ABM: Audacity Brings Merriment

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Name: Gwyneth D.

Grade and Section: XI-ABM 3
Group no. 4

ABM : Audacity Brings Merriment

All of us are dreaming about our goals in life. We want to experience things related with the achievement of our certain goal.
We are always looking forward and aiming for the success but what are the things we need to consider in order for us to
accomplish things? First thing is,we need to focus on our main objective or goals. Goals promote planning to determine how
goals will be achieved. It is a big help for us to be able to motivate and increase our performance. Next thing is determination,
with determination there is ‘no’ for an answer. ABM is one of the strands that needs determination. So if you want to be a
successful someday you need to work hard , have determination, focus on the things that matters which is the strand you
choose , make sure you are focusing on those tasks that you should be done sooner rather than later and also you need to love
your strand and studies because the quality of your work always speaks for itself. Hard work and determination are also the key
to success. Third one is , time management why? Because knowing how to manage your time can help us to be more productive
, we should know exactly what we will study before we sit down in our desk. Time management helps us to prioritize tasks and
consider the amount of time we needed to complete the assign tasks. Learn to manage and stick with your schedule.
Subjects in ABM will give us the tools we need for our journey for us to be able to be a successful or professional someday.
At first , students will conclude that the subjects in ABM strand is difficult but actually it is really exciting and enjoying why?
We can learn a lot from it. Why don’t you just try it before you give up and conclude things that you doesn’t have any
experience yet. We all know that we are afraid to make mistakes but think of it we can learn a lot from it. There are three things
we should do about it ; admit it ,learn from it and don’t repeat it. We just need to focus on what are the next thing to do instead
of worrying about what went wrong. And there’s a quote that says “Making mistakes is better than faking perfections”. Some
students are afraid to pursue this strand even though they want it because they believe that this strand only focuses on
Mathematics and we all know most of the students hate it. But they didn’t know there are also different subjects. We will be
challenge to strive harder because we all know that excellence means going beyond the standards and who else doesn’t want to
excel? Nobody wants. In order to excel we have to give our best of best to learn in that particular strand we choose and it is our
time to shine. Show them what you’ve got and believe in yourself. Yes it is stressful sometimes but admit it, it is fun. We can
gain a lot of experience that we can apply in the near future.
Me as an ABM student, I enjoy every moments even though sometimes as the days , weeks and months passed it’s getting
harder for me . More stress, pressure and responsibilities are coming. Not just me but every ABM students experience this hard
times. But of course if you truly love your course , the hard times doesn’t matter just think for the positive outcome. And for
choosing the strand you are going to take in Senior High School is not easy. But if you already know what do you want in the
future or goal in life it is easier for you to choose. If you want it, then go for it just trust in yourself in with God because I
believe that God has a perfect plan for all of us.

Text Type : Narrative text

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