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ISSUANCES, RULES AND ORDINANCES  Issued to fix a date or declare a status or

condition of public moment or interest, upon
1.20 Presidential Issuances the existence of which operation of law or
regulation is made to depend.
Issued by the President in the exercise of his Ordinance Power
 have the force of an Executive Order
(rule-making power/authority of the President, which have the
force and effect of law. In the discharge of his Executive
 Matters of administrative detail or of
Note: OP – granted under Chapter 2, Book III of EO 292 aka subordinate or temporary interest
Administrative Code of 1987  Only concerns a particular officer or office of the
Execution Orders – legislative power of the President during
the revolutionary period (freedom consti.), same category
and binding force as statutes.
 Relate to internal administration
Presidential Decrees – legislative power of the president under  To bring the attention of all or some of the depts.,
during the period of Martial Law under the 1973 Constitution. agencies, bureaus or offices of the government
 for information or compliance
 Provides for rules of a general or permanent
 Acts and commands of the President in his capacity
 In implementation or execution of constitutional
as Commander-in-Chief of the AFP
(power vested by consti) or statutory powers (power
conferred by any other act) Ople vs Torres

 Seeks to declare unconstitutional AO 308 on the ff.

grounds (1) usurpation of the Congress’
 Relates to particular aspect of governmental
legislative power; (2) abridges right to privacy
 the blurring of the demarcation line between
 In pursuance of his duties as administrative
executive power and the power to legislate will
disturb their delicate balance and cannot be
 Legislative power


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
a) Embraces all subjects and extends to
matters of general concern or common *Administrative Power - Exercised by the
interest. President over bureaus and offices under his
control. Applying policies and enforcing
b) exclusively vested by the consti. in the orders. Enables the President to fix a uniform
Congress (legislative body – possesses standard of administrative efficiency and check
plenary power of all purpose of civil the official conduct of his agents.
government) to make, alter and repeal
laws unless it specifically lodges it c) Power to carry the laws into practical
elsewhere. operation and enforcing their due
 Administrative Order must be in harmony with
c) President can legislate under Section the law and should be for the sole purpose of
28(2) of Article VI of the Constitution implementing the law and carrying out the
“the Congress may, by law, authorize the legislative policy.
president to fix within specified limits, and  AO 308 implements the AC of 1987 but the
subject to such limitations and restrictions National Computerized Identification Reference
as it may impose, tariff rates, import and System requires a delicate adjustment of various
export quotas, tonnage and wharfage contending state policies – national security,
dues, and other duties or imposts within the extent of privacy interest and choice of
framework of the National Development policies. It redefines the parameters of the right
Program of the gov’t.” to privacy of the citizenry and the line that
separates the administrative power and the
 Executive power (power of control) legislative power.
a) vested in the President in his capacity as
the Chief Executive – represents the gov’t
as a whole and sees to it that all laws are 1.21 Administrative Rules and Regulations
enforced by the officials and employees Rules and Regulations
of his dep’t
 Issued by the administrative or executive officers
b) Power to enforce and administer the  Have the force and effect of law or partakes the nature of
laws* a statute


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
 To be valid: ii. Indicates the circumstances in which the legislative
1. Rules should be germane to the objects and command is to be effected
purposes of the law. iii. Criterion by which the legislative purpose may be
2. Regulations not in contradiction with, but carried out.
conform to the standards that the law prescribes iv. Adequate Standards:
3. Sole purpose of carrying into effect the general  Simplicity and Dignity
provisions of the law.  Public Interest
 it cannot extend nor restrict the terms and provisions  Public Welfare
of the law. Non-observance constitutes an attempt by an  Interest of Law and Order
administrative body to legislate.  Justice and Equality and substantial merit of
 In case of discrepancy between the basic law and the RR the case
issued to implement such, basic law shall prevail.  Adequate and efficient instruction
 StatCon Elementary Principle – a statute is superior
to and administrative regulation and the former cannot be  Statutes are couched in general terms that’s why the
repealed or amended by the latter. details and manner of carrying out the latter is delegated
to the specific agency handling it since they are the experts
in the area.
 Delegated Legislative Power – In delegation of the  Confined to details for regulation of the mode or
Congress it is necessary that the law proceedings to carry into effect enacted law.
1. be complete in itself – sets forth the policy to be  It may not be used beyond the scope intended
executed, carried out or implemented by the  Nor issue RR which are inconsistent with the provisions
delegate, of the statute or the constitution
2. fix a standard – limits of which are sufficiently  Or a RR that defeats the purpose of the statute which
determinate or determinable to which the delegate created it.
must conform in the performance of his functions.
1.22 Validity of Executive Orders, Rules and
Note: Standard –
i. maybe express or implied from the policy or
Executive Secretary vs. Southwing
purpose of the act as a whole, marks its limits,
maps out its boundaries and specifies the agency to Requisites of a Valid Administrative Issuance such as
apply it. an EO:


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
1. Its promulgation must be authorized by legislature Note: a valid Administrative issuance shall not
supplant or modify the Constitution, its enabling
Note: it should both have constitutional (provided for in statute and other existing laws, for it is the sole
the Constitution) and statutory bases (provided for by function of the legislature which the other branches
law). of the government cannot usurp. (CIR vs CA)

2. It must be promulgated in accordance with the prescribed 4. It must be reasonable.

Maxim: “Ratione cessat lex, et cessat”
Note: it is necessary that the nature of the administrative - When the reason for the law ceases, the law ceases
issuance is properly determined.
Axiom: administrative authorities shall not act
General Rule: the promulgation of the administrative arbitrarily and capriciously in the issuance of RR. To
issuance requires previous notice and hearing. be valid, such RR must be reasonable and fairly
adapted to secure the end in view.
Interpretative Rule – give no real consequence more
than what the law itself has already prescribed and are Note: the application of the law should be consistent with
designed merely to provide guidelines to the law which the purpose and the reason for the law.
the administrative agency is in charge of enforcing.
Substantive due process

Exception: Issuance of Legislative Rules - when the In the absence of evidence to the contrary, acts of the other
legislature requires it and mandates that the regulation be branches of the government are presumed to be valid.
based on certain facts as determined at an appropriate
Compliance to requisite # 3 and 4 the ff test shall be done:
1. Examination of the nature of the law and
Legislative Rule – subordinate legislation crafted to 2. The purpose of the EO
implement a primary legislation.
1.24 Supreme Court rule-making power
3. It must be within the scope of authority given by the
The Section 5(5), Article VIII 1987 Constitution grants the SC the
power to promulgate rules concerning the;


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
1. Protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, 3. Must not be partial or discriminatory
pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts 4. Must not prohibit but may regulate trade
2. Admission to the practice of law 5. Must be general and consistent with public policy
3. Integrated Bar 6. Must not be unreasonable
4. Legal assistance to the underprivileged

Rules promulgated by the SC shall:

1.26 Barangay ordinance
1. Be uniform for all the courts of the same grade
2. Shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive Sangguniang barangay
- smallest legislative body;
Power to Repeal - may pass an ordinance affecting a barangay by a
majority vote of all its members.
1. Procedural Laws – those which prescribe the method of
- Its ordinance is subject to review by sangguniang
enforcing rights and the redress of their invasion
bayan or panlungsod, to determine if it is in
2. Procedural Aspect of a Statute
accordance with municipal or city ordinance.
Exception: the SC does not have the power to promulgate rules - Sangguniang Bayan or panlungsod shall take action on
which are substantive in nature. the ordinance within 30 days from submission.

Test whether the rule regulates procedure: if it creates a right – 1.26 Municipal Ordinance
substantive. If it operates as a means of implementing an
existing right – Procedural Sangguniang Bayan
- affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the
1.25 Legislative Power of LGUs sangguniang bayan, there being a quorum.
Requisites of a Valid Ordinance: - Ordinance is then submitted to the municipal
mayor, who within 10 days from receipt shall return it
1. it must be within the corporate powers of the LGU with his approval or veto.
2. it must be in accordance with well-established principles - The ordinance is then submitted to sangguniang
of a substantive nature. panlalawigan for review, who within 30 days may
Principles of Substantive nature: invalidate it in whole or in part.

1. Must not contravene the constitution or any statute

2. Must not be unfair or oppressive
1.27 City Ordinance


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
Sangguniang panlungsod executive, by whom the law is passed, to presume of its
- affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the
 To be declared unconstitutional – repugnancy of the
sangguniang panlungsod present, and there being a
law to the Constitution must be clear and
- Approved ordinance shall be submitted to the mayor,
 Laws shall not be declared invalid unless the conflict
who within 10 days shall return it with approval
with the Constitution is clear beyond a reasonable
or his veto.
- The Sangguniang may repass a vetoed ordinance.
- If the city is a component city, the approved To doubt is to sustain – all unreasonable doubt shall be in favor
ordinance is submitted to the Sanguniang of the constitutionality of the law.
panlalawigan, who shall act within 30 days.
Supreme Court en banc

1.28 Provincial Ordinance  final authority to declare a law unconstitutional.

 By concurrence of a majority vote of members who
Sangguniang panlalawigan actually took part in the deliberations
- by a vote of a majority of the members present, Note: Trial Courts have jurisdiction to initially decide the issue of
there being a quorum, enact ordinance that will affect constitutionality of a law in appropriate cases.
the province.
- The ordinance is forwarded to the governor who, 1.31 Judicial Power
within 15 days, shall return it with his approval or
Araullo vs Aquino
- A vetoed ordinance may be repassed by two-thirds Judicial power
 Duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
E. Validity of Statute controversies involving rights which are legally
demandable and enforceable, and;
1.30 Presumption of Constitutionality
 to determine whether or not there has been a grave
General rule: Every statute is presumed valid. abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
 It is but decent respect due to the wisdom, integrity, and jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
the patriotism of the legislature, and the chief instrumentality of the Government.


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for the courts to step in to uphold the law and the
Requisites for the Exercise of Judicial Review

(1) there must be an actual case or justiciable

2. Ripe for Adjudication
controversy before the Court;  Something had been accomplished by either
branch. E.g. law
(2) the question before the Court must be ripe for  Law was already being implemented
 Such implementation was repugnant to the
(3) the person challenging the act must be a proper letter and spirit of the Constitution
party; and
Moot and academic
(4) the issue of constitutionality must be raised at
the earliest opportunity and must be the very  one that ceases to present a justiciable
lis mota of the case controversy by virtue of supervening events, so
that a declaration thereon would be of no
practical use or value.
1. Actual Case or Justiciable Controversy Note: Court had in the past exercised its power of
judicial review despite the cases being rendered moot and
Justiciable controversy
academic by supervening events, like:
 Issues which are inherently susceptible of being (1) when there was a grave violation of the
decided on grounds recognized by law Constitution;
 The resolution of which the court will have to choose
(2) when the case involved a situation of exceptional
between the Constitution and the challenged
character and was of paramount public
statute interest;
Political Questions (3) when the constitutional issue raised required
the formulation of controlling principles to
 Concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, guide the Bench, the Bar and the public; and
not the legality, of a particular act or measure being
(4) when the case was capable of repetition yet
evading review.
 Function of the separation of powers

Note: Courts will not normally interfere with the workings of 3. Proper Party
another equal branch UNLESS the case shows a clear need
Locus Standi or Legal standing


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 a right of appearance in a court of justice on a given
question 4. When to raise constitutionality
 a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy General Rule:
Requisites of Locus Standi:  Constitutionality must be raised at the earliest
possible time. If the question is not raised in the
(1) interest of a person assailing the constitutionality of a pleadings, ordinarily it may not be raised at the trial,
statute must be direct and personal. and if not raised in the trial, it will not be considered
in appeal.
(2) He must be able to show, not only that the law or any
government act is invalid, but also that he sustained or
1) the question may raise in a motion for reconsideration
is in imminent danger of sustaining some direct
or new trial in the lower court, where the statute sought
injury as a result of its enforcement, and not merely that
to be invalidated was not in existence when the complaint
he suffers thereby in some indefinite way.
was filed or during the trial
2) the question of validity may also be raised in criminal
(3) It must appear that the person complaining has been
cases at any stage of the proceedings.
or is about to be denied some right or privilege to
3) In civil cases where it appears clearly that a
which he is lawfully entitled or
determination of the question is necessary to a
(4) that he is about to be subjected to some burdens or decision and in cases where it involved the
penalties by reason of the statute or act complained of. jurisdiction of the court below.

Note: standing is a peculiar concept in constitutional law Test of constitutionality

because in some cases, suits are not brought by parties who
 A statute may be declared unconstitutional because:
have been personally injured by the operation of a law or any
other government act but by concerned citizens, taxpayers or voters 1. it is not within the legislative power to enact
who actually sue in the public interest.
2. or it creates or establishes methods or forms that
 The SC may take cognizance of a suit which does not infringe constitutional principles
satisfy the requirements of legal standing; the Court has
3. its purpose or effect violates the constitution
adopted a liberal attitude on the locus standi of a petitioner
where the petitioner is able to craft an issue of 4. It is vague. Lacks comprehensive standards that
transcendental significance to the people or paramount men of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its
importance to the public. meaning and differ in its application.


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
5. The change of circumstances or conditions may affect Invalidity due to change of conditions
the validity of some statues, especially those so-
called emergency laws designed specifically to meet  A statute becomes invalid only because the change of
certain contingencies. conditions makes its continued
operation violative of the Constitution, and
Effects of Unconstitutionality accordingly, the declaration of its nullity should affect
only the parties involved in the case, and its
General Rule: an unconstitutional act is not a law. Orthodox
effects applied prospectively.

1) it confers no rights. Partial Invalidity

2) it affords no protection General rule: where part of a statute is void as
3) it imposes no duties repugnant to the Constitution, while another part is valid,
4) it creates no office the valid portion, if separable from the invalid, may
5) it is inoperative as though it had never been passed. stand and be enforced
Doctrine of Operative Fact Exception: when the parts are so mutually dependent
Regard should be had to what has been done while and connected. The presence of separability clause
the statute was in operation and presumed to be valid. creates the presumption that the legislature intended
Hence, its operative fact before a declaration of nullity separability, rather than complete nullity of the
must be recognized. statute.

Two view on the effects of a declaration of

the unconstitutionality of a statute:

(a) *Orthodox View

(b) Modern View -- The court in passing upon the question

of constitutionality does not annul or repeal the statute if it
is unconstitutional, it simply refuses to recognize it and
A. When laws take effect
determines the rights of the parties just as if the statute had
no existence. It does not repeal, supersede, revoke or annul 1. Art 2 of the Civil Code provides that “Laws shall take
the statute. The parties to the suit are concluded by the effect after fifteen days following the completion of
judgment, but no one else is bound.


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
their publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is (a) Whose purpose is to implement or enforce existing
otherwise provided.” law pursuant to a valid delegation or to fill in the details
of a statute; whether they are penal or non-penal;
2. All laws or statutes, including those of local application
this requires publication.
and private law shall be published as a condition for
their effectivity (Tañada v. Tuvera), otherwise it would (b) those are merely interpretative in nature or
violate the due process clause of the constitution. merely internal in character not concerning the public,
does not need publication.
3. The general rule is that where the law is silent as to
its effectivity, or where it provides that it shall take 1987 Administrative Code provides that;
effect immediately or upon its approval, such law shall take
(a) Every agency shall file with the U.P. Law center
effect after 15 days from its publication in the Official
three copies of every rule adopted by it. Rules in force on
the date of effectivity of this Code which are not filed
4. The completion of publication, from which date the within 3 months from that date shall not be the basis of
period of publication will be counted, refers to the date of any sanction against any party or persons.
release of the O.G. or newspaper for circulation and not to
(b) Each rule shall become effective 15 days from the date of
its date, unless the two dates coincide.
filing as above provided unless a different date is fixed by
5. The requirement of publication as a condition for law, or specified in the rule in cases of imminent danger to
the effectivity of statues applies to Presidential Issuances, public health, safety and welfare.
except those which are merely interpretative or internal
Note: Publication and filing requirements are indispensable
in nature not concerning the public.
to the effectivity of rules and regulations, except when the
B. When presidential issuance, rules, and law authorizing its issuance dispenses the filing
regulations take effect
 The requirement of publication also applies to
Presidential issuances.

Exceptions: those which are merely interpretative or C. When local ordinance take effect
internal in nature not concerning the public.
1. Local ordinance shall take effect after 10 days from
Types of Rules and regulations of administrative and the date a copy thereof is posted in a bulletin board at
executive officers: the entrance of the provincial capital or city, municipal,


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022
or barangay hall, as the case may be, and in at least two (b) months: 30 days except if the months are designated by
other conspicuous places in the local government unit. their name

2. the secretary to the sanggunian shall cause the posting (c) days: 24 hours
of the ordinance within 5 days after its approval.
(d) nights: from sunrise to sunset
3. The gist of all ordinances with penal sanctions shall
(e) week: a period of 7 consecutive days without regard to the
be published in a newspaper of general circulation,
day of the week from which it begins
within the province where the local legislative body
concerned belongs. 3. Civil code adopts the 365-day year and the 30-day
month and not the calendar year not the solar month.
4. In case of highly urbanized and independent
component cities, the main feature of the ordinance or 4. The exclude-the–first and include the last day
resolution duly enacted or adopted shall, in addition to being rule governs the computation of a period. If the last
posted, be published once in a local newspaper of general day falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, the act can still be
circulation within the city. done the following day. The principle does not apply to
the computation of the period of prescription of a crime,
5. Unless a statute is by its provisions for a limited
in which the rule is that if the last days in the period
period only, it continues in force until changed or
of prescription of a felony falls on a Sunday or legal holiday,
repealed by the legislature. Law once established
the information concerning said felony cannot be filed on the
continues until changed by some competent legislative
next working day, as the offense has been by then already
power. It is not changed by change of sovereignty.
D. Manner of computing time
1. Where a statute requires the doing of an act within (d
a specified number of days, such as ten days, from notice,
It means 10 calendar days and not working days.

2. Where the word “week” is used as a measure of time

and without reference to the calendar, it means a period
of seven consecutive days without regard to the day of
the week from which it begins (PNB v. C.A).

(a) Year: 365 days


MMSU JD-1A 2021-2022

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