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My Personal Development Plan

What: My Personal Development Goals

Consider the competencies that represent great performance in your current role
and/or to which you aspire-e.g. as a student, as a daughter, as a working student, etc.
Based on feedback from your peers and/or other colleagues, select at least two (2)
areas in which you would like to develop in. You may focus on your current role, or you
might select one (1) area that applies to your current role and one (1) area that is more
aspirational. Write specific goals describing how/what you want to change or improve
specifically this semester.

Ask yourself. What can I do differently (or better) that would make the greatest
positive impact in my current role? What development priorities will give me the greatest
leverage in improving my individual leadership and performance?

Goal 1

In order to achieve my goals and dreams, my first goal is to graduate or finish

my education and get my degree as a psychology or as a teacher. This first goal, is
my starter line and my first step to be a better person. I believe this goal is the first step I
needed to develop and to create the next step (the goal) I wanted to accomplish as an

Goal 2

My second goal is to help my family. First is my mother, to return everything

she gave to me from the start. The love, care, and material things she wanted to have. I
will do everything for her to be able to have these things. Second is my brother, I will do
my best to give him the education he needed. To help him to achieve the dreams and
the career he wanted.
Goal 3

The last goal I wanted is to become who I wanna be. To achieve my career and
to have my happy and complete family because I never had that feeling of being
complete and I will make sure that my future children will feel and have the love and
care they needed.

How: Action Steps I Will Take to Meet My Development Goals

Identify what you need to stop doing, start doing and keep doing. These short-
term actions will contribute directly to your long-term goals i.e. career goals.

1. Plan your actions.

Implement something every day. What situations, people, or events signal that right now
is time to change my behavior/attitude/outlook?

Every time I see the following situations:

1. Every time I see people who already achieved their goals, they are the ones who
inspired me to do everything to pursue what I wrote and listed goals.

2. Every time people corrected my mistakes and imperfections, I allow myself to accept
it because I know that they only wanted me to become a better person.

3. Every time I failed, I used it as my motivation and strength to cope up with the
incoming trials and challenges I will encounter.

4. You cannot please everyone. You must put in your mind that people around can
either like you, hate you, or never care about you.

5. Some people I encountered were doing everything to be on top even they step on
What new behavior will I try? Where will I push my comfort zone?

…I will take following actions…

1. I will try to change my behavior of being offended whenever people rejected me.
2. I will take risk of doing good things even though it will somehow challenge my
faith and perspective as an individual.
3. I will do my best in everything even if I failed.
4. I will go outside my comfort zone and face all the consequences even if will step
my ego and pride.
5. I will try to cooperate and adjust on every person I met.

How: Action Steps I Will Take to Meet My Development Goals

2. Anticipate obstacles.

WATCH OUT: What barriers can I identify which might hinder me in pursuing my
development goals? How can I overcome these barriers?


1. People sometimes abuse your kindness.


Learn to have your limits towards everything and everyone for you to be able to
avoid these situations.

2. Wrong decision created by yourself.


Learn to consult people around especially your parents or guardians for a better
decision to avoid depression and misunderstanding.
3. Leverage strengths.

HINT: I have great strengths upon which to draw from. Which of my strengths can I
leverage to help me achieve my development goals?


1. God
2. Faith
3. Hope

How will it help me achieve my goals?

These strengths is the reason why I got all my achievement. It makes me strong
to face every challenges I will encounter. God who create me, the one who has plan for
me. The faith he gave to me and the hope I feel every time trials test me as an

Who: Resources and Supports for Achieving My Goals.

How will I draw on my family, peers, and others to track my progress, gather
advice and feedback and support my learning?

Be limited on how I show my love, care, kindness especially with my peers. I will
set my limitation even with my family. I’ll never let them abuse my kindness. But, I will
accept and let them help me grow. Be their inspiration.

Who will I ask to support me? Who do I know who already possesses the
competencies I want to build?

Family are the most precious person I have. They give me strength and courage
to pursue my dreams and goals. Friends, they’re the one who inspired me to continue
on what I want and also the “secret keeper” of mine because whenever I can’t confess
my problem to my family they are the one I can go to. My special one, the one I love
and he give me the support, love, and inspiration, my family lacks off. He build my
confidence stand on my own.

With whom should I share my development plan?

I would share my development plan to the person whom I trust the most. I trust
him/her and I’ll be open to him/her wholeheartedly.

When did I begin taking actions to meet my goals?

As soon as I finalize my personal development plan. I make sure that it will

happen even it may not come too soon.

When did I start to see significant progress? (Milestone commitments)

I believe that as soon as I graduate and get my degree, it is the first progress and
the first step to achieve what I want and this is what my Personal Development Plan is
all about. But, as of now I know that every small achievements I will have is a
contribution in my future great achievement.

How my learnings did influences me?

Every time I read and study, I always make sure that it will contribute to my
knowledge that I can use in the future and it can influence and can improve my
perspective as an individual and as a goal digger.


What was the impact of meeting development goals in life?

The impact of meeting development goals in life is to become a better person. To

improve and to be wise in all aspects of life. It may be too hard at first but I know that
sooner or later because of this plan, we will become a better and contented type of

How did I celebrate every time I meet my goals?

I will give myself even a small reward in every accomplishment I complete.

Personal Development Plan
(Maria Kyle N. Felicin)

Access Your Current State

List your top five (5) skills (things that you do well):
1. Cooking – I really love cooking and my family love it as well.
2. Singing – I have a simple yet beautiful voice I could present to anyone.
3. Playing Violin – although I can’t play as nice as other musician can. I still love to
play it and when I play my violin, I feel like I’m free.
4. Get the trust of others – I can easily get someone’s trust because I value every
secret they tell and the decision they make.
5. Help my friends in times of need (except money) – although some might find it
inappropriate for the topic but I can say that not all can be a someone’s hand.

List the five (5) values most important to you:

1. Trust
2. Honesty
3. Hope
4. Love
5. Loyalty

List your top five (5) strengths:

(To validate your list, ask yourself if family, friends, or coworkers would agree?)
1. Intelligence, to do school works in a short span of time.
2. Talent, having the talent in singing and violin
3. Courage, having the courage in every challenges I encountered.
4. Showing who I really am to others even I know that they didn’t want that kind of my
5. Being that “One call away” to every friend who needed me.
List your five (5) areas that most need improvement:
(To validate your list, ask yourself if family, friends, or coworkers would agree?)
1. My anger management - I have that behavior of being angry every time people
saw my mistakes.
2. Laziness - always saying “mamaya” (later) in doing everything (household
chores, school work). Passing household chores to my brother.
3. Immaturity – sometimes acting like a kid.
4. Confidence – to ask someone to help me even I badly need someone.
5. Pessimistic - negative thinker.

List five (5) priority interests:

1. Medicine – I always wanted to be a doctor but I want to be practical in terms of
my family need but I want to have some knowledge about medicine.
2. Music – to enhance my knowledge about music.
3. Leader – lead someday for my leadership will improved.
4. To be a missionary – I want to serve God and get back the fire that slowly fading.
5. To travel – I want to explore the world God created.

List five (5) priority wants:

1. To graduate
2. To support my family financially
3. To have my own house
4. To provide my family needs and wants
5. To have a luxury car.

Identify Areas of Opportunities

What is your long-term goal?

My long term goal is to be prepared in every trials and achieve all my plotted
What areas do your friends and colleagues see as opportunities?

1. Studying
2. Travelling
3. To have a lot of money
4. To graduate
5. To have a degree

What organizations, clubs, or areas of interest look exciting and/or filled with
potential? How can you learn more?

1. My club right now, the GIGZONE, it is a club composing bands. I’m an active
member of this club because I met new people and I had a good time everytime
we play musics.
2. Youth organization – program created for youths.
3. Leadership training – a program founded by private organization.
4. Singing club – to enhance my voice and talent in singing.
5. Drama club – to be able to perform in front of people.

Skills and Experiences Needs

Based on the previous sections, which skills would be most helpful to my
personal growth and development?
1. Be able to lead
2. Singing
3. Cooking
4. Playing violin
5. The persuasion to strive to achieve goals.
Develop Your Action Plan
Based on the previous sections, list five (5) key goals. Key goals are longer-term aims,
more general than objectives. They may take a year or more to achieve.
(If you’re unsure which area(s) you want to pursue, use the previous sections with
blanks or general responses, to create your list. In this case, your goals are to gain
greater clarity about which areas of potential opportunities you or interests you want to
focus on in the next year or two.
List five (5) key goals:
1. Finish my college
2. Have work and save money
3. To provide support for my family for their needs
4. Have my own house, car, and to travel
5. Serve God

Objectives are specific actions that support your goals. Choose objectives that
will have greatest impact on achieving your goals. Use the SMART system to
define them.

 Specific – Can you clearly define the objective you want to accomplish?
 Measurable – How will you know when it’s complete?
 Attainable – Is it realistic, based on your current skills and experience?
 Relevant – How does it directly contribute to the goal you’re pursuing?
 Time frame – Can you accomplish it within a reasonable time period?
Complete the plan below. Print, then post it in a prominent place. Review
regularly to maintain progress on achieving your goals.

Maria Kyle N. Felicin – JUNE TO OCTOBER 2015 PERSONAL

Specific Measuremen Attainable Relevance Time Achieved?
Objective t Frame Y/N
When it will Yes, I will Achieve my 2015- Not yet
become my do purpose in 2022
priority? everything studying
To graduate to attend my
class even I
had to
To provide When it Yes, I will A strong 2022- so Not yet
needs for became my do my best bond that on
my family inspiration to provide will connect
and everything each of us
motivation. for my
Have work When can I Yes! Every A reward for 2022- so Not yet
to provide start this people being a on
my own wants this hard-
house and kind of want working
car person.
To travel When it will Yes, the Happiness 2022- Not yet
happen least priority given by 2050
after I this simple
achieve the wish
first 4
To serve When I could Yes, it might Being 2017-until Not yet
God start be the late thankful to my last
objective I the blessing breath
listed but and grace
the most our Lord
important of God gave.

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