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Submitted as a fulfilment of assignment

English Course Book Development

The Lecturer:

Anis Azimah, M.Pd.

Compiled by: Group 6

Robi'ah El Adawiyah (12203183305)

Aulia Wirda Indah Agustin (12203183041)
Muhammad Farhan Mubarak (12203183112)
Muhammad Iqbal Askab (12203183239)
Nizar Hanafi (12203163027)



Praise for the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy, taufik
and guidance, so that we can complete this paper. Good blessings and greetings
may be bestowed on the great Prophet Muhammad who has brought the dark ages
into the brightly-lit era namely Islam. Do not forget the compilers thanked:

1. To Prof. Dr. H. Maftukhin, M.Ag., as rector of State Islamic Institute of

2. To Dr. Hj. Binti Maunah, M.Pd.I., as the council of Faculty of Education
and Teacher Training of State Islamic Institute Tulungagung.
3. To Dr. H. Nursamsu, M.Pd., as head of English Education Department.
4. To Anis Azimah, M.Pd., as a tutor of English Coursebook Development
who had given directions so this paper could be fulfilled.
5. To Parents who give the best prayer and always support us.
6. To Classmates who always support in the completion of this paper.

We, as the compilers, hope that this paper can be beneficial to the compilers,
the general reader, and the community. For this reason, critics and suggestions are
highly expected from readers for the improvement and development of this paper.
Thank you.

Tulungagung, 17th October 2020

The Compilers


COVER................................................................................................................. i
PREFACE .......................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I......................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 1
A. BACKGROUND....................................................................................... 1
B. THE FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM.......................................... 1
C. THE PURPOSE OF THE WRITING....................................................... 1
CHAPTER II…………………………………………………………………... 3
D. DEFINITION OF WORKSHEET………………………………………. 9
CHAPTER III………………………………………………………………….. 20
CLOSING…………………………………………………………………......... 20
A. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………. 20
B. SUGGESTIONS………………………………………………………… 20
REFERENCES………………………………………………………………… 21



One of the basic assumptions of curriculum development is that a sound
educational program should be based on analysis of learner's needs. Procedures
used to collect information about learner's needs are known as needs analysis.
The needs analysis purpose in language teaching can be used to develop learner
knowledge and enable learners to master language skills more quickly
according to the needs of each learner.
And in studying process there must be a worksheet for students, to
testing their capability following a lesson in their school. Student Worksheets
are widely used as learning materials in the learning so that students can interact
with the material provided. One way of analyzing the needs of language
teaching can be used by using a worksheet. In this paper, we will explain things
about worksheets and needs analysis as well as how to designing worksheet
based on need analysis.


1. What is definition of need analysis?
2. What is purpose of need analysis?
3. What is procedure for conducting need analysis?
4. What is definition of worksheet?
5. What is criteria step for preparing the worksheet?
6. What is definition of worksheet based on need analysis?
7. How to designing worksheet based on need analysis?


1. To know the definition of need analysis.
2. To know the purpose of need analysis.

3. To know the procedure for conducting need analysis.
4. To know the definition of worksheet.
5. To know the criteria step for preparing the worksheet.
6. To know definition of worksheet based on need analysis.
7. To know the step for designing worksheet based on need analysis.



There are some definitions about needs analysis such as:

a. Needs analysis is the systematic data collection and examining of all

subjective and objective information required to describe and validate
curriculum goals that support the language learning needs of learners
within the context of the institutions that affect the learning and
teaching situation (Brown, 2006).
b. Needs analysis is method used to gather knowledge on the needs of
c. Needs analysis refers to a family of procedures for gathering
information about learners and about communication tasks for use in
syllabus design.
d. Needs analysis is directed mainly at the goals and content of a course


Needs analysis in language teaching may be used for a number of different
purposes, for example:
1. To find out what language skills a learner needs in order to perform a
particular role, such as sales manager, tour guide, or university student
2. To help determine if an existing course adequately addresses the needs
of potential students
3. To determine which students from a group are most in need of training
in particular language skills
4. To identify a change of direction that people in a reference group feel
is important
5. To identify a gap between what students are able to do and what they
need to be able to do
6. To collect information about a particular problem leaners are

In the case of K-12 ESL programs (e.g, for ESL students in public schools)
Linse (1993) identifies the following purposes for needs analysis:

1. To compile a demographic profile of all the languages and language

groups represented by the students
2. To assess their level of language acquisition in their native language
and in English
3. To determine their communicative abilities in English
4. To determine their formal knowledge of English
5. To find out how students use language on a daily basis
6. To determine what English language skills are necessary to enable
students to participate in all school and community activities in
7. To find out what prior experiences students have had with formal
8. To determine the attitudes of the students and their families toward
formal schooling and education
9. To find out what preliteracy and literacy skills the students possess
10. To ascertain the students" level of cognitive development and
acquisition of academic skills in their native language(s)
11. To ascertain what cognitive and academic skills students have acquired
in English
12. To determine the cultural, political, and personal characteristics of


A variety of procedures can be used in conducting needs analysis
and the kind of information obtained is often dependent on the type of
procedure selected. For example in writing test, when we want to analyze
the problem of writing the information could be obtained from the following
a. Samples of students writing
b. Test data on student performance

c. Reports by teachers on typical problems students face
d. Opinions of experts
e. Information from students via interviews or questionnaires
f. Analysis of textbooks teaching academic writing
g. Survey or related literature.
h. Examples of writing programs from other institutions
i. Examples of writing assignments given to first-year university students

There are some procedures to collecting the data in needs analysis:

a. Questionnaires
Some advantages use questionnaires as instruments are relatively easy to
prepare, it can used with large number of subjects, the information that is
relatively easy to tabulate and analyze, and can be used to elicit information
about many different kinds of issues.
b. Self-ratings
These consists of scales that students or others use to rate their knowledge
or abilities. It is also be included as part of questionnaires. But in this ways
the information do not accurate.
c. Interviews
An interview is the preliminary stage of designing of a questionnaire.
Interview helps designer get sense of topic and issues because interview
allow more in-depth exploration of issues than possible with a
questionnaire. We can make interview with face to face or over the
d. Meetings
A meetings allows a large amount of information to be collected in a fairly
short time. For example, a meeting teacher with the students use “students’
problem in listening comprehension” might generate a wide range of ideas.
But, information obtained in this way may be impressionistic and subjective
and reflect the ideas of more outspoken members of a group.
e. Observation
Observation of learners’ behavior in a target situation is another way of
assessing their needs. For example, observing clerks performing their jobs

in a bank will enable the observer to arrive at certain conclusions about their
language needs. However, people often do not perform well when they are
being observed, so this has to be taken into account. In addition, observation
is a specialized skill. Knowing how to observe, what to look for, and how
to make use of the information obtained generally requires specialized
f. Collecting learner language samples
Collecting data on how well learners perform on different language tasks
(e.g., business letters, interviews, telephone calls) and documenting the
typical problems they have is a useful and direct source of information about
learners’ language needs. Language samples may be collected through the
following means:
• Written or oral tasks: examples of students written or oral work are
• Simulations or role plays: students are given simulations to carry out
and their performance is observed or recorded.
• Achievement tests: are tested for their abilities in different domains
of language use.
• Performance tests: students are tested on job-related or task-related
behaviors, such as “how well a job interview can be carried out in
g. Task analysis
This refers to analysis of the kinds of tasks the learners will have to carry
out in English in a future occupational or educational setting and assessment
of the linguistic characteristics and demands of the tasks. For example, a
hotel employee might have to perform the following tasks in English:
• Greet hotel guests.
• Inquire about their accommodation needs.
• Inform them of accommodation available at the hotel.
• Help them make a suitable choice of accommodation.
• Handle check-in procedures.
h. Case studies

With a case study, a single student or a selected group of students is
followed through a relevant work or educational experience in order to
determine the characteristics that situation. For example, a newly arrived
immigrant might be studied for three months, during which time the student
keeps a log of his or her daily language experiences in English, the situations
in which the language is used, and the problems he or she encounters.
Although it is generally not possible to generalize from a case study, it
provides a very rich source of information that may complement
information obtained from other sources.
i. Analysis of available information
In any situation where a needs analysis is needed, a large amount of relevant
information is generally available in various sources. These include:
• Books.
• Journal articles.
• Reports and surveys.
• Records and files.

An analysis of available information is normally the first step in a

needs analysis because there are very few problems in language teaching
that have not been written about or analyzed somewhere

Here the example of need analysis

Name: _______________
1. What are your goals for the future?

• To find work
• To do further study
• To do volunteer work
• To be confident in speaking English to anyone in any situation.
• To be able to watch English TV and movies
• To join a club
• Other: ___________________
2. What is the most difficult for you now?

•speaking English in casual situations (neighbours, friends, parents
of other children)
• speaking with people face to face who service the community
(doctors, teachers, nurses, bus drivers)
• Reading English texts (letters, bills, newspapers, Internet)
• Speaking on the telephone
• Watching TV
• Understanding news on the internet, newspaper or TV.
• Other: ____________
3. Rank your skills in order from 1 – 6 from strongest to weakest.

Grammar Reading
Vocabulary Writing
Listening Pronunciation

4. Which activities are most helpful to your English learning.

Rank from most helpful to least helpful, 1 - 9

Working individually
Working in pairs or groups
Reading activities
Going on excursions
Grammar practice
Vocabulary practice
Pronunciation drills
Watching videos

5. What other things do you want your teacher to know?


There are many definitions of worksheet according to several literature.

Student Worksheets are sheets containing assignments that must be done by
students (MONE, 2008). Student Worksheet (LKS) is a printed teaching material
in the form of sheets of paper containing material, summaries, and instructions for
implementing learning tasks that must be done by students, which refers to the basic
competencies that must be achieved (Prastowo, 2015). According to Erryanti and
Poedjiastoeti, LKS is a guide sheet used in learning especially with the experimental
method. According to Merriam, a worksheet is a sheet that is used in making
preliminary plans, auxiliary computations, notes, or comments as a guide in doing
some piece of work. Worksheets are part of the learning device that is supporting
the implementation of learning, in the form of sheets which contains a summary of
the material, guidelines that are inquiry and problem solving through activity
performing and there are votes in it. The worksheet is made by the teacher. So, the
teacher must prepare and create the worksheet before going to the class.


According to the Ministry of National Education in Prastowo, steps for

preparing the Worksheet are as follows: (1) Conduct curriculum analysis; (2)
Prepare a map of the Worksheet needs; (3) Determine the titles; and (4) Compilation
in accordance with the completeness of Worksheet components.

1. Conduct curriculum analysis

Curriculum analysis is a pre-implementation process meant to unpack a
curriculum and understand its intrinsic value. One major intrinsic value of

a curriculum is determining whether there is coherence between and
among curriculum components from curriculum goals, objectives, and
content all the way to curriculum evaluation. On the other hand,
curriculum evaluation is the process of making a judgment on the
implement-ability of the curriculum, whether the curriculum as
implemented as planned. The analysis of the curriculum would come
before the evaluation as you would need to understand who the curriculum
is serving, how or in what manner they are being served, and for what
purpose. Then knowing this information, you can then evaluate whether
the curriculum is meeting it is intended purpose. It's one curriculum model
with different components.
2. Prepare a map of the Worksheet needs
The needs map of the Student Worksheet is very necessary to know the
number of Student Worksheets that must be written and the sequence or
sequence of the Student Worksheet can also be seen. This sequence of
Student Worksheets is very necessary for determining writing priorities.
Start with curriculum analysis and analysis of learning resources. The step
in arranging the map of LKS needs determines the quantity or the number
of LKS required. At this stage also determined the order of LKS so it can
be used properly, sequential and not cause confusion. Curriculum analysis
in the previous step is very important in this role, if the curriculum
analysis is done then the map preparation of LKS needs can be easier to
do. Also included in the preparation map of student's worksheet needs is
the analysis of learning resources that will be used in learning.
3. Determine the titles
The title of the Student Worksheet is determined on the basis of Basic
Competencies, subject matter or learning experience contained in the
curriculum. One Basic Competency can be used as the title of a Student
Worksheet if the competency is not too large, while the amount of Basic
Competency can be detected, among others, by the way, if it is described
into the subject matter to get a maximum of 4 subject matter, then the
competency can be used as a Sheet title Student Work.

4. Compilation
Compilation in accordance with the completeness of worksheet
components can be done with the following steps:
1. Basic Competency Formulation in the Student Worksheet is directly
derived from Core Competencies
2. Determine the Assessment Tool. Assessment is carried out on the work
process and the work of students.
3. Compile Material. Student Worksheet Material is very dependent on
the Basic Competencies to be achieved. Student Worksheet material
can be in the form of supporting information, which is a general
description or scope of the substance to be studied.
4. Structure of Student Worksheets. The structure of the Student
Worksheet, in general, is as follows: title, learning instructions (student
instructions), competencies to be achieved, supporting information,
assignments and work steps, assessment. So it can be concluded that,
with the existence of the Student Worksheet, the educator and students
are very helpful in the implementation of 8 learning. And students can
be directed to find the concept of learning material independently or in
groups. In addition, students can practice more by working on
available exercises.


From definition of need analysis and definition of worksheet we can

conclude that Worksheet based on need analysis is a printed teaching material in
the form of sheets of paper containing material, summaries, and instruction for
implementing learning tasks that must be done by students and it must be based
on the need analysis which has given by the teacher to the student before.


Student’s worksheet is a piece of paper containing exercises/tasks-
theoretical or practical tasks-for students. The tasks on a worksheet are constructed

by teachers and in accordance with the basic competencies and the learning
objectives. Need analysis is the systematic data collection and examining of all
subjective and objective information required to describe and validate curriculum
goals that support the language learning needs of learners within the context of the
institutions that affect the learning and teaching situations.

The important thing to design the worksheet based on need analysis is it is must be
done by students and it must be based on the need analysis which has given by the
teacher to the student before.

1. First of all give the need analysis to the student. Then the student will fill
the need analysis form.
Here the example of Designing worksheet based on need analysis:

Needs Analysis

Name: Muhammad Zainury_______________

1. What are your goals for the future?

• To find work
• To do further study
• To do volunteer work
• To be confident in speaking English to anyone in any
• To be able to watch English TV and movies
• To join a club
• Other:

2. What is the most difficult for you now?

• speaking English in casual situations (neighbours, friends,

parents of other children)

• speaking with people face to face who service the
community (doctors, teachers, nurses, bus drivers)
• Reading English texts (letters, bills, newspapers,
• Speaking on the telephone
• Watching TV
• Understanding news on the internet, newspaper or TV.
• Other:

6. Rank your skills in order from 1 – 6 from strongest to


Grammar : 3

Vocabulary : 3

Listening : 4

Speaking : Reading : 5

Writing : 4

Pronunciation: 4

7. Which activities are most helpful to your English learning.

Rank from most helpful to least helpful, 1 - 9

Working individually : 7

Working in pairs or groups : 6

Reading activities : 6

Going on excursions: 5

Grammar practice :5

Vocabulary practice: 6

Listening: 6

Conversation: 5

Pronunciation drills: 5

Watching videos: 6

8. What other things do you want your teacher to know?

I am a learner who is slow in understanding the material,

please be a little patient in teaching the material to me

2. Then after giving the paper of need analysis to the student and the student
has already answered all the question inside, so the teacher can make a
worksheet based on the need analysis the teacher gave to the student.

The example of worksheet based on the need analysis:

Worksheet G-12 SMT.1.II.3/English Language-Once Upon a


Name :_____________ No :
Date :______________ Grade : 12th

Once Upon a Time
1. Listening

Activity 1.

Listen to your teacher reading this story, then fill in the blank

with the words you heard.

Long ago, in the ……..(1), there lived a very beautiful princess,

snow white. The Queen was her ………..(2). She was very jealous of

her beauty. So she wanted her to die. Snow White knew about

her …….(3) plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made a

friend with seven …….(4).The Queen turned into a ……..(5). Snow

White did not realize it. The witch gave her ……(6) apple. As a

result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.……….(7), in the

end, Prince Charming ……..(8) her with a kiss. They lived together

happily ever after.

(Free adaptation from Grimms’ fairy tale)

The answers

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________

6. ____________________

7. ____________________

8. ____________________

Activity 2.
Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these

1. Who is the main character of the story?

2. Where did the story happen?

3. When did the story happen?

4. What problem faced by the main character?

5. Can she solved the problem? How?

6. How is the ending of the story, sad or happy ending?

7. What kind of story is it?

Activity 3.
Here are words taken from the answer of the listening section in

activity 1. Use them to complete the sentences.

1. Peter pan is popular children story. It is told the he lives in ………

2. When she wants to go somewhere, the …….uses her magic broom to

fly to the destination.

3. Cinderella was sad knowing that she didn’t ……….. an invitation to

the ball in the palace.

4. Cinderella’s ……….is a cruel and bad tempered. She always ordered

Cinderella to do a lot of works.

5. The ……….helped snow white and took care of her in their home in

the wood.

6. The lion was caught in a cage by some hunters. …………., the mice

helped him by cutting off the rope tied the cage.

7. To carry out his ……..mind, the witch uses her black magic to kill

the Prince.

8. The King died because he drank a …………..juice from his enemy.

2. Speaking (Speech Function)

Activity 4

In pair, read the following transactional dialogue before the class.

Maya : Hi, Mira. What are you doing?

Mira : Oh, Uhm. I am reading some stories. You know, Mr. Agus

Wuryanto asked us to submit the Story before we tell it to the class

Maya : Oh ya, I see. By the way. Have you got the right one?

Mira : Actually, I still confuse what kinds of stories I will

choose; fable, fairy tales, legend or what…

Maya : I’d like to suggest that you’d better to choose “fable”. It

is short, simple and easy to understand.

Mira : It sounds like a good idea. Ok , I’ll choose “fable”.

Indonesian fable “ The Deer and the Crocodiles”. Thanks for your


Maya : you are welcome.

Activity 6.

In pair, answer these questions.

1. Who are they?

2. What are they talking about?

3. What was confused by Mira?

4. Did she get the solution?

5. Who gave the solution?

6. What did Maya say to Mira?

7. Can give more example about the expression of giving suggestion?

Activity 7.

Learn these expression.

Expression of giving Responses


I think it is better if…. I think it’s a good idea

I suggest you ….. It sounds like a good suggestion

I’d like to suggest that… Your suggestion is right.

It is better for you to… Thanks for your suggestion

For sure, it is better to…. It is clear now. Thank you

Thanks for your suggestion

A. Conclusion
It is very useful to evaluate what the student needs when designing a
program to achieve successful learning outcomes. With the need analysis, we
can figure out where the learning shortcomings are taking place and we can
consider the degree to which students consider and understand the meaning of
learning as a whole, so that we can select as teachers which learning approach
is more suited for teaching each students. The important thing to design the
worksheet based on need analysis is it is must be done by students and it must
be based on the need analysis which has given by the teacher to the student

B. Suggestions
We have realized that in this paper was lack of in everything, but we
still hope that this paper can be used for us in educational program, especially
in designing worksheet based on need analysis “No body perfects in the
word.” But everyone wants to be perfect. So we hope that you are as a good
reader would give us any objective suggestion in order to improve this paper
next. For the next writer we also hope that you will be better than this paper.


Richards, Jack C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kukuh Andri Aka, Bagus Amirul Mukmin. 2020. Universal Journal of

Educational Research 8(6): 2270-2275. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080610
Macalister, John. 2010. Language Curriculum Design. New York: Roudledge
Nunan, David. 1988. Syllabus Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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