ASC 101: Introduction To University Life: Instructor Peer Mentor Class Information

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First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

ASC 101: Introduction to University Life

Instructor Peer Mentor Class Information
Name: Kim Rush Name: Farah R. El-Ashram Section: 17
Office: RT 1801 Email: Day: Tuesday
Email: Phone: Time: 10:15-11:05
Phone: 440-821-4860 Room Location: BH 441
Office Hours: MWF 10-11
Tuesdays 11-Noon
Introduction to University Life is a one-credit course that assists new students in making a successful
transition to Cleveland State University both academically and personally through engaged learning
experiences. This course is designed to help new students build relationships, promote engagement in
the curricular and co-curricular experience, encourage civility, connect to various resources of the
university, and emphasize the expectations of Cleveland State University. It also aims to help students
develop and practice skills in the areas of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and others that
can contribute to success in college and beyond.

University General Education Statement: Introduction to University Life is a one-credit general

education course which should be completed in the student’s first semester or no later than the start of
the beginning of the second year. All students are required to complete this course before petition for
graduation will be granted.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: After participating in this course, you will be able to:
1. Recall the services and resources offered through a minimum of three campus departments focused
on student success.
2. Demonstrate the ability to utilize technology to meet course and university requirements.
3. Assess your academic success skills (time management, study strategies, and stress management)
and identify strategies to improve them.
4. Examine and explain how your personal interests, values, and abilities relate to available majors,
minors, certificates, courses, and experiences at Cleveland State University.
5. Describe at least two benefits of connecting with faculty beyond the classroom (and beyond the
seminar instructor).
6. Identify and utilize the cultural, recreational, intellectual, and interpersonal opportunities that the
university community offers outside of the classroom.
7. Develop a comprehensive academic plan for use throughout your first year at Cleveland State


Our ASC 101 class meets every Tuesday from 10:15 until 11:05am in BH 441. Class attendance is one
the biggest indicators for student success in college as consistent attendance can positively enhance
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

your overall learning. It is also one of the biggest indicators on what your final grade for this course will
be at the end of the term and if you successfully complete this general education requirement.

Accessibility Accommodations - Office of Disability Services

In accordance with federal law, if you have a documented disability, you may be eligible to request
accommodations from The Office of Disability Services.

For more information regarding available accommodations and registration, please visit Please keep in mind that accommodations are not retroactive.

Our Syllabus
In this document, you will find a schedule of weekly assignments, instructor contact information, grading
scale, and more information that is important for this course. Refer to it as you have questions
throughout the semester.

We will use Blackboard in this course in which you will find all of the assignments for this course, links to
activities, gradebook, and important updates on our ASC 101 Blackboard site.

We may be utilizing the videoconferencing tool Zoom for a few of our class meeting sessions. You can
login to zoom by visiting - sign in – and use your CSU credentials to sign in:
( campus password). More detailed instructions on how to download the
desktop version can be found on the Homepage of the ASC 101 Blackboard site.

This assessment matches you with various majors based on your interests, personality, as well as
academic aptitude and achievement. This would have been an assessment you completed as part of
completing CLEstate Compass. Your MyMajors assessment will be utilized throughout the course. To
access your assessment report you can visit: and use your CSU credentials
to login.


Show Up
Class attendance is a major indicator of student success. Therefore, it is important that you show up.
You are expected to attend ALL class sessions for the entire duration of the class period. You are
expected to arrive on time and be prepared. Being late to class or not staying for the duration of the
class period will result in a deduction of points. Full credit will be given for perfect attendance. Points
will be deducted from your attendance and participation grade for each unexcused absence. Five
unexcused absences will result in in an Unsatisfactory grade in the course regardless of the amount of
progress and participation up to that point which will then require you to retake the course to satisfy the
graduation requirement. Attendance can be taken at any time during class. If you are not present when
attendance is taken you are marked absent. There is no “late” – you are either there when attendance is
taken, or you are not.
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

It is important to distinguish between excused and unexcused absences from class. An excused absence
has all three of these characteristics:
1. An excused absence occurs due to an extreme event. Extreme events are outside of the realm of
responsibilities and activities of the student’s everyday life. Extreme events cannot be
anticipated. The responsibilities associated with family, friends, employment, etc., are not
outside of your everyday life. They are parts of your everyday life, along with the University, that
must be prioritized and managed.
2. An excused absence has documentation that will be verified.
3. The instructor is notified in advance of the absence you hope to be excused. If an absence
becomes absolutely unavoidable, please contact me prior to class (or as soon as possible) by
When all three of these conditions are met, an excused absence will be granted. Any work due on the
day of an excused absence is due at the beginning of the next class period. Unexcused absences are all
absences that do not fit the above circumstances. An unexcused absence from class does not excuse
you from materials due or assigned that day.

Be Present & Participate

This course involves discussion and active participation. This interactive learning cannot take place
without you being physically and mentally present in the classroom. Don’t be distracted and don’t be a
distraction. In other words, do not read outside materials or do work for other classes. Don’t sleep. All
forms of technology (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) should be stored away and not seen during
class. You will be made aware of when they can be used for a class activity.

Be punctual and prepared to participate in class activities. Your participation in class is expected as it
helps you understand the various concepts important to learning about the University, life in general,
and logistical information that will help you correctly complete assignments. It allows you to be part of
the success of the overall course by contributing to class discussions and activities. It is also a part of
your grade.

Do the Work
To succeed in any class, you must make the decision to prepare for each class and do the work. This will
allow us to have discussions rooted in the subject matter. Do your very best work on all assignments and
turn them in on time which is before class starts on the assigned due date unless otherwise noted by the
instructor. Each assignment should be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. You
should include your name, the date of the assignment, and the title of the assignment. Assignments that
are submitted via Blackboard or emailed should include your last name and the title of the assignment.
Late assignments will not be accepted.

Communication is vital to any student’s success in college and beyond. I will be making course
announcements in Blackboard which can also be sent via email. This means you should regularly check
your CSU email. I am here as a resource for you and have provided my contact information for you.
Please email me directly or use the mail tool in Blackboard. You will see a link email me in the course
menu. When emailing please be sure to include your name and CSU ID number. I will respond to email
messages within 24 hours, Monday - Friday. If you email me over the weekend or during a holiday break,
I will respond the next weekday.
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

While you are in college you will be exposed to various viewpoints, opinions, and values that will differ
from your own. All students in this class should feel comfortable to actively participate as well as express
their viewpoints and concerns. You have an important part of helping create a classroom atmosphere
that makes that possible.

Viking Creed
Cleveland State University is committed to creating a warm and welcoming environment for all of our
students. Our creed highlights the various beliefs and expectations we hold as a university community:
As a Cleveland State Viking,
 I will practice personal and academic integrity and commit to life-long learning.
 I will act with civility and treat all people fairly, respectfully and with dignity.
 I will embrace inclusion and diversity in all of its definitions.
 I will respect individuals' freedom of opinion and expression. 
 I will make a positive impact on campus and in my community. 

I pledge to foster the values set forth in the Viking Creed and confront behaviors that may weaken the
spirit of our community. 
As a Cleveland State University student, you are voluntarily entering into membership in the university

University Policies & Support Resources

Diversity Statement: This classroom will be a safe and respectful environment that will respect all
differences (i.e., race, ethnicity, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, ability, religion) and
will not tolerate discrimination in any form.

Chosen/Preferred Name: I want you to feel that my classroom is safe and inviting for you. I will gladly
honor your request to address you by a chosen/preferred name or gender pronoun. Please advise me of
this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records. If you
would like additional assistance regarding wider use of your chosen/preferred name on campus, please
contact the Office for Institutional Equity at or 216-687-2223.

Support for Students Experiencing Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence, and/or Retaliation:
Federal law, including Title IX, and University policy require that CSU address discrimination, harassment
and sexual violence and enable students affected by these issues to have the same opportunity to
succeed as other students. To do this, the CSU Office for Institutional Equity (OIE) provides information,
identifies resources (counseling, medical, advocacy, safety planning), issues academic accommodations
(excused absences, extended deadlines, late withdrawals, alternative assignments) and other
accommodations (No Contact Directives, changing living arrangements). Any student affected by
discrimination, harassment and/or sexual violence and seeking assistance, should contact the Office for
Institutional Equity by calling 216-687-2223, sending an email to LaJuan Flores, or visiting AC 236.

As a CSU faculty/staff member, I am a Responsible Employee who has a duty to report to the Office for
Institutional Equity when students disclose experiences with discrimination, harassment and/or sexual
violence. Even though I have this duty, I will continue to support you. If you want to speak to someone
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

who won’t share what you’ve told them except in an emergency, I will help you connect to a
Confidential Resource.

Academic Honesty: All student work should reflect a devotion to academic honesty. As found in The CSU
Student Conduct Code: “The Cleveland State University Academic Community values honesty and
integrity and holds its members to high standards of ethical conduct. Academic dishonesty is, therefore,
unacceptable, and students must be prepared to accept the appropriate sanctions for any dishonest
academic behavior as outlined in this policy on academic misconduct.” (p. 35). I strongly recommend
that you familiarize yourself with the Academic Regulations & Procedures. The full CSU Student Conduct
Code can be found here:

Academic Misconduct: Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, and tampering. Any form of
academic misconduct will earn an immediate grade of U for the course. In addition, dependent on the
type of infraction, your name may be forwarded to the Academic Misconduct Review Committee, for a
hearing concerning appropriate sanctions.

This course is designed to provide support for your success as a college student at Cleveland State
University. Upon successful completion of the course, you will earn one hour of academic credit toward
graduation. Your final grade in the course will be “S” for “Satisfactory” or “U” for “Unsatisfactory” based
on your attendance, participation, out-of-class activities, and the quality of the assignments you
complete. Therefore, you must attend each class meeting and complete each assignment at a
satisfactory level in order to pass the course. Passing this course is mandatory for graduation. In order
to obtain a satisfactory grade, you must earn at least 70% of the points available in the class and have no
more than four unexcused absences. A grade of U will be assigned if a you earn less than 70% of the
points available and/or have more than four unexcused absences. If you do not pass this course, you
will be required to retake it, which may delay progress towards a major/degree.

You are strongly encouraged to monitor your own progress in this and your other courses. Also, as a
precaution, always save all your returned assignments in all of your courses until after you have received
your final grades for the semester.

Attendance & Participation: 130 points

Assignments: 70 points
Campus Connections: 60 points
Academic Success Plan: 140 points

Weekly Schedule (20 Points): This assignment is designed to help you put into practice some time
management strategies that you will learn in class. Learning how to manage your time as a college
student is vital to your success. You will submit a weekly schedule (template provided) via Blackboard.

Professional Email (10 points): This assignment is intended to help you learn and practice proper email
etiquette when communicating with faculty and staff. This will benefit you as you move forward in your
college and professional career.
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

Library Visit (15 points): The Michael Schwartz Library is valuable resource to you as a CSU student. You
will complete an activity to learn about the many things the library has to offer. We will have entire class
session dedicated to going to the Library.

Career Services (15 points): Career Services is a great campus resource that is here to help you with
your personal and professional development as you move through your career here at CSU. To learn
more about what they can do to help you and start thinking about your own career planning you will
complete an online activity. Directions to complete can be found in Blackboard.

Cost of Missing Class (10 points): Using the template provided by your instructor, calculate the cost of
missing one day of class in one of your classes.

Academic Success Plan (ASP) (140 points): This semester long project will contain various components
which will allow you the opportunity to learn about yourself, your academic interests, and familiarize
yourself with some of CSU’s academic resources. It will allow you to gain self-awareness, recognize your
natural talents, explore majors, and what career paths those majors could lead to after college. This is
not meant to sway you in choosing or even changing a major, but to help figure out your plan for
academic success in your first year and beyond at Cleveland State University.
1. MyMajors Assessment Report 20 points
2. Connections, Cultural, Identity Influences 45 points
3. Meaningful Work Statement 20 points
4. Developing a Plan 55 points

Campus Connections (60 points): Getting connected to peers and resources that are available to you at
CSU can be very valuable to you in your college career We may do some of these activities as a class, in
smaller sub-groups, or your Peer Mentor will assist in selecting and organizing activities. However,
ultimately you are individually responsible for earning your involvement points. You must participate in
a total of five campus connections – one from Group 1 (required) and four from Group 2.

Group 1 (One Required):

1. First Year Advising Workshop (20 points): You are going to participate in a virtual workshop with
academic advisors from the First Year Advising Office. You will complete this by watching six videos
and answering questions when prompted. You can find the links to these videos and questions in

Group 2 (40 points: Four are required at 10 points each) Choose any of these categories to complete
the other four; example: Two peer mentor, one FYE coordinated, one your choice)
1. FYE Coordinated: First Year Experience and/or your Peer Mentor will coordinate these opportunities
and share the attendance with me for credit. You can find these opportunities in our Blackboard
course – Course Content – Campus Connections.

2. Instructor or Peer Mentor Favorite: This will be organized by the Peer Mentor.

3. Your Choice: For this Campus Connection of your choosing, you will need to submit a one-page
double-spaced reflection on the ‘your choice’ Campus Connection. Please provide basic information
on the activity: what/when/where/why of the event and answer these three questions: “Why did
you choose this particular event?”, “What did you learn from your participation in this activity?”,
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

“How did you benefit from the experience?” Some examples are seeing your Academic Advisor,
utilizing TASC (Tutoring & Academic Success Center) for tutoring/success coaching.

Note: The instructor reserves the right to alter the dates, assignments, and/or policies of this document
in accordance with university and department policy. The instructor will make all changes either verbally
or in writing during class periods. It is the sole responsibility of the student to keep up to date with all
adjustments made to this document. Be sure to check Blackboard for weekly updates on assignments.
Any changes to assignment due dates will also be listed on Blackboard.
First Year Experience Seminar: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life - Syllabus Fall 2021

COURSE SCHEDULE: (subject to change)

Date Topics Assignments Due
Week 1 Introductions & Course Overview
Aug. x

Week 2 So Much to do in so Little Time Bring your other course syllabi to class
Aug./Sept. x

Week 3 Professional Communication Weekly Calendar (via Blackboard prior to class)

Sept. x

Week 4 Intro to Academic Success Plan (ASP) Be sure to go to to review/edit your
Sept. x responses/complete the assessment prior to class

Week 5 College Life Hacks Professional Email Assignment

Sept. x

Week 6 Library
Sept./Oct. x

Week 7 Health & Wellness

Oct. x

Week 8 Instructor’s Choice/Midterm Check-in

Oct. x

Week 9 Diversity & Inclusion Complete First Year Advising Workshop by Sunday, March
Oct. x ASP: Connections, Culture, & Identify 21 at 11:59pm

Week 10 Instructor’s Choice

Oct. x

Week 11 Financial Literacy Complete Career Services by Sunday, November 7 at 11:59pm

Nov. x

Week 12 ASP: Meaningful Work Statement

Nov. x

Week 13 ASP: Developing a Plan Overview Final in-person class meeting

Nov. x FYE Course Evaluations

Week 14 Instructor’s Choice – Optional Check- ASP: Developing a Plan

Nov. x in/Office Hour

Week 15 Instructor’s Choice – Optional Check-

Nov./Dec. x in/Office Hour

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