TE, return
+CLIP:<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype>[,[<alpha>][,<CLI validity>]]].
When normally receiving audio service, use the command result. The result
depends on the manufacturer.
Format AT+CLIP=[<n>] Returned format
+CLIP: <n>,<m>
AYSN prompt format
+CLIP:<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype>[,[<alpha>][,<CLI validity>]]]
Example AT+CLIP=1 OK
Enable +CLIP
RING: incoming call
+CLIP: ”1001”,129

Turn off +CLIP

WCDMA Module

Parameters <n>
0 disabled
1 enabled
<m> display the status of CLIP service in the network
0 do not provide CLIP service
1 provide CLIP service
2 unknown(e.g.: network unavailable)
<number> type of character; format of phone number specified by <type>
<type> integral-type 8-bit address type
<subaddr> character-type subaddress specified by <satype>
<satype> integral-type 8-bit address type
<alpha> optional character-type (combining alphabet and number); display
thecorresponding option in phonebook; the command used for character set
should be the same as the command AT+CSCS for selecting TE character set.
<CLI validity>
0 valid
1 caller party disabled CLI
2 CLI can’t be used due ot the connection failure or restriction of original

2.3.7 +CLIR: caller ID restriction

Description This command is used to set whether or not send the caller ID. This command
is relating to CLIR service in GSM 02.81 [3] standard. As the caller party
originates the call, use the command to enable or disable display CLI at the
called party. The check command is used to define the status of <n>, and
trigger the inspection of COLP service according to GSM 02.81 [3](given in
Format AT+CLIR=<n>
AT+CLIR?n returned format
+CLIR: <n>,<m>

Example AT+CLIR? +CLIR: 0,2


AT+CLIR=? +CLIR: (0-2)


WCDMA Module

Parameters <n> set the adjustment status of the call

0 use the prompt indication according to the status of CLIR service
1 CLIR use
2 CLIR restriction
<m> display the caller’s CLIR status in the network
0 do not provide CLIR service
1 provided CLIR service in permanent mode
2 unknown(e.g.: network unavailable)
3 provided CLIR service restricted in temporary mode
4 provided CLIR service unrestricted in temporary mode

2.3.8 +CPOL: preferred PLMN list

Description This command is used to edit the list of preferred operators in SIM card.
Execute this command to write new option in the list(EFPLMNsel). If <index> is
given but <oper> is null, then the option will be deleted. If <oper> is given but
<index> is null, <oper> will be placed in the next idle location. If only <format> is
given, the format of <oper> in check command will be modified.
Format AT+CPOL=[<index>][,<format>[,<oper>[,<GSM_AcT>,<GSM_Compact_AcT>,
Example AT+CPOL=2,2,"46000" OK
Edit PLMN list
Delete 2 options in the list
AT+CPOL? +CPOL: 1,2,"46001"
Check the current PLMN list OK
at+cpol=? +CPOL: (1-10),(0-2)
Check <index>,<format> range OK
Parameters <index> index No.
<format> the format of operator’s name <oper> format
<oper> display the format of operator’s name according to <format>

2.3.9 +CPLS: select preferred PLMN list

Description This command is used to select preferred PLMN list to search for PLMN
Format +CPLS=<list>
Example AT+CPLS=1 OK
Select preferred PLMN
Check OK

WCDMA Module

Parameters <list>=0 if EFPLMNsel doesn’t exist in SIM card, select PLMN according to
<list>=1 select PLMN according to EFOPLMNwAcT.
<list>=2 select PLMN according to EFHPLMNwAcT.

2.3.10 +COPN: check operatpr’s name

Description This command is used to check the name of operators supported by the
Format AT+COPN returned format
+COPN: <numeric1>,<alpha1>[<CR><LF>+COPN: <numeric2>,<alpha2>[...]]

Example AT+COPN …
+COPN: "46001","CHN-CUGSM"

+CME ERROR: <err>

Parameters <numericx> character type; number-format operator (please refer to +COPS)

<alphax> character type; long character string format operator(alphanumeric
format)(please refer to +COPS)

2.3.11 +CGREG: check GPRS network registration status

Description This command is used to check GPRS network registration status.

Format AT+CGREG=<n>
AT+CGREG? Returned format
+CGREG: <n>,<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
ASYN prompt
+CGREG: <n>,<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
Example at+cgreg? +CGREG: 0,2
Check current registration status OK
at+cgreg=2 +CGREG: 2,1, 250040, 7C48

ASYN prompt status +CGREG: 2,1, 250040, 7C48

WCDMA Module

Parameters <n>=0 disabled

<n>=1 enabled, format: +CGREG: <stat>.
<n>=2 enabled, format: +CGREG: <stat>[,<lac>,<ci>].
0: Not logged on the network yet, currently no network searching
1: Already logged on the local network.
2: Not logged on the network, currently searching for network
3: Registration rejected
4: Current status unknown
5: Already logged on the network, under roaming status

2.3.12 +FCLASS: select mode

Description This command is used to select mode.

Format AT+FCLASS=<n>
Set fax mode
Check mode OK

Parameters <n>=0 data mode

<n>=1 class 1 fax mode

2.3.13 +CBST: select bear service type –do not test now

Description The set command is used to select the bear service <name> and <ce> with
<speed> (please refer to GSM 02.02 [1]). As the mobile terminal terminates the
data call, especially at single code, use the following value. For details, please
refer to AT+CSNS.
The test command is used to return the compound value supported by TA.
Format +CBST=[<speed>[,<name>[,<ce>]]]
Example AT+CBST=7,1,1 OK
configure bear service type
AT+CBST? +CBST: 0,0,1
check the current bear service OK
Check the parameters supported (0,7,12,14,16,17,39,43,48,51,71,75,80,81,
by CBST 83,84,116,134),(0,1,4),(0,1)

WCDMA Module

Parameters <speed> the corresponding speed of index

0 auto baud rate
7 9600 bps (V.32)
12 9600 bps (V.34)
14 14400 bps (V.34)
16 28800 bps (V.34)
17 33600 bps (V.34)
39 9600 bps (V.120)
43 14400 bps (V.120)
48 28800 bps (V.120)
51 56000 bps (V.120)
71 9600 bps (V.110 or X.31 mark filling)
75 14400 bps (V.110 or X.31 mark filling)
80 28800 bps (V.110 or X.31 mark filling)
81 38400 bps (V.110 or X.31 mark filling)
83 56000 bps (V.110 or X.31 mark filling)
84 64000 bps (X.31 mark filling)
116 64000 bps (bit transparent)
134 64000 bps (multimedia)
<name> name of bear service type
0 ASYN data circuit(UDI or 3.1 kHz的Modem)
1 SYNC data circuit(UDI or 3.1 kHz的Modem)
4 data circuit asynchronous (RDI)
0 transparent transmission
1 non- transparent transmission

2.3.14 +CCUG: close user group-do not test now

Description Use this command to control CUG(Closed User Group)(refer to GSM 02.85 [21]
for details). Use set command to select CUG index, Outgoing Access and CUG.
Format +CCUG=[<n>[,<index>[,<info>]]]
Example AT+CCUG=0,1,1 OK

AT+CUUG? +CCUG: 0,0,0


WCDMA Module

Parameters <n>
0 disable CUG service under temporary mode
1 enable CUG service under temporary mode
0~9 CUG index
10 no index(take user data for CUG)
0 no info
1 OA
3 OA and CUG

2.3.15 +CUSD: USSD service (not required to realize now)

Description This command is used to control USSD(Unstuctured Supplementary Service

Data)according to GSM 02.90 [23]. The command supports operations
triggered by network and motion. <n> is used to enable or disable non-request
result code. +CUSD: <m>[,<str>,<dcs>] displayed on TE. As <str> is specified,
USSD character string triggered by motion or returned result USSD triggered
by network shall be sent to the network. Through non-request result code
+CUSD, return the result USSD character string at network side.
Format +CUSD=[<n>[,<str>[,<dcs>]]]
Prompt upon USSD
+CUSD: <m>[,<str>,<dcs>]
Example AT+CUSD=1
Prompt for USSD enabled
Prompt for USSD ASYN +CUSD: 0

Parameters <n>:
0 Prompt OFF
1 Prompt enabled
2 Cancel conversation
<str>:USSD string
<dcs>:string format
0 Don’t need users to operate (no information required after USSD notice sent
by network or operation triggered by motion)
1 Need user to operate (information still required after USSD request sent by
network or operation triggered by motion)
2 USSD terminated by network

WCDMA Module

2.3.16 +CAOC: charging information-do not test now

Description This command is relating to charging notice supplementary service in GSM

02.24 [26] and GSM 02.86 [27]. The subscribers could know some information
about the call charges through this command.
Format AT+CAOC[=<mode>]
AT+CAOC=0 to check, returned format
+CAOC: <ccm>
Example AT+CAOC=0 check CCM value +CAOC: "000000"

AT+CAOC=1 turn on CCM value OK

AT+CAOC=2 turn off CCM value OK

Parameters <mode>
0 check CCM value.
1 ASYN prompt to turn off CCM value
2 ASYN prompt to turn on CCM value
Character type: three bytes of current call meter (hexadecimal format, e.g., the
corresponding decimal number of “00001E” shall be 30); adopt the currency
unit of local country, Max. ACM for coding of byte in SIM card.

2.3.17 +CSSN: supplementary service notice

Description This command is used for notice sent from the network regarding
supplementary service. Control the display of +CSSI and +CSSU. As n>=1, and
as the mobile terminal receives the supplementary service during call
origination, the middle result code +CSSI: <code1>[,<index>] will be sent to TE.
As <m>=1, and as the mobile terminal receives the supplementary service
during call termination, or receives call forwarding calibration notice, the
non-request result code +CSSU:<code2>
[,<index>[,<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]] will be sent to TE.
Format AT+CSSN=[<n>[,<m>]] set command
CSSI ASYN prompt
+CSSI: <code1>[<index>]
CSSU ASYN prompt
+CSSU:<code2> [,<index>[,<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]]
Example AT+CSSN=1,1 Enable outgoing call prompt

WCDMA Module

Call waiting prompt

+CSSI: 3
AT+CSSN=1,1 Enable incoming call prompt

Call forwarding before incoming call,

+CSSN: 0
Parameters <n>
0 disable +CSSI display
1 enable +CSSI display
0 disable +CSSU display
1 enable +CSSU display
0 call forwarding unconditional
1 call forwarding activated
2 call forwarded
3 call waiting
4 current call is CUG call(<index> exists)
5 outgoing call barred
6 incoming call barred
7 CLIR rejected
8 call diverted
0 forwarding the call currently
1 current CUG call
2 call held
3 call searched (during a voice call)
4 enter conference call
5 release call (do not belong to SS notice)(during a voice call)
6 receive calibration SS message (any time)
7 during the process of call forwarding (voice call), establish the call with the
remote end under ringer status.
8 during the process of call forwarding (voice call or MT call connected, and the
number and subaddress parameters must exist), established the call with the
remote end.
9 currently diverted call(MT call connected)
10 sdditional incoming call forwarded
Please refer to descriptions of +CLIP for other parameters.

WCDMA Module

2.4 Module Control Commands

2.4.1 +CPAS: check the status of mobile device

Description This command is used to check the mobile device’s work status.
Format AT+CPAS
Example Check the mobile device’s work status
check the status supported by the device
+CPAS:(list of supported <pas>s)

Parameters <pas> 0 Ready

Unknown status
Incoming call
In a call or call held

2.4.2 +CFUN: set module’s function

Description This command is used to set the module’s function.

Format AT+CFUN=<fun>,<rst>
Example Set call function

Obtain current list of functions supported by the module.

+CFUN: (list of supported <fun>s), (list of supported <rst>s)

Check the current module’s function

+CFUN: <fun>,<rst>
parameters <fun> 0 Minor function
1 Full function (default)
2 Only disable RF Tx. function
3 Only disable RF Rx. function
4 Disable RF Tx. and Rx. Function

WCDMA Module

<rst> 0 do not reset the module to make <fun> valid

1 Reset the module to make <fun> valid

2.4.3 +CPIN: input PIN code

Description This command is used to check PIN code status and input PIN code. The functions can
be used only after the correct PIN code is entered.
Format AT+CPIN=
Example Check current PIN code
No need to input new PIN code

Check current PIN code


Require PIN code

parameters AT+CPIN?: check if what passwords need to be entered.
+CPIN: READY: don’t need to enter any password.
+CPIN: SIM PIN: need enter PIN code.
+CPIN: SIM PUK:PIN code unlock password
+CPIN: PH-SIM PIN: SIM card bundle password
+CPIN: SIM PIN2: PIN2 code password
+CPIN: SIM PUK2: PIN2 code unlock password
+CPIN: PH-NET PIN: network password
Pin: string value.

2.4.4 +CSQ: check signal strength

Description This command is used to check received signal strength indicator(rssi) and bit error rate
Format AT+CSQ
Example AT+CSQ
parameters <rssi>:

WCDMA Module

99: network unavailable

0~7: normal
99: network unavailable

2.4.5 +CCLK: clock management

Description This command is used to set and check the data/time of real-time clock.
Format AT+CCLK=<time>
Example Check current time and date
+CCLK: "04/02/09,17:34:23+08"

Set current time and date

parameters String format of time: "yy/mm/dd,hh: mm: ss±zz".
±zz indicates time difference between local time and GMT. 16-bit decimal f number 66,
98 and 99, $(AT R97)$

2.4.6 +ZPWROFF: module power-off

Description This command is used to power off the module.

Example module power-off

2.4.7 +CSIM: access SIM card –do not test now

Description This command is used to access SIM card.

Format AT+CSIM=<lenth>,<command>
Example AT+CSIM=<lenth>,<command>
parameters <lenth> <command> or <response> length
<command> send the command to SIM card
<response> response to SIM card’s command

WCDMA Module

2.4.8 +CLAC: list all AT commands

Description This command is used to list all valid AT commands

Format AT +CLAC
Example AT +CLAC
<AT Command1> [<CR> <LF> <AT Command2>[…]]
parameters <AT Command1> AT command name

2.4.9 +CTZU: time zone update

Description This command is used to update auto time zone.

Format AT+CTZU=<onoff>
Example AT+CTZU=?
+CTZU: (list of supported <onoff>s)

+CTZU: <onoff>

parameters <onoff> 0 auto time zone update disabled
1 full auto time zone update

2.4.10 +CTZR: time zone report

Description This command is used for time zone report

Format AT+CTZR=<onoff>
Example AT+CTZR=?
+CTZR: (list of supported <onoff>s)

+CTZR: <onoff>

parameters <onoff> 0 disable time zone event report
1 enable time zone event report

WCDMA Module

2.4.11 +CLVL: speak volume

Description This command is used to set the volume level of the speaker.
Format AT+CLVL=<level>
Example AT+CLVL=5

parameters <level> range: 0~7, the smaller the number is, the lower the volume is. After the call is
ended, the value will return to the default value 4.

2.4.12 +ECHO: echo remove

Description This command is used to remove the echo.

Format AT+ECHO=num
Example AT+ECHO?

parameters Num: default value 1.
1: set echo remove function
0: cancel echo remove function

2.4.13 +SIDET: set side tone

Description This specific command is used to set the level of audio feedback in the speaker. It’s
earier to use this command to debug audio circuit.
The module has 2 audio pathes: 1 path for earpiece, 1 path for speaker and
microphone. Select suitable path before setting. Please refer to +SPEAKER
command for details.
Format AT+SIDET=<val1>,<val2>
Example AT+SIDET=1,0

parameters <val1>:
0: OFF

WCDMA Module

1: ON
<val2> : (volume)
0: No
1: small (default)
2: medium
3: large

2.4.14 +CMEE: mobile equipment errors

Description This command is used to select the returned code format of error report.
Format AT+CMEE=<error reporting flag>
Example AT+CMEE=0
parameters <error reporting flag>
0 Return ERROR only
1 Return ERROR code

2.4.15 +IFC: DTE-DCE flow control –do not test now

Description This command is used to set the flow control between the module and the subscriber.
Format AT+IFC=<n1>,<n2>
Example AT+IFC=0,0

+IFC: (0-3),(0-2)
parameters <n1>:
0: No (support)
1: XON/XOFF control, remove XON/XOFF from the data flow.
2: Hardware flow control.
3: XON/XOFF control, do not remove XON/XOFF from the data flow.
0: No
1: XON/XOFF control, remove XON/XOFF from the data flow.
2: Hardware flow control.

2.4.16 &D: set DTR signal –do not test now

Description This command is used to set DTR signal.

Format AT&D

WCDMA Module

Example AT&D0


parameters AT&D0: omit DTR signal
AT&D1: as the sigale of 108/2 circuit turns OFF, enter on-line command state.
AT&D2: as the sigale of 108/2 circuit turns ON, enter command state.

2.4.17 &C: set DCD signal –do not test now

Description This command is used to set DCD signal.

Format AT&C
Example AT&C0

parameters AT&C0: always enabled
AT&C1: data transmission enabled
AT&C2: disabled only at 1s after data call, enabled all other time.

2.4.18 +IPR: set module’s baud rate

Description This command is used to set the module’s baud rate.

Format AT+IPR=<baud rate>
Example AT+IPR?
+IPR: 9600

+IPR: (),(300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400)

parameters <baud rate>: baud rate

WCDMA Module

2.4.19 &F: restore factory settings

Description This command is used to restore factory settings.

Format AT&F
Example AT&F

2.4.20 &W: save defined parameter settings

Description This command is used to save current parameter settings. After the execution of this
command, the module will save the defined parameters in RAM into FLASH.
Format AT&W
Example AT&W

2.4.21 WS46: select wireless network

Description This command is used to select wireless network.

Format AT+WS46=<n>
Example AT+WS46=<n>


(list of supported <n>s)
parameters <n>:
12 GSM digital cellular

WCDMA Module

2.5 SMS Commands

2.5.1 +CMGD: delete message

Description Execute this command to delete the message located at <index> in preferred
<mem1>. If the command contains the parameter <delflag> (set as other value
except 0), ME shall omit the parameter <Index> and focus on the parameter
<delflag>. If the deletion fails, return +CMS ERROR: <err>. Please refer to the failed
result code attachment for the value of <err>.
Format +CMGD=<index>[,<delflag>] +CMS ERROR: <err>

Example AT+CMGD=? Check the range of parameters

+CMGD: (),(0-4) List supported <index> No., list
OK supported <delflag>(0-4)
AT+CMGD=3 Delete message 3
AT+CMGD=,1 Delete all read message
AT+CMGD=,2 OK Delete all read and sent messages
AT+CMGD=,3 Delete all read, sent and unsent
OK messages
AT+CMGD=,4 Delete all messages
<Index>: Index No. of saved messages
<DelFalg>: delete flag, 0-4; delete the
composite information as below:
0: can be omitted, delete the message
specified by <Index>
1:delete all read messages
2:delete all read and sent messages
3:delete all read, sent and unsent messages
4:delete all messages

2.5.2 +CMGF: message format

Description This command is used to inform the code format used for input/output. <mode>
represents the message format (result code for send/list/read/write command and
receive message). It could either be PDU mode (all TP data unit) or TEXT mode. In
TA-TE interface, TEXT mode uses the parameter <chset> to inform the message
body which character set is used.
The test command is used to return reported mode as the composite value.

WCDMA Module

Format +CMGF=[<mode>]
Example AT+CMGF? Check the current mode
+CMGF: 0 PDU mode
AT+CMGF=? Check the range of modes
+CMGF: (0-1) supported
OK (0-1)
AT+CMGF=0 Set as PDU mode
Parameters <mode>:
0:PDU mode (default)
1:TEXT mode

2.5.3 +CMGL: message list

Description Execute this command to return the value <stat> of preferred message <mem1> to
TE. In PDU mode, return the input whole data unit.
In TEXT mode, use +CSDH command to see the parameter.
If the message’ status is “received unread”, the status in memory will be changed as
“received read”.
If the list fails, return the result code +CMS ERROR: <err>. See the attachment
ofmessage service fail result code <err>.
Test command supports the list of all status value.

WCDMA Module

Format +CMGL[=<stat>] In TEXT mode, executing command succeeded.

Send message(SMS-SUBMIT)and/or receive
In TEXT mode, executing command succeeded,
message status report
In TEXT mode, executing command succeeded,
message command(SMS-COMMAND):
In TEXT mode, executing command succeeded,
CBM memeory:
In PDUmode, executing command succeeded,:
+CMS ERROR: <err>
Example AT+CMGF=0 Set as PDU mode
OK check the supported list range
+cmgl: (0-4)

WCDMA Module

AT+CMGF=1 Set as TEXT mode

OK check the supported list range
+cmgl: ("REC UNREAD","REC
AT+CMGF=1 check the supported list range
AT+CMGL="all" List all messages
AT+CMGD=2 Delete the second message
AT+CMGF=0 Set as PDU mode
AT+CMGL=4 List all messages
+CMGL: 1,3,,21
+CMGL: 2,3,,21
+CMGL: 3,3,,21
131 Delete the first message

WCDMA Module

Parameters TEXT mode(+CMGF=1)

REC UNREAD: receive unread message
REC READ: receive read message
STO UNSENT: store unsent message
STO SENT: store sent message
ALL: all messages
<index>: message index.
<data>: message text.
<alpha>: character string type alphanumeric, respresenting <da > or <oa> of the
corresponding entrance address in MT phonebook. The feature is realized by the
manufacturer. The character set is selected through the command +CSCS (see the
definitions in 3GPP TS 27.007[9])
<scts>:TP-service center (time character string format) (see <dt>)
<tooa>:TP-source address, 8-bit integral type (see <toda> for the default value)
<toda>: TP-target address, 8-bit integral type (as the first character of <da> is +
(IRA 43) , the default value is 145, otherwise it shall be 129)
<length>: integral type value, representing the length of message body <data> or
<cdata>; or in PDU mode (+CMGF=0), the length of the actual TP data unit in octets
(i.e. the RP layer SMSC address octets are not counted in the length)
<fo>: depends on the command or result code: SMS-DELIVER, SMS-SUBMIT
(default 17), SMS-STATUS-REPORT or SMS-COMMAND (default 2) the first 8-bit
number of integral type.
<mr>:TP-info parameter (integral type)
<ra>:TP-Rx address (character string),BCD code (or GSM 7 bit defalut alphabet)
converted to current TE selected character set (see 3GPP TS 27.007 [9] command
+CSCS ), address type specified by <tora>.
<tora>:TP-receive address, composed of 8-bit integral format (refer to <toda> for
default settings)
<dt>: TP-release time is time character string format: “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:sszz”.
The characters represent year (two number), month, day, hour, minute, second and
time zone. For example: 6th of May 1994, 22:10:00 GMT+2 hours can be expressed
as: "94/05/06,22:10:00+08"
<st>:TP status, integral type format.
<ct>:TP-command type, integral format (default 0)
<sn>:CBM Serial Number,integral type format
<mid>:CBM information identification mark, integral type format
<page>:CBM paging parameter, bits 4-7 as integral type
<pages>:CBM paging parameter, bits 0-3 as integral type
PDU mode (+CMGF=0)
0: received unread message
1: received read message
2: saved unsent message
3: saved unsent message
4: All messages

WCDMA Module

<index>:message index
<length>:TPDU 8-bit length (SMSC address is not included)
<pdu>:PDU binary system

2.5.4 +CMGR: read messages

Description Execute this command to return <index> message in preferred message <mem1>
to TE, and return the message status and data unit <pdu>. If the message’ status is
“received unread”, the status in memory will be changed as “received read”. If
reading message fails, return the result code +CMS ERROR: <err>. See the fail ure
result code <err>.
Format +CMGR=<index>,<mode> PDU mode (+CMGF=0) execute the command
+CMS ERROR: <err>
AT+CMGR=<index> TEXT mode (+CMGF=1) execute the command
Receive the message(SMS-DELIVER):
Send the message(SMS-SUBMIT):
Message status report
Message command(SMS-COMMAND):
Cell broadcast message(CBM storage):
+CMS ERROR:<err>

WCDMA Module

Example AT+CMGF=0 Set PUD format

OK Read the first message in PDU format
+CMGR: 1,,127
OK “MT”:1
AT+CMGR=1 Receive new message, store at location 1
+CMGR:"REC Set TEXT format
"04/02/25,12 :58 :04+04" Read the first message in TEXT format
Parameters PDU mode
0:change unread
1:unchange unread
pdu>:ME/TA hexadecimal format value
<alpha>:the name of corresponding <da> or <oa> on the terminal.
<stat>:the message status in memory.
<lenth>:TPDU bytes.
0:“REC UNREAD” received unread message
1: “REC READ” received read message.
2: “STO UNSENT” saved unread message
3: “STO SENT” saved read message

WCDMA Module

TEXT mode
<alpha>:the name of corresponding <da> or <oa> on the terminal.
<stat>:the message status in memory.
<oa>:message original number string
<da>:message target string
<scts>:message service center time string
<lenth>: length of message body <data>
0:“REC UNREAD” received unread message.
1:“REC READ” received read message.
2:“STO UNSENT” saved unread message.
3:“STO SENT” saved read message

2.5.5 +CMGS: send message

Description This command is used to send the message from the terminal to the network.
Return the parameter to the terminal after the message is sent.
+CMGS=<da>[,<toda>]<CR> (+CMGF=1) sent
TEXT<ctrl-Z/ESC> successfully:
sent unsuccessfully:
AT+CMGS=<length><CR> (+CMGF=0) a sent
<pdu><Ctrl-Z/ESC> successfully:
sent unsuccessfully:
Example AT+CMGF=1 Set as TEXT mode
OK Send “test” to
AT+CMGS="13316538879"<CR> 13316538879
+CMGS: 19

WCDMA Module

AT+CMGF=0 Set as PDU mode

OK Send “test” to
AT+CMGS=19<CR> 13028862427
+CMGS: 20
Parameters TEXT MODE
<da>:the target number
<data>: message text
<mr>: message parameter
<scts>:service center time string, optional (+CSMS<service>=1, network support)
return <scts>.
<length>:the length of TPDU under PDU mode
<mr>: message parameter
<ackpdu>:optional (+CSMS<service>=1, network support)return <ackpdu>.

2.5.6 +CMGW: write message to memory

Description Execute this command to save a message to <mem2>, and return <index>.
The default message status is set as “stored unsent”, but there are other status
value allowed for <stat> (ME/TA manufacturer could select different <stat> value
based on different message types. Input PDU just as +CMGS.
If writing message fails, return the result code +CMS ERROR: <err>. See the
failure result code appendix.
Format PDU mode (+CMGF=0): +CMGW: <index>
+CMGW=<length>[,<stat>]<CR>PD +CMS ERROR: <err>
U <ctrl-Z/ESC>
TEXT mode (+CMGF=1): +CMGW: <index>
+CMGW[=<oa/da>[,<tooa/toda>[,<s +CMS ERROR: <err>
Example AT+CMGF=0 Set as PDU mode
AT+CMGW=19 Write message to index 0
+CMGW: 0

WCDMA Module

at+cmgf=1 Set as TEXT mode

at+cmgw="13028862427" Write message “test” to index 1
> "test"
+CMGW: 1
Parameters <oa/da>:message original number/target number
<length>:the text length
<stat>:default message status

2.5.7 +CMSS: send the saved message

Description This command is used to save the <index> message in <mem2>.

If a new target number <da> is designated, the new number shall replace the
number saved in the message.
After the message is sent successfully, return the parameter <mr>; as +CSMS
<service> is set as 1 and network support is allowed, select to return <ackpdu>.
If the message is unsent (due to network or ME error), return the result code
+CMS ERROR: <err>. See the failure result code appendix.
Format +CMSS=<index>[,<da>[,<t Send successfully:
oda>]] +CMSS: <mr>[,<ackpdu>](PDU mode)
+CMSS: <mr>[,<scts>](TEXT mode)
Send unsuccessfully:
+CMS ERROR: <err>
Example AT+CMGF=0 Set as PDU mode
AT+CMGW=19 Write the message “Test”(target address
0031000D9168311386558 13316855988)
+CMGW: 2
OK The message will be saved to index 2
+CMSS: 21 Send the message saved in index 2

WCDMA Module

AT+CMGF=1 Set as TEXT mode

AT+CMGW="1331685598 Write the message “Test”( target number
8" 13316855988)
> test<ctrl-Z>
+CMGW: 3 Save to index 3
AT+CMSS=3 Send the message saved in index 3
+CMSS: 22
Parameters <index>:saved message index
<da>:target number
<mr>:message parameter
<ackpdu>:RP- RP-ACK PDU,the same format as <pdu>, without SC address
domain; the parameters are separated by double quotation marks just like
normal character string.

2.5.8 +CNMI: new message alert

Description Set the message alert after receiving a new message(TE in active status)
Format +CNMI=[<mode>[,<mt>[,<bm>[,<ds +CMS ERROR: <err>
Example AT+CNMI? +CNMI: display the current
+CNMI: 0,0,0,0,0 <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr> status
OK value
AT+CNMI=? +CNMI: (<mode> range), <mt>
+CNMI: range),(<bm> range),( <ds>
(0,1,2),(0,1,2,3),(0,2),(0,1,2),(0,1) range),( <bfr> range)
AT+CNMI=0,0,0,0,0 Set <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr>
OK respectively as 0,0,0,0,0
AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0 Set as message receiving mode
AT+CMGF=1 Set as TEXT mode
+CMT: Received a message “TEST” from
"+8613316855988",,"09/09/08,15:56 13316855988 at 15:56:35 on Sept. 8,
:35+32" 1990
Parameters <mode>:set the sending method after receiving the message

WCDMA Module

received messages and indications <mode> value




+CMTI, +CMT, +CBMI, +CBM, +CDSI, +CDS unsolicited result codes


0: message alert code cached in TA; if TA is full, the alert code may be saved in
other place or the oldest code might be abandoned and replaced by the latest
1: when the conection of TA-TE is held (under On-line data mode), abandon the
saved message alert code and reject the new alert code; in other cases,
directly transmit the code to TE.
2: when the conection of TA-TE is held (under On-line data mode), the message
alert code is cached in the module, as the connection is released, transmit the
message alert code to TE; in other cases, directly send the code to TE.
3: Directly send the message alert code to TE. As TA is under on-line data
mode, use TA-TE to connect the result code and data.
<mt>:send(SMS-DELIVER)the result code.(the regulation for saving receiving
messages is determined by its data code rules (see 3GPP TS 23.038). see table
1 (3GPP TS 27.005) for the setting of preferred memory(+CPMS)and <mt>
Note: if there is only one display device for AT command interface, ME must
support saving class 0 and waiting alert message (abandoned message), see
table 2 (3GPP TS 27.005)
0: no(SMS-DELIVER)alert sent to TE.
1: if(SMS-DELIVER)is saved in ME/TA, the storage location alert
Send the result code to TE: +CMTI: <mem>,<index>
2:(SMS-DELIVER), use the result code to directly send to TE;
+CMT: [<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu> (PDU mode enabled)
<length>]<CR><LF><data> (TEXT mode enable, italic parameters, please refer
to +CSDH display TEXT mode)
If ME has a LCD display, you could copy Class 0 message and waiting message
(abandoned message) into ME display and to TE. In this case, ME will send a
notice to the network (see table 2, 3GPP TS 27.005).
Class 0 message and waiting message (saved message) could be defined by

3: class 3(SMS DELIVER). Use the result code (defined in <mt>=2)and directly

WCDMA Module

send to TE. The alert caused by other data code format is defined in <mt>=1.

<bm>:the regulation for saved cell broadcast message CBM is determined by its
data code format (see 3GPP TS23.038),and use +CSCB to select CBM type
and for <bm> value, please refer to 3GPP TS 27.005 table 3)
0:No CBM alert sent to TE.
1: if CBM is stored in ME/TA, use the result code to send the memory location to
+CBMI: <mem>,<index>

2: send new CBM directly to TE.

 +CBM: <length><CR><LF><pdu> (PDU mode)

 +CBM: <sn>,<mid>,<dcs>,<page>,<pages><CR><LF><data>
(TEXT mode)

 If ME supports data coding group, ME select not to send these

data code formats to TE.

3: Class 3 CBM Use the result code (defined in <mt>=2)and directly send to TE.
If it supports CBM storage, the alert caused by other type of information is
defined in <bm>=1.
<ds>: message status report
0: no message status report sent to TE.
1:send message status report to TE:
+CDS: <length><CR><LF><pdu> (PDU mode)
+CDS: <fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>,<dt>,<st> (TEXT mode)
2:if the message status report is saved in ME/TA, send the memory location to
<bfr>: define the method of cache saving result code(<mode> 1, 2 or 3).
0: as <mode> is set as 1..3, the code saved in TA will be sent to TE (return OK
pirio to transmitting the code).
1: as <mode> is set as 1..3, the code saved in TA will be erased.

2.5.9 +CPMS: preferred SMS memory

Description The setting command is used to select <mem1>, <mem2> and <mem3> to read,
write, etc. If the selected memory is not suitable for ME (but TA supports), return
the result code +CMS ERROR: <err> . See the failure result code appendix.
The testing command is used to display the memory list supported by TA.
Format +CPMS=<mem1>[, +CPMS:
mem2>[,<mem3>]] <used1>,<total1>,<used2>,<total2>,<us
+CMS ERROR: <err>

WCDMA Module

Example AT+CPMS? Check the current settings: <mem1> as

+CPMS:"ME",4,23,"ME",4,23,"SM", ME,used 4 entries, total 23 entries;
32,50 <mem2> as ME,used 4 entries, total 23
OK entries; <mem3> as SM,used 32 entries,
total 50 entries.
AT+CPMS=? List the supported <mem1>, <mem2>,
+CPMS:("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("M <mem3>(support ME, MT, SM and SR)
AT+CPMS="SM","ME","MT" Set <mem1>, <mem2>,<mem3>
+CPMS: 32,50,4,23,4,23 respectively as SM, ME and MT;
AT+CPMS? Check the result for <mem1>, <mem2>
+CPMS: and <mem3>
Parameters <mem1>:character string type; read and delete SMS memory (SMS list +CMGL,
read SMS +CMGL and delete SMS +CMGD); the defined value are as (other
defined by the manufacturer):
"BM": broadcast message

“ME”: ME storage

"MT": any storage regarding ME.

"SM":(U)SIM storage.

"TA": TA storage

"SR": status report storage.

<mem2>: character string type, see <mem1> for the defined value of memory as
reading and writing the message.
<mem3>: character string type, received message is stored in preferred
memory (unless sent to TE directly; see new message alert +CNMI); see
<mem1> for the defined value; received CBM is usually saved in "BM" (or
memory appointed by the manufacturer), unless sent to TE directly; the received
status report is usually saved in "SR" (or memory appointed by some
manufacturers),unless sent to TE directly.
<used>: used entires.
<total>: total entries of the memory.

WCDMA Module

2.5.10 +CSCA: SMS center number

Description The setting command is used to update SMS center number, and MO sends it
through SMS center number. Under TEXT mode, use send and write message
command to set; under PDU mode, use the same command to set. The length
of SMSC is 0 in PDU.
Format +CSCA=<sca>[,<tosca>]
Example AT+CSCA? Check SMS center number
+CSCA: "+8613800755500",145 As 23800755500
Parameters <sca>:SMS center address
<tosca>: SMS center type

2.5.11 +CSCB: select cell broadcast message type –do not test now

Description The setting command is used to select the type of CBM received by ME.
The testing command is used to return the combined value of supported mode.
Format +CSCB=[<mode>[,<mids>[,<dcss>]]]
Example AT+CSCB? Check the current CBM type
+CSCB:0,"0,100,6,1,221,2,3,4,30,6458,13,29 <mode> =0;<mids>="0,100,6,..."
420,255,19,20,5,18,11,26214,10,40,50,223,2 string combinations,
27,3084,24536,21807,12222,25,54,69,68,67, <dcss>=“”(null string)
AT+CSCB=? List supported modes(0-1)
+CSCB: (0-1)
AT+CSCB=1 Set the mode as 1
AT+CSCB? Inquiry
+CSCB: 1, "","" results:<mode>=1;<mids>,<dcss
OK > default as“”(null string)
OK Set <mode> as 0

WCDMA Module

+CSCB: 0, "0-65535","" Check the current settings

<mids> default value
OK 0-65535,<dcss> default null string
+CSCB: 0, "0-1,0-65535","1-2"
AT+CSCB=0,"2-3","3-4" Accept added setting
OK <mids>,update <dcss>
+CSCB: 0, "2-3,0-1,0-65535","3-4"
AT+CSCB=0,"4-7","" Accept added setting
OK <mids>,update <dcss>
+CSCB: 0, "4-7,2-3,0-1,0-65535",""
OK Accept added setting
AT+CSCB=1,"5-6","1-5" <mids>,update <dcss>
+CSCB: 1, "4-7,2-3,0-1,0-65535","1-5"
Don’t accept added setting
<mids>,update <dcss>
Parameters <mode>:
0: accept the message types defined in <mids> and <dcss>.
1:accept the message types defined in <mids> and <dcss>
<mids>:character string type. CBM’s all possible combinations for CBM ID mark
(see <mid>) (default as null string), such as “0,1,5,320-478,922”
<dcss>: character string type, all possible combinations for CBM data coding rules
(see <dcs>) (default as null string), such as “0-3,5”

2.5.12 +CSMP: set TEXT mode –do not test now

Description When selecting TEXT mode to send SMS to network or memory, this command is
used to select the value of attached parameter. When SMSC receives the
message, set the valid starting time (<vp> range: 0-255) or define absolute valid
ending time(<vp> character string). The format of <vp> is defined by <fo>. IF TA
supports EVPF (see 3GPP TS 23.040[3]), it will be hexadecimal string with double
quotation mark.(see <pdu>).
Format +CSMP=[<fo>[,<vp>[,<pid>[,<dcs>]]]]
Example AT+CSMP? +CSMP: <fo>,<vp>,<pid>,<dcs>

WCDMA Module

+CSMP: ,,0,0
<fo>: rely on the command or result code: the first 8-bit(3GPP TS 23.040
SMS-COMMAND(default 2)integral type format
<vp>: rely on SMS-SUBMIT <fo> setting: 3GPP TS 23.040 [3] TP-Validity-Period
can be integral type format (default 167), time character string format (see <dt>)or
enhanced type format (support EVPF)(16 hexadecimal character string with
double quotation mark).
<pid>:3GPP TS 23.040 [3] TP-Protocol-Identifier integral type format(default 0)
<dcs>: rely on command or result code: 3GPP TS 23.038 [2] SMS data coding
regulation (default 0), CBM coding regulation (integral type format)

2.5.13 +CSMS: select SMS service –do not test now

Description The setting command is used to select SMS <service>. Return the message
type supported by ME: <mt> MT message, <mo> MO message, <bm>
broadcast message.
If ME doesn’t support selected service (but TA supports), return +CMS ERROR:
<err>. See the failure result code appendix.
The read command is used to return the message type.
The test command is used to return the list of all services supported by TA.
Format +CSMS=<service> +CSMS: <mt>,<mo>,<bm>
+CMS ERROR: <err>
Example AT+CSMS? Check the current settings
+CSMS: 0,1,1,1
AT+CSMS=? list all services supported(0-1)
+CSMS: (0-1)
AT+CSMS=0 Set the service as 0
+CSMS: 1,1,1
Parameters <service>:
0: 3GPP TS 23.040 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.041 [4]
1: 3GPP TS 23.040 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.041 [4] description of corresponding
command, set as 1
2-127: reserve
128…: definition of device manufacturer
<mt>, <mo>, <bm>:
0:does not support the type

WCDMA Module

1:support the type

2.5.14 +CNMA: new message acknowledgement (to ME/TA)

Description Execute the command to acknowledge the receipt of new message sent to TE
(SMS-DELIVER or SMS-STATUS-REPORT). As +CSMS <service> is 1, it
acknowledges that the command (Cause ME to send RP-ACK to the network)
will be used.
Under PDU mode, send positive (RP-ACK)or negative(RP-ERROR) to the
network. The parameter <n> will define which one will be sent. Select (as
<length> is larger than 0) to send TPDU (RP-ACK or RP-ERROR
SMS-DELIVER-REPORT) to the network. The command to input PDU is the
same as the command to send message +CMGS(<ackpdu> format will be used
to replace <pdu>(no SMSC address)). PDU is not limited by double quotation
Before the previous is acknowledged, TA shall not send another +CMT or +CDS
result code to TE. If ME doesn’t get the acknowledgement within the specified
period of time (network timeout), ME shall send the answer to the network
according to definitions in 3GPP TS 24.011 [6]. If <mt> and <ds> +CNMI are
both set as 0, ME/TA shall auto shield the function of sending to TE.
If there is no expected acknowledgement or some error regarding ME occurs
after the command is executed, return the result code +CMS ERROR: <err>.
See the failure result code appendix.
Format TEXT MODE (+CMGF=1): +CMS ERROR: <err>


PDU is given<ctrl-Z/ESC>]]]
AT+CNMA=? Check the supported range
+CNMA: (0-2) List the supported range(0-2)
Example NOTE: in case that the directly sent messages must be cached into ME/TA (as
+CNMI parameter <mode> is 0 or 2), ther result code can’t be sent to TE (if user
uses +CMGS to input the message), (RP-ACK) must be sent to the network
(don’t wait for +CNMA command from TE). Later, as the cache result code is
sent to TE, TE must send +CNMA (PDU mode =+CNMA [=0]) for every result
code. Based on this, ME/TA can decide whether the information should be
saved to Non-volatile memory and whether the shielding should be sent to TE
(can’t receive +CNMA (PDU mode =+CNMA [=0])). For details on the use of
<mode> parameters, please refer to +CNMI command.
The teset command is used to return the supported <n> list. If it only supports 0,

WCDMA Module

the device shall not support sending TPDU.

0:command operation similar to TEXT mode
1:send RP-ACK (or result code received by cache memory)
2:send RP-ERROR (If there is no PDU, ME/TA shall send
SMS-DELIVER-REPORT (3GPP TS 23.040 [3] TP-FCS value is set as
“FF”(undefined cause)))

2.5.15 +CMMS: send multiple messages –not validated temporarily

Description The setting command is used to control the consistency of message trunking
protocol. As the feature is activated (network support), and the connection is
held, multiple messages could be able to send more quickly.
The testing command is used to return the supported combined value.
Format +CMMS=[<n>]
Example AT+CMMS? Check the current parameter settings
+CMMS: 0
AT+CMMS=1 Set <n> as 1
+CMMS: 1
AT+CMMS=? Check the supported parameter range
+CMMS: (0-2) Display the supported parameter range
OK list(0-2)
Parameters <n>:
1:keep activated until the interval between answering of the send
command(+CMGS, +CMSS) for last message and sending the next command
exceeds 1-5 seconds(the accurate value depends on ME),and then ME will
turn off the connection, TA will not atuo switch <n> to 0.
2: keep activated until the interval between answering of the send command
(+CMGS, +CMSS) for last message and sending the next command exceeds
1-5 seconds (the accurate value depends on ME).

2.5.16 +CGSMS: select MO SMS service

Description The command is used to appoint MT to send MO SMS service or preferred

Format +CGSMS= [<service>] OK

WCDMA Module

Example AT+CGSMS=1 Set as circuit exchange

AT+CGSMS? Check the current settings
AT+CGSMS=? List the parameter range(0-3)
+CGSMS: (0-3)
Parameters <service>:number parameter (indicates the used service or preferred service)
0:data domain
1:circuit exchange
2:data domain preferred (if GPRS is unavailable, adopt circuit exchange)
3:Circuit exchange preferred (if the circuit exchange is unavailable, adopt data
Other: reserve, return ERROR response

2.5.17 +CMT: direct display received messages

Description This indicates one message has been received and directly displayed according
to information storage parameter +CNMI.
Format +CMT:<oa>, [<alpha>],<scts> OK
[,<tooa>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs>,<sca>,<tosca>,<le ERROR
ngth>]<CR><LF><data> (TEXT mode,see
TEXT mode parameter +CSDH for italic
Example AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0 Set as SMS receiving mode
AT+CMGF=1 Set as TEXT mode
+CMT: Received a message “TEST”
"+8613316855988",,"09/09/08,15:56:35+32" from 13316855988 at 15:56:35
TEST on Sept. 8, 1990

Parameters <oa>:send information address

<scts>:service center time zone (string format), format: “yy/MM/dd, hh: mm:
<tooa> : the type of <oa> address
<length>: the length of <data> domain
<data>: message data

WCDMA Module

2.5.18 +CMTI: received messages saved in memory

Description This indicates the message has been received and will be saved into the
memory according to the information storage parameter in (+CNMI).
Format +CMTI:<mem>,<index> OK
Example AT+CNMI=1,1,0,0,0 Set as message receiving and storaging
OK mode
OK Set as TEXT mode
+CMTI: "SR",32
Received messages will be saved in
“SR” 32 entries
Parameters <mem>:NVRAM storage area(usually, the response is “MT”)
<index>:information saving location

2.5.19 +ZMGF: messages full

Description The information indicates the message center is trying to send a message to the module
but was rejected because the message memory is full. Need use AT+CMGD command to
delete some messages.
Format +ZMGF:n
Example +ZMGF Indicates there is new message, but rejected.
n: indicating the message memory is full.
1 and 3 could be viewed as mobile phone, and 2 could be viewed as module.

2.5.20 +CSDH: display text mode

Description The command is used to control whether to display the detailed header value in TEXT
mode result code.
Format +CSDH=[<show>]
Example AT+CSDH=0
Set the parameter as 0
Check the current parameters
+CSDH: 0
List the range of parameters
+CSDH: (0-1)

WCDMA Module

0: do not display header values when sending (SMS-SUBMITs) and receiving
(SMS-DELIVERs)under TEXT mode(+CSCA and +CSMP (<sca>, <tosca>, <fo>, <vp>,
<pid> and <dcs>) have no <length>, <toda> or <tooa> in +CMT, +CMGL, +CMGR result
code); in +CMGR(read message)result code, do not display <pid>, <mn>, <da>, <toda>,
<length> or <cdata>
parameters 1: display the value in result code
Test procedure: when setting as 0, display <pid unknown>, <mn unknown>, <da SMS
center number>, <toda number status 145 or 129>, <length message text length>
When setting as 1, display 161,36,34,0, "+8613010200500 SMS center number",145
number type, 160(message text) in the message header

WCDMA Module

2.6 Phonebook Commands

2.6.1 +CPBS: select phonebook memory

Description Select phonebook memory

parameters <STORAGE>
“SM” SIM card phonebook
“DC” Dial calls phonebook
“FD”Fixed dial phonebook
“LD” Last dial phonebook
“MC” Missed calls phonebook
“ME” Module memory phonebook
“RC” Received call phonebook
“EN” Emergency number phonebook
“ON” List of MSISDN in SIM card( or ME)(or use +CNUM command to read the
information in the memory)

2.6.2 +CPBR: phonebook read

Description Read the phonebook entries

Format AT+CPBR=<INDEX1> [,<INDEX2>]
Example AT+CPBR=<INDEX1> Read the phonebook entries from INDEX1
[,<INDEX2>] to INDEX2

AT+CPBR=? +CPBR:(<index> Test command

value list,
[<nlength>], [<tlength>]

WCDMA Module

parameters <index1> integral type value within the number range in phonebook memory
<index2> integral type value within the number range in phonebook memory
<number>: character type; <type> format phone number
<type>: 8-bit integral number type address (refer to GSM 04.08 [8] section
<text> <tlength> the same as the character Set specified by “Select TE
Character Set” command +CSCS;
<nlength> indicates the integral type value of max. length of <number>
<tlength> indicates the integral type value of max. length of <text>

2.6.3 +CPBF: phonebook Find

Description Search for phonebook entries.

Format AT+CPBF=<findtext >
Example AT+CPBF=<text>


+CPBF: [<nlength>],[<tlength>]

parameters <index1> integral type value within the number range in phonebook memory
<index2> integral type value within the number range in phonebook memory
<number>: character type; <type> format phone number
<type>: 8-bit integral number type address (refer to GSM 04.08 [8] section
<text>,<findtext>: the max. length of character string of <tlength>; the same as
the character Set specified by “Select TE Character Set” command +CSCS;
<nlength> indicates the integral type value of max. length of <number>
<tlength> indicates the integral type value of max. length of <text>

WCDMA Module

2.6.4 +CPBW: search for phonebook

Description Search for phonebook entries

Format AT+CPBF=<findtext >
Example AT+CPBW=[<index>][,<number>[,

+CPBW: (<index> value
parameters <index> integral type value within the number range in phonebook memory
<number>: character type; <type> format phone number
<type>: 8-bit integral number type address (refer to GSM 04.08 [8] section
As the dial character string contains international access code “+”, the default
valye is 145. in other cases, the default value is 129.
<text>, character type; <tlength>: the max. length of character string of
<tlength>; the same as the character Set specified by “Select TE Character
Set” command +CSCS;
<nlength> indicates the integral type value of max. length of <number>
<tlength> indicates the integral type value of max. length of <text>

WCDMA Module


2.7.1 +CGDCONT define PDP context

Description Use the set command to define the parameter for PDP context, which is
marked by local context mark parameter <cid>. The special form of the set
command- +CGDCONT= <cid> shall make the value of context number
<cid> undefined.
Format AT+CGDCONT=[<cid> [,<PDP_type>[,<APN>[,<PDP_addr>[,<d_comp>
Example AT+CGDCONT=[<cid> +OK
[,<PDP_type> +CME ERROR: <err>

as IP
parameters <cid> (1-16)number type parameter; used to designate PDP context mark.
The parameter is local parameter for TE-MT interface, and it could be
used as relevant commands of other PDP context.
<PDP_type> [“IP”] (packet data protocol type)character type
parameter;used to designate the type of packet data protocol
“IP”(Internet Protocol)(IETFSTD 5)
<APN> - name of access point; indicates a character string parameter,
used to select GGSN or external packet data network’s logic name. If the
parameter’s value is null or omitted, need apply for the value.

<PDP_address> - character type parameter; used to mark the special

PDP context and the address space assigned by MT. If the parameter’s
value is null or omitted, then TE will provide other value during PDP’s
startup process; if it can not provide other value, need apply for the
dynamic address. Even the address was assigned during PDP’s startup

WCDMA Module

process, the read format of the command will still return as null. Use
+CGPADDR command, read the assigned address
0 OFF(if the value is omitted, the parameter will take default value)number
type parameter; used to control PDP data compression
1 ON

0 OFF(if the value is omitted, the parameter will take default value)number
type parameter; used to control PDP head-compression
1 ON

2.7.2 +CGQREQ requested service quality report

Description The command allows MT to send “PDP context activation request” message to
the network, TE designates a service quality.
Use the set command to designate a report marked by context parameter
<cid>. The special form of this command +CGQREQ= <cid>,cancel the defined
<cid> service quality.
Format AT+CGQREQ=[<cid>[,<precedence >[,<delay>[,<reliability.>
Example AT+CGQREQ=[<cid>[,<precedence +OK
>[,<delay>[,<reliability.> +CME ERROR: <err>
AT+CGQREQ? +CGQREQ: <cid>,<precedence
AT+CGDCONT=? +CGQREQ:<PDP_type>,(<prec
edence> value list), (<delay>
value list), (<reliability> value
list) , (<peak> value list),
value list)

parameters Parameter Value Description

cid 1-16 Number type parameter; used to designate PDP
context mark. The parameter is local parameter for
TE-MT interface, and could be used for the
corresponding commands of other PDP context.
Precedence 0 Network customization parameters

WCDMA Module

Used to 1 Prior to precedence level 2 and 3, make a

designate the commitment of service with high precedence
level of 2 Prior to precedence level 3, make a commitment of
precedence service with normal precedence
3 make a commitment of service with low
delay 0-4 Network customization parameters
used to
designate the
delay level
reliability 0 Network customization parameters
used to 1 Can not deal with non real-time service of data loss
designate the and error-sensitive application program
reliability 2 Can deal with non real-time service of data loss
levels of and error-sensitive application program
dealing with 3 Can deal with data loss, GMM/SM and SMS non
the loss of real-time service and error-sensitive application
4 Can deal with real-time service of data loss and
error-sensitive application program
5 Can deal with real-time service of data loss and
error-sensitive application program
peak 0 Network customization parameters
Used to 1 Max. 1 000 (8 kbit/s)
designate the 2 Max. 2 000 (16 kbit/s)
throughput 3 Max. 4 000 (32 kbit/s)
level of peak 4 Max. 8 000 (64 kbit/s)
5 Max. 16 000 (128 kbit/s)
6 Max. 32 000 (256 kbit/s)
7 Max. 64 000 (512 kbit/s)
8 Max. 128 000 (1 024 kbit/s)
9 Max. 256 000 (2 048 kbit/s)
mean 0 Network customization parameters
define the 1 100 (~0.22 bit/s)
level of mean 2 200 (~0.44 bit/s)
throughput 3 500 (~1.11 bit/s)
4 1 000 (~2.2 bit/s)
5 2 000 (~4.4 bit/s)
6 5 000 (~11.1 bit/s)
7 10 000 (~22 bit/s)
8 20 000 (~44 bit/s)
9 50 000 (~111 bit/s)
10 100 000 (~0.22 kbit/s)

WCDMA Module

11 200 000 (~0.44 kbit/s)

12 500 000 (~1.11 kbit/s)
13 1 000 000 (~2.2 kbit/s)
14 2 000 000 (~4.4 kbit/s)
15 5 000 000 (~11.1 kbit/s)
16 10 000 000 (~22 kbit/s)
17 20 000 000 (~44 kbit/s)
18 50 000 000 (~111 kbit/s)
31 Lowest limit

2.7.3 +CGQMIN acceptable minimum service quality report

Description The command allows TE to designate an acceptable minimum service

quality. The report is inspected by MT, used to compare with the
negotiating report returned by “PDP context activation” message. Use the
set command to designate a report marked by context parameter <cid>.
The special form of this command +CGQMIN= <cid>,cancel the defined
<cid> service quality.
Format AT+CGQMIN=[<cid>[,<precedence >[,<delay>[,<reliability.>[,<peak>
Example AT+CGQMIN=[<cid>[,<precedence +OK
> +CME ERROR: <err>
AT+CGQMIN? +CGQMIN: <cid>,<precedence >,
(<precedence> value list),
(<delay> value list),
(<reliability> value list) ,
(<peak> value list),
(<mean> value list)
parameters Please refer to the requested service quality report: AT+CGQREQ

WCDMA Module

2.7.4 +CGATT GPRS Attach and Detach

Description The Execute command is used to attach MT to GPRS service or detach

MT from GPRS. After the command is executed successfully, MT will
keep the status of V.25ter command. If MT is under request status, omit
the command, and return OK.
When the attach status converts to detach status, it will auto activate all
PDP context.
Format AT+CGATT=[<state>]
Example AT+CGATT=[<state>] +OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
AT+CGATT? +CGATT: <state>


parameters Parameter value Description
<state> [0] Detach
GPRS attach status 1 Attach

2.7.5 +CGACT PDP context activate and deactivate:

Description Use the execute command to activate or deactivate the designated PDP
context. After the command is executed successfully, MT will keep the
status of V.25ter command. If PDP context is already under request
status, the status will remain unchanged. Upon the execution of the
command, if MT is not attached with GPRS, MT shall firstly attach GPRS,
and then activate the designated context.
Format AT+CGACT=<state>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,…]]]
Example AT+CGACT=<state> +OK
[,<cid>[,<cid>[,…] +CME ERROR: <err>
AT+CGACT? +CGACT: <cid>,<state>

AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CMNE NOTE:set PDP context

T" OK NOTE:PDP activate
OK NOTE:PDP deactivate

WCDMA Module

parameters Parameter Value Description

<state> [0] Deactivate PDP context
1 Activate
<cid> - Please see AT+CGDCONT

2.7.6 +CGDATA enter data mode:

Description The command is used to set MT using one or multiple GPRS PDP type,
executing the corresponding operations and establishing the communications
between TE and network, including GPRS attach and one or multiple PDP
context activate. MT will not process the commands after +CGDATA command.
Format AT+CGDATA=[<L2P> ,[<cid>[,<cid> [,…]]]]
Example AT+CGDATA=[<L2P> ,[<cid>[, CONNECT If the communication is
<cid> [,…]]]] established successfully, MT will return
CONNECT and enter V.25ter online data
OK after the data transmission and layer 2
protocol termination process, enter V.25ter
status again. MT will return the result code
+CME ERROR: <err>
parameters Parameter Value Description
<L2P> “PPP” Character type parameter; used to indicate
the layer 2 protocol used between TE and
<cid> - Please see AT+CGDCONT.

2.7.7 +CGPADDR display PDP address:

Description Use the set command to disable or enable auto answer function when receiving
the message “Request PDP context activated” from the network side.
Format AT+CGPADDR=[<cid>[,<cid>[,…]]]
Example AT+CGPADDR=[<cid>[,<cid>[, +CGPADDR:<cid>,<PDP_addr>
…]]] OK

+CME ERROR: <err>

parameters Parameter value Description
<cid> Number type parameter; used to designate
the definition of specific PDP context (please
refer to AT+CGDCONT). If <cid> is omitted,
return all defined context addresses.

WCDMA Module

<PDP_address> Character type parameter; used to mark

theaddress obtained by specific PDP context.
The address could be either static or
dynamic. For static address, it is set through
+CGDCONT command after the definition of
context; for dynamic address, assigned when
using the context the address
can not be used, omit <PDP_address>.

2.7.8 +CGCLASS GPRS mobile station type:

Description Use the set command to set MT according to the designated type of GPRS
mobile station.
Format AT+CGCLASS=<class>
Example AT+CGCLASS=<class> +OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
AT+CGCLASS? NOTE: query of type of GPRS mobile station.
parameters Parameter value Description
<class> “A” Type A
Character type
indicates the type
of GPRS mobile

2.7.9 +CGEREP GPRS event report:

Description Use the set command to enable or disable MT to transmit non-request result
code+CGEV: XXX to TE when some event occurs at GPRS MT or network side.
Format AT+CGEREP=[<mode>[,<bfr>]]
Example AT+CGEREP=[<mode>[,<bfr +OK
>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
parameters Parameter value Description
<mode> 0 Buffer the non-request result code in MT; if MT
result code cache is full, abandon the oldest
result code. Do not forward the result code to

WCDMA Module


1 As reserving MT-TE link, (e.g.: under online

data mode), abandon non-request result code;
otherwise, directly forward to TE.
2 As reserving MT-TE link (e.g.: under online data
mode), buffer the non-request result code in
MT; as ME-TE link is available, write all result
codes into TE; otherwise, directly forward to TE.
<bfr> 0 As the input <mode> value is 1 or 2, clear the
buffer of non-request result code.
1 As the input <mode> value is 1 or 2, the bufferof
non-request result code will be written into TE
(must return OK before writing result code)
The following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
+CGEV: REJECT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>
(A network request for PDP context activation occurred when the MT was unable to report it to the TE
with a +CRING unsolicited result code and was automatically rejected.)
+CGEV: NW REACT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>, [<cid>]
(The network has requested a context reactivation. The <cid> that was used to reactivate the context
is provided if known to the MT.)
+CGEV: NW DEACT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>, [<cid>]
(The network has forced a context deactivation. The <cid> that was used to activate the context is
provided if known to the MT.)
+CGEV: ME DEACT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>, [<cid>]
(The mobile equipment has forced a context deactivation. The <cid> that was used to activate the
context is provided if known to the MT.)
(The network has forced a Packet Domain detach. This implies that all active contexts have been
deactivated. These are not reported separately.)
(The mobile equipment has forced a Packet Domain detach. This implies that all active contexts have
been deactivated. These are not reported separately.)
+CGEV: NW CLASS <class>
(The network has forced a change of MS class. The highest available class is reported (see
+CGEV: ME CLASS <class>
(The mobile equipment has forced a change of MS class. The highest available class is reported (see

WCDMA Module

2.7.10 +CGSMS select service for MO SMS

Description The set command is used to designate the service or service priority level
when MT transmits MO SMS.
Format AT+CGSMS=<service>
Example AT+CGSMS=<service> +OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
parameters Parameter value Description
<service> 0 GPRS

1 circuti exchange
2 Preferred GPRS(if GPRS can’t be used,
use circuit exchange)
3 Preferred circuit exchange (if circuit
exchange can’t be used, use GPRS.


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