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产品介绍 安装方法 与无线动能开关的配对方式 ②此时按选定的开关,翘板式开关为上下各按一次(0.

5秒内),回弹式开 清除开关配对 ③在APP中点击"添加设备”,选择型号“六路干接点接收控制器”

易百珑六路接收控制器,可方便与易百珑无线动能开关配对,实现无 易百珑六路接收控制器为干接点输出,仅为通道提供线路接通的功能, 关左右两个按键为一组,连续按任意一个按键四次(1秒内)。 ④按照APP中的提示输入WIFI的密码后进入配对。
①将控制器的输入端接通电源,长按任意一个通道对应的按键上的“配对 若需要解除动能开关和本本产品相应通道的配对关系,需长按控制器上 主人:“天猫精灵,打开卧室的灯”
线控制、双控、多控等。本产品集成六路干接点控制功能,可方便集中 负载所需要的功率不由控制器的电源输出,以第四路为例具体接线方式 ③配对成功后,翘板开关按下为打开,按上为关闭,回弹式开关左右两个 ⑤配网成功后可使用APP对控制器进行远程控制,定时控制和智能场景 天猫精灵:“好的,已经为你打开卧室的灯”
键”约3秒,在看到指示灯闪烁的时候松开按键。 相应通道“配对键”约10秒,看到指示灯从闪烁到熄灭,熄灭后,之前所
布线,集中安装。 如下。 按键为一组,按左键为关闭,按右键为打开 控制。
②按下选定的动能开关一次,指示灯熄灭后,表示控制器与动能开关配对 有与改通道配对的动能开关信息都被清除,如需要再使用该控制器,请按
翘板式开关定向配对 照说明重新配对。 ⑦若更换WIFI路由器或者修改WIFI密码,请从第二步开始对控制器重新
蓝色指示灯亮 ③若一个通道需与多个动能开关配对,请重复以上过程,该控制器的每个 故障排查
通道最多与5个动能开关按键配对。 ①WIF配网失败
RJ45 接口 红色指示灯闪烁
④配对成功后,就可按动能开关控制对应的通道,在未接负载的情况下, 排查方法:请确认连接设置之前功能上红色指示灯在快闪(1秒2次);
可通过指示灯的亮灭来判断控制器开和关的状态。 若不在快闪状态请参照WIFI连接说明将指示灯设置为快闪,WIFI的名
①按住约3秒,指示灯开始闪烁 ②快速按上下键各一次(在0.5秒内) Copyright © 2012-2108 深圳市易百珑科技有限公司版权所有
称尽量不要使用中文;让路由器、控制器、手机三者尽量靠近(5米内)。 无线接收控制器是深圳市易百珑科技有限公司生产的产品,本手册提

连接WIFI方法 到的产品规格和资讯仅供参考,内容可能更新,请关注官方网站。非特
AC 100-240V 与负载适配的电源
①使用手机下载APP,然后按照提示在APP中注册账号。 殊约定,本手册中的所有的陈述信息均不构成任何形式的承担。未经深

按住相应通道按键约10秒,指示灯从闪烁到常亮,最后熄灭 排查方法:可能是路由器连接数量达到上限,一般普通路由器的最大
②将控制器接通电源,并确认功能键上红色指示灯在快速闪烁 圳市易百珑科技有限公司书面许可,任何单位不得擅自仿制、复制或转
能连接的设备数量为15台,可升级路由器或关闭不需要使用的设备。 译本说明书全部或者部分内容。不得以任何形式和任何方式(电子、机
电源输入 干接点输出 本产品可以直接安装于电箱内的导轨上,随导轨固定于电箱内,但封 (若功能键红色指示灯不在快闪状态,请长按控制器上功能键约5秒左
闭的金属空间会屏蔽无线型号,故不能使用于全金属的电箱内。 右,指示灯会从慢闪到常亮,在指示灯常亮的时候松开按键, 等待几 ③安装之后,能控制继电器通断,对应指示灯有指示,但是负载没有上电
本产品也可直接放置于吊顶空间之内,无需其他方式进行固定。 RS-485通信(Modbus) 秒后红色指示灯将进入到快闪状态。) 配网过程三者尽量靠近 成功,仍然处于无电状态。
本产品使用顶部的Rj45接口进行485通信,其中使用橙白线作为A+ 排查方法:本产品为干接点控制器,每个通道接通之后,该通道的两个
●产品参数 ①按住约3秒,指示灯开始闪烁 ②按下动能开关一次
线、使用橙色线作为B+线,更具体通信协议可联系我司索要。 端子将会短路。请按照安装方式中的接线方式接线。
产品系列:ERC10系列 输入电压:AC100-240V 50/60Hz
使用说明 通道数量:6路 额定电流:16A×2+10A ×4 天猫精灵使用
定向配对方式(不常用) 功能键
使用温度:-25℃~55℃ 有效距离:160m(室外) 30m(室内)
①按住约3秒,指示灯开始闪烁 ②快速按任意一个按键四次(在1秒内)
ERC101/102六路控制器 接收灵敏度:-110dBm 存储容量:每路多与5个动能开关配对 为了符合用户对传统开关的使用习惯,并保证在一控多模式下多个 ①在天精灵APP中找到“智能家居”,并添加智能设备。
RJ45 接口
通信协议:iEbelong1.1 & RS-485 控制器的状态的同步,我们定义了定向配对方式,该配对方式仅支持 ②在智能设备的列表中选择“涂鸦智能”,并使用“无线动能”APP的 深圳市易百珑科技有限公司
关 开
翘板式开关、双键或六键回弹式开关。 地址: 中国 深圳 宝安区 松岗
WiFi 2.4G (ERC102) 账号和密码在其中进行登录。
执行标准 : EN61058-1;2002+A2;2008; GB 14536.1-2008 ①将控制器的输入端接通电源,长按任意一个通道对应的按键上的“配 ③配对成功后,按左键为关,按右键为开
③登录成功后给控制器设置别名(如:卧室的灯),别名设置 网址:
电话:0755-2788 8578
对键”约3秒,在看到指示灯闪烁的时候松开按键。 成功后,可对使用语音进行控制。 Copyright © 2012-2108
深圳市易百珑科技有限公司 版权所有

2.Press the selected switch at this time. The rocker switch is pressed
Product Description Installation Method Basic pairing with wireless kinetic energy switch upside and downside once each (within 0.5 seconds), and for the push Clear Pairing 3. Click "Add Device" in the APP and select the model "6 Way Dry Contact
APP download (this function and the WIFI part below are
button type switch, the left and right buttons are one group. Press any only available for ERC102) Receiving Controller"
Ebelong 6 circuits controller can pair with Ebelong wireless kinetic The Ebelong six circuits receiving controller is dry contact output, If you need to clear the pairing between the kinetic switch and the
1.Power supply connect with input of the controller, and press the button four times in a row (within 1 second). Alexa, turn on/off bedroom light.
energy switch to achieve wireless control, dual control and which only provides circuit connection function for circuits. The corresponding channel of the product, you need to press and hold the The controller can be remotely controlled by using the APP. You 4. Enter the WIFI password as prompted in the APP and enter Alexa, brighten bedroom light
“paring key” of any circuit for around 3 seconds, release when the 3.After successful pairing, for the rocker switch,press the upside to turn
multi-control. This controller has six circuits dry contact control power required by the loads is not output by the controller's power can search for "kinetic switch" in the application market. the pairing.
indicator light flashes. pairing button of the corresponding channel for about 10 seconds.
supply. The fourth circuit is used as wiring example, as follows: on,and downside to turn off. For the push button switch, the left and right 5. After network pairing is successful, the APP can be
function for easy centralized wiring and installation.
1.Press the selected kinetic energy switch once, after the indicator buttons are one group.Press the left button to turn off, and the right button You can see the indicator light from flashing to being off. After
used to remotely control the controller and smart scene.
light is off, means the pairing is successfully. to turn on. it is off, The kinetic switch information paired with this channel is
Directional Pairing of Rocker switch 6.If you change the WIFI router or the WIFI password, please Troubleshooting
External antenna 1.If a circuit needs to be paired with multiple kinetic energy switches, cleared. If you need to use the controller again, please follow the WIFI Connection Method
The blue indicator light is on, start from the second step to re-set the controller.
RS485 interface means power supply connect well. repeat the above process, each circuit can be paired with up to 5 kinetic instructions to re-pair. 1.WIFI is not connected
1.Use your mobile phone to download the app, and then follow the During matching, the three devices should be as close as possible
switch keys. Troubleshooting method: Please confirm the indicator light
prompts to register your account in the app. Please make sure that the indicator flashes fast
Function button 1.After successful pairing, you can press the kinetic switch to control flashes (2 times 1 second) before connection settings;
2.Connect the controller to power and confirm that the red
the corresponding circuit. In the case of no load, the status of controller Red indicator flashing If it is not flashing, please refer to the WIFI connection instructions
①Press and hold for about 3 indicator on the function button is flashing rapidly.
on or off can be judged by the indicator light on/off. seconds, the indicator light ②Quickly press the up and down
N L starts to flash keys once each(within 0.5 seconds)
to set the indicator to flash.
(If the function red indicator is not flashing, please press and
AC 100-240V Load-adaptive power supply Do not use the Chinese WIFI name; let routers, controllers, and
no Press and hold the button for corresponding channel button for about 10 seconds.
hold the function button on the controller for about 5 seconds.
The indicator light flashes, is lit still, and finally goes out.
mobile phones the three are as close as possible (within 5 meters).
The indicator light will flash from slowly to be lit still, and
Power input Dry contact output 2.The controller is occasionally offline in the app
release the button when the indicator is lit still. Wait for a few
This product can be directly installed on the guide rail in the electric box, ③ After the pairing is successful, press the downside to turn Troubleshooting method: it may be that the number of connected
but sealed closed metal box will shield the wireless signal, so it cannot
on and the upside to turn off second, and the red indicator will be fast flashing. )
RS-485 communication (Modbus) devices reaches the upper limit, and for the general route the
be used in an all-metal electrical box.This product can also be placed in
①Press the “pairing key” for about 3 maximum number of connected devices is 15. The router can be
the ceiling space. seconds, the indicator light starts to flash ②Press the kinetic energy switch once Directional Pairing of Push Button Switch This product uses the Rj45 interface on the top for 485
●Product parameters (only supports two or six keys) upgraded or turn off non-needed equipment.
communication, in which orange white line is used as A+line During pairing, the three devices should be as close as possible
Product series: ERC10 series Input voltage: AC100-240V 50/60Hz Directional pairing (not commonly used) 3.After installation, the relay can be controlled and the corresponding
and the orange line is the B+ line. more specific communication
Instructions Number of circuits: 6 circuits Rated current: 16A* 2 + 10A *4
In order to meet the user's usage habits of traditional switches, and to
indicator light is indicated, but the load is not powered successful,
agreement can contact our request. Pairing key
Operating temperature: -25℃~55℃ Distance: 160m (outdoor) 30m (indoor) ensure synchronization of the controller's state in a one-to-multi control 1.In the Kinetic Switch APP, rename the controller devices,
still in a state of no electricity.
Receive sensitivity: -110dBm Storage capacity: paired with 5 kinetic such as bedroom lights
ERC101/102 six circuits controller mode, we define the directional pairing method. This pairing method Troubleshooting method: This product is a dry contact controller.
switch keys per circuit ① Press and hold for about 3 seconds, ②Quickly press any button four times
RJ45 interface
2 .Add the skill SmartLife in Alexa APP, and log in by using
Communication protocol:iEbelong1.1 & RS-485 only supports rocker switches, two-button or six-button push button the indicator light starts to flash (within 1 second)
the account and password of the Kinetic Switch APP After each channel is connected, two of the channels terminal will
WiFi 2.4G (ERC102) switches.
3 .Discover the device in the smart application selection be shorted. Please wire according to the wiring method in the
Execution standards : EN61058-1;2002+A2;2008; GB 14536.1-2008 1.Connect the controller's input with power and press and hold the off no
in the Alexa app user manual.
"pairing key" on any circuit of controller for about 3 seconds, release 4. Now you can voice control the controller
when the indicator light flashes. ③After the pairing is successful, press the left button to turn off and
the right button to turn on.

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