Learning Module For Science 9 First Quarter: Camarines Norte College Inc

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Junior High School Department

Labo, Camarines Norte
S.Y. 2021-2022

Content Standards

The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

• how the different structures of the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to transport
oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body
• the prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the circulatory and respiratory systems
• how genetic information is organized in genes on chromosomes
• the different patterns of inheritance
• how changes in the environment may affect species extinction
• the structure and function of plant parts and organelles involved in photosynthesis
• the structure and function of mitochondrion as the main organelle involved in respiration

Performance Standards

The learners shall be able to:

• conduct an information dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and
circulatory systems based on data gathered from the school or local health workers
• make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of representative microorganisms, plants,
and animals
• design and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that plants can manufacture their own food


Week Module Page
Activities to be Submitted Number
Exercise A and B 5-6
Activity 1A: Label My Heart 7
1 Activity 1B: Help Me Breath 7
Activity 2: Say No to COVID 8
Activity 3: Complete Me Please 9
Activity 4: 4 Wheel Diagram 9
2 Activity 5: An Open Book On Our Body System 10-11

IRF Chart 11
Activity 6: I Am Responsible 12
Exercise A and B 14
Activity 7: Arrow Ribbon 15
3 Activity 8: Find Me 15
Activity 9: Inheritance Diagram 15
Activity 10: identify Me 16
Activity 11: Tell Me What Am I 16
5 Activity 12: That’s Why 17
IRF Chart 17
Exercise A and B 19
6 Activity 13: We are not Twins 20
Activity 14: My Plant Template 20
Quiz 21
Activity 15: Let us Dig Deeper 21
Activity 16: What You See is What You Tell 22
7 KWL Chart 22
Performance Task 23
Exit Ticket 24

For further understanding, you can also visit



General Reminders
To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Don’t forget to answer the pretest. You may write your answer on your old notebook or paper. ANSWER
3. Read your reference book to answer the activities. Specific pages of book are given as guide.
4. Perform all the activities for you to understand the topic.
5. If there are articles included in the module which is needed for the activity. Take time to read.
6. Open and view the indicated videos for supplementary learning. You can copy the link and watch it
directly in YouTube or you can just visit our school website. Supplementary materials for learning are
uploaded there.
7. As much as possible, always do the Transfer task in your own.
8. Answer the posttest to measure how much you have learned from the lessons. TAKE NOTE: YOU WILL
10. God bless and enjoy learning.

Module Coverage

Title: You’ll Learn to…

Circulatory and Respiratory ✓ Identify and describe the structure of the organs and tissues composing the
Systems Working with Other cardiovascular system.
Organ System

Heredity: Inheritance and ✓ Differentiate the different concepts involved in genetics such as genes and
Variation of Traits alleles, dominant and recessive, genotype and phenotype
✓ Differentiate the three Non-Mendelian patterns of Inheritance.
✓ Identify and describe the different types of biodiversity and adaptation.
✓ Explain the different patterns of Non- Mendelian inheritance.
✓ Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to
adapt to abrupt changes in the environment
Flow of Energy and Matter in ✓ Differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and
Ecosystem respiration.
✓ Explain how photosynthesis and respiration differs.
Unit 1: Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Working with Other
Organ System
In late December 2019 a new (novel) coronavirus was identified in China causing severe respiratory
disease including pneumonia. It was originally named Novel Coronavirus and The World Health Organization
(WHO) advised the following language associated with the virus. The virus causing the infection has been
named - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease caused as a result of
infection is named - coronavirus disease (COVID-19). COVID-19 has been categorized as an airborne High
Consequence Infections Disease. Many people with COVID-19 have low levels of oxygen in their blood, even
when they feel well. Low oxygen levels can be an early warning sign that medical care is needed.
If blood oxygen levels are too low, your body may not work properly. Blood carries oxygen to the cells
throughout your body to keep them healthy. It can cause mild problems such as headaches and shortness of
breath. In severe cases, it can interfere with heart and brain function.

In this module, you will find out how oxygen as well as other nutrients is delivered to each cell in the body.
Always consider this question as you go through; How does the effectivity of the function of Circulatory
and respiratory System be ensured?

References: Science Link 9 pages 2-27

Or visit our website: www.camarinesnortecollegejhs.com


Unit Concept Map

Parts of the
Circulatory and

Function of
Circulatory and

What to do before? Try to answer the following questions and see if you find it right
as you finish studying the unit. You don’t need to pass the pretest. You can write your
answer on your old notebook for your future reference.

Multiple Choices: Answer the following. Write only the letter of your answer.
1. The average heart expands and contracts about ______ times each day, pumping about _________ gallons of
blood throughout the body.
a. 5,000 and 10 b. 50,000 and 100 c. 100,000 and 2,000 d. 1,000,000 and 20,000
2. He discovered four different blood groups that characterized human population.
a. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek c. J.J. Thomson
b. Marcello Malphigni d. Karl Landsteiner
3. It is known as blood universal donor.
a. Type A b. Type B c. Type AB d. Type O
4. It is known as blood universal recipient.
a. Type A b. Type B c. Type AB d. Type O
5. Which is true about antigens and antibodies?
a. Antigens are located on plasma membrane while antibodies are located in blood plasma.
b. Antigens are located in blood plasma while antibodies are located on plasma membrane.
c. Antigens and antibodies of all blood types are compatible with each other.
d. Type O blood has antibodies but does not have antigens.

Answer Key for Pretest is located on the last section of this module. You
can self-assess your answer and see how much you know the lesson.


WEEK 1 (Explore)

Have you heard CPR? If not, it stands for CardioPulmonary

Resuscitation. CPR will not restart a heart. Instead, it manually
pumps blood through the heart and enables oxygen to reach the brain.
This is absolutely vital for someone experiencing cardiac arrest.
According to the America Heart Association, if CPR is administered
immediately, it doubles or even triples the victim's rate of survival.
When we say cardiopulmonary, it is having to do with both heart and

The fact that these two organs had to work together that’s why they
should be revived simultaneously. The heart pumps blood
throughout the body while the lungs is in charge of getting gases like
oxygen and carbon dioxide moving in and out of our bodies. Why do
we need to receive oxygen and nutrients continuously? Why is it
important to pump the blood nonstop throughout our body? How
does the effectivity of the function of Circulatory and respiratory
System be ensured?

Use 1 whole sheet of paper

Exercise A: Mr. Bean CPR Experience
Direction: Mr. Bean is known for his hilarious antics. From the video screenshot below, pay close attention
how he tries to revive the man who just suffered a heart attack. After observing, answer the questions below.
You can also watch this episode on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNjz8JoYjlU


Process Questions:
1. Every Mr. Bean episode is expected to be comical; in relation to CPR, what made this particular episode
2. How does the CPR can help for the effectivity of the function of Circulatory and respiratory System
be ensured?

Use 1 whole sheet of paper

Exercise B: Brain Practice
Direction: What were your initial answers to the question posed in the previous activity, How does the
effectivity of the function of Circulatory and respiratory System be ensured?
Summarize your answer, your thoughts and ideas in the first column of the IRF Chart.

How does the effectivity of the function of Circulatory and respiratory System be ensured?

You just tried finding out how the respiratory and circulatory system work together.
Let’s now dug out more about these two systems by doing the activities in the next
What will you lean in the next sections will also enable you to do Unit Project, which
involves presenting a lifestyle that promote care for the heart and lungs. Are you ready?


WEEK 1 (Firm Up)
In this section you shall:

Identify and describe the structure of the organs and tissues composing the
cardiovascular system.

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 1A: Label My Heart

Direction: Draw the diagram below and label the parts of a heart. Give the Function of each part.
You can refer to pages 4-8 of Science Link Book (if any).

How does it feel after knowing the different parts of the heart that beats inside your body?
Isn’t it amazing to know that our heart is not just an ordinary part?
Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the video entitled:
“Circulatory System- Function, Definition- Human Anatomy Have Fun!

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 1B: Help Me Breath

Direction: The respiratory system is primarily concerned with the exchange of gases between the body and the
environment. Below is a diagram of the respiratory system. Label its parts using the words below and give its function.
You can refer to pages 23-27 of Science Link Book (if any).

1. left bronchus
2. nose
3. right bronchus
4. trachea
5. alveoli
6. larynx (voice box)
7. mouth
8. right lung
9. bronchiole
10. pharynx
11. left lung
12. nasal cavity
13. diaphragm
14. oral cavity
15. epiglottis
Just like how important our heart is, respiratory system is also important for us to survive. We can’t
breathe and live without this. Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the
video entitled: “Respiratory System-How the Respiratory System Works Have Fun!


Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 2: Say No to COVID (Scaffold for Transfer 1)
Direction: In this unit’s performance task, you will be asked to conduct an information dissemination
campaign that will open self-awareness and responsibility to take care of themselves during this time of
pandemic. In line with this, instructions are given for you in order to prepare for your unit-end output.

In this activity, you will complete the graphic organizer below by giving the variants of COVID, the effect of the
virus in our body if we will be infected, updates of recorded cases as of August (Any dates in August 2021), and
the safety measures

Updates of
Effects in the Safety
Variants Recorded Cases
Body Measures
as of August

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Revising Prior Knowledge Through IRF Chart
Direction: Go back to the question: How does the effectivity of the function of circulatory and respiratory
system be ensured?

Write your revised answers to this question in the “REVISED” column of the IRF chart. Note: You will keep this
activity first for your future reference.

How does the effectivity of the function of Circulatory and respiratory System be ensured?

In this section, the discussion was all about the parts of the heart and respiratory system
and how do these parts function inside our body.
Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the discussion. How
much your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which ideas are different and need
Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by moving on to
the next section.


WEEK 2 (Deepen)
The top three causes of death in the country in 2020 were ischaemic heart diseases, neoplasms, and
cerebrovascular diseases. Incidentally, these were also the leading causes of death in 2019. In 2020,
deaths due to ischaemic heart diseases were the leading cause of death with 99.7 thousand cases or
17.3 percent of the total deaths in the country. This was an increase of about 2.3 percent from the
97.5 thousand deaths or 15.7% of the total deaths in 2019.With the serious consequences that it can
bring, have you ever thought of finding a way to avoid these health problems?
Your goal in this section is to take a closer look on how our respiratory and circulatory system
function and how do our lifestyle can affect the efficiency of these systems.
Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 3: Complete Me Please

Direction: Below is the statement on how blood is being transported throughout the body. Your task
is to complete the statement by filling in appropriate cardiovascular parts in order to complete the blood
transport cycle. You can choose your answer from the words inside the box. You can also refer on pages
8-9 of Science Links Book (if any).

Oxygen rich blood Pulmonic valve Left atrium

Left ventricle Pulmonary Veins aorta
Air sacs body Tricuspid valve
Aortic valve Right ventricle Mitral valve
Pulmonary artery Pulmonary circulation Pulmonic valve
Left atrium oxygenated Carbon dioxide
oxygen Pulmonary veins blood

________ enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor
blood from the body into the right atrium. The ________empties ________, from the lungs into the ________.
Blood flows from your right atrium into your ________ through the open ________. When the ventricles are full,
the tricuspid valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atria while the ventricles contract
(squeeze). Blood flows from your left atrium into your ________through the open ________. When the ventricles
are full, the mitral valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atria while the ventricles
contract (squeeze). ________and carbon dioxide travels to and from tiny ________in the lungs, through the walls
of the capillaries, into the blood. Blood leaves the heart through the ________, into the pulmonary artery and to
the lungs. Blood leaves the heart through the ________, into the ________ and to the ________. This pattern is
repeated, causing blood to flow continuously to the heart, lungs and body. Once blood travels through the
________, it enters your lungs. This is called the ________. From your pulmonic valve, blood travels to the
________to tiny capillary vessels in the lungs. Here, oxygen travels from the tiny air sacs in the lungs, through
the walls of the capillaries, into the blood. At the same time, ________, a waste product of metabolism, passes
from the blood into the air sacs. Carbon dioxide leaves the body when you exhale. Once the blood is purified and
________, it travels back to the ________through the ________.

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 4: 4-Wheel Diagram
Direction: Copy and
complete the diagram model. Fill
in four explanations or situations
that show the relationship
between circulatory and
respiratory system.


Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the video entitled:
Circulatory & Respiratory System- Real World Science on the Learning Videos Channel.”.
Have Fun!


Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 5: An Open Book of Our Body System
Direction: Read the three articles below and accomplish the Open Book Table. YOU CAN USE references
such as books and the internet. HOWEVER, you are not allowed to ask your classmates, siblings, guardians and
friends on answering the questions. Always remember that self-learning starts in honesty.
Article 1
Title: Alcohol Use on the Circulatory System
Link: https://footprintstorecovery.com/alcohol-effects-health-risks/circulatory-system/
Whether you are a social drinker or struggling with alcohol abuse, alcohol impacts your circulatory system.
Some studies have found that drinking in moderation can have a positive impact on the circulatory system. At this level
of consumption, alcohol can help to make the right balance of fat in your blood, which decreases your chances of blood
clots or blocked arteries forming. More than two drinks per day, however, can damage your circulatory system. Too much
alcohol can inhibit proper heart functioning and prevent blood from being effectively pumped throughout the body. When
oxygen and nutrients, which are supplied through your blood, are not delivered effectively, the results can be clogged
blood vessels and cell damage due to lack of oxygen.
Researchers stress that only moderate drinking (no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for
men) can provide potential health benefits. Light to moderate drinking has been associated with a reduced likelihood of
developing coronary heart disease or stroke. As soon as levels of alcohol consumption increase beyond a moderate
amount, the risk of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and death increases significantly Depending
on the level of damage done to the circulatory system, it may be possible to reverse some of it. A recent study found that
specific cells in the circulatory system, called pericytes, are responsible for stimulating the growth of new blood vessels.
By encouraging new blood vessels to grow, people who have experienced damage to the heart and blood vessels following
a heart attack, for example, may be able to restore proper blood flow and supply to the heart. The same researchers
discovered that pericytes encourage the production of a hormone called leptin. This hormone helps to regulate your
energy balance and also encourages the growth of new blood vessels. In someone with a damaged heart, increasing the
levels of leptin in pericytes could help to speed up the recovery process. Other studies have found that simply reducing
your blood pressure can allow damage to your arteries and circulatory system to heal. High blood pressure puts extra
stress on the circulatory system and causes arteries to stiffen in response. As blood pressure decreases, the arteries are
able to relax and return to a healthier state of functioning.
Article 2
Title: How Are Heart Failure and Sleep Related?
See Full text here Link: https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/heart-failure/heart-failure-sleep-problems
The relationship between sleep and heart failure is a two-way street. Having heart failure means you're likely to have other
health issues, including sleep problems. Likewise, sleep problems, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and insomnia, can
make your heart failure symptoms worse.
A good night's sleep is important, whether your heart is healthy or not. Rest helps your heart as well as your energy levels,
thinking skills, and overall health. If you can deal with your sleep problems, you may ease the burden on your heart.
Complications of heart failure can affect your sleep. For example:
• Chest pain and discomfort make it hard to relax and fall or stay asleep.
• Lying in bed can make you feel short of breath.
• You may have to get up during the night to pee.
During the day, you're standing and sitting, so extra fluid would normally settle in your legs and feet. But lie down, and it's
going to move up into your chest This can close in your lungs and airways, making it harder to breathe.
OSA is more common among people who are overweight, but anyone can get it. The tissue in the back of your throat relaxes
and blocks your airway while you sleep. You stop breathing, so your brain signals your throat muscles to contract, which opens
up your airway again. This can happen dozens or even hundreds of times a night.
Your brain also releases stress hormones during these episodes. They can raise your heart rate and your blood pressure -- which
raises your chance of developing heart failure or making it worse.
Researchers have also found a strong link between trouble falling or staying asleep and the likelihood of heart failure. One
reason may be that insomnia triggers the body's stress response, which could weaken your heart over time.


Article 3
Title: Long and Short Term Effects of Exercise
See Full text here Link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z367tyc/revision/1
During exercise the body systems respond immediately to provide energy for the muscles to work. After regular and
repeated exercise, these systems adapt to become more efficient.When a person takes part in exercise the
cardiovascular, respiratory, energy and muscular systems all work together to supply energy to the working muscles
and remove waste products.When the muscles start to work, they need more oxygen so the respiratory system responds
by getting more oxygen into the lungs. The blood carries greater amounts of oxygen and the heart responds to pump
more oxygenated blood around the body.
Short term effects of exercise
Cardiovascular System- Increase in stroke volume (SV); increase in heart rate (HR); increase in cardiac output (Q);
increase in blood pressure (BP)
Respiratory System- Increase in breathing rate; increase in tidal volume
Cardio-respiratory system- Increase in oxygen uptake; increase in carbon dioxide removal
Energy system- Increase in lactate production
Muscular system- Increase in temperature of muscles; increased pliability; muscle fatigue
After exercising, the muscles need to rest, adapt and recover. There is a risk of injury if the body is not rested for long
enough after exercise. This concept can be better understood by studying the Principles of training.

Essential Question Article 1 Article 2 Article 3

“ Alcohol Use on the “ How are Heart Failure “Long and Short Term
Circulatory System ” and Sleep Related? ” Effects of Exercise”
How does the effectivity Answer: Answer: Answer:
of the function of
Circulatory and
respiratory System be Supporting Texts: (What Supporting Texts:(What Supporting Texts:(What
ensured? evidence is seen in the evidence is seen in the evidence is seen in the
article that shows the article that shows the article that shows the
effect of daily lifestyle to effect of daily lifestyle to effect of daily lifestyle to
the two important body the two important body the two important body
systems?) systems?) systems?)
Reason: Reason: Reason:

Common Ideas in Reasons:

Your Conclusion:
From the three articles, article number________ effectively discussed the effects of lifestyle to the
respiratory and circulatory system because_______________________________________.
It is important to know that our body system can function according to our lifestyle because
I understand that in order for the respiratory and circulatory system to function effectively

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Strengthening New Knowledge Through IRF Chart
Direction: Go back to the question: How does the effectivity of the function of circulatory and respiratory
system be ensured?

Write your final answers to this question in the “FINAL” column of the IRF chart. Note: You will SUBMIT
THE FINISHED OUTCOME OF THIS ACTIVITY-In this part, you are supposed to have an answer for
Initial and revised which was given to you during the Explore and Firm up Section..

How does the effectivity of the function of Circulatory and respiratory System be ensured?


In this section, the discussion was about the consequences of unhealthy circulatory and
respiratory system and how these can be cured or prevented.
What new realizations do you have now about the topic? What new connections have you
made for yourself? What helped you make these connections?
Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do the tasks in the
next section.

WEEK 3 (Transfer)
Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situation. You will be given a
practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

Follow the instructions given for your selected output

Activity 6: I Am Responsible

While the Philippines is still on the battle of fighting COVID- that targets the respiratory system, the said virus is
continuously replicating and producing another variant like Alpha, Beta, Delta and theta variant. In this case, the
Department of Health (DOH), on behalf of the Interagency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-
EID) and in coordination with the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), is currently leading
the implementation of "BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19. As a journalist, Social Media Influencer and Campaign
Singer, your task is to conduct an information dissemination campaign that will open self-awareness and
responsibility to take care of themselves during this time of pandemic especially to all teenagers and grade 9
students. You will only choose one from the following activities:

1. On a long-sized bond paper, you will create a comic strip that will show tips and lifestyle that we need
in order to strengthen our immune system particularly the respiratory and circulatory system specially
this time of pandemic.
2. Create an advertisement that will promote a healthy lifestyle specially during pandemic. You can choose
between a one-page leaflets or a 2-minute video. If you prefer video, this will be sent to your subject
teacher through messenger.
3. Compose a short 1–2-minute jingle that can motivate the listeners to be more health conscious. Your
jingle can be a video or sound record. This will be sent to your subject teacher through messenger.

You will be graded based on these standards: Accuracy of Content, organization of ideas, creativity and

Note: This activity is an integrated activity in Physical Education (PE) with these
performance standards:
• Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle
• Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the



Unit 2: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
Unit 3: Biodiversity and Evolution
Each gene can have several variants, called alleles, which code for different variants of the trait in question. Genes reside
in a cell’s chromosomes, each of which contains many genes. Every cell of any individual organism contains the identical
set of chromosomes. When organisms reproduce, genetic information is transferred to their offspring. In species that
reproduce sexually, each cell contains two variants of each chromosome, one inherited from each parent. Meanwhile,
The Evolution and Biodiversity theme deals primarily with the evolutionary processes that generate and maintain (or
limit) organismal and genetic diversity, patterns of species biodiversity in time and space, and the biology and
evolutionary relationships within the specific organismal groups. In this module, you will find out how does the extinction
of species related to the organization of genes in chromosomes?

References: Science Link 9

Or visit our website: www.camarinesnortecollegejhs.com

Unit Concept Map

•Genes and Chromosomes
Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits •Patterns of Inheritance
•Genetic Vriation

•Factors Affecting the Survival of Population

Biodiversity and Evolution •Natural and Anthropogenic Causes of Extinction
•Preventing Extinction

What to do before? Try to answer the following questions and see if you find it right
as you finish studying the unit. You don’t need to pass the pretest. You can write your
answer on your old notebook for your future reference.

Multiple Choices: Answer the following questions. Write Only the Letter of Your answer.
1. Mico’s thinning hair is like that of his father. This characteristic of baldness is influenced by
a. Crossing-over b. linked genes c. mutation d. sex chromosomes
2. Red-green color blindness is caused by recessive gene found in the X-Chromosome. Can two normal parents
produce a color-blind son?
a. No c. Yes, if the female parent is a carrier
b. Yes, at all times d. Yes, if the male parent is carrier
3. Ariel is in urgent blood transfusion. His blood is type A; that of his brother is AB, and his sister is B. Who
among the following can donate blood to Ariel?
a. His brother b. his sister c. both of them d. none of them
4. Genes are found in__________________.
a. In the chromosome b. on the cytoplasm c. all over the cell d. in the nucleus
5. Which of the following is not true about genes?
a. A gene is a piece of DNA molecule c. genes are only found in somatic cells
b. Genes are found in nucleus d. genes contain a pair of alleles
6. Which one is not a probable cause of extinction of species?
a. Introduction of alien species c. creation of wilderness areas
b. Habitat alteration d. overhunting
7. Which of the following populations are most likely to go extinct?
a. A large population with high genetic variability
b. A moderate-sized population with high fecundity and wide offspring dispersion.
c. A very small population in a stable environment
d. All would be equally likely to go extinct
8. The extinction of dodo birds is due to _____.
a. Pollution b. invasive species c. meteoric impact d. habitat fragmentation
9. Scientists observed that the domino effect can happen if the species that is lost are ________.
a. Top predators b. keystone species c. herbivores d. endangered species
10. Which of the following importance of biodiversity is aesthetic in perspective?
a. Sources of food and industrial products c. allows people to enjoy nature
b. Buffer of extreme climatic change d. Sources of drugs and pharmaceutical products

Answer Key for Pretest is located on the last section of this module. You
can self-assess your answer and see how much you know the lesson.
WEEK 3 (Explore)
During your Grade 8, you already learned how traits are being transferred from parents to
their offspring through the discovery of Gregor Mendel. His principles laid the foundation
for the study of inheritance.
But still, one question remains. Do all organisms pass on their traits this way? how does the
extinction of species related to the organization of genes in chromosomes?
Let’s start this unit by gathering your thoughts about the inheritance of traits.

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Exercise A: Arrange Me Please
Direction: Determine the different terminologies that are necessary in this unit by arranging the jumbled
letters below.
1. L E L E A S L -
2. T A N I D M O N -
3. G H O S T Y R U Z E O E -
4. O M O Y G H O Z U S -
5. E U I S E C R E S -

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Exercise B: IRF Chart
Direction: In the previous activity, you were asked to arrange the letters to get the terms needed in this
module. Now, you will use those words to come up in an idea to answer the question below. Write your answer on
the first column “INITIAL”.

How does the extinction of species relate to the organization of genes in chromosomes?

You gave your initial ideas on the relation of inheritance of traits and extinction. Now let
us find out the answer by doing the activities on the next section.

WEEK 3 (Firm Up)

In this section you shall:
Differentiate the different concepts involved in genetics such as genes and alleles,
dominant and recessive, genotype and phenotype
Differentiate the three Non-Mendelian patterns of Inheritance.
Identify and describe the different types of biodiversity and adaptation.


Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 7: Arrow Ribbon

Direction: Using an arrow ribbon below, show the difference between autosome and sex
chromosome. You can refer on pages 37-44 of Science Links Book (if any).

sex chromosome

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 8: Find Me
Direction: Copy the items below and circle the choices that are examples of each of those words.
1. Dominant alleles
d H R i j O K s
2. Recessive alleles
M L d e a B i G
3. Homozygous dominant
Aa JJ Tt Uu RR SS Cc Mm
4. Homozygous recessive
ee gg Kk uu Rr Xx Zz qq

5. Genotypes in which dominant gene must show

PP jj Bb Ee ss ww Yy mm

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 9: Inheritance Diagram

Direction: Using the Converging Arrow below, show the difference between the two patterns of

Mendellian mendellian
Inheritance Inheritance

Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the video entitled:
Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Polygenic Traits and Epistasis.”. Have Fun!



Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 10: Identify Me

Direction: Identify and describe the different types of biodiversity and adaptation by using the diagram

List here the different types of List here the different types of
biodiversity. adaptation

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Revising IRF Chart
Direction: Based from the initial learning that you got, revised your thoughts by answering the REVISED
How does the extinction of species relate to the organization of genes in chromosomes?

In this section you have learned the basic knowledge in Inheritance and Biodiversity.
Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, take a break and relax your mind
for you to be ready for your first preliminary examination. God Bless You.

WEEK 5 (Deepen)
In this section you shall:
Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance.
Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to
abrupt changes in the environment

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 11: Tell Me What Am I.

Direction: Solve genetic problems involving the different patterns of inheritance and genotypes and
phenotypes of the offspring formed by the different crosses solved. You can refer on pages 37-44 of Science
Links Book (if any).
1. Tall pea plants are dominant over short pea plants. Determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios
Two plants are crossed together. One plant is mixed hybrid (Tt). The other plant is short recessive (tt).
Determine the resulting offspring.
2. Two parents are having a child. The father has dominant brown eyes (BB). The mother has recessive blue
eyes (bb). Find the possible eye color of the child.
3. Two parents are having a child. The father has freckles (FF). The mother does not have freckles (ff). Find the
possibility of the child having freckles.


Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 12: That’s Why

Direction: Answer the essential question by completing the table below. You can refer on pages 37-44
of Science Links Book (if any).

Essential Question
How does the extinction of species related to the Answer
organization of genes in the chromosome? Support:

• I understand that

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Final IRF Chart
Direction: Based from the initial learning that you got, revised your thoughts by answering the FINAL
How does the extinction of species relate to the organization of genes in chromosomes?


Unit 4: Flow of Energy and Matter in Ecosystem
Do you think it is possible for life on Earth to continue even without humans?
According to Oasmarino Amancio Rodrigues “At first, the people talking about ecology were only defending the
fishes, the animals, the forest, and the river. They didn’t realize that human beings were in the forest—and that
these humans were the real ecologists, because they couldn’t live without the forest and the forest couldn’t be
saved without them.” In this unit you will find out why other living things depend on plants for their food and
how plants are able to manufacture their own food? How do photosynthesis and cellular respiration ensure the
production of food and energy among plants? These are some of the important questions that you will seek to
answer in this unit. References: Science Link 9 pages 84-103
Or visit our website: www.camarinesnortecollegejhs.com

Unit Concept Map


Photosynthesis (Food Respiration (Energy

Making Process) Making Process)

What to do before? Try to answer the following questions and see if you find it right
as you finish studying the unit. You don’t need to pass the pretest. You can write your
answer on your old notebook for your future reference.

A. Multiple Choices: Answer the following questions. Write only the letter of your answer.
1. The light reaction photosynthesis does not include __________.
a. charge separation c. electron transport
b. chemiosmosis d. oxygen liberation
2. Photosynthesis takes place in the membranes of small sacs called_________.
a. thylakoid b. grana c. photosystems d. photons
3. The dark reaction in photosynthesis is limited by___________
a. CO2, temperature, and light c. water, temperature, and CO2
b. CO2, light and water d. oxygen, water and temperature
4. What is the first step of photosynthesis?
a. trapping sunlight b. producing sugar c. producing water d. producing CO2
5. Which of the following statement about photosynthesis is true?
a. The light-dependent reactions can occur only in the light, the light independent reactions only in the
b. Photorespiration is more efficient at producing glucose than is photosynthesis.
c. The light dependent reactions produce the energy rich compounds that are used to run the light-
independent reactions.
d. All of the choices are true.
B. Fill the Boxes. Fill the labels for the diagram below to show the cycle for cellular respiration. Choose your
answer from the terms/phase inside the box.
• Citric acid cycle
• Glycolysis
• Electron carried via NADH
• Electron carried via NADH and FADH2
• Oxidative phosphorylation: electron
transport and chemiosmosis
• Glucose
• Pyruvate oxidation

Answer Key for Pretest is located on the last section of this module. You
can self-assess your answer and see how much you know the lesson.


WEEK 6 (Explore)
Do you think it is possible for the life on Earth to continue even without humans? Let’s find out and
start this module by gathering your thoughts about different process that are happening inside a
living organism

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Exercise A: Amazing Earth
Direction: Read the quoted statement below from the article entitled “Researchers Find Evidence of
Photosynthesis-like Process in Aphids. Then do the Venn diagram below by answering the process questions that
Article Title: “Researchers Find Evidence of Photosynthesis-like Process
in Aphids.
Link: https://phys.org/news/2012-08-evidence-photosynthesis-like-
In plants, algae and some types of bacteria and fungi, sunlight is converted to chemical energy in a process we
all know as photosynthesis; in that process water and carbon dioxide are also converted to oxygen.
In this new research the team found that the levels of carotenoids in the aphids appeared to correlate with levels
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which we all remember from biology class as the way to measure the transfer
of energy in living things. The higher the level of carotenoids were the more ATP was present, but more
interestingly, when the team moved orange aphids in and out of direct sunlight, levels of carotenoids and ATP
rose and sunk, suggesting the insect was getting energy directly through such exposure. They also crushed some
of the orange bugs so as to purify their carotenoids as part of their experiment in trying to show that it was the
pigments that were involved in absorbing sunlight and converting it to energy.
Process Questions:
1. In what ways do plant aphids differ from other animals?
2. In what ways are plants aphids similar to plants, algae and some bacteria?


___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________


Exercise B: K-W-L CHART
Direction: What are your initial answers to the questions posed in the previous activity? What have you
learned so far from the article? How are plants able to manufacture their own food? To summarize your answers
to the questions and your thought regarding photosynthesis, answer the (WHAT I KNOW) and the (WHAT I
WANT TO KNOW) part of the table below. Leave the third column blank at this moment.

Photosynthesis and Respiration

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned


You already gave your initial ideas on photosynthesis and respiration. Now let’s find out
what the answers are by doing the next part. Happy Learning!

WEEK 6 (Firm Up)

In this section you shall:
Differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and respiration.

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 13: We are not Twins
Direction: Differentiate the basic features and importance of Photosynthesis and Respiration by completing
the table below.
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
Type of Cells
How it Occurs?

Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the video entitled: “5
Differences Between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration” Have Fun!


Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 14: My Plant Template
Direction: In this unit’s performance task, you are expected to a research on how plants can produce their
own food and energy. For you to prepare your research, follow these instructions.
Fill in important terminologies that are related to photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They can write as many
words as you can, as long as it is related to photosynthesis and respiration. The Plant template may look like the
template below.


Use 1 whole sheet of Paper
Revising K-W-L CHART
Direction: Now that you gathered enough information about Photosynthesis and cell respiration. Reflect
on what you have learned and Revise or write an additional idea on the first and second column of the KWL Chart
Photosynthesis and Respiration
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Direction: Tell whether the given situation or process explains the photosynthesis or Cellular Respiration.
1. Occurs only in phototrophs (all green plants, algae and some bacteria).
2. The entire process occurs in Mitochondria.
3. Occurs in all living organisms.
4. Oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is liberated out.
5. In this process, food is synthesized by capturing energy.
6. This process requires sunlight since photosynthesis occurs only in the presence of sunlight.
7. The chemical reaction of cellular Respiration is C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O.
8. Undergoes Anabolic Process.
9. The entire process occurs in Chloroplasts.
10. Undergoes Catabolic Process.
In this section you have learned the basic requirements in determining the flow of matter in
the ecosystem. Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

In this section you have learned the basic requirements in

determining the flow of matter in the ecosystem.
Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go (Deepen)
deeper by moving on to the next section.

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Activity 15: Let Us Dig Deeper
Direction: Answer the table below by answering the Essential Question. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO USE
YOUR books or SURF THE internet for this activity. However, you are NOT ALLOWED TO ASK YOU
Essential Question Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration

How do Answer: Answer:

photosynthesis and
cellular respiration
ensure the Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:
sustainability of food (What evidence is stated on the book that (What evidence is stated on the book that plants
and energy among plants can produce food through can sustain energy through respiration?)
plants? photosynthesis?)
Reason: Reason:

Common Idea: What are the common ideas you got from photosynthesis and respiration?

Conclusion: I understand that plants can _______________________ because ___________________.


Other Reference Link: https://www.visiblebody.com/blog/building-it-up-and-breaking-it-down-photosynthesis-
Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the video entitled:
“Photosynthesis and Respiration” Have Fun!


WEEK 7 (scaffold for transfer)

Use short bondpaper
Activity 16: What You See is What You Tell
Direction: Interconnect the picture given below and create a tagline or Topic title from the picture. (Tagalog
tagline/slogan is accepted, however creating it in English is highly encouraged)

Now, here is to help you more in your learnings. You can watch the video entitled: “How
does photosynthesis respond to changes in climate?” Have Fun!

Use intermediate paper

Final KWL Chart
Direction: Before you proceed to the next section, reflect on what you have learned and complete the KWL
Chart by answering the third column.
Photosynthesis and Respiration
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned


In this section you learned more that plants can really manufacture their own food and energy. You
also discovered from the activities that the increase of temperature in the environment can affect
the process as well as human beings.

WEEK 7(Transfer)
Your goal in this section is to apply all your leaning to a real-life situation. You will be
given practical tasks that will demonstrate your understanding. Happy Learning!
According to the latest data issued by the UN, global warming causes danger to human health and well-being, as
well as to animals and plants. As global warming is mainly caused by anthropogenic activities, it was considered
that emission of the so-called greenhouse gases should be reduced and, in some cases, even prohibited. Plants are
more easily exposed to biological damage than any other living organisms. The best temperature range for almost
all plants is 10–35°С. The photosynthetic activity of the leaves outside these boundaries sharply decreases and is
irreversibly lost. As temperature generally affects all photosynthesis reactions, certainly, it is difficult to precisely
determine the impact of temperature on CO2 assimilation level.

The essence of these two phenomena – photosynthesis and respiration – is well known. We can only add that
people cannot exist without plants; though, plants can exist without people. The atmosphere is enriched with
released carbon dioxide more by microorganisms and fungi than people.

In order to combat climate change and its impact especially to plants, United Nations conducted a virtual
symposium that will enlighten the constituents on how plants were being affected b high temperature caused by
human activities. In line with this, Environmental campaign managers, Documentarian and gallery Artists were
being invited.

Your task here is to select one activity that will respond to the needs of the Symposium.

1. Using long sized bond paper, create a trifold brochure that discusses how photosynthesis and respiration
happens and how global warming can affect the process.

2. Create your own video presentation on how photosynthesis and cellular respiration can happen. Your video can be
composed of pictures from magazines or books or actual photographs. Make sure to present own ideas and
explanation regarding this topic: “How does the temperature affects the process of photosynthesis and
respiration?”, You will send your video to your Science Teacher through messenger.

3. On a ¼ white cartolina, create a poster that can show how does the malfunctioning on the process of photosynthesis
and respiration affects the human being.


Trifold Brochure Sample Template: Sample Poster:


In this section you learned more that plants can really manufacture their own food and
energy. You also discovered from the activities that the increase of temperature in the
environment can affect the process as well as human beings.

Use 1 whole intermediate paper

Exit Ticket

Direction: Before you finally leave this module, take time to accomplish the exit ticket below. Make sure that you
answer it honestly.
How well did you understand the lesson?

Things that I Learned from this module…

Things I found Interesting…

What topic is still confusing you?

Question that you wanted to ask…

Now, relax yourself and your mind. Give yourself a break and be ready
for your First Departmental Examination. God Bless You. Happy

Answer Key for Pretest

UNIT 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
1. C. 1. B 6. A 1. D
2. D 2. C 7. A 2. A
3. D 3. A 8. D 3. C
4. C 4. A 9. D 4. A
5. C 5. C 10. C 5. D



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