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– Providing supplemental heat to keep brooder

temperature at 31.1-33.3⁰C for 24 hours
– Process of providing heat to young chicks to keep
them warm and comfortable
• Types:
– Natural brooding/artificial brooding
Elements of Successful Brooding
• Good quality chicks- active, dry and fluffy
feathers, bright eyes, and well-healed navels
• Proper temperature
Age of Chicks (Days) Temperature (⁰C)

1-7 32.2-35.0

8-14 29.4-32.2

14-21 26.7-29.4

Beyond 21 days Provide heat when necessary

• Adequate space allowance
 Brooding
– 1m² (10.8 ft²) per 75-150 chicks under heat source
– 1 m² per 25-50 chicks within chick guard
– 5-8 cm (2-3.1in) linear space for feeding space
 Growing
o 0.07-0.11 m² (0.8-1.2 ft²) floor space /bird
o 10.16 cm (4in) and 2.03 cm (0.8) per bird linear space
allowance for feeders and waterers per bird
In large flocks- float controlled drinking trough, 2cm
(.8 in); one-hanging fountain for 80-100 birds; smaller
cup for 50 birds; one nipple adequate for 10-12 birds
• Proper ventilation
– Fresh supply oxygen
– Carbon dioxide, ammonia and moisture must be
– Burlap curtain could be used
• Adequate lighting
– Proper lighting encourages chicks to keep close to
heat source and help to locate their feed and
– 5-10 watt bulb could be used
• Proper sanitation
– Brooding pens need to be kept clean and dry at all
times to minimize contamination and growth of
parasites and other disease-causing organisms
• Protection from Predators
– Brooder must be provided with sufficient
protection from any kind of predators/disturbing
– Enclose brooder with sturdy materials
Sources of Heat for Brooding
• Any cheap source of heat that could
adequately provide the required brooding
a) LPG (50kg for 1,000 chicks for 18 days)
b) Electricity (incandescent bulb, infrared lamp and
hover-type heaters w/ resistant coils)
c) charcoal
Brooding Management
• Preparation of the brooder house
– Brooding house must be ready, properly cleaned,
repaired and disinfected
– Heaters should be turned 4hours before the
– Heating units w/ hover, edge must be 15cm above
the back of chicks
– For older than 4 days, hover may be set 15-30cm
above the back of chicks
– Brooder guards are used to confine chicks near
the heat source(circular)
• Aluminum sheets, lawanits, plywoods, cardboards or
similar materials
• Some use cages w/ incandescent bulb as source of heat
• Some install “false ceiling” (burlap curtain)
Handling of Broiler Chicks
1. Place the boxes containing chicks on the floor of
brooder. Spread out the boxes.
2. Open the chick boxes and separate the weak
chicks from active ones.
3. Check the condition of newly arrived chicks
frequently during first 48 hours.
4. Provide the chicks with 5% sugar solution for
drinking w/in 3 hours of arrivals (vitamins-
minerals w/ antibiotics could be provided for the
first 3-5 days)
5. Regulate the brooder temperature as the chicks
grows.(3⁰C/wk until 3wks. old)
6. Provide additional units of larger feeders and
waterers as broilers grow.
7. Vaccinate the broilers against common poultry
diseases (NCD, IB, IBD)
8. Cull and properly dispose all dead, weak,
deformed and sickly birds.
9. Consult a veterinarian if mortality and morbidity
of flock goes higher than acceptable level.

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