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Quarter 1 –Module 2
Consumer Health

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

Criteria in the Selection of
2 Health Product and Services

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
 explain the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health
information, products and services

What I Know

Pre- Assessment

Directions: Write true if the statement is true and false if it is not.

______1. There are six broad criteria for evaluation of health information.
______2. The source of health information is the most important criteria to determine its
quality and credibility.
______3. Credibility tells about the accuracy, disclaimer and completeness of information.
______4. A good website should include a feedback mechanism from user to offer comments,
corrections and raise questions.
______5. Content should be accurate and complete with an appropriate disclaimer provided.
______6. Users must be aware that testimonials are not an evidence.
______7. Disclosure requires that the site informs the user about any collection of date
about them.
______8. Appearance has significant effect on the delivery and use of information.
______9. Links are used to verify content on the site and they should lead user to
other reliable source of information
______10. Readers should consult health professionals before making any health decision.
______11. A disclaimer should emphasize that the content is information not a medical advice.
______12. Be aware of the objectivity of the author and his/her viewpoints.
______13. In selecting and evaluating product and services, determine if the source is biased.

______14. Links should lead user to any sources of information in the net.
______15. To have reliable information on topics related to recent breakthroughs in medicine
and technology, you need to find up-to-date sources.

What’s In

Guess What!
Let’s take a brief drill before proceeding to our next lesson.
Directions: Name the famous Brand Names/Company of the different slogan and
tag lines.
Slogan/ tag lines Brand Names/ Company
Nakakasisiguro ka Gamot ay laging Bago
We’ve got it all for you
Mabisa Na, Matipid Pa
We find ways
Bida ang Sarap
Haring Padala
Sarap ang filling Mo
Your Partner in Health
May liwanag ang buhay
Nutritious Milk for growing kids

What’s New
Activity 2.1: TOP FIVE

1. Study the poster.
2. List five questions that you will ask to the source about the product.
Q1. _______________________________________________
Q2. _______________________________________________
Q3. _______________________________________________
Q4. _______________________________________________
Q5. _______________________________________________

Will you buy the product? Why or Why not?

3. Is it important to examine and evaluate the reliability of any piece of health
information before applying it? Give details of your answer.
4. To explain the following criteria for evaluating health information, match
column A with column B. Write the letter on the space provided for you.
Column A Column B

____1.credibility A. It tells about the purpose and caveat of the

____ 2.content B. It tells about the feedback mechanism.
____ 3.disclosure C. It tells about the source and recentness of the
____ 4.links D. It tells about accuracy, disclaimer and
completeness of information.

____ 5.interactivity E. It is used to verify content on the site.
____ F. It describes the process imaging.

What is It
In this activity, you will learn the different kinds of consumer and
the consideration or criteria in selecting product and services.
Activity 2.2: Do you Know?
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter before each number.

Column A Column B
____1.Spend thrift A. You prioritize your needs and limit your purchase
on your ability to pay.
____2. Closed- Fisted B. Lavish yourself with anything or everything that
indicates luxury. Thrift is not in your vocabulary.
____3.Wasteful C. You have an obsession for all types of bargain
sale and becomes an easy prey to sales traps
laid by deceitful traders.
____4. Bargain Addict D. Someone who hoards money but you deprive
yourself of your needs.
____5.Intelligent E. Do not prioritize needs, tend to buy anything
that you think you need and regret it afterwards.
____6. Panic Buyer F. Buying foods that are more than what you could
consume and throwing good food afterwards.
____7. Impulsive Buyer G. You are easily agitated by rumors of rising prices,
product shortages and tend to hoard unreasonable
quantity of supplies thereby contributes to price
1. What kind of consumer are you? Support your answer.
Take a closer LOOK!
Tips to become a wise and well-informed consumer.
1. Get to know the product and services first.
2. Be meticulous with sales talk or marketing gimmicks.
3. Consult authorities when in doubt.
4. Never sacrifice quality from quantity.
Criteria or Consideration in selecting product or services
1. Safety
2. Environmental Impact
3. Quality
4. Price

What’s More


1. Answer the question.
a) What are the things that you look for in a doctor?
b) What are the things that you look for in a hospital?
2. Write the characteristics you prefer for a doctor and a hospital on the space
provided below.

I am looking for a hospital that …




I am looking for a doctor who …





What I Have Learned
This time, we will see what you have learned in this lesson.
Directions: Complete the paragraph below using the word(s) found in the word bank.
Choose the appropriate word/s and write it on the space provided.

health information source credibility comments feedback

health professional date accurate disclaimer evidence
delivery verify reliable advice user

There are six broad criteria for evaluation of health information. It includes:
Credibility, Content, Disclosure, Links, Design and Interactivity. Credibility involves
considerations of information ________, currency, relevancy, and editorial review
process. The source of ______________ is one of the most important criteria to
determine its quality and _________. Currency is the ______ of which the original
information is based should be displayed. Content should be _______and complete,
with an appropriate ________provided. A disclaimer should emphasize that content is
information, not medical _______. Reader should consult a ______________ before
making any health decisions. Does the information appear to be complete? Users
must be aware that testimonials are not __________.
Disclosure requires that a site inform _______ about any collection of data about
them while at the site, and how that data will be used. In addition, link should be
included so that users can ________ content on the site and they should lead users
to other _________ sources of information. Content of originating site is more credible
if it provides link to high-quality sites. Design does not affect the quality of the content
however it can have significant effects on the ________ and use of the information.
Lastly, Interactivity does not also affect the quality of the content however, it is
important to provide contact information and _______ options on the site. A good
website should include a feedback mechanism from user to offer ___________,
corrections and raise questions.

What I Can Do

You are about to finish working with lesson. This time, discover your potential
in composing a song.
Activity 2.4: Performance Task
Directions: Compose a short song in English or Tagalog about what you learn from
the selection on evaluation of health information, product and services. Make a video
presentation singing your original composition for a minimum of one minute . Using
background music is encouraged. Send your output to my online class account on or
before October 11, Monday. Good luck students!

Kindly read the rubric for your output. We can also agree if you want to modify it.

Directions: Write true if the statement is true and false if it is not.
______1. A disclaimer should emphasize that content is information and not a medical advice.
______2. Be aware of the objectivity of the author and his/her viewpoints.
______3. In selecting and evaluating product and services, determine if the source is bias-free.
______4. Links should lead the user to any source of information in the net.
______5. Topics related to recent breakthroughs in medicine and technology, you need to find
up-to-date sources.
______6. There are six broad criteria for evaluation of health information.
______7. The source of health information is the most important criteria to determine its
quality and credibility.
______8. Credibility tells about the accuracy, disclaimer and completeness of information.
______9. It is important to provide contact information and feedback option on the site.
______10. Content should be accurate and complete.
______11. Users must be aware that testimonials are not evidence.
______12. Disclosure requires that the site informs the user about any collection of date
about them.
______13. Appearance has significant effect on the delivery and use of information.
______14. Links are used to verify content on the site and they should lead user to
other reliable source of information
______15. Readers should consult health professionals before making any health decision.

Additional Activities

Activity 2.5: WHAT MATTERS TO YOU?

Directions: Below are criteria or considerations for examining any health products
and services. Rank them according to your preferences. Write top priority at the base
and your last priority on top of the pyramid.
Criteria or Considerations for examining any health product and service
 Safety/ health benefits
 Environmental impact
 Quality
 Price
 Intelligent consumer


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