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School MI Islamiyah Karanganyar

Subject English
Class/ Semester 4/ 1
Competency Standard 1. Listening: Understand very simple classroom instructions by doing actions.
2. Speaking: State very simple information related to things and people in the
classroom context.
3. Reading: Understand very simple English texts and descriptive texts using
pictures related to classroom context.
4. Writing: Spell and write (copy) very simple English texts related to
classroom context.
Basic Competence 1.1 Respond to classroom instructions using actions.
1.2 Respond verbally to very simple commands/ instructions.
2.1 Making conversation which includes:
 Introducing oneself,
 Greetings and
 Giving instructions.
2.2 Making conversations which includes:
 Asking for help and
 Asking for and giving something.
2.3 Making conversations which includes:
 Saying thank you,
 Apologizing,
 Prohibiting,
 Complimenting and
 Inviting to do something together
3.1. Read aloud words, phrases, and sentences using the correct
pronunciation and intonation.
3.2. Understand very simple sentences and descriptive reading texts with
4.1. Spell very simple expressions consisting of word, phrases and very
simple sentences (using punctuations) correctly.
4.2. Copy very simple texts correctly such as greetings and messages.
Meeting/ Unit 1-5/ 1
Duration 5x35 minutes (more or less)
Lesson Objective Students will be able to:
Meeting 1: To talk about physical appearance.
Meeting 2: To talk about feelings.
Meeting 3: To talk about what happened to people.
Meeting 4: To understand very simple descriptive reading texts with pictures.
Meeting 5: To review the lessons.
Materials New English Parade-Middle East Series 4, Unit 1, SB page 2-11.
Aimed Characters Curious, Independent, Creative, Hard-working, Disciplined, Democratic,
Responsible, Appreciating Achievement, Loves Reading, Generous.
Techniques of Delivery Repeating after the teacher/ Audio.
Doing written exercises.
Making dialogs.
Meeting 1

Lesson Objective: To talk about physical appearance.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students and writes what he/she says on the board.
2. Teacher takes students’ attendance and greets some students.

Core activities (25 minutes):

1. Teacher tells students that they are going to learn about people’s physical appearance and feelings.
2. Teacher shows students pictures of body parts and asks students to identify each part.
3. Teacher asks students to play simon game. Teacher explains the rule of the game which is if
teacher says instructions such as “Simon says touch your head. Simon says stroke your hair. Simon
says tap your nose.” etc using phrase “Simon says”, students must do the instructions. Meanwhile, if
teacher gives instructions without saying Simon says, students musn’t do the instructions. Students
who do it wrongly get punishmnets such as singing and dancing.
4. Teacher asks students to open the book to page 2 to do activity 1. Teacher provides measurement
tools for students to measure their arm, hand, leg, and foot.
5. Teacher asks students to first draw a face on the head in activity 2.
6. Teacher distributes the measurement tools to students and asks them to take turn measuring their
arm, hand, leg, and foot.
7. Teacher asks students to write how long and big their arm, hand, leg, and foot on the space
8. Teacher pairs students and asks them to tell each others about their arm, hand, leg, and foot using
the sample questions.
9. Teacher reads the texts in activity 3 several times and asks students to repeat.
10. Teacher asks students to read aloud the texts.
11. Teacher asks students to write about the text related to comparative adjectives.

Closing activities (5 minutes.):

12. Teacher gives students a homework to identify their family physical appearance and to take notes
about it for the next meeting.
13. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.
14. Meeting 2

Lesson Objective: To talk about feelings.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students using the expression from previous lesson.
2. Teacher reviews the previous lesson by asking the question “Who is the tallest student here?”,
“Whose arm is shortest in this class?”, “Who is the tallest in your family?”, “Whose hair is longest in
your family?” etc.

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher asks students to write about their family physical appearance related to comparative
adjectives in activity 5.
4. Teacher explains about different kinds of feeling: scared, excited, sad and angry. Teacher places big
papers written feelings (one paper is for one feeling). Teachers provides pictures of things people
usually scared of, excited about, sad of and angry at such as snake, ice cream, broken toys, being
late at school and so on. Teacher gives each student one picture and asks them to stand on the
right paper written feelings.
5. Teacher asks students to look the picture in activity 6 page 4 and to talk about what happened to the
6. Teacher reads the sentences in activity 7 several times and asks students to repeat.
7. Teacher asks students to match the sentences with the picture above by numbering it.
8. Teacher asks students to draw four things that make them scared, excited, sad and angry on a
piece of paper.

Closing activity (5 minutes):

9. Teacher asks each student to tell the class about their drawing.
10. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.
Meeting 3
Lesson Objective: To talk about what happened to people.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher reviews the previous lesson by showing the previous pictures while asking questions such
as “Are you scared of snakes?”, “Are you excited of eating ice cream?”, “Are you sad if your pet
dies?” and so on.

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher asks students open the book to page 5 to do activity 8.
4. Teacher asks students to look at the picture and asks leading questions such as “Where is the
boy?”, “How does he feel?”, “What happened to the girls?”, “Why are they sad?” so they can talk
about what happened to the people in the picture.
5. Teacher asks students to complete the sentences in activity 9 with the words from Word Bank.
6. Teacher plays the audio for activity 10 and asks students to complete the sentences using the
appropriate words from Word Bank.
7. Teacher plays the audio for activity 11 and asks students to listen to the chant carefully.
8. Teacher asks students to say the chant together.
9. Teacher asks students to look at the pictures in activity 12 and to number them in a correct order.

Closing activity (5 minutes)

10. Teacher pairs students and asks them to tell each other the story in activity 13.
11. Teacher wraps up the lessons and closes the class.
Meeting 4
Lesson Objective: To understand very simple descriptive reading texts with pictures.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher brings some pictures related to the story such as picture of telephone, animal zoo, etc.
3. Teacher leads students to reading a story “The Two Cousins.”

Core activities (25 minutes):

4. Teacher tells the story on page 7 and asks students to repeat it after him.
5. Teacher asks some questions about the story to check comprehension.
“Look at the picture. Who are talking on the phone?”
“Why is Ali excited?”
“Where is Isa from?”
“Who is older, Ali or Isa?”
6. Teacher asks students to cut the story and make it into the little book (Optional).

Closing activities (5 minutes)

7. Teacher asks students to do the project (Optional).
8. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.
Meeting 5
Lesson Objective: To review the lessons

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher shows students pictures from the story in activity 13 and asks students what happens to the

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher asks students to do the project on page 9 in which students make a picture of themeselves
and talk about their physical appearance using comparative adjectives with a friend similar to the
4. Teacher explains how to do the activity on page 0 and asks students to do it in pairs/ groups.

Closing activities (5 minutes)

5. Teacher asks students to read the text and compete the sentences with correct words from the word
bank on page 11.
6. Teacher asks students to write a journal about their physical appearance by completing the prompts
on page 11.
7. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.

Aspects to assess:

Listening/ Speaking : Pronunciation and Intonation

Reading : Pronunciation, Comprehension
Writing : Spelling

Assessment Techniques : Written Test

Classroom Observation
Teacher’s assessment

Assessment Sample
Technique : Written Test
Format : Students write comparative adjectives, their feelings on
something and their physical apperance.

School Principal SD …… English Teacher

( ……………………) (……………………)

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