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Sustenance: The Ability to meet Basic Needs.

 Life would be impossible without certain basic necessities that everyone has. Food,
housing, health, and safety are among the most fundamental need. These basic
requirements should be available to everyone. Through relevant levels of economic
growth processes, the development process must enhance people's living standards,
incomes, and food, medical, and education consumption levels.

Self-Esteem: To be a person

 Sense of worth and self-respect and feeling of not being marginalized

are extremely important for individual’s well being. All peoples and societies seek some
form of self-esteem (identity, dignity, respect, honor etc.). The nature and form of self-esteem
may vary from on culture to another and from time to time. One may consider individuals worthy
based on their intellect or public service. It must create conditions conducive to the growth of
people’s self-esteem through the establishment of social, political, and economic systems and
institutions which promote human dignity and respect.

Freedom from servitude: To be able to choose

 Individual liberty, or the power to make choices, is essential to human well-being. Societies have
a wider range of economic and political options as a result of their freedom. It entails the
abolition of serfdom, slavery, and other exploitative economic, social, and political ties.

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