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Teaching for Understanding in Engineering


H. Kipper and T. Rüütmann

Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

Abstract—The article introduces effective teaching strate- tion going to your students in the form of words, pictures,
gies and models suitable for teaching engineering, imple- smells, tastes and touch is lost. No wonder they don’t even
mented at Estonian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy. remember!
Introduced models are designed to capitalize deep under- Expert teachers generally are comfortable with wide
standing and critical thinking in teaching engineering. range of teaching strategies, varying them skilfully ac-
Accordingly students will be able to explain, find evidence cording to the learning task and learners’ needs. Some of
and examples, generalise, apply, analogise and represent a these are general strategies, such as skilled questioning,
topic in a new way. At least four different kinds of knowl- clear communication, organizing lessons, and effective
edge are essential for expert teaching: knowledge of content; feedback, starting lessons with a review and ending with
pedagogical content knowledge; general pedagogical knowl- closure, applicable in all teaching situations. Other, more
edge; and knowledge of learners and learning. The goal of explicit strategies, called teaching models, are grounded in
the article is to help engineering teachers acquire knowledge learning and motivation theory and designed to reach
in each of these areas. specific learning objectives. All of them are designed to
help students develop a deep understanding of the topics
Index Terms—–Critical thinking, deep understanding,
they study and improve their critical-thinking abilities.
engineering education, teaching models, teaching strategies.
According to Eggen & Kauchak [3] research indicates
that at least four different forms of knowledge are essen-
I. INTRODUCTION tial for expert teaching for understanding:
The field of engineering education continues to evolve  Knowledge of content – we can’t teach what we don’t
rapidly. Cognitive views of learners are now the primary understand, a thorough understanding of the topics
guide for teaching engineering, being reflected in greater we teach is essential for all teachers in all content ar-
emphasis on psychological aspects and social interaction eas;
as essential factors in learning, the importance of learners’  Pedagogical content knowledge – the ability to create
prior knowledge, the influence of context on learning, and examples, the understanding of ways of representing
the general acceptance that learners construct their under- the subject that make it comprehensible to others and
standing of the topics they study. Additionally the interde- an understanding of what makes the learning of spe-
pendence of learning and motivation is more fully under- cific topics easy or difficult. The difference between
stood in order to acquire a deep understanding of the content knowledge and pedagogical content knowl-
studied topics while simultaneously developing students’ edge is similar to the difference between knowing
critical thinking abilities. that and knowing how;
According to Entwistle [1] students may be inclined to  General pedagogical knowledge – involves an under-
approach their courses in one of three ways. Those with a standing of general principles of instruction and
reproducing orientation tend to take a surface approach classroom management that transcends individual
to learning, relying on rote memorization and mechanical topics or subject matter areas. Questioning is an im-
formula substitution and making little or no effort to portant example, it is a teaching strategy that applies
understand the material being taught. Those with a mean- to every area teaching. Similarly teachers must be
ing orientation tend to adopt a deep approach, probing able to communicate clearly, provide effective feed-
and questioning and exploring the limits of applicability back, and use other strategies;
of new material. Those with an achieving orientation tend  Knowledge of learners and learning – is essential to
to use a strategic approach, doing whatever is necessary effective teaching, being arguably the most important
to get the highest grade they can, taking a surface ap- knowledge a teacher can have. It influences the way
proach if that suffices and a deep approach only when we teach by reminding us that we do not teach con-
necessary. tent, we teach students. Teachers’ ability to adapt
In order to have clearer understanding of the thinking their instruction based on what learners’ know is es-
systems, it is necessary to look at the modalities that affect sential for effective teaching.
the way teachers teach and the way students learn. Ac-
cording to Tileston [2] about 99% of all we learn comes to Each of the forms of knowledge, introduced above is
us through the senses. The brain takes about 15 seconds to essential for teaching expertise in teaching for understand-
decide what to pay attention and what to discard. Ap- ing. The goal of the article is to help engineering teachers
proximately 98% of the information coming through the acquire knowledge in each of these areas. The teaching
senses is discarded. That means that 98% of the informa- models and strategies described in this article are being

iJEP – Volume 3, Special Issue 1: "TAT'2012", February 2013 55


taught at Estonian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy Although the focus is on learning and learners, strate-
(ECEP) at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) to gies introduced above demonstrate the essential role that
help engineering teachers ensure that their students’ teachers as well as teacher knowledge play in guiding this
learning extends beyond mere memorisation, which is too process. Effective teaching strategies are essential for
prevalent at schools today. teachers to promote deep understanding. It is important to
be able to select and use strategies that are most effective
II. TEACHING FOR UNDERSTANDING for different learning objectives.
A term of generative knowledge, knowledge that can be
A. Strategies and Models used to interpret new situations, to solve problems, to
Accordingly to Eggen & Kauchak [3] strategies are think and reason, and learn, is often used to describe deep
general approaches to instruction that apply in a variety of understanding. Generative knowledge involves learning
content areas and are used to meet a range of learning both, content and the ability to think critically. If deep
objectives. For example questioning, organising lessons, understanding of content is a goal, emphasis on thinking
providing feedback, starting lessons with a review and must also be a goal. In order to think effectively and
ending with closure, applicable in all teaching situations. productively in an area, a student must possess great deal
These strategies are general and apply across instructional of generative knowledge about the area.
settings, regardless of the grade, level, content area or Critical thinking is the ability and disposition to make
topic. and assess conclusions based on evidence. Critical think-
Models are specific approaches to instruction that have ing includes following abilities:
four characteristics [3]:  Confirming conclusions with facts;
 They are designed to help students acquire deep un-  Identifying un-stated assumptions;
derstanding of specific forms of content and to de-  Recognising overgeneralisations and under-
velop their critical-thinking abilities; generalisations;
 They include a series of specific steps that are in-  Identifying relevant and irrelevant information;
tended to help students reach the objectives;
 Identifying bias, stereotypes, clichés and propaganda.
 They are grounded in learning theory;
 They are supported by motivation theory. Students learn these attitudes through teacher modelling
and by directly experiencing them in classroom activities.
General strategies are incorporated within each of the As students acquire these inclinations and develop critical
models. For example questioning, lesson organisation, thinking skills, their abilities to both learn and function
feedback and other strategies are essential for the success effectively in the real world increases. Fortunately, teach-
of all models. A model provides structure and direction ing for thinking also increases learner motivation.
for the teacher, but it cannot provide all actions taken by a Lang & Evans [5], and Raths et al [6] describe a widely
teacher. A teaching model is not a substitute for basic used classification system, focusing attention on teaching
teaching skills, it cannot take the place of qualities a good following thinking operations, suitable for engineering
teacher must have, and the different forms of knowledge. education:
A teaching model is a tool, designed to help teachers make
their instruction systematic and efficient [3].  Comparing – look for similarities and differences by
observing details, find and sort similarities, search
B. Teaching for Thinking and Understanding and sort differences, and summarise in a list;
The concept of teaching for understanding may seem  Observing – observing should lead to more accurate
ironic as no teacher teaches for lack of understanding. data on which to base conclusions, and to greater un-
Experts define understanding as being able to do variety derstanding;
of thought-demanding procedures with a topic – like  Classifying – examining and assortment of items and
explaining, finding evidence and examples, generalising, sorting them into related groups. Each group is given
applying, analogising, and representing the topic in a new a name, students can process data mentally and or-
way [3]. ganise them systematically. Classifying requires
Teaching for understanding requires that teachers pos- three steps: examining data, creating categories, and
sess the different types of knowledge introduced earlier. placing items in categories;
According to Eggen & Kauchak [3] and Burden & Byrd  Hypothesising – students are to come up with a vari-
[4] armed with this knowledge, effective teachers achieve ety of possible explanations for a question, problem,
deep student understanding by: situation, thus identifying alternative possibilities and
 Identifying clear learning objectives for students; deciding which have the most credibility;
 Selecting teaching strategies that most effectively  Criticising – ask students to evaluate, make judge-
help students reach the objectives; ments and offer opinions to sharpen their sense of
what is desirable or undesirable, high or low quality,
 Providing examples and representations that help significant or trivial;
students acquire a deep understanding of the topics
they study;  Looking for assumptions – taking something for
granted or assume - being probably true or probably
 Guiding students as they construct their understand- false thus students can learn to identify assumptions.
ing of the topic being studied; Learning to differentiate between what is assumed to
 Continually monitoring students for evidence of be true and what is observable fact is at the heart of
learning. logical reasoning;


 Collecting and organising data – requires several ing. Both short-term goals and long-term goals need
skills: locating information, examining the data and to be clearly visible to students in language they can
selecting relevant to the inquiry, developing proce- understand;
dures that allow data to be assembled, organising  Instructional alignment – congruence among objec-
data; tives, learning activities and assessments, being es-
 Summarising – requires condensing and distilling the sential if teachers help students learn as much as pos-
core message from a piece of work. Students must sible;
state the main ideas, differentiating between what is  Review and closure – review is the process of sum-
important and what may be left out, thus increasing marising previous work and forming a link between
students’ abilities to understand; learning and the present topic; closure is a form of
 Coding – communicate ideas in “shorthand”, as a review that occurs at the end of a lesson;
thinking operation, coding is a system for pointing  Teacher characteristics – teachers set emotional tone
out through patterns or expressions; for the classroom, design, identify and implement
 Interpreting – explaining the meaning, skilful inter- learning objectives and activities, create examples,
pretation increases meaning and understanding. designed to understand the topic, assess student
learning. Teacher characteristics such as personal
Facts and information are the important raw materials teaching efficacy, modelling and enthusiasm, caring,
for thinking. Knowing how and having the skills to access respect and high expectations promote learner moti-
and use these to think is at least as important. vation, being linked to increased student achieve-
A second approach to teaching basic thinking opera- ment;
tions and core thinking skills suitable for engineering  Communication – following elements of effective
education is outlined by Hughes & Jones [7]: communication influence learning: precise terminol-
 Focusing – define the problem and set goals (short- ogy (teacher language that eliminates vague terms
and long-term outcomes); from presentations), connected discourse (type of
 Information gathering – observe and ask questions, teacher presentations that is clear, thematic, logical
pick relevant information and clarify issues; and leads to a point), transition signals (verbal state-
ments that communicate that one idea is ending and
 Remembering – encode (repeat information, use as-
another is beginning), emphasis (the use of verbal
sociations) and recall (bring to consciousness, when,
statements, vocal inflection, or repetition to alert stu-
where or how information was learned);
dents to important information), clear language and
 Organising – compare, identify similarities and dif- knowledge of content, congruent verbal and nonver-
ferences, classify (group, categorise or sequence bal behaviour;
items), order and represent showing relations;
 Organisation – teachers who are organised have
 Analyse – attributes and components are identifies, students who learn more than their less organised
relationships and patterns are determined, main ideas counterparts, time is a key factor: beginning classes
and errors are identified; promptly, materials prepared in advance, warm-up
 Generating – generate new ideas by inferring (identi- activities, students perform routine tasks without be-
fying what reasonably may be true), predicting (an- ing told, etc, maximise instructional time;
ticipating what will likely happen) and elaborating  Explanation – three main types of explanation may
(adding details, explanations, examples); be described: interpretative (what it is), descriptive
 Integrating – integrate what we have learned, sum- (how it works), reason-giving (based on generalisa-
marise (condense, select, combine) and restructure tions about the world, motives, obligations or val-
(combine new knowledge with old into something ues);
new)  Ask students to identify similarities and differences –
 Evaluate – criteria are established and the solution is there are four common approaches to identify simi-
verified. larities and differences: comparing, classifying, creat-
ing metaphors, and creating analogies;
Carolyn Hughes [7] confirms that content can be of
increasing difficulty and that teachers should recognise  Ask students to summarise content and take notes to
that teaching/learning experiences (concrete, graphic, distil information, thus involving complex skills: ex-
abstract) should match learner readiness. amining information, choosing the most important,
restating it in a brief, synthesised mode, deciding, de-
C. Strategies Promoting Student Understanding leting some information, rewording ideas, reorganis-
ing information, prioritising;
According to Burden & Byrd [4], Eggen & Kauchak
[3], Marzano et al [8], and Melezinek [9] research on  Reinforcing efforts to achieve and providing recogni-
teaching provides guidance for the use of specific strate- tion – effort can improve achievement, rewards can
gies to enhance student understanding. These essential be powerful motivators. Use the pause, prompt and
teaching strategies are the teacher attitudes and skills praise technique – pause to give students time to
necessary to ensure that all students learn and understand identify and correct mistakes, prompt by giving a
as much as possible, being the basic skills of teaching. specific suggestion for improvement, and praise for
Following specific teaching strategies that were proven to overcoming the difficulties. Applaud creative solu-
have a high probability of enhancing student achievement: tions, even incorrect ones;
 Set objectives and provide feedback – give students  Homework and practice – give students opportunities
direction and help them think about their own learn- to deepen their understanding of and proficiency with

iJEP – Volume 3, Special Issue 1: "TAT'2012", February 2013 57


the content they are learning. Give students the op- between abstract ideas and real-world examples, maintain-
tion of cooperating on homework assignments to the ing attention, involving shy and reluctant students, provid-
greatest possible extent; ing emphasis through repetition and assesses students’
 Non-linguistic presentations – use pictures, schemat- understanding. It is important to use higher-level ques-
ics, graphs, and simple sketches liberally before, dur- tions requiring analysis of the information to promote
ing, and after the presentation of verbal material, deeper understanding [10].
show films, provide demonstrations and hands-on, if The problem is that there is a tendency to ask questions
possible; as though rice is thrown at a wedding. Throwing out lots
 Generating and testing hypotheses – involves appli- of questions makes the teacher feel good. These questions
cation of knowledge. Hypothesis generalisation and often do little to support deep understanding but the
testing can be approached through inductive and de- answers that come back make it feel productive. Carefully
ductive models. Use following tasks: systems analy- focused questions, in the other hand, make all the differ-
sis (explain the purpose of the system and its parts ence. Focused questions are aimed at a particular target.
and functions, describe how the parts affect each The target is determined by the stage of the instruction and
other, identify a part of the system, describe a the nature of understanding to be supported. There must
change, test hypothesis), problem solving (solving be relevant, accessible prior knowledge or it must be
unstructured problems), invention, experimental in- provided or constructed; the relationships must be known
quiry (observations, explanation, prediction, testing), or capable of construction; the relevant and irrelevant
decision making; must be discriminated and a need for inference has to be
recognised. The target is likely to be pre-requisite knowl-
 Focus – lesson focus attracts and holds students’ edge. Questions, therefore, are aimed at stimulating recall
attention throughout the learning activity, focus is of pre-requisites and practising it. They also serve to
provided through concrete stimuli (objects, pictures, indicate where prior knowledge is deficient and needs to
models, materials displayed, information written on be improved. The nature of the question matches the
the board, etc) that maintain students’ attention dur- immediate goal of instruction. Teachers often ask mainly
ing learning activities; factual questions, regardless of the goal.
 Feedback – information about current behaviour Merely asking questions does not cause students to
being used to improve future performance. Effective think. But higher-level question invite and encourage
feedback has three characteristics: it provides spe- higher levels of critical thinking in students. Furthermore,
cific information, depends on performance, and has a it appears that if teachers systematically raise the level of
positive emotional tone; their questioning, students raise level of their responses
 Monitoring – the process of continually checking correspondingly. This requires a carefully planned ques-
students’ verbal and nonverbal behaviour for evi- tioning strategy. Through appropriate questioning student
dence of learning process, being important during all curiosity is fostered. Curiosity is affective dimension of
learning activities; learning and it deals with motivation [10].
 Motivate learning - as much as possible, relate the Questioning is a primary tool in teaching engineering
material being presented to what has come before for leading students into higher order thinking. Students
and what will to come in the same course, to material should be asked more how, why, or what do you suppose
in other courses, and particularly to the students’ per- questions, not only what questions. Knowledge requires
sonal experience; memory only, repeating information exactly memorised –
 Provide a balance of concrete information (facts, the what. Comprehension, however, calls for rephrasing,
data, real or hypothetical experiments and their re- rewording and comparing information. Application
sults) and abstract concepts (principles, theories, requires the learner to apply knowledge and understanding
mathematical models); to determine an appropriate, correct answer. Analysis asks
 Follow the scientific method in presenting theoretical students to identify motives or causes, draw conclusions
material - provide concrete examples of the phenom- and determine evidence. Synthesis leads students to make
ena the theory describes or predicts, then develop the predictions, produce original communications, or solve
theory or formulate the mod, show how the theory or problems. Evaluation causes students to make judgments,
mod can be validated and deduce its consequences, offer and support opinions [10].
and present applications; Through a cleverly planned questioning strategy, a
 Provide intervals - do not fill every minute of class technical teacher can creatively lead students through the
time lecturing and writing on the board. Provide in- cognitive taxonomy of thinking. Carefully devised ques-
tervals for students to think about what they have tions facilitate the observation, communication, compari-
been told; son, ordering, categorisation, relating, inferring from, and
application of information. Beginning with what or the
 Provide opportunities to do something active - be- recall questions, in teaching engineering a teacher should
sides transcribing notes, use interactive lectures lead from the knowledge base into understanding and
(Rüütmann 2009). Small-group activities that take no from understanding into practical application, from
more than five minutes are extremely effective for application into a more careful analysis, and after analysis
this purpose. Provide some open-ended problems, into a synthesis or a reassembling of the notion in a new
questions and exercises that call for analysis and syn- and different way. This entire process can then be as-
thesis. sessed and judged as having merit, quality, or worth,
Questioning is the most effective strategy for promoting teaching students to evaluate all ideas on a consistent set
understanding – helping students to see connections of criteria.


Technical teachers could promote observation by di- instructional methods, including inquiry learning, prob-
recting students to “tell us what you see” or to “list the lem-based learning, project-based learning, case-based
properties that are apparent in the sample” by asking teaching, discovery learning, and just-in-time teaching.
questions like: “What are the dominant characteristics of These methods have many features in common, besides
this subject?”, “What is the object’s size and shape?” For the fact that they all qualify as inductive. They are all
comparing information, the scientific thought process that learner-centred they impose more responsibility on stu-
deals with similarities and differences, technical teacher dents for their own learning than the traditional lecture-
should lead the analytic questioning: “How are these based deductive approach does. They are all supported by
alike?”, “How are these different?”, “Which comes first, research findings that students learn by fitting new infor-
second, third?”, “On what basis would you group these mation into existing cognitive structures. These methods
ideas or objects?”, “What is a different way in which these almost always involve students discussing questions and
characteristics can be clustered?”. Following analytic solving problems in class with lot of collaborative or
questions, synthesis questions should be asked: “Use the cooperative learning.
information you have learned to design something new”. The Inductive Model is designed to help students reach
The final element of reason and thought would be leading two types of learning objectives:
students into evaluation by asking for example “Which
experimental design was the best? Why?” Related to  For students to acquire s deep and thorough under-
evaluation is the process of inferring, concluding and standing of specific and well-defined topics;
deciding. This is the scientific thinking process that deals  To develop students’ critical thinking abilities. Stu-
with ideas remote in time and space: “What can be in- dents try to find patterns in the new information and
ferred from this information?”, “Predict the outcome and with the teacher’s guidance they construct a thorough
give evidence to support your prediction”, “Under what understanding of the topics and learn to make and as-
conditions might we extrapolate from this observed sess conclusions based on evidence.
information and believe that a similar reaction could occur Understanding the differences between principles and
under a different circumstance?”[10]. generalisations contributes to critical thinking. The valid-
Strategies introduced above have been implemented ity of conclusions based on generalisations depends on the
into teaching engineering and are widely in use at Esto- validity of the generalisations themselves. The abilities to
nian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy (ECEP) at Tallinn make and assess these conclusions are important critical-
University of Technology in teaching engineering educa- thinking skills.
tors. The planning process for lessons using the Inductive
D. Inductive Model Model involves three essential steps:
The Inductive Model, which is often described as  Identifying topics – topics may come from textbooks,
guided discovery, is a straightforward but powerful model curriculum guides, or other sources. When the topics
designed to help students acquire deep and thorough are concepts, principles, generalisations, the Induc-
understanding of well-defined topics. Instead of beginning tive Model can be used effectively;
with general principles and eventually getting applica-  Specifying learning objectives – clear learning objec-
tions, the instruction begins with specifics – a set of tives are essential and they provide a framework for
observations or experimental data to interpret, a case study planning and implementing lessons;
to analyse, or a complex real-world problem to solve. As  Identifying examples – to present all information
the students attempt to analyse the data or scenario or needed, relationship between concepts, concrete ma-
solve a problem, they generate a need for facts, rules, terials, pictures, models, short case studies, simula-
procedures, and guiding principles, at which point they are tions.
either presented with the needed information or helped to  Creating examples.
discover it for themselves.
Grounded in the view that learners construct their own According to Eggen & Kauchak [3], implementing a
understanding of the world rather than record it in an lesson using the Inductive Model combines following five
already-organised form, the model requires teachers to be interrelated phases, together with an emphasis on thinking
skilled in questioning and guiding students thinking and and strategies for increasing student motivation:
making on-the-spot decisions. This is sophisticated and  Lesson introduction – attract students’ attention and
demanding instruction. The model is effective for pro- provide conceptual framework for the lesson, by us-
moting students involvement and motivation within a safe ing a statement, posing a problem, review of the pre-
and supportive learning environment. vious day’s work, etc;
Lessons using the Inductive Model begin with and are  The open-ended phase – promoting student involve-
built around examples. The examples become the experi- ment and motivation and ensure their success with an
ences that learners use to construct their understanding of example, emphasise comparing, find patterns and
the topics they are studying. Social interaction is used to generalise, provide evidence for conclusions;
analyse the examples. The teacher guides students towards  Convergent phase – students’ responses converge on
a more mature understanding and real learning involves a specific learning objective, knowledge construction
personal invention or construction. Clear objectives are as and schema development primarily takes place;
essential when using the Inductive Model as they are with
any other instructional format.  Closure – occurs when students embed their under-
standing in a complex schema, encode it into long-
According to Prince and Felder [11] the Inductive term memory, and achieve a sense of equilibrium.
Model is an umbrella term that encompasses a range of This phase provides opportunities to help students

iJEP – Volume 3, Special Issue 1: "TAT'2012", February 2013 59


develop their abilities to recognise irrelevant infor- ships and explainable comparisons, being immersed
mation, being an important thinking skill; in critical thinking;
 Application – typically includes a seatwork or  Hypothetical phase – analyse information, consider
homework assignment, to make the topic meaningful possibilities for different conditions;
and ensure transfer students must be able to apply it  Closure and Application – generalise for broad rela-
in a real-world context. tionships based on the analysis of the data. Summa-
Effective assessments are consistent with teacher’s ob- rise the content, promote encoding.
jectives. Both paper-and-pencil and performance assess- Learners understanding of the topic and their abilities to
ment can be used to measure student understanding. think critically can be simultaneously measured by having
Assessments that capitalise on applications in real-world them make and assess conclusions about information from
contexts and include detailed feedback are among the matrices. Assessment should be an integral part of teach-
most powerful tools fir increasing learning. ing. Assessments should be frequent and thorough with
provided detailed feedback.
E. The Integrative Model
The Integrative Model is designed to help students de- F. The Model for Direct Instruction
velop a deep understanding of organised bodies of knowl- The Direct-Instruction Model can be used to teach both
edge, topics that combine facts, concepts. Generalisations concepts and procedural skills, being also called explicit
and the relationships among them are simultaneously instruction. This model uses teacher explanation and
developing critical-thinking skills, being related to the modelling combined with student practice and feedback
Inductive Model. The Integrative Model is grounded in and is teacher-directed.
schema theory, that students record information in mem-
The Direct-Instruction Model is delivered from several
ory in organised networks of understanding. Concepts are
sources, including teacher effectiveness research. It is also
simple forms of understanding that exist in memory
based on observational learning theory, which emphasises
(schemas), and when student links concepts to facts, other
the importance of modelling for the acquisition of com-
concepts, principles, generalisations, his/her schemas
plex behaviours and on the work of Lev Vygotsky, who
become much more complex. Teachers using the model
pointed out the importance of dialogue and social interac-
attempt to guide students’ schemas development as they
tion in learning.
analyse organised bodies of knowledge.
Traditionally direct instruction has been associated with
The Integrative Model is designed to help students
“chalk and talk”, and, more recently the overhead projec-
reach two independent goals: to construct a deep and
tor. Today, direct instruction is being increasingly re-
thorough understanding of organised bodies of knowledge
placed by techniques such as PowerPoint or smart board
(topics that combine facts, concepts, generalisations, and
relationships among them), and to develop critical think-
ing abilities. Lessons involve the analysis of data usually According to Paik [12] effective direct instruction,
presented in a matrix and the data can be gathered by which is still expected in the modern classroom, should
students, teacher or both. consist of:
According to Eggen & Kauchak [3] planning for les-  Clear teaching, daily review and homework checks;
sons using the Integrative Model includes the following  Presentation of new content and skills;
steps:  Teacher monitoring and guided student practice;
 Identifying topics – When topics are organised bodies  Corrective feedback and instructional reinforcement
of knowledge, the Integrative Model can be used ef-
 Independent practice at school and at home with 90%
fectively; topics may come from textbooks, curricu-
success rate;
lum guides or other sources;
 Weekly and monthly evaluations.
 Specifying learning objectives – specifying content
objectives requires more thought to identify potential Planning with this model begins with the identification
generalisations, explanations and possible hypotheses of a specific concept or skill. This is followed by identify-
in advance. Students have to find patterns, form ex- ing prerequisite Planning lessons according to Eggen &
planations, and hypothesise, all on the basis of evi- Kauchak [3] using the Direct-Instruction Model involves
dence, thus developing critical thinking skills; following four steps:
 Preparing data presentation – data is organised in a  Identifying topics – the model is designed to teach
matrix, data become a background knowledge stu- concepts and procedural skills;
dents use to construct their understanding;  Specifying learning objectives – there are two long-
 Capitalising on technology – use databases, computer range objectives when teaching skills: automaticity
programmes. (learning a skill to the point that it can be performed
The Integrative Model implementation combines fol- with little conscious effort) and transfer (understand-
lowing four closely related phases with emphasis on ing acquired in one setting can be applied in a differ-
thinking and strategies for increasing student motivation: ent setting);
 Identifying prerequisite knowledge – prior knowledge
 The Open-ended Phase – beginning point of stu-
provides “hooks” for new learning, allowing connect
dents’ analysis, they observe, describe, compare and
new information with what they already understand;
search for the patterns in the data;
 The Causal phase – students explain the similarities
and differences they identify and look for relation-


 Selecting and sequencing problems and examples – lecture can be highly motivational, but its success depends
opportunities to provide practice in learning concepts on the lecturer in engineering education. Interactive
and skills. lectures are used for presenting general background
information – the main ideas, thus providing systematic
According to Lang & Evans [5], Eggen & Kauchak [3], basic knowledge, followed by the constructivist approach
Melezinek [9] implementing a lesson using the Direct- focusing on particular applications and problems being
Instruction Model occurs in following four phases: centred in the study programme for engineering educators.
 Introduction and review – attract students’ attention According to Prince and Felder [11] inductive teaching
and activate their background knowledge through a and learning is an umbrella term that encompasses a range
review of prerequisite knowledge or skills; of instructional methods, including problem-based learn-
 Presentation – explain and illustrate the concept or ing, project-based learning and just-in-time teaching. They
explain and model the skill being taught, provide ex- are all learner centred meaning that they impose more
amples; responsibility on students for their own learning than the
 Guided practice – help students develop perceptions traditional lecture-based deductive approach does. They
of competence by ensuring success, students try out can all be characterized as constructivist methods, build-
new content as the teacher carefully monitors their ing on the widely accepted principle that students con-
progress and provides support and feedback; struct their own versions of reality rather than simply
absorbing versions presented by their teachers. Students
 Independent practice- students practice the new con-
are active and construct knowledge linking new informa-
cept or skill on their own first in class, later on a tion to previous knowledge.
homework assignment.
Quantity of knowledge is not synonymous with quality.
The key to effective assessment with this model is to We can be rich in knowledge but poor in sense. Under-
ensure that students learn content at a meaningful level. standing is what makes sense of otherwise disparate items
This requires that students work actively with examples of information. Understanding is a worthwhile goal, it can
and concepts, linking them to the abstraction being taught. reduce a chaotic mental world to a more predictable and
satisfying state. It also facilitates further learning and
III. DISCUSSION recall of knowledge, particularly in novel situations.
Engineering educators should gain greater confidence Understanding is often acknowledged to be an aim of
through the use of extended range of contemporary learning. A teacher is not the only one who can regulate
teaching tools by obtaining specifics of the art of teaching. learning. Learners themselves can monitor and control
Effective strategies and models for teaching thinking skills their learning by developing meta-cognitive skills.
and capitalizing deep understanding are widely used at Neither adequate strategies nor appropriate conceptions
ECEP in teaching engineering educators. will count for anything unless students are willing to learn.
A preferable alternative to deductive teaching is induc- Students should see the particular value of understanding,
tive teaching and learning, as used at ECEP. Instead of expect to have a worthwhile degree of success and feel the
beginning with general principles and eventually getting emotional price will not be too high to pay.
to applications, engineering educator begins with specif- In 2011-2012 a research on effectiveness of the strate-
ics – a set of observations or experimental data to inter- gies used in teaching engineering has been carried out at
pret, or a complex real-world problem to solve. As the ECEP. A special questionnaire consisting of 30 questions
students attempt to analyze the data or scenario or solve was elaborated for students of the master curriculum for
the problem, they generate a need for facts, rules, proce- technical teachers. 36 students participated in the research,
dures, and guiding principles, at which point they are 58% of them were male students. The aim of the research
either presented with the needed information or helped to was to evaluate the quality of the curriculum and the
discover it for themselves [11]. quality of teaching in order to improve technical teacher
Before teaching a topic or series of lessons using any education at TUT.
inductive method, engineering educators should write Students were asked to choose answers within the scale
learning objectives that define what the student should be of 6 level graduations (0 – absolutely do not agree ….. 5 –
able to do (explain, calculate, derive, design, model, fully agree).
critique) when the instruction has been concluded. If The subjects of the curriculum and syllabi were highly
instructional objectives are at a low cognitive level, evaluated by students, the average valuation being 4.25 of
requiring almost exclusively rote memorization of facts or maximum 5 (the lowest grade 3.89 was given to the
mechanical substitution into formulas, there is no reason subject Information Technology and the highest one 4.62
to use an inductive method. The objectives should guide to Engineering Pedagogy Science). Evaluation of syllabi
the choice of focus problems, learning activities, and and subjects included questions like whether the subject
assessment methods. offered interesting subject matter, up to date information,
McKeachie [13], Bligh [14] and Nilson [15] cite nu- and available high quality learning materials, connection
merous studies indicating that the lecture is as effective as of theory and practice, provided contemporary learning
any other method in conveying factual knowledge. But on environment, clear and obtained learning objectives,
other criteria: attitude change, development of thinking strength of purpose of subjects and curriculum, consider-
and problem solving skills, transfer of knowledge to new ing previous knowledge of learners).
situations, student satisfaction with the course, motivation Teaching quality, clearness, used teaching strategies
for further learning and post-course retention of knowl- and models were also evaluated. Students claimed that
edge – the classical lecture falls short of more student professors had excellent knowledge in subject they teach
active methods such as discussion. Actually the interactive (average 4.98 of maximum 5), professors presented

iJEP – Volume 3, Special Issue 1: "TAT'2012", February 2013 61


contemporary subject matter (4.71), professors’ prepara- esses need to be learned, as does the ability to use these in
tion for lessons was of high quality (4.83). Students a variety of contexts. If teaching and learning are to be
affirmed that clearness of presentation and the level of authentic, teachers need to teach for thinking. Some
understanding of information presented by professors educators see stand-alone thinking skills or process
were appropriate (4.91), lessons were enthralling (4.63) learning as ineffective, believing that thinking skills are
and with adequate speed (4.75), professors followed the discipline specific and little transfer, if any will occur.
syllabi (4.86) and achieved the goals (4.89). Students Others say a context is always required, but thinking skills
confirmed in their answers that professors took account of are generic and teaching for transfer can occur. What
students’ different learning styles (4.78) and preliminary should schooling accomplish? Authentic, active, collabo-
knowledge (4.87), used different effective and contempo- rative, problem-based learning is the direction proposed,
rary teaching methods, models and strategies (4.91), along with learning to think.
informed students afore of requirements of exams and Understanding is worthwhile, it is a requirement of
tests (4.90), questions asked and answered by professors many programmes of study and its achievement needs
were clear, understandable and made students analyse the skill, support, effort and time. Supporting understanding is
presented subject matter (4.81), professors enthused not an add-on piece of learning environment. Leaning
students’ individual work and group work (4.82). Students environment is complex and highly integrated its parts
agreed that professors possessed skills in presentation and cannot be taken out, tinkered with and replaced without
usage of teaching technology (4.78), and gained good the need to consider the parts being meshed with. Teach-
contact with the audience (4.81), professors were well- ing for understanding calls for the mental engagement of
intentioned and tactful (4.92), and punctual in time (4.95). teachers and students. Successful teaching for understand-
The highest possible valuation was given to professors ing brings rewards for both.
of Engineering Pedagogy Science and to supervisors of
Teaching Training Practice at school. REFERENCES
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in logical order of succession, with clear interdisciplinary Teaching Content and Thinking Skills, 5th edition, Pearson Educa-
tion Inc, 2006.
connections, and there were sufficient amount of electives
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new interactive teaching strategies, models and methods [5] H. R. Lang, D. N. Evans, Models, Strategies and Methods for
acquired during their passed technical teacher education at Effective Teaching, Pearson Education Inc, 2006.
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IL:Benefic Press, 1978.
tive and confirmed that strategies used in teaching at
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students to analyse, critique, judge, compare, contrast,
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evaluate, assess, create, predict, apply, use, implement and ing Effectuating Thinking and Deep Understanding in Teaching
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IV. CONCLUSIONS [11] M. J. Prince., R. M. Felder, Inductive Teaching and Learning
Students have different levels of motivation, different Methods: Definitions, Comparisons, and Research Bases, Journal
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Hants Kipper is a Lecturer at Estonian Centre for En-
gineering Pedagogy at Tallinn University of Technology,
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086, Tallinn, Estonia (e-mail: ), Member of IGIP IMC.
Tiia Rüütmann is Associate Professor, Head of Esto-
nian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy at Tallinn Univer-
sity of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086, Tallinn, Esto-
nia (e-mail: Member of IGIP EC.
This article is an extended and modified version of a
paper presented at the IGIP2012 conference, held 26 - 28
September 2012, in Villach, Austria. Received 30 No-
vember 2012. Published as resubmitted by the authors 28
January 2013.

iJEP – Volume 3, Special Issue 1: "TAT'2012", February 2013 63

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