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Principles of

Teaching 1

Student name: Manandeg, Rosalea P.

Section: 2.1BPED-CY2AM

Professor: Ms. Vanessa Mangunay

Mobile #: 09107446811

Email address:


Guide Question A:
For me an ideal teacher would always look out for their students, no matter what
the situation is. He or she should treat their students as if there was their own kids. Teachers
needs to understand their students well enough, and should build a strong relationship with each
other. So that positive things can work out between them and the students. Teachers must
possess the high level of understanding that she/he will be able to understand that every student
is totally different, and each student have their own problems in every classrooms. It's very
important for teachers to be there for their students, and some students needs a lot of help in
different areas. An ideal teacher will provide extra help in anyway possible because some
students needs individual hep after school. Students these days have so much problems going on
with their personal life, that is why, It's very important for teachers to be very patient towards
their students, and give them time to think and relax. The teachers is the one who teaches
students about making the right decisions in life.

An ideal teacher motivates their students to work hard in class. He/she will do everything
to enhance students’ skills and creativity. It is very important for s good teacher to have a heart
of service not just to love hi/her job but most specially to love their students as their own. The
ideal teacher will go deeper into the student to know where the student needs a special guidance.
An ideal teacher will always encourage students, and inspire them to do the right thing in life for
being a good example to them. He or she should make students feel real comfortable and
confident in the classrooms as possible. In order for students to reach their dreams in life they
need to have confidence. A good teacher will always challenge their students to go the extra mile
and guides them in every step of the way. An ideal teacher has the passion to know more about
his/her students, and has the eagerness to help them succeed. And lastly, an ideal teacher who
love teaching teach children to love learning.

Total Words: 362

Guide Question B:

Regarding of this matter, I think yes. A teacher could be efficient and effective at the
same time. Based on the information I have gathered, efficiency and effectiveness in teaching are
two different things. Efficiency means doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right
things. As for me, even these two are different things, they can both go ways together. So it
means, this could possbly possess of a teacher. We can do the right things at the same time, we
can do things right. So if the teacher practice these two, everything will fall into place. If we
learn the things to be efficient and the things to be effective, then that’s the time the teacher will
make him/her an ideal teacher. Anyway whatever definition we gather, these two concepts
should complement each other because it’s hard to be an effective teacher if you are not efficient.
Likewise, if you are an effective teacher, most likely you are efficient. But it doesn’t necessarily
mean that if you are efficient, you are effective but you have the chance to be one. Always
remember that your students don’t care what you know (efficiency) until they know that you care
(effectiveness). Because being effective in life is a great start, but to be truly efficient you must
excel in how you complete the intended task or goal.

Guide Question C:

When I was grade 11, I have this professor which I think he is the ideal teacher for me.
He always gets things done. I admire him on how he manage his class and his time in getting
things done. He never fail to amazed us whenever we meet on the class. The way he teach keeps
us motivated to learn more. Whenever we are in the class, we don’t always talk about acads but
instead he is always giving us time to talk about our personal lives, our problems and everything.
We do sharing on our class which nmakes everyone of us feel relief. All of us were moved by
him on how he excellently manage the classroom that’s why he had the biggest impact in our
lives because he is like a father to us whether inside or outside the campus. I can say he is a good
teacher because he is really organized, the way he planned his lessons, engaged time on task, and
everything is organized regardless of output or result produced in the teaching-learning process.
He connects the lesson in real life instances that’s why we are gaining knowledge not just
information but also life lessons. I found him effective and efficient because he makes the
students to love learning. I can say that he is really an effective teacher because he makes sure
that every student will engage in all of the activities in the class to enhance the skills, the ability
and even the confidence of his students. He always wanted to make sure if we learned something
every meeting. He is concerned about our acads and even our mental and emotional health. He is
like a father who’s not only there to teach and guide us but also like a father that builds
relationship to his children and if there is something that I want to adapt in his characteristics is
his passion and heart not only on his job but most specially for students. As a future teacher, I am
looking forward to adapt the positive traits he has in teaching like, practicing being on time,
proper classroom management and organized lesson plans to have a successful and efficient
teaching journey.

Total words: 370

Guide Question D:

The 21st century learner might also be called "the net generation" or "digital natives"
such as their increased ability to multi-task and they increased aptitude for the use of technology.
Students who use skills, technology resources, and Web 2.0 tools to inquire, think critically, and
gain knowledge in order to draw conclusions, make decisions, apply information, create
knowledge, share resources, and participate as a productive member of the global economy.
They are participatory learners who use information technology to accomplish specific tasks
such as the use of e-learning and learning management systems. They do not sorely depend on
the instructor and are well versed in the use of ICTs. 

21st century learners are global citizens, they are creative and innovative. 21st century
learners believe in sharing their creativity and they don’t want to hold back. They aren’t scared
of failure, instead, they are motivated by it. These students use a wide range of techniques to
brainstorm ideas. They will have big, radical ideas but you’ll find they’ve also got practical
ideas. They believe there are endless opportunities available out there if they just use their
creativity, and innovate. The 21st century learners expect transparency and honesty from parents,
teachers and peers. They are open to hearing what others have to say and want to connect. They
are social by nature in various different forms of communication. They are likely talking to
people and enjoy having conversations with others. Aside from this, collaboration also plays a
huge part in the student’s learning outcomes. With the easy access to connect with people around
the world, it’s become much more important to learn to collaborate with people from all over the
world. They learn to work with people who are from different cultures and have different values
from their own. Collaboration is about working together to find the best solution. Lastly. Being a
digital lietrate because technology is at the heart of just about all workplaces the majority of
industries and economic spheres. The next generation, digital natives though they may be, need
to be equipped with the skills to navigate the digital world. Incorporating technology into the
classroom and encouraging the development of skills such as coding and data analysis can help
students to really get a grip of the devices they will need to expertly wield in the future. 

Total words: 388


Subject Literature/Elements of the Short Story

Grade Level 7-8 Week: 1-3

Competency The students will demonstrate and apply a basic understanding of the
formal elements of fiction.
Uses creativity and imagination by developing a sense of literary
Objectives Define the basic elements of a short story
Identify literary elements within famous short stories
Write their own short stories, containing conflict and plot
Students will erbally explain what the characteristics of each and
why we use them.

Activities/ 1. Picture & word Puzzles Envelopes

Materials Needed 2. Guess the story game Pictures
2. Step by step guide to creating Pen
resources. White board

Synthesis At the end of the day, what have you learned about the elements of the

Are they helpful to achieving optimal learning in the classroom?

Was this essential for you on your understandiing and learning


Take home
Activity Create your own short story based on your own experiences.


I began this lesson with knowing and understanding first what is a short story for me to
be able to create a good lesson plan about it. Because it’s very important that you are really
knowledgeable about the topic that you are going to discuss. The original goals for this lesson
were for students to be able to identify the elements of a short story, summarize the plot of a
short story, and recognize the author’s intended message or theme in a short story. In order to
come up with this conclusion, I gathered information about my lesson plan so I was able to
create its objectives and be able to think its content. As a student, doing a lesson plan is not that
easy, but as a future teacher it is challenging and I come up with the realization that this is a
practice stage for me as a soon to be teacher. Overall, I think this lesson is effective. I will
definitely use this lesson again in the near future, and it will go through a never-ending revision
process. Revising lessons is something I hope to do for every lesson I teach. I’ve learned that one
can never be too prepared to teach a lesson and there is always room for improvement.

a. If you will contribute your own learning principle, what would it be?

If I am going to contribute my own learning principle, that would be How students

organize knowledge influences how they learn and apply what they know. Because students
naturally make connections between pieces of knowledge. When those connections form
knowledge structures that are accurately and meaningfully organized, students are better able to
retrieve and apply their knowledge effectively and efficiently. In contrast, when knowledge is
connected in inaccurate or random ways, students can fail to retrieve or apply it appropriately. So
it’s very important that every student know how to organized their knowledge and know how it
influences the way they learn.

b. What are the implications at these principles in effective and efficient teaching?
To develop mastery, students must acquire component skills, practice integrating them,
and know when to apply what they have learned. Students must develop not only the component
skills and knowledge necessary to perform complex tasks, they must also practice combining and
integrating them to develop greater fluency and automaticity. Finally, students must learn when
and how to apply the skills and knowledge they learn. As instructors, it is important that we
develop conscious awareness of these elements of mastery so as to help our students learn more
To become self-directed learners, students must learn to monitor and adjust their approaches to
learning. Learners may engage in a variety of metacognitive processes to monitor and control
their learning—assessing the task at hand, evaluating their own strengths and weaknesses,
planning their approach, applying and monitoring various strategies, and reflecting on the degree
to which their current approach is working.  Unfortunately, students tend not to engage in these
processes naturally. When students develop the skills to engage these processes, they gain
intellectual habits that not only improve their performance but also their effectiveness as

c. What makes a learning environment truly conducive to effective teaching & learning?

Learning environment motivate students to continue and excel in the classes and
educational career they decided to pursue. Having a supportive classroom environment gives
them the opportunity to learn. To achieve an effective and successful learning experience, there
should be a focus on engaging students. Educators may also argue that learning environments
have both a direct and indirect influence on student learning, including their engagement in what
is being taught, their motivation to learn, and their sense of well-being, belonging, and personal
safety. For example, learning environments filled with sunlight and stimulating educational
materials would likely be considered more conducive to learning than drab spaces without
windows or decoration, as would schools with fewer incidences of misbehavior, disorder,
bullying, and illegal activity. How adults interact with students and how students interact with
one another may also be considered aspects of a learning environment, and phrases such as
“positive learning environment” or “negative learning environment” are commonly used in
reference to the social and emotional dimensions of a school or class.
d. As a future effective teacher, what will be your approach in teaching your subject matter?

As a future teacher, I think i’m going to take both the teacher and learner centered
approach. Because as a teacher, it is true that we are the primary source of information for
students. Somehow, the learner is also an important resource because we could also learn
through their experiences that is worth to be shared. Both a teacher and a learner should help
each other so that the flow of learning in the classrom will be good. In teacher-centered, teachers
serve as instructor/authority figures who deliver knowledge to their students through
lectures and direct instruction, and aim to measure the results through testing and
assessment, while in leaner-centered, teachers still serve as an authority figure, but may
function more as a facilitator or “guide on the side,” as students assume a much more
active role in the learning process. In this method, students learn from and are continually
assessed on such activities as group projects, student portfolios and class participation. So
they can go both ways.

e. How would you modify your decisions to achieve your objectives for your lesson?

For me to be able to achieve the objectives of every lesson, we should always

remember to teach the students, not the content. If teaching was all about content, then the
best mathematicians would be among the best teachers. However, if you can combine your
understanding of the content and ability to effectively work with your colleagues, and the
knowledge on how your students learn, you will achieve effective teaching. It is just that,
sometimes students learn not on what we teach but on what and who we are. Our goal is to
teach students in the best way we can, and the content is just a material that we can add in
their knowledge. Since the classroom is a dynamic environment, incorporating excellent
practical approaches to teaching can prove effective. This enhances the success of your

f. What will be your set of procedures to accomplish your objectives for your lesson?

To have an effective delivering of lessons, planning how it should be done is very

important. Every teacher must have a plan before the class, during the class, and after the class.

Identify the learning objectives- before you plan your lesson, you will first need to
identify the learning objectives for the lesson. A learning objective describes what the learner
will know or be able to do after the learning experience rather than what the learner will be
exposed to during the instruction/topics. You need to select resources that are more relevant to
your students. What is considered relevant is defined by the intended learning outcomes of the
lesson, i.e., the skills or competencies students need to master at the end of a lesson or a unit and
your students’ needs.

Writing your plan

Plan the specific learning activities- when planning learning activities you should
consider the types of activities students will need to engage in, in order to develop the skills and
knowledge required to demonstrate effective learning in the course. Learning activities should
be directly related to the learning objectives of the course, and provide experiences that will
enable students to engage in, practice, and gain feedback on specific progress towards those
objectives. As you plan your learning activities, estimate how much time you will spend on each.
Build in time for extended explanation or discussion, but also be prepared to move on quickly to
different applications or problems, and to identify strategies that check for understanding.


After writing your lesson plan, it is time to revise it to remember its stages. Reading your
plan, reciting its content and keeping bullet points may help you achieve this. Planning for
lessons is essential. It makes you more organized, thus knowing what to do next. However, do
not over-plan because this will deprive you of exerting your creativity and flexibility in the
classroom. Consider your plan as the gateway to your students’ learning, indicating where you
are going and what you are doing. Meanwhile, keep an eye on how students are reacting, get
their feedback and collaborate with your colleagues to modify things. Your planning pocess can
lead to your students’ progress.
TASK 3: YOUR PROJECT—Design a Model Classroom.

Subject English Grammar

Grade Level  Grade 11 & 12 Week: 3-4

Competency Students should be able to write a more interesting variety of sentences

using different sentence structures.
Objectives Students will identify and explain different parts of a sentence.
They will use the different parts of a sentence to construct
simple, compound and compound-complex sentences.

 Students will identify and differentiate between dependent and

independent clauses.

 Students will identify and correct sentence fragments to create a

correct form of the sentence.

Activities/ -Sentence structures -paper

Materials -Correct grammar construction -markers
Needed -scissors
Strategies for an  -Engage With Your Learners Online
Online Learning  -Create A Supportive Learning Environment
 -Use A Mix Of Learning Tools For Better Engagement

 -Provide Ongoing Feedback

 -Make eLearning Content Mobile
Strategies for -Interleaving ideas to the students
Correspondence -Give concrete examples
Modality -Retrieval Practice of Learning
-Do Elaboration
-Having Consulatation with the Students


This task made me realize that Modeling a classroom very essesntial. As a future teacher,
modeling a classroom will probably help us to modify the mode of learning in the classroom. It
makes us to picture ourselves in the near future. Modeling your own classroom will make you
feel overwhelmed and ready because modeling is an instructional strategy in which the teacher
demonstrates a new concept or approach to learning and students learn by observing. Modeling
describes the process of learning or acquiring new information, skills, or behavior through
observation. By doing such, it makes me imagine myself how I teach and the classroom
environment looks like. Modeling can be a uniquely powerful strategy of a teachers. Which is
why the most effective teachers rely on it more than any other method. This will be helpful not
just for you as a teacher but also for students. It causes them to picture themselves following the
precise path you create for them. It is very important because it proves to the rest of your class
that it can be done. They must be able to visualize completing each step along the way before it
can become a reality, which takes not only a skillful performance from you, but also from one of
your students.


Guide Questions:

a. As a future effective teacher, how crucial is classroom management in delivering quality

teaching and learning?

Classroom management is very important especially for all teachers, because discipline
often comes to mind at the mention of classroom management, but the crucial component of
teaching is much more. Classroom management creates a set of expectations used in an
organized classroom environment. It includes routines, rules and consequences. Effective
classroom management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning. This
includes efficient use of time and consistency of a teacher to organized everything because a
teacher with strong classroom management skills creates consistency for his students.

b. What is the most effective classroom management procedure?

For me the most effective classroom management procedure is Classroom Jobs because
every student in the classroom has a job. This helps the classroom run smoothly and makes the
students have some responsibility, which leads to them having a sense of belonging. By writing a
post of all the classroom jobs that can use in the classroom. Basically, classroom jobs are so
important to keep your classroom running smoothly, which gives you more time to do the
important stuff. This is a classroom procedure which I think I highly recommend.

c. What will be your set of procedures in managing your classroom?

I’ll begin with beginning the class intentionally. Beginning-of-the-day routines are
important for classroom management and some of the most significant procedures you can set. A
teacher that is intentional when launching every school day is likely to successfully carry out all
of their responsibilities, attendance, homework collection, printing/copying, etc. and motivate
their students to do the same. Second one is greeting the students. Greeting them before the day
starts can improve their engagement and motivation. Taking the time to individually
acknowledge each of your students also shows them that you care and this type of bonding will
create a healthy teacher-student relationships. Next is, Start on Time. It is very important that
you start on time. Because every minute in class everyday has a lot to do. Set high standards for
yourself for punctuality and timeliness just as you expect these behaviors from the
students. Beginning anything on time is a learned behavior for anyone, so show your students
what time-management looks like.

d. How important is the first day of classes in managing your classroom?

First day of classess is very important for both teachers and students. Because this is the
appropraite time to introduce classroom procedures. It is where we introduce ourselves,
introduce the house rules, policies and regulations. We normally feel the nervousness on this day
and at the same time, this is where we start to have expectations to the teachers, students and the
classroom. This is an opportunity to introduce our goals for the course. First impressions are also
very important in the first day of class since the students will have their own opinion about you
as a teacher. So it is very important to have a clear plan for the whole semester.

e. As a future effective teacher, what will be your approach in teaching your subject matter?
As a future teacher, I think i’m going to take both the teacher and learner centered
approach. Because as a teacher, it is true that we are the primary source of information for
students. Somehow, the learner is also an important resource because we could also learn
through their experiences that is worth to be shared. Both a teacher and a learner should help
each other so that the flow of learning in the classrom will be good. In teacher-centered, teachers
serve as instructor/authority figures who deliver knowledge to their students through
lectures and direct instruction, and aim to measure the results through testing and
assessment, while in leaner-centered, teachers still serve as an authority figure, but may
function more as a facilitator or “guide on the side,” as students assume a much more
active role in the learning process. In this method, students learn from and are continually
assessed on such activities as group projects, student portfolios and class participation. So
they can go both ways.

f. How would you modify your decisions to achieve your objectives for your lesson?

For me to be able to achieve the objectives of every lesson, we should always

remember to teach the students, not the content. If teaching was all about content, then the
best mathematicians would be among the best teachers. However, if you can combine your
understanding of the content and ability to effectively work with your colleagues, and the
knowledge on how your students learn, you will achieve effective teaching. It is just that,
sometimes students learn not on what we teach but on what and who we are. Our goal is to
teach students in the best way we can, and the content is just a material that we can add in
their knowledge. Since the classroom is a dynamic environment, incorporating excellent
practical approaches to teaching can prove effective. This enhances the success of your

g. What will be your set of procedures to accomplish your objectives for your lesson?

To have an effective delivering of lessons, planning how it should be done is very

important. Every teacher must have a plan before the class, during the class, and after the class.

Identify the learning objectives- before you plan your lesson, you will first need to
identify the learning objectives for the lesson. A learning objective describes what the learner
will know or be able to do after the learning experience rather than what the learner will be
exposed to during the instruction/topics. You need to select resources that are more relevant to
your students. What is considered relevant is defined by the intended learning outcomes of the
lesson, i.e., the skills or competencies students need to master at the end of a lesson or a unit and
your students’ needs.

Writing your plan

Plan the specific learning activities- when planning learning activities you should
consider the types of activities students will need to engage in, in order to develop the skills and
knowledge required to demonstrate effective learning in the course. Learning activities should
be directly related to the learning objectives of the course, and provide experiences that will
enable students to engage in, practice, and gain feedback on specific progress towards those
objectives. As you plan your learning activities, estimate how much time you will spend on each.
Build in time for extended explanation or discussion, but also be prepared to move on quickly to
different applications or problems, and to identify strategies that check for understanding.


After writing your lesson plan, it is time to revise it to remember its stages. Reading your
plan, reciting its content and keeping bullet points may help you achieve this. Planning for
lessons is essential. It makes you more organized, thus knowing what to do next. However, do
not over-plan because this will deprive you of exerting your creativity and flexibility in the
classroom. Consider your plan as the gateway to your students’ learning, indicating where you
are going and what you are doing. Meanwhile, keep an eye on how students are reacting, get
their feedback and collaborate with your colleagues to modify things. Your planning pocess can
lead to your students’ progress.

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