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Tutorial: Supply Chain

Microsoft Corporation
Published: September 2010

The supply chain tutorial walks you through a supply chain scenario that is likely to be used in a
manufacturing organization.
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Tutorial: Supply Chain..................................................................................................................... 4
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment........................................................................7
Step 1: Install BizTalk RFID...................................................................................................... 7
Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts.....................................................................................8
Step 3: Start the ContosoTestProcess Process........................................................................9
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory.....................................................................................10
Step 1: Query Parts Before Receive......................................................................................11
Step 2: Receive Parts............................................................................................................ 12
Step 3: Query Parts After Receive......................................................................................... 13
Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory.........................................................................14
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts...................................................................................16
Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly.................................................................16
Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly...........................................................................18
Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag............................................................................................. 19
Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly...........................................................................22
Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly.....................................................................26
Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality Assurance..................................................27
Step 1: Verify That the Tag Exists........................................................................................... 27
Step 2: Decommission the Tag............................................................................................... 29
Step 3: Verify the Decommissioned Tag.................................................................................30
Tutorial: Supply Chain
BizTalk RFID can be used to scan and read RFID tags at all steps in an organization's supply
chain. RFID tags can be used for item-level tagging, subassemblies, assemblies, cartons, pallets,
and more.
The supply chain tutorial walks you through a supply chain scenario that is likely to be used in a
manufacturing organization. The scenario presented in this tutorial assumes that a manufacturer
receives parts from a supplier and combines them into assemblies. Each part from the supplier
has an item-level RFID tag on it to enable tracking of individual items. An RFID tag is generated
for each assembly and the parts received into inventory are assigned to those assemblies.
The supply chain scenario in this tutorial is not intended to be a complete end-to-end scenario,
but rather one that illustrates the concepts of how BizTalk RFID can be used. Many of the
concepts that you will learn in this tutorial will be repeated in other areas of a real-world supply
chain scenario. For example, the concept of assigning parts to an assembly and generating an
RFID tag for that assembly can be used to pack and ship the assemblies. For brevity, the pack-
and-ship part of the supply chain is not discussed in this tutorial.
The lessons in this tutorial use predefined scripts that are specifically designed to support this
tutorial. Some lessons also use the Contoso device simulator that comes with BizTalk RFID to
ensure that specific hardware is not needed to run this tutorial. For more information about using
the Contoso device simulator, see Testing a Server Application.
The premise of this tutorial is that the rfidclientconsole.exe command-line utility is used to add
RFID events to the process pipeline of a process named ContosoTestProcess. You will use the
rfidclientconsole utility to post three tag-read events for three parts that are going to be used in an
assembly. The ContosoTestProcess process uses the SQL Server sink event handler to store
RFID events in the RFIDsink database..
After parts are received into inventory, they are constructed into an assembly. This turorial also
generates an RFID tag that is assigned to the new assembly. Because the RFIDsink database is
not meant to be a permanent data store, tag data is inserted into a SupplyChain database, which
is created as part of this tutorial.
The following script and configuration files are provided as part of this tutorial and can be
downloaded from

Script or configuration file name Purpose

Tutorial1_Lesson1_Step2_CreateSupplyChainDB.sq SQL script that creates a new database

l named SupplyChain and creates tables
to support the examples shown in this
Tutorial1_Lesson1_Step2_CreateFunctions.sql SQL script that creates a user-defined
function named
udf_ConvertBase64ToASCII in the
SupplyChain database. This function is

used to convert a Base64-encoded string
to an ASCII string. Base64-encoded
strings are used in the BizTalk RFID XML
tag files, but are not human-readable.
The ASCII string is human-readable.
Tutorial1_DataReset.sql Deletes all data in the SupplyChain
database to enable you to run through
tutorial steps multiple times.
ContosoSimulatorConfig.xml Configuration file used to run the Contoso
device simulator.
Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step1.sql SQL script that selects the count of parts
records read in the RFIDsink database.
Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step2.cmd Script to run the rfidclientconsole.exe
command-line tool that reads RFID tags
from XML files, and posts the tags to the
ContosoTestProcess process.
PartsTag1.xml Parts tag with a TagID value of 1001,
used in Lesson 2, Step 2
PartsTag2.xml Parts tag with a TagID value of 1002,
used in Lesson 2, Step 2
PartsTag3.xml Parts tag with a TagID value of 1003,
used in Lesson 2, Step 2
Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step3.sql SQL script that reads the parts record
data in the RFIDsink database.
Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step4.sql SQL script that inserts parts data from the
RFIDsink database into the SupplyChain
Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step1.sql SQL script that selects the count of
assemblies in the SupplyChain database.
Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step2.cmd Script to run the rfidclientconsole.exe
command-line tool that uses the Contoso
device simulator to print RFID tags used
to create new assemblies from XML files.
AssemblyTag.xml Assembly tag with a TagID value of 2001,
used in Lesson 3, Step 2
Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step3.sql SQL script that selects serialized data
from the GenericEvents table in the
RFIDsink database.
Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step4.sql SQL script that selects serialized data
from the GenericEvents table in the
RFIDsink database and joins it with parts
data. The resulting data is stored in the
SupplyChain database.

Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step5.sql SQL script that selects parts that are
assigned to assemblies in the
SupplyChain database.
Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step1.cmd Script to run the rfidclientconsole.exe
command-line tool to verify that assembly
tag data exists in BizTalk RFID.
TagMetadata.xml Assembly tag to test for existence in
BizTalk RFID, used in Lesson 4, Step 1
and Step 3.
Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step2.cmd Script to run the rfidclientconsole.exe
command-line tool to decommission (or
kill) a tag.
AssemblyKillTag.xml Assembly tag to decommission, used in
Lesson 4, Step 2.
Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step3.cmd Script that verifies assembly tag data was
decommissioned in BizTalk RFID.

In This Section
 Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
 Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
 Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts
 Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality Assurance

Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment

In this lesson, you set up the BizTalk RFID environment. This includes installing BizTalk RFID,
running setup scripts that support the Supply Chain scenario, and running and testing the device

In This Section
 Step 1: Install BizTalk RFID
 Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts
 Step 3: Start the ContosoTestProcess Process

Step 1: Install BizTalk RFID

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will install BizTalk RFID.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 You must log on as a member of the local Administrators group.

To install BizTalk RFID

1. Identify a computer that you will use to run the tutorial.
2. Install BizTalk RFID according to the instructions found in the BizTalk RFID Installation
3. Verify that the RFID service is running by opening RFID Manager. If you are able to
open RFID Manager and click the server name to view the Service Summary page
without errors, you are ready to continue with the tutorial. For more information about
RFID Manager, see How to Monitor BizTalk RFID Using RFID Manager [RFID11].

What did I just do?

In this step, you installed BizTalk RFID to prepare for the rest of the lessons in this tutorial.

Next Steps
Run the setup script according to Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts

See Also
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts
Step 3: Start the ContosoTestProcess Process

Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts

Time to complete: 5 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will set up the SQL Server environment that is used throughout the
rest of the lessons in this tutorial.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed.

To run the tutorial setup scripts

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Open and execute the Tutorial1_Lesson1_Step2_CreateSupplyChainDB.sql file.
This file creates the SupplyChain database that will be used throughout this tutorial.
The SupplyChain database includes three tables named Assembly, Parts, and

PartsAssembly. It also creates foreign key relationships between the tables. The
SupplyChain database is used to store inventory, whereas the RFIDsink database is
used to temporarily store tag data as it is read by the SQL Server Sink event handler,
but it is not meant to be a permanent data store.

The SupplyChain database is created in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL10.< instance name>\MSSQL\DATA\ folder. If you don't want
the database created in this folder, you need to edit the
Tutorial1_Lesson1_Step2_CreateSupplyChainDB.sql file before executing it.
4. Open and execute the Tutorial1_Lesson1_Step2_CreateFunctions.sql file. This file
creates a user-defined function, called udf_ConvertBase64ToASCII. This function
converts Base64 strings (as they are stored in the TagID, TagData, and other RFID
XML fields) to ASCII strings. This is useful in later steps in the tutorial.

What did I just do?

In this step, you created the SQL Server environment, including the database and all required
database objects that are needed to run this tutorial.

If you want to delete all data in the SupplyChain database, but do not want to delete its
objects, you can execute the Tutorial1_DataReset.sql file.

Next Steps
Test the Contoso device simulator in Step 3: Start the ContosoTestProcess Process.

See Also
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
Step 1: Install BizTalk RFID
Step 3: Start the ContosoTestProcess Process

Step 3: Start the ContosoTestProcess Process

Time to complete: 5 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will run the ContosoTestProcess process and the Contoso device
simulator, which will be used in later lessons in this tutorial.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 BizTalk RFID must be installed and running.

To run the Contoso device simulator

1. Navigate to the %rfidinstalldir%\Samples\Device Service
Provider\Contoso\ContosoEndToEnd folder.
2. Execute the Contososetup.cmd file. The commands in this file perform the following
a. Registers and starts the ContosoDeviceProvider device provider.
b. Imports a device named ContosoTestDevice.
c. Imports a process named ContosoTestProcess, which has logical device
mylogicaldevice, and a SqlServerSink event handler.
d. Deploys and starts the ContosoTestProcess process.
3. Execute the runContososimulator.cmd file that is part of this tutorial. This opens a
command window and runs the Contoso device simulator, but differs slightly from the
same command file that exists in the %rfidinstalldir%\Samples\Device Service
Provider\Contoso\ContosoEndToEnd\ContosoDeviceSimulator folder. The file that is
part of this tutorial does not show unnecessary notifications that are not part of this
tutorial. However, because of this modification, you may see an error that indicates
"Notification XML not specified." This message can be ignored for this tutorial.
4. Verify that no other errors are displayed in the command window and that the device
simulator is ready to receive tags. You should see the following in the command
1|Device Simulator web service started successfully
4|Accepting new Reader Client at
5. If the device simulator is not started or if any other errors appear, make sure that you
correct these errors before continuing. For additional information about running the
Contoso device simulator, see Testing a Server Application.

What did I just do?

In this step, you started the ContosoTestProcess process and the Contoso device simulator. This
simulator is not used until Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts, Step 2: Create a New Tag for
the Assembly, but is included here as part of the setup for the tutorial.

Next Steps
Receive parts into inventory to make them into assemblies in Lesson 2: Receive Parts into

See Also
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
Step 1: Install BizTalk RFID
Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts

Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
In Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment, you completed the setup of the BizTalk RFID
environment. In this lesson, you will learn how to use the BizTalk RFID event processing pipeline
to receive three parts that are individually tagged with item-level RFID tags. The data for these
tags is stored in three separate XML files, one for each item. The tag data stored in each RFID
tag is the Universal Product Code (UPC) number that uniquely identifies a manufacturer's
The ContosoTestProcess process uses the RFID sink event handler to store the tag data read by
BizTalk RFID. The data is stored in the RFIDsink database in the TagEvents table. This lesson
shows how to use SQL to move the parts into inventory by inserting them into the SupplyChain
database, which was created as part of Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment, Step 2:
Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts.

In This Section
 Step 1: Query Parts Before Receive
 Step 2: Receive Parts
 Step 3: Query Parts After Receive
 Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory

See Also
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
SQLServerSink Event Handler [RFID11]

Step 1: Query Parts Before Receive

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will query the RFIDsink database to ensure that it contains no parts
data previously read by the ContosoTestProcess process. This ensures a clean database with
which to run the rest of this tutorial.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The ContosoTestProcess process must be running without errors.
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed and connected to the RFIDsink database
on the BizTalk RFID computer.

To query for parts in the RFIDsink database

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step1.sql

FROM TagEvents
WHERE TagSource = 'Antenna3'
4. Verify that the count of records returned from this query is zero. If you have already
completed this tutorial and there are parts in the database, you can clear the RFIDsink
and SupplyChain databases by running the Tutorial1_DataReset.sql SQL script.

What did I just do?

In this step, you verified that the RFIDsink database contains no parts data that was read by the
ContosoTestProcess process before receiving parts into inventory. You did this by selecting a
count of the number of records that are read by Antenna3 and have a 12-character UPC in the
TagData field.

Next Steps
Receive parts into inventory to by following the steps mentioned in the next step: Step 2: Receive

See Also
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
Step 2: Receive Parts
Step 3: Query Parts After Receive
Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory

Step 2: Receive Parts

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will execute a script in a command prompt that simulates reading
three RFID tags. These tags are located on parts that your company has just received from the
loading dock. As they are scanned, they are placed into inventory to be ready to install into

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The ContosoTestProcess process must be running without errors.

To receive parts by using the Contoso device simulator

1. Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial script files.

2. Use the rfidclientconsole.exe command-line utility to add each RFID tag to the process
pipeline. The three tags are simulated in three separate XML files. All XML files are
read from a command-line text file named Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step2.cmd, go to the
location in the command prompt which has Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step2.cmd and then,
run the command
set exe="%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe"

%exe% -m localhost AddEventToProcessPipeline ContosoTestProcess

PartsTag1.xml mylogicaldevice
%exe% -m localhost AddEventToProcessPipeline ContosoTestProcess
PartsTag2.xml mylogicaldevice
%exe% -m localhost AddEventToProcessPipeline ContosoTestProcess
PartsTag3.xml mylogicaldevice

echo "TagReadParts"
3. Verify that there are no errors in executing the Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step2.cmd file.

What did I just do?

In this step, you executed the Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step2.cmd file that used the
rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool to add RFID read events into the event processing
pipeline of the ContosoTestProcess process. The SqlServerSink event handler in the pipeline
stores the event information in the RfidSink database.

Next Steps
In the next step, Step 3: Query Parts After Receive , you'll learn how to query the RFIDsink
database to determine if the parts were actually received by the ContosoTestProcess process.

See Also
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
Step 1: Query Parts Before Receive
Step 3: Query Parts After Receive
Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory

Step 3: Query Parts After Receive

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will query the RFIDsink database to view the tag data stored by the
SqlServerSink event handler from the ContosoTestProcess process in the preceding step.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 RFID tags must have been successfully read by the ContosoTestProcess process and
inserted into the RFIDsink database by using the SqlServerSink event handler.
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed and connected to the RFIDsink database
on the BizTalk RFID computer.

To query for parts in the RFIDsink database

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step3.sql
FROM TagEvents
WHERE TagSource = 'Antenna3'
4. Verify that three records are returned from this query. If these records do not appear
after running the query, ensure that you properly ran Step 2: Receive Parts and no
errors occurred.

What did I just do?

In this step, you queried the RFIDsink database to view the RFID tags read by the
ContosoTestProcess process. These tags will be used in later lessons to build assemblies of the
parts that were just read.
When a tag is read by the ContosoTestProcess process, it is read by an antenna called
Antenna3. The data encoded in the tag represents the Universal Product Code (UPC) that the
part manufacturer assigned to the part.
Using the SqlServerSink event handler, tag data is stored in the RFIDsink database as binary
data. Because the query executed in this step is expected to contain UPC data in the TagData
field in the TagEvents table, the WHERE clause in the SQL statement converts the datatype of

this field. First it converts from an image datatype, which is the datatype of the TagData column in
the TagEvents table, to a varbinary datatype. Then it converts from varbinary to varchar. This
"double conversion" is done because you cannot convert from an image datatype to a varchar
datatype directly. After the datatype is a varchar, the length can be tested.
The preceding query tests that the TagData column contains 12 characters because that is the
number of characters in a UPC value. If the number of characters in this column is not equal to
12, it is assumed that this is not one of the tags that was read as part of this tutorial.

Next Steps
Receive parts into inventory in Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory.

See Also
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
Step 1: Query Parts Before Receive
Step 2: Receive Parts
Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory

Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will copy the data read by the ContosoTestProcess process (which
uses the SqlServerSink event handler) to the SupplyChain database that you created in Lesson
1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment, Step 2: Run the Tutorial Setup Scripts. Because it is a
recommended practice to periodically purge the RFIDsink database, it is not practical to leave the
RFID tag data in the TagEvents table, so the data is copied to the SupplyChain database, which
is a permanent data store.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The SupplyChain database must already be created.
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed and connected to the SupplyChain
database on the BizTalk RFID computer.

To insert received parts read by the Contoso device simulator into inventory
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson2_Step4.sql
USE [SupplyChain]

FROM RFIDSink.dbo.TagEvents
WHERE TagSource = 'Antenna3'
4. Verify that there are no errors after executing the query.

What did I just do?

In this step, you inserted the data read by the ContosoTestProcess process into the SupplyChain
database, which is used to store inventory data for this tutorial

Next Steps
In Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts, you will create an assembly for the parts that were
just received into inventory.

See Also
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
Step 1: Query Parts Before Receive
Step 2: Receive Parts
Step 3: Query Parts After Receive

Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts

In Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory, you learned how to use BizTalk RFID to receive parts
by using the ContosoTestProcess process and insert them into the RFIDsink database. You also
learned how to move the parts into the SupplyChain database for inventory purposes. Parts in the
SupplyChain database are stored until they are used to build assemblies of parts that your
company can ship to customers.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the parts that are now in inventory to create assemblies of
those parts. Using the Contoso device simulator, an RFID tag is printed as part of this lesson to
be placed on the finished assembly.

In This Section
 Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly
 Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly
 Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag
 Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly
 Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly

See Also
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory

Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will query the SupplyChain database (which was created as part of
this tutorial) to ensure that it contains no assemblies that were previously created from parts
scanned into inventory. This ensures a clean database with which to run the rest of this tutorial.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed and connected to the SupplyChain
database on the BizTalk RFID computer.

To query for assembled parts in the SupplyChain database

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step1.sql
USE [SupplyChain]
FROM [Assembly] a
JOIN [AssemblyParts] ap
JOIN [Parts] p
ON p.PartID = ap.PartID

ON ap.AssemblyID = a.AssemblyID
4. Verify that the count of records returned from this query is zero. If you have already
completed this tutorial and there are assemblies in the database, you can clear the
RFIDsink and SupplyChain databases by running the Tutorial1_DataReset.sql SQL

What did I just do?

In this step, you verified that there are no assemblies in the SupplyChain database that were
created from parts read by the ContosoTestProcess process.

Next Steps
In Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly, you will assign and print a tag for the new
assembly, and then you will assign the inventory parts to the new assembly.

See Also
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts
Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly
Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag
Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly
Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly

Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will use the Contoso device simulator to create a tag for a new
assembly that will consist of multiple inventory parts. Assigning inventory parts to the assembly is
shown in Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts, Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The Contoso device simulator must be running without errors.

To create a new tag for the assembly

1. Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial script files.
2. Use the rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool to print a simulated RFID tag that is
stored in a separate XML file named AssemblyTag.xml. The XML file is read from a
command-line text file named Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step2.cmd, as follows:
set exe="%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe"

%exe% ExecuteCommands ContosoTestDevice AssemblyTag.xml

echo "Assembly Tag Printed"
3. Verify that there are no errors in executing the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step2.cmd file.

What did I just do?

In this step, you executed the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step2.cmd file. This file used the Contoso
device simulator to print a new RFID tag that will be used to tag an assembly. The assembly will
consist of parts that were scanned and placed into inventory in Lesson 2: Receive Parts into
Inventory and it is created in Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly.
To print the RFID tag, the rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool was used. The data for the tag
is stored in an XML file named AssemblyTag.xml. The file was passed into the
rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool by using the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step2.cmd file.

Next Steps
In the next step, Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag, you'll learn how to query the RFIDsink database
to determine that the assembly print tag was actually generated.

See Also
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts
Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly
Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag
Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly
Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly
Using the RFID Client Console [RFID11]

Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag

Time to complete: 30 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will verify that the tag printed in Step 2: Create a New Tag for the
Assembly by using the Contoso device simulator exists in the RFIDsink database. Using the
Contoso device simulator, the RFID tag that is printed is stored in the GenericEvents table.
The data that you need to look for in the GenericEvents table is stored in the Serialization
column. This column stores XML data in a text field. Therefore, to verify that the tag is correctly
printed using the Contoso device simulator from Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly, you
need to inspect the XML value stored in this column.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 SQL Server Management Studio is installed and connected to the RFIDsink database on the
BizTalk RFID computer.

To verify that the assembly tag is printed
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step3.sql

DECLARE @idoc int

DECLARE @doc varchar(8000)

-- Create a cursor that loops through all records

FOR SELECT Serialization
FROM GenericEvents
WHERE ProcessName = 'ContosoTestProcess'

-- Open the cursor

OPEN cur

-- Get the first record


-- Create an internal representation of the XML document - specifying the
delcared namespace in the XML doc.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc, '<root
Rfid.Client" />'

-- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.

SupplyChain.dbo.udf_ConvertBase64ToASCII(TagData) AS

SupplyChain.dbo.udf_ConvertBase64ToASCII(TagID) AS tagIDDecoded
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '//rfid:printLabel/', 2)
tagData varchar(8000) 'rfid:tagData',
tagId varchar(100) 'rfid:tagId'

--Remove the XML document from memory

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc

-- Get the first record



-- Close and deallocate the cursor

4. Verify that one record is returned from this query and that the tagDataDecoded field
returns a value of 2001. This indicates that the assembly tag was printed correctly.

It can be inefficient to use a cursor in an SQL statement. However, this
example uses a cursor to show you how you could loop through multiple rows,
each containing an XML field. Such an approach would need to be taken to
read and decode each XML field separately. To make the cursor perform as
well as possible, two things are shown. First, the cursor is declared as
FAST_FORWARD, which is a forward-only, read-only cursor. Second, the
cursor's SELECT statement limits the number of rows returned so that only the
desired rows are iterated in the cursor.

What did I just do?

In this step, you verified that tag data was printed to the Contoso device simulator and was stored
in the RFIDsink database in the GenericEvents table. To verify the data stored in the
GenericEvents table, you inspected the XML value stored in the Serialization column. However, to
read the values in this column, the following steps had to be taken:

 Because the Serialization column is a text datatype that contains XML, the
sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure was used to create a SQL Server internal
representation of the XML document stored in the table. For more information about reading
XML from a SQL Server database, refer to the SQL Server documentation.
 The format of the XML data in the Serialization table is based on the XML data that was
printed to the tag in Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly.
 The XML format is element-centric, which means that data is stored between elements,
instead of values being assigned to XML attributes.
 The TagData and TagID elements in the XML file store Base64-encoded strings. To review
the actual string data, you need to decode these values. To make it easy to decode these
values, a function named udf_ConvertBase64ToString was created as part of Step 2: Run
the Tutorial Setup Scripts in Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment.

Next Steps
In Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly, you will assign an assembly for which you just
printed a tag to parts that have already been scanned into inventory.

See Also
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts
Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly
Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly
Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly
Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly

Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly

Time to complete: 40 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will assign the parts that were moved into inventory in Lesson 2:
Receive Parts into Inventory, Step 4: Assign Received Parts into Inventory to an assembly, whose
tag was created in Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly.
This step assigns the assembly to the parts shown in the following table:

Assembly ID Assembly data Tag ID Tag data (UPC)

2001 2001 1001 827188021012

2001 2001 1002 827188021029
2001 2001 1003 827188021036

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The SupplyChain database must already be created.

 Parts must have been received into inventory in the SupplyChain database.
 The tag for the new assembly must have been created.
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed and connected to the SupplyChain
database on the BizTalk RFID computer.

To assign inventory parts to assemblies

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step4.sql

DECLARE @idoc int

DECLARE @doc varchar(8000)
DECLARE @SinkTime datetime

-- Create a cursor that loops through all records

FOR SELECT Serialization,
FROM GenericEvents
WHERE ProcessName = 'ContosoTestProcess'

-- Open the cursor

OPEN cur

-- Get the first record

FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @doc, @SinkTime

-- Create an internal representation of the XML document - specifying the
delcared namespace in the XML doc.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc, '<root

Rfid.Client" />'

-- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.

-- Add the decoded TagID and TagData fields (decoded from Base64 to
INSERT INTO SupplyChain.dbo.[Assembly] (
SELECT SupplyChain.dbo.udf_ConvertBase64ToASCII(TagID) AS
SupplyChain.dbo.udf_ConvertBase64ToASCII(TagData) AS
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '//rfid:printLabel/', 2)
tagData VARCHAR(8000) 'rfid:tagData',
tagId VARCHAR(100) 'rfid:tagId'

--Remove the XML document from memory

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc

-- Get the first record

FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @doc, @SinkTime


-- Close and deallocate the cursor


-- NOTE: At this point, all Assembly Tag IDs from the decoded XML file are in

the Assembly table
USE [SupplyChain]

-- Using the applicable IDs, assign parts with Tag ID 1001 - 1003 to Assembly
with Tag ID 2001
INSERT INTO SupplyChain.dbo.AssemblyParts(
SELECT a.AssemblyID,
FROM [Assembly] a
WHERE a.TagID = '2001'
AND p.TagID IN ('1001', '1002', '1003')

4. Verify that there are no errors when executing the SQL script.

What did I just do?

In this step, you executed a SQL script that performed numerous actions, which can be broken up
as follows:
 As you learned in Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag, the XML data stored in the GenericEvents
table of the RFIDsink database can be queried to retrieve the tag ID and tag data for tags that
are printed to the Contoso device simulator.
 The tags stored in the GenericEvents table are queried using a cursor that enables you to
iterate through each tag to query the XML field. This example expects a single tag to be
stored in the database, so it is not necessary to use a cursor for this example. However, it is
included here to show how you would read multiple tags from the database.
 As each assembly tag is retrieved from the GenericEvents table, the TagID, TagData, and
SinkTime fields are inserted into the Assembly table in the SupplyChain database. The
Assembly table is used to store all assemblies that are generated (printed) using the Contoso
device simulator.
 The Parts and Assembly tables are queried to return the IDs of each. These IDs are
independent of the TagIDs read by the Contoso device simulator. The PartID and AssemblyID
columns are SQL Server identity fields that auto-increment each time a row is added to the
 A SQL Server cross join is performed to return all possible combinations of PartID and
AssemblyID and insert it into the AssemblyParts table.

Next Steps
In Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly you will query the Assembly, Parts, and
AssemblyParts tables in the SupplyChain database to ensure that parts were correctly assigned
to assemblies.

See Also
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts
Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly
Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly
Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag
Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly

Step 5: Query Assembled Parts After Assembly

Time to complete: 15 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will verify that parts that have been received and placed into
inventory have been correctly assigned to an assembly. The assembly tag is printed in Step 2:
Create a New Tag for the Assembly and verified in Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The SupplyChain database must already be created.
 Parts must have been read and placed into inventory.
 SQL Server Management Studio must be installed and connected to the SupplyChain
database on the BizTalk RFID computer.

To query for assemblies and parts in the SupplyChain database

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a new query window.
3. Execute the following query (which can be found in the Tutorial1_Lesson3_Step5.sql
USE [SupplyChain]
a.TagID AS AssemblyTagID,
a.TagData AS AssemblyTagData,
p.TagID AS PartsTagID,
p.TagData AS PartsTagData
FROM [Assembly] a

JOIN [AssemblyParts] ap
JOIN [Parts] p
ON p.PartID = ap.PartID
ON ap.AssemblyID = a.AssemblyID
4. Verify that three records are returned, one for each part assigned to an assembly.

What did I just do?

In this step, you queried the Assembly, Parts, and AssemblyParts tables in the SupplyChain
database to verify that each inventoried part is now assigned to an assembly.

Next Steps
Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality Assurance shows how to assign all assemblies
to a carton for shipping.

See Also
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts
Step 1: Query Assembled Parts Before Assembly
Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly
Step 3: Verify the Assembly Tag
Step 4: Assign Inventory Parts to Assembly

Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality

In Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts, you learned how to use BizTalk RFID to print an
RFID tag for an assembly of parts by using the Contoso device simulator. The RFID tag was then
used to group individual parts that were received into inventory into an assembly. In this lesson,
you will learn how to decommission a tag after simulating that the assembly failed a quality
assurance (QA) check.
In practice, manufacturing companies will usually have automated testing equipment in place to
run a series of QA checks. If the tests pass the checks, the assembly is permitted to be put into
stock/inventory, shipped to a customer, or some other use. If the tests fail the checks, a separate
process would take place to troubleshoot, repair, replace, or discard the assembly. This scenario
assumes that the item is to be discarded and the assembly tag must be decommissioned so that
it contains no data.

In This Section
 Step 1: Verify That the Tag Exists
 Step 2: Decommission the Tag

 Step 3: Verify the Decommissioned Tag

See Also
Lesson 1: Set Up the BizTalk RFID Environment
Lesson 2: Receive Parts into Inventory
Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts

Step 1: Verify That the Tag Exists

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will verify that the assembly tag with a TagID ASCII value of "2001"
(after converting the Base64 string value of "MTAwMQ==") exists before decommissioning it in
the next step.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 None

To verify if a tag exists

1. Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial script files.
2. Use the rfidclientconsole.exe tool. The command to verify an RFID tag and view its
metadata by using this tool is GetTagMetadataCommand. This command is specified
in an XML file named TagMetadata.xml. This file is run using a command-line text file
named Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step1.cmd, as follows:
set exe="%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe"

%exe% ExecuteCommands ContosoTestDevice TagMetadata.xml

echo "Tag Metadata Returned"

3. Verify that there are no errors in executing the Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step1.cmd file. If the
RFID tag exists, you should see XML metadata output similar to the following:
<vendorDefinedReplies i:nil="true" />

EPC Class 1 - Generation 2 tag</description>
<vendorSpecificData i:nil="true" />

What did I just do?

In this step, you executed the Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step1.cmd file. This file issues a
GetTagMetadataCommand command to the rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool to query
the metadata stored in BizTalk RFID. If there are no errors, the metadata is returned in an XML

Next Steps
In the next step, Step 2: Decommission the Tag, you'll learn how to decommission the tag that
you just verified in this step.

See Also
Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality Assurance
Step 2: Decommission the Tag
Step 3: Verify the Decommissioned Tag

Step 2: Decommission the Tag

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will use the Contoso device simulator to decommission a tag for an
assembly that failed a simulated QA check.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 The Contoso device simulator must be running without errors.

 You must have followed the prior lessons to ensure that an assembly tag is printed and
stored in the RFIDsink database. Otherwise, the operation of decommissioning the tag will

To decommission a tag
1. Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial script files.
2. Use the Contoso device simulator to decommission the assembly tag that was printed
in Lesson 3: Create Assemblies from Parts, Step 2: Create a New Tag for the
Assembly. The assembly tag with the TagID ASCII value of "2001" (Base64 string
value of "MTAwMQ==") is the one to be decommissioned. The command for
decommissioning a tag by using the rfidclientconsole.exe tool is KillCommand. This
command is specified in an XML file, along with the parameters required to kill the tag,
such as the TagID. The XML file, named AssemblyKillTag.xml, is wrapped in a
command-line text file named Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step2.cmd, as follows:
set exe="%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe"

%exe% ExecuteCommands ContosoTestDevice AssemblyKillTag.xml

echo "Assembly Tag Decommissioned"


3. Verify that there are no errors in executing the Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step1.cmd file.

What did I just do?

In this step, you executed the Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step2.cmd file. This file used the Contoso
device simulator to kill (or decommission) the assembly tag that was printed in Lesson 3: Create
Assemblies from Parts, Step 2: Create a New Tag for the Assembly. To kill the RFID tag, the
rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool was used. The data for the tag is stored in an XML file,
named AssemblyKillTag.xml.

Next Steps
In the next step, Step 3: Verify the Decommissioned Tag, you'll learn how to query the RFIDsink
database to verify that the tag was actually decommissioned.

See Also
Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality Assurance
Step 1: Verify That the Tag Exists
Step 3: Verify the Decommissioned Tag

Step 3: Verify the Decommissioned Tag
Time to complete: 10 minutes
Objective: In this step, you will verify that the assembly tag with a TagID ASCII value of "2001"
(after converting the Base64 string value of " MTAwMQ==") was actually decommissioned. The
procedure in this step is virtually the same as in Step 1: Verify That the Tag Exists, but the output
you are looking for is different.

Note the following requirements before you begin this step:
 None

To verify if a tag was decommissioned

1. Navigate to the folder that contains the tutorial script files.
2. Use the rfidclientconsole.exe tool. The command to verify an RFID tag and view its
metadata by using this tool is GetTagMetadataCommand. This command is specified
in an XML file named TagMetadata.xml. This file is run by using a command-line text
file named Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step3.cmd, as follows:
set exe="%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe"

%exe% ExecuteCommands ContosoTestDevice TagMetadata.xml

echo "Tag Metadata Returned"

3. Verify that your output contains the following XML element:
<message>Tag Killed...</message>

What did I just do?

In this step, you executed the Tutorial1_Lesson4_Step3.cmd file. This file issues a
GetTagMetadataCommand command to the rfidclientconsole.exe command-line tool to query
the metadata stored in BizTalk RFID. If a <message> element is returned with a value of "Tag
Killed…" then the tag was decommissioned and cannot be used again.

See Also
Lesson 4: Decommission a Tag That Fails Quality Assurance
Step 1: Verify That the Tag Exists
Step 2: Decommission the Tag


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