Social Engineering - Roscoe Pound

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By- Babisa kuman

Subjtet Grwea fRulby

Jurisruaente Content Np-3
Sotielo-qLLa Nov- X2D
hoonmdenLs -1o|2020
Toic Koscot ound 1970 -1964)
(Scual LrginvEPUng
Roseoe Pound. maa n e h e o s t
leading and
infueniol_juists oho deselafud
e AmeneRm Seuplequal qurlspudentk in e
Sys tematie fom He emtshasiud
interdis iplinary
aproaeh to lau Sp thal
rule L aud ife may t tsqithe -
He eated law S a means t r a{fectm9
Soo cönbel and did ndtbeliene -in
+e ales{arnet o mrchanical aeaadien. of
las.He is Considtred to ke t e father
Amencan Seuelogital Juresprndmmls
dur his tmiqne Contilatdten to 1he
Science ow mdLegal pulosp
Ccn oution o Roscae Ppundo
Souo logitn ms
udene mony be Studeed
wnder he tollowing hends '.
kamjphasis an
Funehenal Asjpect a Lau
Pounds Theory a Saual mgneering
Tural Pestul ales at Koscoe
haSAS G Fiuctionul Apet aj
Conaining tke
RDstae Pound defined s

amol stendard
hles, printiples, Concephens
Condurt anel duln as

Ptrpts and doctunes
ules H H+hus Ccomsiders l As
means aeelored echaue. nd
eas Juspuaent as a Soual enginen
The u d o lau accnding to him, is

Se meximum ants

nimuum atriehion r lenpentndiss

Accgrding to him that he mchon
law is t aeconle. the Contiching ineterests
indinidnals in t Community ano

hormanise thheir tnder--elatidns He tered

Sgcial ngineermg

Ihe mnin teask ad Souial mineeing

9ccelerate +h poes Ssuink
rderina mnakin a ible etorg
OO+ avpiol Cmiets interes
ono(ndividurls inthe Sovety
Thms Cmas, eglslators, aoministnters
amd jurists ust mevk with a pla
amd make m effort +o mauntain
alane betweun he Competing
in Seiey He ehuwnerared t e v a u 6
a s should se to
ntereats wheh he
protet and clamifted inks thne Caegm
CD Paivahe interents
(2 Pwblie inherests
Sou ndereats
C Pivae Inerests
( Inividund's interuts pevathal y
monely, interess Physicnd integaiy
ehutation, traeatm o voWlon,teidom
Cnscíenu amd e e indenesz a
Sntuquovndud huy s CrimeS, ters
Cemhras, Censh lutínal aw, ete
The intenua o.
do mesHc elahon
ensons Snch as husban and
Pren and chldren ete wifu,
(C T Inclerest prarty ,Successun
estamewtary dispssin'on, nudsm
Cnacthal elattons, 010tsatitn ehe.

Publi iwteresk
terests in h prwervatin t h e
Stade aS Such, and
C Stake a s uwArdian a Souink interests
Such as aominietontion a s s chantabe
nd owments, pmtechon o natwa enrironmunt
emtma aers, s - Shores, >equlatln

3 Suia inderests
Tnterests in thee preserVation aP
enraal h l , suwuky attaransauhlsns eh-
Serin Sminl insituhens S u a

econnmie nstiuimseh
elgonpoLiei amol
c Tnderests pestvinq merality sma as
againsk prostlution ,alrnkwess, gamblnq ek
Ld) Interesb InCmsernat&n

wunts, otecion eeononmienly

eaker Seetions h eha Soueky as
in anural pmqrun
e Soioy nhevess
ecowmic, poh amd ultural pogress
e Tniedom trade and Cmmene,
thtudm D Speech n a expresiln etu
)Inderests whish pmoBe huma
Personality by enabung apiron tv iwe
poutia, phui n Cultwrnd,S i a l amd
ecoummic Ue to Smf his 4ashe anol
nonarOlmmoeve his personaliry

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